Name: Catherine Monvoisin
Class: Caster
Alias: LaVoisin, Montvoisin
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Basis: Historical Fact
Origin: Man

Palm-reader, midwife, dealer of poisons, aphrodisiacs, and potions. Services included assassination by poison, abortions (for the nobility), and occasionally leading the Black Sabbath. Lead a network of fortune-tellers in Paris, and was the central figure in the Affair of the Poisons. Believed to have a body count upwards of 2,500. Primarily catered to nobility. Motivated by money and social power.


NP: A++


Chiromancy (D): The ability to divine fortunes from the reading of palms. The snatches of insight act as limited clairvoyance into possible futures of the target of the skill.

High-Speed Incantation (C)

Territory Creation (A)

Item Construction (C): Mainly focused in aphrodisiacs, poisons, and the like.

Inheritance Powder (B): Poisons made by LaVoisin or generated by her magecraft take effect as though one rank higher in potency against targets with noble or royal blood. A great number of her targets were parents of her customers, though they were not the only ones.

Noble Phantasms

L'affaire des Poisons: Death in Decadence Abounds (B): A crystallization of the 'Affair of the Poisons', the murder scandal that rocked the upper echelons of France in the late 1600s. The form it takes turns everything around it to poison, much like a certain wise queen's power. The air, the water, blood and fluids all become toxic. However, this is merely the first stage. The following aspect ignites the venom in a baleful blaze, crystallizing the burnings that resulted from accusations of witchcraft. A bounded field where death upon death unfolds. The more noble-blooded the targets within, the higher the damage multiplier is.

Black Mass: From Innocence, Power (A++): A rite to draw the attention of the Dark Prince of Hell, with... varying results. Requiring a setup much like in her life, LaVoisin can entreat demonic forces for riches, power, or fate. She can vastly enhance the luck of those in the audience, grant strictly material wishes, or invite the demons to possess and warp the bodies of the parishioners at her whim. If the last is chosen, they are transmogrified into goatlike Phantasmal Beasts of considerable power. The closer the materials are to the original rites, the more potent the effect chosen. The targets become as familiars to LaVoisin regardless, either as penance or as the beasts possessed by demons.
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Also Lancelot's gone rouge. Wonder who he'll run into first.
We can pray that it's the Phantom, or the guillotine Assassin. If we're really lucky, he'll chop Prelati into little pieces, but I doubt we'll be that fortunate. The only other 'positive' result would be if he ran into Matthew, and Morgan brought him back to himself. I doubt he can keep any starfish demons down even if he kills them.

Poor bastard.
Matthew and Romani are like a single parent trying desperately trying to connect with their distant, grudge holding child.

You can really see how much his grudge is affecting his thought process with his comment on how Marsbilly might have put him up to it. I don't think he was dumb enough to engineer a situation that would have most likely damaged the stability of his main resources.

Also Romani putting his hands in his face sums up my feelings everytime I see them have a conversation. I get he has a justified grudge, but with outside perspective I kinda lean more towards Romani in terms of sympathy.

Edit: Also love the running gag where everyone gets shocked Matthew doesn't know the historical figure they're talking to.

Exactly my intent. Things will gradually ease up between Roman and Matthew, at least until pre-Okeanos. Then I'll need to make a choice on how I want to proceed.

Either way, Roman will do His Best, and it will pay off.

In other news...
Liz: I'm the Blood Countess!
Matthew: Whomst? Are you some kind of idol?
Liz: ...yes. It's wonderful to meet you!

Well, there's no way that's going to be important no sir

Hope they brought that Shroud with them, cause I think they gonna need it.

Also Lancelot's gone rouge. Wonder who he'll run into first.

Well in good news, Hell doesn't exist in the Nasuverse, and Lucifer's existence is... questionable. Waiting to hear back on whomst the heck Beast VII is, aside from sitting inside Olga's head. Bad news? Demons are very, very real.

The Shroud is still on recharge and will be until the end of Orleans.

Lancelot will be somewhat interesting, and not die nearly as early.

We can pray that it's the Phantom, or the guillotine Assassin. If we're really lucky, he'll chop Prelati into little pieces, but I doubt we'll be that fortunate. The only other 'positive' result would be if he ran into Matthew, and Morgan brought him back to himself. I doubt he can keep any starfish demons down even if he kills them.

Poor bastard.

Yeah, if he ran into Matthew it would be an immediate Morgan Take The Wheel moment which would end up with some interesting results.

Hm, nobody hates LaVoisin yet. I need to work on that next update, when I start.
Hm, nobody hates LaVoisin yet. I need to work on that next update, when I start.

I mean, part of it for me is that she hasn't actually done anything yet, compared to Prelati who at the moment has done horrible things compared to summon Satan ritual #666

In other news...
Liz: I'm the Blood Countess!
Matthew: Whomst? Are you some kind of idol?
Liz: ...yes. It's wonderful to meet you!

... This is going to culminate in him not knowing and then pissing off the First Hassan, isn't it.

Him not knowing Solomon would be hilarious when he comes up.

Matthew: Who's Solomon?

Romani: *chokes*
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Hm, nobody hates LaVoisin yet. I need to work on that next update, when I start.
Yeah, so far LaVoisin is just 'Prelati's dour minion.' I don't hate her yet. Looking at her servant card, though, I can certainly see reasons to hate her. Goat Demons gonna be fun.

Also, she seems like a Professional, for all that she's a poisoner and black cleric. I can respect professionals. I'll respect her enough to give her a clean death, until she does something unforgivable. Unlike Prelati. I want him to suffer.
Fae versus Demon grudge match a go?

It really sounds like Matthew is going to need to be the MVP of this with the main villains being servants who tear reality a new asshole. Matthew's the only one that has anything that can tell things like that to fuck off even a little bit. Mostly by bringing Avalon into play.
"I was hoping you could explain the 'why' of it, but as for the how?" Archaman stepped back. "Sit up and have a look."

I grit my teeth against a groan as I got upright, blinking against the bright lights of the medbay. As my eyes cleared and I got a little focus back, I became aware of certain things. One, I was in my boxers so I definitely had gotten… dressed? At some point. Two, I was in a hospital gown for further coverage. And three, those gold leaf-vine patterns that were glowing definitely weren't around the moulding when I'd been in one of these with Kadoc yesterday.
... Morgan, the hell did you do?
"Do you recall the proposal you gave me?" Archaman asked instead of answering me.

I squinted at him, then felt my eyes widen as I caught sight of the clock behind him. "It's three in the morning. What the shit."

"Matthew, this is important," Archaman stressed.

"Yeah, yeah. What, did the singularity crop up? Because-" I glanced at the vine patterns again. ""

I helped!

"As it turns out, you managed to encircle the entire Observatory in a Territory. Except, it wasn't you." Archaman's eyes were sharp, despite the signs of exhaustion. "Morgan stopped by for a chat before returning you to your room, after she completed what you said would take twenty-four hours in twenty minutes."

"It would have taken me-" I began angrily.

"And I believe you."
Yeah, this is more them freaking out over Morgan taking control and them having no recourse.
"The issue isn't that she delivered on the protections, that's fine," Da Vinci said in a soothing tone. "But she shouldn't be able to possess you. Once the contract is in place and the Demi-Servant created, Possession Inheritance indicates the passing on of skills and Phantasms. The possession is symbolic, an allowance of power rather than direct control. Personality can leak through, but all post-summoning examinations indicate full domination is unlikely."

Morgan, next time pick better co-conspirators who can actually help your plans.
"But Morgan can possess you, and she worked a Ritual that had Medea in awe. And I'm sure you've noticed but she doesn't impress easily." Da Vinci picked up a clipboard. "You were unconscious, but Cu Chulainn brought you to medical and was… insistent on a checkup. We examined your current powers, and found things to be rather normal in the registered Saint Graph." She paused deliberately. "Except we'd overlooked something. The skills were still listed as sealed because of a lack of understanding, and there were spots in your Origin for more. The Phantasms were also listed… but. Possession Inheritance wasn't listed."

"Was it before?" I asked, a pit forming in my stomach.

"No, but we assumed it was either an assumed trait or oversight in the FATE system. We didn't expect it to be of importance." Da Vinci waved the clipboard. "Your degeneration hasn't accelerated from this, despite the scale of the magecraft enacted. In fact, it hasn't moved at all. Unless I'm mistaken, Morgan is capable of using you as a conduit for her power, and rather than using a skill to copy them over, is directly infusing her powers into you. That, or something else entirely is happening."
Fitting the King of Magi already figured out Morgan's plan to 95% completion. Archiman's a massive nerd, but he's still flippin' Solomon.
"Your body is fine, and your circuits are stable. What I want to know is… is if this is new, or if this has happened before?" Archaman sat heavily in a chair, leaning on his knees.

"Twice. Once to save me from the knight, and the other…" I glanced at Da Vinci.

She exhaled. "Right."

"Da Vinci?" Archaman frowned.

"You recall I removed Beryl Gut from Matthew's room?"

His mouth twitched. "I do."

"He managed to best me due to my recursive contract not giving me enough mana to properly engage him. He would have killed Matthew if not for Morgan's intervention."
Ah. So the final piece of the puzzle falls into place with Da Vinci backing up her fellow lunatic.
I touched my stomach.

Archaman rubbed his forehead. "Ritsuka said he'd assaulted Matthew, but…" He grimaced.

"Yeah, yeah, sixteen-year-old falls for serial killer's honeypot scam, more at eleven," I grumbled.


I'd known Archaman for most of my life. I'd seen his moods, how gentle he was with people and how he kept his distance.

Rage was new.

"...I had a crush, gave him access to my room, and he stabbed me?"

Archaman opened his mouth, then shut it. He took a deep, shaking breath.
Given Solomon in life was responsible for being a judge, arbitrating disputes and dealing sentences, he is having a very strong desire to take the glasses off and order someone to get a sword.
"Anyways. Morgan usually does that in emergencies, so-"

"Why wasn't I told?" He stared at me with an expression I didn't recognize.

"I mean, even odds Marisbilly knew, and you were his friend so I figured either he told you and you didn't care, or he didn't consider it worth telling you." I shrugged.

"That- of course I wasn't told by him!" Archaman stood up. "Is- that's why Hinako tried to kill Beryl, isn't it? Marisbilly never said how, just that there was conflict in Team A. Beryl kept to himself, Hinako, Scandinavia, and Kadoc gravitated towards you, Ophelia started watching over Mash, and Kirschtaria tried to keep them together. Daybit…" He shook his head. "Why?"

"I mean, I wouldn't be surprised if Marisbilly put him up to it, so…?" I scowled.

Archaman put his face in his hands.
Yup. The relationship in a nutshell. Marisbilly intentionally concealed and left to fester a rape and murder attempt that almost led to Chaldea's dissolving... and all Matthew can come up with is 'it was his plan all along'. I'm with Roman, I'm facepalming.
Cu Chulainn's form coalesced out of the air, an uncertain look on his face.

"Can we… not talk about it?" I rubbed my forehead. "And tonight was going so well."

I'm not sorry for saving you a day of recovery. And telling Roman wasn't necessary.

I do not have the energy to deal with this.


I don't blame you, either. I'm just… tired.

Cu reached out to me, but hesitated.

"Don't make it weird," I said flatly. "You coming back with me or going to yours?"

His expression firmed into a slight frown. "Yours."

I didn't dwell on his tone. Didn't particularly want to.
Yeah, Cu has got to be having alot of flashbacks to when some of his best friends got manipulated by Medb. So he's obviously concerned about another witch-queen taking away a lover he'll have to kill.
Roman sat with his legs crossed. "...and why shouldn't I just order the power to Beryl's coffin cut?"

"Do you want to explain to Kirschtaria why Beryl's dead when he wakes up?" Da Vinci asked with lowered eyelids.

"I would." For reasons Roman couldn't understand, Marisbilly had harbored a predator - in more senses than one - and at no visible benefit to himself or others.
I imagine the same reason the Burial Agency kept lunatics and un-pious people around. Power. If they're strong Mages and make great Masters, they'll do the job. And given Beryl apparently got one over on the fairy kingdoms, he's plenty strong and clever.
"Well, good. Because due to the circuit the coffins are on, making it look like an accident without wiping out the rest of A-Team is impossible," Da Vinci said lightly.

Roman glared at empty air. "We're not using the Shroud on him."

"Really? I thought we were waking him next." Da Vinci muttered sarcastically.

"It was already a done deal thanks to Ritsuka's concerns, but now…" Roman let out a sharp hissing breath from between his teeth.
So Da Vinci indirectly talked Roman down. Interesting.
"...sometimes, I really regret some of my choices. But even with that, I'm here. Marisbilly… even Olga Marie… neither of them have a say, anymore. We can smile and say we're pursuing their will, but we won't know one way or the other."

"Romani?" Da Vinci frowned slightly.

"I guess what I'm trying to say is… a lot of the problem stems from the fact that Marisbilly was my friend. Even that wasn't enough for me to sway him from his plans for Matthew. It was barely enough for me to convince him to hand Matthew to you instead of destroying him after he rebelled. I liked him, and respected him, but…" Roman sighed. "But he was still a magus, not a saint. And now he's gone, so trying to protect the memory of the dead from the pain of the living won't work. All that will do is breed resentment. I won't pretend to agree with Matthew, but I won't rebuke him either."

"And if he pursues self-destructive actions?"

"Then I'll do what I have to." Roman looked up at Da Vinci. "So. We're in agreement?"
So Roman's not going to try and phrase things a certain way. Just... not say anything until Matthew blows up. I can see the logic, but it's still kind of a hand-washing.
"Naturally. Honestly, I'm surprised to see you so serious." Da Vinci winked. "Usually you're such a chicken when it comes to these things."

Roman laughed awkwardly. "Ah, well. Something about them… makes me want to do my best. Mash and Matthew. It's just something I can't run from, you know?"

Da Vinci's smile gentled. "Yes. I know." The playfulness returned. "Now go sleep, Romani. You look like hot garbage!"

Roman struggled to his feet, but gave a carefree smile. "But at least I'm hot garbage, right?"

Da Vinci scoffed. "Romani."

"Yes, yes, off to bed with me."
1. Leftover parental instincts.
2. Oh god, Da Vinci and Roman are flirting already. :rofl:
3. You mean off to watch another broadcast of Magi-Mari. :V

Wait, in this story does Magi-Mari have a partner named Fay-chan?
Cu squeezed me tight with a grunt. "Alright, then. Let's go get some food before we're shipped off into the fray."

I blinked up at him as he stepped back and took my hand in his. "Just like that?"

"When you're ready, we'll talk about it. I won't lie, feelings and shit aren't my area of expertise," Cu confessed. "But I figure you getting it off your chest, if it's yelling or crying or whatever, it'll help. And I'm pretty solid so you can lean on me. Emotionally and otherwise." He grinned at me as he gripped my hand.


Aww. He's doing his best!

I Know This Please Be Quiet.

There, there.
You know what's the best way to take the emotional tension off a scene? Sex jokes.:whistle:
'I'll take Rider and Assassin- sorry, Medusa and Sasaski. With Anastasia, they'll make a good scouting team." Kadoc crossed his arms. "Matthew can support Mash, so we'll need someone more offensive in combat for the other one."

"And how does a samurai make for a good scout?" Emiya asked with raised eyebrows.

"Presence Concealment, probably," Ritsuka said with a shrug.

We stared at him.

"What? Kadoc gave me a crash course!" He frowned, face red.

"You're a fast learner, Senpai," Mash praised gently.

Don't make the 'whipped' motion, don't make the 'whipped' motion…

"Endearing." Medea shook her head.
Matthew, Med, ya'll're ones to talk considering your histories.
I scowled. "I have my own runes, a wand to trace them on air, three rings that let me shield, control wind, and create and control ice, and my armor. I also have some more standard magecraft."

The greaves give agility and grace, the diadem focus and inscrutability, the choker life, the vest protection and form, and the bracers might and armory.


Aegis Titania is a passive Noble Phantasm, a conglomerate of multiple effects. The choker lets you breathe whatever the circumstance, and can regenerate you in times of dire need. The diadem, as you saw, focuses your mental abilities and makes you immune to farsight and direct mental assault. The greaves give you reflexes, speed, and grace to equate with Agility at rank B. The vest allows you to shapeshift - hence your body being what it is - and projects an A-rank defensive field on par with a dragon-blood coat. You likely could have taken that exploding arrow without issue. Self-inflicted wounds, such as those from the Universal Language, less so. Lastly, the bracers supply you with weapons that I myself could wield and an increase of Strength to a rank of C. They also grant an equivalent level of mastery.


Warrior. Queen.
Well, who the hell else was going to overthrow Artoria so you could take her back to the village to be a live-in sister again?

Oh wait.
"Oh, it updated! Aegis Titania…" Da Vinci scrolled through words on a small screen. "Hm. I'd expect this out of a martial class, not a Caster!"


I winced. "Uh. Morgan would like it known that she is a warrior queen who can fight her own battles. I think she expects the same of me."

I do!

Cu gave me a once-over. "Huh. This is getting better by the minute!"
1. This is no secret, but This Is Cu's Fetish.
2. OK, I'll bite. How does Morgan stack up to any form of Gil?
"Don't worry, Senpai. Da Vinci and Doctor Roman won't let you get hurt," Mash soothed.

"He's a grown man; don't coddle him you two," Cu scolded playfully.

I blinked slowly at him. "You're grown; do you hate it when I coddle you?"

He smirked. "That's an entirely different matter, as I'm sure you remember."

I flushed. "Curses. Outplayed."

"You tried, little treasure, you tried."

"What did he say?" Mash asked, blinking.

"Little treasure?" I stared back.

"You know my language?" Cu sounded delighted.
Oh god, do I have to consult one of the language experts on the site for ancient celtic pillow talk?:p
I grinned. "Keep an eye on them, ladies! Ready to carve some ugly sushi, samurai?"

Sasaki gave a slight smirk. "I'm more a warrior than a chef, but I can adapt."
Don't let Emiya hear that. He does not like competition.
"By Lyons, I think Roman said. We need to find a good ley line to connect to Chaldea." He frowned. "Are they friendly?"

Cu sniffed. "The only blood I'm getting is off those, so even odds." He shrugged. "That was barely a fight, so I won't say no to a challenge," he added with a wild grin.

I looked up at him, spattered in alien blood and baring his fangs in eagerness.

"...I should not find this as attractive as I do," I muttered.

Mash slapped her forehead with a sharp 'thwack'.

My, my!
It's Morgan. Of course her preferences carried over.
The sound of armor moving lightly reached my ears. I peered up and saw…

...why am I doomed to keep running into hot people? Why?

He was tall and broad in the shoulder. A pale greenish cross-shaped mark was on his exposed chest, gleaming slightly in the dim light against his dark skin. The overcoat was open from the waist, expanding in a v-shape to cover his sides and arms while leaving the mark exposed. Greyish-white wild hair came down behind his shoulders, and his eyes were a dull greenish color. He had a dark blue cape, his clothes were black and red, and the armor was silver. In one hand he held a massive greatsword with an intimidating aura.
Hey Siegfried, how's it been? Meet any homunculi lately?
"We have Saint Graphs put into our bodies. We're still alive, but the spirits give us power. I don't know who Mash has, but…" Oh, that could work. "I have an incarnation of Morgan Le Fay from the time of Charlemagne."

Ritsuka raised an eyebrow.

Oh, Charlie! I do miss that scamp. Since this is France, maybe we'll see him. And good thinking; it's not even a lie!
... oh for fuck's sake, Merlin groomed the Paladins, but Morgan groomed Gudao's ancestor?
Stop making so much sense, my head hurts. Hey, Morgan.


Do they count as 'impurities'? With the right runes-

It's the language of Avalon, dear. If you scribe it, the World will make it so. Not without cost, but it will. ...not to mention it doesn't like those things any more than we do. They're not local in the least.

I turned on my heel, and snatched my wand from its place on my left leg. With deft motions, I carved through the air, etching lines of light. In less than a minute, the spell hung in midair, and I swept the wand across the runes and set them towards the broken, frozen meat.

There was a flare of light and the sound of hissing, crackling fat. When I opened my eyes again, all that remained was soot.

" you think you could do that on a larger scale?" Ritsuka leaned over my shoulder, eyes intent.

"I think so? Actually…" I slowly grinned. "Hey, Anastasia?"

She gave me a bored look.

"Do you want to make a Bounded Field?"

A slow blink. "This is going to be stupid, isn't it."

"It involves mixing runes and multiple elements from two very different disciplines of magecraft."

"That isn't a no." She tilted her head. "Very well, let's get to it."

Kadoc gave a snort of laughter as Mash slumped.
Nobody tell Anastasia how Rin and Illiya handled the Grail. Or how Emiya functions. I think she'll burst a blood vessel.
"I do!" She smiled widely. "You must be very worldly, to recognize such talent on sight!"

Anastasia shot me a look, and I shrugged. "Guess so. My name's Matthew, what's yours?"

"Elizabeth Bathory, number-one diva of Lyons! I have a captive audience, and no intention of sharing with those nasty things coming from Orleans!" She gave a sharp harrumph and turned her head.

Anastasia choked.
Welcome to the degeneracy of the 21st century Ana. Not even your precious nobility is safe.
Prelati made a sucking sound with his teeth. "Mm. Mm-mm." He glanced around. Vlad was entombed beneath the remains of the church, sleeping with his kin. Sanson was useless, bent into his current form on a whim. Gilles was as dispensable as any single Demon, kept alive only out of perverse sentiment. And it was too early to field the Phantom, especially against the fortified township.
... what is it with France fanfics and bringing in vampires?
"Of course! Gilles, you may be brighter like this than you ever were!" Prelati said in a cheerfully condescending tone. "What we need is another collaborator!" He strode to the table where he kept the Grail, and leaned over it. He flicked the side twice, eliciting a pair of metallic twangs. "Up, up you get! Chaldea's made an appearance and I can't deal with all this mess! That black knight's even gone rogue on me! Give! Me! Muscle!"
Ah, so we have Berserkalot. I hope he has his Noble Phantasm of a fighter jet and gatling cannon. That's going to be murderously hilarious.
The Grail gave off a sullen glow, and Prelati stepped back, holding his book in both arms.

"Vor-ti-gern, Vor-ti-gern," he chanted under his breath. He paused as brackish smoke poured from the cup. "Well, it's not likely," he stressed, "but it'd be nice!"
And even bigass dragons! Well, at least to attempt it.
She blinked back placidly.

"I ask for a mass-murderer, and I get… I get…"

"Me?" The middle-aged woman gave a small, amused smile.

"A frumpy midwife!?" Prelati howled. "Who even are you!?"

"Caster-class Servant." The woman sighed, cracking her back. "Ah. Tell me, what sort of recompense can I expect for my services?"
... if she's asking for a deal before doing anything, that's always a dangerous sign.
"If you want your shock troops, you'll get me the bodies, the woman, and the baby. I can make do for a cup if need be."

"Woman, who are you?" Prelati asked, a hint of laughter in his tone.
Oh god, I think Prelati is in love.
"Ah, finally. And here I thought you were going to keep insulting me." Caster gave an indulgent smile. "You may address me as… LaVoisin."

Prelati smacked his forehead. "Of course it's you! Augh, what is going through my head. Of course!"

"We all have our off days."
Ah. The alcoholic fortune-teller, brewer of potions to induce love and death, and cult-leader to French middle-class and aristocrats. Part of her services included offering abortions. I'm with everyone else, I'm going to need to see a bit more before putting her on the same level as Prelati.
I just decided to cut out google translate and make anything non-English a simple underline from Matt's PoV. Universal Language lets him be an omniglot for human tongues. Forms of address will still be included because those are simple.

Addendum: Morgan would beat the absolute shit out of CasGil or KoGil, but likely lack impetus. Archer!Gil would depend on who had initiative, because her command of Universal Language could hold him long enough for a quick killshot- and she doesn't play. If he got first move, she'd have an uphill fight but still have a chance at winning.
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Holy shit team Prelati truly is literally filled with monsters, heretics and alien demons.

Where the hell is Alexander Anderson, Samson or hell the Inquisition. Seriously the one time we actually need them and they're not there.
Also Lancelot's gone rouge. Wonder who he'll run into first.

Knowing him? He's running around for Saberfaces to kill himself on while screaming 'Arthuuuuuur!', so he will likely go around Orleans. Of course, there is the risk of running into a Galahadface and experimenting mindcrash as a result.

2. Oh god, Da Vinci and Roman are flirting already.

Well, Cu is showing the example here. Maybe this time the hook-up will happen before... drastic measures are needed (Goetia and Kirei/Rasputin deserve to die just for ruining both ends of that ship).
Given all the witchy stuff going on, there could be some interesting leyline summons if you're going to run with that.

I always thought it was a little disappointing that Matthew Hopkins never got to show off some sort of anti-magic manifested in a NP or something like that, and was basically just a hapless pawn for Raum the whole time. Don't even remember if he was an actual servant or just time-displaced or a servant that had participated in one of the previous iterations and died...?

And yeah, although others have already mentioned this, this was the chapter where it really hit home just how disfunctional Matthew's relationship with the Chaldea staff is. He makes a lot of assumptions that seem logical on the surface but are really just fueled by his preexisting opinions and prejudices... just like real people, lol.

Also, it looks like the enemy is Team Outrageously Evil this time around. Can we get some holy swords up in here? The fey built several, so could Matthew modify something that doesn't have a prexisting affinity like Medusa's chain daggers or something to have a holy affinity? Sounds plausible-ish to me, but Nasu rules can be wacky sometimes.
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I can already tell I'm going to prefer not reading updates for France before bed from this point on.

Also did they nuke the fleshtree or is it still there?

Finally am I the only one wanting to see Prelati's summoning coming right back to bite him in the ass? Cause honestly that woman probably could've killed him right there.

On the other hand I'm probably going to be calling for her death via Iron Maiden and Elizabeth Concert by next chapter at least.
Finally am I the only one wanting to see Prelati's summoning coming right back to bite him in the ass? Cause honestly that woman probably could've killed him right there.
If Prelati tries to dispose of her for shits and giggles, which he will because Prelati, she'll put a plan she's already come up with into action.

Or maybe she won't, because she'll lose her nerve or she's actually got a bit of a thing with the abusive, psychotic hedonist. Who knows?
Also, it looks like the enemy is Team Outrageously Evil this time around. Can we get some holy swords up in here? The fey built several, so could Matthew modify something that doesn't have a prexisting affinity like Medusa's chain daggers or something to have a holy affinity? Sounds plausible-ish to me, but Nasu rules can be wacky sometimes.

For holy swords, I do have one or two in mind. Keep in mind that multiple Chain Summon spots are open, and once the Summon Circle is established that Chaldea might have enough to summon proper.

Lancelot does still have Arondight. And Matthew has been shown to kick Great Old One level corruption out of the world.

So start listening for the nearest supersonic jet.

And with the latter part of the first note, I've begun to imply Matthew's primary offensive Noble Phantasm (which would be used on his unit in FGO). Which leaves two more to uncover throughout the Singularities!

I can already tell I'm going to prefer not reading updates for France before bed from this point on.

Also did they nuke the fleshtree or is it still there?

Finally am I the only one wanting to see Prelati's summoning coming right back to bite him in the ass? Cause honestly that woman probably could've killed him right there.

On the other hand I'm probably going to be calling for her death via Iron Maiden and Elizabeth Concert by next chapter at least.

The tree exists, as it dropped yet another Sea Demon during the update. Yeah, the next one will be taking place late in the day/after sundown, so expect some good spooky if I write it well.

Backstabbing this version of LaVoisin is Ill Advised, especially if she has mooks out.

I'm debating whether I can make her as despised as I first thought, but I'm not going to go all-in on torture porn for it because that's not my style. Honestly, some points of characterization might make her sympathetic, but I doubt it.
LaVoisin (FGO)
Name: LaVoisin
Cost: 12
Rarity: 4*
Class: Caster
Origin: Man

HP: 1,734/11,130 (Grail: 12,646)
ATK: 1,720/10,450 (Grail: 12,630)

Traits: Humanoid, Female, Evil, Weak to Enuma Elish

Star Absorption: 50
NP Charge Attack: .60%
Death Rate: 40%
Star Generation: 9%
NP Charge Defense: 5%

Deck: BAAAQ (A)

Buster: 1
Arts: 4
Quick: 3
Extra: 4

VA: Mari Natsuki
Artist: Moto Murabito
Passive Skills

Territory Creation (A): Arts up 10%.
Item Construction (C): Increases own Debuff Success Rate by 6%.
Active Skills:

Chiromancy (D): Cooldown 7/6/5. Gives one target Star Gen Up 10/20%, Crit Damage up 25%, Damage Up 500, 5 turns.

Inheritance Powder (B): Cooldown 8/7/6. Inflicts Poison Debuff on all enemy targets, 100% success rate. 1000/2000 per turn, 4 turns. Party damage up against 'King' Trait enemies, 1,000, 4 turns.

Black Mass (A++): Cooldown 9/8/7. All allies with 'Good' alignment receive 25% Crit Damage Down debuff (unblockable). All allies receive 50% Attack Up (1 turn), 10/20% Quick/Arts/Buster up (3 turns).
Noble Phantasm:

L'affaire des Poisons: Death in Decadence Abounds (B)

Deals Damage to All Enemies. Inflicts Toxic Status, 5 turns (Happens First).
450%/600%/675%/712.5%/750% Damage.
Overcharge: Inflicts Poison, 3 turns. 1,000/1,250/1,500/1,750/2,000
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I think it's better if Matthew plays like a new FGO player who doesn't check the wiki for spoilers.

Basically, he only starts knowing more about them as Bond levels increase.
On the other hand I'm probably going to be calling for her death via Iron Maiden and Elizabeth Concert by next chapter at least.

Or it can go the historical way, on a pyre. With logs thrown at her so she stops kicking off the hay used for starting off the burning of the pyre (remember reading that in a History of France book, man history is never boring).
Is there anyone Morgan would struggle with? The only candidates I can think of would be servants with BS magic resistance and Divine Servants.

Avengers would probably be a toss up
Is there anyone Morgan would struggle with? The only candidates I can think of would be servants with BS magic resistance and Divine Servants.

Avengers would probably be a toss up

Inhuman Servants are tougher because she can't just tell them to sit down and shut up. For that reason, demigods who are willing to fight dirty are a good counter.

Magic Resistance does kill a few of her 'I Win' buttons.

Phantasmal Beasts of a certain level are a threat she has to get creative on. Foreigners can put up a fight, as can Alter Egos. BB is also a rough match-up, being an AI.

As Queen of Avalon, she's a ruler of part of the Reverse Side of the World - she's going to be tougher than most. Not unbeatable by enemies willing to prep and go for the throat, but definitely Up There for most opponents.
Inhuman Servants are tougher because she can't just tell them to sit down and shut up. For that reason, demigods who are willing to fight dirty are a good counter.
In other words, That Golden Bastard would ruin her shit every day of the week. (Fucking two-thirds divinity bullshit.)
In other words, That Golden Bastard would ruin her shit every day of the week. (Fucking two-thirds divinity bullshit.)

In terms of pure power? Yes. In terms of what would happen...

He'd probably try to monologue or exercise the bare minimum to get by, which she'd take advantage of to alpha strike him by pinning him in place. Pride is a helluva drug, and against an opponent of his level Morgan is In It To Win It. Each has a hard counter to the other, so it comes down to who uses it first.

Eight times out of ten, that's Morgan. The other two he's been provoked and she gets her ass beat.