[X] Yes - How could you not? He'd never actually and seriously betrayed you in any capacity as far as you can remember; the most he did was prank you and make annoying remarks, but he's been nothing less than very helpful for the remainder of the time. What happened in his past life isn't relevant - at least for now, you can trust Geist...

[X] Eleonora - A name suggested by Sirius, who recalled a story Lily enjoyed. "The only 'sort of happy' story Poe ever told, she called it."

"They who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who only dream by night. In their gray visions they obtain glimpses of eternity, and thrill, in waking, to find that they have been upon the verge of the great secret."- Eleonora, E.A. Poe
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[x] Yes - How could you not? He'd never actually and seriously betrayed you in any capacity as far as you can remember; the most he did was prank you and make annoying remarks, but he's been nothing less than very helpful for the remainder of the time. What happened in his past life isn't relevant - at least for now, you can trust Geist...

[x] Aermora
[X] Yes - How could you not? He'd never actually and seriously betrayed you in any capacity as far as you can remember; the most he did was prank you and make annoying remarks, but he's been nothing less than very helpful for the remainder of the time. What happened in his past life isn't relevant - at least for now, you can trust Geist...

[x] Morgana
[X] Yes - How could you not? He'd never actually and seriously betrayed you in any capacity as far as you can remember; the most he did was prank you and make annoying remarks, but he's been nothing less than very helpful for the remainder of the time. What happened in his past life isn't relevant - at least for now, you can trust Geist...

[X] Kratos - A version that won't try to murder you, hopefully.
[X] Yes - How could you not? He'd never actually and seriously betrayed you in any capacity as far as you can remember; the most he did was prank you and make annoying remarks, but he's been nothing less than very helpful for the remainder of the time. What happened in his past life isn't relevant - at least for now, you can trust Geist...
[X] Des - An alteration of his first word. One that isn't a weird name but you will know the meaning of.
[X] Yes - How could you not? He'd never actually and seriously betrayed you in any capacity as far as you can remember; the most he did was prank you and make annoying remarks, but he's been nothing less than very helpful for the remainder of the time. What happened in his past life isn't relevant - at least for now, you can trust Geist...

How can I not forgive my favourite character?

[X] Cthulhu - Apparently Geist spent some time trying to figure out if whoever this was was real. Hm.
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[X] Yes - How could you not? He'd never actually and seriously betrayed you in any capacity as far as you can remember; the most he did was prank you and make annoying remarks, but he's been nothing less than very helpful for the remainder of the time. What happened in his past life isn't relevant - at least for now, you can trust Geist...

[x] Morgana
[X] Yes - How could you not? He'd never actually and seriously betrayed you in any capacity as far as you can remember; the most he did was prank you and make annoying remarks, but he's been nothing less than very helpful for the remainder of the time. What happened in his past life isn't relevant - at least for now, you can trust Geist...

[X] Morgana
"Voce della morte", if he's saying it in correct Italian.
Even that said, Geist here is mistaken. The name actually comes from French.

I apologize deeply for any mistakes on my part and I give my soul onto Him if He may consider it apt for my mistakes, but-

Vol means either 'theft' or 'flight.' De Mort means 'of death.'

As such, 'thief of death' or 'flight of death,' which is a bad translation but could suggest that the canonical Dark Lord flew from death, as in, was scared of it and wanted to do all He could to not die.
Hmm. I've read enough Dresden Files to catch the direction of Geist, and while I wouldn't suggest leaping at all his whims...

[X] Yes
[X] Morgana
[X] Yes - How could you not? He'd never actually and seriously betrayed you in any capacity as far as you can remember; the most he did was prank you and make annoying remarks, but he's been nothing less than very helpful for the remainder of the time. What happened in his past life isn't relevant - at least for now, you can trust Geist...

[X] Eleonora - A name suggested by Sirius, who recalled a story Lily enjoyed. "The only 'sort of happy' story Poe ever told, she called it."
Among those reasons is that I am magically bound not to answer certain questions about my actions - a woeful curse that led to multiple mistakes and misinterpretations during the civil war that Sirius mentioned, and frankly, which I very largely blame as the cause of my downfall, he replied
How convenient. I'm not really buying this right now. And even it is the truth, I want Harry to be careful. What happened in the past might be forgivable (needs a hell of an explanation though), but saying that it is not relevant is stupid.

[X] No
'Voce del Morte,' although it seems most people have run with a more French interpretation because Britishmen are naturally predisposed to hating the French.
He has no one to blame but Himself. Give yourself a name with a stupid meaning in French? The other side will make use of it.
Potentially related literary/RPG material/etc that may be helpful for thinking about trusting vs not trusting Geist if you're unsure.

Alpha/Beta Forks from Eclipse Phase: Alpha Forks are perfect personality duplicates of you with all your knowledge and memories. Forks are primarily used in Eclipse Phase for brief occasions where you need to be in multiple places simultaneously. Afterwards, if they don't object, they are remerged into their originator. However forks objecting is very much a thing that happens sometimes. This has led to legal and philosophical cans of worms in the setting, fork vs originator conflicts, etc. Beta Forks are also made. They are incomplete copies that don't possess the full extent of the original's capabilities. A fork that exists too long diverges from the progenitor, making merging difficult or impossible. This is why forks are typically used for short term need to be in multiple places at once problems.

Lasciel's Shadow from the Dresden Files: In the End of Death Masks Dresden picked up a coin containing a fallen angel seeking to tempt its wielders into damnation. While he buried it in concrete in his lab quickly afterwards, a shadow of Lasciel took up residence in his mind. This shadow gave him things like Hellfire Access and perfect memory but tried to tempt him into picking up the coin for more power. This went on for a while until Lasciel's Shadow("Lash") started to diverge from the Angel she came from due to the mutable nature of Harry's mind, her nature as a shadow, etc.

The AI Box Experiment: If He is actually permanently dead and we rebody Geist because he convinced us to, and he still wants to pursue whatever inscrutable mission this version of Him wanted to pursue, we would definitely remember that.

Rihakuverse Cursebearer style curses: We already have one Rihaku style curse that exists in setting(The Apocryphal Curse), what if there are more? Here's a couple of examples

[ ] Affliction of Slumber - A curse of the body. No matter how powerful your physical form becomes, you will require at least sixteen hours of sleep every twenty-four hours. Missing even a single hour will result in severe physiological consequences. If enemies consistently interrupt your sleep, you will find yourself near-constantly disoriented and enervated. Your waking hours are the very stuff of life. With this choice, you surrender half your conscious existence, your very presence in the world, upon the altar of a Curse.

[ ] Brand of the Champion - It is the champion's remit to solve problems, to answer the call of heroism wheresoever it should arise. The champion stands unconquered but alone. Everyone you interact with aside from a select few individuals will refuse to assist you, even in trivial ways, unless you perform some inane or perilous task for them first. Even if all conventions of morality, duty, or good sense would impel them otherwise, they will simply find it unthinkable to aid you without due recompense. The difficulty of tasks is usually equivalent to the degree of assistance you request, though not always.

There is no escaping the Brand, even the Accursed is affected by this, but if you are calling in a Primary Remittance that hinges on his intervention, such as Three Wishes, the tasks he assigns you will be moderately difficult at most.

[ ] Doom of the Tyrant - You absolutely refuse to submit to, or even acknowledge the legitimacy of, any rule, custom, law or authority above your own, unless that authority is at least as powerful as a specific instruction from the Accursed himself. Your ability to operate within the context of any organization you are not unequivocally in charge of is utterly crippled. Diplomacy is a laughable dream.

Enemies that are aware of this can provoke you via reverse psychology, though this can only cause you to attack them - you aren't compelled to do the opposite of whatever they order. This Curse comes pre-mitigated in that it does not affect the Accursed, but is very difficult to mitigate further.

It's inadvisable to take this alongside any Brand effect if you intend to ever work with others. Example:

You request a subordinate do something for you -> They refuse until you collect 20 bear pelts -> You refuse to acknowledge the Brand's legitimacy, as it is not greater than the Accursed -> You are unable to ever get your 'subordinate' to do anything

[ ] Doom of the Martyr - The world needs heroes, and you have been conscripted. When addressed by a heartfelt plea from someone pure of heart, you find yourself compelled to aid them and complete their requests. It is suggested that you avoid all forms of media with charitable advertising, unless you wish to swiftly go bankrupt. Completely unreasonable requests like "kill yourself" can be safely ignored, but you will gladly donate your liberty and property towards good causes.
Additionally, should any foe, no matter how vile, throw themselves on your mercy, you will find yourself compelled to grant it, and moreover to genuinely forgive them and believe that they have turned over a new leaf. This will occur no matter how many times the same foe exploits your mistake, and no matter how horrific or egregious their acts of massacre become.
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[x] Yes - How could you not? He'd never actually and seriously betrayed you in any capacity as far as you can remember; the most he did was prank you and make annoying remarks, but he's been nothing less than very helpful for the remainder of the time. What happened in his past life isn't relevant - at least for now, you can trust Geist...

Geist is the best part of the Quest so far, of course I'm up for trusting him.

And eh, I guess I lean a bit towards Des over Morgana. So:

[X] Des - An alteration of his first word. One that isn't a weird name but you will know the meaning of.
[x] Yes - How could you not? He'd never actually and seriously betrayed you in any capacity as far as you can remember; the most he did was prank you and make annoying remarks, but he's been nothing less than very helpful for the remainder of the time. What happened in his past life isn't relevant - at least for now, you can trust Geist...

It's morally not quite a good idea to listen to a clearly evil being, even if they are on our side.
But I like him, and it's not a straight path to damnation anyway.

[X] Des - An alteration of his first word. One that isn't a weird name but you will know the meaning of.

Because it's a cute pet name with an interesting bit of depth to it.
[X] Yes - How could you not? He'd never actually and seriously betrayed you in any capacity as far as you can remember; the most he did was prank you and make annoying remarks, but he's been nothing less than very helpful for the remainder of the time. What happened in his past life isn't relevant - at least for now, you can trust Geist...
[X] Kratos - A version that won't try to murder you, hopefully.
[X] Yes - How could you not? He'd never actually and seriously betrayed you in any capacity as far as you can remember; the most he did was prank you and make annoying remarks, but he's been nothing less than very helpful for the remainder of the time. What happened in his past life isn't relevant - at least for now, you can trust Geist...
[X] Kratos - A version that won't try to murder you, hopefully.
[X] Yes - How could you not? He'd never actually and seriously betrayed you in any capacity as far as you can remember; the most he did was prank you and make annoying remarks, but he's been nothing less than very helpful for the remainder of the time. What happened in his past life isn't relevant - at least for now, you can trust Geist...

[X] Des - An alteration of his first word. One that isn't a weird name but you will know the meaning of.