Everyone knew about the bombings, they dominated the news. But what wasn't getting out was that the bombs were rarely lethal. Sure, they maimed and spread terror but they didn't seem to kill. The weapons too didn't seem to be intended for the criminals to take over the government, especially with how quick they seemed to self-destruct the moment they were not handled by whoever its owner was. Instead it was to let them take over the underground, scare the populace and keep the government from cracking down. Exploiting the unwritten rules to its fullest, all for a single purpose, one that terrified her.
Someone was encouraging triggers. One with a favoritism towards tinkers, what with how many non-Protectorate aligned ones had gone missing. The entirety of Toybox, Sphere and his family, Nilbog, the list went on and on. They had started bird-caging tinker villains who made a name for themselves simply to keep them away from whoever this was, but with the bombings it wasn't long before a new Tinker would burst onto the scene and then just as quickly vanish. What also wasn't reported was that capes with unique abilities too vanished without a trace, starting with the disappearance of the villain group the "Slaughterhouse Nine" in the early 2000's, with other notable examples involving the Butcher and Ash Beast. Well, 'disappear' was a misnomer, that disappearance was the only time any clue was left behind with the villain Jack Slash's remains. Evidently whoever it was had improved since then, but it gave a disturbing look into the character of whoever was behind all this. The look of terror on his face... she did not want to imagine what bio-tinker's creations they had sicked on that vile man. He may have been a monster but no one deserves to be eaten alive...
The Guild had been committed to finding out the truth and stopping these bombings. Yet whoever this was anticipated it and stopped them in ways none of them were prepared for. Saint went from a lunatic who had stolen her suits to outfit his mercenaries to the leader of a Private Military Corporation that employed thousands, equipped with enough tinker technology that they could conquer countries by themselves. They had made a name for themselves stabilizing third world countries, wielding unprecedented influence even she could not hope to match. Her friend Narwhal had had every bit of personal information leaked and now didn't spend a week where she wasn't in court. It wasn't helped that the Conservative Government had decided to run a smear campaign against Narwhal and the Guild. In fact many influential individuals or organisations suddenly turned on them, finding excuses to hobble them at every turn. Every other member of the Guild had had a similar experience, their lives ruined or made impossibly difficult with no trace as too who was responsible.