You know looking back, I thought Sieg could assume either his Dragon or homunculous form at will without any strain because of his noble phantasm description. Or are you gonna upgrade his time as a dragon as you level him up?
You know looking back, I thought Sieg could assume either his Dragon or homunculous form at will without any strain because of his noble phantasm description. Or are you gonna upgrade his time as a dragon as you level him up?

The NP description says he can only assume his dragon form temporarily, usually just long enough to bathe his targets in fiery death.
Road to Dawn
A/N: So despite a lot of stuff happening this week... it here!

Content Warning: Some gore. Matthew losing his shit temporarily.

Once we were ready to set out, it became very clear that Marie's group had a decisive advantage over ours: all their members were proper Servants, and could astralize. This cut their travel time drastically.

Mash and I could not, though we still had the means to move quickly.

And then we had our Masters.

"So how do you intend to get there?" Charlie asked, arms crossed.

I looked at Ritsuka and Kadoc.

Kadoc shrugged. "Medusa?"

"Bellerophon is my strongest Noble Phantasm. If you're willing to accept the drain on my mana and yours, then it can carry one other besides myself." Medusa inclined her head.

"Hm… Sieg?"

Sieg shook his head. "I might be able to get us to Orleans before my time runs out, but then I'd need to recover before using it in a fight."

Kadoc shrugged. "Unless Anastasia's fortress is a tank or Jeanne can summon super-horses, nothing on my end."

Ritsuka looked hopefully at me.


"Can't you…" He wiggled his fingers in my direction.

"Spatial displacement?" I raised an eyebrow.

"That sounds good!"

Mash gave a gentle grimace. "Senpai…"

"Right, let me get my Phone-a-Magician Noble Phantasm all geared up and ready to go." I scrunched my face up and closed my eyes for a minute. Then I opened one. "Is it working?"

"That's True Magic level stuff, Ritsuka. I don't know if his runes cover that." Kadoc shook his head.

For his part, Ritsuka just looked confused.

"Short version: there's things that modern magecraft Can Not Do. Some people break those rules because they either use those exceptions to try to get at the center of all creation or received the power from seeing it. Teleportation is a big one of those," I explained. "If there's old enough magecraft in play with several other extenuating factors, then it's possible to mimic. Otherwise… nah."

Mash raised her eyebrow at me.

"That's not history, that's theory. Stop judging me." I scowled.

Medusa hid a small smile. Cu didn't bother hiding his as he hip-checked me lightly.

"What would history have to do with it?" Artoria asked in polite bafflement. "And you're being awfully friendly." She gave Cu Chulainn a suspicious look.

"We're burning moonlight, and the other squad's already on the way," Joan snapped. She crossed her arms. "The rest of you fucks can go ghost, I'll handle the ride."

Astolfo gave her a flat look. "How?"

She raised her gauntleted hand, and snapped her fingers with a sharp twist of her wrist.

Roaring filled the air as five wyverns swooped from the cloudless sky, winged two-legged lizards larger than a horse. They landed behind her, near the edge of Charles Patricius. They growled lowly as they stood, yellow eyes and black scales gleaming under the moon.

"Whoa…" Ritsuka's eyes shone.

"Dragon. Witch." Joan tossed her head imperiously. "So are we going or what?"

"Charlie-" Ritsuka began.

He grinned. "Don't worry. Mozart, Astolfo, Elizabeth and I will take care of things here. And-"

"We'll look after Siegfried too!" Astolfo gave a sharp nod. "Nobody's gonna get at the people under our protection!"

Kadoc gave a sharp nod. "Let's move."

Artoria, Cu, Medusa, Jeanne, and Sieg vanished in a flurry of golden light that drifted off the edge of the fortress island.

I caught sight of Mozart and Elizabeth working to keep the crowd calm before I turned to my wyvern. The great beast hadn't moved, but it looked far less friendly than Medusa's horse.

...I like the horse better.

There, there. I'm sure it won't be that bad!

"Oi, ice princess! One to a ride!" Joan crossed her arms as she stared down Anastasia.

Anastasia slowly pouted before erupting into a shower of snowflakes, vanishing from sight.

Mash helped Ritsuka onto his wyvern as I mounted my own, and I saw-


"Better right yourself fast!" Joan cackled.

Kadoc straightened himself up, legs around the beast's body as he glared at Joan. "Next time, warn me before trying to turn me into a shot put."

Joan sneered as she leapt onto her own mount and dug her heels in. "Let's fly!"

The wyverns roared, and I felt the massive muscles move under the scales as mighty wings began to flap.

"...oh. This is gonna suck, isn't it?"

The only response to that was Joan's mad laughter as the giant lizards dove from the side of Charlie's fortress towards the ground below, spreading their wings to catch the wind.

Joan's laughter, and Kadoc's terrified screaming.

Don't you mean-


Bradamante let out a long breath as she took in the front of the palace. It didn't look different at first pass, until you got to the greenery near the bottom. The plants had withered and gone brittle, and the effect was gradually spreading along the ground towards them. Not fast enough for a true attack, but an effective warning.

"Hm. We're expected," Sasaki mused, gazing directly at the dead growth.

"But the palace is untouched?" Marie frowned curiously.

"Poison, not acid. Whatever's being used appears to have necrotizing effects," the Chevalier noted. They giggled at Bradamante's surprise. "I am a spy, you know. One must be aware of the various hazards that come with the job."

Atalanta twitched, her eyes seeming to gleam in the low light. Her breaths were steady, but her knuckles visibly bulged with her grip on her bow.

"Atalanta?" Bradamante addressed her in a curious tone.

"...LaVoisin. She is a child murderer."

Marie hummed with a deep frown. "You know, I'm not sure. She did perform foul rites, it's true; but whether she used corpses or living infants for her Masses may be of some debate. The desecration of the body is heinous, of that there's no doubt," she said with a firm nod, "but it would be preferable to the murder of a live baby."

"If it is part of what the public believes or believed, then it is part of her legend, Majesty," d'Eon demurred. "She will have the worst of perceptions as part of her being, right alongside the truth. Just as the best of perceptions can also be applied. All are true when considering a Servant."

Bradamante gripped her spear. "She's a murderer, a cultist, and our enemy. She helped make the abomination that took all of us to slow, and the full power of a Russian demon and the Holy Roman Emperor to destroy." She lifted her head. "Whatever her truth, we have to put her down."

Atalanta nodded. "Agreed."

Sasaki chuckled. "It seems I've found myself allied with some bloodthirsty women. And a knight that has no time for paltry things as gender."

d'Eon gave a slight smile. "I shall accept that as a compliment."

"So it was intended."

Marie clapped her hands. "Right! Let's-"

A low bleating sound echoed from within the building.

"...I do not like that," Marie muttered.

The group moved closer to the door, pausing for a heartbeat.

Then Bradamante slammed the flimsy wooden barrier inward with a single bash of her shield, and the Servants shot inward.

A pale green mist hung around the floor, and corpses littered the great room.

One was held up by a humanoid figure, and in the silence she could hear the chewing and soft spatter of gore falling to the ground.

"What in God's name…?" Marie breathed.

"Magicians' work," Bradamante snarled before launching herself forward, spear lashing out.

The corpse was flung at her, and after she dodged she bit back a curse.

The thing was taller than her, covered in fur matted by blood. It had hands like the abomination, and uncloven hooves in place of feet. Its head was that of a goat, with square teeth soaked in gore and hellish eyes blazing red. With a scream it charged her, fingers elongating into hard, pointed branches that exploded from angle to angle to encase her.

Bradamante leapt back as the claws impacted each other, scattering sparks. She hefted her shield and slammed it forward, clashing violently with the keratin branches.

"The sign of a knight. Attacking head-on, as though your enemy has an ounce of the chivalry you do." The tired voice echoed through the entire palace like a foreign whisper.

Bradamante gasped as something tore into her side, and she spun away as another goat drew its hand back. Her blood dripped from the claws, and she winced as she landed. It licked its bloodied hand, growling softly.

"You know who I am. I know who you are. We both know why we are here. That is pleasantry enough." The green mist continued to billow.

"What- where did it come from?" d'Eon grit out before lunging. The beast caught their blade on its claws, riposting with its free hand as the partner lashed out with the branches.

Bradamante looked around the room, and her eyes widened. "Sasaki! Behind and left!"

The samurai turned and parried the charge with his blade, nimbly evading. "I didn't notice it at all…" he mused, eyes narrowed.

Atalanta and Marie went back-to-back. "Bradamante?" Marie asked, a pink glow dancing over her palms.

Bradamante flipped over the cage-goat as the branches lunged for her again, while the other two assailants pursued d'Eon and Sasaki with their own hands. She caught movement in the halls leading away from the foyer, but none of her compatriots seemed to.

"What sort of sorcery is this!? Are they in some illusion!?" she shouted.

"Ah. Prelati and I had a parting of the ways. Had he listened to me, we would have had a functional abomination, rather than a massive waste of our mutual resources. As I have no further interest in his success, you would be best suited to leave."

"Leave!?" Bradamante shouted.

"Bradamante, what are you shouting at?" Marie asked, eyes wide.

"A little ventriloquism, some sleight of hand, and poison."

"There's something here," Sasaki said in a deep tone, eyes narrowed as he barely evaded another strike. The goats could move quickly in short bursts, but otherwise trundled slowly.

Bradamante landed behind the cage-goat, and with a lash of her spear carved through its neck. It fell with a gurgle, the branching keratin claws shattering as it collapsed to the floor. The fur receded in seconds to reveal a young woman, eyes wide and swollen with blood. The horns fell off, and the transformation reverted entirely.

"And so her celebration ends. Once Prelati falls - and he will, make no mistake - this nightmare will end too. My villainy will be undone with the break of dawn. History will correct, and the nightmare from two centuries hence will be as it never happened. Or so I presume," the voice of LaVoisin admitted. "If you pursue me, it could well mean your lives. Would you place such a burden on your comrades?"

The Chevalier d'Eon stiffened. "A hallucinogen! If it's made by magic, then Bradamante wouldn't be affected!" They ducked another strike with a cry, the clawed hand shearing overhead.

Bradamante grit her teeth. "We aren't leaving. You're far too dangerous to leave alive!"

There was a moment of silence.

Marie straightened up. "Bradamante, what's she doing? I can see the things, but only just."

"Likewise," d'Eon agreed.

Atalanta frowned. "Just shadows." Sasaki hummed his agreement.

The mist began to retract, and the two goats shuffled in it, following it deeper into the palace.

Quickly, Marie blinked as she let out a cough. She let out a soft cry as she finally saw the corpse.

"Bradamante?" Atalanta asked with a frown.

"She puts her familiars into living humans, and transforms them," the Chevalier explained. "Bradamante simply killed one."

"If we had Jeanne, we might have been able to exorcise them, but…" Marie shook her head.

Sasaki glared at the faint green mist. "Is there a way to guard against her poisons?"

"I can protect myself," d'Eon said slowly. "Majesty?"

"I might be able to reduce the effects on you two. This is France's seat of power, so I do have certain privileges." Marie frowned. "But if she unleashes her full power, we'll be in grave danger."

A faint pink glow revolved around Marie, Sasaki, and Atalanta.

"Everything is ultimately for survival. If you wish to pursue me, I will give no quarter." LaVoisin's tired voice grew cold. "It will not be my pyre that burns tonight, Lily-Queen. God does not smile on those born outside of coin, so we learn to thrive on our own merit."

"You claim you did all you did to survive?" Atalanta growled.

"Hardly. It may have begun as such. Who can say? But eventually I did succumb to greed, and against my better judgement I reached my grasp towards one on the throne. Coin keeps one from the pain of poverty, and desperation can easily be replaced by desire once means are secured."

"And yet you claim to deserve clemency?" d'Eon mused, striding into the mist. Something flickered in their eyes, but they sharpened immediately after. The rest of them followed.

"No. I am damned. Regardless how much of my legend is true, I still killed and drugged countless people. Rivals for power. Targets for assault. Parents for inheritance. Prayers for a miracle. I reveled in the power to hoodwink those who found themselves my betters, all in a phial of concoction or the touch of a palm. I drowned myself in drink to kill my conscience. Or perhaps just for its own sake? Long ago or yet to come, it's so far away. All that's left is the mercenary in me, I suppose. I offered my inaction for my life, and it was rejected."

Bradamante tensed as the candelabrum that dotted the halls erupted into flickering green light, then dashed forward as vanguard for her comrades. They followed her.

"And now our new bargain is struck. Instead of coin we exchange blows, and whichever of us has our fill first will die. So come to my parlor, brave heroes. I am not in the practice of leaving my customers unsatisfied."

Downsides of flying: incredibly uncomfortable.

And terrifying, apparently!

...upsides of flying: you don't need to deal with the geometry of the landscape or footing or anything - you can get from point A to point B very, very quickly.

This I learned as we soared over what appeared to be a broken-down church. Now, abandoned churches aren't too terribly common (to my limited knowledge), but there were a few details that indicated we'd found the place.

Yes. I do mean the tentacles.

I lifted my leg over the wyvern and pitched myself over the side, focusing on my armor. Channeling mana, I willed it into the vest, forcing it… That was how it worked, wasn't it?


Yes, yes!

Four oblong shapes shot out of my back and began to jitter back and forth, creating an updraft that slowed my fall. A brief look over my shoulder revealed insectoid wings with translucent skin and veins of pure silver. The vest had extended to cover my entire torso in a skintight film covered with glowing Fairy Runes, leaving my arms bare except the bracers.

I thought dragonfly wings would be more suitable than butterfly for you. You're welcome~

"YOU SAID YOU DIDN'T HAVE WINGS!" Oh, right, Ritsuka. How do I explain…?

"I LIED!" I shot forward, my ring of wind gleaming brightly as a claymore manifested in my hands.

With an overhead swing, the pressure twisted around the blade and turned the tentacle before me into pulp. The path ahead cleared, I dismissed the claymore and grabbed my wand, letting the light I used to etch runes shine into the magus' lair.

Medusa's chain whipped past my face as she flipped over a grasping tendril, and lashed around a support she used to change her trajectory midair. A barrage of spines flew at her, only to be intercepted by Cu Chulainn's spear as he flashed into existence before her.

With a twist of my wrist and a pulse of mana through my ring of ice, frozen spires erupted from the ground and pierced through the massive tentacles enshrouding the area, lifting them up and letting the moonlight in.

Artoria and Jeanne were fending off a twisted glob of flesh with strips of dark cloth emerging from it, dodging the repeated slams it made against the ground. Sieg struggled to stay close, his blade flickering with electricity that sent the tendrils spasming away with each strike.

The gob had a huge collar around it of some sort of cloth, and the weave seemed to be in black and red.

Behind it all, standing at an altar, was a man with short white hair, pale skin, and brown robes. His mad eyes and large teeth gleamed in the low light.

"You," he hissed lowly. "I had one mission from the king, and you spoiled it." A large, bulbous protrusion shot up in front of him. It squirmed then contracted, firing spines from its openings directly at me.

I readied my shield ring only for Cu to appear in front of me, spear flashing as the spines were swat off-course to embed in the ground.

"Oi! Don't just stand there!" He grinned. "Come on in!"

"Bleh!" I stuck my tongue out at him before darting in past him, trailing runes as I flung them around me. Wherever they landed, the flesh began to dissolve as golden flames chewed through it, sending a reverberating squeal through the structure. "Wait, where's Anastasia!?"

She appeared in a swirl of snow. "Waiting on you. Shall we?" she asked as the ground beneath us began to glow, moonlight reaching down.


Tentacles lunged at us, only for Artoria to appear and scythe through them with an agile spin of her blade.

"FIRE!" Spheres of violet energy fell upon us from directly above, too fast for Artoria to intervene-

Mash spun over me, shield tanking the barrage with ease. After the energy dispersed, she fell to the ground on her feet behind me, shield at the ready. "Pay closer attention!"

Jeanne grimaced as she parried what was left of Gilles with her flag, knocking him backwards with a wide swing.

"You haven't killed it yet?"

Her shoulders tightened. "Joan…"

Black flames flickered on the edge of her vision, shooting out to intercept Giles' body as it prepared to lunge. With an inhuman shriek, it recoiled and slithered away.

"It's not him. It's just a thing made out of his body, keeping him from going back to the Throne." Joan lowered her blade. "All you're doing is prolonging his suffering."

Jeanne glanced back, where Sieg desperately fought away the attackers to keep her protected. Artoria, Medusa, and Cu Chulainn did the same- Artoria and Medusa for the Masters, Cu Chulainn for Matthew and Anastasia. Mash managed to keep deflecting Prelati's spellcraft as well as the lunging tendrils.

"If we can't give them breathing room, we'll never get any ground!" Joan grit out as they dodged an assault from Gilles' corpse, leaping away from each other. Prelati giggled madly in the background, fully deranged.

"Everything… everything… if I just stop him, then I can take everything back! Put back the dark, and the king will… the king will…!"

Joan raised her flag. "Time to clear the room. This is the roar of a soul polished by hatred!" The air quivered around her. "Le Grondement de La Haine!"

With a snarl, the blade was torn from its sheath. Black flames spat forth, erupting upwards and immolating the cocoon of tentacles that blocked out the light.

Jeanne moved in front of Joan, intercepting a massive blast of violet light as the flames continued their grisly work. The shockwave didn't even make it past her, the magic sliding off her like water.

The inferno continued to rage even as the moon shone down, revealing the battlefield in full.

Prelati stepped backward, fear written across his face. "This… isn't… You were supposed to fade and die! What is this!? How do you have the power to unleash this!?"

Black flames danced as Jeanne lifted her flag, eyes set on the desecrated body of her comrade.

"What a fucking idiot. Do I really seem like the kind of witch to punk out before my job's done?" Jeanne could hear the sneer in Joan's voice. "It's your pyre now, motherfucker! Try and stop me!"

With a single lunge, Jeanne ran Gilles through, black flames flanking her and charring the tentacles around her to ash.

The twisted blob shuddered once. It collapsed into violet sparks, flowing off of her flag's point seamlessly. There was no face to show expression, to tongue to speak… yet all Jeanne could feel from the slaughtered horror was a sense of relief and gratitude.

Jeanne offered a silent prayer for the man she knew.

Pale light shone from beneath her feet, and Jeanne glanced down to see a spiral of alien letters expanding across the ground.

"And now we're in business!" Matthew shouted out gleefully.


Massive tentacles like great trees erupted from the ground flanking Prelati, sweeping through the lingering flame and barrelling through the ruined church.

Marie leapt across the ballroom floor, dodging a pair of possessed thralls. With a spin, glittering light shot from her hand and slammed into one, stunning it long enough for a green arrow to lodge in its throat.

She did her best to ignore the redheaded man falling to the floor as the monster faded away. The rolling head indicated Sasaki had far less trouble dispatching the other.

"Majesty?" d'Eon asked.

Marie just shook her head.

"We're getting close," Bradamante warned. "Of course she'd be in the throne room."

Their footsteps echoed as they kept moving forward.

"How many have we slain?" Sasaki mused. "If there are greater numbers ahead, we may have some trouble."

"That was five," Atalanta replied, her eyes scanning the empty halls. "They seem prone to ambush tactics, and have next to no teamwork. Physically strong and a threat to most beings, but slow compared to a proper Servant. Their intelligence is low at best. Shock troops that benefit from a leader."

"A perk of having a huntress around," d'Eon remarked. "At least one of us has experience fighting this sort of enemy."

"She's still trying to drive us off," Marie said after a few moments. "Why?"

"Simple. She wants to live, and even with the power afforded her, she doesn't think she can win." Atalanta's ears twitched. "Not directly. She thinks that if she strains us just enough, we'll abandon the hunt. Make it cost enough that we'll prioritize our lives first."

Bradamante still bled from her first skirmish, and signs of wear were starting to show on the others. Marie could see the use of such a mindset, assuming a different kind of opponent.

The Caster's poison ebbed and flowed, and it was only by Marie's Grace of God that she was able to keep the effects at bay from Atalanta, Sasaki, and herself. d'Eon, she knew, could use self-suggestion to ignore the hallucinogenic effects, and Bradamante's Magic Resistance made her outright immune.

Once they cornered LaVoisin, the tide could rapidly change if she decided to stop holding back. Bradamante's magic nullifying power would be indispensable, if she were permitted to use it. And given the lack of further attackers, LaVoisin had evidently decided to consolidate her forces as best she could in preparation for such an event.

They stopped outside the large double doors leading to the throne room.

"She's in there," Atalanta confirmed, eyes narrowing. She nocked an arrow and drew her bow taut. Sasaki and d'Eon readied their blades in response.

Bradamante charged forward shield-first, bashing the door down. Splinters flew, revealing the scene inside.

Thick, dark fog swirled along the floor, seeming to drink in all the light. The remainder of the demon-possessed familiars lurked in billowing clouds, goat-headed shadows projected against the mist.

LaVoisin sat, slumped over on the throne. If Marie hadn't known who she was, she would have passed her off as an older woman of no consequence. Her clothes were plain, and she looked for all the world as though she was napping.

Next to her was a grotesque, malformed shape. It resembled a guillotine, if the wood were replaced with meat and bone, and the blade an elegant sword. Where the head would be inserted was a visage she recognized all too well. Though stained red and shot through with bulging veins and arteries, she recognized the pleading eyes and soft, white hair.

"Sanson," Marie gasped, tears pricking her eyes.

"Prelati's work. He was initially called to serve the Dragon Witch by Giles de Rais. Of course, things fell out as they did. Carmilla, Martha, and Kiyohime were disposed of, since they would not appropriately serve. Georgios was captured and executed." LaVoisin gave a mirthless smile. "The great fool liked to talk."

"Why help him, LaVoisin? What could he offer you?" Marie stepped forward.

The poisoner paused. Her eyes sharpened as she took in Marie's profile. "Survival. He told me of the incineration of human history. I hoped that by throwing my lot in with him, I could outlast it." She shook her head. "A fool's wager. Had I known then what I did now - that he simply wishes to see things unravel into chaos - I would have played my cards closer and eliminated him at first convenience. Whether or not I could maneuver amongst Chaldea as I did the aristocracy is a moot point, now."

Atalanta took aim. "This only ends one way." Her eyes blazed with hatred, her bow straining with the force of the pull.

"Indeed. I used everything at my disposal to ensure first my survival, then my comfort. It failed me then, and has failed me now. But I will not go quietly."

The clouds billowed as LaVoisin slowly rose to her feet.

"This was never about revenge. I just wanted to live a little longer, so I followed what I thought was the strongest side. Whether that was true, the critical missteps have shattered any possibility of victory. I won't walk away from this." Her gaze was tired. "But I can at least make you regret forcing my hand."

Marie shivered. Through her entire speech, LaVoisin hadn't given a single sign of emotion. Not regret or fear, sorrow or rage. Just cold, detached acceptance. This was a woman who had burned her heart out long ago.

Atalanta loosed her arrow, only for it to be blocked by Sanson's blade unraveling from his distorted shape with a broken cry.

With a clash of metal on metal, the clouds erupted forward.

"This is where my life has led. All my art, all my obfuscation, all for nothing. Everything I touch is corrupt, and there is no salvation." LaVoisin's eyes gleamed hollowly.

"L'affaire des Poisons."

The tide of venom exploded, and everything turned to agony.

I flipped out of the way as a twisted limb swept the ground.

"Lord Chaldeas!"

With that cry, the massive blue wall appeared between our Masters and the battle, Mash holding her shield resolute.

Medusa ran down one gigantic tendril, mirrored across the battlefield by Cu Chulainn as they darted towards Prelati, only to be interrupted by smaller tentacles that they were forced to dismember.

The field kept them from respawning, but Prelati was cornered. He clearly had no issue spending more mana to create more attacks, and the rain of violet light that kept Jeanne pinned in place, flag raised high was only another sign of that.

Sieg huddled down, eyes narrowed and looking for a chance to intervene.

"Can you get me an opening?" Artoria asked, landing near me and brandishing her blade.

"Can you get me an opening?" Anastasia retorted, a wall of ice pinning an overhead strike in place. "That book is more trouble than it's worth."

I opened my mouth slightly, only to feel my chest clench as Cu went flying overhead, body twisting through the air. He collapsed to the ground, Medusa landing near him. It looked like his limbs were all in the right place, and he was already stirring to get up.

That said, I was still done.

"Matthew-" Artoria began.

Fuck this.

He has nothing that can harm you. Just keep an eye on your allies. A sense of grim satisfaction filled Morgan's voice. Go. Unleash the full power of a Faerie Queen.


I shot forward, clad in gold and silver light. The armor expanded in a wave of metal, encasing my entire body, head to toe. My wand sank into my hand, and each finger was wrapped in a replica of it. The rings moved, their gems set into the back of my clawed gauntlets. My new helm had the fangs of some great cat above my forehead, and beneath my chin.

With a single swipe of my hand, letters poured into the air and slammed into the barrier of flesh with a hissing roar. Golden flames ate away, quickly joined by darker ones.

"THAT'S THE SPIRIT, BRAT!" Joan roared with glee. "LET'S FRY THIS FUCKER!"

With a metallic scream, I unleashed a gout of wind and flame, pushing forward.

Cu Chulainn lurched to his feet. "Did it work?" he grunted out.

Medusa turned her head to him for a brief moment, then looked ahead. He followed her blindfolded gaze, and-

Matthew was wrapped in that fairy metal. He had his wings, but looked like a bestial automaton otherwise. A catlike helm adorned his head, and a lashing bladed tail extended from his spine. Claws like his wand clung to his hands and feet, the armor having consumed his mystic codes.

And Prelati's attack had ceased, because he was constantly summoning a barrier to keep Joan and Matthew at bay.

Artoria hefted her blade, only for the dragon lad to shoot past her. She lowered it with an amused look and shake of her head.

Typical. She was the sort to indulge the honor of her allies, be it for good or ill. Though, Cu couldn't say he was too different.

"'s hoping he won't be too pissed with me," Cu sighed.

Medusa smirked slightly. "I wonder if part of this wasn't so he'd beat on you a little."

"Not a masochist," Cu retorted.

She chuckled as the Hound of Ulster rolled his shoulder with a groan.

Nope. Definitely not a masochist. Fuck, but he hoped this lit a real fire under him. Couldn't do anything for his sister, but maybe that was for the best.

...though Matthew doing his best Berserker impression did do some interesting things for Cu. And that was a lot of blood that wasn't his.

He was utterly unrepentant as the Ice Duchess strode past him with a foul look on her face.

I lashed forward with twin whips of golden fire, carving a little deeper into the barrier in front of me.

"Damn if it doesn't… keep… coming!" Joan growled.

The wall of tentacles was suddenly illuminated by pale blue light.

"Start Transformation!"

"Sieg!" Jeanne cried out.

Black flames boiled forward along Joan's arms as she pushed her blade closer. "C'mon! If we keep this up…!"

I flexed my claws and leaned in, my own golden fire roaring forth, flickers of letters trailing my body as the shifting meat began to give.

"The pilgrimage to the beyond. I am the one who soared with the heavenly cup, the one who became the wicked dragon!"

Heat poured down my back, and I felt a bead of sweat roll down my neck.

"My flag, defend our brethren! Luminosité Eternelle!" At Jeanne's call, a golden light enveloped Joan and I.


A pair of massive tentacles, far larger than any before, raised up overhead, and began to plummet.

The dragon of the crystal palace soared overhead, catching one in each claw.

"Torch everything!" Sieg boomed. "Akafiloga All-Grið!"

The azure inferno descended, tearing through the barrier in front of us.

"Allons-y!" Joan sped forward, her black flame incinerating limb-sized tentacles as they sprouted from the ground, rising from a purple mist which spilled from Prelati's book.

I shot ahead, straight at the monk himself. I held a hand out, and a circle of runes blasted forward, clashing with an invisible wall.

Prelati took a step back, raising his book higher. "Awake! Awake that which is dead but dreaming! Come-!"

A massive hand, large as a limb of the giant goat, erupted from the ground behind him. It was covered in slime and scale, and an equally sized suckered tentacle flexed around it.

Instantaneously, it was enclosed in a cage of words, glowing in silver light.

<By Writ of the King of Magecraft: No Summons Achieved By This Book May Endanger The World As a Whole. The Contract is Violated.>

"Eh?" Prelati's wide, mad grin froze. His grip on the book loosened but a little.

And it vanished.

As we charged, his eyes widened.

Anastasia giggled as she dropped the foul thing to the ground at her feet, letting Viy freeze the moisture off her hand and shatter it away. "Keep an eye on your precious items, Prelati. You never know if a 'Little Devil' may spirit them away."

She watched from afar as Prelati was run through on Joan's blade, and Matthew reached forward, both lunging through the ring of runes he had thrown.

"ARTORIA!" Ritsuka cried out.

Prelati jolted upright. "I MAKE AN OFFER-"

A pink gob of flesh flew overhead, cutting Prelati off with a gurgling scream. Anastasia's eyes widened as blood poured from the man's mouth, down Matthew's gauntlet-clad hand. Joan fell back as the claws began to rend into him, tearing and pulling-

Anastasia did not want to know-

"THAT'S A-" the dragon squawked-


Artoria raised her blade high, causing the Caster-gone-Berserker and Joan to evacuate. Blood shone across Matthew's body, and…

Prelati collapsed over the altar, rib-crowned abdomen open to the sky, missing an entire leg.

The giant hand twitched, covered with a visual static, and vanished.

Anastasia glanced down at the book as it faded. Her eyes rose again.

The Grail remained in Prelati's hand.

"Is he dead?" Ritsuka asked hoarsely.

It erupted with light, sending a skyward spiral of white radiance. Prelati's body vanished as the column solidified, spinning vibrantly. The pillar widened, coming to a halt in front of the gathered heroes.

Anastasia took stock. Mash was mostly unharmed, but Sieg had collapsed, drained of energy from his transformation and the effort of burning the barrier down. Joan was flagging, but Jeanne still seemed to have energy left. Medusa and Cu were visibly roughed up, and she herself was running low after unleashing Viy and establishing the bounded field. Artoria and Matthew seemed to be the most combat-ready.

The light faded, revealing a black, chitinous tower studded with massive red eyes like those of a fly. They bulged in their sockets, gazing over the battlefield.


That. Sounded. Unfortunate.

A black, buzzing cloud descended from the stare of one eye, colliding with Anastasia's return shot of snow, wind, and ice.

She held it at bay as Medusa and Cu Chulainn dragged Joan and Sieg behind Mash, leaving Jeanne, Artoria, and Matthew at the front.

Along with herself.

She grit her teeth-

"By the power of this command seal, I order you to win this fight!"

Power flooded her body, and she let out a relieved sigh. "As you command, Master!"

The shield slammed into place, and Anastasia pushed forward, keeping the pressure off of Mash as she made her way to the side of the others.

Gold light wrapped around their bodies as Jeanne raised her flag once more.

"If you two have something that can handle this, soon would be best!" Anastasia cried out.

Artoria readied her blade and lunged forward, Matthew soaring in her wake.

Anastasia kept countering the new streams of insects with her own blasts of winter, hoping they had something resembling a plan to take the 'Demon Pillar' down.

Bradamante reeled as the goats leapt at her in unison, barely managing to fend their claws away with her spear and shield.

d'Eon had outright collapsed to one knee, and Marie convulsed in place as the poison took its toll.

The Affair of the Poisons- of course! It had increased potency against nobles! Those two were French nobility, if she didn't have her ring she'd be just as bad off!

With a gasp, she was wrenched out of the air and flung through the clouds, coming to a stop atop something damp and rigid.

The poison cleared just enough for her to see the blade overhead as sinew wrapped around her hands and throat, disarming her.

"lE Es-" The blade shone, dangling delicately by threads.

"Tsubame Gaeshi."

The air whipped around Bradamante, and a long blade carved through her restraints before the sword could move.

Sasaki gave a disgruntled look as she rolled to her feet, shield and spear returning. "That is meant to be a deathblow, not a means to sever restraints. Though using it to ensure-"

Sanson collapsed, the blade clattering to the ground.

"Ah. I do detest this fog." Sasaki twitched, then spat blood on the ground.

Low bleating echoed, and the instant Bradamante raised her spear to enact her Noble Phantasm, she was once more-

Green arrows snapped through the air, forcing the beasts back.

"Low visibility, pack tactics." Atalanta's voice rang out. "Still not enough."

"Angelica Cathay!" Green light roared from Bradamante's spear, and the fog rolled away with it. The throne room was revealed.

Sanson twitched feebly, only stopping when Bradamante quickly ran him through, freeing him from his twisted body with a shower of golden light from where he was pierced.

LaVoisin had already left, leaving the roaring minions behind.

Marie struggled to her feet, Bradamante immediately at her side to support her.


A cacophony of roaring and bleating answered her.

"That would be a no," Atalanta rasped.

Out of the entire group, Bradamante was the only one unscathed. As they were now, the demonic goats were more than enough of a threat.

d'Eon rose slowly. "Your Majesty."

Marie nodded stiffly. "I know. You can take care of things here?"

Bradamante opened her mouth to protest.

"Down the hall and to the right. She hasn't gone far," Atlanta grit out, blood trickling down her chin.

Flames glowed brightly outside the throne room, beyond the reach of Bradamante's field.

"Marie-" Bradamante tried again.

The queen raised a single gloved hand to the air.

"Glitter and gleam, inspiring hope. This is the legacy of the crown of lilies!" She gave a wide, beatific smile. "Vive la France! Guillotine Breaker!"

Three of the goats were bowled over as a horse made of crystal erupted from the air, and Marie mounted it as it dashed by. Glitter and petals scattered in its wake, and Bradamante felt a gentle and refreshing energy flood her body.

d'Eon sprang to their feet, and sketched a quick step. "En garde, demons! I shall show you the might of a Knight of France!" They darted forward, their wounds vanishing in the gleaming air.

Sasaki gave a low chuckle, visibly growing stronger as new lilies fell around the Chevalier's dance. "In such scenery… I can pretend even demons to be swallows."

Bradamante held her sigh in. Honestly, it was no worse than working with her king and Astolfo.

Atalanta caught her eye as she loosed an arrow, and smirked. A goat, lamed by the shot, tripped onto d'Eon's blade, only to be slung away as the knight continued their dangerous dance.

Oh. It was on. With a boastful grin, Bradamante charged. "Come, comrades! Let's make sure there's nothing for Marie to fear once she comes back!"

LaVoisin stared out the window at the looming void in the world, two specks of light charging towards it in the far-off distance.

"So it truly was a false hope. Right from the beginning." She closed her eyes. "Though my arts would mean little… perhaps in my next life I might be of aid to those who would fight for survival. For the right price, of course."

Galloping echoed through the hall behind her.

Slowly, Catherine Monvoison turned, a peaceful smile on her face. "And not a one of you dead."

Marie's look of determination greeted her as her mount reared back hooves plunging forward.

"Well played, Marie Antoinette. Well played. Ah, one last thing…"

The horse crashed down, a wave of crystals erupting from the floor and rushing towards Catherine's unmoving body.

"This is a death to be preferred, compared to the pyre. Bonne nuit, Marie."

Her corpse hung but for a moment before dissolving into pale green sparks. She had no reason to dally.

After all, start to finish… this contract was an absolute mess.

Jeanne's power engulfed Artoria and I as we charged through the storm of chaos at the foot of the Pillar, Anastasia's ice holding its magic at bay away from our Masters as they tended the wounded.

With a sweep of my arm, massive runes slammed into an invisible wall, sending sheets of flame and lightning across it.

"It appears durable." Artoria held her blade in front of her. "Joan and Sieg are incapacitated by the use of their own power, and the others are either wounded from our earlier engagement or tired from it. Can you break through for me?"

The one thing you have doesn't have the power to destroy that barrier at first brush, as it is a rapid buildup. It would slough away. Using it to destroy the pillar, though…

What is it?

Aegis Titania is one of three Phantasms spread across both of my aspects. There is one for each face alone - Seelie and Unseelie. My Seelie aspect emphasizes my runes, my crafting, and the power of spring and summer. That Noble Phantasm has the power to eradicate a Demon Pillar, or at least their manifested forms.

"If you can break down that wall, I can kill it!" I replied finally.

Artoria's blade went high. "Done!" Light gathered around it, the letters along the sword gleaming brightly.

I held my hands in front of me, palm-down as I lifted into the air.

"HURRY!" Jeanne cried out, bits of cloth tearing from her flag.

"And so it begins." Merlin smiled, leaning on the windowsill of his tower, gazing at the flowers below. "Show me what it means to be a Prince of Avalon, little one."

The image of the Witch of Dun Scaith scoffed behind him. "We'll see. If he can't pass a trial this simple, then-"

A woman, taller than either, stood. Her blonde hair cascaded down, bangs held back by a silver diadem set with diamond and jet. Her choker was much the same, as was the armor she wore, etched with runes as it was. Her green eyes shone as a shawl of opaque cloth fluttered around her shoulders.

"Watch." She smiled. "It's time."

"Let's put an end to this." Brilliant light stormed around the blade, breaking the darkness exuded by Bael.

"I call on the breath of the Planet. Grace this world of impermanence with your light, and show us your guiding radiance." Golden light coalesced in my hands, countless Fairie Letters melding into a sphere.

"The gathering breath of the star. The shining torrent of life." The Sword of Promised Victory blazed, and Artoria drew it back but an inch more, wind whipping around the bottom of her dress.

"I address. I announce. Let us swing wide the door to the long-lost paradise!" I slammed my palms forward, and the light began to spin in all possible directions, halos extending and inscribing magic circles in the air.

"EX---CALIBUR!" The sword fell, and the force of the swing tore through Bael's barrier, shattering the air as light washed over the Pillar.


The seed left my hands, and revolved rapidly around the base of Bael, inscribing a circle of runes in its wake. "Let the faultless pass, and cleanse the transient sin! GATE! OPEN!"

Light erupted beneath Bael, and the sigils of the magic circle gleamed even through its body.

I felt the energy leave my body as my eyes flew wide.

"Glimpse eternity! ANNWYN! ATARAXIA!"

One, two, three jolts of power flooded my body. "GO! MATTHEW!"


Brilliant light erupted from the earth and stretched toward the heavens, connecting to the horizon itself. Bael was engulfed, its bellow of disbelief fading beneath the roar of Avalon's unleashed fury.

Given form and focus, the power of the everdistant utopia was truly a matchless weapon.

I floated downward as the torrent of light continued to breach the heavens, but somehow I wasn't blinded. It was like a rushing geyser, ripples and waves of incandescent radiance erupting heavenwards as petals of light scattered around it.

Artoria's shoulder slid under my arm, supporting me as the pillar gradually faded.

The golden cup clattered to the ground at our feet, rolling innocuously towards us.

I looked tiredly at Artoria. "Can someone else get that?" I croaked.

It vanished.


Jeanne fit under my other arm, and the two women hobbled me around- my legs barely supported me.

The other Servants' wounds were all but healed, light clinging to their bodies as they stared in awe. Anastasia hefted the Grail in one hand, a smug gleam in her eye. Viy was cradled in her other, a tiny switchblade in its grip and wiggling excitedly.

Fou's tail lashed as he sat on Ritsuka's shoulder, a look of relief on my Master's face.

Mash darted forward and nearly dislodged me from my perch with a tight hug. "Don't you ever scare me like that again," she growled in my ear.

"Eh-heh…" I grinned awkwardly. "I'll try?"

She stepped back, and I squawked as Cu scooped me into his arms, taking my burden from Artoria and Jeanne.

Kadoc huffed in amusement, then stilled. "Guys. Look."

I peeked over Cu's shoulder, gazing upwards. There was still the ring of light in the sky, now fully revealed.

There was also a hint of pink light on the horizon.

"Dawn," Ritsuka said in a tone of pure pride.

Medusa slid her shoulder behind my head as the others gathered to watch the sunrise, and Cu tightened his grip.

Hold up, are Anastasia and Kadoc holding hands!? When'd that happen!?


The day is different in the normal world than Avalon. It lacks that oppressive mana, for one. Though the air is still plenty clean.

I was still recovering, so I sat on the hillside as Mash ran, Fou chasing at her heels as she laughed bright and loud. Anastasia had joined her, and her own giggles burst forth as Viy rolled of its own volition.

Atalanta sat alone for mere moments before Jeanne joined her. They exchanged a long look before Atalanta gave a small smile and turned away, Jeanne matching her expression. Then Sieg joined them, and took the saint's hand - reducing her to a blushing mess.

That lasted all of a minute before Astolfo tackle-hugged them, laughing loudly.

"It's good that they're happy."

I looked over at Siegfried, his back slowly healing as he lay on his stomach. Elizabeth napped a bit further away, curled up peacefully.

"They'll probably be over here next, unless I miss my guess," I offered. Cu Chulainn and Medusa were nowhere to be seen, but I had my suspicions as to what they were up to. If I had any energy whatsoever, I'd have gone to join them.

Siegfried smiled. "I know."

"The last thing you need is to be at the epicenter of that," Bradamante said scoldingly. She scooped me up under my arms and carried me like a naughty cat away from Siegfried, who gave a lax wave as Astolfo charged his prone form, skidding into a kneel by his side.

"Thanks for the save," I joked lightly.

"Sure." There was no heat or venom in her words.

"No threats this time?"

Bradamante set me down gently. "No. Not this time." She smiled. "I admit to misjudging you."


I blinked. "What brought this on?"

"Who cares? Just accept it!" Charlie flopped down next to me. "Ah, breathe that fresh air! And there they go!" He pointed towards Mash and Anastasia.

Marie had joined in, dragging an utterly perplexed Joan along as Jeanne began to laugh merrily. Mozart, Sasaki and d'Eon leaned near each other, whispering in clear amusement.

"Man… at least we get this for a little bit." Charlie smiled as Mash dragged Ritsuka along, Joan brightening at the addition. Ritsuka flushed, but started running along with them, Fou darting through his legs.

Anastasia pouted at Kadoc until he visibly sighed, then darted forward, snatching up Viy and dashing over the grass away from the playfully shouting royal.

"Everyone's sure having a good time." Cu appeared, sitting in front of me and flopping into my lap, arms over my thighs and the back of his head against my chest.

Medusa materialized, draped over my shoulders. "Yes. This is the best outcome we could have hoped for."

Bradamante gave me a wry look. "You are one lucky brat, you know that?"

I huffed. "What was that about misjudging me!?"

"Oh, I did. You're not an evil magus. You're just a cranky kid who's bad at hiding that they like people more than they want to admit."

Charlie guffawed as I sputtered, Bradamante giving me a sidelong smirk.

The clouds rolled overhead. I knew that soon, most of these people would fade back to the Throne until and unless we had the fortune to call them to Chaldea. But for now… I was going to exist with them.

A flicker of a knight in dark armor flashed through my mind.

Yeah. I'm gonna cherish what I got.

Slowly, the girl kicked her legs. "And the more that power gets used, the more it's cemented into 'this reality'." She smiled as she gazed over the stark emptiness. "Either the role of 'Earth' or 'Humanity' will be redefined. If you get it, the Moon will reclaim what it lost, and a new age of cooperation will bloom between Alaya and Gaia."

The blonde woman gave her a severe look. "And if you attain it, mankind will cease to be as it currently exists. Even that which you love will fade." Morgan's armor glimmered in the low light.

"Maybe." The young girl was clad in a seafoam dress, the seven-winged tattoo splayed over her collarbone. Her short white hair danced in an invisible wind. "Still, to think a version of my beloved's sister would be my rival. And we've both chosen our champions, haven't we?"

Morgan nodded. "And as we delve deeper, we will see what the false king's trials dictate."

"Will the power of the fae work alongside man to save the human order?" the girl wondered.

"Or will the human order break down- under his machinations and yours, only for you to subvert the incineration at the last minute?" Morgan smiled. "My, my. You truly do have an uphill battle, little girl."

She giggled. "Oh, don't you worry. Your champion is still learning to love, and mine may well stop him from it. After all, love will win. Either his for the slowly discovered world…"

The girl stood, and Morgan vanished with a small frown, her illusion ended.

"Or mine for my dear Saber."

With an air of pure innocence, Manaka Sajyou smiled.

A/N: Edited the fluffy scene because I forgot Elizabeth. She is now asleep because she's still tired. Four nights of non-stop idol work, man.
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Matthew Kyrielight, Stage 2
Name: Matthew Kyrielight
Class: Caster (Demi-Servant)
Alias: Problem Child, Kyrielight, 'Darling', Naughty Apprentice
Alignment: True Neutral

Likes: His Family, His Friends, His Lovers, Nice People, Sass, Food, Sex, Games
Hates: Shirking Responsibility, Inhuman Logic, Pointless Martyrdom, Pointless Cruelty
Talents: Crafting, Mockery, Modeling

Natural Enemies: Shirou Emiya, Beryl Gut, Romani Archaman?

Family: Mash (Sister), Morgan Le Fay (Mother Figure), Artoria Pendragon (Maybe-Aunt)


STR: E (C)
AGI: D (B)
MAN: B++ (Reduced)
NP: A++?


Territory Creation (A)

Item Construction (A) (Reduced)

Illusion (B/D) (Reduced)

Charisma (B) (Sealed)

Universal Language (B/EX) (Adapting)

Runic Magecraft (Faerie) (A)

Hybrid (B+): This skill seems to be steadily increasing over time as Matthew slowly changes to adapt to his powers.

Midsummer's Glory (A): Amplifies all light, healing, and defensive magecraft used by the Caster by one rank.


Noble Phantasms:

Aegis Titania (Armaments of the Faerie Queen) (A): A composite Noble Phantasm made up of several pieces of Armor. Each piece has a number of functions unique to it, as well as a collective function activated by calling its true name.
  • The diadem acts as an occluding force to attempts at scrying, a defense against mental assaults, and a focus to sharpen mental acuity.
  • The choker allows the wearer to breathe regardless of circumstance, and should they suffer a deathblow, regenerates the damage once. The second effect requires time to recharge after use.
  • The bracers grant a STR of C, denoted in the Parameters. It also manifests all weapons Morgan Le Fay trained with, and grants a level of competency of an equivalent rank.
  • The greaves grant AGI of rank B, increasing speed and reflexes to match. They also provide a ward against being entrapped.
  • The vest grants a measure of shapeshifting equivalent to a C+ rank in Self-Modification. It negates all attacks A rank and down, and reduces all blows that land by a similar amount.
Upon activation, the armor encases the body and takes a form in tune with the wearer's nature. If any further mystic codes are equipped, they are assimilated for the duration of the Noble Phantasm's full use, and their powers added to the compilation.

Annwyn Ataraxia (Swing Wide the Gates of Paradise) (A++): An anti-army attack. Channeling the power of Avalon through a gate, it unleashes a pillar of pure, focused mana. Little that followed the Age of Gods can survive, and even those born in it take heavy damage. Once the flow ebbs, the mana suffuses the air around the former gate, granting energy and healing to those who can make use of it and granting ease in casting spells.

??? (A): ???

??? (EX): ???
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"Short version: there's things that modern magecraft Can Not Do. Some people break those rules because they either use those exceptions to try to get at the center of all creation or received the power from seeing it. Teleportation is a big one of those," I explained. "If there's old enough magecraft in play with several other extenuating factors, then it's possible to mimic. Otherwise… nah."

Mash raised her eyebrow at me.

"That's not history, that's theory. Stop judging me." I scowled.
Genius at theory, literally a normal student for history
She raised her gauntleted hand, and snapped her fingers with a sharp twist of her wrist.

Roaring filled the air as five wyverns swooped from the cloudless sky, winged two-legged lizards larger than a horse. They landed behind her, near the edge of Charles Patricius. They growled lowly as they stood, yellow eyes and black scales gleaming under the moon.

"Whoa…" Ritsuka's eyes shone.

"Dragon. Witch." Joan tossed her head imperiously. "So are we going or what?"
Right, totally not a chunni, I see you. You don't have to hid it.
"If it is part of what the public believes or believed, then it is part of her legend, Majesty," d'Eon demurred. "She will have the worst of perceptions as part of her being, right alongside the truth. Just as the best of perceptions can also be applied. All are true when considering a Servant."
I always wished they did a bit more with this concept like with the innocent monster stuff. Like with polarizing figures in particular - how would belief effect them? Napolean and Saleri are cool, I just wish they more with it.
"A fool's wager. Had I known then what I did now - that he simply wishes to see things unravel into chaos - I would have played my cards closer and eliminated him at first convenience. Whether or not I could maneuver amongst Chaldea as I did the aristocracy is a moot point, now."
Yeah, that probably would have been the better course of action in hindsight
<By Writ of the King of Magecraft: No Summons Achieved By This Book May Endanger The World As a Whole. The Contract is Violated.>
When everyone knows that you would endanger the world, even your employer.
Hold up, are Anastasia and Kadoc holding hands!? When'd that happen!?
Kadoc is 100% the "not my girlfriend" type right?
Doesn't matter, lots of teasing in the future.
"Oh, I did. You're not an evil magus. You're just a cranky kid who's bad at hiding that they like people more than they want to admit."
Except Marsbilly. But who's counting?
So, fun fact, I know zilch about Fate/Proto except Arthur. She's from there right?

one google search later....

Okay then...

Is this another Fou thing in the making? Because if not uh oh.

Also, I do actually want to give a little bit of critque, and I want to say Matthew is starting to fall a little bit close into the "solve everything and all great relationships" thing for my liking. I do understand that part of it is that he has Morgan, who is pretty high tier, as a demiservant and part of it is that we haven't really seen anybody who doesn't really like him or a more no-bias look at whatever happened with Marsbilly, Beryl, and the castration incident, but since you've said that you're trying not to fully stack the deck too much, I feel like I should put this down. It's still enjoyable, but for me it's starting to edge the line just a bit.
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With an air of pure innocence, Manaka Sajyou smiled.
Well, well, well. The Root-born monster, modern day Babylon The Great, and the first ever Fate Yandere. How fitting that she is the opponent for Morgan. Each from an an alternate reality. Each obsessed with a King of Camelot. And each fundamentally connected to the forces of the world.
Prelati took a step back, raising his book higher. "Awake! Awake that which is dead but dreaming! Come-!"

A massive hand, large as a limb of the giant goat, erupted from the ground behind him. It was covered in slime and scale, and an equally sized suckered tentacle flexed around it.

Instantaneously, it was enclosed in a cage of words, glowing in silver light.

<By Writ of the King of Magecraft: No Summons Achieved By This Book May Endanger The World As a Whole. The Contract is Violated.>

"Eh?" Prelati's wide, mad grin froze. His grip on the book loosened but a little.

And it vanished.

As we charged, his eyes widened.

Heh. Prelati tried to invoke the full, Anti-Principle power of his book to summon Cthulhu himself, but Goetia won't allow such a monstrosity in the world. As a Beast, he fundamentally loves humanity, and he won't permit them to be enslaved by the Great Old Ones.

With an air of pure innocence, Manaka Sajyou smiled.

Of course that vile little bitch would be involved. Arthur showing up in-game pretty much guaranteed she and her pet Beast would arrive eventually. Thankfully, a certain Assassin/Saber has an even stronger connection to Akasha than that bitch does...

"Glitter and gleam, inspiring hope. This is the legacy of the crown of lilies!" She gave a wide, beatific smile. "Vive la France! Guillotine Breaker!"

Three of the goats were bowled over as a horse made of crystal erupted from the air, and Marie mounted it as it dashed by.

I swear, every time I see this NP I think "Buttstallion?"
Matthew (FGO)
Name: Matthew Kyrielight
Cost: 0
Rarity: 4*
Class: Caster
Origin: Man/Earth

HP: 1,534/12,300
ATK: 1,836/11,283

Traits: Humanoid, Living Servant, Male, Weak to Enuma Elish, Human

Star Absorption: 50
NP Charge Attack: .57%
Death Rate: 30%
Star Generation: 8%
NP Charge Defense: 3.83%

Deck: BAAAQ (B)

Buster: 2
Arts: 5
Quick: 3
Extra: 4

VA: Romi Park
Artist: Takeuchi

Passive Skills

Territory Creation (A): Arts up 10%.
Item Construction (A): Increases own Debuff Success Rate by 10%.
Hybrid (B+): Charges own NP Gauge by 4% each turn.

Active Skills

Runic Magecraft (Faerie) (A): Cooldown 7/6/5. Party Attack up 10%/20%, three turns, Party Reduce Damage Taken 500/1000, three turns, Party gain 15% NP Charge.

Aegis Titania (A): Cooldown 7/6/5. Invulnerability 1 hit, 5 turns. Increase Defense by 10%/30% for three turns. Increase NP Gain Up 20%, three turns.

Universal Language (EX): Cooldown 8/7/6. 60%/100% chance to stun one target, one turn. Increase party Buster/Quick/Arts Effectiveness by 10%, three turns.

Noble Phantasm

Annwyn Ataraxia: Swing Wide the Gates of Paradise (A++)

Deals Damage to all Enemies. Heals Party for 1000.
Overcharge: Party gains NP Charge. 10%/15%/20%/25%/30%
Huh Matthew has a lot of potential NP useful but I have a feeling that having so many will come at a cost wont it?
Also, I do actually want to give a little bit of critque, and I want to say Matthew is starting to fall a little bit close into the "solve everything and all great relationships" thing for my liking. I do understand that part of it is that he has Morgan, who is pretty high tier, as a demiservant and part of it is that we haven't really seen anybody who doesn't really like him or a more no-bias look at whatever happened with Marsbilly, Beryl, and the castration incident, but since you've said that you're trying not to fully stack the deck too much, I feel like I should put this down. It's still enjoyable, but for me it's starting to edge the line just a bit.

You make a very good point. I'll be sure to have a rank-and-file POV very soon to fix that. Also, two things: I intend for Gilgamesh to show up very soon, which though he'll be... less... than his FSN version, will still be an issue. Second, I have the first 'event' for Matthew lined up to run concurrently with GudaGuda 1 (away from it), and he Won't Like It.

The fight against Bael did go smoothly, but it had a cost I'll tackle while writing the next chapter.

Huh Matthew has a lot of potential NP useful but I have a feeling that having so many will come at a cost wont it?

Invoking Aegis Titania to full is a mana drain, so he was already tired but running on adrenaline. Annwyn Ataraxia eats as much mana as an Excaliblast, so if it hadn't been for Ritsuka burning all his command seals? Yeah, we'll cover that when I get the next chapter ready.
Invoking Aegis Titania to full is a mana drain, so he was already tired but running on adrenaline. Annwyn Ataraxia eats as much mana as an Excaliblast, so if it hadn't been for Ritsuka burning all his command seals? Yeah, we'll cover that when I get the next chapter ready.

A standard Excaliblast, you mean. The full power of the Sword of Promised Victory, the Sword that Saves the World, has so far only been used once, against Sefar 14,000 years ago. Neither Artoria nor Arthur ever knew the true history of their respective blades, nor had any inkling that the power they unleashed was but a fraction of their blades' true glory.
Also just noticed, but since when did Romani get added to natural enemies? That doesn't bode well.

He was there before; I just added a question mark. Some of this, at least, is based on who Matthew is as a person. He views Roman as diametrically opposed to him at the moment, but adding the '?' allows for that status to change as Matthew grows to understand the world around him. I already changed his likes to reveal more info/reflect recent life experiences.

Beryl and Shirou-as-martyr are staying, though.
He was there before; I just added a question mark. Some of this, at least, is based on who Matthew is as a person. He views Roman as diametrically opposed to him at the moment, but adding the '?' allows for that status to change as Matthew grows to understand the world around him. I already changed his likes to reveal more info/reflect recent life experiences.

Beryl and Shirou-as-martyr are staying, though.

I completely forgot about it. I think it's because he's at the end of the list now
<By Writ of the King of Magecraft: No Summons Achieved By This Book May Endanger The World As a Whole. The Contract is Violated.>
I thought that an un-monitored Prelati was a bit much, even for Goetia. Even he doesn't fuck around with the Outer Gods, Zepar specifically said that Raum's plan was one Goetia would absolutely not approve of. Contractual restraints keeping Prelati's Foreigner potential confined to Outer Mooks goes a long way towards explaining why Goetia even kept Prelati around.
Invoking Aegis Titania to full is a mana drain, so he was already tired but running on adrenaline. Annwyn Ataraxia eats as much mana as an Excaliblast, so if it hadn't been for Ritsuka burning all his command seals? Yeah, we'll cover that when I get the next chapter ready.
Not surprised given he's a demi-servant there will always be a drawback given he's not a full blown servant

Also why did you let Manaka Sajyou into this wasn't there enough crazy as it is? Don't you have enough chaos as it is!
I also see that LaVoisin has resolved to answer should Chaldea end up calling her. I don't see Atalanta or d'Eon being too enthused, but I can totally see Marie trying to become friends(because Marie). Chaldea is that unique type of organization where certain behaviors and acts are absolutely forbidden, but they're in such a dire position so much of the time that they'll take on all comers, no matter the backstory(or previous encounters).

I'm curious to see if Prelati will answer the call. On one hand, they're a bunch of goodie goodies who hope to save the world(blargh); but on the other hand, Goetia totally backstabbed him(as far as he's concerned) with that stealth geass he slapped on the Spellbook.

I could see a state-of-affairs where basically all of Chaldea save Ritsuka absolutely loathes him and he's constantly the resident buttmonkey at pretty much everyone's expense, and at some point down the line he has an existential crisis at the fact he's actually made friends with Ristuka. Again, I can just as well see him never popping up again, but being summoned would be an arguably more torturous affair for him than just hanging around the Throne.
Heh. Prelati tried to invoke the full, Anti-Principle power of his book to summon Cthulhu himself, but Goetia won't allow such a monstrosity in the world. As a Beast, he fundamentally loves humanity, and he won't permit them to be enslaved by the Great Old Ones.
It's less that he loves humanity and more that he loves Gaia and Cthulhu is a very anti-Gaia creature.