Did Marsbilly actually do anything, or was he just walking about loosening the restraints?

So at this point, Matthew continued to undergo experiments and was kept as a mix of test subject and weapon.

We have confirmation that the experiments to make the designer babies and add the spirits were inhumane, and Olga thinks that Mash, even with the time between their end and canon, would be within her rights to try and kill her for what Marisbilly did.

Matthew went through everything Mash did and more because he was the 'success', and Da Vinci wasn't a source of support yet- just Morgan.

Marisbilly didn't say anything to Matthew, because why tell the Bowie knife that you're not adding a glock to the armory? He found out through hearsay.

Roman managed to point out how hard to control Matthew was and headed Marisbilly off at the pass.

And nobody remembered to inform Caster Seven that his sister was not, in fact, in danger of joining him in hell...

So Animusphere didn't do anything to Mash. But Matthew, for all he's glib about it, is highly traumatized. The threat was enough.
Wonder how Ritsuka will react to his mother showing up as host to two Sumerian goddesses... Especially if Ishtarin lands on him in the seventh Singularity like she did in canon...
Wonder how Ritsuka will react to his mother showing up as host to two Sumerian goddesses... Especially if Ishtarin lands on him in the seventh Singularity like she did in canon...

We'll see what's to be done about that when we get there.

Definitely not bringing that kind of questionable content in though.
There's a very easy method to winning over Gilgamesh, other than summoning Enkidu:
Wait until Ishtar turns up and the two meet, then have Emiya grab Ishtar before Gilgamesh can attack her, turn her over his knee, and spank her until Gilgamesh passes out from laughing too hard.

Also, is Caren perhaps going to turn up somehow? Having her around would make integrating Angra Mainyu quite a bit easier if/when he turns up, not to mention the look on Kirei's face when he walks into the Control Room and finds his daughter there smirking at him.
There's a very easy method to winning over Gilgamesh, other than summoning Enkidu:
Wait until Ishtar turns up and the two meet, then have Emiya grab Ishtar before Gilgamesh can attack her, turn her over his knee, and spank her until Gilgamesh passes out from laughing too hard.

Also, is Caren perhaps going to turn up somehow? Having her around would make integrating Angra Mainyu quite a bit easier if/when he turns up, not to mention the look on Kirei's face when he walks into the Control Room and finds his daughter there smirking at him.

On the sliding scale of summoners, Gilgamesh likes Ritsuka better than Tokiomi off the bat (ironically), but not quite as much as Kirei yet. He's observing, and is cautiously optimistic. The conditions he's been called in also help.

Gilgamesh is also intrigued enough by Matthew that he won't be too disruptive. For him.

I have no plans to include Caren at this time. Kirei is a problem to be handled... soon. Haven't started writing the next chapter yet, but it won't be in that one, at least.
If you decide to bring Arthur into this fic, then you will, of course, bring his Merlin as well. Given that she has yet to make ANY appearances in Fate fanfiction afaik...
In Which We Confront the Past
A/N: Whew. Minor Content Warning: The end of the scene with Cu involves Matthew, Cu, Medusa, and finally getting somewhere. Starts "We looked to the side as a low chuckle echoed." and goes to the end of the scene.

Content Warnings: Incredibly traumatic flashback, Beryl fuckery, nongraphic grooming of a child and assault (of multiple kinds), human experimentation. All in first scene. Multiple breakdowns in other places.

Bracing. Bracing. Here it comes again.

"Subject Caster Seven is ready. Preparing for circuit enhancement protocols."

White-hot agony. Stretching, bending.

"Test twelve tentative success. Spiritual surgery has taken, and the circuits affected appear to have a capacity of forty units… no, sixty units higher. Approval for further expansion requested."


"Beginning physical reinforcement. Injecting alchemical composition six-three-five."

Sick, sick, the light's overwhelming, I can't-

-old on! I'm co-

Faint voice on the edge of consciousness-

"Beginning summoning protocol. Casters One through Six, failure. Now beginning Caster Seven. Casters Eight through Twenty-Five remaining."

A pause.

"Archers One through Thirty, failure. Sabers One through Twenty, failure. Lancers One through Fifty, failure. Riders One Through twenty, failure. Assassins One through Thirty, failure. Berserkers One through Five, failure. Casters One through Six, Eight through Twenty-Five, failure. Caster Seven success. Securing permission for fifth batch of specimens."

I swear to you. You won't die in this hell. I'll keep you safe. Come with me… I'll show you a dream of mine.

Query? Designation?

I'm Morgan, little one. I'll take care of you, even when no one else will. You're going to change the world, little one.


"Preparing for origin analysis…"

"Haha, wow. You really are a wild little guy, huh?"

A smile with teeth, dark eyes glinting.

"So cute. Hey, how about we dodge your nanny and go have some real fun, huh?"

I bite back an angry hiss. Da Vinci said that 'humans' don't do that, and it frightens them.

"Heyyy. I overheard your talk with Akuta. Wanna know a secret?" Beryl leaned close-

I felt my eyes widen as he gently rubbed my cheek with his hand.

"I'm not human either. C'mon. I'll take good care of you."

When…? I used to hug Mash, but-


His hand… is warm…

Too much. Too much.

Mash got out, I was happy-

"Caster Seven's success-"


No. No. Ro- Archaman wouldn't let it happen.

Pain floods my nerves again; how have they not given out? Thrash, flail, scream around the gag. Restraints pin me down.

"The Director's considering it. We got enough success with this wildcat that there's a good chance-"


"C'mon buddy. You had to know better, right?"

Blood dripped down my stomach, the metal lodged in me. I looked up helplessly as he caressed my face, my neck.

"Or you didn't. Well, I'd be a damn fool to turn down a meal like this. I'll make your death sweeter than the others, okay? Cute baby beast. My little wildcat."

"I love you?" A question, a plea-

"Aw. That's adorable, kitten. I loved you too. You were a good pet. But now it's time for the best part of playing this game - the ending."


Da Vinci…?

Light, searing, clash of limbs and blades, she flew into the wall-



I may husband my strength for now, but I've power enough for one feral thug.

Ritsuka mulled over his cup of tea. It… had not been his week, so far.

Firstly, the nightmare. It was one thing to know a piece of history in concept, but another to experience it. While it made sense that he moved between his two primaries, the change from Mash to Matthew was… jarring.

Mash didn't remember the experimentation on her, and it showed. She didn't quite have a sense of 'self' before her Heroic Spirit was implanted. Roman, and in part Matthew, had changed that and so that is what Ritsuka saw. Interactions with Roman, primarily, and some engagement with her siblings, but those were blurry. Matthew… after the ritual, he held her at arm's length, and Ritsuka felt her pain at it, even if she herself didn't understand it at the time.

Morgan had started on Matthew early, so he remembered before, during, and after. Whatever her plan was, she did care for him - as much as she was able. Enough to protect him when it was detrimental to her. Ritsuka actually had solid proof that she had made tenuous contact before summoning. Whatever she planned had been in the works for some time.

Now that he'd seen/felt what Matthew was like before, he was in awe of whoever 'Scandinavia Peperoncino' was. Pulling who he was now out of who he was then… it would take a level of skill that Ritsuka wasn't sure he had. He definitely couldn't balance it with the other Servants.

And Beryl Gut had to go. The way Matthew had phrased it, he had been opportunistic, but Ritsuka had been warned enough by his mother how it went to know what grooming looked like. The man was a predator in more than one sense, and while Ritsuka could accept a great number of things… that wasn't one of them.

Speaking of, his conversation with Roman. That had been... something. Right before the summoning, too.

He'd explained his part, how he had to keep his identity and training secret, and why. Having the Zenjou blood manifest as a sorcery trait wasn't something anyone had expected to come of a union between a powerful magus and a normal man, but as luck would have it? Any children of Ritsuka's were destined for magical greatness. He himself was average in most respects, or so he assumed. His mother focused more on self-defence, healing, warding, and straight combat than true methodology. It wasn't a lie to say he was a spellcaster; he was raised as such.

Asako took after their mother- Average One, amazing circuits, perfect for bearing a Crest. Everything a magus could ask from a good match, let alone a subpar one made out of love like his mother's.

He was loved by his mother and sister, though one smothered him in protectiveness and the other considered it her duty to try and elevate him to being a proper magus, Crest or no Crest. They were… fine. No family was ideal, but their love was made known, and he returned it. He missed them, he could admit that easily.

His father… was strained. Shotaro Tohsaka looked very different for a native of Japan, but had no kind of talent for magecraft. His mother refused to hypnotize him because it might step on some moral of hers, and honestly Ritsuka agreed. She, however, was dedicated to the idea that he wasn't capable of functioning in the Moonlit World.

Though given she'd admitted he'd been raised by a retired magic hitman after his parents died in a house fire, even if he was taught nothing of that world, Ritsuka did wonder.

Asako was closer to her mother, so Shotaro easily brushed off the distance as shared hobbies. Ritsuka had been bad at keeping secrets once, so it was obvious he had things to say but didn't. And even with the cultural distance between father and son, it still felt… cold.

He'd wondered more than once if his father hated him. Honestly, he feared that he just didn't love him. Hatred Ritsuka could accept, but a lack of feeling between parent and child… frightened him.

And so-

"You look entirely too pensive."

Ritsuka blinked, setting his teacup down before scolding himself internally. Mom had often told him: be inscrutable, but smile. This week had put him off his game.

Strive to consistently maintain the proper flow. Remain reserved and elegant.

Ritsuka smiled up at Emiya, the first Servant he'd actively summoned. "Just thinking. Things are a little rough right now, especially with Kadoc absent."

"Hm. How much longer do you think he'll be in the Pseudo-Singularity?" Emiya turned, motioning for Ritsuka to follow him.

Ritsuka felt a kinship with the older man he couldn't explain. Maybe it was because they were countrymen, or it could be something else entirely. It wasn't like Emiya went out of his way to malign anyone who wasn't Cu Chulainn, and even he was given a break after Matthew wormed his way into one conflict.

Which… had its own issues.

"I honestly don't know. It seems safe compared to Orleans, at least. And between Anastasia, Sasaki, and Bradamante? He has a pretty well-rounded team." Ritsuka looked down, following Emiya into the kitchen. "Meanwhile I'm trying to keep things on track here."

"Mm. Charlemagne roped me into dissuading Medea from going through with her little plan." Emiya's tone held dry amusement as he handed Ritsuka an apron.

Ritsuka smiled up at him as he put it on. "Dare I ask?"

"She was going to suggest Matthew seduce Gilgamesh, keep some of his… essence… and use sympathetic magecraft to break through his armor's resistance to kill him." Emiya shook his head.

Ritsuka paused in washing his hands. "That would have gone spectacularly badly."

"I think the nail in that coffin was Mash winding up to brain her with her shield, to be completely honest." Emiya frowned. "I haven't seen him outside of his workshop for multiple days. He sends familiars to collect food, so at least there's that."

Ritsuka nodded slowly. "I'll look into it soon. Has anyone been near him?"

"Cu Chulainn is agitated, but Medusa disappears for long stretches at a time so I think he allows her in. Why her and not Cu Chulainn, I can't say." Emiya crossed his arms. "Artoria comes and goes. She doesn't say anything much, just that he's hard at work on something."

"And that explains why most of my contact has been through text and hearsay from Mash," Ritsuka noted. "...I need to drop in on him. If…" He cut himself off.

"If?" Emiya's eyes briefly met his as he slid a knife, cutting board, and fruit to Ritsuka.

It was a new ritual of theirs, and Ritsuka enjoyed it. He hadn't had a chance to tell Matthew about his true heritage, but Mash and Emiya both knew. After he told Emiya, the Archer had started dragging him into the kitchen and working on his cooking skills. He was a good teacher; free with deserved praise and gentle but direct criticism, and endlessly patient.

"I'm having nightmares from Matthew. If I'm seeing certain parts of his past, then Gilgamesh must have set him off."

Emiya's eyes narrowed. "In a direct confrontation, thanks to my style of fighting, I am one of the few who can match him. In a specific circumstance that I can arrange, I can defeat him. Has he been a problem?"

That was the thing. He was, according to Artoria, utterly well-behaved. She was baffled that he hadn't tried to invade Matthew's sanctuaries after he said what he had. The man was snide and egotistical, but not to the point Ritsuka felt he had to go. Admittedly, the only Servant he could see pushing that threshold at the moment was Prelati if he ever showed up.

"No, and it's worrying based on what I've heard from Artoria and Medea." Ritsuka narrowed his eyes.

"The version we're familiar with was tainted by malice from All the World's Evil. Incarnated, and his worse aspects magnified. However, unlike the Saber from the singularity, he was not truly corrupted." Emiya began to peel the apple in front of him. "We're making a fruit salad today. Do you remember how to cube a mango?"

"Cut away from the pit on both sides, top to bottom, cross-chop, and use the skin to pop the cubes," Ritsuka replied easily.

"Good." A note of pleasure rang in Emiya's voice, making Ritsuka smile. "Get to it, then."

Ritsuka fiddled with the fruit, carefully holding it so he wouldn't slice his fingers. "So… did you know my mom?" Emiya had been the second he told, after Mash, and only a couple of days ago.

"She was my Master in every war I've been in, except this one. I don't know your father by name, I'm afraid." His movements were precise and methodical, and the rhythmic chopping set Ritsuka at ease.

"Mom told me stories of the Great War in Fuyuki. She'd been kept as an aide to grandfather since she was of age, and she barely survived." Ritsuka frowned. "She was… twenty, I want to say."

"Two-thousand and four?" Emiya didn't look up.

"Two-thousand, actually. She met my father a little later, and well. I'm sixteen. A little younger than Mash, actually."

Emiya hummed. "You're surprisingly even-tempered for someone so young. Even with my own difficulties, I was still prone to… Well. I don't need to tell you about teenage problems." He gave a wry, fond smile.

Ritsuka chuckled. "Yeah. She got started early since grandfather died."

"How old is your sister?"

"Twelve. She's… something. She looks like Dad but takes after Mom."

A new fruit was put onto Ritsuka's board, and Emiya started chopping anew. "I see. I wonder what that war was like."

Ritsuka perked up. "Well, I can tell you about it. Mom kept detailed notes. It was a huge mess, to be honest."

Emiya made an encouraging sound.

"So, Grandfather summoned Gilgamesh. Mom knew on sight he wasn't controlling him, and manipulating him was a bad idea in general. So, she steered clear. There was a magus killer who lived in the area that they contracted, and he summoned a Hassan with poison skin. He'd taken Dad in five years before when his parents passed in a house fire; Grampa was the one who introduced him while he helped Mom with the estate."

Emiya's chopping slowed. "I see," he murmured. His eyes were wide, with a distant gaze.

"Grandfather also had an ally in the Church, he called forth a Berserker called Lu Bu. We should have figured that Kotomine was going to backstab Grandfather from it, but the idea of an Archer-Assassin-Berserker alliance was too tempting to pass up."

Emiya paused and rubbed the back of his hand against his forehead. "Yes, that tracks from the Kotomine Kirei I remember from my timeline." His voice held a note of strain.

"Emiya?" Ritsuka looked up at him in worry. "Are you alright?"

"Just… distracted." He smiled gently, lowering his hand. "Please, go on."

"That left four others. Aunt Sakura fought in the war too, because she wanted to prove herself stronger than Grandfather. When Gilgamesh looked too dangerous, Mom joined up with her to protect herself and Grandmother. Aunt Sakura had a really cool knight. His name was Sigurd, and they almost won if they hadn't lost to Caster in the end. Animusphere was kind enough to let Aunt Sakura and Mom walk after the fight, since they'd allied against Gilgamesh with him."

"I wouldn't be surprised if a self-geas scroll was involved," Emiya muttered.

Ritsuka shrugged. "Probably. Kindness isn't something most magi indulge in, I think. I never met any outside of Aunt Sakura or Aunty Touko. Almost." Ritsuka shivered. "But that's not related. Old Man Kariya fought too, because Matou had something over his head. He summoned Byrnhildr, the valkyrie. He was the biggest opponent to Aunt Sakura."

"What became of the magus killer and his Hassan?"

"He dropped out early to protect Dad, we found out. He was retired, and Dad was the only thing he had left to love in the world. Then Asako and I came along, and Grampa was actually happy for a change." Ritsuka exhaled through his nose. "I really wish that someone had just told Dad what was going on. It was stupid. But Mom has her pride, Aunt Sakura and Aunty Touko didn't care, and Grampa was scared his enemies would come for Dad if he did."

"To protect… Tohsaka Shotaro."

"Yeah. He'd been kidnapped by the Einzbern Team, who had Achilles. He was kept hypnotized, so he doesn't remember. I don't think. Hassan took out the master, and without the mana Achilles faded quickly- but not fast enough to keep him from killing Hassan. The others tried to keep them there; but even though he was retired, Grampa won that fight. After that, Grampa bowed out and only helped Mom and Aunt Sakura when Gilgamesh had wiped out Lu Bu and joined forces with Kotomine. But Solomon was strong enough that he came out ahead of them all."


"Yeah. Mom saw him up close, but she didn't write down much about him."

"It all sounds very chaotic," Emiya remarked, visibly at ease once more. "...did your 'Gramps' have a particular name?"

"He said he left his old one behind when he took Dad in. He goes by Aramiya Kirito, now. I never really pushed for his old name, it seemed rude." Ritsuka scratched the bridge of his nose with the back of his sleeve. "...we're gonna need a lot more fruit, huh?"

"Not as much as you think."

Ritsuka blinked, then stared as the mound of cubed fruit in the bowl. "How…?"

"I decided to speed it up a notch. A Servant trick." Emiya winked.

"Heh! That's pretty cool. Um… thanks. I needed to stop sitting in my own thoughts for a little bit." Ritsuka pushed his board to Emiya, who swiped the pits off with one movement, and the mango chunks into the large bowl in the next.

"Of course. Just so you're forewarned, I do expect you to come help me with the cooking when you can."

"I won't get in the way?" Ritsuka ducked his head sheepishly. His eyes widened as a clean hand ruffled his hair.

"No. I'll get the food out on time regardless, but… You're good at it, and I'd like to teach you a few things." Emiya smiled, making him look a good deal younger. "Also, I enjoy the company."

Ritsuka rubbed the back of his neck. "I like hanging out with you too, Emiya. Heh, you know… I wonder if this is what having a big brother's like?"

Emiya chuckled. "Who can say? Still, that does remind me. Go check on Matthew, won't you? He's been keeping himself closed off for far too long."

"Yeah… Lord El-Melloi II was starting to get on me about letting him do that when it's a major change in his behavior."

"More a return to form from what I heard from the other cooks." Emiya paused. "Though they have no direct relationship to him, they hear bits and pieces from engineering and magecraft. He's feared, if not reviled. The others in maintenance don't seem inclined one way or the other."

"Yeah. Though after what he went through, I'm amazed it took Animusphere considering adding Mash to the regimen for him to snap. I don't think I could have held out at all." Ritsuka frowned. "If I'd been hurt like that, and someone was gonna do that to Asako… yeah. I don't know if I would have done the same, but I'd have done something."

Emiya frowned. "What exactly happened?"

"Something about alchemical physical reinforcement, and circuit enhancement surgery. He wasn't coherent because of the pain at that time."

Emiya's eyes flew open as he gave a growl of disgust.

"And that's just what I saw. There's probably more," Ritsuka admitted.

"...And so much more about him becomes clearer." He sighed. "At least I recognized the lives I ended as people, huh."

Ritsuka tilted his head in confusion. "Eh?"

"A conversation I had. It's nothing to worry about." Emiya gave a tired smile. "Go on. Ah, but take some food. His familiars haven't come by yet."

"What familiars? I meant to ask-"

A wrought-metal butterfly floated through the air, a box wrapped in cloth held under it. It was easily the size of both Ritsuka's hands held side-by-side. It landed gingerly on the counter.

"...yeah, that's not gonna stand." Ritsuka crossed his arms, frowning at the bejeweled automaton. "I'm gonna tell Cu he's free to act if Gilgamesh acts out, and remind him that the Gate of Babylon can't fire anything. So long as he keeps it non-lethal," he amended.

"...the Gate is malfunctioning?" Emiya's eyes were wide.

"Matthew's wards identify launching as an interdimensional attack."

Emiya shook his head. "Gilgamesh has no real skill in wielding his weapons, though his hand-to-hand brawling is of some note. With the armor's basic abilities alone, Matthew should be safe to disengage with ease. Assuming Gilgamesh decided to attack in the first place…" He placed his hand on his chin in thought.

The gems on the familiar flickered.

"...I'll box up a meal, you follow it."

"That's the plan," Ritsuka agreed.

"You have to go outside sometime."

I scowled as I set the fourth gem in. Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, Diamond. Fire, Water, Earth, Air. With the superscript along the sides, the rhombus cut and arrangement along the center… It would be far more versatile than my rings, and stronger. Given they were mystic codes I could pass them on to anyone with enough mana. Which probably excluded Ritsuka, to be sure…

"Matthew." Mash leaned over my shoulder. "Please, talk to me."

Medusa sat quietly by the sewing table, as usual. A grounding, secure presence.

"What's there to talk about? I'm making something that can pierce that armor of his before I go back out." I fiddled with the inscriber, adding another layer of focus. "Though trying to go directly through it is stupid. Going for the head is way more effective."

"Didn't you say it gave him resistance on par with Artoria? Nothing you can make will go through it unless it's an outright physical attack," Mash pleaded. "You've been working on this for so long…"

"It's been a couple of days, Mash, it's fine," I said dismissively.

"It's been a week!" She clenched her fists. "You haven't hid like this since… since…"

"Since Gut assaulted me?" I glanced at her. "This is literally him, but bigger, stronger, and without Hinako or Pepe to run interference. I'm not going out there until I have enough of an armory that Aegis Titania will be certain to take him down after integrating it."

"Or maybe you can rely on other people," Mash stressed.

"He has a treasury full of everything ever made by human hands. The only thing that can counteract it is something that was made by something not human." I stood up and gestured to my workbench.

The hair clip lay innocuously next to a knife the size of my hand and a pair of white leather gloves.

"He actually isn't a major threat unless he can rapidly access what he needs. I've read up on his abilities too, now that he's been recorded in Chaldea's database."

I turned to see Ritsuka with my familiar in his hands, smiling awkwardly.

"You look like a mess. Go get cleaned up." His smile firmed. "You can't keep hiding forever."

"Mom, you're becoming obsessive. This isn't the kind of block you can break through by focusing it down. Take a break for Asako and me, okay?"

"Ugh, fine. Refining the jewel-blade is such a pain…"

I rubbed my ear. "I'll… yeah. These'll have to do."

"And what are 'these'?" Ritsuka walked closer, handing the little automaton to me. "And how long did it take you to make this?"

"There was a butterfly-shaped garden ornament, so it was just scribing… so a few hours? These are what I spent the majority of this week on." I coughed. "Maybe I have an invisible 'rapid crafting' skill…"

Mash crossed her arms. "If you take that knife out of this room, you'll start a riot."

I pouted.

"A Fisher-King blade? Again?" Ritsuka gave me a disappointed look. "You can do better than that. And what's with the obsession with castrating people?"

"...huh?" I stared at Ritsuka as his words sank in.

He blushed a little. "I… might have dreamed some of your memories. I was told it was something that happened with Servants, but I wasn't sure."

Oh god. "Ritsuka, I-"

Medusa frowned. "What's wrong?"

"I'm so sorry you went through that." My arms hung at my sides. "I don't even… I can't imagine what it must have been like."

"...they're your memories," Ritsuka pointed out with a frown.

"I'm used to them. You're not." I glared at him. "I know full well how fucked up what I went through during the experiments was."

Mash looked back and forth between us.

"I know. And that doesn't even touch on what Gut did."

Mash's look turned to confusion as I stepped backwards.

"No." I shook my head. "That wasn't- you can't-"

"Matthew?" Medusa appeared behind me in a swirl of wind, managing not to disturb my workshop. Her hands gently rested on my shoulders.

My body trembled. "Ritsuka, I'm so sorry, I can't believe- I'll fix it, there's got to be a way to modify the connection-"

Ritsuka took the box from my hands and set it on the ground, and took my hands in his. "I didn't understand what happened when you told me about it." His voice was calm. "Now I do, and I promise: he's never coming out of that box. The instant I can get it signed off, we're dumping him outside."

Mash's eyes went between us. "...he did something. That's why you're so scared of Gilgamesh."

I whipped my head towards her. "I'm not scared-!" I bit out.

Her visible eye was like ice. "He hurt you." The chill that ran down my spine… "He hurt you, and you… of course you wouldn't tell me." She looked down. "I knew about those rumors, you know. If I'd known you did, I would have told you that Doctor Roman kept me safe, that you didn't need to-" She cut herself off.

Ritsuka shook his head. "I saw that too."

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath as Medusa's grip tightened. "I didn't want anyone to know. I knew you'd care, Mash, but… who else would? They knew how Marisbilly treated me, and even when I fought back, after years of those experiments… I was still the bad guy. I didn't know Ro- Archaman would, I thought it was luck that Hinako and Pepe were on my side, and Da Vinci had no power over the situation." I gave a short, bitter laugh. "After all, only 'people' get human rights, right?" I looked down as Medusa wrapped her arms around me. "And you were out. I didn't want you dragged back in there, in any circumstance. Not for me."

Ritsuka's hands tightened. "That's not true. You didn't deserve that, and neither did Mash. And you didn't deserve what Gut did. Nobody would."

Morgan was silent. She'd been gone for a long while. I still felt her power flowing into me like a steady stream, but she hadn't said anything since I ran to my workshop to hide. My only company had been Medusa and Mash, with visits from Artoria. Cu… I'd invited him, but he didn't want to stay. For some reason.

If there was a threat roaming the halls that frightened one of your lovers, wouldn't you patrol to keep them safe?

...you're back.

I never left. I just needed to tweak a few things. There's an entire other side to my powers, and I need to start funneling them into you. Things are starting to pick up.

I opened my eyes as more arms encircled me. Mash and Ritsuka held me tightly along with Medusa as I shook, tears rolling down my face as I let everything sink in for once.

Gilgamesh was strong, and the odds of me fighting him off were… low. I might be able to escape thanks to my armor, but direct combat was out. I couldn't face him directly. None of my craft would get through his defense, and Gate or no Gate, I wasn't a physical match.

But this wasn't like Gut. It wasn't like Marisbilly.

I held them close.

I wasn't facing this alone.

I'd managed to get into my pants by the time Cu Chulainn barged into my room. I still almost launched through the roof.

He looked at me for a long moment, mouth slightly open.

With an exhale, I forced myself to relax. "Knock next time, maybe?" I tried to make it sound like a joke.

Immediately, he grimaced. "Right. Sorry." He didn't move any closer, and I began to feel twitchy.

I pulled a shirt on, and turned to my nightstand. With a deft motion, I put the clip in my hair, pushing my bangs back. My hair was a mess, but the butterfly-shaped ornament held it well enough. Having a bevy of elemental powers on quick-draw was also worth it.

Next, the gloves. Those had… a fun set of tricks. The knife stayed in the workshop, after minimal convincing from Ritsuka. In retrospect, it was a bad idea.

The whole time, he remained silent.

"Is this the part where you explain why you were avoiding me?" I turned around after a moment.

He put a hand on his hip. "You want to explain what set you off? If Gilgamesh had pulled that crap before, I'd get it, but…"

I grit my teeth. "So it's on me, huh."

"That is not what I said." Cu finally stepped forward, though he still stayed out of arm's reach.

"So tell me what you mean."

I don't like this. Why is he standing so far away? ...what'll happen if I step forward?


Cu Chulainn scowled. "I don't… shit."

Fuck it.

I stepped forward, deliberately, into his space. And I waited.

To his credit, he didn't step back, but he looked intensely uncomfortable.

"I told you that you could come into my workshop. I even manipulated the bounded field so that you could get in and out. Medusa took me up on it, Artoria took me up on it, and so did Mash. Ritsuka… is busy." I narrowed my eyes. "So where does that leave you?"

"Letting so many people in, huh? Aren't you scared the mystery will bleed out?" Cu crossed his arms.

"If you think any of them can do a thing with Fairy Runes, then by all means. My magecraft isn't human magecraft. None of them can make sense of it, let alone use it. Somehow I doubt you can either." I stared into his eyes. "And you're deflecting. That's not like you."

His lips drew back in a snarl. "That so?"

I put my hand on his arm. "Cu-"

"Son of Lugh, Setanta. My boy."

"...Setanta?" I blinked.

His expression went blank. "So you've been reading, then."

"No? I just… heard it."

Cu Chulainn leaned forward, not breaking our gaze. "That so."

"Yeah. The Universal Language is a record of the past, or something. Most of the time it's Ritsuka's past, but sometimes I hear thoughts and sometimes secrets." I didn't move as his face drew closer to mine.

"...call me Cu Chulainn. I left that name behind as a child. I fought a guard dog and won, slaying it on impulse. I offered to take its place until I could raise a new one, but Culann declined, offering me praise. So Cu Chulainn is who I am." His breath fanned across my face, and-

On impulse, I bridged the gap and kissed him.

He jerked back, looking torn.

What is wrong with you?

"He was drawn in by Gut. He was abused. Am I as bad? Did I push him? How do I ask that without hurting him more? Damn it, I don't know how to deal with this. Neither Emer nor Ferdiad had- But I love him, so I need to figure it out. Damn, damn, I just want him to be happy!"


Knowing the language of all things is more a curse than a gift. All secrets are open to you, except your own. I'm sorry, darling.

I put my hands on Cu's arms. "Hey."

For the first time since I met him, he looked clearly unnerved.

"You didn't make me do anything I didn't want. Don't compare yourself to that bastard, and don't compare yourself to that gilded king."

His arms dropped, and I stepped forward and leaned into his chest.

"I'm gonna need to get used to that, huh." A trace of amusement slipped back into his voice as he held me close.

"You're gonna need to get used to it? I'm the one who can't turn it off," I grumbled.

He chuckled. "Yeah. Sorry." His arms tightened. "For everything."

I hugged him back and looked up, our noses brushing together.

"Any way I can make it up to you?" he murmured.

"...Mash said something that I really hate, but she's right. I am scared of him," I admitted.


"...keep me safe?"

Cu's eyes gleamed gently in the low light. "As long as I can." He smiled before kissing the bridge of my nose. "So what's with the hairpin?"

"Remember my rings I used in Orleans?"

"Mm-hm. They were pretty handy." He raised a hand to the back of my neck and ran his thumb up and down the shorter hairs there.

"That, but for all four classical Western elements."

He gave a low whistle. "At a lower level to accommodate it, then?"

I scoffed, then jumped up and put my arms around his shoulders and legs around his waist. "Why would I make something worse than my old kit?"

"Hey!" He laughed, adjusting his grip easily. "So what, same output?"

"Nah. The rings were B-Ranked, as close as I could tell. I put all my talent into this." I grinned. "A-Rank control."

"Whoa…" Cu's eyes widened. "In a week?"

"Shroud of Avalon."

"Heh, yeah." He smirked. "Didn't expect you to jump at me like that."

I rested my forehead against his. "I missed you."

We looked to the side as a low chuckle echoed.

"I hope I'm not too late?" Medusa stepped out of the air, a small smile on her face.

Cu grinned. "Nah. Just on time." He looked down. "Thanks for looking after him."

"I did it for my own sake as well," she said, stepping forward.

I felt his grip shift and I slid down his body slightly right before I felt Medusa's chest press into my back. They stepped closer together with me in the middle.

"Comfortable?" Medusa murmured in my ear.

"Y-yeah. Um. Thanks for staying with me last week." I smiled as I felt her arms wrap around Cu and I.

"Mm. I was worried, but thankfully Ritsuka managed to get you out of there. I was going to do something drastic if he hadn't done anything."

"Oh?" Cu's voice carried a note of dark amusement.

"Fufu. Nothing either of you would mind. I might still do it now."

That… sounded nice.

"You know, I've been doing enough work lately. And I am in possession of a queen-sized bed." I leaned my head back onto Medusa's shoulder. "How much actual effort would I need to put in to convince you guys to carry me over and-"

I clamped my mouth shut as the room tilted in a wave of vertigo, and when the world went upright again, I was pinned with my back against Cu's chest as Medusa straddled my waist with her hand over my heart.

"You were saying something?" Medusa purred.

Cu chuckled. "Lucky punk." I bit back a laugh as he nosed behind my ear.

"I mean, we could always switch places if you're that jealous," I teased.

Medusa huffed. "After round one, if you want. I'm perfectly familiar with what he's like."

I raised my eyebrows. "Bored already? Ack!"

Cu gave an innocent whistle as he drew his hand back from where he pinched the skin over my stomach, letting my shirt fall back into place.

I felt my breath catch as Medusa leaned down, placing her lips over mine.

"You alright with this?" Cu whispered.

"Mmhm." I gave a goofy grin as Medusa pulled back, a smile on her face. My breath hitched as he pressed his lips to my neck.

"You'll be fine." Medusa put her arms around both of us.


"You're a difficult man to get a hold of."

Gilgamesh frowned as the redheaded doctor signed another paper, utterly unintimidated by his aura.

"But here you are. Please, have a seat. I prefer to multitask."

"I'd rather-"

"Sit. Gilgamesh." Roman slowly lifted his head, and Gilgamesh felt a bolt of fury surge through his veins.


Roman leaned back in his chair, gazing upward. "Ah, so you are using those eyes of yours. How fortunate." He gave a peaceful smile. "Tell me, what are your intentions here?"

"You are the ones who called me." Gilgamesh crossed his arms. "I have no reason to explain myself to mongrels."

Roman gingerly pulled his gloves off, revealing his hands. A single gleaming ring sat on his left.

"Fu. To think that you'd waste your wish on something like this. How disgusting. You were worthy of respect then, at least." Gilgamesh's lip curled into a sneer.

"Yes. To be bound by sight is a monstrous thing. To be more than human in a world like this. I cast it all away and sought to live a 'normal life'. However…"


"However, no one can see me here. No one would know if I cast my wish away, and recalled my rings. Summoning is my greatest asset, you know?" Roman gave a merciless smile, eyes gleaming with barely contained fury. "He was doing so much better. Ritsuka, Mash, Medusa, even that lout Cu Chulainn were coaxing him out of his shell and completing Peperoncino's work. And in the span of minutes you nearly destroyed it all."

Gilgamesh glowered. "Mind your tongue, former King of Magic. To be blessed with my attentions is a gift."

"One he rejected, given you resemble so closely the men who hurt him most in his life. To assume utter control over him, to force your desires on him… that really is foul, you know?" Roman gave a wintry chuckle. "I thought you had a whole Epic regarding how you learned not to do that? Or was your friend so worthless that you cast their wisdom aside at first sight of a pretty young thing?"

"DAMN YOU!" Golden portals opened behind Gilgamesh, quivering impotently.

"By all means, prove me wrong. Though if you decide to keep rampaging like a tyrant, I really will have to cast my wish aside." Roman tilted his head. "It's been some years since I last lifted a blade in judgement, but a raping, pillaging beast targeting my children is a good enough reason to relearn it, no?" His eyes glittered darkly. "And it wouldn't even be the first time I killed you."

Gilgamesh grit his teeth. "Do not presume to judge me or know my mind. I would not devastate the progress of what the boy becomes in such a manner. There has never been a being like him before, and there is no telling if there will be one like him since. Those born of the Planet attempted to create paradise and failed. I observe him in interest because they try once more, but using the tactics of the gods of old."

"Then why impose your will on him? Why attempt to order him as one of your playthings? I hesitate to use the term subject, save for that they were subjected to you."

"If there is a thing of beauty born of my garden, I am entitled to it. If a treasure exists, it is mine. If a person I desire is born, then they belong to me. Such is the way of things." Gilgamesh folded his arms.

"If I asked him, he'd likely say he belonged to Cu Chulainn. For what it's worth, while I don't know if he was the best choice, he could have done worse. The Hound of Ulster's loyalty is firm. He's honest. And apparently he falls in love at the drop of a hat." Roman shrugged. "He'll make mistakes, but I think they'll be alright. Though I think Medusa might suit better, given her nature as a guardian…" he mused.

"If all you desired was to insult and bluster at me, you've wasted your time," Gilgamesh scoffed. He turned away.

"Well, I would use the term 'warn', personally. Matthew has a gift of forming bonds with the other Servants, at least. Neutered as you are, you'll find yourself very unpopular if you try to force his hand. Tell me, do you think you could handle the King of Knights and Ireland's Child of Light in tandem as you are now?"

Gilgamesh slowly clenched his fist. "I could kill you."

"And Chaldea would be adrift on the seas of time with no one to lead. Without my influence paired with Ritsuka's, he would never wake the sole person who could replace me. Morale would shatter, and your garden would burn." Gilgamesh could hear the icy smile in his voice. "I may lack my Clairvoyance, Gilgamesh, but I'm not a fool. You're outplayed and we both know it. If you can't woo him properly, leave my boy alone."


"He all but told you what would be required. It would be an uphill battle, given you gave him many reasons to be wary of you, but… well, maybe your older self would have had more luck. But I've taken enough of your time. I'm sure you can see yourself out."

"Fu. You truly think so little of me. Very well. I'll prove that I have what's needed to secure the heart of Avalon's Prince." Gilgamesh smirked. "So for now, I'll observe." He vanished in a swirl of golden light.

Roman waited for several seconds, then slumped. "Eeeh! I thought he was really gonna hit me!"

A panel slid back behind his chair. "It would serve you right if he had!" Da Vinci stepped forward. "I told you to let Artoria handle it," she scolded. She paused. "Though I would have liked a crack, too…"

"He won't admit it's me. He knows that the fewer people know, the better." Roman leaned back again. "Aaah, scary. I really hoped he'd just pout and give up."

"This is the man who secured the herb of immortality, Romani. It takes a lot to get him to put forth effort, but it's fearsome when he does." Da Vinci leaned on his chair. "And now we've done what you asked."

The light shifted, and a tall, blonde woman in silver armor set with diamonds and jet appeared. Fairy runes crossed her body in pale grey ink.

"That you did," Morgan admitted in a praising tone. "My, my. Thanks to Matthew's rising power, I can project myself more and more often." She smiled. "And now, I've decided. Before I begin my little talent search, I need to bring you into my conspiracy. The Queen of Dun Scaith and Magus of Flowers are good co-conspirators, but there's a lot going on you need to know." Her smile sharpened. "And with my dear child's barrier in place, your misbegotten 'correction system' won't know a thing."

Roman blinked. "What does Goetia have to do with anything?"

"You mean the first Beast that occupies your corpse with your other nine rings attached?"

His jaw dropped.

"Oh, just wait until I tell you about the other six. A good number of the original ones disqualified themselves, so a horde of infants are dancing along the timelines!"

Da Vinci leaned her head on the chair. "...I might need to give Ritsuka my contract soon so I can take the field, from the sounds of this insanity."

Roman nodded, letting out a rasping squeak as his mouth remained open.

Morgan's eyes shut, adding to her fey expression. "So who's ready to learn just how much trouble we're in~?"

"Hnnn…" Roman slumped in his chair as Da Vinci pulled out a pen and pad of paper.

Slowly, the priest walked towards the front of the sanctuary, his footsteps slow and ponderous. The youth stood in front of the altar, gazing upwards.

His stark white hair and pale skin contrasted with his dark golden eyes. He wore the vestments of the church, and remained deep in contemplation.


The youth turned his head at the deep, resonant voice. "Kirei. Has the seventh Servant arrived?"

The taller man stepped into the light, a pleasant smile on his face even as his eyes remained empty. He loomed, his brown hair down to his shoulders. He wore simple black vestments with a golden cross and a dark-colored cassock.

"It's a fascinating development. Out of the seven Servants, only four are 'usual'. Einzbern, of course, called the Berserker. Their desperation is easily visible across the sea. Rider was handed off to the Matou boy, to the family's detriment. The worm's time will likely come in the following nights." Kotomine Kirei hefted the spirit board. "Rin has Archer, and Lancer is out and about."

The young man turned fully, eyes widening.

Two titles shimmered on the board, but the third…

"Saber and Assassin are truly rogues. Caster… Caster. How curious."

The final name spat raging sparks, seemingly tearing at the board.

"Caster has been summoned, but refuses anything to do with the ceremony. They are bound, but not truly part of the contest - the mantle and mana provided by the Grail has been rejected, so they are not a true contestant. At least, that is what I've been told."

"I told you that's what it meant," a sullen voice rang out. A small figure wandered forth, his red eyes piercing the darkness. "I've done what you asked, so I'm leaving again." The tiny blond narrowed his eyes. "I really will kill you both someday, you know? The delusional priest and his fake saint."

"Hoh? Still bitter that I chose my beloved brother's answer over yours?" Kirei's smile was warm. "And after I provided such accommodations to you, little King of Heroes."

A scoff. "I've seen your 'accommodations' after the fire took place. You're trying to use hell to carve out heaven. My older self might have time to laugh at such things, but I dislike this world less." He turned on his heel.

"And yet with all our command seals, there's little you can do. Do you disagree?" The younger-looking priest wore a gentle smile.

"This is so." The little Gilgamesh let poison into his voice as he marched away, letting the shadows hide his hopeful smile.

A Servant on the board that could help with his revenge, and indulge his youthful idealism to save his world. He wondered how difficult it would be to charm them into playing along.

After all, the brothers Kotomine were a threat that couldn't be borne. Gilgamesh dreaded the idea of Shirou Tokisada Amakusa's 'salvation' paired with the being inside the Grail. Not a single life would be left to rule or guard, and in his younger state he could easily accept it as anathema.

And then there were the other two bursts of prana he had noted, but neglected to mention…

"So you're going to the summoner's domain?"

"Yep! It won't take but a few moments."

"Hm. He is one of my students. If he proves hostile, please leave him. I may have better luck during the day."

"Hey, I can definitely be friendly enough to get an alliance. Besides, you told me he wasn't a proper magus, right?"

"Which worries me. I can feel his mistakes in the air, even from this distance."

"Leave it to me, Kuzuki-san. Just keep getting used to your new body! Team Assassin and Saber, out to save the world!"

"Hmph. I leave you to it."

Ritsuka bit back a scream as he and Mash fell, landing on her shield together. Concrete dust kicked up around them as the impromptu Rayshift completed.

"Master, are you alright?" Mash asked after a moment.

Ritsuka groaned, slowly sitting up. He looked around-

A girl stood less than ten feet away, eyes wide.

"Ah… good evening?"

Slowly, she stepped forward, blue eyes slowly narrowing as a gem slipped out of her sleeve and into her hand. "Apprentice to the Wizard Marshal, you will state your business in my city. During a Holy Grail War of all things." Emiya materialized behind her, eyes distant before sharpening.

"Rin. They aren't enemies. I remember them."

"Are you…?" Ritsuka asked.

"Yes. A powerful being sent me along, in a way." Emiya inclined his head. "Rin, this boy is my Master, fifteen years from now and a timeline away. His name is Ritsuka Tohsaka."

Rin… wait, she was…!

The girl's eyes widened, then narrowed. "Prove it."

Right, family motto. Ritsuka cleared his throat. "Strive consistently to maintain the proper flow. Remain reserved and elegant."

Slowly, Rin relaxed. "So you know our-"

Someone was missing. If she was this young, she'd never-

"...Mom? Where's Aunt Sakura?" Ritsuka blurted. He quickly covered his mouth.

Rin stared. "What."

Mash and Emiya exchanged tired looks before snapping their heads toward an explosion of mana.

"Emiya-kun!" Rin glared at Ritsuka for a split second. "There's someone I need to save, we can discuss what's going on after."

"R-right! I'll help!"

She huffed, looking away. "Good. Good children are dutiful to their parents. Or something…" Rin dashed ahead, Ritsuka and the Servants easily keeping pace.

I crumpled to the ground, barely dodging another thrust of the spear. I'd known Cu was strong, but being on the wrong end of Gae Bolg solidified it.

This wasn't my room. I wasn't snuggled up between Cu and Medusa, dozing as my hair was gently rubbed dry after a long bath and kissed to sleep.

The armor was kind of a giveaway, as was the hammering in my chest.

"Why are you doing this!?" I screamed, eyes wide.

Cu Chulainn pulled back, twirling his spear. "Sounds like someone didn't get the Grail War handbook," he snarked, taking aim again. "I'd feel bad, but it just makes you easy prey."

"Please! Fight back!" The redheaded boy with Command Seals cried out in a begging tone.

Something dark curled in my gut as I felt the strands of dominion around my neck, providing me with an anemic amount of mana. If I wasn't still connected to Chaldea… I… Something had tried to latch onto me, but I had lashed out, refused it. This was what remained.

"Shut up you kidnapping bastard! I was asleep, with my boyfriend and girlfriend, and you dragged me into this! I'll beat your ass!"

Cu Chulainn gave a low whistle. "Lucky punk. Too bad you got dropped here, then."

"I'm not even a part of this! I'm part of the Chaldea initiative, setting the course of human history back on track!" I dodged another thrust, feeling tears prick at my eyes. "This isn't supposed to happen!"

"Chaldea? What're you-?" the waste of air asked.

"Noble goal, but he's got the seals and you're stuck with him. I could be nice and kill him for you, but then you'd just fade," Cu Chulainn offered.

...I wouldn't get answers if he died. I needed to know why, and how.



"Well Caster, if you won't get serious…" Cu Chulainn aimed his spear again, this time wreathed in red prana.


His eyes widened. "Ah…?"

"Please, stop. I don't want to fight you. Please." The tears began to run down my cheeks.

He sighed. "Sorry, lad. This is war." He pulled his arm back.

"...but I love you."

A strangled squawk came from behind me, and a gasp from elsewhere.

Cu Chulainn's eyes glimmered with momentary pity. "Lad… I don't even know you."

My limbs went limp.


Even if my armor could easily take the hit… he didn't… where I am I? What hell world is this?

I want to go home. Kadoc… Ritsuka… Mash… Da Vinci… Morgan… Medusa… Cu…

Someone, get me out of here!

A blur slammed into Cu Chulainn.


The Irishman stumbled back, eyes wide. "Saber!"

She stood, a little taller than me. Her red-and-blue outfit stood out against her pale skin, and her ashen-blonde hair was tied into an updo with a black-and-red ornament. A quick glance at me revealed her blue eyes and a beautiful face. In her grip were two blades.

"Unforgivable. To ignore such honest feelings…! I won't let you get away with it!"

A Cu Chulainn that didn't know me, a strange Saber, and at least four other Servants to deal with and no sign of my Master nearby.

A redheaded failure who snatched me away, and even now was showing no self-preservation as he desperately tried to drag me away from the fight, getting far closer to Cu Chulainn than was healthy for him.

What nightmare had I woken to?


Collaborative Event:
Fate/Grand Order x Fate/Stay Night
Fate/Stay Night: Grand Rebellion
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Is this Musashi at the end?

I see why Matthew is going to hate this event now. Wow. Also ouch for Rin.

So EMIYA's timeline is presumably OG -> Chaldea -> this. Explains a lot.

Matthew, I get you want to be safe from Gil, but the one flaw in your plan is that you would make Gil more interested in you.
Is this Musashi at the end?

I see why Matthew is going to hate this event now. Wow. Also ouch for Rin.

So EMIYA's timeline is presumably OG -> Chaldea -> this. Explains a lot.

Matthew, I get you want to be safe from Gil, but the one flaw in your plan is that you would make Gil more interested in you.

1. Yep! In the absence of Artoria, Musashi got Chain Summoned as an event Servant!

2. Matthew and Shirou off to a fantastic start. Absolutely amazing.

3. Yep, somebody pulled some mental mojo to stick Chaldea!EMIYA into Rin's model, and decided against Cu for obvious reasons.

4. Matthew, calm: Here is a Good Plan that will help!

Matthew, in midst of a trauma-induced trigger: KILL KILL KILL RUN HIDE KILL
Ouch, they couldn't have had a summer event instead..?

Ritsuka's timeline sounds fascinating. Did you have Kiritsugu summon Hassan of the Serenity as a reference to A Poisoned Chalice?

She stood, a little taller than me. Her red-and-blue outfit stood out against her pale skin, and her ashen-blonde hair was tied into an updo with a black-and-red ornament. A quick glance at me revealed her blue eyes and a beautiful face. In her grip were two blades.
Musashi! Even if nothing else goes happily, I'm glad best Saber is here. And Matthew seems like her type.
So servants in this derailment

Saber: Data Lost- Shirou
Archer: Actually Satan - Rin
Lancer: The Butt monkey in the carnival- (?)
Assassin: (?) - Kuzuki
Caster - (?) - Rouge
Rider -(?) - Shinji
Bezerker - (?) - Illya presumably
Extra - Ko-Gil - Kotomine squared

I'm assuming the others are as normal, but no confirmation yet.

Also, I don't know why, but the amount of leniency Matthew gets is bugging me a little. Not for the Marsbilly thing, just in general. I think it's just mostly my standards on the matter though.

More funnily, Kadoc is probably in the control room giving advice and probably thanking his lucky stars that he can put off the motor boarding conversation.
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You... you dropped him in Fuyuki, you literally dropped him in a singularity where he had to face his boyfriend's bloodlust aimed at him.


Ugh, the aftermath gonna be ugly. Though, kudos for no whitewashing Gilgamesh trash behavior.

Oh, and I love MustProtecc!Romani x'D
Minor Content Warning: The end of the scene with Cu involves Matthew, Cu, Medusa, and finally getting somewhere.
Aunt Sakura had a really cool knight. His name was Sigurd
Old Man Kariya fought too
He summoned Byrnhildr, the valkyrie
He was the biggest opponent to Aunt Sakura.
No shit bruh. The Masters think they're fighting, but it's just a normal date at night! So scandalous!
Gate of Babylon can't fire anything
armor's basic abilities alone
You mean the increased damage resist, right? The Gate is apparently from a key noble phantasm that you can see in Fate Zero, when he pulled out Ea to kill Iskandar's army?
Mash's eyes went between us. "...he did something. That's why you're so scared of Gilgamesh."

I whipped my head towards her. "I'm not scared-!" I bit out.

Her visible eye was like ice. "He hurt you." The chill that ran down my spine…
You know, if I read this without context, I'd assume the yandere's pissed someone hit her man.
"I hope I'm not too late?" Medusa stepped out of the air, a small smile on her face.

Cu grinned. "Nah. Just on time." He looked down. "Thanks for looking after him."

"I did it for my own sake as well," she said, stepping forward.

I felt his grip shift and I slid down his body slightly right before I felt Medusa's chest press into my back. They stepped closer together with me in the middle.
YES, a Cu-Medusa sandwich. Must feel nice.
The light shifted, and a tall, blonde woman in silver armor set with diamonds and jet appeared.
I don't think you actually mean a jet. The only one who gets that is Lancelot.
"Hnnn…" Roman slumped in his chair
You're not Sasuke
Collaborative Event:
Fate/Grand Order x Fate/Stay Night
Fate/Stay Night: Grand Rebellion
Well that world's fucking screwed.
Ouch, they couldn't have had a summer event instead..?

Ritsuka's timeline sounds fascinating. Did you have Kiritsugu summon Hassan of the Serenity as a reference to A Poisoned Chalice?

Musashi! Even if nothing else goes happily, I'm glad best Saber is here. And Matthew seems like her type.

No, because I was reminded that I promised tough times ahead, and I need to keep it up a little.

It's a shout-out, yes.

And yeah, Musashi is definitely getting wife'd. Never made it to her in the game, but everything I read indicates she's a total delight.

So servants in this derailment

Saber: Data Lost- Shirou
Archer: Actually Satan - Rin
Lancer: The Butt monkey in the carnival- (?)
Assassin: (?) - Kuzuki
Caster - (?) - Rouge
Rider -(?) - Shinji
Bezerker - (?) - Illya presumably
Extra - Ko-Gil - Kotomine squared

I'm assuming the others are as normal, but no confirmation yet.

Also, I don't know why, but the amount of leniency Matthew gets is bugging me a little. Not just for the Marsbilly thing, just in general. I think it's just mostly my standards on the matter though.

More funnily, Kadoc is probably in the control room giving advice and probably thanking his lucky stars that he can put off the motor boarding conversation.

Saber: Musashi-Rogue
Archer: Dadmiya - Rin
Lancer: Why - Kotomine Kirei
Assassin: :D :thonk: Kuzuki
Caster: Matthew - Shirou (unwillingly, not even qualified to compete)
Rider: Medusa - 'Shinji'
Berserker: Herc - Illya
Roaming: KoGil
Boss: Amakusa

Can you give more examples? Matthew gets a pass on Marisbilly from the named cast, and Servants literally Do Not Care. I used Caspan to show that no, he isn't out of the woods, and also tried to show why he is the way he is using the flashback. As of right now he's done nothing to earn the level of censure I think you're aiming at, and that's with having several PTSD triggers inducing him to act out.

Kadoc is busy in GudaGuda right now, I alluded to it when Ritsuka and Emiya had their chat.

You... you dropped him in Fuyuki, you literally dropped him in a singularity where he had to face his boyfriend's bloodlust aimed at him.


Ugh, the aftermath gonna be ugly. Though, kudos for no whitewashing Gilgamesh trash behavior.

Oh, and I love MustProtecc!Romani x'D

I really, really did! And it was mahvelous!

Gilgamesh will get better. Eventually. I have done some consulting as for the how he'll get there. I hate FSN!Gil, I want AUO! But that takes work...

And Romani will continue to do his best for his kids. It's just Mash is more low-maintenance in comparison to the utter trashfire that is Matthew.

I don't think you actually mean a jet. The only one who gets that is Lancelot.



Edit: Gilgamesh's Armor is stated to give him Magic Resistance very close to Saber, and be petrification-immune. It's also sturdy enough to tank normal hits from Excalibur while Saber has a wonky contract with Shirou, so it's pretty durable too. Matthew literally cannot contend with it, and can only evade thanks to the Gate of Babylon's launch sequence being sealed in Chaldea. He is very lucky that Gil, asshat that he is, does not mean him genuine ill.

Still has the bad luck that he means him well.
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Can you give more examples? Matthew gets a pass on Marisbilly from the named cast, and Servants literally Do Not Care. I used Caspan to show that no, he isn't out of the woods, and also tried to show why he is the way he is using the flashback. As of right now he's done nothing to earn the level of censure I think you're aiming at, and that's with having several PTSD triggers inducing him to act out.
It's more for me with the servants that it's unequivocally fine that he tried to attack Marsbilly, I think? It's not that I want him to be censured, I don't think he's gone that far to absolutely warrant it.

The other thing is that no ones tried to talk about his impulse behaviour, but there really isn't anyone he'd listen to about it.

Like I said, I think for me it's just my personal standards. They're being juxtaposed with the circumstances around him being in this zone where I think it's weird and then I remember the circumstances behind the actions everyone's taking and the characters own thoughts on the matter.
Everyone is lucky that Gilgamesh doesn't mean them genuine ill; when Gilgamesh gets genuinely serious entire planets become collateral damage.
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It's more for me with the servants that it's unequivocally fine that he tried to attack Marsbilly, I think? It's not that I want him to be censured, I don't think he's gone that far to absolutely warrant it.

The other thing is that no ones tried to talk about his impulse behaviour, but there really isn't anyone he'd listen to about it.

Like I said, I think for me it's just my personal standards. They're being juxtaposed with the circumstances around him being in this zone where I think it's weird and then I remember the circumstances behind the actions everyone's taking and the characters own thoughts on the matter.
Wanted to just expand a bit more on this.

Like my opinion on the Matthew castration thing is that it was probably justfied, but he still shouldn't have done it. So when I see the Servants being fine with it, it kinda bugs me for a bit before the realization about their standards on it, if that makes sense?
Wanted to just expand a bit more on this.

Like my opinion on the Matthew castration thing is that it was probably justfied, but he still shouldn't have done it. So when I see the Servants being fine with it, it kinda bugs me for a bit before the realization about their standards on it, if that makes sense?

Ah, okay! Yeah, that explains it. Thanks!
Loved the first half of the chapter, very Meh on the second half.

Personally, I enjoy reading about human experimentation and emotional manipulation, and what I saw from Beryl was, while quite fucked up, the kind of fucked up I very much like.

Ritsuka's version of the war sounds very interesting, would love to see an omake of it.

Romani's little warning to talk with Gilgamesh was absolutely delightful and Morgan coming in afterwards was even better, especially her little comment on Goetia.

Matthew getting dragged into a Fuyuki Grail War though... yeah, I feel like this will have, at best, absolutely minimal impact on the plot aside from some character development. Not to mention Shirou is going to be present, and he's, ah, not my most favourite person to read about. I'll just end skimming through the next few chapters until things get back on track.
Loved the first half of the chapter, very Meh on the second half.

Personally, I enjoy reading about human experimentation and emotional manipulation, and what I saw from Beryl was, while quite fucked up, the kind of fucked up I very much like.

Ritsuka's version of the war sounds very interesting, would love to see an omake of it.

Romani's little warning to talk with Gilgamesh was absolutely delightful and Morgan coming in afterwards was even better, especially her little comment on Goetia.

Matthew getting dragged into a Fuyuki Grail War though... yeah, I feel like this will have, at best, absolutely minimal impact on the plot aside from some character development. Not to mention Shirou is going to be present, and he's, ah, not my most favourite person to read about. I'll just end skimming through the next few chapters until things get back on track.

So here's the thing: Shirou as he is at the start of canon Fate is listed as Matthew's natural enemy for very valid reasons. This excursion will ultimately impact the plot for at least a handful of side characters, and ground Ritsuka more as his own character. I intend to take three to four chapters for this event, and Shirou will be present for like... a third. Matthew doesn't do the whole 'Moonlit World' thing and Shirou has school. Add to that the lion's share of his mana comes from Chaldea, and his illusions are apparently now strong enough for Morgan to astral project into the observatory...?

This is partly an excuse to have an exterior PoV do a fix for characters I really like (read: Sakura and Illya), and partly a chance to kick Shirou Amakusa in the face at the same time as Kirei Kotomine.

And a way to add Musashi early. I intend for her to matter.
Is it just Mash, Ritsuka, EMIYA by technicality, and Matthew here? Would be interesting to see Sieg and Jeanne fight Amakusa and he's like "Wait, who are you?"

Kadoc in Gudaguda probaly consists of him being completely done with the entire thing, and Anastasia is just having way too much fun for him to just give up.