"So we recovered a shroud of unicorn hair, fully woven into a solid sheet. It's large enough to fully encase an adult human in the ninety-ninth percentile of physical stature, assuming averages for height and weight." My voice was cool, clinical. "I've recovered sufficient silver thread and reagents to etch a ritual into it. Unicorns are associated with healing and purity, and the reagents have spiritual potency. I should be able to make a repeated use ritual, assuming periods of downtime for it to recharge using 'Fire of Prometheus'."

"How does it function?" Roman asked, snapped out of his worry by curiosity.

"Faerie runes compose the aria, and I'd simply need to use a command word to trigger the ritual itself. When wrapped around the patient, it would return the body to a state of wholeness, assuming that the damage had left the material in place. Small amounts of material could be replenished. It wouldn't regrow a limb, but catastrophic internal damage or repairing shattered bone is well within the projected parameters." I folded my hands behind me.

Pepe first, then Kadoc, then Akuta.

"Ah, here you are. I've been waiting."


"No, no. You need your rest. I'm glad you found the skein, it took me forever to get together. Making things isn't my expertise, but I had the time to do it."

This place…

"Ah, you must be wondering where this is. Well, you're in my tower. You're asleep, but dreams are something of a specialty of mine. No need to worry though. I'm your favorite big brother, after all- no harm will come to you, little prince."

My head lay on something soft and warm that gently rose and fell. A mild, sweet scent permeated the air.

"I guess I do make a nice pillow, huh? Well, if you need a little retreat from your burdens from time to time, I'll happily invite you in. It's the least I can do."

An arm wound wound my shoulders as I let myself drift, sprawled over the other person's torso.

"Now rest up. Altering the course of destiny is tiring work, I can imagine." A warm chuckle. "And the best part? Thanks to that little crown of yours…"

A warm puff of air near my ear. "He'll never see it coming, until it's far too late. Sweet dreams, little prince. You've earned them."

Nice reminder that for all his love of messing with people, Merlin genuinely tries to care about others and be a good person.
Pepe first, then Kadoc, then Akuta.

Nice reminder that for all his love of messing with people, Merlin genuinely tries to care about others and be a good person.

-sees quote-
-notices typo that was missed in proofing-
Well, that's fixed.

As far as order of operations... I'm going to do semi-frequent time skips so I don't get too bogged down in slice-of-life, so you'll see what the Crypter Revival schedule looks like as soon as next chapter. Whenever I finish it. ...I haven't started it past the title, yet. :oops:

And yeah, Matthew's going to have a pretty decent opinion of Merlin by the time they meet in person. Well, in person in a Singularity. He's going to be conscious one of these days and pal around with him in Avalon.

Merlin: Mine Now.
Morgan: Excuse Me?
Merlin: :D
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"Ah, here you are. I've been waiting."


"No, no. You need your rest. I'm glad you found the skein, it took me forever to get together. Making things isn't my expertise, but I had the time to do it."

This place…

"Ah, you must be wondering where this is. Well, you're in my tower. You're asleep, but dreams are something of a specialty of mine. No need to worry though. I'm your favorite big brother, after all- no harm will come to you, little prince."

My head lay on something soft and warm that gently rose and fell. A mild, sweet scent permeated the air.

"I guess I do make a nice pillow, huh? Well, if you need a little retreat from your burdens from time to time, I'll happily invite you in. It's the least I can do."

An arm wound around my shoulders as I let myself drift, sprawled over the other person's torso.

"Now rest up. Altering the course of destiny is tiring work, I can imagine." A warm chuckle. "And the best part? Thanks to that little crown of yours…"

A warm puff of air near my ear. "He'll never see it coming, until it's far too late. Sweet dreams, little prince. You've earned them."
The dickwizard! What are you up to dickwizard? o_O

Matthew needs an adult post haste.
Not sure what the Big Brother and Big Sister wrapped into one means. Assuming Matthew, he is AMAB (assigned male at birth) and comfortable with that designation, so uses he/him pronouns and doesn't experience dysphoria or anything. Textbook cisgender, really. It's just he was also mostly raised by himself and then Da Vinci, so modes of dress don't really concern him outside of immediate practicality and comfort. Think Haruhi from Ouran Host Club if she was a dude. (Leastways, I don't remember her being clarified as NB, don't shoot me if my memory failed!)

If you mean Cu... not sure what that means, more information required.

The last bit I do get! Proto Cu is a good boy. I love all his versions, but the FSN version saw me through many a pinch when I played FGO so he's the one who stays. I'm going to use a rule from 'Fragments of Chaldea' and only have one of a given Servant at a time to keep the cast manageable and save me headaches on too many plot threads to reasonably hold together.
Whoops. I was talking about-
The dickwizard! What are you up to dickwizard? o_O

Matthew needs an adult post haste.
Yeah, him. Cause he has a female Proto version. Even if it'll probably never end up in the game.
Female Merlin is also not a dickwizard, making her a far superior character.

Sadly it seems that Morgan comes from a Female Arthur timeline, so that means she got to deal with the dickwizard.
To be honest, the fact she inhabits a puppet that acts as her own contractor is fascinating.
Wait so lily Da Vinci is already here?
"I'm a bit harder to kill than all that. If Gut ever wakes up, ask him. Or don't, he might try to stab you too," I joked. I slid into the seat next to Mash, and we bumped our shoulders together.

Ritsuka paused. "Uh. Is that a joke?"

"No," Mash replied. "That man… he got away with a lot because of his talents." She paused. "I'm glad I had nothing to do with him."

Ritsuka frowned, prodding his food. "Well, hopefully he doesn't wake up. The last thing we need is someone messing around in the one place we're safe. Unless you think we could get him to…?" He trailed off hopefully.
I know that they probably didn't even design or have an idea but I'm glad that Team-A is being brought up every now and then.
"Maaasterrrrrr, Morgan's doing the creepy laugh again!" I whined.

"In your head?"

I nodded.

"Sounds like a personal problem," Mash remarked.

Ritsuka stared in shock.

"I'm the one person she's like this to," I whimpered. "My own sister!"

"Suffer." Mash smiled sweetly and took a sip of tea.
......Feel like thats some Galahad coming through- considering how she really doesn't like Lancelot.
Solution: poke familiars until she comes out.

My, my. We've only been looking for ten minutes!

I nudged the Dragon Tooth Warrior again. "Hey. Heyyyy. Tell your boss where I am. I'm supposed to meet her for a thing. Heyyyy."
I feel like thats something Haruko Haruhara would do.
Medea's mouth slowly opened and shut. "You're agreeing… willingly?"
This level of trust must feel so weird- I love it
"Yeah, Morgan did. Something about a princess who got screwed over by a love curse so intense it messed her up, and the guy who liked her not being man enough to stick it to the gods to break her out and instead being an abusive abandoning dirtbag."
Surprisingly accurate.
"I mean, Marisbilly was the closest thing to a god I ran into here, and I still tried to stab him in the junk at one point."

The Caster's jaw dropped, composure lost.

"To be fair, it was less guarded than his throat. Not that it was unguarded, but…"

Her mouth shut with a click. "So… say the goddess of love placed a 'blessing' that was more of a curse on the woman you loved. Or man," she amended thoughtfully.

"Either works. I mean, not that it's happened, but you know, semantics."

Oh, darling. You'll get a spouse someday. I'll make SURE of that.


"So you would…?" the Princess of Some Greek Place trailed off.

Colchis, dear.

Yeah, that one.

"Stab her right in the tit," I said promptly.

Medea choked.
Telling Medea (or any Greek Heroic Spirit) that you'd stab the gods for them is basically "Babe I'll die for you" cause lets be honest even just saying something bad about the gods could lead to your death.
"Matthew, this is a chance for me to observe a mystic code crafted by someone who can call themselves a queen of faeries without lying. The one fae-crafted object I've seen throughout my tenure as a Caster was Excalibur itself, and no weapon in my living memory compared to that blade. Further... while it is a valuable material, I have no immediate use for it - you and Morgan do. As we are allies, it would be ill-advised to deny you the use of it, or whatever reagents you require."
Now that I think about it did Medea ever actually get to see Excalibur in Fate? I can't recall- oh wait she probably saw Saber Nuke Rider in the Fate route.
"By Hecate, sometimes it sounds like they slapped some syllables together and hoped it sounded sufficiently Western!" Medea huffed in exasperation.
Nasu might be a Chūnibyō but at least he's not like Ishibumi who makes absolutely mind numbingly bad weapon designs

Medea held up the small phial of leaves, eyes wide in wonder. "I'd never thought to see the likes of this herb again… the tinctures I could make with this!"

"That's the miracle of old magus families and capitalism," I drawled. "Money is power and power attracts money."

We stared at the small mountain of material we'd 'appropriated'.

"This is a good haul; we should do it again sometime."

"Oh yes. That was only three workshops. There's still thirty-four!" Medea agreed in a giddy tone.

"It's like a treasure hunt."

"I feel like I'm a little girl playing adventure again."

We grinned at each other.
Ahhhh their bonding.

Also who else is having the mental image of these two skipping in the hall ways of Chaldea as if their Kazuma and Megumin? Cause my mind can see this so clearly its scary.
New friend got!
May I join you?"

I glanced upward to see Archer with his own tray.
Time for more bonding!

...holy crap his biceps are as big as my head.
He knows how to pump some iron
The savory flavor flooded my mouth, and I felt myself tear up before I swallowed. "It's really good!" I began to wolf down the food in front of me.
"Ah, you must be wondering where this is. Well, you're in my tower. You're asleep, but dreams are something of a specialty of mine. No need to worry though. I'm your favorite big brother, after all- no harm will come to you, little prince."

My head lay on something soft and warm that gently rose and fell. A mild, sweet scent permeated the air.

"I guess I do make a nice pillow, huh? Well, if you need a little retreat from your burdens from time to time, I'll happily invite you in. It's the least I can do."
Man Mathew sure is popular one today
I leaned over. "He looks like a samurai. Aren't they all about fair play or something? Why's he an Assassin?" I whispered.

"Why, indeed?" Sasaki gave a sly smirk. "I'm sure she has the answers. Isn't that right?"
You mean Saber.

I mean just look at him, besides when not summoned as an Assassin he'll be a Saber.
"I… may have earned it, in that case."
Yeaaaaaaaaah maybe making someone's chest explode isn't the best thing to do with your associates/servants/slaves. Granted the fact that it happens in multiple routes makes me think he's cursed but still.
I swallowed as one of the most beautiful women I'd ever seen stepped out of the circle. She had long purple hair, and wore black clothes with purple accents. For some reason she wore a blindfold, and she was definitely taller than me. Long legs, short skirt-
Wow what a reunion- also YESSSSSSSSSS!
I don't know if I'd be able to talk to her without turning into a blushing, stammering mess!
Don't worry thats somewhat common when first meeting someone you think is completely out of your league.
Okay, look, I have a type! That type is taller than me, graceful, and could break me in half with their thighs! Being nice to me also helps! Gender isn't an issue!
He's like a confused puppy thats not very used to friendly people.
Damn! Affection overload! Too soon, too soon! Even Mash doesn't hug him anymore! Mayday, mayday! Ohhh, please don't murder him Da Vinci! That's husband material right there!
1. Dawwww
2. Mashu what the fuck!?
3. Cu is definitely a good Husbando
"Is he breathing? Matthew!?" Calm down Mash, I'm fine. This is fine. Right?

"...I don't think he's that fragile?" Haha, nope, this is fine. Don't worry, Ritsuka!

"Maybe you should let him go." Nooo, it's fine Emiya. I'm comfy. Very comf. Chest pillow.
This. Is. Amazing.
Because, you know, nothing like the burgeoning crush you watched dissolve into light in front of you come back younger and hotter to make you feel good. Right? Right.
Oh wow he admitted it.
I'd say Laltria wouldn't if only because their genetics are too similar, but the rest apply. BB until she opened her mouth, despite being shorter. ...I'm gonna abandon gender and just list 'possible interests'.
That makes some sense.
Diarmuid, Byrnhildr, Bradamante, Houzoin, Achilles, Karna (maybe?), Sanzang, Li Shuwen, Mata Hari, Nitocris, Yan Qing, Nightingale, Musashi, Siegfried, Chiron (non-horse), Quetzalcoatl, Napoleon, Robin Hood, and Francis Drake.
Wow guy gets the best of both types of dating games.

Also I could be wrong but I think its a no go for Nightingale. Just if we count her amnesia self from the Prison Tower as her true personality then compare it to her Berserker Mad Enhanced version......yeah.

I mean I could be wrong but around half of the Berserkers minds are so mucked that dating/sleeping with them would be like taking advantaged of someone who's been drugged/inhibited/temporarily having some mental issues.

Though back to Night I could honesty see Mathew go to the Prisoner tower- the guy does have a hatred/dislike of the world/humanity or just those who have cursed his existence.

Also Quetz is good, Quetz is life, Quetz is the one true best goddess. Fight me
So in canon Da Vinci pulls something akin to a Touko Aozaki. She was the third summon, but the system wouldn't have supported her due to being unstable. So she made a body to masquerade as her contractor and hopped in, using the puppet as vessel and anchor. Her contract doesn't get passed to Ritsuka until much later.

It's why she can't fight until later, actually. The details are under the 'role' section of her page on the Type Moon wiki.

So no Lily yet (if I ever get to that point). Hope this helps!
Can Morgan come up with something to block Clairvoyance? If so, dealing with Goetia without sacrificing Roman is simple.

Steal Roman's ring and use it to summon a fresh Solomon from the Throne, and have him keep watch over Chaldea while hiding him from Goetia's sight, thereby filling him in and motivating him to use Ars Nova. Bring him along in stealth for the Time Temple and have him snag a ring when Goetia discards his charade of being Solomon - including the rings - so when Roman shows up with the last ring, Solomon invokes Ars Nova before Roman can revert to being Solomon. Solomon's gone, Goetia implodes like a Jenga tower, and since Roman isn't Solomon at the time, he's fine!
Can Morgan come up with something to block Clairvoyance? If so, dealing with Goetia without sacrificing Roman is simple.

Steal Roman's ring and use it to summon a fresh Solomon from the Throne, and have him keep watch over Chaldea while hiding him from Goetia's sight, thereby filling him in and motivating him to use Ars Nova. Bring him along in stealth for the Time Temple and have him snag a ring when Goetia discards his charade of being Solomon - including the rings - so when Roman shows up with the last ring, Solomon invokes Ars Nova before Roman can revert to being Solomon. Solomon's gone, Goetia implodes like a Jenga tower, and since Roman isn't Solomon at the time, he's fine!

A little complex, but... how did you get in my drafts!? -eyes the first few pages of my next chapter-

And Merlin alluded to it in my last one, as well. So the 'no-selling Clairvoyance' is partially on the table already.

Basically? Goetia has no idea that the Shroud is being made. None.
A little complex, but... how did you get in my drafts!? -eyes the first few pages of my next chapter-

And Merlin alluded to it in my last one, as well. So the 'no-selling Clairvoyance' is partially on the table already.

Basically? Goetia has no idea that the Shroud is being made. None.
Is it wrong that I kind of want Matthew to be secretly building a faerie death machine to smack Goetia around with, once the Demon Pillars are made known?
I mean I could be wrong but around half of the Berserkers minds are so mucked that dating/sleeping with them would be like taking advantaged of someone who's been drugged/inhibited/temporarily having some mental issues.
The EX Ranked Mad Enhancement affects their way of thinking, I think? The lowest ranks only dulls their sense of pain.

Still, I think I'd go for Kiyohime. She fucking showed up on my rewards after Orleans, and I'm touched by that level of dedication (and insanity. Definitely insanity.)
Is it wrong that I kind of want Matthew to be secretly building a faerie death machine to smack Goetia around with, once the Demon Pillars are made known?
Is it strange that I keep thinking, "Fairy Types are only super effective against dragons and not demons"? :V
......Feel like thats some Galahad coming through- considering how she really doesn't like Lancelot.
Speaking as a man with a younger sister, while that might be Galahad, it's just as likely to be 100% pure Mash.

Little sisters often have a very unique way of interacting with their older brothers, especially when said older brothers are being extra irritating.

Telling Medea (or any Greek Heroic Spirit) that you'd stab the gods for them is basically "Babe I'll die for you" cause lets be honest even just saying something bad about the gods could lead to your death.
To be fair, I think Aphrodite is one of the original Olympians, if so then she technically doesn't have tits to get stabbed in as her true form is an alien nanotech robot spaceship.

I don't think that Matthew is aware of the true nature of the Olympians though, IIRC that's something that doesn't get revealed to those not already in the know until LB5.
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The EX Ranked Mad Enhancement affects their way of thinking, I think? The lowest ranks only dulls their sense of pain.
EX is essentially "can't be regularly scaled" or just so high that scaling would be useless. So essentially when given EX rating your a special case.
Still, I think I'd go for Kiyohime. She fucking showed up on my rewards after Orleans, and I'm touched by that level of dedication (and insanity. Definitely insanity.)
Oh definitely Kiyohime is waifu as fuck. She's sweet, caring, an amazing housewife, can kick ass, can turn into a Lamia (if you believe the April Fools card) and as everyone knows crazy is attractive.
Speaking as a man with a younger sister, while that might be Galahad, it's just as likely to be 100% pure Mash.

Little sisters often have a very unique way of interacting with their older brothers, especially when said older brothers are being extra irritating.
Don't need to tell me I have a sister whom I argue with all the time.
To be fair, I think Aphrodite is one of the original Olympians, if so then she technically doesn't have tits to get stabbed in as her true form is an alien nanotech robot spaceship.
True but even then she does have a human form as well. Pretty much all the Greek Gods gained some sorta humanoid avatar- we see a few of them in LB5.
I don't think that Matthew is aware of the true nature of the Olympians though, IIRC that's something that doesn't get revealed to those not already in the know until LB5.
Actually I'm 90% sure when talking to Artemis and Orion one of them will bring up that her regular form was "far to large and way to metallic". I mean people talked about Olympians being Aliens as far as I could remember.
Kiyohime is fine as long as you're super careful to never ever lie to her and don't mind having a waifu who is always on 110% maximum devotion all the time.

True but even then she does have a human form as well. Pretty much all the Greek Gods gained some sorta humanoid avatar- we see a few of them in LB5.
Yeah, nanobot android\gynoid 'remote' bodies for interacting with the humies.

The ones that were alien robots from space were specifically a group referred to in-game as the '12 Olympians', those 12 were originally the Gods of Atlantis in their space robot forms, totally unrelated to the Greeks. But then Sefar showed up and wrecked their shit, destroying Atlantis and their spaceship bodies, leaving them with just the divine power they had gained from becoming Gods and probably a few remotes and bits here and there. Those bits then washed up on the shores of Greece, where the Greeks did exactly the same thing they had always done when they found some new gods that looked kind of interesting; they adopted them for themselves.

Actually I'm 90% sure when talking to Artemis and Orion one of them will bring up that her regular form was "far to large and way to metallic". I mean people talked about Olympians being Aliens as far as I could remember.
There were a ton of hints that there was something up with the Olympians; Altera says something along the lines of 'well their true nature was...' when talking about aliens at one point IIRC, and there's a bunch of other similar stuff that strongly implied Something Was Up With The Olympians. We also have the deities of Central and South America (Aztec, Maya, Inca etc) who were revealed to originate from alien microbes that arrived on Earth inside the Yucatan impactor, hence why Quetz isn't broken overpowered like the true form of Amaterasu; Sun deities are supposed to be on a whole different level to other Gods, cuz they draw their power from the Sun which, being a star, is way bigger and more powerful than the World, a mere planet. But though Quetz is depicted as a Sun deity, she's actually a meteorite\falling star deity, so she can't do bullshit Sun deity nonsense but can do an orbital drop-kick that hits as hard as the mass that created the Chicxulub crater.

So the Olympians being aliens was a pretty obvious conclusion, the surprise was when they turned out to be alien robots, although that was a lot less surprising when people noted that they were basically a Mazinger Z tribute, at which point everyone went 'oh Nasu' and went back to waifu gacha.
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Is it wrong that I kind of want Matthew to be secretly building a faerie death machine to smack Goetia around with, once the Demon Pillars are made known?

...you know, I hadn't considered it, but it would make quite a bit of sense.

Is it strange that I keep thinking, "Fairy Types are only super effective against dragons and not demons"? :V

Depending on how you class the 'demon' in question they actually might be super effective. If it's dark without a poison/fire/steel subtype, then fairies clean house. ...Fou as Sylveon...? -'Moonlight Densetsu' starts blaring in the background-
To be fair, I think Aphrodite is one of the original Olympians, if so then she technically doesn't have tits to get stabbed in as her true form is an alien nanotech robot spaceship.
None of the Olympians have their bodies in Panhuman, they lost them against Sefar and only their spirits remained as Divine Spirits
None of the Olympians have their bodies in Panhuman, they lost them against Sefar and only their spirits remained as Divine Spirits

Not quite. Their original bodies were destroyed, but they created terminals - avatars - beforehand. Those survived and became the Divine Spirits we know from myth. The only exception is Ares, whose original body is still in orbit to this day, constantly watching for any trace of Sefar so he can smite her and get his sword back.
Not quite. Their original bodies were destroyed, but they created terminals - avatars - beforehand. Those survived and became the Divine Spirits we know from myth. The only exception is Ares, whose original body is still in orbit to this day, constantly watching for any trace of Sefar so he can smite her and get his sword back.
Wait what? Ares' Zord body is still around?
Wait what? Ares' Zord body is still around?

Yup. He's the god of war, making him the best suited to combat and surviving unwinnable battles. Sefar didn't destroy him, but she did thrash him and take his sword, Photon Ray, as a trophy. When Altera uses Teardrop Photon Ray, she's marking the target area with her energy signature, tricking Ares into smiting Altera's enemy with an orbital bombardment instead of Altera herself. She can't use it very often, not only because it takes a lot of power to mark an area so Ares notices her presence, but also because if she does it too often, he'll realize he's being tricked and show up in person.
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The Ares killsat that shoots at Altera in Teardrop Photon Ray is mentioned to be a 'virtual manifestation', which I think implies that he did lose his spaceship body with the rest of the Olympians but that he has enough divine power to manifest a copy in orbit when he detects Altera because she's using the sword's targeting laser function.

Like, he really hates Altera, so it's possible all the Olympians could do something similar and don't because it just costs them way too much power, but Ares is all 'fuck that imma shoot a bitch.'

It being a 'projection' would also explain how it can fire on things and not wipe out entire continents; as Artemis' killsat form at full power as seen in LB5 was capable of shooting massive chunks out of the Earth, as in 'the Doomslayer shoots a hole in Mars' size. But a projection would naturally be weaker, still excruciatingly powerful, but down from 'continent killer' to 'city killer'.
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