It'd probably do well to read canon Harry Potter first. Ironically, maybe out of everything in this AU, House Elves are the one thing that's almost entirely unchanged. House Elves inherently have much greater magical power wizards.

(Relevant Quotes if you don't wish to look.)

Their magic is described as "incredibly powerful" multiple times, and there are implications that wand use would be able to make it even more powerful.

Being magically powerful, however, does not mean they are magically skilled or can skillfully operate the same devices as wizards. They aren't "gods." If you took away Dumbledore's wand, he'd be roughly capable of performing feats slightly greater than those of House Elves (accounting for this AU's raised power level.) This says far more about how ridiculously poignant Dumbledore is magically than it says about House Elves.
Fascinating. I did not know that about House Elves. Is it the same for Phoenix? I always thought that their magic was too different to Wizards for wizards to accurately block it.
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Fascinating. I did not know that about House Elves. Is it the same for Phoenix? I always thought that their magic was too different to Wizards for wizards to accurately block it.
I believe it's mostly the same. If you want to, consider it this way: Wizards, House Elves, Phoenixes, etc, all belong to the category of magical beings and have magical power. It's simply that most wizards are rather flaccid in terms of magical power, and utilize external aids (wands, made from other magical creatures,) to channel their power for greater feats.
I believe it's mostly the same. If you want to, consider it this way: Wizards, House Elves, Phoenixes, etc, all belong to the category of magical beings and have magical power. It's simply that most wizards are rather flaccid in terms of magical power, and utilize external aids (wands, made from other magical creatures,) to channel their power for greater feats.
How are you handling goblin made artifacts? Is it only a secret method that is passed down among goblins or is it impossible for wizards to make such artifacts even if they had goblin methods.
How are you handling goblin made artifacts? Is it only a secret method that is passed down among goblins or is it impossible for wizards to make such artifacts even if they had goblin methods.
Although canon has very few statements on how goblin magic works, it's (very) strongly implied that goblins 'hid their magic' from wizards as a response to not being allowed to have their own wands, so my assumption is that goblins have figured out their own magic system based on the creation of artifacts, and anyone can use that system if they were to learn its secrets, but goblins aren't sharing, in much the same manner as probably anyone could learn to use a wand if they were given one and taught about wand magic in a proper way.

In this AU, these assumptions hold more or less true.
it's (very) strongly implied that goblins 'hid their magic' from wizards as a response to not being allowed to have their own wands, so my assumption is that goblins have figured out their own magic system based on the creation of artifacts
Wizards giving goblins the secret of wand creation and use would be like USA giving Iran nuclear weapons. It makes sense why wizards don't allow wands to be proliferated among other species. I'm fascinated by how goblins came to run the treasury department of Wizarding Britain. That's like Iran printing US Dollars and acting as the Central Bank for USA
This is what the story summary/intro says:

the power level is higher, the mood is darker/gloomier

The world is a darker and gloomier place and I imagine a more dangerous place. It is a world where personal power is going to important to a notable degree I am sure.

Lets look at the leading choice, All Yellow, and its hobbies:

-[] Making Lots of Friends
-[] Causing Unspeakable Mayhem & Fixing It
-[] Watching Silly TV Shows & Doing So With Your Family

It leads to a rather happy and fun loving social creature. Which is fine and will play well with Lord of Hufflepuff. But does it do beyond that? Nothing really. Goes heavily into fun and social stuff. A happy and fun loving Harry is good in ways...but this world is darker and likely more dangerous and I think we should have Harry nurture a quality that would grow his power so that he can be properly prepared to excel in this dangerous world. Lets look at Power of the Heart:

[] Making Lots of Friends
[] Books, Books, Books - Most kids hate reading, but you love reading! Especially the books that have pictures in them.

Time is equally split between social and learning which seems like a great balance. It's a perfect balance for stuff we want to do to take advantage of Lord of Hufflepuff and increasing our own personal power. Reading books will nurture in us a love for learning or at least reading books which will move to us doing the same in Hogwarts beyond just working hard for classes. This will lead us to bother greater magical knowledge and perhaps historical knowledge that can be of use. You never know when some past historical fact can allow you to butter up a potential ally!

So for this reason please do consider dropping Plan All Yellow. ;_;
[X] Plan Lightning
[X] Plan: All Yellow

Just found this quest and gotta say, it's looking pretty good! Can't wait for it to fully kick-off.
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[X] Plan Friendship is Magic
-[X] No (Lie)
-[X] There Are No Voices
-[X] Tabletop Games & Tabletop Game Accessories
-[X] Making Lots of Friends
-[X] Wrestling Anyone You Can
-[X] All of Them

[X] Plan: Denial is Magic
[X] Plan: I am the one who talks.
[x] Plan Power of Heart

Having dreams of Voldemort's past would be very useful, while allowing Harry to be his own person.
Just the info on how many Horcrux he created as well as where he hid them and what protections he used to hide them is crucial knowledge in defeating him.
Don't use his forbidden name in the thread refer to him as You-Know-Who if you must.
Just the info on how many Horcrux he created as well as where he hid them and what protections he used to hide them is crucial knowledge in defeating him.
Don't use his forbidden name in the thread refer to him as You-Know-Who if you must.
I'm not mocking Him, merely saying that we will learn His name from the dreams.

Also, your grey is too dark.
[X] Plan: All Yellow

Mainly for the Many Things vote. I'm down for having a fragment of The Dark Lord within us. Both because I think it's the best option for power growth and because I think it'd be pretty neat in and of itself to have a shoulder You-Know-Who narrating and making snarky observations.

I'm not mocking Him, merely saying that we will learn His name from the dreams.

He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named still doesn't like his name being used, no matter the context. It's best to respect His wishes and apologize so His feelings aren't hurt (and so you don't cost the thread Gnosis).
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He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named still doesn't like his name being used, no matter the context. It's best to respect His wishes and apologize so His feelings aren't hurt (and so you don't cost the thread Gnosis).
I'm good, thanks. Honestly, it will probably happen again. I speak His name with the utmost respect. I've always been a faithful admirer of the Dark Lord.
Goes heavily into fun and social stuff. A happy and fun loving Harry is good in ways...but this world is darker and likely more dangerous and I think we should have Harry nurture a quality that would grow his power so that he can be properly prepared to excel in this dangerous world.
We've also got power equal to The Dark Lord and are destined to join a house full of powerful and connected readymade minions. A social build is most ideal for taking advantage of that.
We've also got power equal to The Dark Lord and are destined to join a house full of powerful and connected readymade minions. A social build is most ideal for taking advantage of that.

Yes, we have An Equal in Truth which will greatly increase our rate of power growth but raw power without the knowledge would be a massive waste. What good is the raw power if you don't know the necessary spell or spells for a particular situation? We should be striving to learn as much as possible about magic as we can because once we combine that knowledge with our raw power we will truly be a force to contend with. Developing a love of reading will only help foster in Harry a desire to learn more than just the amount needed for courses. He would gain knowledge more than he would have without that love of knowledge.

A mixed social-knowledge (lots of friends + books) build is the best option I feel for a number of reasons. Imagine the possibility of a Harry who everyone (almost everyone) comes to for help in magic because he is known as that powerful and knowledgeable young wizard. Imagine us creating a study group of people of all Houses that plenty of people join not just because we are Lord of Hufflepuff or the BWL but also because we know a lot of magic. Social and well-liked, lots of magic power, and lots of knowledge to backup that magic. There is no build better than that I feel. We got the raw power locked down, a potential base of minions ready to go especially if we go social. We just need to make him love knowledge/books so he can love reading books at Hogwarts and obtain a shit ton of knowledge.

Going all in on social is doubling down on something that we really don't need to because of diminishing returns I feel.
We also have to consider that most of the students in Hufflepuff are there because they were rejected from the other houses. If one isn't good enough for the other houses one gets placed into hufflepuff.
Just for reference, we got some tidbits on Trismegistus in Discord.

Firstly, it's only Hogwarts subjects. So no Leadership or Executive Function, sadly.

Secondly, the more narrow the subject, the greater the power gain. For example, Charms is very broad, and would probably allow us to stay roughly a year or two ahead in terms of power. On the other hand, narrower subjects gain that power much more strongly. For example, taking Apparition might let us teleport across the globe from Hogwarts within a year of study. Later in life we would be able to teleport to different planets and eventually other worlds/dimensions. We also learned that taking it in History of Magic might unlock places of power with forgotten secrets of magic or hidden artifacts.
Is parseltongue, legilimency, occlumency, alchemy, rituals, duelling, battle magic, fencing, swordsmanship, physical self-reinforcement, spell development and spell modification part of Hogwarts syllabus in this AU?
We also have to consider that most of the students in Hufflepuff are there because they were rejected from the other houses. If one isn't good enough for the other houses one gets placed into hufflepuff.

That might be Gryffindor in here? Hufflepuff is a strong and powerful house here. If someone isn't good at magic then someone will be assigned to help that Hufflepuff get better. Now, imagine if Harry does that all for all Hufflepuffs in his year and even expands it to other Houses? That's a lot of good will we could generate. But for that Harry would need to be a knowledgeable wizard.

Just for reference, we got some tidbits on Trismegistus in Discord.

Firstly, it's only Hogwarts subjects. So no Leadership or Executive Function, sadly.

Secondly, the more narrow the subject, the greater the power gain. For example, Charms is very broad, and would probably allow us to stay roughly a year or two ahead in terms of power. On the other hand, narrower subjects gain that power much more strongly. For example, taking Apparition might let us teleport across the globe from Hogwarts within a year of study. Later in life we would be able to teleport to different planets and eventually other worlds/dimensions. We also learned that taking it in History of Magic might unlock places of power with forgotten secrets of magic or hidden artifacts.

I think two build + one focused pick might be best.

Charms and Transfiguration for the versatility as even just been two years ahead is big. One more pick that is more focused for something of a specialty?
He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named still doesn't like his name being used, no matter the context. It's best to respect His wishes and apologize so His feelings aren't hurt (and so you don't cost the thread Gnosis).
respect isn't really needed, to be fair- His restrictions do not extend so far. 'Sincerity' is only necessary if you fail to consider the limitations and wish to revert that failure. So long as lip service is paid, however, you may insult whosoever you desire in whatever way you desire. And not even that- certain of the limitations regard even concealed references, but references to the personage implicitly referred to here are not that limitation, just as the use of pronouns is acceptable. The formulations are, precisely, that acceptable epithets be bolded as I did once above, and that improper reference not be made to that which the subject of this post does not wish be referenced, directly or otherwise. However, it is not stated that unnacceptable epithets require bolding or produce any negative side-effect for use, so long as those epithets are not problematic for other reasons- such as if an acceptable epithet was modified by a singular letter, genuinely random and not suggestive of any deeper meaning. Such an epithet is not on the acceptable list and is not problematic for other reasons and so, by a literal meaning of the warnings provided, produces no issues and need not be bolded.
At least, that is what I presently believe. Nonetheless I have been doubly careful not to run afoul of any of the negative externality-causing restrictions, so even if I am mistaken, no relative cost will come to those beyond myself- though to be clear I do not believe there is a way around the externality-causing restrictions by construction, as they explicitly do not allow for that- whereas the acceptable epithet list is specific, and has specific restrictions associated with its use.

On the 'original' topic, expanded into generalities, of whether powerful wizards of any kind have easily damagable emotions which would cause disproportionate anger on their parts for minor slights, I would infer that Dumbledore and anyone at least as powerful as Dumbledore would have difficulty reaching such levels of power without being in control of themselves and their emotions, and that it would take someone childish indeed to be angered notably by a mistaken use of name, so respecting someone in such a manner as to use precise words to refer to them out of 'respect' is if anything an insulting disrespect, and the sort of person who would desire that sort of respect surely childish and immature. mentally weak. possessing of undesirable qualities. These are definitely real positions I hold and not representative of intuitively-extreme yet quite permitted statements. people who put limits on how they can be referred to in specifically a way that results in their being more intimidating suck. yeah. absolutely.