Is it just Mash, Ritsuka, EMIYA by technicality, and Matthew here? Would be interesting to see Sieg and Jeanne fight Amakusa and he's like "Wait, who are you?"

Kadoc in Gudaguda probaly consists of him being completely done with the entire thing, and Anastasia is just having way too much fun for him to just give up.

For the moment, yes. Ritsuka has four Servant Slots open at the moment, and at least two of those will be filled by locals. Matthew is bound to Shirou for the event, but luckily has his Hybrid Skill and a link to Chaldea to make up the deficiency.

Kadoc has Anastasia, Sasaki, and Bradamante as his GudaGuda team. Make of that what you will.
Kadoc in GudaGuda: 'What the actual shit is happening here.'

It may be the comedy version compared to the more mature ones to follow, buddy, but believe me, you don't want to trade for what Ritsuka is going through...
Especially when you get to have Okita and Nobunaga around!
Besides, you'll be cherishing that goofiness in later Singularities, or if you get sent to the Fate/Redline collab in the future...
His father… was strained. Shotaro Tohsaka looked very different for a native of Japan, but had no kind of talent for magecraft. His mother refused to hypnotize him because it might step on some moral of hers, and honestly Ritsuka agreed. She, however, was dedicated to the idea that he wasn't capable of functioning in the Moonlit World.

Though given she'd admitted he'd been raised by a retired magic hitman after his parents died in a house fire, even if he was taught nothing of that world, Ritsuka did wonder.
... fucking hell, less about the timeline changed than I thought.
"Mm. Charlemagne roped me into dissuading Medea from going through with her little plan." Emiya's tone held dry amusement as he handed Ritsuka an apron.

Ritsuka smiled up at him as he put it on. "Dare I ask?"

"She was going to suggest Matthew seduce Gilgamesh, keep some of his… essence… and use sympathetic magecraft to break through his armor's resistance to kill him." Emiya shook his head.

Ritsuka paused in washing his hands. "That would have gone spectacularly badly."
Medea you stupid Magus, what the actual fuck! Why did you think copying the same plan the gods used to brainwash you would be taken any better? You should know better!
"I think the nail in that coffin was Mash winding up to brain her with her shield, to be completely honest." Emiya frowned.
Good! Maybe Medea needs a solid steel dopeslap.
"I'm having nightmares from Matthew. If I'm seeing certain parts of his past, then Gilgamesh must have set him off."

Emiya's eyes narrowed. "In a direct confrontation, thanks to my style of fighting, I am one of the few who can match him. In a specific circumstance that I can arrange, I can defeat him. Has he been a problem?"

That was the thing. He was, according to Artoria, utterly well-behaved. She was baffled that he hadn't tried to invade Matthew's sanctuaries after he said what he had. The man was snide and egotistical, but not to the point Ritsuka felt he had to go. Admittedly, the only Servant he could see pushing that threshold at the moment was Prelati if he ever showed up.

"No, and it's worrying based on what I've heard from Artoria and Medea." Ritsuka narrowed his eyes.
There's the guy who views humans as things, and the guy who treats humans as irreplaceable treasures. The difference is smaller than you'd think, but it's there.
"The version we're familiar with was tainted by malice from All the World's Evil. Incarnated, and his worse aspects magnified. However, unlike the Saber from the singularity, he was not truly corrupted."
Yeah, only a god of evil would think to combine the pre-Enkidu hedonism and sociopathy with his post-Endiku depression.
"So, Grandfather summoned Gilgamesh. Mom knew on sight he wasn't controlling him, and manipulating him was a bad idea in general. So, she steered clear. There was a magus killer who lived in the area that they contracted, and he summoned a Hassan with poison skin. He'd taken Dad in five years before when his parents passed in a house fire; Grampa was the one who introduced him while he helped Mom with the estate."

Emiya's chopping slowed. "I see," he murmured. His eyes were wide, with a distant gaze.
... Hassan Serenity is such a perfect fit for a Kiritsugu who never fell in love and had a kid it is physically painful.
"Grandfather also had an ally in the Church, he called forth a Berserker called Lu Bu. We should have figured that Kotomine was going to backstab Grandfather from it, but the idea of an Archer-Assassin-Berserker alliance was too tempting to pass up."

Emiya paused and rubbed the back of his hand against his forehead. "Yes, that tracks from the Kotomine Kirei I remember from my timeline." His voice held a note of strain.

"Emiya?" Ritsuka looked up at him in worry. "Are you alright?"

"Just… distracted." He smiled gently, lowering his hand. "Please, go on."
... Lu Bu? Fucking really? I swear, a Grail War invitation must come with complimentary stupidity pills.
"That left four others. Aunt Sakura fought in the war too, because she wanted to prove herself stronger than Grandfather. When Gilgamesh looked too dangerous, Mom joined up with her to protect herself and Grandmother. Aunt Sakura had a really cool knight. His name was Sigurd, and they almost won if they hadn't lost to Caster in the end. Animusphere was kind enough to let Aunt Sakura and Mom walk after the fight, since they'd allied against Gilgamesh with him."

"I wouldn't be surprised if a self-geas scroll was involved," Emiya muttered.

Ritsuka shrugged. "Probably. Kindness isn't something most magi indulge in, I think. I never met any outside of Aunt Sakura or Aunty Touko. Almost." Ritsuka shivered. "But that's not related. Old Man Kariya fought too, because Matou had something over his head. He summoned Byrnhildr, the valkyrie. He was the biggest opponent to Aunt Sakura."

"What became of the magus killer and his Hassan?"

"He dropped out early to protect Dad, we found out. He was retired, and Dad was the only thing he had left to love in the world. Then Asako and I came along, and Grampa was actually happy for a change." Ritsuka exhaled through his nose. "I really wish that someone had just told Dad what was going on. It was stupid. But Mom has her pride, Aunt Sakura and Aunty Touko didn't care, and Grampa was scared his enemies would come for Dad if he did."

"To protect… Tohsaka Shotaro."

"Yeah. He'd been kidnapped by the Einzbern Team, who had Achilles. He was kept hypnotized, so he doesn't remember. I don't think. Hassan took out the master, and without the mana Achilles faded quickly- but not fast enough to keep him from killing Hassan. The others tried to keep them there; but even though he was retired, Grampa won that fight. After that, Grampa bowed out and only helped Mom and Aunt Sakura when Gilgamesh had wiped out Lu Bu and joined forces with Kotomine. But Solomon was strong enough that he came out ahead of them all."


"Yeah. Mom saw him up close, but she didn't write down much about him."
Sigurd and Brunhildir makes a horrible amount of sense, but when you really think about the dynamic and what it meant each Master wanted it just turns to squick.
"...did your 'Gramps' have a particular name?"

"He said he left his old one behind when he took Dad in. He goes by Aramiya Kirito, now. I never really pushed for his old name, it seemed rude."
... ok, I know what we're all thinking, it's probably wrong, but I am still laughing at the image of Kiritsugu pretending to be Mr. I Am Always Right.
"Mom, you're becoming obsessive. This isn't the kind of block you can break through by focusing it down. Take a break for Asako and me, okay?"

"Ugh, fine. Refining the jewel-blade is such a pain…"
Well, at least The Wizard Marshal got his apprentice this time.
"A Fisher-King blade? Again?" Ritsuka gave me a disappointed look.
I didn't get the chance to mention this last time during the Magus meeting but... I think that blade has a special reason to be terrifying to Magi. The curse of the Fisher King doesn't just cripple you, leave you in incredible pain, and unable to have children. It's a conceptual bullshit curse weapon. It not only affected the king, but the king's son and the entire kingdom. No crops grew, their armies were utterly ineffectual, and trade dried up. The only way to cure it is with someone else getting the Grail or getting a Jesus-blood IV. Which got me thinking...

What would it do to a Magi with a Crest?

And I think I know exactly what it does, and constitutes a sneaky Apocrypha reference: Kairi Sisigou's Crest had a curse that not only rendered him infertile but would kill anyone he attempted to transfer the Crest to. I think the Fisher King's curse is a highly enhanced version similar to that curse.

So Matthew can mass-produce Cursed Weapons that with a single touch can destroy an entire Magi family. Hundreds if not thousands of years of toil and bloodshed, obliterated in an instant because some fey child took umbrage to the leader of Chaldea.

If Matthew's abilities were limited to that alone, he'd be the single greatest threat outside of a Beast the Magus Association has ever seen. So yeah, I really like this little detail.
"But here you are. Please, have a seat. I prefer to multitask."

"I'd rather-"

"Sit. Gilgamesh." Roman slowly lifted his head, and Gilgamesh felt a bolt of fury surge through his veins.


Roman leaned back in his chair, gazing upward. "Ah, so you are using those eyes of yours. How fortunate." He gave a peaceful smile. "Tell me, what are your intentions here?"
... Gil in the same room as Roman channeling his inner Solomon. Well this has me excited and terrified.
"You are the ones who called me." Gilgamesh crossed his arms. "I have no reason to explain myself to mongrels."

Roman gingerly pulled his gloves off, revealing his hands. A single gleaming ring sat on his left.

"Fu. To think that you'd waste your wish on something like this. How disgusting. You were worthy of respect then, at least." Gilgamesh's lip curled into a sneer.

"Yes. To be bound by sight is a monstrous thing. To be more than human in a world like this. I cast it all away and sought to live a 'normal life'. However…"
It makes sense Gil would be especially distasteful. Between the period of Gil's life and Artoria, the big 'put the world in harmony' plan was through Solomon. To Gilgamesh, it's as it he decided to throw all his treasure out the window and go live as a lonely peasant. Of course, there's the wrinkle of Enkidu that the golden asshole isn't properly considering...
"One he rejected, given you resemble so closely the men who hurt him most in his life. To assume utter control over him, to force your desires on him… that really is foul, you know?" Roman gave a wintry chuckle. "I thought you had a whole Epic regarding how you learned not to do that? Or was your friend so worthless that you cast their wisdom aside at first sight of a pretty young thing?"

"DAMN YOU!" Golden portals opened behind Gilgamesh, quivering impotently.

"By all means, prove me wrong.
I mean, technically Gil already failed. Depends on how you interpret Angra's version in relation to the 'true' Gilgamesh who sits on the Throne Of Heroes.
Gilgamesh grit his teeth. "Do not presume to judge me or know my mind. I would not devastate the progress of what the boy becomes in such a manner. There has never been a being like him before, and there is no telling if there will be one like him since. Those born of the Planet attempted to create paradise and failed. I observe him in interest because they try once more, but using the tactics of the gods of old."

"Then why impose your will on him? Why attempt to order him as one of your playthings? I hesitate to use the term subject, save for that they were subjected to you."

"If there is a thing of beauty born of my garden, I am entitled to it. If a treasure exists, it is mine. If a person I desire is born, then they belong to me. Such is the way of things." Gilgamesh folded his arms.
And yet you never put a ring on Enkidu's finger. What does that say about you Gil?
"And Chaldea would be adrift on the seas of time with no one to lead. Without my influence paired with Ritsuka's, he would never wake the sole person who could replace me. Morale would shatter, and your garden would burn." Gilgamesh could hear the icy smile in his voice. "I may lack my Clairvoyance, Gilgamesh, but I'm not a fool. You're outplayed and we both know it. If you can't woo him properly, leave my boy alone."


"He all but told you what would be required. It would be an uphill battle, given you gave him many reasons to be wary of you, but… well, maybe your older self would have had more luck. But I've taken enough of your time. I'm sure you can see yourself out."

"Fu. You truly think so little of me. Very well. I'll prove that I have what's needed to secure the heart of Avalon's Prince." Gilgamesh smirked. "So for now, I'll observe." He vanished in a swirl of golden light.
Good to see we both agree Caster!Gil is best Gil. He's the one who properly walks the pride and swagger he comports himself with. A king willing and able to meet the demands of total and absolute authority, truly worthy of the title.

Archer's just a spoiled frat boy.
"This is the man who secured the herb of immortality, Romani. It takes a lot to get him to put forth effort, but it's fearsome when he does." Da Vinci leaned on his chair. "And now we've done what you asked."

The light shifted, and a tall, blonde woman in silver armor set with diamonds and jet appeared. Fairy runes crossed her body in pale grey ink.

"That you did," Morgan admitted in a praising tone. "My, my. Thanks to Matthew's rising power, I can project myself more and more often." She smiled. "And now, I've decided. Before I begin my little talent search, I need to bring you into my conspiracy. The Queen of Dun Scaith and Magus of Flowers are good co-conspirators, but there's a lot going on you need to know." Her smile sharpened. "And with my dear child's barrier in place, your misbegotten 'correction system' won't know a thing."
... please tell me Roman's going to learn about Magi-Mari. I have to see Roman's hopes and dreams crushed before my very eyes!:p
"You mean the first Beast that occupies your corpse with your other nine rings attached?"

His jaw dropped.

"Oh, just wait until I tell you about the other six. A good number of the original ones disqualified themselves, so a horde of infants are dancing along the timelines!"
I know the Prototype Beast is described as being childlike, a baby in its 'mother's hands, but a horde? What the hell is even going on? Is Kiara Sesshōin disqualified?
It may be the comedy version compared to the more mature ones to follow, buddy, but believe me, you don't want to trade for what Ritsuka is going through...
Especially when you get to have Okita and Nobunaga around!
Besides, you'll be cherishing that goofiness in later Singularities, or if you get sent to the Fate/Redline collab in the future...
All the Statemen's is going to be so much fun to read if that's done.



"Apprentice to the Wizard Marshal, you will state your business in my city. During a Holy Grail War of all things."
By the way, where is this coming from? Is it because they appeared in the middle of the sky in broad daylight with no known cause?
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I know the Prototype Beast is described as being childlike, a baby in its 'mother's hands, but a horde? What the hell is even going on? Is Kiara Sesshōin disqualified?

Clearly Goetia and Fou are still around, but a good majority of the new crew are still nascent (like Kiara and Kama in their events, etc), so much weaker. A lot of the Singularities will involve stopping them before they mature. At the very least Septem, Okeanos, and America, with Camelot as a possibility.

Kiara is less disqualified than the one she split from (Kama-Mara) stepping out. So as a human without a direct link to the root or a Beast, she's still an evil of humanity but not... quite as pertinent?

Also 666 still exists.

And Manaka is in charge of all of them, except Fou.

By the way, where is this coming from? Is it because they appeared in the middle of the sky in broad daylight with no known cause?

Sudden teleportation can be assumed to be connected to the second magic, yes. It's the one cause Rin can reasonably assume for a random boy and a girl who looks more like a knight than a magus dropping into the pavement like a ballistic ten feet away from thin air. Remember, this is not a Chaldea timeline, and even if it was is well pre-Rayshifting. Second Magic is the best assumption (and she would because she has access to Zelretch's 'homework').

Edit: Also it's at night, as this is concurrent with Lancer gunning for Shirou.
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I enjoyed Roman laying down the law with Gil and telling him not to mess with his Kids that I enjoyed. Not going to lie though the last part seemed sudden to me like it came out of left field and threw me off guard.
I enjoyed Roman laying down the law with Gil and telling him not to mess with his Kids that I enjoyed. Not going to lie though the last part seemed sudden to me like it came out of left field and threw me off guard.

That was at least partially intentional. It came out of left field for the protagonists too. And there is a very valid reason for Matthew getting dragged in like he did that I established in-text all the way back in the first couple of chapters.

So while it's kind of abrupt, there's a reason I wanted it that way.
That was at least partially intentional. It came out of left field for the protagonists too. And there is a very valid reason for Matthew getting dragged in like he did that I established in-text all the way back in the first couple of chapters.

So while it's kind of abrupt, there's a reason I wanted it that way.
Your the author and it's your story so you do what you want. I do want to see how Matthew deals with young naive shirou though.
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My god, someone cut Matthew a break for just five minutes.

At least his new elemental creation will get a good field test?

More seriously, it's great to see that you have a clear vision of where the story is going and that you don't consider every station of canon mandatory. Not that you had in the past, but this is a new level of derailment.

I'm interested in seeing just how knowledge of what they're up against effects Romani and Da Vinci. I guess for Romani in particular, there's not a whole ton he can change without discarding his human form, but perhaps Da Vinci will get more aggressive with her inventions? She's already clearly been fine collaborating with other Casters, so the main limiting factor is materials, especially after Matthew and Medea have been raiding what they have on the grounds already.

Well, that and aesthetics - although I'm not she'd drop her ideal of 'beauty' even in the face of the Beasts, lol.

Also somewhat interested to see how Mash's personality develops. Even if she's still an adorable cinnamon bun in most respects, she has a lot more in the way of seriously hard feelings than her canon self, as well as more complicated relationships with the other Servants. While this might not lead to massive divergences in someone else's personality, considering her lack of life experience we could see something new.

Also wondering if her discovering Galahad's actions will make synchronization with her powers more difficult, but it doesn't seem to be an issue so far. Maybe a matter waiting for the Camelot singularity...?
She stood, a little taller than me. Her red-and-blue outfit stood out against her pale skin, and her ashen-blonde hair was tied into an updo with a black-and-red ornament. A quick glance at me revealed her blue eyes and a beautiful face. In her grip were two blades.

"Unforgivable. To ignore such honest feelings…! I won't let you get away with it!"

A Cu Chulainn that didn't know me, a strange Saber, and at least four other Servants to deal with and no sign of my Master nearby.

A redheaded failure who snatched me away, and even now was showing no self-preservation as he desperately tried to drag me away from the fight, getting far closer to Cu Chulainn than was healthy for him.

What nightmare had I woken to?

YES! SHE'S HERE! So excited to see her here with all the shenanigans involved. It's especially hilarious when she's the Servant here and not the other way around....
Kiara is less disqualified than the one she split from (Kama-Mara) stepping out. So as a human without a direct link to the root or a Beast, she's still an evil of humanity but not... quite as pertinent?
That's CCC Kiara, the Demonic Bodhisattva, that is an Evil of Humanity. FGO Kiara, before Zepar came into contact with her, is a cinnamon roll on par with Mash and Best Therapist, from my admittedly vague memory.
Welp I'm late as shit but you know the saying, better late than never.
"Subject Caster Seven is ready. Preparing for circuit enhancement protocols."
Oh joy its that moment isn't it?
"Archers One through Thirty, failure. Sabers One through Twenty, failure. Lancers One through Fifty, failure. Riders One Through twenty, failure. Assassins One through Thirty, failure. Berserkers One through Five, failure. Casters One through Six, Eight through Twenty-Five, failure. Caster Seven success. Securing permission for fifth batch of specimens."
Shhhhhit and I'm 99% sure all those "specimens" were 10 years old. Motherfuckers.
........Why am I being reminded of inter-dimensional space whales?
I'm Morgan, little one. I'll take care of you, even when no one else will. You're going to change the world, little one.
Seriously its shocking that this is technically the same woman who raped her little sister, gave birth to their rape baby, accelerated their age and sent them to spy then overthrow said little sister.

Seriously from what little we've seen they're like night and day.
"Haha, wow. You really are a wild little guy, huh?"
Ah fuck its this asshole
I bite back an angry hiss. Da Vinci said that 'humans' don't do that, and it frightens them.
Huh, I- wow thats very different compared to how he was in Ch1
"Heyyy. I overheard your talk with Akuta. Wanna know a secret?" Beryl leaned close-

I felt my eyes widen as he gently rubbed my cheek with his hand.

"I'm not human either. C'mon. I'll take good care of you."
Pain floods my nerves again; how have they not given out? Thrash, flail, scream around the gag. Restraints pin me down.

"The Director's considering it. We got enough success with this wildcat that there's a good chance-"

I'm getting some major Elfen fucking Lied vibes right here and thats never a fucking good thing!
"Or you didn't. Well, I'd be a damn fool to turn down a meal like this. I'll make your death sweeter than the others, okay? Cute baby beast. My little wildcat."
Fuuuuucccckkkk you ya knife eared fuck!

Da Vinci…?
Aerith Gainsborough to the rescue!!!
Light, searing, clash of limbs and blades, she flew into the wall-
-Orrrr not really
Ritsuka actually had solid proof that she had made tenuous contact before summoning. Whatever she planned had been in the works for some time.
Yeeeep don't fuck with the Caster Saber face
And Beryl Gut had to go.
I'm pretty sure no one will complain about that
Having the Zenjou blood manifest as a sorcery trait wasn't something anyone had expected to come of a union between a powerful magus and a normal man, but as luck would have it? Any children of Ritsuka's were destined for magical greatness.
I'm suddenly reminded of Kazuki from Maburaho- also holy shit pretty much any female mage would want his dick. Seriously those "noble" families would love to have someone who they can use as a breeding stud and help make super mages.
Everything a magus could ask from a good match, let alone a subpar one made out of love like his mother's.
Honestly when looking at Rin I could never imagine a prideful spitfire like her having sex- let alone giving birth to a child for someone she didn't love.

Then again its entirely possible that in some timelines that wonderful flame inside of her gets quenched into becoming a cold "elegant" magus just like her father.
He was loved by his mother and sister, though one smothered him in protectiveness and the other considered it her duty to try and elevate him to being a proper magus, Crest or no Crest.
I'm going to just assume that the Sister was either his twin or elder sister- it'd be pretty embarrassing if his younger sister was over protective, enough so that it could be defined as "smothering"

As for Rin- well she also does that because she cares.
Never in the history of the world does a statement like that actually mean that.
No family was ideal, but their love was made known, and he returned it.
Sooo essentially they all love each other but because of their fucked up life style its hard to be happy.
His father… was strained. Shotaro Tohsaka looked very different for a native of Japan, but had no kind of talent for magecraft. His mother refused to hypnotize him because it might step on some moral of hers, and honestly Ritsuka agreed. She, however, was dedicated to the idea that he wasn't capable of functioning in the Moonlit World.

Though given she'd admitted he'd been raised by a retired magic hitman after his parents died in a house fire, even if he was taught nothing of that world, Ritsuka did wonder.
I- the hell.

Ok assuming that "Shotaro" is Shirou (in which case why the hell is his name different) I have to really wonder if he actually had "no talent". I mean if this is Shirou then he would still posses his magic circuits (even if they were never used in this life) which while not the absolute best in quality are high enough in number that he would be around "average" (whatever the fuck that means in this world) for a mage- which to be honest would be quite impressive considering that he would be a first generation mage.

Also I can't help but laugh. Truly the Rin of the that world had no idea- or maybe she could see him adapt but never wanted him to have to adapt to anything.

At least Ritsuka was curious.
He'd wondered more than once if his father hated him. Honestly, he feared that he just didn't love him. Hatred Ritsuka could accept, but a lack of feeling between parent and child… frightened him.
.......The idea of Shirou Emiya- even if they are a completely different version from a world where he probably is nothing like the one we all know not loving his own child seems wrong. Honestly the idea of that is even painful considering that for some having something or someone to actually love and call his would be enough to motivate them fighting literal demi-gods and becoming enemies of the entire world.
But to be honest even if something like that is the truth-
"You look entirely too pensive."
-You still have someone who you could call your dad right by you who would never betray you and always be around if your in need.
Strive to consistently maintain the proper flow. Remain reserved and elegant.
Fuck that philosophy- it never helped anyone.
"Just thinking. Things are a little rough right now, especially with Kadoc absent."

"Hm. How much longer do you think he'll be in the Pseudo-Singularity?" Emiya turned, motioning for Ritsuka to follow him.
......Kadoc is in the middle of an event or Interlude isn't he? Actually considering that Sasaki's takes place in Rome that means this is probably an event.
"She was going to suggest Matthew seduce Gilgamesh, keep some of his… essence… and use sympathetic magecraft to break through his armor's resistance to kill him." Emiya shook his head.
*Thinks for a moment*
Yeah that does sound like something Medea would come up with, especially if we believe what she did to her master in the VN.
After he told Emiya, the Archer had started dragging him into the kitchen and working on his cooking skills. He was a good teacher; free with deserved praise and gentle but direct criticism, and endlessly patient.
Huh guess Emiya is low key trying to be an actual dad and help his kid out.
"Mom told me stories of the Great War in Fuyuki. She'd been kept as an aide to grandfather since she was of age, and she barely survived." Ritsuka frowned. "She was… twenty, I want to say."

"Two-thousand and four?" Emiya didn't look up.

"Two-thousand, actually. She met my father a little later, and well. I'm sixteen. A little younger than Mash, actually."
........Freaking timeline craziness.
"How old is your sister?"

"Twelve. She's… something. She looks like Dad but takes after Mom."
1. Wow so the over protective smothering sister isn't even a teenager- guy needs to value that before she becomes distant
2. Fuck thats just another nail in the metaphoric coffin that his daddy is Shirou
Ritsuka perked up. "Well, I can tell you about it. Mom kept detailed notes. It was a huge mess, to be honest."
I mean to be fair what Holy Grail War isn't a giant mess?
There was a magus killer who lived in the area that they contracted, and he summoned a Hassan with poison skin. He'd taken Dad in five years before when his parents passed in a house fire;
1. That sounds like a certain reference
2. This "Shirou" already had his own identity and entire life growing up with his parents until he was already in his mid teens.
Emiya's chopping slowed. "I see," he murmured. His eyes were wide, with a distant gaze.
Man the freaking memory exchange between those two would be freaking as fuck
"Grandfather also had an ally in the Church, he called forth a Berserker called Lu Bu. We should have figured that Kotomine was going to backstab Grandfather from it, but the idea of an Archer-Assassin-Berserker alliance was too tempting to pass up."
Wait......was Lu Bu a backstabber? I know that he was super famous as pretty much the best warrior in the 3 Kingdoms but I didn't know he was a backstabber
He summoned Byrnhildr, the valkyrie. He was the biggest opponent to Aunt Sakura."
Hell he probably didn't have a choice. The second those two are on the same battlefield they'll try to love each other and also murder the loving shit out of each other.

Crazy romantics
But Mom has her pride, Aunt Sakura and Aunty Touko didn't care, and Grampa was scared his enemies would come for Dad if he did."
Huh can't help but think of Sakura similar to a certain cunty version of herself made by another writer. As for Kiri that honestly doesn't make sense- I mean his enemies wouldn't give a shit if Shirou knew anything or not since he could still be used against him.
"Yeah. He'd been kidnapped by the Einzbern Team, who had Achilles.
Oh what do you know
Gilgamesh had wiped out Lu Bu and joined forces with Kotomine.
Sheesh the more things change the more they stay the same.
"No. I'll get the food out on time regardless, but… You're good at it, and I'd like to teach you a few things." Emiya smiled, making him look a good deal younger. "Also, I enjoy the company."
I legit have to wonder how Rits doesn't realize that this is a much more buff, darker skined version of his dad with slicked back hair.

Though I suppose to be fair no one else realized who he was until Shirou found a second one of a kind jewel.
Heh, you know… I wonder if this is what having a big brother's like?"
Suuuuuurrrreeee lets go with that
"...Mash said something that I really hate, but she's right. I am scared of him," I admitted.


"...keep me safe?"

Cu's eyes gleamed gently in the low light. "As long as I can."
Dawwww this is great- why do I feel like something is going to ruin it
I felt my breath catch as Medusa leaned down, placing her lips over mine.

"You alright with this?" Cu whispered.

"Mmhm." I gave a goofy grin as Medusa pulled back, a smile on her face. My breath hitched as he pressed his lips to my neck.

"You'll be fine." Medusa put her arms around both of us.

Yooo he's walking on sunshine
"By all means, prove me wrong. Though if you decide to keep rampaging like a tyrant, I really will have to cast my wish aside." Roman tilted his head. "It's been some years since I last lifted a blade in judgement, but a raping, pillaging beast targeting my children is a good enough reason to relearn it, no?" His eyes glittered darkly. "And it wouldn't even be the first time I killed you."
Protective Dad Roman is freaking awesome
Roman waited for several seconds, then slumped. "Eeeh! I thought he was really gonna hit me!"

A panel slid back behind his chair. "It would serve you right if he had!" Da Vinci stepped forward. "I told you to let Artoria handle it," she scolded. She paused. "Though I would have liked a crack, too…"

"He won't admit it's me. He knows that the fewer people know, the better." Roman leaned back again. "Aaah, scary. I really hoped he'd just pout and give up."

"This is the man who secured the herb of immortality, Romani. It takes a lot to get him to put forth effort, but it's fearsome when he does." Da Vinci leaned on his chair. "And now we've done what you asked."
Love these two. So glad their VA's are married and even play the roles of two people in love.
His stark white hair and pale skin contrasted with his dark golden eyes. He wore the vestments of the church, and remained deep in contemplation.


The youth turned his head at the deep, resonant voice. "Kirei. Has the seventh Servant arrived?"
......Oh shit are we getting a Fate/Apocrypha event done early? I mean it would make sense.
"It's a fascinating development. Out of the seven Servants, only four are 'usual'. Einzbern, of course, called the Berserker. Their desperation is easily visible across the sea. Rider was handed off to the Matou boy, to the family's detriment. The worm's time will likely come in the following nights." Kotomine Kirei hefted the spirit board. "Rin has Archer, and Lancer is out and about."
Ok NOT an Apocrypha event then.
A scoff. "I've seen your 'accommodations' after the fire took place. You're trying to use hell to carve out heaven. My older self might have time to laugh at such things, but I dislike this world less." He turned on his heel.

"And yet with all our command seals, there's little you can do. Do you disagree?" The younger-looking priest wore a gentle smile.

"This is so." The little Gilgamesh let poison into his voice as he marched away, letting the shadows hide his hopeful smile.
Oh fuck. They actually think they can restrain fucking Gil- well thats not certainly going to completely bite them in the ass or anything.
A girl stood less than ten feet away, eyes wide.

"Ah… good evening?"

Slowly, she stepped forward, blue eyes slowly narrowing as a gem slipped out of her sleeve and into her hand. "Apprentice to the Wizard Marshal, you will state your business in my city. During a Holy Grail War of all things."
Ok Ritsuka I have one question: Who's your momma?
I crumpled to the ground, barely dodging another thrust of the spear. I'd known Cu was strong, but being on the wrong end of Gae Bolg solidified it.
Oh you have got to be fucking with me! Fucking seriously!? Of all people IT HAD TO BE HIM!?
"Please, stop. I don't want to fight you. Please." The tears began to run down my cheeks.

He sighed. "Sorry, lad. This is war." He pulled his arm back.

"...but I love you."

A strangled squawk came from behind me, and a gasp from elsewhere.

Cu Chulainn's eyes glimmered with momentary pity. "Lad… I don't even know you."

My limbs went limp.

She stood, a little taller than me. Her red-and-blue outfit stood out against her pale skin, and her ashen-blonde hair was tied into an updo with a black-and-red ornament. A quick glance at me revealed her blue eyes and a beautiful face. In her grip were two blades.
Don't even know why but BEST SABER IS FUCKING HERE!!
Fate/Grand Order x Fate/Stay Night
Fate/Stay Night: Grand Rebellion
Sheesh the one time we actually get a crossover event it starts out with the characters getting their hearts kicked in the dick.
......Kadoc is in the middle of an event or Interlude isn't he? Actually considering that Sasaki's takes place in Rome that means this is probably an event.

Poor sod is supposed to be wading through GudaGuda. Jury's out on which one of the two Masters is getting shafted here.

Wait......was Lu Bu a backstabber? I know that he was super famous as pretty much the best warrior in the 3 Kingdoms but I didn't know he was a backstabber

Betrayed adoptive father Ding Yuan for Dong Zhuo, backstabbed Dong Zhuo, betrayed Liu Bei several times... And I'm being really synthetic here. The only thing matching Lu Bu's warrior talents is Lu Bu's addiction to backstabbery.
Poor sod is supposed to be wading through GudaGuda. Jury's out on which one of the two Masters is getting shafted here.

Probably Matthew, since he's not doing emotionally well in this.

Although admittedly it's closer when you consider this means Kadoc is right on track to being dragged into all of the other GudaGuda events. He'll probably be significantly better in 3 though. At least for the first half.
Probably Matthew, since he's not doing emotionally well in this.

I meant the Masters specifically. Joke scenario and swarms of mini-Nobus vs working with an alternate timeline version of your mother. And your father. And discovering what can happen to your aunt in alternate timelines.

Okay, maybe Kadoc won't be allowed to complain about the Nobu after all. Until the second time he has to deal with Gudaguda singularities.
You know, now I want to have Kirsch to deal with all the Halloween singularities, if only to make him listen to Elizabeth's singing...

Now in your Chaldea: Straw Drawing of Doom.

Loser gets to handle Halloweens.
Then the following one the Gudaguda events.
And so it goes right to the winner... Who gets the emerging Beasts Singularities, to the envy of all Masters.
Poor sod is supposed to be wading through GudaGuda. Jury's out on which one of the two Masters is getting shafted here.
Obviously Ritsuka.

While Kadoc gets to hang out with a crazy cutie who loves guns and her anemic BFF Rits has to deal in a bizarro world where:
-Both his mom and dad are orphans who have issues
-His dad is a PTSD mess who wants to be a hero of justice because of Survivors guilt and could become a killing machine
-His auntie is a shy, broken victim of rape and abuse while also living with a fucking vampiric monster
-His auntie could also become a killing machine that could possibly bring about either the destruction of all of Japan or the entire world
-Fucking Kirei is here
-The grail is fucking broken
-Wannabe Japanese Jesus wants to force "salvation" upon all of humanity which could ruin everything

So yeah guy got shafted so hard that you can see brown in the back of his mouth.

Here's hoping that at the end of this shit he can gain a new perspective on things and gets a good welfare servant or something. I'm hoping that like the F/Z event one servant will combine with their younger self coughEMIYAcough or something very interesting- like say his dying Holy Grail auntie who's he never known before who'd normally die within a year after the Grail War.
Betrayed adoptive father Ding Yuan for Dong Zhuo, backstabbed Dong Zhuo, betrayed Liu Bei several times... And I'm being really synthetic here. The only thing matching Lu Bu's warrior talents is Lu Bu's addiction to backstabbery.
Holy shit- never knew that
To put it mildly: His Madness Enhancement, per FGO info, literally revolves around it.
I suppose this makes sense- I never knew jack shit about the guy outside of Record of Ragnarok