Alright, so with the updated preferences from Geist (not that we can fully trust him 100% to have the best possible choices) I think that I'm changing my Child of the Stars build to this:
Child of the Stars
- Charms
- Ancient Runes
- Astrology
It lines up well with Geist's Ancient Runes + Astrology + diverse pick choice. Ancient Runes and Astrology work really really well together and can do some great things together. Charms and Astrology is also capable of some broken stuff such as the eventually possible 4th Tris slot though we likely have other pretty amazing options to pick from. Charms will also give us a great diversity for any situation in which Ancient Runes and Astrology are not able to provide us much help without prior prep.
It's a maximum potential build with low immediate combat power and low to medium utility compared to other setups we could use in year 1(I'd call Charms+Transfiguration+Potions an example of a high Utility in year 1 build with no idea how to classify the power/potential). Nothing wrong with it so long as you're aware that's what you're going for. The Power/Utility/Potential Dichotomy is an important part of quests like these.
We've gotten some news from Birdsie on stuff like Diffindo, more material on what Ancient Runes does, etc. So here's my Runes Build accounting for the new information(I'd consider it high immediate combat power low utility medium potential in year 1)
Runes Everywhere
1. Ancient Runes
2. Diffindo
3. Defense Against the Dark Arts
This build leverages the considerable combat power provided by Trismegistus(Diffindo) and Trismegistus(DADA) for year 1 safety/ability to take paths to more power necessitating significant combat skills for an early snowball until the builds Rune Skills can go online. Diffindo should go online fast considering it was part of the Standard Book of Spells Grade 1 in canon, though it was also taught in 2nd and 4th year charms per the wiki.
We can train Diffindo through joining the art club and developing an interest in sculpture/engraving to balance the creepiness factor of us being known to be supremely good at Diffindo. The Sculptures are also a source of supplemental income/potential future rune canvases. Be a comfy artist type who happens to be really good at fighting and likes Hansen's Soda.
Hopefully by the time our Rune skills go online we will have attained wandless and/or wordless diffindo. Which is where the build starts coming into its full potential. This build can make functional runes anywhere without touching them once we hit Mastery of Ancient Runes, presumably in combat time.
OctarineShrike: Can functional ancient runes be produced without touching them directly via Diffindo shenanigans
Birdsie: Yes, if you have Mastery of Ancient Runes
When we reach year 5 we're projected to be able to cut through walls like we used the gouging charm. If we go for precision we should be able to sever individual veins inside a person to kill them with internal bleeding with no outside marks so long as we knew where the veins were, though the cutting charm in general is a bad idea against a dark wizard who knows a wounds transference curse and we should use Runes/DADA jinxes instead.
As Birdsie put it in Discord "chaining runes via physical inscription and imbuing them with your magic lets you write 'programming' for reality to perform."
As for what Ancient Runes is capable of? Ancient Runes is enchantments stronger and harder to learn relative. It can do Astrology type things but not as well, however it is massively synergistic with Astrology.
Example Applications Quoted from Discord
It's sidereal to a lot of other magics; Enchantment can do what Ancient Runes do, but not as well; Ancient Runes can achieve what Astrology can do, but not as well, and in nowhere near as much esoteric breadth.
You sketch a rune
and then a circle around it to represent a boundary
and then two lines protruding in two directions, with perpendicular lines at the ends
and it gathers and locks air within itself
then you sketch another set of runes connected to define that 'air' also includes 'the following gasses: [all gasses]'
and then you sketch a final activator rune that can be triggered with a very simple Charm from almost any distance, esp. when keyed to your wand
and then you can just
disable air in the room
with a simple flick of the wand
it will vent out of people's lungs, if properly sketched
or you can sketch "Fire" around a circle to make an instant campfire
inside a circle*
Generally I recommend either Enchantment/Astrology or AR/Astrology, but not Enchantment/AR
AR does what Enchantment does, but better; it's a harder subject, however
Enchantment is almost purely based on technique, experience, and practice
Ancient Runes is based almost purely on creativity, knowledge, theory, and study
If you have Ancient Runes and you're good at the subject
you can already use them to achieve anything you might achieve using Enchantment
but better and generally faster
and more modifiable/upgradeable in the future
there's a common practice in recent years, reverse-engineered from Muggle techniques
where instead of engraving runes on wood/stone like a savage
you take a scroll and write runes on it using ink
fold it up
and put it into a compartment in the object in question
and you can swap them if you want, maybe
so you can have a broom with swappable acceleration runesets
so you could switch between a rune scroll that prioritizes top speed or acceleration or maneuverability depending on the game
Ancient Runes lets you do that with the appropriate broom
Enchantment doesn't
Generally if you want to change an Enchantment you need to either layer more enchantments on top (which can require a lot of finesse or you'll make the object explode)
or you dis-enchant it and enchant it again
a circle around a fire
a circle is a boundary line, a way of containment
'contain fire'
so the rune will produce the effect of containing fire
it will probably, a few seconds after drawing, accumulate sufficient heat to make the surface it's drawn on burst into flames
Savant Syndrome
isn't how I think about magic?
now take the rune above
and draw a line radiating upwards from it
anyway you take the fire rune
and draw a line moving away from it
and at the end of that line, another one, which is perpendicular to the first line
can anyone in the classroom guess what that might do?
You got it right
A connecting line is a channel, but a perpendicular line 'a box' or a side of a box is a wall - "a blockade" for movement
so it'd gather heat from three sides, but block its passage to another
if correctly scribed in your fireplace
or, say, on a sconce
it'd let you make a torch that provides ambient lighting but no unpleasant heat
a few more modifications and you can make it smokeless as well
Anyway, that's how runes work
Ancient Runes also has potions/alchemy advantages via Alchemical Runes.