Space aliens invaded when humans were still furry little lemur-things living in trees, said invasion killed the non-avian dinosaurs due to the methodology in question. (Point rock at planet, put aliens on rock, throw rock at planet.)
No no no, the space alien*. That was my bad. I meant Velber.
You forgot Solomon and the Demons being real
I mentioned Nasuverse demons under the Hassans. Which don't cover "Daemons", which are the equivalent of Outer Gods in power, separation, and revulsion by humanity. But acutely understand your pain, yes, even you in particular random reader, and just want to tuck you into bed, give you milk and cookies, in general make you happy. But in fairness, the 72 Demon Gods of Solomon are more akin to computer programs or a stereotypical AI than the old lore of demons. Hence why they're technically Familiars.
Mesopotamian gods being the only original earth gods left after the white titan
space aliens invading before man actually existed.
No comment on Velber, not familiar enough with them.
Velber is another space alien that invaded, except it's an alien star and the ultimate origin of the White Titan Sefar (these days she goes by the name Altera the Hun, curator of good civilization) that wrecked the alien robot gods of Atlantis that went on to become the 12 Olympians.

The Velber (also known as the Umbral Star or Harvest Star) is alien to the galaxy entirely, and is a cyclical threat that appears every ~14,000 years and basically rocks through the galaxy without warning ruining everyone's shit as it goes. The last time it came around it killed almost all sentient life on the planet (IIRC the Velber is implied or stated to be what happened to the other Human subspecies like Neanderthals and the like) and plundered 80% of the Moon Cell's data.

It is believed to be a product of the same alien civilization that created the Moon Cell, though its purpose remains obscure.

Fate/EXTELLA said:
Velber [Circumstances]
"Velber" is the name of the predatory Umbral Star, also known as the Harvest Star. Like a comet, it flies on a set orbit through space, passing through the Milky Way galaxy once every 14,000 Earth years.
Its appearance resembles a crying eye.
It destroys all intelligent civilizations in its path, and in doing so, it consumes all digital data within reach.
The last time it passed through Earth's orbit, it annihilated virtually all sentient life on the planet, and plundered 80% of the Moon Cell's data.
It is thought to be a product of the same alien civilization that created the Moon Cell, although its form and purpose are obviously very different.
The true motive of the Umbral Star remains unclear, but during its previous attack on Earth, the Moon Cell did get a chance to analyze its structure.
Within Velber is a central part that could be considered its core, surrounded by layers of armor made of numerous "Arks of the Stars," individual space vessels.
If one considers the main body of Velber to be its central core, the surrounding portions are its self-made invasion weapons. Each layer of armor has its own distinct means of annihilating civilizations.
Velber's form strikes an optimal balance between offense and defense, and it has utilized that balance to wage victorious war against all sentient life in its path for eons.
The Ark of the Stars that carried the "White Titan" Altera to Earth was only one of three Arks that came to Earth in the previous cycle.
The other two, the "Big Brother" and "Little Sister" of Altera, are not mentioned in this game.

Yes you read that right, Sefar has a big brother!
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Velber is another space alien that invaded, except it's an alien star and the ultimate origin of the White Titan Sefar (these days she goes by the name Altera the Hun) that wrecked the alien robot gods of Atlantis that went on to become the 12 Olympians.
Isn't Nasu lore great?~ It's so much space aliens and Daemons and Demons and Gods~
Begins with 'Splish. Splish.'
The last fic I read that involved those words is the Worm/Bloodborne cross with the crazy Taylor.
Medusa paused. "Really?" She leaned forward. "You would just… do this for me?"

I shivered as her dress brushed my sweater-clad arm. "Uh. Yes?" I swallowed. "It's not like you've been any bother to me or whatever, and you seem nice enough."
Nice job, harem protagonist.
"W-w-wait! If you mean- well I'm not- it should be if-" What? What?

You're pushing him too hard and fast.
"So I couldn't help but overhear," Cu rumbled, his chest flush against my back as he hooked his chin over my shoulder. "It seemed like the kind of conversation I should be involved in."

Medusa swung her legs onto my lap, pinning me in place as she scooted closer. "I suppose you have a point."
That's not what he meant by talking.
And I mean. I'm pretty on board with it.


...Morgan, I was raised by you and Da Vinci. What are you expecting, here?
What if the Mona Lisa painting was only the top half because the bottom half was naked? Like after morning selfie?
He gingerly took the contact lens case from my hand and bolted.

Minutes later, I received a note sent back with Fou.
You think that's why the server downtime takes so long? Because they're using a rabbit-squirrel-dog hybrid to ferry messages for them?
No, best girl...
Who? So far, unless they are summ.....wait you are not talking about MH XXX right? I knew i forgot someone
Yup. Mysterious Heroine XX, aka most-definitely-not-Artoria-in-power-armor.
MHXX man, XX. I've seen some MH XXX, it's not SFW, just to let you know.
Its saberfaces all the way down.
Like Alice in Wonderland. We even have a rabbit with a Saberface.

Ok, freakout over. Hey, more siblings shenanigans. Technical siblings? You know what I mean. Also need that bounded fiel ASAP before that abomination decide to glance in Chaldea's Direction and find the Dreamers.
Mashu? Take notes. With just how insane it is already going, I think you might want to hook up a tiny bit faster.

Duck, even with more and more of A-Team, it just gonna be a pain to go through these Singularities, eh?
It'll legit be funny that the more of A-Team being revived they each get some sorta couple. We already have Kadoc and Anastasia, then we have Hinako/Yu with her hubby (hopefully in a more human looking form), and as for the rest I have no idea since I don't usually try to research JP things.
It'll legit be funny that the more of A-Team being revived they each get some sorta couple. We already have Kadoc and Anastasia, then we have Hinako/Yu with her hubby (hopefully in a more human looking form), and as for the rest I have no idea since I don't usually try to research JP things.

Dunno about the others, but I know Ophelia ships Ophelia x Wodime...

On another note, at least Avenger Joan will get an easier time in Chaldea after this whole mess, right?

(PS: Wonder what will be the reaction after Yu/Hinako is healed and the fact she's... pretty much a pseudo-True Ancestor is discovered.)
Mashu? Take notes. With just how insane it is already going, I think you might want to hook up a tiny bit faster.

Duck, even with more and more of A-Team, it just gonna be a pain to go through these Singularities, eh?

Mash is subtle about it (from Ritsuka's PoV), but she's got that on Lock.

As for the A-Team? If you give Frodo a Light Saber, give Sauron the Death Star. Though to be fair, he already kind of had it in this case...

Dunno about the others, but I know Ophelia ships Ophelia x Wodime...

On another note, at least Avenger Joan will get an easier time in Chaldea after this whole mess, right?

(PS: Wonder what will be the reaction after Yu/Hinako is healed and the fact she's... pretty much a pseudo-True Ancestor is discovered.)

I think Wodime feels the same, but as a "proper magi" he gets hit with 'what is this feeling' after her death. Though that's later revealed to not quite be the case later... (In a positive way? Ish? He's not a monster is what I'm saying.)

I have a Plan for Joan. I mean, clearly, given what's going on, but still.

Matthew will definitely Just Not Care. Anyone who knows what a True Ancestor is will have A Confusion and possibly A Panic. ...maybe Roman might know, because reasons? I'm trying to think if anyone there at this moment would... strictest definition, isn't a True Ancestor a copy of Crimson Moon made by the Planet in the same vein as the Faeries it produces? So by a very roundabout sort of logic, the Crimson Beauty is a Fairy? :thonk: strictest definition, isn't a True Ancestor a copy of Crimson Moon made by the Planet in the same vein as the Faeries it produces? So by a very roundabout sort of logic, the Crimson Beauty is a Fairy?
Call her that to her face. I dare you. I'll just be over there, behind the splatter shield, with a bag of popcorn.
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Matthew will definitely Just Not Care. Anyone who knows what a True Ancestor is will have A Confusion and possibly A Panic. ...maybe Roman might know, because reasons? I'm trying to think if anyone there at this moment would...

Only way Romani would know would be if he managed to access his power as True Grand Caster Solomon, Hinako went out of her way to prevent Romani from performing any medical examinations on her, only Marisbilly knew strictest definition, isn't a True Ancestor a copy of Crimson Moon made by the Planet in the same vein as the Faeries it produces? So by a very roundabout sort of logic, the Crimson Beauty is a Fairy? :thonk:

All Fae in Nasu are Elementals, but not all Elementals are Fae. Arcueid and Vivian are both classified as Fae, but Hinako/Yu is not.
I have always considered this one of the stupidest lines ever, not only is it stupid it's wrong, Sauron needs no Death Star, he simple needs a working brain

It's even more stupid when you realize that with enough strength in the Force, and possibly a big enough lightsaber, a Jedi could conceivably deflect the Death Star's superlaser away from its target, or even reflect it right back at the Death Star.
Matthew will definitely Just Not Care. Anyone who knows what a True Ancestor is will have A Confusion and possibly A Panic. ...maybe Roman might know, because reasons? I'm trying to think if anyone there at this moment would... strictest definition, isn't a True Ancestor a copy of Crimson Moon made by the Planet in the same vein as the Faeries it produces? So by a very roundabout sort of logic, the Crimson Beauty is a Fairy? :thonk:
She's... not really a True Ancestor. She's something called an Incarnated Elemental, which, according to Magi, are very similar to True Ancestors, yet have a critical distinction between them that the Magi are... unaware of. To put it bluntly, the answer on if Yu is a True Ancestor is "yes, but actually no". She doesn't have the same conceptual weight as a True Ancestor, and I think she might not have a Marble Phantasm, and is limited to absorbing Gaea's mana. However, she's the same in pretty much every other category; can drink blood but doesn't need to, regenerates stupidly fast, and is aligned to Gaea's will.
In other words: she's kind of a vampire but less strong... and less prone to crazy. Also definitely not a Fairy/Ancestor/Whatever.

Thanks for all the information, folks!

Sorry I've been afk, had to go retrieve food from Outdoors :V
In other words: she's kind of a vampire but less strong... and less prone to crazy. Also definitely not a Fairy/Ancestor/Whatever.

Thanks for all the information, folks!

Sorry I've been afk, had to go retrieve food from Outdoors :V

Less strong, less strong, Yu is still supposed to be a copy of True Ancestors made by Gaia all by herself, both to have a better understanding of what the True Ancestors were, and having a parade if the Counter Force wasn't up to the task. The two big differences between her and True Ancestors are 'consumption of ambient mana rather than blood' and '100% Gaia work, no Crimson Moon involved'. (Admittedly, if my memories of the whole thing are right.)
And still tanky enough Marisbilly figured 'Welp, if shit happens with Rayshifting, she'll be able to take it all and do the job, right?' out when he recruited her.