Will is a resource that would've been almost exclusively to maintain academic performance. Its other use would've been to resist the Unforgivable Curses. However, given your choices, its use as a resource is... nonexistent, and as such, it will no longer be utilized.
We are The Boy Who Lived. Of course we'll find a use for it.
I didn't mean to offend or have you go on the defensive like this, sorry.
Emphasizing Hufflepuff, still have books. I think people are overemphasizing the importance of a love of books and personal power
You need to bold every single pronoun that refers to the Dark Lord.I would say that people underestimate personal power. Would You-Know-Who be anywhere near as a great a threat as he is without his immense personal power? Would he have gathered all the allies he has if he was an average wizard when it comes to power and skill? Without his awe inspiring power...how many would have truly backed him?
Let us aim to become akin to You-Know-Who. A Hufflepuff Lord with dazzling levels of power and skill. Backed with a loyal group of wealthy and connected people. We've already picked options that will set the foundation...we just need to follow through.
This is why I say that matching Him in personal power is not going to happen. Among other things, we just don't have enough time. Also, He has likely done rituals to increase his power that we would be unwilling to do.
That's why I don't want to try to match him skill for skill, but rather lean into our strengths and oppose him in other areas.
But anyway, Harry was pretty excited, because soon enough, he'd be the greatest wizard to have ever lived.
Why is an average House Elf as powerful as Dumbledore?6.25 - Average hundred-year-old Wizard.
7 - Average House Elf.
7.25 - Professor Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore (allegedly)
Consider: Even if you train for months, you cannot wandlessly apparate through the Hogwarts Wards. Do you know who can?
It's your world I don't mind if House Elves are Gods in your universe but I was under the impression House Elves and Phoenix don't travel by apparition like wizards and buildings aren't warded against travel by these creatures.Consider: Even if you train for months, you cannot wandlessly apparate through the Hogwarts Wards. Do you know who can?
It'd probably do well to read canon Harry Potter first. Ironically, maybe out of everything in this AU, House Elves are the one thing that's almost entirely unchanged. House Elves inherently have much greater magical power wizards.It's your world I don't mind if House Elves are Gods in your universe but I was under the impression House Elves and Phoenix don't travel by apparition like wizards and buildings aren't warded against travel by these creatures.
Apparition: House-elves could Apparate even in places where wizards and witches could not. It was not thought possible to prevent a house-elf from doing so, given the various examples of this in heavily secured locations. This was proven when Kreacher Apparated out of The Cave where Voldemort hid his locket horcrux to test the locket's security. The cave had an extremely powerful dark magical barrier to forbid such from happening, placed there by none other than the greatest Dark Lord of all time,
Their magic was limited by the lack of a wand.
It is implied that with a wand and the proper knowledge, a house-elf might be able to do other magic, as Winky was falsely accused of using the Morsmordre curse to summon the Dark Mark.[5]