I didn't think Joan would be Alter Ego, but in hindsight it makes sense.

FSN!Altria? Which route is she from, although Archer's probably going to be surprised.

Sieg! I love how Astolfo tries to hide it and he pops up literally within 24 hours.

If I'm being completely honest, I'm a little eager to watch Matthew accidentally blow up negotiations by going a little too far eventually. It's sadistic but I am :p

How to handle Jalter as Avenger? Fundamentally alter her as a character to the point she qualifies for another class, and is superficially the same but has 60% less baggage. Still best tsun, but with less unwarranted dragon murder.

I'd say this is probably Fate Artoria. It'll make her reunion with Emiya more fun and give more room for mischief.

Astolfo: What Do I DoHe's My Friend But
Matthew: Hold My Beer

And that is what Ritsuka, Mash, and eventually his friends and lovers are for: to be 100% of his impulse control. When possible.
I have a feeling Sieg and Jeanne are going to be adorable and Sieg and Astolfo will have an epic bromance that will involve Astolfo attempting to use him as a noble phantasm
The Charlie/Joan/Ritsuka/Mash dynamic is something I've never known I wanted until now.

Charlie goes full on anime hero, Joan complains but is secretly jealous, Mash is trying to stake her claim on Ritsuka, Ritsuka acts as the mediator as he and Charlie wonder what is up with Mash and Joan when they act competitive around him.

Co-starring High School Couple Senpais Kadoc and Anastasia with Mash's trickster brother and his fae teacher
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The Charlie/Joan/Ritsuka/Mash dynamic is something I've never known I wanted until now.

Charlie goes full on anime hero, Joan complains but is secretly jealous, Mash is trying to stake her claim on Ritsuka, Ritsuka acts as the mediator as he and Charlie wonder what is up with Mash and Joan when they act competitive around him.

Co-starring High School Couple Senpais Kadoc and Anastasia with Mash's trickster brother and his fae teacher
and the apocrypha bunch being adorable in the background
Oh this was great!

Astolfo being the worst at keeping secrets, Lancelot casually dissing Merlin, the Apocrypha interplay, Sieg in the flesh!

I was completely unaware of Charlie going into this story but you've quickly made him one of my new favourites!

And Aunty Arthur!

This shows grand potential.

And that's grand with a capital G.
Not surprised at all that you summoned Artoria @Blinktwice13 though I do look forward to her interactions with Matthew going forward! Also I'm all down for FateArtoria! I always love the Artoria/Shirou ships and would love to see their interactions!

Also I look forward to the Camelot Singularity I'm sure that one will be interesting to say the least.
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"It seems," Artoria said, "that I have a nephew in the time of my summoning. How very interesting."
By proxy, so is Mash. I can't help but imagine Godmother/Aunt Artoria from Fate/Sunny Order in this. It would be hilarious.

Btw if i remember correctly a way to know if you descend from a Heroic Spirit is if you can actually use their Noble Phantasms full effect, and i mean the real deal, not EMIYA's, and without their permission. I mean take Fragarach for example. It has been passed down the Fraga family line for generations and only one of their blood, someone with the blood of Lugh even if thinned, can use it. And yes, Fragarach is considered a Noble Phantasm, its a crystallization of humanity's imagination and a legend. It just so happens its considered a Mystic Code as well.
Have Charlie let Ritsuka hold Joyeuse and try to call forth its power without Charlie's input. If Rits can manifest the Paladin's blade wings and not just activate the sword's holy properties then there you have it.
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Thats it I am officially shipping Joan and Charlie. just the chunni edgelord play is too fun to not enjoy. Mash being jealous is fun and I am definetly enjoying the apocrypha interplay.
Thats it I am officially shipping Joan and Charlie. just the chunni edgelord play is too fun to not enjoy. Mash being jealous is fun and I am definetly enjoying the apocrypha interplay.
You want chunni edgelord from Joan? Get her to use Class Inheritance: Berseker and get ready for the ham, the asymmetry, the katanas, the scenery chewing and the gratuitous german coming from an evil fragment of a French girl turned saint. Summer Joan is Hilarious.
After the summoning of Sieg and Arturia I'm pretty confident that the next major fight scene is going to be pretty epic. Even though I obviously want to see the good guys win, I'm weirdly interested to see what type of malicious nonsense Prelati and co. can dredge up for the final fight.
Btw if i remember correctly a way to know if you descend from a Heroic Spirit is if you can actually use their Noble Phantasms full effect, and i mean the real deal, not EMIYA's, and without their permission. I mean take Fragarach for example. It has been passed down the Fraga family line for generations and only one of their blood, someone with the blood of Lugh even if thinned, can use it.

Not quite, the Fraga family have a special Sorcery Trait of [Inheritor], that allows them to use and remake Fragarach.

Otherwise, Gray wouldn't have been neccessary to wield Rhongomyniad.
Oooooooh, discussions between Lancelot and Artoria gonna be fun. Especially if they drift around a young lady with a so recognizable shield...

Also, Jeanne? I checked it out, Upstairs said you don't need to uphold the 'Holy Maiden' part too much anymore. Feel free to be disgustingly lewd with your Husbando while you can, by holding his hand for instance. And once this summit of perversion is reached, kisses and... other activities are of course allowed.

And Mash? I recommend kicking off, or more accurately accelerating, a Tsundere relationship between Charlie and Joan. That should disctract her of stealing your Husbando.
"We'll all go together when we go~" Mash murmured under her breath.
So she knows some songs, which really gives her a lot more character, even if her character is more snarky.
"Because life hates us and wants us all to suffer!" Astolfo chimed in joyfully.

...you know, I did not expect that from the pink one.

I like him!
And that's a person to charges to his possible death without hesitation!
"NOW I GET IT!" Astolfo shouted. He rounded on Sieg. "Gimme one of them scales!"

Sieg cowered as Astolfo approached, making grabby hands.

Oh my!
*Dials for MHXX because she's technically law enforcement right?*
Joan stepped out from behind Ritsuka. "I'll stay with this idiot."

Mash gave her a dour look, and she smirked.

Ooooh. Better establish the pecking order, sis.

"Is it just me or is she kinda into him?" Astolfo whispered.

"Which one?" I muttered.

So how many girls will Gudao accidentally seduce by the time Part 1 ends?
"Saber?" Ritsuka asked, entering her field of vision. He didn't get in front of me, thankfully, but he definitely set out to remind her of her surroundings.
"She's not Saber. She's...Baber."

"Beautiful last words, Rin."
Charlie gave me an impressed look. "That's so cool! You and your senior, fighting side by side against dark forces; using your spells to supplement his feats of strength! Totally a brothers-in-arms type deal!"

Astolfo gave Charlie a pitying look.

"Nnnnot quite." I grinned sheepishly.

"But the two of you seem so close! He even carried you to safety when you dropped from exerting yourself!" Charlie frowned in confusion. "You guys gotta be best friends or something."

"Shh. It's okay, Your Majesty." Astolfo raised his eyebrows at me.

"Ah, you're close, Chuck. He's my lover!" Cu grinned broadly.

Bradamante looked from me to Cu and back again. "...so many things make sense now."

"Eh?" Charlie blinked, smiling cluelessly.

Astolfo sighed. "Your Majesty, they're a couple."

"A couple of besties?"

Astolfo dragged his hand down his face. "Do you see what I have to work with?" he complained.

"He's courting me." I crossed my arms. "Is that an issue?"

"...I don't get it, but you guys obviously care about each other so whatever works!" Charlie flashed a thumbs-up.

I rubbed my forehead. "You know, that could have gone worse."

"Wait. The Lady Medusa, she went with you guys?" Charlie frowned in confusion.

...he's a good bean, but he kind of deserves this.

"Yeah, she's courting me too." I grinned widely. "It's quite fun!"

Charlie rubbed his chin. "Hm… maybe it's an Avalon thing? The prince is allowed to have multiple spouses? Without concern for gender?"

Was Charlie being dense on purpose? I can't see him being completely oblivious to the wording being used.

Although, him not realizing it at first does make some sense with the emphasis on a direct bloodline in his contemporary period I guess.
Was Charlie being dense on purpose? I can't see him being completely oblivious to the wording being used.

Although, him not realizing it at first does make some sense with the emphasis on a direct bloodline in his contemporary period I guess.

Honestly, I put that bit in as pure comedy. Also to use the 'couple of besties' meme unironically. I'll leave it up to the readership whether he was actually that clueless or just messing around.
Honestly, I put that bit in as pure comedy. Also to use the 'couple of besties' meme unironically. I'll leave it up to the readership whether he was actually that clueless or just messing around.

Personally I'll split the difference - if it's blatantly obvious or spelled out for him, he can tell, but if it's like Joan/tsun, he's more oblivious.

So since the whole FSN crew is apparently coming, the only ones left are Heracles and Cursed Arm for actual servants, and Ishtar!Rin, Eresh!Rin, and Parvati!Sakura as Psuedos. And Gil, Murasuma, and Rasputan!Kirei but doubt for now. Probably Cursed Arm before any of the others if I had to guess, or Parvati b/c Cursed Arm shows up in Camelot.

Emiya is so going to get thrown through the wall by Lancelot once they learn who he was.
Not sure when I'll bring in Heracles or Cursed Arm, but probably sooner than later.

The Pseudoservants will be later, but definitely pre-Babylonia.

I know exactly when Gil's going to show up, and that much is fully planned out.
Charlie (FGO)
Name: Charlemagne
Cost: 16
Rarity: 5*
Class: Saber
Origin: Earth (Chivalric Romances)

HP: 2,021/13,450 (Grail: 15,100)
ATK: 1,990/12,945 (Grail: 13,860)

Traits: Humanoid, Servant, Male, King, Good, Byrnhildr's Beloved, Weak to Enuma Elish

Star Absorption: 98
Star Generation: 12%
Death Rate: 30%
NP Charge Attack: 0.9%
NP Charge Defense: 3%

Deck: AABBQ (B)

Buster: 3
Arts: 4
Quick: 3
Extra: 8

VA: Ryohei Kimura
Artist: Arco Wada
Passive Skills

Magic Resistance (A): 20% Debuff Resist.
Riding (A): Increases own Quick Performance by 10%.
Active Skills

Mana Burst (Light) (A): Cooldown 7/6/5. Increases own Buster Performance 30%/50% for one turn. Charges own NP Gauge 10%/20%.

Over the Royal Road (C): Cooldown 8/7/6. Increases own Critical Damage 25%/50% for one turn. First critical of the turn grants Evasion for one turn. Second critical increases own defense 30%, three turns. Third critical grants Invulnerability, two hits, five turns. At the end of the attack, if the unit does not have Evasion Buff, decrease own Damage by 500 for two turns (demerit).

Holy Knight Emperor (EX): Cooldown 7/6/5. Increase party's attack 15%/25% for three turns. Increases party's damage against Demonic Enemies 20%/30% for three turns. Charge party's NP Gauge by 15%.
Noble Phantasm

Joyeuse Ordre: Exemplify the Heroic King, O' Twelve Radiant Swords That Travel the Wide World (A++)

Deals damage to all enemies. Apply Ignore Invincibility, one turn (applies first).
Overcharge: Increase party Star Generation 10%/20%/30%/40%/50% one turn (applies first).
Over the Royal Road (C): Cooldown 8/7/6. Increases own Critical Damage 25%/50% for one turn. First critical of the turn grants Evasion for one turn. Second critical increases own defense 30%, three turns. Third critical grants Invulnerability, two hits, five turns. At the end of the attack, if the unit does not have Evasion Buff, decrease own Damage by 500 for two turns (demerit).

Is the Intended Use similar time Emiya to use NP to feed critical stars in crits. Also I think that this is the first servant I've seen that has a NP self charge and party charge that isn't named Waver