In Which There are Too Many Swords
Caster - Cu - looked behind himself at me before facing the rest of those gathered. "Right. Berserker's going to stay put, so he's a non-issue. Our main targets are Archer, who guards the path to the Grail, and Saber. For questions on Archer, please direct them to him." He gestured with his staff at our Archer.

The white-haired man stiffened. Now that the light had gone and I didn't have a faceful of Caster, I could tell that he was built like a fortress and had piercing grey eyes. Is that what an archer's build looks like, I wonder?

Tristan's bow was magic and did most of the heavy lifting, so possibly one who doesn't cheat. Or cheat as much, I guess. Oh, he does look upset though.

"What, is it an ex?" I muttered.

Animusphere gave me a withering look.

Archer relaxed slightly, and gave a dry chuckle. "It's not an impossible question. I'd be willing to assume that the Archer in question is myself, however."

Fujimaru caught my eye and flashed a subtle thumbs-up.

Look at you, making friends. I'm so proud~

"Which means trouble," Caster sighed with a shake of her head. "I might be able to match his rate of fire, but if he has close-quarter capabilities then I won't be of much help there."

"...does Magic Resistance count for helpful spells?" I wondered aloud.

"As a general rule, no," Animusphere replied. "Why?"

I looked to Caster. "What happens if you apply an enhancing spell to a knight?"

A slow smile crossed her face. "I do like your thinking." She turned to Mash. "Well, young lady? I can improve a standard human to the point where they can compete with a Servant. Are you willing to risk yourself on the front lines?"

Mash stood up straight. "I'll fight for Senpai and Chaldea!"

...I probably count as 'Chaldea' in there. Maybe.

I startled as Cu Chulainn reached behind him and nudged me forward, resting his arm across my shoulders.

"Right. So we need to split into teams to handle Saber and Archer," Fujimaru began.

"Moron! We still need information on Saber!" Animusphere bristled. She whirled on Cu. "If you're done agitating your allies, then get on with it."

He raised his eyebrows. "Bold words for someone made of flammable material."

She reeled. "You heard that!?"

I stuck my tongue out and squinted at her.

Really, darling?

"Matthew," Fujimaru said calmly.

"Dunno what you're talking about, but regardless. Saber is a top-tier knight with a holy sword. It's become corrupt, but she has full control of her faculties." Cu drummed his fingers on his staff. "Didn't see much more than that before she flung a wave of dark power at me, and I felt discretion was the better part of valor there."

Archer slowly tensed once more. "Damn."

"You know who she is?" Caster asked, tilting her hood.

He didn't speak.

"Archer, we need to know," Fujimaru coaxed him, cutting off Animusphere's undoubtedly blistering invective. "Anything you know about Saber could mean the difference between life and death."

Archer fixed his gaze on Fujimaru for a long moment before he relaxed. His eyes cut over to me. "For his sake, don't send your little Caster against her. She'll kill him on sight, assuming your statement of his partner is true."


...Morgan? You're usually more glib about-

Hush, Matthew. Her 'tone' was firm, and lacked its usual airy quality.

"Oh." Cu's arm tightened. "He'll take on Archer with me, then."

Assuming she doesn't simply notice me and head for you. I honestly didn't think it was possible for my cute little sister to be corrupted, but here we are.

"Saber is King Fucking Arthur!?" I squeaked out.

Animusphere froze. "Eh?"

Mash's visible eye widened. "Eeh!?"

Caster stiffened. " there some way we can get more mana? And a few months of preparatory time?"

"I don't know how much longer you have," Archaman interjected, his hologram appearing once more. "Fujimaru we Rayshifted as an emergency, and his contract to you four will bring you back when he returns. But we don't know how much longer it's safe to leave him there, given our own status."

Caster tilted her head. "I was provided with some knowledge of Chaldea. What 'status'?"

"Everything fucking blew up." I scowled. "And almost everyone's dead. The world's not looking too great right now."

She stared at me from beneath the hood. "That is… unfortunate."

Animusphere clenched her fists. "So what do you suggest, oh knowledgeable Caster?" she grit out.

I shrugged. "Well, from what Morgan told me her sister was an absolute beast in combat." Fou's ears perked up as he squeaked. "Her swordsmanship was tight, her instincts nearly flawless, and apparently she now has her sword bared full-time. So lots of big energy blasts. Also Mana Bursts and a powerful aura of charisma. Oh, and she's dragonblooded so direct magical assault is a no-go." I gave a mirthless smile. "And we have… three Casters, an Archer, and a shieldbearer. Yeah, if we can summon like… five more times we might be okay."

"Our systems are still on backup. That's a no-go," Da Vinci cut in. "You're on your own." Her eyes slid to Archaman, their images flickering. "Though if he'd had time to forge rings, mix potions, or-"

"What's done is done," Animusphere stated, cutting Da Vinci off. "We'll need to accept that outside of minor offensives and his illusions, Matthew will not be an active participant in battle."

...I do have some other tricks you can use, but it will cut down on your remaining time. Assuming I can't achieve a higher state of my power, that is- then I might be able to confer more upon you.

What? Nevermind. ...the tricks you mentioned. Will they kill me outright?

No, but the minutes they grind away will eventually add up. Item construction, illusions, and basic elemental spells are simpler and safer. Drawing on my fae ancestry beyond that will have consequences.

"Matthew." I blinked as Cu jostled me. "C'mon."

I walked next to him as we followed the rest of the group, which had already taken off.

Mash hung close to Fujimaru's side. Caster and Archer each kept their distance, with Caster behind the group but in front of us. Archer took point. Animusphere was slightly off to the side, away from Mash and Fujimaru.

"You going to be alright?" Cu murmured. "Agh. I really wish I'd been summoned as Lancer…" He slumped a little.

"You managed to get through my illusion," I offered.

"Eh. They have a lot of power, but I'd already sensed you before you vanished. After that, it was mixing a tracking rune with basic strategy - search the high ground." He paused. "That said, Saber must know you're here… and she hasn't made a move."

He has a point.

Gotta say, Morgan, not a fan of the 'serious' you.

It's my sister. Your regularly scheduled 'fun mom' will resume after we deal with the situation at hand.

"Guess so. My point is, you're a pretty strong Caster."

Cu smiled down at me. "Shit, kid. You might make me think you like me or something."

I looked away with a frown. "Shut up."

He rubbed the back of my neck. "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone. But the thing is… I might not have the speed of my runes or my plants as Lancer, but the runes are still there. And added to that, I'm fast, strong, and have a weapon with a curse of death on it. Gae Bolg's power is well worth the trade-off." He paused. "Also, as I said, I'm younger. More energy, more vigor."

A younger Cu Chulainn? "What, are you as much of a tease?"

He chuckled. "If there's any luck in the world, you'll see."

Fujimaru looked over his shoulder. "Do you know the plan?"

" Morgan was debating giving me access to her stronger stuff, even if it might hurt me later on."

Animusphere grimaced at me before facing forward. "Don't bother. If it won't help against Saber, it's not worth cutting into your resources."

One, two, three, one, two, three-

"You and Cu Chulainn will take on the Fuyuki Archer. The rest of us will handle Saber. Mash will be our forward guard, Caster will support her with her magecraft, and Archer will give fire support. Cu Chulainn will handle your strategy," Fujimaru explained.

I looked up at him. "How good is his Magic Resistance?"

"...not the best," Archer admitted in a low tone. "Why?"

"I'm an illusionist. If things get hairy, I can draw on that and hit him with some high-end mental interference." I leaned my head on Cu's arm. "And if we wrap up early, I have an ace that might help against Saber."

"Like what?" Animusphere asked suspiciously.

I just smiled.


Soon, the temple came into sight. I squinted up in the dark, trying to catch any sight of the enemy Servant.

"He sees us," Cu Chulainn murmured.

"From this far?" Fujimaru whispered harshly.

Mash leapt in front of him and swung her shield wide, knocking the bright blur off its course. "Master!"

A plume of dust erupted from the ground scant meters from Fujimaru and Mash, quickly clearing to reveal a short gouge in the land itself.

Caster looked up and around, holding her hands in front of her as though warding herself.

Archer opened his hand, and a black bow dropped into it. Translucent blue prana danced over his free hand, and his eyes narrowed. "He's here."

Cu dropped his arm as a shadowy figure came into sight, perching on a tree over the path ahead.

"An Archer this close to a fight?" he asked in an unimpressed tone. "Mark me surprised."

"Close, middle, long. You likely know full well how I fight. Applying what I know of you and taking the fight to you is my best option for success." His voice was low, emotionless. It had all the depth of our Archer's, but none of the personality.

I narrowed my eyes and swept a glamour over myself.

"Damn it, Kyrielight!" Animusphere hissed as I started to circle.

"Abandoned by a member of your party? This bodes ill. You won't last against Saber with such half-hearted resolves." The Fuyuki Archer hefted his bow, and drew it back with a shaft of pale blue light. In the faint glow, I could see that he resembled ours with crucial differences. His hair wasn't swept back, but drooped down. Half of his face was traced with tainted, dripping cracks, and he was missing his mantle - revealing arms whose muscles rippled as he drew the bow taut.

And as he let fly, it hit a building in the far distance, reducing it to rubble.

"Oops. Did I do that?" I flicked a hand, and an image of myself appeared next to him on his perch, grinning upwards with pitch-black eyes. "Clumsy me."

I could feel his Magic Resistance from where we were, but it wasn't enough to escape the trap I'd sprung. My powers of illusion were of a sufficient rank to overcome it, and-

I felt my eyes widen as I backstepped frantically, dodging the hail of metal that shredded through the tree in front of me.

Corrupt Archer's eyes skimmed the area as he prepared another volley, and the… swords? Swords. He'd shot swords at me. Vanished into swirling blue dust.

And then his tree erupted into fire, forcing him to leap to another perch.

"Go! Matthew and I can hold him here!" Cu barked out.

Caster glanced at him, and nodded. "I think so. Little one, don't merely misdirect - attack his senses! Even the most skilled warrior isn't wholly immune to pain!" she called out. Then her feet left the ground, and she shot ahead, Archer pacing her easily.

"Mash!" Fujimaru ordered. He looked around as Corrupt Archer gripped his head, victim of Caster's advice while I simulated a powerful migraine. "You better catch up, Matthew."

"I will," I had my projection reply before it vanished in the flames Cu lit.

Animusphere spared a glance back at the battle as Mash led the humans towards the mountain temple.

Corrupt Archer fell from his perch, landing on the ground after they left. He lashed out with blades that formed from thin air, and I began to run around the underbrush, somehow managing to avoid ensnarement.

Cu closed with his staff, only to be obstructed by a pair of short swords. "What kind of Archer are you?" he snarled.

The back-and-forth was intense. I'd never really seen true combat - my scuffle with Beryl when he tried to sneak into Mash's room notwithstanding. Even with my enhanced senses, tracking the two fighters was nearly impossible. They were too close for Cu to etch runes on the air or for Corrupt Archer to loose an arrow. Runes gleamed on Cu's robes as he artfully parried slashes and stabs with his staff, while the Archer dodged any attempt at stabbing him with the staff's pointed end.

It's a close match. If Cu Chulainn had more range or a spare moment, he could likely…

I already had infiltrated Archers' senses, but adapting an illusion on the fly was hard. However, I'd already established a migraine… if I waited for the opportune moment…

Archer left an obvious opening, likely to draw Cu in for a counterattack. His swords were away, and Cu's staff was aimed right at his abdomen.

It was almost like he was asking me to fuck him over.

"I've got you!" Cu Chulainn roared, thrusting his weapon forward.

Archer's expression didn't change as his body started to move… but it screwed up in agony as I radiated pain through his skull once more, focusing it into a point behind his eyes. He stumbled, and with a spasm that bowed him over, he rolled with the strike, taking the blow to the gut and disengaging.

Cu's staff was wet with blood when he pulled it back, readying a symbol in the air that blazed with power. "Not bad, kid!" he yelled, a bloodthirsty grin in place.

Corrupt Archer's eyes gleamed in the firelight, and he moved back and away with supernatural speed, scattering leaves in his wake.

I stepped out of my glamour as I felt my influence break. "He's breaking away," I said worriedly.

Cu's eyes scanned the horizon as I got closer, shortly before I felt the wash of mana from a distance. His breath caught.

Get out of there! He's readying artillery!

With swords!?

Something about the mana felt… off. Cracked, or-

Runes gleamed on Cu Chulainn's arms as he grabbed me by the scruff of my neck. I met his intense gaze with wide eyes.

"Might be where we part, Matthew. Remember me fondly and don't look back, alright?"

I opened my mouth to say something, anything, but his forehead brushed mine with a gentleness only matched by the ferocity of the throw that followed.

I flew through the air as I heard a phrase.


A shaft of light lanced through the air as I flew, aimed directly at the battlefield I'd been forced to vacate.

I couldn't even scream as the explosion blew the trees away, and light obscured my sight. The world buckled under me as my armor gleamed, and the air gave way to water.

Sinking, bubbles wreathed my glowing body as I plummeted to the lakebed. he gone?

I can't feel either of them. There's something in the water that's interfering. For what it's worth, we aren't far from where the rest of them are.

I scrunched my eyes shut until I impacted the silt at the bottom of the lake.

Don't be afraid of drowning. My armor has a multitude of enchantments upon it for just such an occasion. Hence the runes, you see? The choker lets you breathe regardless of the quality of air or presence of water. Morgan's voice was soothing, or tried to be.

He's gone.


I really did like him, I think.

You did. I could tell.

Pepe, Kadoc, Hinako-

I know.

Am I an idiot, Morgan? Or is it just my luck that the people worth liking seem to die around me lately? Should I just let Mash and Fujimaru handle Saber and stay here?

I opened my eyes, and they widened at what I saw.

The fires above couldn't illuminate this far down, but somehow the moon did. Three bodies, only one barely bigger than I, rested here. Two wore similar tan clothes, while one wore a red jacket. The largest one held the smaller ones close, as though protecting them. The flesh had already worn away, leaving no immediate way to tell gender or anything else. There was a soft gleam from the largest body, and as I swam closer to investigate it brightened.

Oh. Well, that's… excuse me for a moment.

I blinked, and the glow vanished.

Sorry, sorry, but I had a little business to attend to. Laying these poor children to rest or something.

...I wasn't in the mood to argue.

As I floated above the bodies, I wondered who they were. If their peaceful lives had been sundered by the fires above.


Yes, dear?

Can we fix this, if we break the Singularity? Can we save them?

They're humans, you know.

And most humans aren't even aware of magi. But… just because magi suck, that doesn't mean I should let people who haven't done anything wrong suffer from history being warped. Right?

A sense of amused pride spread. My, my. Getting out and about really has done wonders for your emotional maturity.

I resisted the urge to blow a raspberry, if only because I didn't want to even think about tasting corpse-water.

Right. Time to go help Mash and the rest.

I righted myself, and began scissor-kicking towards the surface, pushing energy into my limbs to force myself upward faster. In seconds I broke the surface, and with a shake of my head, cleared my eyes of water. After, I dragged my arms in front of me and propelled myself forward until I hit the shore.

"Well, hello there."

I stared upward as I struggled to my feet.

Cu, his robe tattered and completely shirtless, grabbed my arm and hauled me upright. "Glad that worked. How long were you under?" Worry lurked in his eyes, for all that he tried to play it off.

"A bit. Apparently the choker lets me breathe water." I stared at him. "I… may have thought you died."

He shrugged. "I thought I might, but I managed to get behind a strong enough barrier to take the brunt of the blast. Got messed up enough that he closed back in, and finished it from there."

I looked up and down. "So you're injured…?"

He grinned, clapping a hand on my shoulder. "Servant regeneration, kid. If it doesn't kill us outright, we can patch ourselves up pretty quick assuming we have the mana." Cu winked at me. "As it so happened, I had enough to get back into shape. Some kind soul topped me off earlier."

I flushed. "It wasn't that much..." I grumbled.

Cu Chulainn shook his head. "We'll argue that later. Can you feel it?"

The oppressive feeling around the mountain seemed to intensify into a tangible pressure as he spoke. "Yeah."

That isn't her sword. Whatever this is, it's not her.

"Saber's winding up to strike. I'm surprised you didn't feel the fight where you were."

"If I had, I'd have been there already," I retorted, striding towards the cave entrance. "Something's up with that lake."

I stumbled as Cu wrapped his bare arm around my neck. "Oi. You said you had an ace that could hurt Saber." Any levity left his voice.

"It can stop her, but direct harm is a little much." I looked at him. "Do you have an offense that…?"

"I do. You set her up, I knock her down?" His eyes rested on me.

"Not going to ask what it is?"

"The thought of me dying was bad enough you sat at the bottom of a lake for five minutes. I don't see you stabbing me in the back." The smile returned to his face.

I leaned into his side for a brief moment. "'re right. And yeah, if they can't handle her, we'll clean up." I raised a hand. "Shall I?"

"Not going to conserve your mana?" he asked, surprised.

" doesn't use mana, exactly. Or not as much as you would think."

He gave me a curious look. "Alright, kid. We'll see."

And we walked into the cavern, heading for the end.

Saber was my size, clad in black and purple armor, her head exposed. Her blonde hair was tied in a bun, and yellow eyes blazed from her face. In her hand was a blade that burned with black and red energy, and the trickle of blood from her temple did nothing to detract from her elegance.

Archer stood by Animusphere and Fujimaru, bow drawn taut and face scrunched up in concentration. A similar feeling came from the arrow as the ones outside.

They're the same person dear, just different circumstances.

Caster floated overhead, and Mash trembled behind her shield.

I immediately began to make my way forward, only for Cu Chulainn to loop an arm around my torso and pin me to him. "Wait," he hissed.

Saber raised the blade overhead. "I must admit some recognition of your strength. Unskilled as you are, you got to this point. That deserves commendation."

"Let me go!" I yelled, struggling. None of them could hear me, because like an idiot I hid us both under a glamour.

"Look at your sister. Really look at her," Cu Chulainn murmured into my ear.

"Caster, dive!" Fujimaru ordered. He launched himself away from Animusphere as she erected a barrier, Fou on her shoulder.

"Fujimaru! Wait!" Animusphere's eyes widened.

They're going to be alright.

How do you know!? What good has that meathead knight ever done her!?

Fujimaru and Caster landed behind the shield, and Archer let fly with his sword-arrow.


Black energy roared overhead.


I watched helplessly as the sword fell, bringing a tower of shadowy death with it. It consumed Archer's projectile, barely slowing as it crashed against Mash's shield.

Fujimaru - Ritsuka - braced his shoulder against Mash, placing his hand on her arm and funneling magic energy into her. Caster folded her hands and began chanting at a speed I couldn't comprehend, wrapping protective energy around the three of them.

The ceiling of the cave dropped boulders that shattered on the ground, shaken loose from the power of the strike.

Despite all of this, Mash held firm.

"She's a Servant too, you know." Right in my ear, Cu murmured reassurance. "She has her reason to fight. She wants to see the future of humanity." I looked up at him, and he smiled. "I've been paying closer attention than you, looks like."

I looked down at my hands, and up at Mash, where she continued to weather the assault. "It can't hold. Against something like that, how can it hold?"

"You're a Caster to the bone. Subversion, inflicting curses, only committing to a straightforward assault when victory is certain. It's not a bad thing, but you don't understand. Your sister is a knight, and her weapon is a shield."

I felt the breath in the cavern still.

"And before causing harm, a shield has one duty."

"Deploying Virtual Noble Phantasm!"

The shield of the man whose soul inhabited my sister glowed, a mystic array spreading from its face and pushing back the tide of darkness spawned by the demonic sword.

Cu rested his chin on my head, letting me go and placing a hand on my shoulder. "A shield is meant to protect."

"Lord Chaldeas!"

The array flashed, and with a shockwave the dark energy was forced back. The roar continued, Excalibur Morgan's arc carving back through the ceiling as Saber's arms were forced back over her head. More rubble fell, obscuring the area between the two parties.

I looked at Archer, and he drew a spiral-shaped sword from thin air. It contracted, narrowed, changed to something suitable to be launched. He pulled it back, and crimson energy danced around the point of the projectile.

"I… am the bone of my sword." Somehow, I heard those words.

The dust cleared as Saber whipped her blade around, blood streaming down her face. Her eyes landed on Archer as Mash buckled, Caster and Ritsuka supporting her. Quickly, she raised her blade. "Ex-"

I moved.

The greaves clasped to my legs shone silver with the mana that lit the Fae Runes etched into them.

I am a warrior queen, after all. If I didn't have a little something to aid my martial combat, why would I have that title?

The glamour fell, and her eyes widened as I came into view. "That's-!"

"Altria Pendragon, hear and attend."

She froze, as did Archer.

Shoot, damn you! If I go much further-!

It's going to be okay.

I inhaled. "O' flower of hell, you wither. You collapse. The power that sustains you flows like water, leaving you harmlessly and dispersing into the air around us." Blood slipped from my nostrils and down my face as Saber's knees buckled. "I call you by your name, I address you in a tongue you cannot reject. For all your hybrid nature, you yet hold the blood of mankind in your veins. Hear and attend, Altria Pendragon."

Wood erupted from the ground, forming a massive construct in the shape of a man. It swept down its arm, ensnaring Altria in its grip.

"Burn her completely, giant of trees! Cage of Scorching, Consuming Flame! WICKER MAN!"

Cu Chulainn's construct slammed Saber into its chest, followed by Archer's arrow. She flopped in helplessly, ensnared by my command. The arrow pierced her, and the giant fell to the ground.

I felt a strong arm wrap around me and drag me back as the world turned to flame. I turned my face from the heat, closing my eyes. Slowly, the fire died down and sound returned to the world.

"When you said you had an ace, I wasn't expecting that," Cu muttered.

"You wimps have Noble Phantasms. I have words," I slurred tiredly.

Slowly, Saber stood from the charred wreckage.

"Really?" I whimpered.'s fine. Look.


Violet sparks floated away from her body. Her eyes turned to me, and flashed in recognition.

"It's not enough. If this strains you so… it won't be enough. Gain strength. Seek power and numbers." The bearing of a king pressed down on us all, even as she faded away. "But still… it is a good start. Take care, Chaldea. The Grand Order starts now." they couldn't drown you all the way. Goodbye, little sister. Maybe I'll see you again, on the same side of battle.

Saber gave me a slight smile, and looked around our numbers. The smile vanished. "The mastermind still lurks. Think, Chaldea: who could have sown such destruction? What have they to gain?" She lowered her head as she finished vanishing.

Golden sparks flit around me, and the body behind me began to feel much less solid. I staggered away, turning to look.

Cu Chulainn gave me a warm smile. "Well, it was fun. I figured I'd spend more time showing the rest of the kids the ropes, but you were just too fun to tease."

"I'm not a kid." Wow. Great last words. Fantastic.

The Celtic warrior grinned widely. "See? Too damn fun." His smile gentled as his body faded. "Hopefully…"

And he was gone.

I rubbed my eyes roughly, and took a deep breath. "So…"

"We all made it, somehow," Animusphere said before sighing. She gave me a thoughtful look. "What was that? It felt like someone was gripping my bones, and you weren't even using it on me."

"Morgan called it the Universal Language. Apparently it works like top-tier mental interference…?" I shrugged.

" is quite literally the universal language of humanity. You transcend tongues and speak to souls." Caster's tone was flat. "For all it cannot be used to invoke magecraft, the quality of the power surpasses my own Divine Words."

I rubbed the drying blood under my nose. "Huh."

"It's dangerous, isn't it." Mash gave me an accusing glare.

"No more than throwing yourself in front of a death laser with a hunk of metal," I retorted, crossing my arms. "At least Ritsuka was there to back you up."

He blinked at me before giving a warm smile.

...when is the Singularity going to fall apart? We won the fight, so…

It's being held together. Stay sharp, dear.

"Guys-" Archaman cut in.

"We aren't alone," Archer finished with narrowed eyes.

Soft clapping echoed through the cavern.

"Well done. Well done! For all that it won't matter in the end." A figure clad in shadows stepped around and picked up a shining fragment. "Though despite my plans and expectations, you made it this far." Lev Lainur, a magus associated with Animusphere, stepped from the shadows with a sneering grin. In his hand rested a golden chalice.

"I truly shouldn't have dismissed any of you. Master Candidate Forty-Eight… Mash… Matthew." His eyes narrowed on my name. "You in particular are a bit of a cockroach. All of you should have been incinerated."

...this bastard!?

So it seems.

"Lev!?" Roman asked, shocked.

"Ah, Roman. So you lived too. And after I asked so nicely for you to report to the command center." Lainur's face contorted into a vicious snarl. "Trash who can't even follow orders, just the mere sight of you makes me want to vomit. Why must humans continuously fight fate?" He sighed in irritation.

"Master…" Mash moved in front of Ritsuka, her shield at the ready.

"Yeah." Ritsuka nodded. He glanced at me.

Don't. The Tongue won't work on him.

"Well, I always guessed you didn't have a soul," I joked darkly.

Lainur's eyes flickered. "You have no idea."

Animusphere shot me a look full of venom before turning an adoring gaze on the monster before us. "Lev… you're alive! Thank goodness, without you I don't know what we'd do!"

"Director, stop! That man isn't the Professor Lev we knew!" Mash shouted as Animusphere made her way forward.

"Has the girl no sense of preservation?" Caster whispered harshly.

"Olga. You've had a hard time of it, it seems," Lainur said in a condescending tone.

"Yes, that's right! The command room exploded, this city is in ruins, and I can't go back!"

What? But why…

We were speaking when that topic was covered. ...I didn't want you to know. But it looks like that's about to become relevant in the worst possible way.

"These complications are maddening, but we'll solve them! You'll solve them like always, right Lev?" Animusphere gave him a pleading look.

"Certainly. I, too, have been vexed by these… complications." Lainur slowly gave a vindictive smile. "And the biggest one? Is you."

Animusphere froze, her smile rigid.

"And after all the trouble I went through to put the bomb right under your feet."

...I didn't realize it was possible to feel bad for Animusphere, but here we are!

"What?" she croaked, eyes visibly tearing up.

"Oh, you're dead. Very, very dead. With us in spirit, as they say." Lainur's smile grew ever more sardonic. "No aptitude for Rayshift while alive, but without a body? Your lingering memories got to go for a nice little ride. I do hope you enjoyed your trip, because it was very much one-way. If you return, your emotions and thoughts will dissipate into nothing."

A red sphere appeared behind the mastermind.

Oh no.

"Ch-chaldeas… is red? No, that can't be right! Lev, it's a joke! Right?" Animusphere stepped forward again, face pale as tears streamed down her face.

"Oh, it's real. Having a Holy Grail makes all sorts of things possible - like connecting dimensions. Take a look." Lainur stepped away, gesturing at the swirling scarlet behind him. "Do you see a sliver of blue? No? Me either." His face split in a maniacal grin. "Humanity is gone! Lost to flame and oblivion! This is the fruit of Animusphere's labor! Behold, the results of your grand incompetence!"

"N-no!" Animusphere stepped back, shaking. "I couldn't have failed! I can't have died! You're not Lev! Who are you? What have you done to my Chaldeas!?" Her voice grew more and more hysterical as she stumbled backwards, eyes wide.

Caster hung close to Ritsuka and Mash, watching impassively. Archer stood by Mash, eyes sharp.

Mash screwed her eyes shut, planting her shield in front of her and Ritsuka as Archer kept Ritsuka from bolting out.

"" I whispered. "Before I even got to see it…?"

"It's not 'yours'. Truly, an annoyance to the end. I could destroy you now, but… no. I'll grant you a kindness." Lainur's smile softened into something dark and intimate.

Slowly, Animusphere's body lurched forward. "Wh-what? I'm being-?"

"Reach out, Olga. Lay hands on this, your greatest treasure. This is my kindness."

"My- Chaldeas? No, it's a super-dense body of data! A dimensional anomaly! If I-!" Animusphere's voice devolved into primal terror as she fought the inexorable force drawing her in.

"Oh, yes. It's a bit like a black hole, or a sun. Contact would mean disintegration stretched across time, eon in an instant. Please, have this taste of living death. I insist." Lainur tilted his head as Animusphere's body dragged along the ground.

"No!" Archer barked, pinning Ritsuka in place. "You'll only die as well!"

"No… no! Someone help! Save me! I don't want to die! Because… no one has ever praised me!"

I jolted, feeling my eyes widen.

"No one ever valued me! I was hated, right from the start! From the moment I was born, I was never accepted by anyone-!"


Closer, she fell. Words left her, and she… under Lev Lainur's watch, she…

I reached my hand out. "Olga Marie Animusphere. Hear your name. Listen and attend."

She turned to me, frozen in space. She was just memories of a soul, after all.

Lainur's eyes narrowed.

She didn't have Saber's inhuman heritage, or defense against magic. It was easy to… to give her this.

"I hated you. I despised you. Not once did I understand you, until the end."

Her eyes welled with tears once more as Lainur began to cackle into his fist.

"I can't save you. There's nowhere for you to go if I try. But…" I swallowed, tasting the tang in my mouth. "I accept you. I see you. The groundwork you laid down for us, the path opened by Chaldea… your work isn't in vain. Even if sabotage stole your life, it will not steal your hope. Though it be for mine own ideals and desires, I promise you."

Her face relaxed as the tears spilled forth.

"We will not falter. You, at least, will be remembered as the one who set humanity on its path to survival. So rest, and fade- go gently into the night, and not upon the teeth of Chaldeas."

Lainur's eyes flew open, the sclera turning black as his teeth turned jagged. "You-!"

Olga Marie Animusphere blinked slowly, her body floating. Almost languidly, her eyes met mine.

"I wish we understood each other sooner." She gave a tired smile.

"Thank you… Matthew."

Her body erupted into golden dust.

I staggered, only for Ritsuka to catch me as I drooled blood on the ground.

Well, dear, you DID etch peace onto her soul and wrench it away from an interdimensional body by voice alone.

"The gall."

I forced my head up.

"The unmitigated gall," Lainur giggled hysterically. "Do you think you can do that? 'Save' humanity?"

I spat. "Honestly, magi can go choke. Present company excepted. But the rest of them…" I found myself thinking of those young bodies in the lake. "They don't deserve it. The Moonlit World is its own hell. I'll reserve judgement on the rest."

"We'll stop you," Ritsuka added, voice firm. "Matthew's right. It's our job to make the Director's- to make Olga's efforts count. We're going to stop you, and put things right!"

"Master-" Mash said in a hushed tone.

"You can tell, can't you? And the rest of you." Lainur grinned. "That I am beyond any of you here. But, my superiority is no cause for rudeness." He doffed his hat, and gave a sweeping bow. "My name is Lev Lainur Flauros. My role is to oversee this particular year - the year humanity ends." He stood back up. "Romani, are you paying attention? I do sincerely hope so. As an old friend… a word of advice? Give up and wait quietly. Chaldea is done, humanity is finished. Judgement is passed, and you were all found wanting- per usual."

"Professor- no. Lev Lainur. What do you mean? Is this related to our inability to see the future?" Archaman's voice grew tense.

"Related, pah. No, it simply is. The entire earth is ablaze, just as this city. Chaldeas' field may protect your little outpost, but even that is temporary. The future is gone, swallowed in flame- Chaldeas' crimson hue speaks to that." Lainur shook his head.

"So… it's not that we lost contact with the outside world - we lost the world itself," Archaman breathed.

...hasn't he been saying this? What's the point of repeating it?

"Yes. Honestly, I should have killed you beforehand; you're too competent to leave… but no use whining about should-haves. After all, once the year passes Chaldeas will extinguish. Along with all of you." Lainur sighed. "Honestly, it was your own fault. It wasn't an evolutionary dead end or invasion that sealed your fate. Merely your incompetence and idiocy. After all, you lost the grace of our King."

I shrank into Ritsuka's side as he stepped in front of me to try and shield me from Lainur's gaze.

The world began to shudder.

"And so the Singularity has reached its limit. Amazing, really. Even when steeped in dark, that Saber still wished to preserve humanity in her way." Lainur shrugged. "Well, it will be what it will be. As amusing as it's been to lecture you, it's time to bring this to a close. Savor your last days, before you all turn to ash on the wind." He gave a small smirk. "Try to find peace with whatever power you believe in." And then, he vanished- the Holy Grail in his grasp clattering to the ground.

The cavern began to shake, and I swallowed. "Oh fuck."

"Doctor! The cavern's unstable! Perform an emergency Rayshift!" Mash cried out.

"I'm working on it, I'm working on it!" Archaman shouted, his image flickering as his hands flew over invisible keys. "The collapse is faster than I can account for-! Humans can survive in space for a few seconds, right!?"


"Inept bastard," I hissed. I turned my eyes on Ritsuka.

"Mash, Matthew-" he started, eyes worried.

"If you two discorporate, you'll have time to be pulled along," I said to Caster and Archer as the world began to crumble.

Archer immediately turned translucent, shortly followed by Caster.

I swallowed. "Mash? Hold onto me after."

She met my gaze and nodded.

I turned to Ritsuka.

"Hey. Master."

His eyes widened.

I smiled. "You're not as shitty as most folks I've met. So keep living, okay?"

I wheezed as I turned on my side, shivering.

My, my! That was reckless. But effective! Morgan paused. And good of you. Olga didn't deserve what that fiend planned. She didn't.

I sighed, and put my hand on my chest. "Wonder how much time that burned."

Not as much as I feared. It looks like the little changes I've made over the years left you more durable than I thought!


Oh look! It's Da Vinci!

"And that's the three of you!" Leonardo Da Vinci swanned into the medical room, smiling benignly. "Archer and Caster have gotten nicely settled in. Honestly, to think you had a trump card like Universal Language!" She placed her hands on her hips. "Naughty little apprentice of mine. I'm so proud!"

I blushed, ducking my head. "It's… something I got recently."

"Well, we'll keep it off the books. I heard the last person to have it couldn't form memories and got a Sealing Designation!" Da Vinci winked. "A little blood is minor in comparison, and well… you wouldn't do well in a lab."

I gave her a long look.

"Yes, yes, I know! I know." She sighed. "Do you want to talk about it?"

"Not really." I grimaced. "So on a scale from one to inconsolable-"

"Mash is fine, Ritsuka is fine, Romani is fine." Da Vinci paused. "Ritsuka cares because he's a decent young man- which I know you've noticed. Mash was never too close, but seeing someone die the first time is hard, and she hasn't had your brushes with death before. Romani…" She trailed off.

I rolled my eyes. "You clearly want to tell me, so go ahead."

"He's holding on. He's the acting Director, now. The only person of rank, really." She gave a sad smile. "He's already thrown himself into his work."

"Right. So what needs doing?" I asked as I dismounted the table. I smiled as a ball of fluff darted around my ankles. "Petting Fou, clearly."

"Fou! Kyuu, kyu!"

I leaned over and scooped him up, holding him in a single arm as I scratched his ears.

"Caster's been of immeasurable help, really. Her Dragon Tooth familiars have been clearing rubble at an incredible rate, and she has some healing knowledge as well. We've managed to heal some people we nearly had to write off."

I kept looking at Fou. "Anyone on…?"

Da Vinci gently pat my shoulder. "Scandinavia hit his head badly enough that there's severe brain swelling. Kadoc's left limbs are both all but shattered. Hinako's ribs ruptured and she started bleeding internally. They'd all be cost-intensive to heal and wake, so we need to keep them in cryosleep. you care about the rest of them?"

I snorted. "Marisbilly's lackey, his bride-to-be, the oddball, and the rabid mutt? Not as much as you think I should."

"Rabid mutt… I need to remember that one…" Da Vinci muttered. She shrugged. "Anyways. You kept to yourself pretty well, so no other news to report. Oh! Apparently Archer took over the kitchen and-"


I turned to see the Servant in question with a steaming bowl in his hand. "I heard you'd be waking soon," he commented with a stern gaze. He approached and gave Fou a meaningful look. "He'll keep. You need to eat."

I gave Fou another scritch and set him on the examination table. "Thanks." I took the bowl, and…


"You can eat it, you know," Da Vinci teased as the aroma hit me.

I quickly sat at a nearby desk, broke open the chopsticks on top, and dug in. Meat, veggies, rice, some sort of sauce… it was quite possibly the best thing I'd ever put in my mouth. A low bar considering I mostly subsisted on field rations to avoid the cafeteria, but I'd stand by it.

Oh no, it's quality. This guy knows what he's doing. Try to get him to marry you! You need a househusband like that!

Or not. Sorry.

"I take it you like it." Archer smirked, something in his eyes softening. "Come by the cafeteria any time. I insist."

I finished the bowl and set the chopsticks on top. "...I'll think about it."

He scoffed. "Sure. It looked as though you hated the meal."

"Food's fine, it's the people here I can't stand," I muttered darkly.

He raised an eyebrow.

"Not you," I explained. "I keep to myself so I don't have to deal with Animusphere's toadies. Or Archaman, for that matter." I paused. "I don't mind Mash, and Ritsuka's okay."

Da Vinci squealed under her breath. "He likes him!" she stage-whispered to Archer.

"He put his life on the line for Mash. He's worth keeping around," I grumbled.

"Mm. Well, we have a skeleton crew at this point - somewhat literally," Archer said with a grimace. "It's unlikely you'll be bothered by anyone if you come to the cafeteria."

Which… he had a point.

He does. And you'll be able to eat with Mash and Ritsuka! Trust me, that sort of thing's fun.

"Okay. I'll drop in."

Archer smirked. "How gracious of you."

"My presence is a present, and don't you forget it," I fired back.

His eyebrows raised for a moment, then he shook his head with a tired chuckle. "I'll keep it in mind." He picked the bowl up, and gave a wave of farewell as he left the medbay with his free hand.

I stood and stretched. "Guess I better report to Archaman and see if there's anything I can do." I rolled my shoulders. "He still in his office, or did he take over Olga Marie's?"

Da Vinci gave me a long look. "He's in his," she said softly.

I nodded at her. "Thanks. Fou?"

The little guy squeaked as I walked to the examination table, and jumped up my arm and to my shoulder.

"I'm off," I said with a wave.

"Mm-hm. Go see Mash after you talk to Roman?"

"Naturally." I grinned at Da Vinci. "Thanks for looking after me."

Da Vinci hummed cheerfully. "Naturally! I've put this much time into you, and at this point finding another apprentice is impossible." She paused. "Literally so, it seems."

With that sobering thought, I shook my head and left the medical bay.

I opened the door and stared at the absolute mountain of paperwork.

My, my.

"Fujimaru? I told you to go rest," Archaman said in a chiding tone. "I'm sure Mash and Matthew will want to see you. Honestly, I'm still in shock he called you by name! And so soon… anyways, go on."

"So about that."

The sound of writing stopped. "Matthew."

"Yeah. I figured you'd want a report." I leaned on the one chair not full of paperwork.

"Fujimaru and Mash were pretty comprehensive in their own. If you don't want to, you don't have to."

"Mm-hm." I scratched the back of my head.

For a moment, there was silence.

Archaman sighed. "Fine. What do you have?"

"I uncovered multiple new abilities I got from Morgan. Her armor's enchanted with Fairy Runes, and so far I've uncovered two functions. The choker purifies air and lets me breathe underwater, and her greaves grant increased speed. Also I can speak the 'Universal Language', which lets me control people." I shifted. "I used my illusions to break through a level of Magic Resistance possessed by Archer, and was able to use them to inflict pain. The Language carries physical backlash."

"That, we've recorded," Archaman said stiffly. "At this point, any standing orders regarding you and a workshop are rescinded. I've set aside a place for you to establish yourself near Medea and Leonardo's respective spaces."

I blinked. "Medea?"

"Caster?" Archaman's voice carried a hint of exasperation. "She kept her identity secret so that you wouldn't turn on her, but there's no point now."

"I don't get it."

There was a heavy thud. "Do some reading on the past for a change, rather than the present." Archaman's voice was muffled. "Or ask Morgan. She's knowledgeable."

Poor dear. She was a princess cursed by a love goddess to be utterly besotted over a man. He was complex at best, and she ended up betraying her country, killing her brother, and desecrating his body - all for love. This was after the two of them had struck up a bond. The Greek deities are truly cruel. It's hard to blame her for what she became, but also to blame Jason for leaving that person. Morgan's airy tone was scarily matter-of-fact.

"Right. Princess got fucked over by Aphrodite and her husband. Boyfriend? Whatever. She doesn't sound too bad to me."

"...right, then. I've had materials brought to your workshop, and a nameplate put on it. If you need a guide-"

"I know where Da Vinci's is. I can find my way when I'm ready." I turned and moved for the door.

"We're getting close to being at functionality with the Summoning System. We have some catalysts in storage; do you have any idea what your team might need?"

I found myself pausing.

"You're not unintelligent, Matthew. I trust your judgement, even if putting you in charge of a group isn't what I consider a good idea."

...he's not wrong.

"We need a melee fighter. Archer can do in a pinch, but he's better at range. Mash is primarily defensive. Medea's worse up close than me, and that's saying something." I exhaled.



"Morgan recommends something from the Ulster Cycle?" I said hesitantly.

"We have an early copy of the Tain we can make use of," Archaman noted. "I'll put it at the top of the list."

Excellent. Well done, darling!

"...and now I'm scared. Well, I'm gonna go find Mash and let her know I'm still breathing." I resumed my exit.

"Something we're all glad for," Archaman murmured.

I paused at the door. "...sorry I couldn't save Olga Marie."

"You did more than anyone else could. It was kind and merciful." Archaman paused. "It was your first live excursion. You did better than anyone had a right to expect."

I rubbed my eyes. "Thanks. I guess. Try not to overwork yourself."

That earned a dry chuckle. "I'll make the attempt."

With that, I closed the door behind me.

Fou rubbed his head against my cheek.

"Thanks, buddy." I smiled a little.

It was time to find Ritsuka and my sister.
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Matthew Kyrielight, Stage 1
Name: Matthew Kyrielight
Class: Caster (Demi-Servant)
Alias: Problem Child, Kyrielight, 'Darling' (per Morgan)
Alignment: True Neutral (Neutral Good - Morgan)

Likes: Mash, Da Vinci, Fou, Morgan, Nice People, Sass, Food
Hates: Shirking Responsibility, Inhuman Logic, Pointless Martyrdom, Pointless Cruelty
Talents: Crafting, Mockery, Modeling

Natural Enemies: Romani Archaman, Beryl Gut, Shirou Emiya

Family: Mash Kyrielight (Sister), Morgan Le Fay (Mother Figure)


MAN: B++ (Reduced)
NP: ---


Territory Creation (A)

Item Construction (A): Matthew has not reached the level of familiarity with Morgan's power to wield this skill, resulting in a rank down. At its peak, Faerie constructs (such as Avalon and Excalibur) could theoretically be made given access to the right materials.

High-Speed Incantation (B)

Illusion (B/D): Matthew has not reached the level of familiarity with Morgan's power to wield this skill, resulting in a rank down until that time.

Charisma (B) (Sealed): Matthew has not reached the level of familiarity with Morgan's power to wield this skill, resulting in it being sealed.

Universal Language (D-EX): The universal language of humanity before scattered by Babel. Still remembered by the faeries as revealed in Kara no Kyoukai: Oblivion Recorder, it is a matter of fact that one known as a Queen of Faeries would have access to such a power. Matthew's body has not yet adapted enough to use it without considerable backlash. This speaks directly to the soul, and one cannot reject it without rejecting their own humanity. It can edit memory and assume control directly, among other uses. The less human a target is, the lower the effect. However, so long as some human blood remains, it will affect the target in some way. The usage of mana is low, but the effect is high - and Magic Resistance is bypassed entirely at ranks B and lower, only granting a level of resistance at higher ranks rather than immunity.

Runic Magecraft (Faerie) (A): A sub-style of runic magecraft used by those who act as the planet's sense of touch. Mostly used to enhance Item Construction, but capable of wards, illusions, and various elemental evocations. As Matthew gained familiarity, he would be able to etch them at higher speeds and on empty air, similar to a certain Lancer-class Servant. Training would help in those quarters.

Hybrid (B): Invoked by Morgan Le Fay utilizing her Saint Graph and the earliest legends that posited her as the Queen of Avalon and a Goddess of some power, along with the role of Arthur's patron and protector. The introduction of Faerie blood into Matthew's body, resulting in his current form and myriad abilities he is not yet able to access.


Noble Phantasms

Queen's Armor: Aegis Titania (C-A): Morgana's armor, enhanced with Faerie Runes. At this point in time, it is a C-Ranked protective Noble Phantasm. The choker allows the user to breathe in any circumstance, and the activated greaves grant an equivalent to Agility at Rank B. The rest of its powers are as yet unknown, beyond a field of protection that results in heavy damage reduction despite the scant coverage. The choker and aura are passive elements, while the greaves are comparatively negligible enough not to require verbal activation.

??? (EX): ???

??? (A++): ???

??? (A): ???
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Let's try and guess how Matthew would be set up in game terms :p

Caster: BAAAQ deck I believe.

Item/Territory Construction/Creation are part an parcel for Caster's so Debuff Success Rate and Arts effectiveness is expected. Hybrid obviously gives passive NP regen.

Skills; Universal Language will probably act as a Charisma, buffing allies attack, but also have a defense down and chance to stun on enemies.

Illusion; Full party invul for a turn/hit with a minor crti star gen up for a turn.

Faerie Runes, Crit buffs and possible party NP charge.

Can't do anything for NP atm.
Very nice, and quite different in tone to your Grail (but he lives on in the form of a golden cup ;)).

I'm eagerly awaiting Mama Morgan's Ara Ara. Really wish she could manifest properly so she can troll the summoned (eventually) Round Table Servants.
Very nice, and quite different in tone to your Grail (but he lives on in the form of a golden cup ;)).

I'm eagerly awaiting Mama Morgan's Ara Ara. Really wish she could manifest properly so she can troll the summoned (eventually) Round Table Servants.

As I'm trying to keep non-NP stuff in English, I've been localizing the 'ara's as 'my, my'.

I'm glad you like it so far! The OC is on a very different level from Grail, and a different start point. So, uh, people will die in Singularities unless he has the specific power to intervene.

...OC is still thirsty for best doggo, though... :oops:

Oh, that aside, I fully intend to start derailing canon by Orleans. Matthew has a workshop!

Time for glorious Tinker bullshit! :drevil:
Hmm. Planning to introduce Salieri in Orleans? Or perhaps Charlie... Oh! Getting ahead of myself a bit here, but remember in Camelot, where Holmes leads you into the Atlas Institute? There's a certain something there besides TRI-HERMES...
There's going to be at least one new Servant (and I might switch out ones I don't want to bother with writing for ones I like).

Also, I see what you're getting at there, and it's an interesting idea.
Huh? What? Why?

Also, is this really an actual honest-to-gods Cu ship???

Mostly it's 'Shirou Emiya' as he appears in FSN. The martyr complex brought on by survivor's guilt would drive Matthew up the wall. He is mentally incapable of comprehending it, as someone who craves life and freedom over (almost) all. It's a matter of fundamental incompatibility. The idea of self-sacrifice when it isn't needed or sacrificing someone else is anathema to the character.

EMIYA has somewhat different issues so they'll get on fine. Well enough, at least.

And I am soft for Cu so yes, that's definitely the way this is going.
This is ok. Feels a little like you treat Matthew as a third wheel to canon at times...a lot, actually.

And it could have likely benefited from some build up first. As is, Matthew seems awkwardly inserted in.

And the way everyone treats him only amplifies that's like you're using him and Morgan more as a plot device to shove into situations than an actual character in a story, and it's honestly not a good sign. He comes across as an edgy character that exists to be made better by interactions with the non-edgy cast.

Honestly, most of this could be solved if you started at the beginning of the Kyrielight's lives and let the characters grow organically instead of trying to shove your idea into the canonical plot.

The technical writing is quite good, but that's about it. It's too rushed, and it comes off as clumsy and awkward.
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Thank you for the thorough critique! I appreciate the input.

I was planning on an in medias res sort of storytelling, with more of the backstory coming out in flashbacks and dialogue. That said, that's not very easy to communicate in two chapters, and I will try to address that going forward. In retrospect, I did rush things and that's on me.

Matthew as a character is a horrible bitter little tsundere gremlin, though I probably leaned on the edge a little too much. He is also effectively neutered through all of Fuyuki, and his best available weapons are either not enough to handle trained combatants (read: Servants) or have immense backlash. A big part of him coming into his own is having a workshop and opening up to the other characters.

The plan for the next two chapters (minimum) is for downtime and character interaction. I did want to get Fuyuki out of the way quickly, in all honesty. So again, I appreciate the feedback and will incorporate it into any further writing.
Matthew: Goddamn You Olga! I don't want to learn Empathy!
Cu: How about you put some effort into that and I'll put some effort into you.
Matthew: ...
Everyone Else: *looks over*
Matthew: Don't rush me! I'm thinking about it.
...OC is still thirsty for best doggo, though... :oops:
tbf, even if only objectively admitted by people, Cu's really attractive.

Its too bad we don't have a Proto Arthur Lily for a face pic. Or a more masculine drawn Arturia.
Oh yeah, I forgot to bring it up earlier, but poor Matthew, falling for Cu.

A maiden's heart meets a man who wanders. *Sigh*

Welp, nice Not!Morgana (read: Matthew) was nice while it lasted. :V
Might emphasize the youth a little too much to be a stand in for an 18 year old... that might have frozen aging in the mid-teens actually like OG Arturia.

Maybe? Hmm...

He's short and slender, but visibly a young adult. So no 'Avalon made me a teen forever', sorry.

I thought that Da Vinci only found out about Roman being Solomon's reincarnation after America?
I think Da Vinci is referring to the fact that Matthew didn't get a workshop and thus *he* didn't get the chance to do those things, not Roman.

The Lowtide is correct; Matthew didn't have a workshop so didn't have a chance to make or enchant weaponry to defend himself. She doesn't know anything about Roman's past in that particular regard.

Oh yeah, I forgot to bring it up earlier, but poor Matthew, falling for Cu.

A maiden's heart meets a man who wanders. *Sigh*

Welp, nice Not!Morgana (read: Matthew) was nice while it lasted. :V

Ehh... I'm not going to make it a mess mind you, but it won't be as much of a problem as you're thinking. Romance kudzu plots with jealousy and scheming aren't my style, even with the character I'm putting together. It'll work out!

Also... Matthew with a maiden's heart. -cry-laughing intensifies- Nah, the boy's gonna be fine.
In Which Things Take Shape
A/N: Content Warnings: Near the end, there is a comedic scene which devolves into an anxiety attack. It isn't graphic, but it is there. Also, I allude a little more to whatever happened with Beryl. It's not great, but again nothing concrete or graphic.

To avoid the anxiety attack, just stop reading after 'Servant, Lancer. Let's take it easy, Master!'

I'd made it a point to avoid the cafeteria, in the past.

With two Kyrielight siblings, there was room for contrast. Mash lacked the support of a Heroic Spirit, and was quiet, withdrawn, but polite. She would assist Dr. Archaman and he would raise her as a father. She was the distant, well-behaved beauty who was also the Animuspheres' charity case.

I had the backing of a Heroic Spirit, and in that sense I was a success. However, I was also asocial, withdrawn, and biting when provoked. I would train under Da Vinci, but before that would stay away from anyone too friendly to Marisbilly. There were rumors that I'd even tried to kill the man at one point. ...I don't know why he let me live after that, to be honest. It wasn't my finest or best thought-out moment. Ah, well. His loss, my very temporary gain.

Point being, Mash was more well-behaved and so she went around relatively unmolested. I was the problem child, and to be honest I was alright with that.

I wonder why you call him by his first name. You do it for so very few people.

Mm. Well, Da Vinci prefers Da Vinci so I call her that. Mash likes being called Mash, and I think Ritsuka is okay with the informality. ...I didn't really let myself call the A-Team by their first names until it was too late, in the cases of those I fraternized with. For Marisbilly, he was always 'Lord Animusphere'. Calling him by his first name without a flourish felt about as daring as any amount of 'bastard' or 'asshole'. Also it differentiated him from his daughter, once he passed.

Well, that does sound like you.

I mean, I'm not terrible all the time. I just… grew up in a circumstance where I didn't have many allies. I couldn't put that kind of burden on my sister; she literally couldn't defend herself. Things got better after Da Vinci was summoned. The one good thing Archaman did for me was convince her to stay. To be honest, the fact she inhabits a puppet that acts as her own contractor is fascinating.


I walked into the cafeteria and looked around. Fou squeaked, drawing my attention towards a table in the corner near the kitchen. Thankfully, not too many were there so I managed to wander over to Mash and Ritsuka while giving the other tables a large berth.

Out of a crew of hundreds, roughly fifty were ambulatory. That the number was that high was thanks in no small part to Da Vinci's technology and Medea working miracles. The Masters were in cryosleep, including all of Team A. The rest…

I paused in my stride, causing Fou to give a confused chirp.


It… was easy to be glib about the death toll in Fuyuki. I wasn't there, and I needed to put up my walls to keep myself sane where I was. Now that I was here, the weight of it felt more… real. For all the social conflict, there wasn't that much physical violence within Chaldea's walls. Excepting Beryl Gut, but there I digress.


Just… considering how many people are gone. I didn't expect to be bothered by it.

I looked around, and shook my head. No point trying to make friends now. My primary concerns were Mash and Ritsuka, followed by whatever Servants I worked with in the field or here.

Whatever you like to pretend, my dear, you aren't made of stone. I hope that Ritsuka and whatever heroes answer the call help you realize that.

"Hope I'm not interrupting?" I sidled up to the table. Fou's ears twitched, brushing the side of my face.

"You're awake!" Ritsuka beamed. Mash looked up at me with an expression of relief.

"I'm a bit harder to kill than all that. If Gut ever wakes up, ask him. Or don't, he might try to stab you too," I joked. I slid into the seat next to Mash, and we bumped our shoulders together.

Ritsuka paused. "Uh. Is that a joke?"

"No," Mash replied. "That man… he got away with a lot because of his talents." She paused. "I'm glad I had nothing to do with him."

Ritsuka frowned, prodding his food. "Well, hopefully he doesn't wake up. The last thing we need is someone messing around in the one place we're safe. Unless you think we could get him to…?" He trailed off hopefully.

I snorted. "He took pride in being a shitty person. Openly. He can be charming when it suits him, but his greatest joy lies in slaughter. If he were to save the world it would be so he could keep killing humanity by inches."

Mash put her hand on mine where I left it on the bench between us.

" we're not sad he's gone, at least," Ritsuka mused.

"As the kids say, he made a serious fucky-wucky, now he gets to go in the forever box."

Ritsuka stared at me for a long moment. "So, I pride myself on being fairly fluent in English. I still have no clue what that meant."

"It's probably an internet thing. Da Vinci gives him an hour or two a day," Mash explained.

"If there's one thing about the outside world that I'll miss aside from absolutely everything, it'll be the memes," I agreed solemnly.

"Absolutely everything?" Ritsuka took a bite of his food - it was the same thing that Archer had given me.

"Well, Mash and I can't really survive outside of Chaldea. We need repeated maintenance to make sure we don't break down under the weight of the Heroic Spirits that share our bodies. I lucked out and got a Caster - Morgan. She can moderate what I get from her more easily, and she's managed to adapt my body a little." I glanced at Mash. "Not entirely sure what class you got, though. I thought it might be Saber because of the number strapped to your hip, but it didn't seem like your primary weapon."

"Shielder is what Doctor Roman came up with," Mash replied quietly.

"Fits. Has the whole -er suffix and everything." I paused. "Actually, it's just Assassin that doesn't have that, I think."

"The seven main classes," Ritsuka agreed. "Saber, Lancer, Archer, Rider, Berserker, Caster, and Assassin."

"There's also Extra Classes that have odd powers. To date we're aware of Ruler and Avenger. Shielder's the newest." I propped my cheek in my hand as I leaned on the table.

"Mm. dress a lot differently outside of your Servant garb," Ritsuka noted.

I smirked. "I prefer things a bit less revealing, yes." I reached down and tugged on my grey turtleneck. "Honestly, skin and frills are my least favorite things. Beyond that I'm not that picky."

"And Mash likes lab coats…?" He raised an eyebrow at my sister.

Mash ducked her head. "It's what I'm used to, Senpai."

"So what's with the 'Senpai' bit?" I put my cheek back on my hand. "Trying to make our illustrious Master feel at home?" I teased.

Mash blushed. "It… just seemed right…"

I grinned.

Ritsuka gave a warm chuckle. "I honestly don't mind it. Though I do admit the idea of being called 'Master' is a little…"

I glanced at him as Fou started to lick at one of his paws. "Better get used to it. Especially if you get some hardcore knights, like a paladin or Knight of the Round."

Ritsuka nodded, and ate some more.

"Um… what's that called, exactly?" I asked slowly.

Ritsuka blinked. "It's just some fried rice."

"Huh." I glanced away. "Most of my research has been on watching people interact online, and pictures of cities and stuff. And not-cities. I kind of caught some flak about not looking into legends and history so I'd know what we're dealing with. Guess I need to learn about food, too…"

"Well, as long as we can keep Chaldea supplied through Rayshifting, we'll be able to diversify the menu," Ritsuka said with a warm smile.

I rubbed the back of my neck before Mash let go of my hand. "That sounds good."

Mash smiled at me. "I'm glad you and Senpai are getting along nicely."

"Well, he's not a garbage person, so…" I looked away, frowning.

"I try." Ritsuka's smile turned wry.

"You may not have noticed this, but I have a low opinion of modern-day magi for reasons," I drawled.

Ritsuka shrugged. "That's fine. I just found out about this from a job posting and showed up."

I stared. "Eh?"

"I think the one spell I know by heart is a formalcraft light spell. My circuits are fine, I just don't have a lot of them. I think I count as a spellcaster…?" he mused. "I'm the first in my family to have mana or any of that and use it. First recorded in recent generations, anyway. I don't have a lot of talent as a magus, but I'll learn what I can to support you guys!" Ritsuka beamed.

"Fou?" He and I tilted our heads in sync, bewildered.

"It's true. Senpai was added just to fill the quota," Mash admitted with a blush.

"...and yet you jumped in the way of an Excalibur Morgan to give Mash the magic energy to tank it," I said faintly.

"Well, I was behind her-" Ritsuka began.

"Yeah, no. You might not be a top-grade magus, but you'll make a great Master." I felt myself grin. "Guess after I get myself kit out, I'll need to look into making some codes for you so you won't croak if someone doesn't have an eye on you."

"I'd appreciate that a lot, thanks," Ritsuka said with a smile.

Mash giggled, more at ease than I'd seen her in months. "I'm glad you two are getting along."

I sighed, glancing down. "You and Kadoc would have really hit it off, I think. He's from a young family, so he got onto the A-Team for his strategic acumen and talent as a Master." I grinned. "He's also a huge dweeb. It's endearing."

"Mr. Zemlupus… he… he's nice enough. Just kind of pessimistic." Mash scratched her cheek, not looking at Ritsuka head on.

"Also he's kind of a masochist." I shrugged. "That or just self-flagellating. Possibly both."

"And he's currently in cryosleep. It sounds like you like him," Ritsuka noted.

"Yeah. Him, Scandinavia Peperoncino, and Akuta Hinako. They're… I guess they were my friends. Are? They're not dead yet, but…" I grimaced. "Prognosis is bad."

Fou made a sad whine and headbutted my cheek until I reached up to scratch his back.

"How bad?" Ritsuka asked, eyes sharp. "Anything we can funnel resources towards?"

"Hinako has internal injuries and bleeding, Pepe has brain swelling, and Kadoc's entire left side is a mess of compound fractures. Kadoc's the least badly off, and without intensive magic and scientific medical intervention he'd still be a double amputee if we tried to thaw him out." I shook my head. "Thing is, we're understaffed. I think there's about five in medical to work for Archaman, aside from Da Vinci and Medea. Without Medea we'd be incredibly behind in terms of reclaiming the workshops, and I think only ten of our current number had their own. The rest are spellcasters or scientists who didn't need a dedicated place to work magecraft." I sighed. "And the remaining thirty-five are a mix of sanitation, cafeteria workers, engineering, and a merc or two for security."

"Everyone else in charge is dead. They were too close to… the epicenter." Mash's voice was just above a whisper. "So only Dr. Roman and Da Vinci are left to run Chaldea. Da Vinci is in charge of magecraft, research, and engineering divisions, while Dr. Roman has the rest and handles the paperwork."

"Oh…" Ritsuka had a pained look on his face.

"Yeah. The situation's dire, even without accounting how we're isolated and stranded. The one thing we have going for us is a steady mana engine and the potential to summon more Servants. We need a lot of things, to be honest." I crossed my arms. "Archaman agreed to arrange for a catalyst so we have a proper melee attacker in our group. Medea and Archer are best at range, even if Archer can mix it up, and Mash is better at drawing fire and tanking hits on her shield. Until I get something that can let me apply my runes at a reasonable speed or just lets me engage, my best bet is either using my illusions to hamper cannon fodder or sacrificing my own physical integrity to dominate an opponent - assuming they don't fall into the narrow category of 'ancient language doesn't work'." I rubbed my hands. "And to be honest, we need more Casters, or scientists. I'm sure that some of the ones responsible for modern advancements made it into the Throne of Heroes."

"Yeah. Lovelace or Babbage would help. Tesla too," Ritsuka mused.

I blinked. "Whomst?"

He stared at me.

I stared back.

"This… may require some rectification," Ritsuka said with a sigh.

"Translation: your internet time now belongs to looking up legends and scientists to help." Mash took a sip of tea.

I shrugged. "Sure. The more I know what's out there, the better I can help coordinate our summoning efforts for the greatest efficacy."

Ritsuka's smile returned. "Right. And you had the right idea to prioritize a frontline fighter to help Mash out for our earlier summons. Do you mind if I ask what you suggested?"

I shrugged, careful not to knock Fou off. "Morgan started screaming about the Ulster Cycle so Archaman said he'd dig out an old copy of the Tain or something."

"Ulster Cycle?" Mash hummed. "It sounds familiar for some reason…"

Ritsuka tapped his chin. "It's not a set of myths I'm familiar with, I'm afraid," he murmured apologetically.


"Maaasterrrrrr, Morgan's doing the creepy laugh again!" I whined.

"In your head?"

I nodded.

"Sounds like a personal problem," Mash remarked.

Ritsuka stared in shock.

"I'm the one person she's like this to," I whimpered. "My own sister!"

"Suffer." Mash smiled sweetly and took a sip of tea.

After a moment of silence, our Master burst into exhausted giggles. "You guys…" He smiled tiredly. "If I have to save the world, I'm glad you two are along."

I felt myself blush and looked away. "...well, you don't suck either."

"I remember you saying that," Ritsuka replied softly. "After, it felt like my body wouldn't let me die, even though I was stuck in the dark until Roman pulled us out."

"So it helped." That's a relief.

"Kinda. It was also kind of scary," Ritsuka admitted.

"I won't do it again unless it'll save your life."

"That's probably the best option," Ritsuka agreed.

Mash nodded. "Both because of the effects on Senpai and the ones on you." Her visible eye sharpened. "How's your chest?"

I blinked. "It's fine?"

"Good. You vomited blood and passed out for two days, so we were worried until Da Vinci gave us a full update." Mash glanced downwards. "You're not allowed to die. Got it?"

I leaned on her shoulder, and she leaned back. "Got it."

Fou squeaked, and nipped my earlobe for good measure. Not enough to draw blood, but enough to express his opinion.

"Yeah, yeah, loud and clear Fuzzy." I rubbed his head and he licked the bite.

"Oh! Medea was looking for you," Mash remembered aloud. "Something about modeling?"

Ritsuka gave me an apologetic look. "Sorry, but we need to keep her happy. She's basically our entire workforce at the moment."

I shrugged. "I mean, hopefully she'll take my input, but it's just clothes. I'm not particularly bothered by it."

Ritsuka squinted at me.

"You've clearly never been stabbed. Or had homework from Da Vinci," I muttered.

" and no."

Mash nodded sagely. "The homework's worse."

"Way worse," I agreed.

"Fou." He twitched his ears.

I rubbed his head. "Keep Mash company while I'm gone? Ritsuka looks like he's about to pass out."

Fou scampered down my arm and onto Mash's shoulder.

"Be nice," Mash warned.

"I mean, she seemed nice enough back in the hellpit. A little intense, but otherwise okay." I gave a two-finger salute. "Good seeing you Mash. Ritsuka, go take a nap. You look like death warmed over."

He chuckled. "Yeah, I'm a little tired." He yawned.

"Come on, Senpai. I'll walk you to your room."

As I turned to go, I caught Mash's eye and smirked.

With a small scowl, she drew her index finger across her throat before Ritsuka could see.

Ohoho! It seems someone has designs on your cute Master!

Good. She deserves some happiness, and Ritsuka continues to surpass my admittedly low expectations.

Well dear, the bar being on the floor means little when surrounded by mole-people.

...that made no sense whatsoever.

Don't worry about it!

Objective: find Greek magus.

Complication: base big. Magus comparatively tiny.

Solution: poke familiars until she comes out.

My, my. We've only been looking for ten minutes!

I nudged the Dragon Tooth Warrior again. "Hey. Heyyyy. Tell your boss where I am. I'm supposed to meet her for a thing. Heyyyy."

"They're neither sentient nor sapient." I turned to see Medea's hooded form materialize from thin air. "Da Vinci mentioned you were looking for me?" She sounded cautious, but curious.

"Oh, yeah. I heard you were looking for me? Something about the model thing?"

Medea paused. "What?" Her tone was absolutely baffled.

"What? It's not like I have anything better to do until I stock my workshop. My screentime isn't until after dinner, and I feel too much like crap to go through with my usual workout routine." I paused. "Just, uh. Nothing too revealing or frilly, right? Showing skin's uncomfortable, and frills feel weird on my skin. Don't really like them too much."

Medea's mouth slowly opened and shut. "You're agreeing… willingly?"

"Yes?" I tilted my head.

"...someone must have told you who I am. They must have." Her stance was guarded.

"Yeah, Morgan did. Something about a princess who got screwed over by a love curse so intense it messed her up, and the guy who liked her not being man enough to stick it to the gods to break her out and instead being an abusive abandoning dirtbag."

There was a moment of long silence.

"Little Caster, one does not 'stick it', as you so artfully put, to the gods of Greece," Medea said in a too-gentle tone.

"Clearly no one ever tried hard enough."

Medea bit her lip, and her shoulders shook for a moment before she took a deep breath. "Clearly," she exhaled.

"I mean, Marisbilly was the closest thing to a god I ran into here, and I still tried to stab him in the junk at one point."

The Caster's jaw dropped, composure lost.

"To be fair, it was less guarded than his throat. Not that it was unguarded, but…"

Her mouth shut with a click. "So… say the goddess of love placed a 'blessing' that was more of a curse on the woman you loved. Or man," she amended thoughtfully.

"Either works. I mean, not that it's happened, but you know, semantics."

Oh, darling. You'll get a spouse someday. I'll make SURE of that.


"So you would…?" the Princess of Some Greek Place trailed off.

Colchis, dear.

Yeah, that one.

"Stab her right in the tit," I said promptly.

Medea choked.

"What? Knives work. They're sharp, pointy, and less prone to misfire." I blinked in confusion.

After several seconds of coughing, Medea's composure returned. "I shall endeavor to remember that." There was an odd note in her voice. "Regardless, I'll… take you at your word. We aren't far from where I've set up." A sly smile crossed her face. "They aren't as dextrous as I, but I've had some of my Warriors set to sewing. And there were some outfits already made, so we can take our time."

"Hm. Okay." I grinned. "Oh, if I see anything I can use for my own workshop, do you mind if I pinch it?"

Medea gave a low, amused laugh. "Well, since you're being such a good boy, I don't see why not. Come along, then. I'll make sure the… 'outfits' both cover appropriately and lack frills. Which, you may wish to consider, still gives me considerable leeway."

"And?" I blinked.

She sighed, pulling her hood back and giving me a wry smile. "Never you mind, Little Caster. Never you mind." Huh. So she has eyes a similar color to her hair, and pointy ears. Interesting. Wonder if she has non-human heritage?



Don't worry about it!

I was in the middle of putting on the third dress when I noticed the large sheet of fabric. I put my head through the neck of it, marveling at how soft the material was before returning my attention to the unworked cloth.

"You're taking a bit of time back there," Medea called. "Something catch your eye?"

"Kind of? I'll bring it out," I responded. After picking up the sheet - which was bigger than I was - I gently bundled it under my arm and walked out.

Medea immediately started bustling around me. "Hm. Black silk with crushed velvet around the neck and wrists, very nice. What's that you have there?" She frowned slightly.

I held up the skein of fabric. In the light, it was white with the faintest tint of blue to it, and if I tilted it at another angle it seemed to gleam silver.

Morgan finally spoke up. We want that. We want that very, very much.


How much do you like your friends and family being healthy and whole?


That, darling, is why. You've the knowledge to make the mystic code I've got in mind, but we will still need a bit more than this. Not too much more, but more.

"This is a solid sheet of woven horsehair. But the softness of it…" Medea hummed in contemplation. "I'd say it would belong to a pegasus, but even those don't have a mane or tail of this texture."

I closed my eyes. I didn't know a lot of specific legends, but I did do a pass over things that made it to pop culture. Like, I knew the big names like King Arthur and Hercules, and creatures like dragons and-

"Unicorn," I breathed.

Medea stared at it. "That is a potent material."

"Morgan went nuts over it. Apparently she has plans for some sort of… mystic code that requires it."

The princess straightened her back. "What else would be needed?"

I blinked.

"Matthew, this is a chance for me to observe a mystic code crafted by someone who can call themselves a queen of faeries without lying. The one fae-crafted object I've seen throughout my tenure as a Caster was Excalibur itself, and no weapon in my living memory compared to that blade - with one exception. Further... while it is a valuable material, I have no immediate use for it - you and Morgan do. As we are allies, it would be ill-advised to deny you the use of it, or whatever reagents you require."

I nodded. "Right." I rubbed my nose in thought. "Hm… I'll need silver thread. Like, the material silver spun into thread. Petals from the Glastonbury Thorn?" I jolted. "How am I supposed to get that?" I squawked indignantly. "And what do you mean leaves from the Oaks of Albion!? Next you'll say you want me to get water from the Lady of the Lake!"

It wouldn't hurt, dear, but it's not needed. I'm sure a similar reagent can be found in one of the workshops. Oh, and gold needles! We can enchant them to do the busy work, but we'll need to put our own power into the completed product and the reagent we apply to seal it.

Medea gave me a long look. "The thread I can possibly find, but the rest…" She trailed off. "Well, we could always pillage the empty workshops. There's roughly fifty of them, given they were only for magi of rank. And outside of the survivors, Da Vinci, you, and myself…"

I held up my fists and flicked my fingers open with a pained grimace.

"So it's unlikely they'll have a use for them in the near future," Medea agreed. She paused. "Getting through bounded fields from today's mages is child's play for me. Shall we take a look?"

I rubbed the back of my head. "Sure. If nothing else, I'd rather we leave their projects for their families… if they ever come back. Raw materials only."

"Agreed. You and I would get more use out of those than trying to reverse-engineer whatever they had in the works at any rate." Medea began to move forward, then waited. "Would you like to change back first?" she asked solicitously.

I shrugged. "It's comfy, but I don't know how well I can move in this if there's a particularly nasty trap."

"Best not to risk it, then. Go on, and leave the unicorn shroud here. I'll set familiars to guard it in our absence."

Oh, well. It was fun while it lasted.

Changing out of the dress took a few minutes as I took care not to damage the material.

"How long do you think composing the code will take?" Medea asked.

...that is a good question.

Assuming we find all the materials - which is likely, at least one of the upper crust magi here traced his lineage to the isles - the sewing will take a week, uninterrupted.

The reason we need the gold needles is partly for the construction, partly because they'll be easy to enchant to do that busy work for us. The old ways are well and good, but in the face of armageddon we need to look to efficiency!

Will that make it go faster?

Oh my, no. It'll just give you time to handle everything else and have something of a day-to-day life.

...I'll take it!

"So the sewing's going to take a full week of twenty-four hour sewing. I'm gonna set the needles on autopilot for that." I paused. "Well, it's more embroidery really."

Medea gave me a long look as I walked out clad in my turtleneck and jeans once more. "And the rest?"

"I'll need to prep it on the last day to soak the finished product in and inundate it with my mana through a short ritual. The embroidery will be Faerie Runes, so the ritual itself will be etched into the shroud." I rubbed the back of my head. "I'll be able to work on my weaponry until then, given I just need to preprogram the text into the telekinesis charm."

"Multitasking? Ambitious." Medea opened the door to the hall. "Do you have an idea where to start?"

"We want to tackle Armen's first, and anything that sounds appropriately British."

" of those families is Animusphere."

"Maybe not-"

"By Hecate, sometimes it sounds like they slapped some syllables together and hoped it sounded sufficiently Western!" Medea huffed in exasperation. "How are we to find the 'British' ones, as it were?"

She has a point.

Leave it to me! I'll show the way!

Morgan did, in fact, show the way. I don't know how she knew the exact workshops to pillage to get what we needed-

It's~ a~ se-cret~!

But we sure got it. And then some.

Medea held up the small phial of leaves, eyes wide in wonder. "I'd never thought to see the likes of this herb again… the tinctures I could make with this!"

"That's the miracle of old magus families and capitalism," I drawled. "Money is power and power attracts money."

We stared at the small mountain of material we'd 'appropriated'.

"This is a good haul; we should do it again sometime."

"Oh yes. That was only three workshops. There's still thirty-four!" Medea agreed in a giddy tone.

"It's like a treasure hunt."

"I feel like I'm a little girl playing adventure again."

We grinned at each other.

Shoulders drooping, Archaman turned the corner with Da Vinci behind him. "What are you two doing?"

"Getting materials," I answered promptly.

Archaman squinted as he looked over the piles of material. "Just raw materials?"

"What use would we have for the sub-par magecraft of modern day?" Medea huffed, offended. "The materials are of more value to us by far." didn't escape me that she said 'us'.

New friend get!

You had something to do with this, I'm sure.


"Well, the poor souls insisted on getting front row seats. Sadly, this ended up with them in body bags." Da Vinci bowed her head for a moment. "Well! They're not getting any deader! Back to work, you two!" she chirped with a clap of her hands.

Medea raised an eyebrow. "That's rather cold." She didn't seem moved, exactly. Just mildly surprised.

"They were supposed to sit elsewhere but decided to make a fuss. And I keep to myself anyways." Da Vinci shrugged. "None of them were bad for magi, but they were still… shall we say… living the stereotype? A little?"

"...I feel more badly for the non-magi who were made to attend in spite of being non-essential to the mission," I grumbled.

Archaman glanced at me. "I can agree with that, provisionally. It was a minor miracle that I got as many as five of the med team back from that, let alone anyone else to help keep this boat running." He sighed. "And thankfully the other magi that Medea recovered specialized in helping run the Rayshift program."

"You're welcome. You may thank me by carrying that pile to the door of my workshop." Medea pointed at the slightly smaller pile of materials and reagents.

"Can I borrow a Warrior or two?" I asked.

"As you like," Medea said with a nod.

"Why am I carrying your stuff?" Archaman muttered.

...well, if there's a chance to take mercy and dunk on him a little…

"He'd probably drop some anyway. Let your familiars do it," I muttered into Medea's ear.

"Too true. Very well, you're relieved."

"Anyways. You two are the last to be informed, but we've managed to get Chaldea into something resembling working condition." Archaman crossed his arms. "Thanks to Da Vinci, we've managed to keep the mana source we use for summoning in decent shape, and she's set her constructs to work maintaining the rest of the observatory. Given the large amount of rooms that are now… open… we'll be able to house Servants in their own chambers. Seeing as you've already begun to do so, I am giving the both of you official permission to scavenge workshops held by the deceased for raw materials only. It is our hope that any personal projects will be returned to the families of those we've lost."

"Translation: magi are ingrates, so saving the world won't be enough to placate them for being inconvenienced. We'll need to bribe them to keep 'em off our backs," I muttered to Medea.

"Please stop generalizing modern magi to the other Servants, Matthew." Archaman sighed in exasperation. "The last thing we need is to give them reasons not to help us."

I shrugged. "I mean, magi are a small percentage of the population at large. If they're coming, they must want the rest to be saved too."

Da Vinci flicked my forehead, and I winced. "Play nice, now," she chided. "We're all under stress here."

They both have valid points, darling.

"Fine, fine. I'll dial it back." I scowled.

"Thank you. The main thing this all leads up to is that tomorrow morning we're going to run the Summoning System again, and I'd prefer all the Servants be there. It should be safe, but…" Archaman trailed off, looking distinctly uncomfortable.

"Odds are better than zero we get a nutjob who thinks Ritsuka looks like a tasty snack and we're short a way to save humanity as a whole," I dryly remarked.

"Not how I would have put it, but yes." Archaman massaged his forehead.

"It's rather soon, don't you think?" Medea frowned, tapping her chin. "He made a good showing in that city, but our Master is only one person. Supporting more Servants so soon…"

"Most of the heavy lifting is done by the systems here. So long as we have fuel, we can invoke the Summoning Sequence as often as we need." Da Vinci paused. "Well, we can get fuel on excursions for supplies, if an emergency arises. As of right now, we have generators that we can tap on a regular basis."

"And we should summon early and often. We don't know when we'll find more Singularities, so having a group of Servants to swap out through Rayshift and having us all be more familiar with each other only helps," I added. "Resolving potential drama here is way better than letting it out onto the field where Ritsuka is in danger, and if some things can't be resolved we can separate specific Servants when we have the numbers."

"About that. We have confirmed seven Singularities, but haven't made much headway on locating them with our systems." Archaman scratched the back of his head. "This is going to be rough. Ritsuka's our only hope… I hope this isn't too much pressure on him."

Shoving the bitterness back was a novel sensation, but it wouldn't help me here. Not if I wanted to achieve what Morgan had set out. Whatever I felt towards the man who fostered my sister for latching on to a stranger before me needed to be set aside.

"About that."

Da Vinci's eyes sharpened. "Hm?"

"So we recovered a shroud of unicorn hair, fully woven into a solid sheet. It's large enough to fully encase an adult human in the ninety-ninth percentile of physical stature, assuming averages for height and weight." My voice was cool, clinical. "I've recovered sufficient silver thread and reagents to etch a ritual into it. Unicorns are associated with healing and purity, and the reagents have spiritual potency. I should be able to make a repeated use ritual, assuming periods of downtime for it to recharge using 'Fire of Prometheus'."

"How does it function?" Roman asked, snapped out of his worry by curiosity.

"Faerie runes compose the aria, and I'd simply need to use a command word to trigger the ritual itself. When wrapped around the patient, it would return the body to a state of wholeness, assuming that the damage had left the material in place. Small amounts of material could be replenished. It wouldn't regrow a limb, but catastrophic internal damage or repairing shattered bone is well within the projected parameters." I folded my hands behind me.

Medea hummed. "Small wonder Morgan was so insistent on claiming the shroud."

"That's easily on the level of a Grand Ritual. Just like the FATE System utilizes a fragment of Heaven's Feel, what you're proposing…" Da Vinci's brow drew taut.

It will work. For anyone but I, it would be impossible. But through you, I shall work this wonder. Once, I was known as the Queen of Avalon. Let us remind them what that means.

"Well, Morgan just got serious and went full Faerie Queen, so I'm going to take her word that this should work if I don't fuck up." I tried to force some levity into my tone.

"Keep in mind that we can't double-check this, Matthew. You're the only one who can read Faerie Runes, let alone write them," Archaman warned.

"Then I won't fuck it up." I gave a terse sigh. "Mind if I borrow those familiars now? The sooner I get started, the better. I want to see my friends again."

Archaman startled. "Matthew-"

The Dragon Tooth Warriors appeared in a swirl of black smoke. With a snap of her fingers, Medea directed them to pick up my share of the loot. The three of us managed to gather it quickly.

"They'll follow you to your Workshop and leave your things at the door." The ancient magus tilted her head. "Can I expect you to model for me again sometime?"

I gave a tense smile. "Sure thing. It was fun. I do need to go, though."

Archaman was quiet as I lead the familiars to my workshop.

Da Vinci…

"Well, if you need anything that you haven't pillaged, give me a call! I'm looking forward to whatever you've cooked up, my naughty apprentice."

I turned my head and nodded in affirmation before continuing.

My, my! You've managed to outdo yourself! Morgan sounded inordinately pleased.

The skein floated in midair over a jury-rigged antigrav panel. Tiny golden needles flashed as threaded silver twined through the air, stitching centimeter-sized runes into the cloth.

I was exhausted from the workings I'd engaged, but it would do. The mixture I'd anoint the code with would lose potency with age, so I left that step for later. The next thing to do-

Is dinner!

...well, I was going to start on some rings with pre-prepared combat spells, but it looked like dinner was in the cards instead.

You can start those after the summoning ritual tomorrow. You'll have a fresh store of mana, a clear mind, and steadier hands for setting the jewels.

...this is true.

And with the amount of mana you put into this, it should keep the entire week. Honestly, I didn't think anyone could burn through a fifty-line aria that quickly!

High-Speed Incantation. Iiiit's a thing.

Still, to do it in thirty minutes?

I shook my head and returned to my normal clothes with a shake of my arms, dismissing my Servant garb. I winced and touched my side as the cloth rubbed over tender skin.

It can't still ache.

Not as such. It's just… let's call it psychosomatic and move on.

Mm. Well, donning my armor does change your body to a degree. I was surprised it did away with the scar, though.

I'm going to go eat. Hopefully I can find a table where I can work a poison-detection charm in peace.

There's caution and then there's paranoia. You're too important to risk. Besides, I don't think anyone would have poisoned you beforehand.

I let that lie as I left my workshop, closing the door behind me and sealing it with a quick rune etched on the door.

Chaldea felt truly empty as I wandered toward the cafeteria. It was eerie. Not having to dodge clusters of people was… well. Not as gratifying as I would have thought.

I got to the cafeteria and felt my face fall. Mash and Ritsuka were nowhere to be seen. The only upside was that there were only five other people sitting and eating, all completely subdued.

Giving them plenty of space, I made my way to the back of the room and accepted a tray from one of the servers. We didn't make eye contact or speak, and that suited me fine.

Food in hand, I found a table near the front and to the side of the door. I put my back to the wall so I could see the room without much trouble, and sat down.

The meal was some sort of meat patty in sauce with steamed rice on the side. There was also a small bowl of vegetables.

"May I join you?"

I glanced upward to see Archer with his own tray. He'd discarded his mantle somewhere, leaving his arms bare.

...holy crap his biceps are as big as my head.

"Ah, sure." I fiddled with the cutlery as he sat next to me, a small smirk on his face.

"Dr. Roman told you about tomorrow, I assume?"

"New arrivals, yup. Hopefully we manage to get someone to help with the tech side of things and some folks to round out our expedition crew. We really need someone suited to melee combat." I looked at Archer. "No offense. You can help, but well. You're an Archer for reasons."

He gave a low chuckle. "That's true, I'll admit. I've trained in close range combat, but my greatest striking power is at range." He began to cut and eat the patty on his plate.

"What's it called?" I blurted.

"Hm?" He blinked at me.

"The food."

"Ah. Hamburger steak with rice. We steamed some vegetables as a side. I'm trying not to cut into our supplies too soon, especially until we can establish points to Rayshift so we can appropriate them. So, nothing too extravagant. Did the fried rice sit well with you?" Archer ate the bite of meat on his fork.

"Yeah. Like I told you before, I stuck with ration bars so I wouldn't have to deal with people." I felt my face heat up as I cut into the hamburger steak. " was the best thing I'd ever eaten."

"Well. I'll endeavor to keep up to your exacting standards, then." Despite the words themselves, Archer's tone was surprisingly warm. His smile took some of the sting out, too.

"Out of curiosity… are you this friendly with everyone? Not that I mind," I said hurriedly. "Just… curious. Yeah."

"Hm. Well, despite you being nothing like them, you resemble someone I respected and cared for a great deal. I admit to harboring my own curiosity about what kind of person you are." He watched as I took a bite of the steak. "How is it?"

The savory flavor flooded my mouth, and I felt myself tear up before I swallowed. "It's really good!" I began to wolf down the food in front of me.

Archer laughed before shaking his head. "Slow down, it isn't going anywhere."

I did as he told me, clearing my throat. "Um… so you've met Altria, then?"

Archer paused. "Yes. Not… not in this life, but I did. She was dear to me."

I hummed. "Maybe you'll see each other again? I mean, with the world as it is, she's sure to answer Chaldea's call at some point."

His smile turned wry. "Perhaps. She wouldn't remember me."

"If you made it to the Throne, you were important, but if she wouldn't remember you then you weren't a Knight or someone she faced. From what I remember of Morgan's talks on Merlin, did use a sword- but Altria would definitely remember him." I took another bite and chewed as I thought.

"Important is… a strange concept." Archer gazed at his plate. "I wasn't the kind of 'hero' to gain accolades for my deeds." The word 'hero' was spoken with the same venom I'd reserve for 'Marisbilly'.

"But did you do good?" I asked.

"...there was an attempt, I suppose." Archer's tone was dry.

"I'm going to assume it didn't go very well."

"It didn't."

I knocked the sides of my shoes together lightly. Servants were those from the Throne of Heroes. Those in the Throne were those who did great deeds in life. Who was this man who knew Altria?

"I don't think Altria was in the Grail War that Marisbilly fought in, and there'd be records of an Archer with your power," I said slowly. "But if we accept the theorem of the Kaleidoscope as posited by the Wizard Marshall, there are other facets, with other wars."

Archer's grey eyes rested on me. "There are. I will admit to that."

" can tell me to stop prying, if it bothers you." I placed my hands in my lap.

"If I were bothered, you'd know. ...I came to terms with myself some time ago. I'm the sum of all fates of one man, composed into a Counter Guardian."

That term I knew. "Oh. No wonder you answered the call first," I muttered.

Archer chuckled. "Yes, that would make a certain sense given our situation, hm?" His smile returned. "Let's assume that since the situation can't be solved with a few explosions, I've been given full discretion in regards to my actions."

"So are you from…?"

"Another timeline. The 'me' of this world didn't experience the history that would result in my formation. I won't bore you with the details, but in the worlds where I did appear… I fought in a Fifth War for the Holy Grail. More often than not, Altria was by my side as Saber." Archer's eyes grew wistful. "Sometimes, we even fell in love."

And since I was connected to her, however tangentially, he'd decided to take an interest. ...I'd heard of worse reasons for being pleasant to other people.

Well, now. You're an interesting one, aren't you?

I tightened my grip on my jeans before letting go.

And now he's in a coffin, frozen until he's dealt with.

...just like my friends.

In regards to them - for now. HE can stay where he is.

"And what are your thoughts?" Archer asked.

"Just… remembering someone I didn't much care for." Understatement, but no need to elaborate the point. "Your motives are way more benign than his were."

"Mo- ah. Towards you." Archer's gaze sharpened. "May I ask what happened?"

"You ever have someone who you were convinced thought you were something special? Trusted them? Even though you shouldn't have?"

Archer inclined his head. "It has happened, yes."

"Yeah. That." I stabbed my hamburger steak and took another bite.

You didn't mention that to Ritsuka. Why Archer? Morgan's tone was curious, not condemning.

Remember how Mash doesn't know all the details besides me getting stabbed? And how we want to keep it that way?


And he asked. So.

"Well, the guy in question is stuck in a coffin and I'm here. No use bitching about it, huh?" I gave a brittle smile.

Archer leaned back, arms crossed. "One of the Rayshift coffins?"

I didn't respond.

He sighed. "That's understandable. It seems like that wound is still sore for you, after all." A soft smile crossed his face, and the hard lines gave way to something infinitely kinder and gentler.

I found myself caught off-guard by the sudden change.

"If we're going to work together, I'd like you to know my name. I told Ritsuka and Mash earlier, so…" Archer leaned on the table.

"I'm the Counter Guardian, EMIYA. I am the ultimate fate of countless versions of Shirou Emiya. ...I'd prefer Emiya, if you would. I'm not fond of my past self."

I frowned slightly. "Why?"

"Mm. He… had problems. Sometimes they were addressed. Other times, he sacrificed himself where there wasn't a need to."

My frown turned to a scowl. "Why? What would that have done?"

Emiya shrugged. "Who can say. I'm so far removed from him that for the longest time all I felt was bitterness for the fool I was. Following an ideal to try and fill some empty space inside. I managed to make some peace when I realized that the ideal had merit, even if the methods taken to reach it were wrong."

"An ideal…?"

"To be a 'Hero of Justice'. It sounds childish, now." Emiya's smile hardened back into his usual smirk.

"Maybe." I rubbed my hands together. "Though…"


"I really don't think I could have gotten along with that guy. Throwing your life away on a whim… your life is your strongest tool. So long as you're alive, you can do more for yourself and the people you care for. Only if there's no other choice should you give your life up."

"Interesting." Emiya's eyes glinted with approval. "I think others would agree in spirit, if not with the phrasing."

"Yeah. But to be honest, even if I wouldn't get along with the past you, the current you seems pretty good. So if you can accept what happened, then so can I." I smiled. "It's nice to meet you, Emiya."

A small bit of that gentle smile returned. "Likewise, Matthew. It seems I'm in Chaldea's care."

My smile turned to a grin. "Well, I can't let you down, can I? Like hell I'm going back to ration bars after this!"

Emiya covered his mouth with a fist as he snorted with laughter.

"Ah, here you are. I've been waiting."


"No, no. You need your rest. I'm glad you found the skein, it took me forever to get together. Making things isn't my expertise, but I had the time to do it."

This place…

"Ah, you must be wondering where this is. Well, you're in my tower. You're asleep, but dreams are something of a specialty of mine. No need to worry though. I'm your favorite big brother, after all- no harm will come to you, little prince."

My head lay on something soft and warm that gently rose and fell. A mild, sweet scent permeated the air.

"I guess I do make a nice pillow, huh? Well, if you need a little retreat from your burdens from time to time, I'll happily invite you in. It's the least I can do."

An arm wound around my shoulders as I let myself drift, sprawled over the other person's torso.

"Now rest up. Altering the course of destiny is tiring work, I can imagine." A warm chuckle. "And the best part? Thanks to that little crown of yours…"

A warm puff of air near my ear. "He'll never see it coming, until it's far too late. Sweet dreams, little prince. You've earned them."

I rubbed my eyes as we stood in the summoning chamber. Emiya and Mash flanked Ritsuka to the front, while Medea and I brought up the rear. Mash and I were both in our Servant forms, ready for… well, whatever we could handle.

"Alright. We have enough to summon safely three times," Da Vinci said.

"We'll be saving the catalyst for the final one," Archaman added, holding up a collection of yellowed papers. "This is one of the older written copies of the Táin Bó Cúailnge. Given the central character, it's most likely to summon a powerful Lancer-class Servant."

At that, Emiya let his head fall with a weighty sigh. "So it seems I'm meant to encounter him here, as well…" he muttered.

I glanced at Medea, who averted her eyes. "Huh?"

"You'll see, Little Caster." A small smirk played over her lips. "Though it shouldn't surprise me that you recommended this course of action."



"Are you ready, Ritsuka?" Archaman asked.

Ritsuka nodded. "Ready!" He smiled brightly at all of us. "Thank you for standing by me!"

Mash returned the smile. "Of course, Senpai!"

I shook myself and exhaled, then grinned back. "Well? We'd better get to it."

He nodded, and faced front. Holding up his hand with command seals etched on the back, he made a fist. "Ready!"

Three rings of pale light gathered, coming together to form a radiant tower. As it faded, a figure stepped forth.

He wore a deep purple vest. His hair was a similar shade of purple, tied up in a long, flowing ponytail. A sword-

Holy crap. The sword's bigger than me!

"I am Sasaki Kojirou, an Assassin-class Servant. And I have been called into your service." The man bowed, a serene smile on his face.

Medea looked extremely put-out.

I leaned over. "He looks like a samurai. Aren't they all about fair play or something? Why's he an Assassin?" I whispered.

"Why, indeed?" Sasaki gave a sly smirk. "I'm sure she has the answers. Isn't that right?"

Emiya gave a slight cough as he turned his head away.

"It's an honor to have you with us, Sasaki Kojirou. My name is Ritsuka Fujimaru, Master of Chaldea." Ritsuka returned the bow. "It seems you know some of my compatriots?"

"I am familiar with Caster and Archer. The shieldmaiden and young…" He peered at me from the other side of Emiya. " are unknown to me."

I scowled. Seriously!?

"Mash Kyrielight, Shielder-class Demi-Servant. That's my brother, Matthew Kyrielight, Caster-class Demi-Servant."

Sasaski gave a weighty sigh. "So the witch found an apprentice, hm?"

"Hey! No she didn't! He's mine!" Da Vinci shouted.

The swordsman raised his hands placatingly. "I meant no offense."

Medea looked away, eyes narrowed. I gently touched her arm, and she gave me a wry smile and shook her head.

"I… may have earned it, in that case."

I frowned.

"If he makes a nuisance of himself, you may feel free to act as you wish," Medea allowed.

I turned forward to see Sasaki looking at me with a perplexed gaze.

"She's my friend." And that was that.

"Very well. If we're working together, I suppose I can remain professional." The swordsman strode away from the summoning circle, and went to one of the walls to lean on it.

"Next round!" Da Vinci called.

Ritsuka presented the seals again.

This time, the light spun for a greater duration before collapsing inwards. As it faded, the soft echo of heels striking the floor filled the room.

I swallowed as one of the most beautiful women I'd ever seen stepped out of the circle. She had long purple hair, and wore black clothes with purple accents. For some reason she wore a blindfold, and she was definitely taller than me. Long legs, short skirt-

I made sure to tilt my head up slightly, to be respectful. ...not that I could have missed those if I tried…

"...Servant, Rider. I am at your command." She inclined her head to Ritsuka.

The image of her astride a noble steed with hair billowing in the wind entered my mind's eye. I swallowed again.

"Glad to have you with us," Ritsuka replied gamely.

The man either has to be oblivious or is just that much of a gentleman. In the latter case, I'd applaud him- I don't know if I'd be able to talk to her without turning into a blushing, stammering mess!

"Medusa, really? This is turning into a reunion tour…" Medea muttered. She glanced up at me and smirked. "Though you don't seem disappointed."

"This is fine," I croaked.

Rider - Medusa - tilted her head as her face turned towards me.

I squeaked and fully hid behind Emiya.

Okay, look, I have a type! That type is taller than me, graceful, and could break me in half with their thighs! Being nice to me also helps! Gender isn't an issue!

...did she just smile!?!? No, she's expressionless. Unless…?

Emiya started coughing into his fist as his shoulders shook. Can proper Servants get sick?

My, my.

"Last up! We've placed the catalyst in the chamber!" Archaman called.

This time, the lights sparked with rainbows. A surge of power rocked the room, and the aura dimmed.

I squinted at the man who stepped out of the circle.

He wore a blue bodysuit with silver highlights - they weren't fae, but I felt the runes worked into the outfit. His skin definitely looked like he'd been somewhere sunny most of his life, though he was distinctly caucasian. His hair was blue, and held in a very tight tail by a sliver ornament. His earrings hung straight down, small silver rods that looked very familiar.


As did his red eyes.

Hold up.

His movements were fluid, on par with Medusa in many respects. He had long, muscled legs, and a broad chest. His arms were well-defined. Maybe not quite as big as Emiya's, but only just. He wore a wide, audacious grin with small fangs.

Oh look. Pointy teeth. A new thing that makes my heart kick up.

Ufufufu! Success!

"Servant, Lancer. Let's take it easy, Master!" His gaze passed over the rest of us, eyes narrowing at Emiya and Medea. He looked at Mash appreciatively, then at me.

Well, it's not like he's going to remember me anyways, differences in the Saint Graph-



"Hello?" Ah yes, a very manly squeak. Most impressive.

Cu Chulainn quickly stepped forward, and his grin widened. "I was hoping to see you again!"

And then, for the first time in… half a decade? I was wrapped in a full-body hug. My face was tucked into his chest, and his arms wrapped around my torso.

I felt my eyes roll up into my head as everything went dark.

Damn! Affection overload! Too soon, too soon! Even Mash doesn't hug him anymore! Mayday, mayday! Ohhh, please don't murder him Da Vinci! That's husband material right there!

Wow, what a strange dream. It was almost like I got hugged by a very attractive man. Funny, that.

"Is he breathing? Matthew!?" Calm down Mash, I'm fine. This is fine. Right?

"...I don't think he's that fragile?" Haha, nope, this is fine. Don't worry, Ritsuka!

"Maybe you should let him go." Nooo, it's fine Emiya. I'm comfy. Very comf. Chest pillow.

Slowly, I blinked. "Eh?"

Cu Chulainn stared down at me. "Are… you alright?"

"Well, the general answer for that is no, but this is nice. I don't think I've had a dream like this in weeks!"

"You're awake." Medea's tone was utterly flat.

I blinked once more. "Heh?"

Fou squeaked as he looked over Mash's shoulder at me.

And all at once, the reality of the situation came rushing back in.


Now wait a minute, I can explain-


"I, ah, need to check on my workshop!" I stammered. "Summoning's over, nobody's dead? Good? Good! Well, I'm not needed heresobye!" With some artless flailing, I managed to get loose and once that was done, my greaves lit with silver light, letting me tear away to preserve what little pride I had left.


Because, you know, nothing like the burgeoning crush you watched dissolve into light in front of you come back younger and hotter to make you feel good. Right? Right.

This is fine, I said to myself, as everything was on metaphorical fire. Just keep moving, leave your problems behind, and fake it 'till you make it. Be the hardass, Matthew. Be the hardass.

Oh, darling.

I closed the door to my workshop behind me and let the bounded field slip into place.

Then I slowly slid to the floor, and breathed.
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"Sounds like a personal problem," Mash remarked.

Ritsuka stared in shock.

"I'm the one person she's like this to," I whimpered. "My own sister!"

"Suffer." Mash smiled sweetly and took a sip of tea.
Savage Mash is a thing I never knew I needed. Her in-game Roman Bullying tends to be a mix of oblivious, well-meaning, and purposeful, but this is outright savagery to a degree she's never displayed. I suppose with how much our OC roasts Roman the balance must be restored somehow.
The man either has to be oblivious or is just that much of a gentleman. In the latter case, I'd applaud him- I don't know if I'd be able to talk to her without turning into a blushing, stammering mess!
This early it could really be either or. Late game it's definitely the latter, but the first half of Part 1 is when Ritsuka's still a random modern shmuck who didn't even know about magic three weeks before everything goes down, so it's honestly a tossup on the obliviousness. Early game Ritsuka is still frighteningly perceptive and intelligent, they just don't have the first clue about how the Moonlit World works until roughly London/America.
Yup. Sounds about right for a panic attack. Err, anxiety attack actually.

Slight difference if anyone cares is that Panic ones happen for no reason, just a sudden onset, while anxiety attacks are ones you can point to as having a trigger of some kind.

Anyway psychology semantics aside, I'm surprised he doesn't have a code on the dress for dissolving into mist and basically teleporting somewhere? Fading away into mist, stepping behind one tree and stepping out from behind a completely different one, etc.

Also Big Brother and Big Sister all wrapped into one! ... Even if he's an ass too often. Proto version best version, fite me m8.
Okay, look, I have a type! That type is taller than me, graceful, and could break me in half with their thighs!
I'm already thinking of Shishou and Skadi. Medusa's Gorgon form also comes to mind. Kiara, Melt (technically with the blade legs and all), the older Artorias...

Come on, give me more examples of leggy Waifus!
Savage Mash is a thing I never knew I needed.
Fate Sunny Order also had a Savage Mash, I think? Though that version only targets Roman.

But yes, Savage Mash, Overworked Assistant Mash, and Cynical Mash (from an AU comic where Gudao was arrested by the Association) is good.
Savage Mash is a thing I never knew I needed. Her in-game Roman Bullying tends to be a mix of oblivious, well-meaning, and purposeful, but this is outright savagery to a degree she's never displayed. I suppose with how much our OC roasts Roman the balance must be restored somehow.

This early it could really be either or. Late game it's definitely the latter, but the first half of Part 1 is when Ritsuka's still a random modern shmuck who didn't even know about magic three weeks before everything goes down, so it's honestly a tossup on the obliviousness. Early game Ritsuka is still frighteningly perceptive and intelligent, they just don't have the first clue about how the Moonlit World works until roughly London/America.

Pretty much. The plan was for Mash to mostly be like canon, but when her big brother leaves an opening for her savage side to come out. All in good fun, however, not actually mean.

I'm mostly writing Ritsuka like that. Uninformed, but not an idiot. Also he is very much the Pollyanna of the group.

Yup. Sounds about right for a panic attack. Err, anxiety attack actually.

Slight difference if anyone cares is that Panic ones happen for no reason, just a sudden onset, while anxiety attacks are ones you can point to as having a trigger of some kind.

Anyway psychology semantics aside, I'm surprised he doesn't have a code on the dress for dissolving into mist and basically teleporting somewhere? Fading away into mist, stepping behind one tree and stepping out from behind a completely different one, etc.

Also Big Brother and Big Sister all wrapped into one! ... Even if he's an ass too often. Proto version best version, fite me m8.

Thanks for the clarification; I'll update the content warning shortly! My bad.

The battle-gown(?) still has unnamed uses for the vest, bracers, diadem, and 'shroud' around his legs. It might have a solid-to-mist function, but he just doesn't know it yet. Most of his training has been in mastering the language of Fairy Runes, and a smattering of other useful magecraft.

Not sure what the Big Brother and Big Sister wrapped into one means. Assuming Matthew, he is AMAB (assigned male at birth) and comfortable with that designation, so uses he/him pronouns and doesn't experience dysphoria or anything. Textbook cisgender, really. It's just he was also mostly raised by himself and then Da Vinci, so modes of dress don't really concern him outside of immediate practicality and comfort. Think Haruhi from Ouran Host Club if she was a dude. (Leastways, I don't remember her being clarified as NB, don't shoot me if my memory failed!)

If you mean Cu... not sure what that means, more information required.

The last bit I do get! Proto Cu is a good boy. I love all his versions, but the FSN version saw me through many a pinch when I played FGO so he's the one who stays. I'm going to use a rule from 'Fragments of Chaldea' and only have one of a given Servant at a time to keep the cast manageable and save me headaches on too many plot threads to reasonably hold together.

I'm already thinking of Shishou and Skadi. Medusa's Gorgon form also comes to mind. Kiara, Melt (technically with the blade legs and all), the older Artorias...

I'd say Laltria wouldn't if only because their genetics are too similar, but the rest apply. BB until she opened her mouth, despite being shorter. ...I'm gonna abandon gender and just list 'possible interests'.

Diarmuid, Byrnhildr, Bradamante, Houzoin, Achilles, Karna (maybe?), Sanzang, Li Shuwen, Mata Hari, Nitocris, Yan Qing, Nightingale, Musashi, Siegfried, Chiron (non-horse), Quetzalcoatl, Napoleon, Robin Hood, and Francis Drake.

Fergus and Medb would be initially yes but no-go once Matthew found out Fergus basically raised Cu (it would be too weird for him) and Medb opened her mouth. Iskandar would tick a lot of boxes but fail the personality portion. Asterios is cute but Matthew would be uncomfortable with the seeming mental/emotional power disparity from his Mad Enhancement and personality.

Gilgamesh would fit some of the physical bill but then Be Himself and... not happen. (What makes it worse is that Matthew is Exactly Gil's Type.)

Edit: This list is Not Exhaustive and I reserve the right to have any Servant that's sufficiently attractive and five feet or taller reduce the protagonist to a blushing, stammering mess until he gets a little more life experience.
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