It's less that he loves humanity and more that he loves Gaia and Cthulhu is a very anti-Gaia creature.

No, no. It's explictly Humanity. First Beast of Humankind, residing over the principle of Pity, etc.

The whole thing of his is "to make humanity immortal and unaging starting from the very start, as it should have been", and rage at Solomon for "watching humans suffer, and doing nothing with a smile".
Yeah, I know about that, but I wish they actually did show that a bit more than just talk about it.

(Likely) blame marketing. Hints like these are created to make the whales to spend all the money once they are given a concrete form.

Also, since it looks like Beast VI is in for the party by virtue of Blonde Yandere (any chance of Rider Nero?), meaning the other ones are pretty much supposed to get out of their holes... Any particular plans for Beasts V and VII?
No, no. It's explictly Humanity. First Beast of Humankind, residing over the principle of Pity, etc.

The whole thing of his is "to make humanity immortal and unaging starting from the very start, as it should have been", and rage at Solomon for "watching humans suffer, and doing nothing with a smile".
Yeah just had a look at the wiki and realised I was getting confused with some of the other beasts like Tiamat. Whoops my B.
Also, since it looks like Beast VI is in for the party by virtue of Blonde Yandere (any chance of Rider Nero?), meaning the other ones are pretty much supposed to get out of their holes... Any particular plans for Beasts V and VII?

Well, I honestly don't know. I have some proto-beasts based on what we got post-Goetia in mind (not an actual manifestation, but the supplied Servant forms).

V I don't know because we have the almost-Beast from Olympus, and then for VII... I just have no clue what they're working on there. Early events in fic might have torpedoed its initial plans, but it could be a whole lot of things due to mythological basis.
Yeah just had a look at the wiki and realised I was getting confused with some of the other beasts like Tiamat. Whoops my B.


All Beasts 'love' Humanity, though?

In really, really unhealthy ways, but all of them. From the candidates (Merlin) to fully realized ones (Goetia).

Tiamat in particular wants to unbirth humanity, so it would continue loving her as a mother. And even then, her brain (Femme Fatale/Cerebral Corpus) knew that going full Beast is a bad idea, and restricted the greater body.

Well, I honestly don't know. I have some proto-beasts based on what we got post-Goetia in mind (not an actual manifestation, but the supplied Servant forms).

V I don't know because we have the almost-Beast from Olympus, and then for VII... I just have no clue what they're working on there. Early events in fic might have torpedoed its initial plans, but it could be a whole lot of things due to mythological basis.

These might be helpful?

Just noticed that sex was added to Matthew's likes. Lol.

Also, I was thinking, and Matthew feels like he's going more into a "inhuman" direction in a sense in contrast with Mash, who grows to be more "human". It's like from how Merlin and Morgan are aiming for him to end up with like the Avalon stuff, and how he seems to barely have social hobbies in favor of his magic training, while Mash seems more ordinary, I think I would put it?

Anyway, stray thought, but if Matthew and Mash were fighting, what would win, Lord Camelot or Annwyn Ataraxia?
Also, I was thinking, and Matthew feels like he's going more into a "inhuman" direction in a sense in contrast with Mash, who grows to be more "human". It's like from how Merlin and Morgan are aiming for him to end up with like the Avalon stuff, and how he seems to barely have social hobbies in favor of his magic training, while Mash seems more ordinary, I think I would put it?

Anyway, stray thought, but if Matthew and Mash were fighting, what would win, Lord Camelot or Annwyn Ataraxia?

You're not wrong. Matthew has a few non-magecraft hobbies, but one thing Morgan and Merlin want him to learn is how to love humanity on humanity's terms, and how to empathize as a human. So even if he ends up different, he can still connect with humans in a way they can't.

Still a whimsical, hopefully benevolent iteration of the Fair Folk? Yes. Utterly alien like how Merlin thinks of himself? No.

Annwyn Ataraxia would be stopped by Lord Camelot, but wouldn't be reflected. Downside, Mash would get a power up if she let the shield go at the right time. But if she dropped it too early, the Avalon mana radiation would immediately apply the chunky salsa rule. So it comes down to timing.

Of course, this is purely theoretical because making those two fight would make me cry.
Blicktwice guess what a pod cast I listen talked about, even if it's a little late LaVosin on lore episode 118
I found out about her when I read "Dance of the Assassins" back in middle school. Out of all the villains in the book, she was the one that scared me the most, to be honest.

...I should reread that sometime...

Dance of the Assassins on Goodreads, for those interested/who haven't read it.
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Just got done with catching up on this story, and wow Blinktwice, you really love you some Cu, don't you? :V
I could see why, but my interests lie long as they technically exist.

No, I'm not bitter about Olympus at all....
There are some things that must happen in London, and I'm not referring to Smoldred's reaction to her mother's attempt at redemption. Namely, have Andersen autograph someone's copy of The Snow Queen (seriously, why does Fate focus entirely on The Little Mermaid and ignore The Snow Queen?!), and get Shakespeare to provide a copy of Love's Labour's Won, via Command Spell if needed.
You may want to put a "gay protagonist" or a "bisexual protagonist" (because I have no idea which one) tag on this story. It's a shame, but not everyone likes gay and bi protagonists.
Well, I've upgraded my account so I can make the 'bi protagonist' tag, as for whatever reason nobody else has yet.

Until that takes, I'm putting the 'considerable bisexual energies' tag in place, and to be honest I should have done so from the start (but it didn't occur to me because I'm occasionally dopey like that).

On the bright side, I now get to Meow at people! Eventually! And thank you for the reminder, really. :D

Edit: And now I have created a tag where there was none!
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In Which We Return to Reality
A/N: ...well this ran away with itself.

Content Warnings: There's a bit of crude humor, and the next-to-last scene takes a turn for the uncomfortable, but nothing severe. There is a romance scene starting with "I flicked through my phone..." and continuing to the end of that scene. Nothing plot-intensive happens there, so those who don't care for it can skip it. Again, implications and offscreen stuff, but lots of physical affection in that bit.

In the end, the return to Chaldea came. Unlike the last singularity we had the liberty of rayshifting out, and the world wasn't falling apart around us.

That… also meant we had time to say goodbye.

"Oh, drat. And here I was hoping I'd get a chance to impress you all with my singing!" Elizabeth gave a shrug that said 'what-can-you-do' as Siegfried made a small, momentary grimace. "Though I am curious what this Chaldea place is like." She gave a wide smile. "I'll drop in if I have the time! Give me a call, okay?" And she turned, fading away.

Marie folded her hands in front of her, flanked by d'Eon and Mozart. "Ritsuka, Kadoc, everyone… thank you! Thanks to you, the people can sleep soundly at night again. And thanks to you, the sun returned." She smiled brilliantly. "Jeanne, Joan, all of you… fighting with you, talking with you, playing with you… it truly made me happy. We're blessed for your camaraderie."

"We owe you a debt that we cannot repay," d'Eon said softly. "Should your hour of need come, we will answer without fail."

Mozart smirked. "And hopefully we'll answer your call a bit faster than you answered ours. Ow!"

Marie pouted as she drew her hand back from tweaking his ear. "Amadeus! We may not see them for some time! Be kind!" She huffed and shook her head as they scattered away.

Ritsuka chuckled. "We'll be waiting."

Atalanta gave a small smile before glancing at Cu Chulainn for a long moment. Then she shook her head. "I may decide to look in, if only to see what your Lancer and a certain Rider make of each other." Her smile returned. "Take care." She faded into gold.

Siegfried sighed, then smiled. "Sieg. Jeanne. Take care of each other." His gaze went to Kadoc, then me. "Take care of them?"

"You can count on us," Kadoc responded, looping an arm around my shoulder and smirking.

"God willing, we'll see you again," Jeanne murmured softly.

Sieg looked up at him with determined eyes. "Until next time."

"Until next time. Sorry I couldn't stay." And that was that.


"Why are you three still here?" Anastasia asked with a mild frown.

"Just seeing you off!" Astolfo replied with a wide grin.

I glanced at Mash and she stared back with narrowed eyes.

"Nothing to be concerned about," Bradamante said soothingly.

"Yeah! It's not like Merlin came to us and told us how-" Charlie slammed a hand over Astolfo's mouth with a strained smile.

"Of course we'd be the ones to see Ritsuka and you guys off!" Charlie said forcefully.

"Wait. Did you say something about Merlin?" Artoria's eyes glinted with suspicion. "What do you-"

"Alright, we're ready to rayshift!" Archaman announced. "Locking on! Ritsuka Fujimaru, targeted! Servants Mash Kyrielight, Matthew Kyrielight, Cu Chulainn, Joan of Arc, and Artoria Pendragon attached!"


"Yes, you too! Kadoc Zemlupus, targeted! Servants Anastasia Romanova, Medusa, Sasaki Kojirou, Sieg, and Jeanne d'Arc attached! Beginning return in three, two, one-!"

The world heaved around us, vanishing into a vortex of colors.

The five of us stood in a star formation around Ritsuka's coffin, and the other five stood similarly around Kadoc's. Mash stood smugly at the head of Ritsuka's, though it was impossible to notice for those who didn't know her.

With a soft hiss, the pneumatic seals on the coffins opened and the lids pulled back. Ritsuka and Kadoc got out of them, Fou hitching a ride on Ritsuka's shoulder.

"So this is Chaldea…" Joan muttered, looking around.

Jeanne took Sieg's hand with a small smile.

Sasaki inclined his head. "Bracing as that was, I think I'll retire for now." He made his way to the door.

And was promptly bowled over by Medea and Da Vinci, who made a beeline directly for me.

Uh oh.


Uh oh!

I quickly moved behind Cu, crouching slightly. "Help! I don't even know what I did this time!"

Cu held up his hands as Artoria watched, bemused. "Now ladies, I'm sure we can-"

Medea spat a word in Greek, and he was wrenched out of my reach and levitated into the air.

"Orrr maybe not," he remarked dryly.

Kadoc gave me a two-finger salute as the other Casters neared. "See you on the flip side, Matthew. Anastasia?"

She gave me a brief look. "At least you're not dead?" she offered. She followed Kadoc out of the room, Sasaki having already left.

"Jeanne, Sieg, Joan, Artoria- I'll take you guys on a tour of the facility. Mash, Medusa?" Ritsuka looked at them questioningly.

"Actually, I'll remain here," Artoria interrupted.

"I'll go on the tour!" Mash said quickly. She shot me an apologetic glance, then stepped next to Ritsuka… who had Joan very close to his other side.

Medusa turned her head to me, and pursed her lips. "I'll stay in case things devolve further."

Ritsuka waved. "Be nice, ladies. He's had a rough night!" he warned as they left.

I gave a nervous grin. "See? Master's orders, you can't punish me!"

Medea leaned forward. "I told you before you left: fight. From. The. Back. What did you do?"


"Did you know we have ways to track Spirit Origins?" Da Vinci said in a too-sweet tone. "And further diagnostic measures for you, Mash, and the Masters?" retrospect, I should have recommended you hold your strength back so that Annwyn Ataraxia wasn't so draining.

"Did you know that you almost died?" Medea's eyes glinted furiously. "If Ritsuka hadn't used his command seals to give you the equivalent of an adrenaline burst, you wouldn't have survived long enough to reabsorb the mana left over from your last attack!"

"Which was quite interesting, given it not only obliterated that thing that showed up, but rejuvenated anything that could use mana in an impressive radius. Which, again, is why you're still breathing." Da Vinci's eye started to twitch.

"Miss," Artoria began.

Da Vinci held up a hand. "Do you know, we have readings on mana consumption not only from the Servants registered in our archives, but Servants from the Grail War? The one the former director fought in?"

I opened my mouth.

"I say this, of course, because of comparative mana consumption. Now, the passive abilities of your armor aren't that expensive. There's a consistent low-level drain that is easily offset by your natural mana production. Even the defensive measures only use up as much as Cu Chulainn's Gae Bolg in a decently long battle." Da Vinci's smile turned ghoulish. "But when you invoke the true name, and it absorbs and bolsters your Mystic Codes? The consumption is on par with the chariot of Achilles."


"Also known as enough to field an entire team of standard Servants."

I wilted. "Oh."

"In other words? Don't do that again unless the situation is far more dire, and you have more artifacts to make it worth it." Medea's look was still severe, but her concern was starting to show through.

Artoria folded her arms and tilted her head. "But if he was using that much mana, how did he have enough to unleash his other Noble Phantasm?"

"He didn't." Medusa's voice was oddly quiet.

I looked up at Cu. His expression became pensive as he quietly spun in the air.

"The damage done has mostly been regenerated, which is concerning in and of itself. You sustained heavy internal wounds from commanding Lancelot's Mad Enhancement away, and slept it off." Da Vinci frowned. "There's nothing recorded in your status that should do that. Even with a Servant's power to regenerate in the presence of mana, the level of resilience you've displayed would barely make sense for a Servant with a specialized Noble Phantasm."

...were the wounds from that really that bad?

Artoria stepped forward. "I think he understands the gravity of the situation." She turned her gaze to me. "It was his first outing, I suppose?"

"Second, the first he didn't have a chance to do much due to lacking the means." Medea clicked her fingers, and Cu dropped to the floor in a graceful crouch.

"I see." Artoria's eyes flickered back to Medea. "I was unaware that the two of you were close… though admittedly I haven't been around so long as to observe it," she added.

Medea paused, then gave a sinister smile. "Oh yes! He's such a sweet boy. How many dresses have you modeled for me again?"

Artoria's eyes went wide as I tapped my chin. "You really liked the cocktail dress last time. Though I'm getting a little bored… maybe some suits next?"

"Oh, I think something can be arranged… will Cu Chulainn be joining us?" She got a glint in her eyes.

Yessss. Distraction accomplished.

I looked up at him with pleading eyes. He glanced away as he scratched the back of his neck.

"I'd rather not wear any dresses, if it's fine by you," he grumbled roughly.

Da Vinci stamped her foot. "Clothes. Can. Wait." She scowled at me. "Do you understand why we were upset?" Her elbow nudged Medea, who straightened up with a mildly embarrassed look.

I nodded reluctantly. "Yeah. I'll be more careful about my power usage in the future. Life's short enough without throwing it away in my first fight."

For some reason, Cu frowned a little.

"I think we can accept that you have no intention of getting yourself killed," Da Vinci allowed. "Just… work on that temper of yours, alright?"

Medusa sighed through her nose before pulling off her blindfold - Breaker Gorgon. The sheen of the contacts I'd made her gleamed in the light. ...for some reason I'd assumed her eyes would be purple or something, rather than stone gray. Though the square pupils were neat.

She looked me over and gave a slight smile, then returned to her usual impassive expression. "If we're done here, I think Cu Chulainn and I need to have a chat."

"Would it be about how he feigned a takedown to rile Matthew's ire?" Artoria asked with a slight frown. "Given I'd just talked him down from his first wave of grief concerning Lancelot, that was-"


Slowly, I turned back to Cu. "You what."

His back went ramrod straight.

"...well, look at the time, I have so much maintenance to do, byeeee!" Da Vinci's voice went squeaky as she turned on her heel and fled.

Medusa place her hand on her forehead. "Saber."

Artoria tilted her head. "Did I speak out of turn?"

"Oh no, you're doing wonderfully," Medea chirped with sadistic glee.

I turned to face Cu fully. "We're going to talk about that."

He nodded. "That's… fair."

"But first, two things. One: promise me that in a fight like that, you never do that again. Don't put your life at actual risk just to get me to fight harder."

That got a reaction from everyone in the room. Artoria opened her mouth as Medusa waved her into silence, while Medea bit her knuckles to keep from laughing.

Cu blinked a couple of times before giving a soft grin. "I can do that. I promise, when fighting opponents of great strength, I'll give my all to preserve my life and the lives of my allies. Agreed?"

I nodded. "That'll do-"

A feeling like soft threads wrapped around my wrist and vanished, and Cu's eyes fluttered shut.


"'S been a while since I had a new geas," he muttered in a pleased rumble. "Though this one isn't quite as limiting as the usual ones." He tilted his head. "And the other thing?"

I turned to Medea.

"Yes?" she asked, eyebrows raised.

" got a spare kilt somewhere in that shop of yours?"

"I'm Irish," Cu groaned loudly.

"Didn't you train in Scotland?" Artoria asked with a small frown. "Though, if you wanted to humiliate him, a dress would do…?"

"One: I don't put people in clothes they don't like as punishment," I said, ticking a finger down.

She hummed. "I suppose."

"Two, that's not a punishment. That's for personal use."

Cu's eyes widened. "Huh. Well, I suppose I can play along and see where this goes…"

Medea's eyes lit up with an unholy light. "Well. Well, well, well. If I don't have a kilt, I can find some fabric and just make one." Her smile was filled with disturbing glee.

Artoria's eyes narrowed. "I still don't get it."

Medusa slowly looked skyward, as though asking for strength. "He's going to put Lancer in a kilt and fuck his brains out."

I felt myself blush heavily. "It's true, but you shouldn't say it!" I hissed.

Cu smirked widely. "A little dress-up in bed for penance? Well, that I can do! Why didn't you just say so?" He looked at me and ran his tongue over his teeth.

Artoria made a harsh choking sound.

"Behave!" I brought my hand down, aiming for his back-

And of course the bastard stepped forward so the trajectory ensured it landed square on his butt.

...and once again I was forced to notice that my boyfriend has a very nice ass.

Oh, that's kind of loud!

I would not have been surprised if I turned purple.

Medea slowly turned her gaze to me. "You know what? This is now interesting. You want the kilt? I want details."

Artoria and I both let out a rasping squeak.

Medusa raised her eyebrows. "If you want pointers, I'm at your service," she purred.

At that point, Artoria did turn purple, and either lost her composure or came out of shock. "Y-you…! You really are her child!"

Hm? My, my. I suppose some things really don't change across worlds!

"Ah, in all fairness I'm working on ruining him." Cu Chulainn gave a roguish wink. "It's in progress."

Slowly, Artoria lifted her empty hand wait that's not empty-

"He. Is. A. Child." Her growl was resonant.

"I'm eighteen!" I squawked.

She stared at me. Then at Cu Chulainn. "So you're the elder one?" she directed back to me in disbelief.


"Cu Chulainn went off to war at seventeen," Medea added in a gleeful tone.


Medusa started giggling into her fist.

"Well I am a demigod," Cu drawled, "and I also have all of my later life experience. But I'd say this is my body in my twenties, in all fairness."

Artoria threw her hands up. "I will speak with you later, once you've… gotten it out of your system," she aimed at me. She looked at Cu Chulainn for a brief moment. "Though I'll admit you could have done worse."

Cu smiled brilliantly.

"Though how, I cannot say."

"Oh yeah! There's an Archer here who knows you," I remembered.


"Nah. Dark skin, white hair, built like a wall and hailing from-"

Artoria was already on her way out the door.


Aaaand gone.

Medusa wrapped her arms around her middle in a belly laugh as Medea cackled, slumping to the floor.

"What?" I blinked.

Cu Chulainn ruffled my hair. "Don't change," he said fondly.

Darling, they were dear to each other and he looks like that. What do you think she's going to do?

Get food? Gawain sucked as a cook, if I recall, so she's probably hungry for something decent.

You know, you may have a valid point.

Cu started walking away, taking care to fully extend his legs with each step so his muscles visibly moved.

...I'm gonna go get that kilt.

Go get that kilt, sweetie!

Astolfo rolled on the floor, groaning. "Whyyyyy?"

Charlie sat next to him, scowling quietly.

Bradamante sighed. "We ought to just go out and say hello. You know, let them know we're here?"

"Yeah!" Astolfo perked up.

"No! We're staying right here, and surprising Ritsuka!" Charlie crossed his arms with an imperious glare. "Just showing up is uncool! We had a huge dramatic entrance and everything!"

"So it's better to wait until they need the Summoning Chamber and terrify them that way?" Bradamante gave a sidelong look at her compatriots.

Charlemagne gave an anguished yell.

"SCREW THIS! I'M GONNA GO HANG OUT WITH SIEG!" Astolfo bolted for the door.

"NO YOU'RE NOT!" Charlie roared, lunging to tackle him.

Bradamante sighed. "Helloooo? Chaldeaaaaaa? Please send someone here!"

The door opened.

"And this is the summon- oh. Hi guys!" Ritsuka gave a brilliant smile. "No wonder you weren't worried! Lucky you, this is the first stop on the tour."

Joan stared in disgust.

"SIEEEEG! JEAAAANE!" Astolfo broke free with his idiot strength and bowled his friends over, the three of them laughing brightly.

"You just saw them!" Charlie yelled as Ritsuka helped him up, patting his back.


Jeanne giggled as the three of them stood up. "It's alright, Astolfo. We're all here now."

Sieg nodded. "And maybe Siegfried will join us. And Berserker, and all our other friends."

Charlie grumbled, but gave a small smile as Astolfo beamed like the sun.

Joan groaned. "Can we get back to the tour!? I heard you guys had a training area!" She jerked. "Wait, how-?"

Mash stood next to Ritsuka, a small, smug smile on her face and Fou curled up on her head. "Do you need help, Senpai?" she asked sweetly.

"Ah, no, I've got him. Thanks, though!"

Mash smiled wider.

Joan gave her a level look before nodding shallowly.

Mash folded her hands in front of her as she continued to smile, now with her eyes shut.

Somehow, Fou pulled out a switchblade and aimed it at Joan.


"Oh, I think he got it from Viy. Isn't it cute?" Mash cooed.

Joan and Bradamante stared. Ritsuka was occupied with Charlie, and Astolfo, Jeanne, and Sieg were having their own second reunion.

"Fou, kyuu!"

This'll be great when I see Merlin again!

Or so Matthew would have heard. All anyone else heard was adorable squeaking. From a squirrel-dog with a spring-loaded pocketknife.

Such is Chaldea.

"You're not going to go congratulate them?"

Roman looked up from the mildly lower stack of paperwork. "I was going to, but Da Vinci looked like she was fit for murder and decided to wait." He gave a little smile. "I may have asked Archer to whip up something good for this evening, though that's unrelated. That said, can I help you somehow?"

Caspan Barthomeloi; an incredibly low-ranking member of the noble family offered as a token of the Clocktower Queen's 'goodwill'. The dark-haired man leaned on the chair across from the desk while standing. "We need to discuss Caster Seven's progress and behavior."

" we?" Roman struggled to keep his tone light.

"People are scared, Romani. Rayshift, Engineering, and Medical at the least. We were at the grand convocation to start our work, and we remember what happened onstage. Seeing a relapse after you promised Lord Animusphere he would be kept on a short leash is frightening." Caspan swallowed, visibly nervous. "In no particular order, we just saw him tear out a man's tongue, castrate him, disembowel him, and amputate him before Fujimaru was able to call him off. This is before the power of his armor was made public knowledge, meaning so long as he has a drop of mana he's nigh untouchable to all but the strongest Servants."

Romani nodded solicitously, furiously wondering what Caspan's angle could be.

Caspan frowned thunderously, jaw twitching. "Added to that, Fujimaru seems uninvested in restraining him at all. Zemlupus might if he deems him to go 'too far', but the more I see them interact the less I believe of that. There were rumors the two had struck up a friendship, against all professional advice, but this is the first I've seen of evidence."

"Caspan. Matthew is dedicated to our cause, if for no other reason than to have a chance to experience the outside world himself. I can assure you he has no more than a passing interest in the people of Chaldea. Outside of people doing their jobs or giving him direct trouble, he has no concrete grudge against any of you." Roman folded his hands. "The people he holds responsible for his suffering died. Either by suicide or in the bomb. He has no reason not to cooperate with us, and is aimed at our enemies."

Keep it professional. Don't overplay the hand. That was what Romani needed to remember.

"You gave him a workshop, after what he made and used on Lord Animusphere! Before the entire Chaldean Staff of 2015!" Caspan slammed his hand onto the chair with a solid crack, sweat starting to drip down his face. "Do you remember!? Because I do!"

"Of course I-"

"Clearly you don't, so I'll remind you. A knife. A knife imbued with the very curse used on the Fisher King, and he had every intention of plunging it into Marisbilly Animusphere's groin before an audience of no less than three thousand people! Actually more, since we had a live connection to our other outposts!" Caspan loomed, and Roman stood, matching his height. "That wound stuck with Lord Animusphere for the rest of his days. The stench of rot coming from his thigh would have been unbearable without treatment, and that's before we even touch on the physical agony he had to endure! Tell me, what is it that he can provide that is worth risking the welfare of every other person in this observatory!?"

"The Servants-"

"Are playing to his tune, because he's just as inhuman as they are! In different ways, but still! I will give you credit to your raising of Mash, but with the crisis surrounding A-Team and Lord Animusphere's desire to seal the record, it seems Da Vinci was unable to keep him in line."

"Marisbilly sealed it because if it got out that a member of A-Team tried to physically and sexually assault a minor, causing a schism in the group, Chaldea would fracture around him." Roman's voice was cold, clipped.

Caspan stepped backward. "Th-that's…"

"Turns out Beryl Gut had a reputation even before we secured him." Roman let out a low breath. "And that is why we will not be using Matthew's artifact to resuscitate him."

"...artifact?" Caspan's eyes narrowed.

"It repaired the damage to Kadoc, and can be reused periodically. Kadoc was the first test to make sure it worked."

Caspan was quiet, visibly in thought.

"So thanks to Matthew's burgeoning friendship with A-Team, we have a way to bring them back into the fight. We have a lot to thank Scandinavia Peperoncino for." Roman relaxed minutely.

"He was seen with Caster Seven often…" Caspan mused.

Roman didn't twitch. He didn't. "I prefer to call him by his name."

"Noted, but unlike Mash he isn't human-raised. His influences are a genius apart from man and a self-styled Faerie Queen." Caspan regained his composure. "They both started as dolls for Heroic Spirits to inhabit, and while Mash may have evolved further, he went feral."

"Due to mistreatment. Basic psychology would indicate that when presented with detached abuse or a warmer influence, one would tend toward the latter. Marisbilly all but pushed him into Morgan's hands." Roman crossed his arms. "And he never went 'feral', Caspan. If he had, he would have ceded control to Morgan and we would have one of the most dangerous magi in history loose in Chaldea with a grudge."

Instead, she was only practically loose with an agenda Romani couldn't account for, which might be more frightening. There were days he missed his clairvoyance.

Caspan was visibly calmer than before. A calculating light entered his eyes. "So this artifact accounts for Zemlupus. Who will the next patient be?"

"My personal preference would be Peperoncino. Between him and Ritsuka, they would be a good balancing influence on not only Matthew, but the Servants at large. However, we need to account for whatever the next Singularity may bring, and the current needs of Chaldea." Roman frowned slightly. "Why do you ask?"

"Well. Given that the footage of Caster Seven unleashing his Noble Phantasms has made the rounds by now, I was thinking Lord Wodime might be the best candidate." Caspan gave a thin, humorless smile.

And that was the angle.

"Lord Wodime would be more than capable of bringing Caster Seven to heel, and the presence of Lord Animusphere's close apprentice would calm the hearts of the rest of us."

Whatever Caspan's game, Roman couldn't argue. People were uneasy. They actively avoided Matthew now, due to their small numbers, and he'd had one of his doctors complain to him about Matthew accompanying Kadoc to his check-up.

For all that he was inactive after his attempt on Marisbilly, Matthew's distance from the other members of Chaldea had done his image no favors. In that light, it would be easy to misinterpret his budding friendships with the Servants and Ritsuka as an attempt at subterfuge to fully dismantle Animusphere's vision.

Wodime's return would alleviate concerns among the staff, give an extra hand to Roman in administration, and restore an incredibly competent magus and Master to the field.

It would also likely require at least two command seals to get Matthew to consent, as the only person he'd be less likely to willingly revive than Kirschtaria Wodime would be Beryl Gut.

Because after all, he was Marisbilly's favorite and true heir. Even though Roman's interactions with him had been mostly positive, he knew all too well the brush Matthew tarred the friends of Animusphere with.

"We'll see. If we provoke Matthew, we may lose access to the Shroud of Avalon, or he may just refuse to use it." Roman gave a small smile. "We'll definitely get Kirschtaria back, but it may take a little longer. I'm sure Peperoncino and Zemlupus can convince him."

"Or we could talk the Masters into using Command Seals. Caster Seven is a Servant, and therefore subject to our command." Caspan leaned forward. "They may seem human at first brush, but they are fragments of legends. Memories given form. You don't have a background in Magecraft, Doctor, so let me tell you - whatever they are, they are no longer the humans that walked the Earth."

Roman was torn between tears and laughter. He knew all too well that Servants were capable of genuine emotion, desires, and affection. That said, it was neither the time nor place to make that argument.

'Good' magi made poor Masters for that reason, and those less inclined to the learned sociopathy of magus culture made far better ones. Unless, of course, the 'good' magus took a liking to or was compatible with their Servant- then that turned it all on its head.

"He's a Demi-Servant, and in strictest terms still somewhat human. Command Seals used to order him around have a reduced effect," Roman pointed out.

"Then it will depend on how pragmatic he is. If he's truly committed to our work here, he'll perform for the sake of the essential staff that keeps Chaldea running. If he hates Lord Animusphere's legacy more than he cares for the mission, then it will be telling." Caspan sighed. "I know you care about Mash and Caster Seven, Romani. But you must remember: while one is a child by dint of her spirit slumbering and you raising her, you did not raise the other one. Until Da Vinci came, that was all the spirit inside him."

"By Marisbilly's choice, and one I fought him on every step of the way," Roman said firmly. "I still believe that if we had treated him like a person from the beginning and not a weapon, much of this could have been avoided."

"That may be true," Caspan allowed. "But that is not the life we live in right now. What we have is the end result." He turned to go. "One last thing. Did we ever find out why he attacked Lord Animusphere?"

Roman glanced away. "He'd have been justified by most common human standards due to the experimentation and training he was put through. Surprisingly, the trigger wasn't related to him." It was why he'd forgiven him so easily, after all.


"After seeing the success Morgan Le Fay had training Matthew, he decided to try and loosen the restraints on Mash's knight to awaken him and force his powers to the forefront. It was still in the proposal stages because I refused, adamantly. I managed to talk him down due to the fact that it took Morgan influencing Matthew into doing something to force the knight down, and then again to stop him from continuing his attack on Marisbilly." Roman gave a grim smile. "Given the timing, I guess that Matthew heard the rumor and decided to take things into his own hands."

Caspan was silent, eyes narrowed.

"It seems to be a pattern. Prelati managed to injure Cu Chulainn - or so it appeared - and then Matthew unleashed all hell. They're lovers," Roman explained as Caspan wore an utterly befuddled expression. "Though I don't know if it's going to be a good influence either way."

"The point?" Caspan asked.

"My point is that Matthew is viciously overprotective, often to the detriment of himself and others. I can't say that he would have gone through with his attempt on Marisbilly's life and happiness if he hadn't heard what was happening, but it definitely didn't help matters."

Caspan slowly nodded. "I see. Well, then to head off any… trouble… you should know that I did some digging on our Ritsuka 'Fujimaru'. I didn't find anything incriminating, but there are details you'll want to know."

Roman paused. "Why?"

"The reason is twofold. First, if what you suggest about Caster Seven is true, then Fujimaru's guardianship of not only his sister but himself would inspire a level of devotion."

True. Though Caspan didn't see it that way, Matthew had heeded Ritsuka's command, and only circumvented it once. Even that was to no avail as he ultimately gave up and added his voice to the planning to take the illusion out.

"The second is that what I found is frightfully sensitive, and any magus family with the ability to gather information who cares to look will find it." Caspan's eyes darkened. "Our Lead Master has a sorcery trait that would make him quite the commodity, and likely to be pursued to force into a marriage by any of the noble families. Not to mention his claims of a weak lineage are patently false."

"...including Barthomeloi?" Roman kept his voice calm, barely. He'd known the young man for only a few weeks, but he knew he'd react just as badly as if Mash or Matthew came to harm if he fell to grief.

Caspan scoffed. "My duty is to my family. Unleashing a nascent fae prince on us, especially one who won't face us in direct combat but will resort to subterfuge until we're weak enough to kill, is not in that description." Caspan paused. "I'd had suspicions that Caster Seven could be swayed by something as simple as kindness and loyalty, but his biases made it impractical to strike up camaraderie with him. I do appreciate the confirmation, however."

Roman needed to talk to Ritsuka. He needed to talk to him very, very soon. Matthew was still coming into his power, into whatever Morgan was making him, and the idea of a fully realized King of Avalon waging war on the Clock Tower on his friend's behalf… Matthew still had a general bias against magi. If he somehow gained the power to shatter one of their institutions, he wouldn't lose any sleep if he did it.

To that end, either Ritsuka had to be safeguarded or Matthew put down while they still could. And that choice was no choice at all. Not for Roman, and not even for if he had still been Solomon.

"Thank you for bringing this to my attention," Roman said in a smooth, cool tone. "I'll speak with Ritsuka at length, and see what can be done… after we handle the whole 'world on fire' situation." He gave a grim, humorless smile.

Caspan's eyes flickered as he gave a dour, yet approving smirk. "Good. Our leadership requires such decisiveness." And with that parting shot, he turned and strode out the door.

Roman looked down at his desk, and blinked at the new folder there. Caspan was trained not only in Rayshift technology, but was a magus of some skill despite his low rank. A 'don't-look-here' spell was well within his abilities.

He picked the folder up, and narrowed his eyes as he opened it to see Caspan's research.

"Why would you hide who you are?"

Roman sighed.

"Ritsuka… Tohsaka."

"Papa! Look, Papa! I-"

I blinked curiously as the whisper fluctuated in and out of my ear.

"It's fine, Asako. Even if nobody listens to me, I'll listen to them. If they look for meaning, I'll give it to them- and it'll give me meaning too. That way, nobody is 'meaningless'. That's good, isn't it? Not bad for a useless nii-san."

"You're not useless! You're the best big brother ever! Those morons at school just don't appreciate-"

Whose voice…?

I frowned. Hearing things was something I shouldn't dismiss. Given the last few times it was either a Berserker or a homunculus-gone-dragon, I probably wasn't going crazy.

Damn Universal Language.

Ominous whispers aside, I did not, in fact, 'get that kilt'. Which, tragic. I did, however, get a spare smartphone from Da Vinci for 'opening new power generation possibilities', so it was still a net gain.

Lesson learned? Get myself nearly killed or badly injured, get thoroughly scolded as the other Casters put the fear of Them in me. Be smart and find out new and exciting things about my powers, get rewards.

Not a bad deal.

I wandered into the cafeteria past a group from engineering, who collectively paled and all but fled at the sight of me. it's like that, huh.

I looked back down at my shiny new phone, hooked up to the databanks stored locally. "So kilts appeared in Ireland proper around the 1800s…" I muttered. Though the mental image of Cu Chulainn and company training in kilts and not much else was still a welcome one.

Fact: skirts and skirtlike attire accentuated legs very well. Exhibit A: Medusa.

No I am not drooling at the thought of both of them in skirts and kilts and all laid out for me, so shut up brain.

Eyes up, dear,
Morgan chided in an amused tone.

I have five brain cells: nerd, arts and crafts, bitchy, violent, and horny. Sometimes nerd or horny get re-appropriated for 'friendship', but that's a recent development, and temporary until construction of brain cell six is complete.

And what about hungry?

Food is a non-cerebral function, but can occasionally trigger 'violent' thanks to hanger. Speaking of, something smells really good.

I finally jammed my new phone into my pocket and peeked around the cafeteria. Emiya was bringing another set of plates out to Artoria, who was in the process of wolfing down the contents of the one in front of her.

The rest of the room was cleared out.

I wandered over, grinning despite myself. "Are you even tasting any of that?" I joked.

"Mmyeth." Artoria swallowed. "Yes." Her eyes shone with joy.

Emiya gave her a soft smile as he shook his head. "I'd hoped we'd meet again, but this was a surprise." He looked back to me. "I've got something set aside for you as well. Doctor Romani said I was allowed to flourish a little, in recognition of the mission success." He frowned. "Medea said you burned yourself out?"

"Luckily one of my Noble Phantasms has a refund option, so-"

"You used multiple? Consecutively?" The Archer's tone was cold.

I winced. "Oops?"

He stared at me for a long moment. "Did Medea and Da Vinci talk to you?"

"It looked like they were going to execute him," Artoria offered helpfully. "I felt it necessary to remain behind, in case of danger. Apparently Medusa and Cu Chulainn felt the same."

Emiya was quiet for a few seconds more, then gave a short huff. "So long as you know not to repeat that, I've nothing to say. Aside from 'welcome back', of course." He gave a wry smile.

I rubbed the back of my neck, sweater moving under my hand. "I'll be good, promise."

"Then I'll go get your food." With a warmer smile, Emiya turned and walked away.

I sat near Artoria as she dug into a new plate. "Morgan bet you two were going to get 'reacquainted', but I figured it'd be the food," I said smugly.

"Reacquainted?" Artoria blinked at me, pausing in her gluttony.

I made a hole with my index finger and thumb, and jammed my other pointer finger through it.

"Kkh!" Her eyes widened as she choked on air.

"I mean, I wouldn't blame you. Objectively? He looks good. Like, insanely good. He doesn't hit that note for me, but..." I hummed. "He's got a different feel to him. For me! I dunno. Like I like him fine, but he's more like… Pepe to me."

Artoria rubbed her throat with a doleful look. "Who?"

"One of the Masters from the A-Team. He's… he's a friend of mine. A good person." I leaned on the table. "I hope I can wake him up soon."

"I see." Artoria visibly mulled that over. "So, what is it that you do?"


"To entertain yourself, or your occupation."

I put my chin in my hands. "Hm. Well, when I have the time I do gymnastics to keep in shape. I've been told my hand-to-hand is the deformed stepchild of Capoeira and Aikido when I deign to use it. Mostly I use my rings or runes now. My illusions aren't great yet, and normal casting takes so long that even with rapid casting just pulling the wand and tracing is faster."

"I… see?" Artoria continued eating.

"I also like making things. So, the thing that brought Kadoc back from his coma? I made it. We call it the Shroud of Avalon." I smiled proudly. "And it was all me, too! Well, I had to get the ingredients from somewhere else, but the spellwork was me. And the rings you saw - the wind and ice - those were me, too. I have a shield ring I should use more often…"

"Hm. It sounds as though you take joy in honing your skills." Artoria touched her chin in thought. "I can empathize. Though… I admit to not having a great number of hobbies outside that which would prepare me for kingship, or keep my skills sharpened. I wonder if that was to my detriment?"

"Well, I only started being social with other people kind of recently. I like video games a lot, and Kadoc played with me sometimes. Though he doesn't like my favorite one much." I shrugged. "And learning new things is fun, too."

"Here you go." Emiya walked forward and set a plate in front of me, taking a seat next to Artoria afterward with his own. He placed an arm next to it, causing Artoria to pout and re-focus on her own plate.

I stared wide-eyed. It was a sandwich of some sort. The meat was breaded and fried, then drenched in some sort of sauce that left it a reddish-brown. There was some sort of shredded vegetable, and the bread was thick but narrowly sliced, with a porous texture and pure white. I picked it up and took a bite.


Emiya chuckled as he prodded his own food. "I take it you approve?"

I began to wolf down the sandwich with gusto.

"That would be a yes," Artoria observed.

"You don't get to talk," Emiya scolded.

"Try eating Gawain's cooking for comparison, then judge," she shot back.

My poor boy. A terror on the battlefield and gentleman to his friends, but an absolute misery in the kitchen that would consume every staple in sight without proper preparation.

I swallowed. "Morgan agrees. Apparently he was a really bad cook. Quantity over quality, I think? Lots and lots of unseasoned potatoes."

A look of mild horror crossed Emiya's face.

Artoria stabbed her chopsticks in my direction. "See! Even his mother agrees!" She gave a sharp nod of vindication.

"...I see." Emiya shook his head, still disturbed. "So I take it the katsu sando was a success?"

I looked down at my empty plate. "Yes?"

That earned me a wry smirk. "Careful. One might almost think you two are related in some form."

"You be careful. Your food's in danger." I crossed my arms as Emiya deflected the encroaching chopsticks.

"Hmph. I was full anyway." Artoria turned her nose up.

I smiled. "So you guys remember each other?"

"After a fashion." Emiya's gaze turned fond.

"He was my Master in a Grail War from a different time. In a way." Artoria smiled softly. "He was also an ally and an enemy."

I tilted my head in confusion.

"I was summoned in this form by a contemporary of my younger self," Emiya explained. "We… did not get on well, he and I."

"Ohhh. Yeah, you said you used to have a martyr complex, among other things."

"My whole life was Unlimited Blade Works." There were similar notes to Emiya's voice, but a lighter register. Younger, but not too young.

"Unlimited... Blade Works?" I wondered aloud.

Emiya stiffened. "I don't recall telling you about that."

I shook my head. "It was a whisper in the air just now. I've been hearing odd things since I got back."

Emiya and Artoria exchanged a look.

"I think it's the Universal Language, somehow…?"

"I don't have any prior experience with it," Emiya admitted, "but from what I saw it was a particularly powerful hypnosis effect. Wasn't it?"

"It's a function, yes, but I can also use it to understand other people. Kind of." I rubbed the back of my head. "I could understand Lancelot while he was just screaming incoherently, and I could understand Sieg when he was a giant dragon. Given it doesn't puree my insides, I kind of like this version better."

"I wouldn't pry too much regarding what you learn with it," Emiya warned. "There's already unrest among the human members of Chaldea."

Artoria frowned. "Why is that?"

I shrugged. "You try to stab one guy in the balls for daring to suggest experimenting on your little sister, and suddenly you're a monster?"

They stared at me.

"Okay, so I'd enchanted the knife with a Fisher King curse, but he earned it! It was fucking Marisibilly!" I crossed my arms with a pout.

"The curse of the…" Artoria paled.

"He was going to hurt my sister." I sat up straight, dropping my arms. "That man could claim he was saving the world with every breath, but he was just another delusional magus with a god-complex. I'd slaughter as many of those as I needed to if it kept me and mine safe."

Emiya folded his hands, eyes firmly on me.

"Chaldea is built on the bones of my siblings. Mash and I only gained our powers through agony, never given a choice if we wanted it or not. I'll never forgive the bastard who created me, ever. The only thing he did that was an unvarnished good deed was blow his own brains out." I dropped any hint of a playful affect, speaking in a clipped, cold voice. "Any measures which save the world will be from the efforts of those who survived him."

"I've killed."

I blinked at Emiya.

"As a Counter Guardian, I've ended life after life in service to the World. Regardless of what I wanted to save, all I did was destroy and tear out cancer after cancer. My hands run with more blood than his." Emiya tilted his head at me.

"And…?" I frowned in confusion. "Do you have a point?"

"Animusphere was responsible for far less suffering than I, and far more good. Would I have 'deserved it'?"

A pained look crossed Artoria's face. "Shirou-"


Emiya raised his eyebrows.

"Listen to how you talk. You hated it. Whether it was supposed to happen or not, you never got so high on your own ego that you painted yourself as the hero. Even if those deaths had to happen for everyone's sake, you hate that you killed them. Even when your empathy burned out, you were still able to internalize 'this is not without cost.' You still recognized that 'this is a bad thing'." I leaned on my hand. "You never tried to canonize yourself for necessary murder."

"So my self-loathing makes me a better person?" Emiya leaned forward.

"Your ability to hold perspective and judge your actions in the context of other people as people rather than means to an end makes you a better person. You didn't make the 'hard choices' and then prop yourself up as a savior of mankind." I snorted. "People fucking kissed the ground Marisbilly walked on. Looked up to him, and he let them because 'it was natural' that such things be afforded to 'one who sought to save the world'."

"I see. And what of others, like Cu Chulainn?"

"I might not know my history, but I know about war as a concept. People die." I shrugged. "And I'll admit to bias. After all, the most important part to me is that you've never hurt me or mine."

Artoria frowned slightly.

"Even if a Servant's done terrible things, unless and until they try to screw us over or kill us I'll give them a shot. Because… I'm not a good person. Even if he had it coming, I know what I did to Marisbilly was morally wrong. I just don't care. Anyone who's an active threat can expect me to treat them the same."

"But if they aren't, then what?" Artoria asked.

"Then what do they have to do with me? I have enough going on in my life without going out of my way to make enemies. I'll poke or tease, but why put energy into actual malice?" I shook my head. "Humans are fallible. Honestly, I wonder if there's anything that's incapable of error. Gods, demons, heroes. Mistakes, bad luck, miscalculations. If a mind drives it, there's a chance for a misstep. To assume flawlessness is utterly egotistical and, honestly, wrong. Likewise, just because a cruel act is in service of helping a greater amount of people doesn't make it good. It's just something that has to be done. Suggesting otherwise is a disservice to both the aggressor and victim."

"So what ideals do you hold?" Artoria's eyes glinted. "If you don't believe in perfection, then what?"

"I do things I like, and things I need to do to take care of me and mine. I guess it boils down to what I want." I shrugged. "I'm fighting this fight because I want to see what's outside Chaldea's walls, and a future that Mash can see. I hurt and hate people who hurt me first. I spend time with people because I think they're interesting and either I like them or might like them. There's no higher ideal to it. It's all whim according to my tastes."

"That tracks with tales of the Fair Folk," Emiya remarked with dry amusement. "The more benevolent ones, at least."

Artoria folded her hands in front of her. "I will say this. You make me think of Merlin, assuming he was more innocent and open with his nature. Though you, at least, do not try to pretend you lack emotions."

"Is that bad?" I tilted my head.

"Not as such. You also seem less likely to append strange things to my body so I can sire an heir," she remarked dryly.

Wizard-boy did what now?

"Huh. Guess that didn't happen in Morgan's timeline," I mused. "Whatever it was."

"He decided I needed to make a child, so gave me male genitals. The end result of that was Mordred, when my Morgan stole my-" Artoria explained with a faintly disgusted look.

There was a faint scraping sound in my head as Emiya covered Artoria's mouth with an embarrassed look.

Sharpen, sharpen, make the knife nice and pointy~ Gonna teach that little pervert a less-on~

I glanced sideways. "...and now she's gearing up to go stab Merlin." I frowned. "So about Mordred…"

"I didn't know of them until the end. They were in my court for a pittance of years, and soon after… my misadventure. They must have been grown artificially, and without a chance to have a true sense of self until their adventures in Camelot. Though they supposedly shared my gender, they always passed themselves as a male." Artoria looked downward. "I don't know how they saw themselves, aside from as my heir."

"And I think that should be where we end that conversation," Emiya cut in.

I blushed. "Right. Sorry, that was out of line."

Artoria waved it off. "It was long ago. One of my regrets is that I did not know how to connect with my knights, else I would have simply spoken with Mordred and averted much grief." She paused. "Spoken more clearly, and listened to what they had to say."

"Yeah. Maybe you can make a difference here? Reconnect if they come?"

Artoria smiled with a hint of pride. "They will. Mordred, Lancelot, Gawain, Gareth, Tristan, any and all in the Throne would answer the call to save the world. As fractious and flawed as we were, they were not without honor or kindness. They'll come."

Emiya sighed. "And then I'll have to prepare even more food…"

"And get grilled on whether you're fit to be Artoria's queen!" I chirped mischievously.

He paused, eyes going wide as Artoria assumed a thoughtful pose.

"It makes sense, doesn't it? You're better at domestic things, and she's better at fighting and kingship stuff. But you're also pretty butch… so you could be the prince-consort, that would work…" I muttered.

"Hm… a prince…" Artoria's gaze grew distant.

Emiya tried to smile, but it turned out as a grimace. "Please give me your plate so I can clean up. And not break it over your head."

I handed it over. "It wouldn't hurt me anyway. And besides, you still like me." I grinned.

"Despite yourself," he retorted as he gathered the dishware.

"Prince-consort Shirou Pendragon… waiting at home with a fresh hot meal…" Artoria mused, a faint blush on her cheeks.

"And the sheets turned down!" I added, causing Emiya to stumble as he walked away. Fortunately he didn't drop the plates.

Artoria's blush deepened. "...that too."

"I knew it!"

She huffed, turning her nose up. "As though you have any room to talk! What was that about putting Cu Chulainn in a kilt?"

I smiled sheepishly. "I am a weak man. I have no excuse."

Artoria radiated smug superiority.

I flicked through my phone, listening to Cu mess around in my bathroom. "I thought Servants didn't do certain bodily functions?" I called out.

"We don't," Cu replied in amusement. "Did you do what I asked?"

I blushed slightly. "Yes."

"Good." There was a pause, and some rustling. "I wanted to apologize."

I didn't say anything. What was I supposed to say?

"I should have figured that seeing someone you'd connected with die would affect you. You're pretty sheltered, even by modern standards. It's not like I was summoned without that knowledge."

I shifted, my pajamas brushing against my skin as I turned onto my side and shirt riding up over my stomach.

"That said, I'm not going to stew in guilt over it. That's not who I am. I just won't do it again, and do better remembering that you're different from anyone back in Ulster. After all, what kind of man am I if I can't take care of you?"

I couldn't help but smile a little. "I'll hold you to that."

The door opened, and he walked out. I felt my stomach flutter and face heat up.

"So. How do I look?"

He wore sleeves over his arms, his tattoo emerging from where it sprawled over his chest. Leather thongs with metal ornaments dangled around his neck, and a strap held the sleeves in place. They only reached to his elbow, revealing the rest of his tattoo on his right arm. His torso was otherwise bare, but he wore his battle suit from the waist down, except his boots. His hair was down, running over his shoulders.


I swallowed. "Um?"

"Before you got any funny ideas, I wanted to show you my old training outfit. I had Medea help put it together. She seemed rather invested once I told her why." He winked. "Sorry. No kilts."

"Not even a leather one?"

Cu threw his head back in a hearty laugh. "Why, doesn't this look good?" he teased.

"It does, just…" I set my phone on the nightstand as he prowled closer, feet making the slightest dent in the thick carpet.

"Just?" he mocked playfully as he sat down next to me, drawing me closer by the hand.


"Hm?" He slid a hand under my shirt, lifting it as he trailed his fingers through the light hair on my chest.

"I was hoping you and Medusa would be willing to match, later," I blurted.

His eyebrows raised slightly, and suddenly I found my shirt on the other side of the room. I'd been pulled into his lap, and the cool metal of the crescent ornament around his neck prickled my skin as he squeezed me to him, our foreheads touching. My arms slung over his shoulders as his wrapped around my middle, and my legs went around his waist.

"I'll consider it, under one condition." His eyes bored into mine, amusement and no small amount of arousal in his voice.

"That's fair. What is it?"

"If she and I match, we all match. Dress or kilt, your choice," he added graciously. "I wouldn't want you to be uncomfortable."

I grinned. "Deal. I'll take the kilt, though. Means there's less to take off when things really get fun."

He gave a deep chuckle. "Ah, I hadn't thought of that." He leaned back just enough that we could see each others' faces. "Clever man. Though, I hadn't thought I'd corrupted you so thoroughly after a bit of petting and fun."

I scoffed. "I have the internet. Let's say that while I don't have a lot of experience, I'm familiar with a lot of the theory behind it."

"Oh, good," he said in a too-mild tone. There was a darkly teasing undercurrent to it, and his smile turned devilish.

"Meaning…?" I tilted my head.

"Meaning I don't have to explain as much, which saves time. Medusa's been asking a little more lately, but I want all your firsts to myself."

I felt my breath catch.

"I do mean all of them, by the way. It might not be the case with a more casual fling, but I adore spoiling my lovers." Cu ran his tongue over his pointed teeth, eyes gleaming in the low light. "That said, I do expect you to put your best effort forward."

"Well, I'm a quick learner," I retorted. "Just give me feedback as we go."

My eyes fluttered shut as he pressed his lips to mine for a long moment. He pulled back as he lifted a hand to caress my throat.

"Hm. There a reason you're keeping the choker on? I don't do painplay," he warned. "Hurting others is for the battlefield or sparring ring. This is a place for softer things."

"That would be the vest," I pointed out. "The choker makes it so I don't need air."

He tilted his head with a curious hum.

"I figured I should get used to it, for when I'm ready for Medusa." I waggled my eyebrows.

Cu's jaw dropped suddenly, eyes going wide. "You're using your Noble Phantasm for…?" he sputtered out after a moment. I could see him swallow and feel his pulse where I laid my hand on his neck.

"It doesn't even take mana," I said dismissively. "And if I thought it'd enhance things, you can bet I'd bring magecraft into bed." I smirked. "I told you I knew my theory."

I laughed as he thumbed the waistband of my pajamas, turning onto his back and holding me in place. "Well, let's put that theory into practice, shall we?" His voice was a low, pleased growl, and I laughed brightly as I laid down straddling him. "Hope you weren't planning on waking up early. I intend to have you for a while."

I pressed my lips to his cheek. "I'm in your care."

"You won't regret it."

I sighed happily as I swayed in place, feeling limber and content.

"Are you… alright?" Mash asked curiously. We were in the summoning chamber, because even with the surprise arrival - and seeing Astolfo happily chattering at a pleased Medea was a surprise - we still had two more summons we could perform with the energy harvested from my detonation of the Demon Pillar.

...I should tell someone about that. Soon. As well as the script around the big slimy hand. Memo to me, tell Archaman and Ritsuka after this. Memo?


"You look like Astolfo that night after he found his way into a nunnery that one time," Charlie said with narrowed eyes. "And in which many vows were broken."

"Celts, man. Not even once." I grinned.

Mash looked at the ceiling pointedly. "I was wondering why you didn't show up until the tail end of breakfast."

Artoria gave me a flat look.

To be honest, we were a decent welcoming committee. Artoria could tank almost any magical assault, Charlie was a powerhouse on par with her, Mash could defend Ritsuka better than any other Servant, and I could support with the best of them with my runes.

Not to mention if things got excessively hairy, I could use my words to halt any unruly Servant long enough for a Command Seal to be used. That was a last resort, though - Ritsuka's orders.

"Here's hoping we can get Siegfried for those guys," I mused. "He seemed to be good friends with them."

"Yeah, it'd make Astolfo and Sieg happy," Charlie acknowledged with a smile.

"Sorry I'm late!" Ritsuka ran in, a frazzled look on his face. His broken composure was something I hadn't seen in the time I'd known him. He always had some supernatural grace paired with an utterly approachable personality. There was definitely something going on there.

"Mom, why can't I learn our magecraft?"

That… was between the voices from yesterday and Ritsuka's. If I accounted for puberty…

"I've told you. It's not a good fit for you, and handing you to another family is a risk. If your aunt was further along in her studies, I'd apprentice you to her. Her teacher won't take a second student, and won't allow her to do so until she masters puppetry to her standards. Asako will inherit the Crest and be the next family head." A pause. "The less magecraft you deal with, the better relationship you'll have with your father."

"He won't even look at me, because…"

"Because you look like me."
The woman's voice was tired. "My blood really does bring you misfortune, Ritsu. Your trait-"

"Matthew? You in there?" Ritsuka loomed close, concern in his eyes.

I smiled brightly. "Yeah, just enjoying Morgan's commentary. So how's Joan?" I teased. Deflect and obfuscate! Old hat.

Ritsuka rolled his eyes. "Har, har."

Mash elbowed me, scowling, and I gave her a slow, placid blink before tapping my ear.

Her confusion showed for a moment before her expression cleared. 'Later?' she mouthed.

I nodded, then grinned. "Aw, don't be so sour, Mash!" I wrapped her in a firm hug - the first I'd given her in years.

She paused, startled, then crushed me back.

"What brought this on?"

Oh, just found out that the knight giving you power can't hurt me anymore, I thought sarcastically.

"I knew it," she hissed, scowling.


It seems as though your use of the Universal Language is evolving closer to its true form. My, my! How exciting!

"You guys okay?" Ritsuka asked slowly. The other two knights exchanged a confused look.

Mash huffed, giving me one final squeeze. "Yes." She gave a little smile. "Or we're getting there."

I gave a hesitant smile back.

"I have no idea what just happened, but let's get started," Archaman said tiredly with a yawn.

"There, that ought to diffuse the tension a little. Aaaa, I'm so happy they're mending that bridge!"

...this is gonna be complicated, isn't it.

You learn to block out the worst of it. Or you become a horrific busybody, like me!

"Kadoc not coming?" Charlie asked, bumping shoulders with Ritsuka.

Ritsuka's smile steadied, bumping him back. "He and Anastasia are checking over the Mystic Code Medea fixed up for me. She used parts commissioned from Matthew in conjunction with her own skills and potions."

"It's nice to have this sort of 'family'. Even if Matthew can be snippy when he doesn't want people to pry. Seriously, between Mash and Joan I'm already getting worried!"

...yeah, this is going to result in some real guilt real soon.

I blinked as lights started to flash, and Fou clambered onto my shoulder.

Slowly, the lights faded. A man in red with long, dark hair stepped forward. He had severe features, but wasn't unhandsome. A scarf hung over his shoulders, and he held a cigar in his hand.

"Caster, Zhuge Liang. Call me Lord El-Melloi II. Pseudoservant."

What the what now?

A Servant gave their power to another vessel in order to manifest. It's a practice often used by Divine Spirits or those who lack enough legend to manifest on their own. I don't know why the great strategist did it, but he must have his reasons. Goodness knows he could easily show up on his own.

Wait, why would Divine Spirits do that?

So they could manifest at all. Gods can't be Servants, but they can pass their power into a vessel through partial possession.


"Good to have you, Lord El-Melloi II," Ritsuka said without missing a beat.

Yeah. I don't know how I missed it, but those are magus mannerisms. Normal person would forget the 'II' easily. But from the sound of it, he had a situation not unlike Olga Marie… though his mom did sound like she cared about him, at least.

...I'll sit on it and poke at that later, after Mash and I talk it out. We're his Servants, and it's on us to help him. He's already helping us, so fair's fair.

And I like him anyways. He's a good bean.

The summoned magus gazed at Ritsuka with dark, piercing eyes. "'ll do. I'll make myself available for reference, should you wish to study strategy and tactics." The tone of voice implied at the least a strong recommendation, if not an outright command.

Ritsuka nodded. "I'll be sure to make use of your expertise."

Hm. He doesn't seem bad, exactly, but I want to keep an eye on him. Less magus-y than the ones here, at least. They wouldn't give any positive acknowledgement to someone like Ritsuka without sufficient proof on a first meeting.

El-Melloi II walked out of the summoning circle, stepping to stand with us. He met my eyes briefly, and put his cigar to his lips with a speculative look. He took in the four of us in a single glance more, then turned to watch Ritsuka's back.

"And summon!" Ritsuka called.

The lights swirled in a storm, first glittering like a rainbow, then turning into a solid pillar of gold. An oppressive air washed over us, garnering different reactions.

Artoria stood stonily. Charlie blinked in surprise, then stood tall, withstanding the pressure with ease. A flicker of primal fear flashed in El-Melloi II's eyes before he schooled his expression. Mash wore a confused look of apprehension. Ritsuka stood steady as ever, the picture of composure.

I narrowed my eyes as the gold erupted into a shower of glittering light, like the sun on the water back in Orleans. I didn't recognize this heavy presence, but whoever it was wanted to make an entrance.


"Fuahahaha! For you to summon me like this, I see your luck has run out, mongrel!"

Mm, nope. Don't like that.

The man was beautiful. There wasn't any other descriptor for him. His appearance defied any sort of modern ethnicity to my knowledge. His blond hair defied gravity, spiking upwards. He was pale, with piercing red eyes with slit pupils. Heavy golden armor adorned his body, between mine and Cu Chulainn's in height. Blue accents ran across the armor, and he stood with the assurance of obeyed authority.

Ritsuka's eyes flickered as he glanced to where Archaman was stationed in the observation room.

"Hoh? Stunned by my presence, are you?" A cruel smile split his face.

"Gilgamesh," Artoria addressed him, composure regained. "You've come."

"Ah, don't be so surprised. After all, this world is my garden, and I couldn't simply stand by and let it burn… my dear Saber." The smile turned to something indulgent and patrician that somehow irked me more than before.

Matthew, no, no, no-!

"Aunt Artoriaaaaa," I whined, blurring over to her and snatching her into a hug, lifting her up and pirouetting away from where Gilgamesh had reached to cup her chin. "Why didn't you warn me about your ex showing up!? Though based on first impressions, I don't blame the upgrade~!"

Gilgamesh's eyebrows raised. "Oh?"

"Yeah, you don't seem like the kind of guy who can cook to save his life." I gave a winsome smile.

"King Gilgamesh, welcome to Chaldea," Ritsuka cut in, a bead of sweat dripping down his face. His eyes flickered to meet mine, a silent plea for me to behave.

Gilgamesh scoffed. "Rest assured, I have yet to take true offense." He smirked at me. "His attempts to provoke me and protect his 'aunt' are more endearing than anything." His eyes glinted. "In fact…"

I put Artoria down as Gilgamesh swaggered over. I don't have any other way to describe it. He walked, but every step was just another sign he owned the room and everything in it. reminded me entirely too much of Beryl. Gut. Slightly less predatory, but similar in execution.

The hair on the back of my neck stood up as I grit my teeth.

"King Gilgamesh. May I interest you in a tour of the facilities?" Ritsuka's voice was calm and polite, with an undercurrent of steel.

Gilgamesh paused.

"There are several amenities for the Servants here, but with the large space and lack of indicators, it's easy to get lost," Ritsuka continued. "I'd hate it if you were inconvenienced."

"Hm. Transparent, but at least you act appropriately. Very well, I will indulge you at this moment." Gilgamesh's eyes flickered back to me, and I found myself behind Mash and Artoria as they moved in front of me at inhuman speeds.

Charlie stood by Ritsuka, a confused and concerned look on his face as Ritsuka remained expressionless, if a little pale.

"That being said, I expect you in my chambers when I reach them. I've never met one with faerie blood in their veins, and I find myself curious." Gilgamesh smiled. "Such a curiosity would make for a valuable treasure. And as you said, I find myself without a proper bride in these trying times."

I felt my eyebrow twitch as Gilgamesh loomed. Ritsuka waved his hand, worry in his eyes.

"What?" I asked lowly.

"Ah. You are yet young, so I will make this clear. As one who rules this world, every treasure in it belongs to me. As King of Heroes, all Servants are my subjects, along with every mongrel on the surface of this planet. I have decided that a faerie-blooded craftsman is of interest to me. Your hands shall add to my treasury, and your body will add to my pleasure. In exchange, you will never want for materials to make your art, and I will grant every earthly joy to you… so long as you obey me."

I stared at him.

He nodded once, and turned to Ritsuka. "Now then, Master of Chaldea. I will-"

"Eat shit and die."

Mash stared at me, openmouthed.

Gilgamesh slowly turned his head as Artoria glanced back at me, clearly readying for a fight.

"Hoh?" There wasn't any anger in his gaze. Just amusement.

"I didn't bend for Marisbilly Animusphere, and I won't bend for you. Any magus, any king, any god that tries to command me takes their life in their own hands. I work for Ritsuka and Kadoc because they earned my loyalty." I bared my teeth. "Try that shit again, and I'll hack your balls off with a necrotizing machete."

Not that I had one yet, but details.

"Hmph…" Gilgamesh's shoulders began to shake.

"King Gilgamesh…" Ritsuka began, slowly moving to get between us.

"Fuahahaha!" He bellowed with laughter, head thrown back as his arms jostled up and down with the force of it.

Ritsuka ran, getting directly in front of me.

Golden portals opened behind Gilgamesh, gleaming brightly. His hand extended towards me. "Come!" he ordered with a grin.

There was a rush of noise as Mash sprang in front of Ritsuka, and Artoria grabbed me and flipped us over Gilgamesh's head, the portals continuing to aim at and track our movement.

...nothing happened.

His smile immediately turned to a pensive frown.

I looked up, and the gold-leaf pattern around the moulding glowed brilliantly.

By the grace of Avalon… it worked! Relief and vicious glee permeated Morgan's voice. Your schematic worked, just as I hoped! She cackled brightly.

"So… I guess those work by dimensional shenanigans?" I asked mildly, gesturing at the portals.

"They are the gate to my treasury." Gilgamesh didn't seem remotely worried, merely curious.

"Yeah. So the ward all through Chaldea blocks long-range surveillance. It also prevents hostile entry by means of teleportation." I planted my fists on my hips. "I made it to keep out the enemy, but it looks like you drew the short end of the stick."

Curiously, Gilgamesh reached into a portal and drew out a cup. He examined it, nodded, and put it back. "That appears to apply to the multitude of weaponry in my treasury, at the very least as projectiles." He gave me an appraising look. "You crafted this?"

"...I designed it," I admitted. Morgan might have enacted it, but it was my brainchild.

And I followed it to the letter. Literally.

Artoria didn't relax. "Just because he lacks his preferred method of attack does not make him any less of a threat when provoked," she warned, giving me an angry glance.

Gilgamesh scoffed. "My dear Saber, you would know if I had taken true offense." He smirked. "I merely sought to bind him and bring him to me. Though it seems simple force isn't an option in these walls." Some strange emotion entered his eyes. "How very interesting. I knew you to be a fae-blood by the writ on your arms and armor, and a craftsman from the aura of your rings. Though this level of skill somehow manages to surprise me."

I clenched my fists.

"Very well, craftsman. I will have you by whatever means necessary. Such is the will of the king." His smirk was insufferable.

"Just try and earn it, asshole. Oh, and you'll also need to take it up with Cu Chulainn and Medusa. They have first dibs. As does anyone else I take a fancy to." I sneered.

A flicker of disgust crossed his face. "You must jest."

"Hey, all I ask of my lovers is to treat me as a person, as an equal, and with kindness. Not my fault you fall short." I shrugged.

Gilgamesh was quiet for a moment.

Ritsuka shot me an exasperated look as Mash frowned in concern.

The Hero-King smiled, and I barely kept from going for my wand.

"Good. I shall have ample entertainment when unoccupied with destroying the fools that dare to burn my garden so. Expect to see more of me, little craftsman."

"I'll freeze the water in your eyes," I warned.

Gilgamesh turned to Ritsuka. "I believe I'm prepared for that tour. I assume we'll collect the man belonging to the King of Conquerers?"

El-Melloi II hadn't moved from his initial spot, simply observing the commotion.

Ritsuka sighed. "Yes." He shot me a look of concern, but I waved it off.

"More fae than human, growing into his power. Created with an express purpose… what else shall I observe? What an interesting little princeling."

I couldn't suppress my shudder as they walked past me, Gilgamesh pausing at the door.

"I traveled the world to collect my treasures, facing many a trick and trial. I've often found that the most beautiful ones were those that eluded me longest." He smiled, something hungry in his gaze. "I look forward to the chase."

"Hm. 'Earn' he says? Interesting. Very interesting. And though my weapons will not fire, they can still be drawn. An interesting twist. Let there be joy at the death of boredom in these sterile walls."

Rest assured. The King of Heroes will not have you against your will. Nor shall any other. That I will promise, now and forever.
Morgan's airy affect dropped.

I shivered as Gilgamesh finally left, Ritsuka's eyes firmly on him before glancing back at me in worry.

Mash paused.

"I don't want him alone with Ritsuka. Go with him."

Mash nodded. "We'll talk later." She hesitated, then gave me another hug before bolting. Charlie followed, frowning slightly as his eyes narrowed.

Only Artoria and I were left.


"He… reminds me of someone. Someone I hate. He's a bad person, isn't he?" My voice came out in a hoarse whisper.

"He is a complicated person. I can't claim to understand him. If he's here, he means to aid us." She stared at me. "I don't know if you could have avoided his interest by letting me handle it, but your open defiance likely amplified it."

"So what was I supposed to do?" I hugged myself. The way he looked at me… I felt dirty.

Artoria's gaze turned sad. "There's nothing to be done. At least like this, you have a chance to defend yourself with your strongest spells, and the rest of us can make any overt attempts to harm you or the Masters more trouble than they're worth. Though, I doubt he'll attack the Masters. At worst, he'll ignore them and go off to amuse himself. He seems to be of good cheer, this time."

I swallowed. Even with what looked like his stronger attacks sealed, I wouldn't stand a chance against him in a brawl - not even with my armor's power, not unless I unleashed it. My mana hog of an armor, which would be the flag for a total death match.

Artoria placed a hand on my shoulder.

Damn it. Things had been looking up, for once.

"What can be done?" It wasn't a rhetorical question. Her voice was calm, steady. She wasn't scared, even though a man like that surely…

"I want Cu and Medusa." I still couldn't force my voice any louder. I felt drained.

"Then let's go find them," she said gently. She moved her hand to my back in a comforting manner.

We left, Fou watching quietly from his spot on the floor.

"Hmm. I might need to send a nightmare…"

"Don't bother."

Merlin looked up, an expression of mild interest on his face.

"It's about time I found an excuse to bother my idiot student anyways." Scathach gestured, and a massive stone gate appeared before her.

"It won't work. Between the little guy's design and Morgan's power, Chaldea's locked down tight. If I didn't have a prior in, I'd be blind." Merlin's tone was mild.

"Right. An 'attack' can't come in." Scathach gave a flat look to Merlin. "Whenever they deploy, it doesn't mean I can't follow them home. Or simply visit using their summon system. I'll wait, and you can send a signal for when it'll be most effective."

Merlin hummed. "Alright, alright. Cath Palug isn't a fan of the King either, so he'll keep me informed at least. I don't think he'll interfere in our plans, but he might mess with Matthew in ways that could derail it. He's dangerously cunning when he wants to be." The magus sighed. "Why couldn't his older self just have shown up…?"

Scathach left without another word.

"Hm… Perhaps it's time to say hello to my dear Bradamante. I'm sure she'd love a knight's errand to protect a tender youth in the throes of love from a predatory older man! It's just like one of my manga!" Merlin chuckled. "Ah, I always wanted to say that. But in all seriousness…" He narrowed his eyes. "What's your angle, Gilgamesh? Such gentleness and patience isn't like you. Not like this."

The flowers fluttering outside the tower tumbled in silence.
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Oh my god you liar

Edit: Also re: the Matthew situation. So not only did he do it in front of Chaldea he did it in front of all their associates and still managed to injure him? If Matthew wasn't so essential there is no way he wouldn't have been thrown out. I actually agree with the Chaldea staff on this one. Also from an outside perspective he is very dangerous, especially if you piss him off.

Is the implication with Gil that Mattew was only not stomped due to the wards?

Edit 2: So the way Ophelia is going it looks more like Wodime is going to be the choice until they find the singularity and then they need her specifically.

And the love triangle continues! Probably be a love square when Babylonia happens
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"But first, two things. One: promise me that in a fight like that, you never do that again. Don't put your life at actual risk just to get me to fight harder."

That got a reaction from everyone in the room. Artoria opened her mouth as Medusa waved her into silence, while Medea bit her knuckles to keep from laughing.

Cu blinked a couple of times before giving a soft grin. "I can do that. I promise, when fighting opponents of great strength, I'll give my all to preserve my life and the lives of my allies. Agreed?"

I nodded. "That'll do-"

A feeling like soft threads wrapped around my wrist and vanished, and Cu's eyes fluttered shut.


"'S been a while since I had a new geas," he muttered in a pleased rumble. "Though this one isn't quite as limiting as the usual ones." He tilted his head. "And the other thing?"

Ah, damn it. On the one hand, you just powered him up somewhat; on the other, now he has one MORE damn geas ready and waiting to trip him up at the worst possible time.
Oh my god you liar

Edit: Also re: the Matthew situation. So not only did he do it in front of Chaldea he did it in front of all their associates and still managed to injure him? If Matthew wasn't so essential there is no way he wouldn't have been thrown out. I actually agree with the Chaldea staff on this one. Also from an outside perspective he is very dangerous, especially if you piss him off.

Is the implication with Gil that he was only not stomped due to the wards?

Edit 2: So the way Ophelia is going it looks more like Wodime is going to be the choice until they find the singularity and then they need her specifically.

And the love triangle continues! Probably be a love square when Babylonia happens

In order...

1. Behold! Two Welfare five-stars and a four-star! This is totally normal, right?

2. Matthew is True Neutral, with some decidedly amoral leanings. Very few things keep him in check, but he is easily influenced by those around him once they manage to endear themselves. Ritsuka is a good influence so far, and having Kadoc and eventually Hinako and Pepe will help. Also I needed to get that bit of backstory out to establish why he would be as brutal as he will be during event 1. Matthew is not a bad person, exactly, but he is not a good person. He is a creature of utter whim that is placid when undisturbed, and willing to unleash a total war when agitated.

What he did to Marisbilly was A Bad Thing, and he shouldn't have done so. Caspan is actually in the right, though it doesn't account for any personal changes he might have undergone in the four years since (this takes place in 2019-2020).

3. Partly. He can't Gate of BRRRBabylon anything that pisses him off while in Chaldea, resulting in him having to be a little more restrained. That said...

Gilgamesh was going to truss him up and carry him around like a doll. He was never in any danger aside from humiliation. Even the dark implications are highly unlikely to happen. Matthew is like nothing Gil's seen before in person. He's fully serious when he says he wants Matthew physically and for his talents to make new and exciting treasures for him to hoard, but he's also curious to see how he'll grow - and Gilgamesh is smart enough to know that won't happen in captivity. So that will be an interesting interplay of character there.

That said! Matthew gets huge Beryl vibes from Gilgamesh, and he may in fact be a little traumatized and heavily repress the damage that event did to him. So yeah, I would not expect anything particularly wholesome there until America at the earliest, Babylonia at the latest.

4. Many pages ago, I mentioned that 'office politics' would bring Wodime back in time for Okeanos. Something 'might' will require Ophelia for Singularity Two. As we established, Chaldea has very valid reasons to want Wodime back ASAP - hopefully he can help keep Matthew in line.

Ah, damn it. On the one hand, you just powered him up somewhat; on the other, now he has one MORE damn geas ready and waiting to trip him up at the worst possible time.

Luckily, the wording of that one is flexible enough that it can be worked around if necessary - like if he had to spare an enemy. He can't throw a fight (not that he would), but in that case, he can still just... not fight. The wording is that he has to prioritize his well-being and that of his allies, and if that means grabbing them and putting that Disengage skill to work, then that's what'll happen. He won't like it, but that's what makes it an unreasonable command (one of his favorites).
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