Mother fucker. I suppose it was always a single chain-summon away given both Jeanne and Gilles' presence, not to even mention Prelati's still alive in the First Singularity's time period, but mother fucker.

Looks like an even split of the Canon allies and enemies. On Chaldea's side is Jeanne, Joan, Mozart, Atalanta, Fafnir, Marie, d'Eon, and maybe Liz and Siegfried. Prelati seems to have given Prelati Specials to Vlad, Sanson, Phantom, and Gilles. Not sure where Lancelot or Saber Gilles went.
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Gah, and this means that Prelati's now bound to turn up in Chaldea at some point, given that they're in such deep shit that they just cannot afford to turn away any form of help. He has a complete stat sheet too, leaving really no excuse. Guess they'll hafta form the Kiara Protocols early...

I suspect Goetia isn't too pleased about this either. Canonically, even he knows better than to fool around with Foreigner shenanigans like Raum and Prelati.
Actually, is this Caster Prelati, or his original living self? Cause yeah, this is during his original lifetime, so that could very well be the real Prelati, not a Servant.

Of course, if this was an SI instead of an OC, I'd suggest using Prelati's eldritch shenanigans and Emiya's presence to chain-summon the only Foreigner who doesn't have the Threat to Humanity trait...
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Blink is it too much to ask for them to roll a Foreigner from the Gacha? They are going to need it. Heck im not asking for Pancake sister, Paragon of Hentai or Best Legs (lets face it here, Yang could crush a Coconut between her thighs) it can be a fan made one i don't care, im praying for Prelati to not to be a Foreigner Clas....what am i saying, he will be after shenanigans happen, as if his Caster version wasn't enough.......
So, bets on who the son of a bitch is trying to summon?
I'm betting Cthulhu, but he is already connected to Hokusai and Oui sooooo...
chain-summon the only Foreigner who doesn't have the Threat to Humanity trait
Who? So far, unless they are summ.....wait you are not talking about MH XXX right? I knew i forgot someone
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Mother fucker. I suppose it was always a single chain-summon away given both Jeanne and Gilles' presence, not to even mention Prelati's still alive in the First Singularity's time period, but mother fucker.

Looks like an even split of the Canon allies and enemies. On Chaldea's side is Jeanne, Joan, Mozart, Atalanta, Fafnir, Marie, d'Eon, and maybe Liz and Siegfried. Prelati seems to have given Prelati Specials to Vlad, Sanson, Phantom, and Gilles. Not sure where Lancelot or Saber Gilles went.

This is a spin on the summoned Prelati, but he's managed to get a hold of his book - the EX-ranked Anti-Principle book. The real Prelati is absent. Saber Gilles I'll decide when and if he becomes relevant.

Liz and Siegfried are around; it's why there's hope for survivors. In the case of the former, can't perform without an audience. In the latter, it's Siegfried.

Lancelot... well... there's something special there. I have something of a plan. Hopefully work will let me crank out a new chapter before next Saturday.

Gah, and this means that Prelati's now bound to turn up in Chaldea at some point, given that they're in such deep shit that they just cannot afford to turn away any form of help. He has a complete stat sheet too, leaving really no excuse. Guess they'll hafta form the Kiara Protocols early...

I suspect Goetia isn't too pleased about this either. Canonically, even he knows better than to fool around with Foreigner shenanigans like Raum and Prelati.

And no, just because I put a Servant as an antagonist doesn't mean they'll come help in Chaldea. Prelati is going to sit pretty in HELL.

On another note, I'm going to give a WoG that won't be too apparent in the story: Prelati's book is still slightly nerfed, and his role is to use his Grand Illusion chained through the Grails to obscure singularities. As it's something he picked up from his tutors in the lake, it's close enough to Matthew's power that Da Vinci was able to unscramble Orleans.

Blink is it too much to ask for them to roll a Foreigner from the Gacha? They are going to need it. Heck im not asking for Pancake sister, Paragon of Hentai or Best Legs (lets face it here, Yang could crush a Coconut between her thighs) it can be a fan made one i don't care, im praying for Prelati to not to be a Foreigner Clas....what am i saying, he will be after shenanigans happen, as if his Caster version wasn't enough.......
So, bets on who the son of a bitch is trying to summon?
I'm betting Cthulhu, but he is already connected to Hokusai and Oui sooooo...

There will not be a Foreigner, but there will be backup that wasn't there in OG Orleans.
Who? So far, unless they are summ.....wait you are not talking about MH XXX right? I knew i forgot someone

Yup. Mysterious Heroine XX, aka most-definitely-not-Artoria-in-power-armor.

That doesnt.....ooooooh, Alter Egos, now i feel like an idiot.

Ah yes. The natural enemy of Eldritch Abominations: Giant Robots. Use Elizabeth to chain-summon Mecha Eli-chan!

Guess they'll hafta form the Kiara Protocols early...

If we're gonna summon Kiara, howzabout summoning her Saver version? Beast III/R's Nega Saver skill specifically states that Kiara had the potential to become a Saver, so it's quite possible to summon an alternate her as such. A Kiara who utterly rejected Zepar and all that it showed her.
"Meaning you probably want to go get Mr. Zemlupus some clothes from his quarters before I make sure he doesn't have testicular cancer and there's no lingering damage."
Well that sounds horrifying
"I think I'd rather be safe than sorry. The better anchors I have, the better territory I can make. I might have to construct certain things, but I should be able to block out most forms of surveillance." I stopped in front of a door in the residential area. Kadoc's name was etched in English on a plate next to it. "And here we are."
Honestly if Goetia is anything like he was in canon then he's arrogant enough not to give a shit about what Chaldea does- after telling us how fucked we are in London the guy ignores us until we beat Babylonia. Which to be honest he most likely wasn't expecting considering the whole "we stopped a freaking beast of humanity" thing.
Anastasia gave an irritated huff. "Curses. If you were his lover you could at least tell me where he keeps his undergarments. These 'jeans' feel comfortable enough but the idea of them abrading sensitive areas is horrifying."
"I'm too short to reach it with my little arms." She gave a slow blink.
Oh she is just a treat.
" all that is holy." She took a deep breath. "I am Anastasia Nikolaevna Romanova, Grand Duchess of Russia and youngest daughter of Tsar Nicholas II. He was the last sovereign of Imperial Russia. My family and I were executed in our home during the Bolshevik revolution. Upon the brink of death, I contracted Viy, my familiar, and so our legends became one." She swallowed. "We died in captivity, my parents, siblings, and I. Viy's power lies in his eyes, which expose secrets, find points of weakness, and destroy enemies. He is a familiar of Russia but can only be attuned to one with the right capabilities. I only qualified as I bled out."
Yeah sure lets not even mention how Viy is some crazy eldritch spirit thing.
"Bold words for a man who just had his ass hanging out for all to see," I sniped.

Kadoc went scarlet. "I did not! The gown was tied shut, I was sure of it!"

Anastasia gave me a sideways glance.


"Do not fear, Master. It was a perfectly acceptable view."

Kadoc let out a tremulous wheeze as the flush spread over his ears and down his neck.

My, my!
I'm loving this!
"Excuse me?"

I blinked and looked up.

Medusa loomed over me, the mask across her eyes keeping me from reading her expression too well.
Yes yes yes
Medusa slid into the seat next to me, and gently took one of my hands in hers. "Then I deeply appreciate the offer," she purred. "I'm certain I can find some way to express my gratitude." She paused. "Though I may need to discuss it with your paramour at first."

...hold up.
Momma Morgan is amazing
"So I couldn't help but overhear," Cu rumbled, his chest flush against my back as he hooked his chin over my shoulder. "It seemed like the kind of conversation I should be involved in."

Medusa swung her legs onto my lap, pinning me in place as she scooted closer. "I suppose you have a point."

Oh god I can't breathe.
*Excite happy noises*
And that decided it. "Oh, I'd be more than happy to." Cu Chulainn's eyes blazed as all restraint fell away. "Hah! I knew you were a man after my own heart!" He slid a hand under my sweater and shirt, across my stomach, and-

Some things are better left private.
*Looks at virginity*
So long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, goodbye~
Jeanne d'Arc grit her teeth. "I don't know. The people come, and they aren't closely pursued. Chevalier-"

They nodded. "Yes. I will help usher them inside. My queen would expect no less of me." The knight dashed forward, blade sheathed as they went towards the frightened people.
Wait a sec weren't they-
-Wait what!?
Jeanne turned reproachful eyes to her 'sister'. "Joan…"

The black-clad mirror to Jeanne crossed her arms. "I can only keep Fafnir so long, and my own flames won't illuminate like his. I don't have the grail to keep this up indefinitely." She shook her head. "If we don't receive help soon, we're dead. Outside of our own efforts, there won't be a miracle."
A thready shriek came from the dark.

"Think he loves that?" Joan retorted.

"Of this world. I do not think they qualify."

Joan paused, yellow eyes wide before she cackled. "On that, Saint, we can agree."

Francois Prelati plucked the Holy Grail from a battered table, standing beneath the newly towering structure.
Aaaaand now I have none. Fucking hot topic looking underwear model- I can't believe they've been brought up in two separate stories in less than 24 hours. Seriously the fuck
Literally the only saving grace with Prelati is that he normally can't use his own book, if he's figured out how to loophole a way into gaining usage of his book, even if nerfed, then everyone is going to be eyeball-deep in tentacle monsters very soon.

e: If only Lovecraft himself was around, with Prelati in play they could use the help.
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And no, just because I put a Servant as an antagonist doesn't mean they'll come help in Chaldea. Prelati is going to sit pretty in HELL.
Huh. You do you, but Ritsuka pretty much always ends up summoning enemy Servants to Chaldea sooner or later, even the ones who've participated in genocide and body horror like Cu Alter and Gorgon. The other Servants don't always like them, but Ritsuka tends to consider it community service: "You did really monstrous and horrible things and tried your absolute damndest to kill me and my friends, but I'm too nice for my own good so you're going to help me save the world." And somewhere down the line they either become resigned to helping or genuinely start to like Ritsuka, which is... varying degrees of good depending on the Servants' particular definition of "friend".

I personally think it'd be absolutely hilarious to see Prelati re-nerfed and frogmarched into helping everyone keep Chaldea in one piece. I mean, we already have Mephisto, Columbus, and Moriarty, so what's one more absurdly evil motherfucker onto the pile? Not to mention that forcing him to be a nominal good guy with his eldritch abilities would be far more hellish for him than plain death.

But again, you do you.
If we're gonna summon Kiara, howzabout summoning her Saver version? Beast III/R's Nega Saver skill specifically states that Kiara had the potential to become a Saver, so it's quite possible to summon an alternate her as such. A Kiara who utterly rejected Zepar and all that it showed her.
I meant that more in a "late-game Chaldea probably has protocols for contracted Servants that have see-saw morality and horrifying powers like Kiara" kind of way.
Literally the only saving grace with Prelati is that he normally can't use his own book, if he's figured out how to loophole a way into gaining usage of his book, even if nerfed, then everyone is going to be eyeball-deep in tentacle monsters very soon.

e: If only Lovecraft himself was around, with Prelati in play they could use the help.
He hasn't had the damn thing in several subjective eternities, so he's hopefully pretty rusty with it. Sadly, you're right about the danger level. In his hands, the Spellbook takes on a Class of its own, as an EX-Rank Anti-Principle Noble Phantasm. What that means I don't know, but it probably has something to do with Gaea.
Huh. You do you, but Ritsuka pretty much always ends up summoning enemy Servants to Chaldea sooner or later, even the ones who've participated in genocide and body horror like Cu Alter and Gorgon. The other Servants don't always like them, but Ritsuka tends to consider it community service: "You did really monstrous and horrible things and tried your absolute damndest to kill me and my friends, but I'm too nice for my own good so you're going to help me save the world." And somewhere down the line they either become resigned to helping or genuinely start to like Ritsuka, which is... varying degrees of good depending on the Servants' particular definition of "friend".

I personally think it'd be absolutely hilarious to see Prelati re-nerfed and frogmarched into helping everyone keep Chaldea in one piece. I mean, we already have Mephisto, Columbus, and Moriarty, so what's one more absurdly evil motherfucker onto the pile? Not to mention that forcing him to be a nominal good guy with his eldritch abilities would be far more hellish for him than plain death.

But again, you do you.

He hasn't had the damn thing in several subjective eternities, so he's hopefully pretty rusty with it. Sadly, you're right about the danger level. In his hands, the Spellbook takes on a Class of its own, as an EX-Rank Anti-Principle Noble Phantasm. What that means I don't know, but it probably has something to do with Gaea. make several valid points, and I'll consider it if things get sufficiently dire. Which, they probably will, but whatever.

All we really know about the book is it got translated into Italian from Chinese, and into Chinese from something else. It might be the opposite to the Necronomicon (which iirc was the book used to send the eldritch things away). Which in turn means 'Outer Gods, Show up Here'.

So if this is happening now, I'm worried for Camelot and Babylonia. What's it going to be, allied Three Goddess Alliance and Uruk?

Camelot I have some plans, but there's no topping Tiamat for Babylonia. Unless I do two Beasts at once, but that's a level of overkill that would make the Time Temple pointless. I will need to consider that question... carefully.
Camelot I have some plans, but there's no topping Tiamat for Babylonia. Unless I do two Beasts at once, but that's a level of overkill that would make the Time Temple pointless. I will need to consider that question... carefully.
Clearly early Beast VII .

Also, I don't know if this was answered, but how do Davinci, Romani, and Wodine feel about Matthew? And how far does Matthew's lack of knowledge about historical figures go? I assume he at least knows a little bit about King Arthur and etc. make several valid points, and I'll consider it if things get sufficiently dire. Which, they probably will, but whatever.

All we really know about the book is it got translated into Italian from Chinese, and into Chinese from something else. It might be the opposite to the Necronomicon (which iirc was the book used to send the eldritch things away). Which in turn means 'Outer Gods, Show up Here'.
The Necronomicon is just information about Things That Man Was Not Meant To Know in general, it is implied that Prelati's Spellbook is a fragment of the Necronomicon that contains the information regarding Cthulhu and R'lyeh: Prelati's Spellbook is the 'Textbook of the Sunken Spiral Castle', the 'Sunken Spiral Castle of the Abyss' is another name for R'lyeh, where Cthulhu (the Evil God of the Abyss) is imprisoned.
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Clearly early Beast VII .

Also, I don't know if this was answered, but how do Davinci, Romani, and Wodine feel about Matthew? And how far does Matthew's lack of knowledge about historical figures go? I assume he at least knows a little bit about King Arthur and etc.

Da Vinci views him as her naughty apprentice and did most of the raising. It's uncertain if she sees him as her child, but she is the only physically present mentor figure Matthew has had in his life.

Roman does actually think of him as his kid, but Marisbilly thoroughly tied his hands due to Matthew's status as 'the success'. Things were not improved when Matthew tried to emasculate Marisbilly to death. Roman does care, he just has no idea how to bridge the gap between them. He is doing his best.

Wodime is a slight spoiler, but he has no ill will towards Matthew. In fact, he'd probably like to be friends. There's just a detail or five in the way, though.

Matthew knows Arthurian legend and tales on the level of Heracles in terms of fame. Outside Camelot, the knowledge is very surface level. In historical terms, he is vaguely familiar with Western History. Most of his knowledge is on modern-day landmarks and some pop culture. He also has a decent amount of information on Faeries and the more famous Phantasmal Beasts. make several valid points, and I'll consider it if things get sufficiently dire. Which, they probably will, but whatever.

All we really know about the book is it got translated into Italian from Chinese, and into Chinese from something else. It might be the opposite to the Necronomicon (which iirc was the book used to send the eldritch things away). Which in turn means 'Outer Gods, Show up Here'.
Thank you, and whether he becomes a Chaldean Servant or gets locked in a box forever, I'll eagerly read the story all the same. I'm just picturing him whining as he's forced to(retching noises) help.

The book's origin story is actually rather hilarious for all that it's nightmare fuel incarnate. See, while he was translating the book into a random blank bible he had lying around, he got high as a kite from his own magical drugs, and started magicking the book into a grimoire while he was still translating and seeing purple elephants riding sofas. He sadly didn't blow himself up doing this, and ended up connecting to R'lyeh with his mind and transferring the connection into the book. He kept his dubious sanity due to the hazy afterglow the drugs gave him, and woke up the next morning with a killer hangover and a metal-as-fuck book.
And you probably thought nobody'd catch you sneaking an Apocrypha reference in there. I mean, Fafnir? Defending Jeanne? We all know whose identity that really is, Noble Phantasm or Servant. When Jeanne calls out into eternity for aid in her darkest hour, who the hell else is going to beat the line?
Ah yes, Sieg's 'And Now I Am A Dragon, Ha Ha Fuck You' Noble Phantasm.

It makes sense in context.

The book's origin story is actually rather hilarious for all that it's nightmare fuel incarnate. See, while he was translating the book into a random blank bible he had lying around, he got high as a kite from his own magical drugs, and started magicking the book into a grimoire while he was still translating and seeing purple elephants riding sofas. He sadly didn't blow himself up doing this, and ended up connecting to R'lyeh with his mind and transferring the connection into the book. He kept his dubious sanity due to the hazy afterglow the drugs gave him, and woke up the next morning with a killer hangover and a metal-as-fuck book.
Note that he was trying for Hell, specifically Beelzebub. It's just that in his coked-off-his-face state he missed Hell and hit R'lyeh instead.
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Ah yes, Sieg's 'And Now I Am A Dragon, Ha Ha Fuck You' Noble Phantasm.

It makes sense in context.
Plus the Servant lineup is something of a Black Faction mini-reunion. Atalanta and Jeanne are working together and have to put that whole Jack business to the backplate, while Siegfriend is absolutely going to remember the young man he gave his core as a Servant and Heroic Spirit to make. There'll be enough Servants to also give them flashbacks. Liz, Marie, and d'Eon equal One Astolfo, by my reckoning. And Lancelot... he'll probably be Berserkalot in this timeline.
Note that he was trying for Hell, specifically Beelzebub. It's just that in his coked-off-his-face state he missed Hell and hit R'lyeh instead.

Because, ironically enough... The Biblical Hell does not actually exist in Nasu. All souls* come from Akasha and ultimately return to Akasha. The residents of Kur that we see in Babylonia eventually pass on and return to Akasha once Kur is no longer needed, and the same goes for the other Age of Gods afterlives. Demons do exist, but the Biblical realm of eternal suffering? Yeah, no.

*Barring the ones that get eaten by Servants for fuel or otherwise destroyed, that is.
Because, ironically enough... The Biblical Hell does not actually exist in Nasu. All souls* come from Akasha and ultimately return to Akasha. The residents of Kur that we see in Babylonia eventually pass on and return to Akasha once Kur is no longer needed, and the same goes for the other Age of Gods afterlives. Demons do exist, but the Biblical realm of eternal suffering? Yeah, no.

*Barring the ones that get eaten by Servants for fuel or otherwise destroyed, that is.
Which is interesting if you think about it considering that YHWH is definitely extant in the Nasuverse, apparently the Jews were right about their God and wrong about basically everything else.

This amuses me.

e: You know I bet the Book of Ezekiel was right in the Nasuverse; the contents of that book sound exactly like the sort of shit that went down during the Age of Gods.
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Which is interesting if you think about it considering that YHWH is definitely extant in the Nasuverse, apparently the Jews were right about their God and wrong about basically everything else.

This amuses me.
Welcome to Fate, Grand Order Edition. Every religion and culture is right... for their piece of dirt. Then you've got what things 'actually' were that older civilizations, outside magi and other non-human entities, didn't understand. Like the Greek Alien War Machines, Mesoamerican Marvel Symbiotes from the Chicxulub Impact, everything north of Italy running on Fairies and Nature Spirits, Vampires are just Moon Aliens, and the Grandmasters of the Order Of The Assassins regularly made pacts with (Nasuverse) Demons. And most relevantly, all of circles of Cthulhu Mythos storytelling is real.

Cultural pastiches are all the rage in pop culture, don't you know?:V
Welcome to Fate, Grand Order Edition. Every religion and culture is right... for their piece of dirt. Then you've got what things 'actually' were that older civilizations, outside magi and other non-human entities, didn't understand. Like the Greek Alien War Machines, Mesoamerican Marvel Symbiotes from the Chicxulub Impact, everything north of Italy running on Fairies and Nature Spirits, Vampires are just Moon Aliens, and the Grandmasters of the Order Of The Assassins regularly made pacts with (Nasuverse) Demons. And most relevantly, all of circles of Cthulhu Mythos storytelling is real.

Cultural pastiches are all the rage in pop culture, don't you know?:V
Highly Accurate Statement right here. You forgot Solomon and the Demons being real, Mesopotamian gods being the only original earth gods left after the white titan, and space aliens invading before man actually existed.
Highly Accurate Statement right here. You forgot Solomon and the Demons being real, Mesopotamian gods being the only original earth gods left after the white titan, and space aliens invading before man actually existed.
Space aliens invaded when the creatures that would go on to become humans were still furry little lemur-things living in trees, said invasion killed the non-avian dinosaurs due to the methodology in question. (Point rock at planet, put aliens on rock, throw rock at planet.)

Said aliens then went on to become the Mesoamerican Pantheon of gods. :V

BC-Era Nasuverse was a wild place to live; I wasn't joking when I said the Book of Ezekiel fits right in, in the Nasuverse the Book of Ezekiel basically reads as The Book Of What I Saw In My Back Yard Last Thursday.
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