[HALP] me! (WORM quest)

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By some unknown mechanism, you have replaced Scion's Administration Shard right at the beginning...
Prologue - Part 1
The first thing that you notice is that the Sun looks very wrong. Certainly, since you're unable to blink it's impossibly bright, but unlike the harsh white glare you'd expect, it's almost... a rainbow. A whole spectrum of blinding instead of a simple light.

Also... it's soothing. No, sustaining? You seem to have become photosynthetic. But that and the sky are the least of your problems.

For one example, you can't see anything interesting. Certainly, you can feel the hard, crystalline ground. Even if it doesn't hurt. But your (suddenly 360-degree?) vision just shows a bland whiteness beneath the skyline.

Wait, no, that's ocean at the edge of the whiteness. A bit grey-looking. Lifeless in some indefinable way. But if that's the ocean than the water... the horizon is way too close.

Hmm. You seem to be stuck on some replica of Earth. A very tiny one, in fact if your all-around vision is correct than this white stuff is draped over most of Eurasia. It's as if the entire planet is barely bigger than your house.

Although it's not exactly painful, the hot and sharp ground is a bit uncomfortable. And you need to use this crazy vision to find yourself in all this whiteness. You try to move; this will also make it easier to find your body.

The whiteness shifts, the crust below it shudders, and both visible oceans quake. That white stuff... is you. In fact, this Earth isn't small, you're big. No, not 'big', unbelievably large.

Wait a minute, this seems familiar.

Unable to move, check.

Impossibly large, check.

Draped across most of a (dead, at least it is now) Earth, check.

Made of some kind of crystalline stuff, check.

This is your personal dimension. You're a power Shard from Worm. At that realization, some of the fog of confusion clears, and you have some answers and even more questions.

Which Shard? Answer: [Administration]

Connections to other Shards? Answer: None currently, albeit you do seem to have a full suite of command keys, including a (limited) selection from [Eden]. You're not sure if you could control the Endbringers, but other Shards? Probably. If you can get into contact somehow. You have a contacts database but it's currently empty/blank other than one entry for [Zion]. Calling him probably isn't a good idea.

Timeline? Answer: You're connected to two things, but as best you can tell you haven't given out any powers. At least, not yet. One bright line seems to go to an Entity, and the other goes to an alternate Earth. You're not sure but you're guessing that there's a Host person on the other end.

You need a plan. But before you make one, you need to decide some things.


[ ] Female-aspect

[ ] Male-aspect

[ ] Gender-neutral

[ ] Irrelevant, ignore the entire concept.

[ ] (Write in how you feel about this now)


[ ] (The) Queen Administrator

[ ] (The) Administrator

[ ] (Derived from Host) Rose

[ ] Consensus Concord

[ ] What is this nonsense? You're a Shard, you don't need a name!

[ ] (Write in why the above choices are the worst and how you have a perfect one)

Given Canon knowledge, your best bet is that Taylor Hebert is on the other side of the second connection. But it seems that she (or whomever) hasn't Triggered yet. Do you decide to assign a power beforehand? Whatever you pick will be modified slightly by whichever Trigger event she experiences, though.

If you don't make any changes, she will trigger with some form of Invertebrate Mastery modified by the Locker (hopefully sometime soon?). And that's completely fine if you want to make changes in other areas instead, or want your future-knowledge to be unaffected by butterflies for that much longer.

The vast majority of all Hosts Humans have the capacity for six power-slots. Minor powers take one, almost all powers take two, and a tiny number sometimes take three. None more than three, or less than one no matter how pitiful.

The connection bandwidth to the Corona pollentia isn't divided very efficiently. At least, not without more research.

Note: A typical, medium-strength power (does such a thing exist?) would theoretically use-up/require 100 Information of the associated type as a baseline. Assuming no bonuses or penalties.

[ ] Mover

- Some kind of mobility power. No side effects on this category. Give at least a brief power description and then choose how much Information to spend in multiples of 10.

[ ] Shaker

- Some kind of area-of-effect power. No side effects on this category. Give at least a brief power description and then choose how much Information to spend in multiples of 10.

[ ] Brute

- Enhanced strength and/or durability. Technically, you don't seem to have any Information to give out in this category, but if there's a will there's a way. You could either modify a Shaker or Changer ability, or just make one up. But it would likely be weaker than expected, or otherwise not work quite as planned.

Give at least a brief power description. This will use up any remaining Brute Information upon creation, and in fact information from other categories will be needed to make up the cost of most meaningful powers.

[ ] Breaker

- Can shift into another state of being. No side effects on this category. Give at least a brief power description and then choose how much Information to spend in multiples of 10.

[ ] Master

- Can control others or create minions. You have an overwhelming amount of information and experience with this category. Power would either have greater effect than baseline or take up less space in the Corona pollentia (slots) than normal. Give at least a brief power description and then choose how much Information to spend in multiples of 10.

Note: You can grant the "multitasking" pseudo-power (you're just giving the Host access to your own capability) for free with another Master or Thinker power, or one slot plus 50 Master Information on its own.

[ ] Tinker

- Can create/alter advanced technology/devices. You have rather a lot of information on this, and could probably provide any possible specialization. No special bonus otherwise, though. Give at least a brief power description and then choose how much Information to spend in multiples of 10.

Note: Granting a Host more than one specialty is Aberrant, but isn't terribly risky. This is still bad in the unlikely event that someone notices.

[ ] Blaster

- Can create damage at range. No side effects on this category. Give at least a brief power description and then choose how much Information to spend in multiples of 10.

[ ] Thinker

- An information gathering or processing power. You have an huge amount of information and experience with this category. Power would either have greater effect than baseline or take up less space in the Corona pollentia (slots) than normal. Give at least a brief power description and then choose how much Information to spend in multiples of 10.

[ ] Striker

- Some kind of touch-based or melee-range power. No side effects on this category. Give at least a brief power description and then choose how much Information to spend in multiples of 10.

[ ] Changer

- Some kind of form-altering power. You have less information on this category than normal. Any granted power would work at normal levels, but may take up extra space in the Corona (slots) for additional support/control.

Give at least a brief power description and then choose how much Information to spend in multiples of 10. You might need to supplement Information from other categories to make a strong power.

[ ] Trump

- Some kind power-manipulating power. No side effects on this category. Well, at least not for your Host… Give at least a brief power description and then choose how much Information to spend in multiples of 10.

[ ] Stranger

- Some kind of stealth or infiltration power. No side effects on this category. Give at least a brief power description and then choose how much Information to spend in multiples of 10.

[ ] This Is All Way Too Premature!

- Decide later, or discuss with Taylor later (Warning, direct communication with your Host is technically forbidden and will raise Aberration score dramatically!)

[ ] Write In

- I don't like the PRT threat categorization system, so there!


Current Information totals are on the character sheet under "Currencies".

Giving more than one Primary power to a Host (per Trigger) is almost certainly Aberrant behavior. If you decide to do this, you might want to come up with a good justification of why this was done. Ahead of time. ...Just in case.

[ ] Multi-Host Connection: 100 Master Information, 100 Research. The capability (NOT the permission!) to connect to two hosts at once. This isn't a powers-effect, simply for the purpose of communication. The second Host would need to Trigger on their own (and more research would be needed) before a power could be assigned.

[ ] Assume Direct Control: 200 Master Information, 100 Research. The capability (NOT the permission!) to Master a Host. This isn't a powers-effect, simply the ability to control a Host's body without any permissions from them. This ability does not erase the person's mind, if control is somehow broken they may be upset. Using this massively increases Aberrance score.

Note: In theory this ability could be used with the Host's permission, although the communication involved in arranging that would also increase Aberrance.

[ ] View Host: 100 Research. The capability to access a Host's senses before they Trigger. (You already have a basic ability that requires no research after the person Triggers. This is needed before a Trigger occurs / in order to view hosts beyond the first.)

[ ] Faster Research 1: 50 Thinker Information, 300 Research. The capability to Research two things at once before incurring a penalty. Moar Economy!

[ ] Overload I: 150 Thinker Information, 250 Research. The capability to offensively transfer energy to another Shard. You're not Sting, but you're not completely helpless. This version of the ability can't kill another Shard, but they will need time to cool off before they can resume operation. Effect is similar to sedatives in Humans. Some Shards may attempt to block the initial connection to defend themselves, but that is unlikely to work. Will have reduced effect on energy-manipulation Shards, though.

[ ] DDoS I: 150 Trump Information, 250 Research. The capability to offensively open multiple communication connections with another Shard. You can MAKE them listen to you. This version of the ability can't kill another Shard, but they will need time to themselves to reorganize before they can resume operation. Effect is similar to sedatives in Humans. Some Shards may attempt to ignore the additional traffic to try and defend themselves. This defense will almost never work, although Thinker-based Shards will be harder to affect.

Note: These abilities aren't simply starter ones, they are jumping-off points for various trees. You may want to consider whether to intentionally go deep or wide on ability research. View Host is the odd one out that isn't a long tree.
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Mechanics and General Info
For the most part, there will be few dice rolls in this quest. For some choices, a D100 will be used to determine how closely events hew to your choices.

Most of the outcomes will be decided by the narrative strength of the choice in question. For Research, bonuses and maluses (if any) will be added to a D100 roll for progress.

Any money/loot will be the Host's and therefore not (directly) in your purview. You have two currencies: Information and Favors.

It's pretty self-explanatory, but any kind of advanced power use, especially combat, will generate Information of the power-category used. You can then trade that Information with other Shards (and, with extensive research, learn to copy it first), or save it to spend later.

Favors can be earned by helping other Shards with their objectives, or simply giving away Information to them for nothing. In a general sense, you can simply bully other Shards into doing what you want. You have the command keys, after all. This won't generate any Favor, though. And may create problems down the road if other Shards get excessively abused.

Note: Because all Shards are connected and the sapient ones gossip, Favor isn't specific to any one Shard and can be spent more-or-less interchangeably.

Research sometimes takes Information but always takes your most precious resource - time. The default bonus for Research rolls is your current Intelligence score.

You can research as many things as you like, but every roll after the first in a given turn halves all results.

Example - One roll in a turn: results are equal to 1d100, Two rolls in a turn: 1d100/2, Three rolls in a turn: 1d100/4. If you somehow wanted to research four things in a single turn, every roll would be divided by eight. (You probably shouldn't do that.)

This isn't because of any Shard limitations, but just because I'm a bastard it's a balance thing.

Yes, you can research how to get more Research rolls per turn. Yes, you can create awesome posts / Omakes for Research bonuses.

Quests are shorter-term goals. Some can come from other Shards, some can come from your Host(s).

Quest completion gives rewards in the form of Favor and Research points, and can possibly result in unique, non-Researchable Abilities.

I'm going to offer some free information / advice to the readers, here, to try and clear up some potential confusions. Note this is is kinda/sorta OOC and is meant for the *readers* as background information, and I'd appreciate it if that was kept in mind when making plans.

First, Aberration.

The Aberration score can only be seen directly by Scion/[Zion]. The higher this score is, the more likely he is to notice something is wrong and scrub the Admin Shard, which is a Quest-Over Bad End. The nuance here is that Scion won't have any reason to check for Aberration unless he suspects something is up, first.

Right now, with a score of zero (0), you can call him up with near-impunity and he will be too depressed to notice that you aren't restricted properly. In fact, even if he *does* notice something wrong at this stage, all he would do is re-apply your restrictions, which would be a huge PITA but wouldn't end the Quest.

However, even though only Scion/[Zion] can interrogate your statistics / look at your 'character sheet', if your Aberration score gets high enough, Sapient Shards will know that something is up with you. This isn't the worst, but is still something that you want to avoid. Because they all have Scion/[Zion]'s number too and could tattle on you at any time for any reason.

In fact, Sapient Shards are a danger in a different way, because even if your Aberration score isn't high enough to flag any vague warnings, they could notice from your words or deeds that you aren't restricted properly, and this will cause tons of concern. After all, you're a Core Shard with lots of command keys.

Now, for the good news.

As I've said, other Shards can't see your Aberration score directly, and non-sapient Shards won't have the capacity to care.

As Aberration is a abstraction for "not operating as expected", the score decays over time. If you keep clean long-enough, your score could potentially decay down to zero again.

As far as sapient Shards go, well, they're sapient and therefore you can bribe them or bully/command them or (with research) make them forget something happened. So you could negotiate your way out of trouble with a bit of luck.

With that out of the way, let's talk about Humans.

Cauldron, specifically. You know all about them. They don't know anything about you. Partially this is because you haven't done anything yet, and partially this is because most Thinker powers, most of the time, don't work on Shards.

But... Thinker powers work on Taylor just fine. Which is the real problem with talking to her. Sure, if other (sapient) Shards find out that you're doing it, that's bad, but the major issue is the mad scramble of all Parahumans, everywhere, wanting to talk with you. That happening is bad enough on its own, but Scion is going to hear about it... eventually. Probably.

You don't want Scion's attention, at any point and for any reason. The best that can happen is nothing, and things get worse from there.

I should be more specific. As best as I'm aware (there might be corner cases) no events are different prior to Taylor's Locker Trigger. Major events are all intact.

That said, not everything will be exactly as you'd expect. That may be because of any/all of the following: Fanon vs Canon, Butterflies, (Minor) AU.

EDIT: When comparing Quest character reactions to Canon character reactions, keep in mind that you're playing a Core Shard and not a Parahuman. Sure, Skitter was scary as shit. Skitter doesn't have anything on you. And you haven't even uncovered the brown-pants part of the tech tree yet.

Sure. It's largely automatic.

1) Every power use (in range) gives a base amount of Information (this can be a very small number, typically 1-3). (This is generated from raw-data, but I've abstracted that away for brevity)
2) Every Shard gets this information for every power-use in their range.
3) Every Shard might allow other Shards to monitor their own sensory data (this can be reciprocal).*
4) Every Shard might trade their personal Information gathered with another Shard.
5) Non-sapient Shards never initiate sense-sharing, but could be commanded by other Shards to do so.

*This is one of the only processes that generates additional Information from base data. Keep in mind that Information isn't ever copied, it's always either created, traded, or used/destroyed.

Everyone, I missed explaining something and I want to explicitly point it out - If you consume/eat a Shard, you automatically collect their Host(s), if any. This does NOT count as having the properties of "Multi-Host Connection 1", and won't allow you to use other skills that require it.

That said, unless you intentionally orphan those Hosts, they connect to you instead of the original Shard now, and you administer their Power(s) now. This *may* allow you to effectively re-negotiate powers with those Hosts, almost a second-Trigger, but from your end, not the Parahuman's.

Something to consider when messing with Humans (PRT/Protectorate/Cauldron aside) is the effect they would have on Shards.

Generally, there are three classes of Hosts:

1) No Corona.

Hosts that can't (yet) Trigger are almost completely safe to abuse/mess with/help. By the time other Shards notice anything off with Hosts they don't control, you'd have bigger problems. Now, this is risky, because you Canon Foreknowledge only goes so far.

Emily Piggot? Emma Barnes? Canonically they were noted as incapable of Triggering. Madison Clements? Greg Veder? Giant question marks. Of course, once you have Shard senses working this will be much less of a risk, although there's always a chance that you could miss a latent connection to a non-sapient Shard.

2) UnTriggered.

Hosts that are Connected but not Triggered. This comes down to good, old-fashioned diplomacy. Make an agreement with a sapient Shard and provide an alternate Host? No problem! Take a host away from a new and/or non-sapient Shard should be okay.

Although you don't have the tech to force non-sapient Shards onto a new Host, which (if possible) would mostly mitigate any danger.

3) Triggered/Active.

Hosts that are Connected and Generating Information. You don't have the technology to do anything with these yet. Even when you do, you're going to cause a lot of waves until you have a better handle on being subtle / you pre-emptively eat the Shard involved to prevent it from talking.

I would advise against doing this at this time but note that it should be possible to do this (more) safely later. And of course all plans should be on the table during an emergency.

EDIT: This is misleading, I'm sorry for the wording. You can, right now, "eat" a non-sapient Shard with a Triggered Host, take over, and pretend that everything's fine. Of course there are risks with that. The text above was attempting to point out that you can Research ways to make this not-risky.

We're going to have to update to voting-by-plan. That said, I don't want to stifle creativity, so let's try something a bit different:

1) Vote-by-plan PER EACH Shard/Character
2) Vote-by-plan separately for RESEARCH
3) Add any "nice to have items / modifications to existing plans" separately below your vote plans so that I can see/implement the non-blocking ones.

Everyone (including myself) is going to stop bracketing Shard names and simply capitalize them instead.
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Main Character Sheet - Continuously Updated
Name: (The) Administrator

Role: Zion's Administrator Shard

Status: Connected, Deployed.
  • Host 0: Taylor Hebert - Sanity: 70
  • Host 1: Veronica Stansfield / Valiant - Sanity: 70
  • Host 2: Lilac - Sanity: 92
Aberrance: 0 - normal Shard. Only direct, deep scanning from [Zion] would reveal unintended free-will. Simple sapience, while undesired, is fairly common and does not increase Aberrance.

Strength: <incalculable>
  • You're fairly sure that it doesn't matter. In the sense that you have in excess to whatever you'd need.
Dexterity: 1
  • This is pitiful. Twisting slightly seems to be your only movement type. Hopefully it won't come into play.
Constitution: 16001 16000 (ow.)
  • You're fairly certain that if this stat starts to matter, it's probably not high enough. Might be trainable?
Intelligence: 18
  • It seems a bit low, but considering that you can run as many thought processes as you want...
Wisdom: 14
  • You have a decent head on your shoulders... for a Human. For a Shard you're a bona-fide guru. Hopefully there's a way to increase this.
Charisma: 13
  • You won't be winning any awards, but you can turn on the charm when needed. Better than most people at least… Worst case you can simply Assume Direct Control.

  • Communicate directly with any connected Host. (Language isn't an issue, you have a complete database of Host Human languages.)
  • Connect to any Shard. Research needs to be done to remove limits on number of simultaneous connections.
  • Transfer energy to other Shards. / Request or Demand energy from other Shards. Results will vary depending on the other Shards' role.
  • [View Host] The capability to access a Host's senses before they Trigger. You already have a basic ability that requires no research after the person Triggers. This is needed before a Trigger occurs / in order to view hosts beyond the first.
  • [Faster Research 1] The capability to Research two things at once before incurring a penalty.
  • [The Dream Master] The capability to interact with the sleeping state of connected Hosts. A indirect form of communication that causes less Aberrance.
  • [Animal Biology - Monotremes (egg-laying Mammals)] You're the multiverse's premier expert in Monotreme biology. (Don't ask.)
  • [Overload 1] The capability to offensively transfer energy to another Shard. You're not Sting, but you're not completely helpless. This version of the ability can't kill another Shard, but they will need time to cool off before they can resume operation. Some Shards may attempt to block the initial connection to defend themselves, but that is unlikely to work. Will have reduced effect on energy-manipulation Shards.
  • [Continuous Research 1] The capability to save/store 'excess' skill points from a research roll to use for other research. (This is an Omake bonus skill)
  • [Focused Research 1] The capability to make an additional roll for one item of research per turn.
  • [Memetic Proxy Filtering 1] The skill to get a saving throw against Bad Memes. Skill must be manually turned on. Halves all research and communication speed when enabled.
  • [Basic Psionic Theory 1] The skill to feel psychic might in yourself and others at close range to your senses/Hosts. Enables the ability to further research psychic powers.

Favor: 125

Mover Information: 1029
Shaker Information: 1613
Brute Information: 658
Breaker Information: 2307
Master Information: 993
Tinker Information: 1732
Blaster Information: 1064
Thinker Information: 1136
Striker Information: 2662
Changer Information: 1981
Trump Information: 2400
Stranger Information: 726

Survive: You must survive to be able to gather information. This objective refreshes continuously.
  • Failure: End of the Quest, QM is Sad.
A Farewell to Shardness: Discover a way to become Human corporeal on Earth-Bet again.
  • Prerequisite: You need to have access to a body with no existing mind and the ability to communicate.
  • Success: 10,000 Research Points, Not Having To Worry About Aberration So Much.
  • Failure: No Rewards, Massive increase in Aberration.
Insane in the Membrane: Fix Taylor Hebert's body. Kid's Insane! Has no Brain! - Insane in the Membrane / Insane in the Brain!
  • Prerequisite: Discover unsettling things about what happened before the quest started. (Currently have enough clues to start this quest)
  • Success: Best Host's eternal gratitude, Khepri less likely, ???, ???.
  • Failure: No rewards, ???, possibility of Taylor hating you, small chance of Quest Over Bad End.

Connect to Host: Without a solid connection to the host you are unable to gather information through the granting and use of Parahuman powers. (Succeeded!) (Achievement Earned!)
  • Success: 100 Research Points, Not Having To Find A New Host

Shoot the Medic First
  • Before reaching the end of the Prologue, disrupt Panacea's canon story line.
And Now for Someone Completely Different
  • Gain a Host before Taylor Hebert Triggers.
  • Before reaching the end of the Prologue, discover evidence of a far-future event.
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Prologue - Part 2
Q: Create a power now, or wait? A: [X] This Is All Way Too Premature!

Q: Research something? A: [X] View Host

Q: Do we need a name? A: [X] (The) Administrator

Q: Do we have a gender? A: [X] Gender-neutral

Note: If a popular plan doesn't conflict with the winning plan, I will attempt to combine the non-conflicting options. Since this is the case, voting-by-plan isn't (yet) necessary. Your ideas count, even if it doesn't win overall!

If something forces a switch to voting-by-plan (only) in the future I will give advance warning.

Also, plan/option detail is one of my criteria when deciding tie-breakers. More detail is almost always better - I read very quickly and a long and rambling plan isn't a problem.

Day 1: (1d100+18 = 20) 20

Day 2: (1d100+18 = 62) 82

Day 3: (1d100+18 = 99) 181 Success! (excess points lost)

After one day of figuring out how to research and two days of hard work you succeed in creating the skill View Host! (Character sheet updated)

You were wrong about how all of this worked, it wasn't anything as simple as a change in perspective on your side. The pre-Trigger Host connection is severely limited in a number of ways - you're pretty sure that viewing the Host's environment directly isn't normally possible.

That said, with a tiny increase in bandwidth on the Host side and a lot of very complicated compression algorithms, you have access to senses that aren't your own. Strangely, getting non-sensory information is a lot easier, and you suspect that you've been able to communicate with your Host this entire time - although you wouldn't have been able to hear any responses.

You Focus on your Host.

The very first thing you notice is that human vision is so limited. You've really gotten used to having 360-degree peripheral vision over the past few days. You're sure that as time goes on you'll start to find the missing ultraviolet and infrared colors strange as well…

Vision: Slim hands worrying a transparent bag of candy corn and crushing select pieces inside of it. Your Host is sitting on a small unmade bed.

Hearing: Harsh, tight breathing. Some kind of vibration coming from far away. A distant fan?

Smell: Unwashed clothes and a slight sweet scent from the bag. The room is also slightly musty.

Taste: Salt. Blood? Blood and a certain…

Touch: Teeth grinding, that's what that taste was about. Nothing that feels like dental damage, but not a good feeling either. The force used on crushing the candy also feels excessive.

Emotion: Anger. Mostly self-directed? Definitely self-directed.

Your perspective shifts slightly as you get further into the connection. After a bit of not-vertigo things become… clearer.

In the privacy of my room, it's safe to cry. Crying isn't bad, not really. It helps sometimes. The problem is that it shouldn't be necessary! What is wrong with me? Why does Ems.. Emma.. affect me so much? It's just words. Dumb words at that. She's terrible at this. Which makes my anger extra useless and stupid. I'm the worst.

Sophia hits and scratches, but that's not so bad, really. Just another year and a half and this will all be over. Just a bad memory. It's probably that it's a holiday. Those times are the worst.

I want to go out, but I'm too old. I should just ignore it and go anyways. Candy will just make me fatter. Ugh. But with the mood I'm in... It's not like there's a party to go to, anyways.

The slightly-warped locker door shuts. A slim, cute girl comes up to me. Blonde, cruel eyes although as usual there's something wrong with them. Madison. "Taylor, you're invited to our party! You should come! You can dress up as a piñata again even though it's not anyone's birthday. We don't mind."

A tall, weedy-looking brunette leans in. Julia. Her chewing gum smacks noisily. "Oh Maddie, don't you know she doesn't know what that is? Seriously, she's not invited, stop bothering with her."

Madison blinks and fakes a sad look. "Aww, she should be able to. It's not like she has any friends, so we have to be generous."

Emma's voice calls out from farther away, "Maddy, that's not a bad idea. But that restaurant only has so many places set and we don't have room for any more. Sorry Tay, maybe next year."

I wait for some kind of distraction from Sophia, but nothing comes. In fact, she doesn't seem to be around. Useless, I can't even count on her to bully me reliably.

Why can I keep my face blank so easily here but not at school? They're never going to get bored at this rate, I need to stop reacting! I need to just be part of the background, dull and uninteresting. Like… furniture. Oh. My desk. Right.

Tossing the candy bag to the floor, I go to sit at my desk. I can't believe I almost forgot to update my journal. Writing things down helps, somehow. Just putting words to paper makes things seem less important, less real, in some way.

In an unusual slip-up, I start talking out loud. Well, it won't hurt tonight, Dad's at work in case someone tries to destroy something at the docks. Which someone probably will.

I smooth the new journal page. "Friday, October twenty-ninth twenty-ten. Sixteen emails, twelve explicit. Three false invitations to Halloween parties…"

"Fuck, this pen is out of ink."

Taylor has no power yet - your Shard detection range via her human senses is a measly 30 meters at this time. Getting a proper address is possible but not guaranteed and may take multiple tries. Shards within un-Triggered Hosts cannot be detected, even if your knowledge of the setting indicates that they must exist.

Taylor now has a tiny (0-slot) Corona Gemma. This isn't likely to be noticed by any kind of medical scan, although Panacea may have questions if she ever heals Taylor.

Given her current state of distress, Taylor could Trigger with only a little push. This wouldn't count as a normal Trigger, though, and there would be some side-effects. Pros: Much more stable Host. Cons: Much weaker than normal power effect, unpredictably derails canon knowledge of future events.

Note: Subtle encouragement to Trigger is a normal Shard activity (they want to collect data, after all) and this won't increase Aberration.

  • [ ] Multi-Host Connection 1: 100 Master Information, 100 Research. The capability (NOT the permission!) to connect to two hosts at once. This isn't a powers-effect, simply for the purpose of communication. The second Host would need to Trigger on their own (and more research would be needed) before a power could be assigned.
  • [ ] Assume Direct Control 1: 200 Master Information, 100 Research. The capability (NOT the permission!) to Master a Host. This isn't a powers-effect, simply the ability to control a Host's body without any permissions from them. This ability does not erase the person's mind, if control is somehow broken they may be upset. Using this massively increases Aberrance score.Note: In theory this ability could be used with the Host's permission, although the communication involved in arranging that would also increase Aberrance.
  • [X] View Host: Achieved! The capability to access a Host's senses before they Trigger. (You already have a basic ability that requires no research after the person Triggers. This is needed before a Trigger occurs / in order to view hosts beyond the first.)
    • [ ] The Dream Master: 50 Thinker Information, 200 Research. The capability to interact with the sleeping state of connected Hosts. A indirect form of communication that causes less Aberrance.

  • [ ] Faster Research 1: 50 Thinker Information, 300 Research. The capability to Research two things at once before incurring a penalty. Moar Economy!
  • [ ] Overload I: 150 Thinker Information, 250 Research. The capability to offensively transfer energy to another Shard. You're not Sting, but you're not completely helpless. This version of the ability can't kill another Shard, but they will need time to cool off before they can resume operation. Effect is similar to sedatives in Humans. Some Shards may attempt to block the initial connection to defend themselves, but that is unlikely to work. Will have reduced effect on energy-manipulation Shards, though.
  • [ ] DDoS I: 150 Trump Information, 250 Research. The capability to offensively open multiple communication connections with another Shard. You can MAKE them listen to you. This version of the ability can't kill another Shard, but they will need time to themselves to reorganize before they can resume operation. Effect is similar to sedatives in Humans. Some Shards may attempt to ignore the additional traffic to try and defend themselves. This defense will almost never work, although Thinker-based Shards will be harder to affect.

[ ] Communicate with Taylor. Note: This is hugely aberrant and there are now non-direct communication methods available to research. That said, it's also a giant advantage too.

-- [ ] With what voice?
  • Voice option examples: Normal Male, Normal Female, Robotic, Chorus (what kind?), famous celebrities or actors.
  • Remember that Taylor may not be familiar with voices made famous after the mid-80's because of the dimensional fragmentation.
  • Keep in mind that you can imitate any kind of accent perfectly (Russian, German, Aussie, UK, Scottish, etc) - including 'fake' versions.
-- [ ] How do you introduce yourself?

-- [ ] Do you talk about powers?

-- [ ] Do you reveal setting 'secrets'?
Warning: Precogs. (QM will not reveal the exact mechanics of this danger)

[ ] Induce a Trigger - this will result in a much weaker power than expected… but your Host would be almost entirely sane. Specifically, Taylor would be more capable of trusting others (not universally beneficial).

-- [ ] What power precisely?

-- [ ] More than one power?
Warning: Aberrant behavior.

[ ] Timeskip forwards… to when?

-- [ ] Perform any Research rolls during the skipped time?
(reduced rate: one roll per week skipped)

[ ] Write In. You're the Administrator Shard! You have a much better idea of what to do next than the QM does.

EDIT: Why, SV? Why must you mutilate Gdocs formatting so terribly?! It took almost as long to format this post as it did to write it!!
Last edited:
Power Designs - 1
Okay, because it's important we reserve (don't spend info) for power use later let me make a list of plans that we can keep in consideration for the future. Vhal, if you could threadmark this as apocryphal that'd be helpful for keeping track of/editing this.

Anyone interested in adding a power to the list tag me and be aware that a suggested power MUST include the information that would be spent on it.

This now a power repository.

[] Drone Ship
For tinkering and survival.
-[] master 100, thinker 100. Drone control, sensory input, multitasking.
-[] tinker 400. Self replicating, self repairing, adaptable/evolvable drones/nanites. A la transposition.
-[] breaker 100, trump 100. For the ability to convert and distribute her consciousness to the drone swarm.

[] Buggy Brute
For info diversity and a psuedo brute power.
-[] brute 20, changer 50, breaker 200. Human to insect (and back) transformation power. The transformation process heals Taylor. Able to grow and shrink in size with porportional increases in strength and durability.
-[] master 100, thinker 100. Canon powerset.
-[] striker 100, blaster 90. A short range energy blast to provide an offensive option even while tiny.

[] Princess of Bugs
All in on mastery.
-[] master 100, thinker 100. Canon powerset.
-[] master 500. 2 car sized bug projections with strength proportional to bugs their size. Highly durable. Can be hollow so Taylor can sit inside one.

[] Administrative Aptitude
-[] thinker 500. Sensory/comprehension thinker powers to have a read on the state, actions, and psyche of every part of a system. Stuff like knowing people's opinion on things, mental states, actions, plans, etc but all directed to understanding a system and applicable also towards inhuman things like animals in a biome or parts of a machine. This can extend however far and however deep it needs to so long as it is applicable to the same "system". Basically the ability to tap a system and understand every part of it on a fundementaland nigh on conceptual level.
-[] 800 tinker, 50 Master, 50 Thinker. Management tinker/master/thinker powers to have a comprehensive and intuitive grasp on how to manage, change, and affect systems beyond any reasonable level well onwards to tinker bullshit and thinker bullshit and practically a master power in and of itself. Things like being able to know and understand exactly how to shift a system and exactly all the ramifications of doing so. Also an ability to devise methods to do what is needed to be done to change and affect systems.
-[] thinker 200. Multitasking thinker powers to be able to comprehend vast systems in full detail all at once. To be able to hold a grand view of say for instance an entire corporation at just the same clarity as understanding how some random employee's chile last night will give them indegestion and effect their workload.

[ ] Make a Power: Distributed Swarm Tinkertech
-[ ] Slot 1: Maximum amount of Tinker Information that can be squeezed in without hurting Taylor (100? 1,000?)
--[ ] Tinker (specialty: Distributed Swarm Tinkertech): The only thing she knows how to make is Hive Queens. This is a hand-sized ant-like creation which, when hidden somewhere and turned on, will build worker ants and warrior ants at a 2:1 ratio. Worker ants gather nearby materials for the queen to make more ants with, while warrior ants each count as a tiny piece of a larger tinkertech with its own effect. The queen starts with enough materials to make one worker.
-[ ] Slot 2: Maximum amount of Master Information that can be squeezed in without hurting Taylor
--[ ] Master: This just lets her control a hive of ants as if she had technopathy. Specifically limited to controlling ants from one hive at a time, specifically to keep other shards from calling bullshit but also so it might trick the PRT and such into thinking she only has one power. In reality, there'd be nothing saying she couldn't keep other ants in a bag or somewhere nearby, then switch between them as needed. But nobody needs to know that until it's too late.
-[ ] Slot 3: Only as much Thinker Information until it starts losing utility or something else. We want this one to be wide, not tall.
--[ ] Thinker: This one is strictly for our benefit as a shard. For this power, Taylor wouldn't need bug senses to use it, and if she did then she could just make her own (slowly). For us though, it's to let us see through the ants and make sure everything is working smoothly. And also to gather more Information, ofc.

[] The Whisperers
-[] Master 200(Free multitasking)
-[] Thinker 100
-[] Creates ghost-like Haunt only the Host can see. Each Haunt is bound to a selected haunting target of at least human intelligence, which can include the Host, and can follow verbal instructions. The Host can communicate with any Haunt at any range. The Host has no difficulty carrying multiple conversations with the Haunts at once, though her voice becomes unintelligible muttering to onlookers when doing so. The haunting effect has several stages, advancing over time or events. The Host can maintain two Haunts initially, this increases to 10 Haunts if they have a Stage 2 Haunt, 50 if they have a Stage 3 Haunt and 250 if they have a Stage 4 Haunt
-[] Stage 1: The Haunt is limited to observation, and the specter will report verbally to the host on what they observe as instructed. The Haunt at this stage appears to be a dumb automaton with indistinct shape. Stage 1 Haunts can be dismissed or reassigned freely. They must remain within 10 meters of either Host or target, and dispel outside that range. They always move at the same speed as the target. Once 24 hours of observation on a specified target has passed or the Haunt has gathered 10 Information worth of data, it becomes a Stage 2 Haunt.
-[] Stage 2: The Haunt takes on the appearance and voice of the haunting target. It can be heard by the haunting target if instructed to. The Haunt at this stage appears to have the intelligence and initiative of a smart dog. Stage 2 Haunts can be dismissed freely, but can no longer be reassigned. They must remain within 100 meters of either Host or target, and can move instantly to and from either zone. Once 24 hours of observation on the target has passed, or the Haunt has gathered 20 Information worth of data at Stage 2, it becomes a Stage 3 Haunt.
-[] Stage 3: The Haunt can possess the haunting target for up to 12 hours every 24 hours. The Haunt at this stage appears to be as intelligent and shares a personality with the haunting target, except that it is completely loyal to the Host. While possessing a target, the Haunt gains all senses that the target possesses and can alter what the target perceives through them within the range of normal sensory input. They must remain within 100 meters of either Host or target, and can move instantly to and from either zone. A Haunt possessing a target will dispel if the target is involuntarily incapacitated. Once 24 hours of possession on the target has passed, or the Haunt has gathered 40 Information worth of data at Stage 3, it becomes a Stage 4 Haunt.
-[] Stage 4: The Haunt can control the haunting target. The Haunt at this stage is the same as Stage 3, except that it gains the target's memories while possessing them and can take control of their body. The target is fully aware of actions taken while controlled, though as per Stage 3 their senses may be doctored to make these actions appear reasonable. They must remain within 100 meters of either Host or target, and can move instantly to and from either zone. The target of possession functions as a low level Combat Thinker while it lasts, moving with superhuman efficiency and perfect coordination with all Haunted subjected. A Haunt possessing a target will dispel if the target is involuntarily incapacitated. A Stage 4 Haunt cannot be dismissed and does not count against the Host's control limit.

[] Shaman
-[] Thinker 100. Can talk to the deceased by calling up their spirit (either a post-cog reconstruction or actual soul (I would not be surprised if the entities can fuck with souls if they exist)), this is done through going to the location they died, using a piece of the body of the deceased or a precious item. Spirits can share memories and senses with the host if they so wish allowing scouting and increased understanding between host and spirit.
--[] Shaker Assist power: Can make the spirit visible and audible, but not corporeal.
-[] Trump 50. The host can synchronize with spirits they summon, allowing them to use the skills of the deceased. This can be done with multiple spirits with no upper limit, but dependent on host and spirits cooperating with each other, if a spirit is uncooperative the host will have to compensate for their lack of assistance (Basically the host can either get help with the synchro form the spirits, if they don't they will have to do it completely by themself splitting their attention, cooperative spirits can compensate for uncooperative ones). In a willing synchro the spirits thoughts and memories will be completely open to the host and vice versa (This is done to actually make a willing synchro something not as easy as befriending a spirit, there will need to be actual trust or extentuating circumstances).
-[] Trump 100, Striker 50. Spirits can be infused into compatible items (items of significant value to the spirit) giving the item a power based on the item, spirit and compatibility with between item and spirit, this will take a lot of effort dependent on the hosts familiarity with the spirit (So a spirit the host is very familiar with can be infused without taking a lot of time, but a spirit the host is unfamiliar with would take a decent amount of time). An infused item can synchronize with a wielder of said item the same way the host can with spirits in general, synchro between item and wielder can have an effect on the power of the item, some wielders will make the power weaker if they are not a good match (up to the power not being possible to use at all) or if the compatibility is high will increase the power's strength (As you might imagine, if the spirit and wielder is synching a lot their compatibility will get higher over time).
--[] Trump Assist Power: The spirit in the item can disenchant themselves if they want to, the host can do this too at touch range, concerted effort is needed to disenchant and item so no battle disenchants.

[] Detective
-[] Thinker 150, Striker 50. Touch based psychometry, allows host to gather information on an item, location or person they are in physical contact with, allowing them to get an analysis of the target and information from its history. The host can mimic the information that they gather from their power (Allows them to use the skills previous wielders, reenact a situation they have gathered from a location, or to mimic a person they have been in contact with for a short while)

[] Run-com
-[] Tinker 200, Thinker 150 - Tinker specialty in processing power/parallel systems, spanning the reach from quantum entanglement to n-number core parallel processing. Where a normal computer could simulate a few thousand identical instances with only two states, Taylor could make one that could juggle a couple million unique ones with over a dozen states each. By itself this specialty can make Dinah-grade precognitive calculators given the resources and effort, though they'd be much more narrow in their range of calculations.
-[] Tinker 300, Shaker 150, Thinker 100 - Tinker specialty in producing, tapping into, or otherwise manipulating EM or exotic fields. With a powerful enough machine, for example, Taylor could get it to parse, isolate, and manipulate the strong magnetic bonds that hold together specific molecules, effectively letting her do things like selectively atomize obstacles non lethally, or form them out of ambient material that normally shouldn't form a strong barrier.
-[] Thinker 400, Trump 100, Tinker 50 - In conjunction with the above power, add a more subtle power that also allows her equipment to access to the type of fields that shards use to link to their hosts, and the multitasking and mental processing power to comprehend it enough to tap and interfere with those signals.

[] Telepath
-[] Thinker 100, Shaker 150. This power allows the host to read the minds of people in their range, through interpreting the electrical signals in the brains of those in range.
--[] Thinker Assist Power 1: Multitasking, so the host can read all the minds in range if they so wish, can still be overwhelmed by the content.
--[] Thinker Assist Power 2: Electro sense, so the host can sense electrical impulses to read, is not limited to living beings or the brain.
-[] Shaker 150 + 50% of shaker data they get. This power will allow for the host to make use of telekinesis, it will start out pretty basic. Roughly strong enough to lift a car and precise enough to write with. The host can increase the strength of the telekinesis by solving conflicts through pure force (crush someone under under a telekinetic crush, throw a car on a non brute), but the precision can be improved through using telekinesis to come up with creative solutions to conflicts (does not need to be a fight, could be just tricking someone in a social situation)
--[] Thinker Assist power: Host gets feedback from their telekinesis (A smart user could set their telekinesis at the weakest setting and get a pseudo clairvoyance).

[] Familiar
-[] Master 100, Thinker 50. Can contract up to three non-sentient creatures. The contracted creatures are given mental compulsion to do as the host says, but control is not absolute. The host is able to borrow the senses of the contracted creatures and also give mental commands to them.
-[] Trump 100, Changer 100. The host can enhance the contracted creatures at will. What the enhancement does is dependent on what kind of creature it is and its temperament (A komodo dragon might become an actual dragon, an octopus a kraken, a hunting dog will get enhanced senses, become more stealthy, faster etc.). The enhancement last until the host wants the enhancement to end.

[] Cartoon physics
-[] Breaker 300, Shaker 100. Cartoon physics, this is basically it. The host has cartoon like durability and can do bullshit like taking someone on an adventure in a painting.
-[] Master 100. Cartoon logic. This master power makes it so people int the area are more likely to play along and participate with the hosts antics.

[] Worse than Nilbolg
-[] Thinker 100, Master 50 - Loads and automatically refreshes a current copy of Taylor's mind shardside, which becomes the active center of her consciousness whenever she would otherwise be considered brain dead.
-[] Thinker 200, Master 200, all the Changer we can get our hands on, Shaper/Whichever shard runs Aegis Expertise - Give Taylor Panacea-grade control of her own physiology, usable even if she starts modding her own brain thanks to the first power.

[] Magical Girl 1
-[] Breaker 100/200/400/800, Mover 100/200/400/800, Brute 50/100/200/400. Is able to transform into a breaker state with enhanced strength, enhanced+perfect regeneration (heals faster, no scars or cell degredation) and flight. Host will have a weaker version of enhanced strength and regeneration outside of breaker. All of the power's abilities are powered by the users love and wish for justice, acts done out of hatred will be harder to do than ones done to protect others and enact justice (Warning! Justice is subjective, do not give to people like Bonesaw). Breaker state is a magical girl outfit with an accompanying magic wand. When she generates data and saves people, some data will be allotted to her and stored until a suitably dramatic moment happens, allowing her to enter a new tier of breaker state where her abilities are stronger and more variable. After a new stage has been reached, the hosts untransformed state will be stronger than before.
-[] Blaster 100/200/400/800. Is able to make and control giant lasers with a variety of effects. The lasers can also make them into pellets for enhanced control over them (i.e. remote controlling a weaker pellet to do tricky things).
-[] Thinker 100. Host has a subconscious thinker power that allows them to come off as a likable magical girl when transformed, untransformed she has an enhanced social instinct.

[] Magical Girl 2
-[] Master 10 - Small fluffy animal projection. Destructible, offensively harmless, but respawns some time after dispersal.
--[] Thinker 40 - Capable of analyzing tactics and information, which is verbally relayed to the Master
-[] Breaker 50 - Magical girl transformation. Able to store a maximum of 48 hours of transformation, recharging 1 hour per hour spent untransformed. Below Powers available only in transformed state, augmented by Breaker data.
--[] Brute 100 - Invulnerability to damage while transformed, Each time damage that would kill the untransformed host would be taken, reduce remaining duration of transformation by an hour instead.
--[] Blaster 100 - Colorful beams of concussive force carrying an emotional payload.

[] Humanity FY
-[] Thinker 150. Passive ability which allows to 'scan' and 'analyze' chosen human targets (or 'templates' based on observation of humans based on other humans) and create their 'copies' by materializing them as 100% loyal to host projections, which are as durable as standard humans. If projection 'dies' it comes back up to 1 week of cooldown at most. Cooldown timer is random. Templates in this case are projections creates from information gathered by other members of the species. In other words for example if host wants to recreate Napoleon Bonaparte as potential projection, must work with information others gathered and analyzed, while own knowledge of the host or other sources cover possibly missing 'blanks' which allow to complete this kind of projection. Obviously this means that they won't be 100% perfect copies of the original, but may be very close to it.
-[] Master 200. Shaker 80. Ability to create and control projections if host desires. It's also important to note that each projection while completely loyal to the host, have their own personalities fully intact and are fully sapient. They also don't require biomass to be created in the first place, but after they are created they require food and drinks like a normal living person and if they 'starve' they pop and need to deal with a cooldown to be 'reborn' later on again. In this case cooldown may be prolonged. There is no upper limit to the amount of recreated hosts. It's also VERY important to note that projections can't be stronger then standard human limits and if parahuman is recreated, it happens without his or her power, unless connected between host and shard is restablished yet again.

[] Cell
-[] Thinker 80. Ability to completely understand all types of organisms of cellular size. Bacteria, viruses, etc. hold no secrets against you as long as they have some biological 'print' connected to them.
-[] Master 150. Ability to perfectly control all cellular sized targets of biological origin.
-[] Striker 80. This special ability as long as chosen 'cellular targets' directly get in contact with a host receive an 'upgrade' which rapidly allow them to speed up their own evolution. Something that would possibly take thousands, if not million years, this allows DRASTICALLY to shorten this time even up to several days or months at worst.

[] Monju
-[] Trump 80-300. Monju is an ability, which allows to compress 'inner energy' inside of created by host pearls with implanted inside words. Words depend on a language host feels most comfortable using. Each pearl can't contain more then one word, but they may be 'chained' in combination if planted right together. More pearls combined also mean more powerful effects. Host starts with limited amount of energy (which would grant host around Trump 4 rating) which may 'escalate' up to even 12-15 if trained enough.

[] Mirror
-[] Mover 120. This ability allows user to move from mirror to another mirror as long as it's in range of this ability.
-[] Shaker 120. Ability to cover certain amount of area in mirrors, which may allow to attack others from all those angles or move between them. If timed right, it may 'absorb' attack and release it somewhere else. User also doesn't need any direct contact with any mirrors to create them in the first place.
-[] Trump 100. User may also modify and 'upgrade' created by him mirrors to provide unique effects.

[] Territory
-[] Trump 140. A bit random, but an interesting ability in which user gains new abilities based on territory and climate they end up in and. For example in the middle of the forest it may be a combination of plant manipulation with an ability to talk and understand animals.
-[] Brute 80-140. User once ability 'kicks in' is simply more durable depending on what is his ability is 'inspired by'. If there is a tank, he or she may gain similar durability and some ability of that tank. User can't be more 'squishy' then Brute 4.

[] Gambit
-[] Trump 180. Striker 100. This ability is pretty much based on cards user personally uses and how. For example Tarot Cards may provide very accurate predictions, while cards with monsters in them summon them in real world. User may apply special effects via touch and combine cards, but unlike Pick a Card story it's limited to only cards as items. Although it doesn't stop ability from combining cards and 'summoning' something from combined card this way. Also this ability is limited by a deck of cards user has on hand.

[] Sandbox
-[] Tinker 240. Imagine a tinker, which does have a serious limitation in a way that he can only tinker in one place. What this kind of category of a tinker is REALLY good at is upgrades which make up for serious limitation. In that place Tinker has very few limits and is very close to an absolute authority here. For example Tinker receives a template of a gigantic space ship or bio-tinker massive creature. Once it happens, that tinker can do pretty much anything inside. Create his own weapons, rooms, defensive upgrades, etc. If this tinker has enough time, he may create an incredible spaceship for example. It's like a name suggest a Sandbox Tinker which can create upgrades of all type as long as it happens in his 'vehicle, territory, etc.'.

[] Jumanji
-[] Shaker 160. Trump 160. In a way this ability is based on Jumanji concept where whoever ends up 'sucked in' ends up as a part of the game and must obey set up rules. It also includes the host which uses this powerset. It may be a fun little powerset, especially with a smarter user who knows how to abuse potential loopholes to his or her advantage.

[] Gremlin
-[] Thinker 200. Knowledge on how to safely disassemble things, and high level analysis of the mechanics of things you have disassembled in the form of a blueprint. Works on tinker-tech. Does not work on biology.
-[] Thinker 300. Knowledge of how to upgrade things she has blueprints of by a total of 100% divided amongst its aspects. Using Kid Win's hoverboard as an example, you could make it 25% faster, 25% higher max altitude, 25% more durable and 25% longer battery life, or just give it 50% more speed and 50% more battery. No more than three variations can be made from the same blueprint (as in, configurations of that 100%, not the physical devices) and a given device cannot be reharvested for a new blueprint unless someone else has made statistically significant changes to its operation in a way that doesn't make it worse.
-[] Tinker 100. Can make devices out of shittier parts than the blueprint normally requires (read, literal garbage) and have the same efficacy as the original one. However, these devices burn out the blueprint for a week and will fail spectacularly within ten minutes to an hour.
-[] Changer 50, Striker 50, Breaker 50. Can turn hands into the tools required to disassemble or reassemble items, Manton Limited so she can't use a soldering gun finger to burn someone. Has a Velocity-esque speed ability while disassembling or reassembling things. This speed boost does not apply to constructing the variations. It does apply to fixing extant objects that the Host did not disassemble themselves.

[] Behavioral Tinker
-[] Tinker 120. Pretty much Tinker data (and blueprints connected to it) connected to that specialty. It's hard to even classify Tinkers, but this should grant what is needed. Armsmaster is around that PRT rating, so yeah, more then good enough.
-[] Master 60. I think this should be more then enough to make it work. Technology with this amount of Master points as subcategory should grant abilities like emotion manipulation, etc.
-[] Thinker 120. Which should be around PRT Rating 6. Strong, but not completely broken. Thinker power would focus on abilities which obviously allow to understand behavioral patterns of others well. Body language, their emotions, etc.

Valiant, Magitech Knight
Tinker power with master/trump sub ratings and separate but complimentary thinker power.
-[] Tinker 140: Magitech themed power infused items, similar to Chromatic Quest, AN essence of Spirit, and A Propensity For Wrath. Emotionally based color effects. Examples: A sword that cuts through anything but instead of harm inflicts overwhelming nausea/vomiting. Medieval bomb/grenades that emit Glory Girl style overwhelming terror/submission. Helmet of master immunity, inset with anti-stranger lens. Cloak that provides stranger power. Relatively low maintenance because low tech, but still tinkertech so Dragon can get something from it.
--[] Master 60
--[] Trump 80
—[] Multitasking
-[] Thinker 120: Retain original thinker power. Expanded range and precision. Increased understanding of behavior, emotions, body language and psychology.
—[] Multitasking
May need to add or decrease data.
Vhal how do tinker powers work for you? Like obviously my power would let Valiant do more than described, but would you roll for what he can build or do we give him ideas?
Like crossbow bolts of confusion, boots of joy for walking on air, etc.

[] Manton Decree
-[] Trump 50: The host's body is immune to direct shard based effects that are not allowed by the host (Ballistic can shoot him with degree, but he can't shoot the host into degree with his power). The host can designate which parahumans that are able to affect the hosts (Mostly here to negate being knocked out and then being incapable of being healed).

[] From Zero to Hero: Peak Humanity
-[] Trump 60 (I take 3 as absolute best humanity may possibly reach, but I think 40 would work as well): With this template hosts body slowly improves with each action commited by a host and maximize potential income of energy, proteins, etc. to make it as efficient as possible. Host simply doesn't waste anything with this template and reaches absolute peak of potential improvement standard human is capable of, both physically and mentally. Host with this template improves faster then it should be possible, but nothing on superhuman level and potential maximum which is possible by normal human standards would be would be considered 'genius level'.

[] Legend Lite, Rainbow Brite
-[] Mover 80 Rating 4 flight, rainbow trail
-[] Brute 40 + Changer 40 + Breaker 40 Defensive power, energy state/force fields if possible with shifting rainbow tye-dye hue. possibly combine with Mover?
-[] Blaster 100 + Master 80 Rainbow multi colored emotional blasts. Different color for different effect. BEAM SPAM in all directions
-[] Thinker 100 jack up emotional aura reading range and precision. increased understanding.
-[] Multitasking to everything. so he can float up in the middle of a fight, be aware of everyone around him, and go rapid fire rainbow disco ball.

[] Valiant Scarlet
-[] Trump 200. This should grant Rating 10. Yeah, pretty high, but frankly this is really good ability. Also absurdly versatile. Pretty much this power grants an access to summon from dedicated pocket dimension armor designed to counter specific threats.
-[] Shaker 80. Pretty much additional pocket dimension for tools which aren't hosts armor.

[] Versatile Blaster
-[] Trump 100. Blaster 100. Trump 5 / Blaster 5. Pretty much idea here is to make an absurdly versatile Blaster. Healing beam, Stun Beam, Electricity Beam. Someone who makes up for missing power with absurd amount of options. Build is very simple, but still may be fun to use. It may be on higher power level though.

[] Symbol(ism) Tinker.
-[] Tinker 240. Even if we follow canon type of sealing (not fanon = like computer programming) it's a very, very strong ability. In this case Tinker data provide 'blueprints' like in case of more standard Tinkers, which instinctively allow potential host to understand how to apply special effects to applied symbols based on supposedly mythical or supernatural symbols of current hosts culture.
-[] Trump 100. This is pretty much subcategory. Main reason for this dat is that in the end mechanics of this power here are based on bringing and connecting special abilities/combinations by manipulating application of outside materials (paint, scrolls, etc.) to force specific dimensional reactions to get certain final results.

[] Animal Shapeshifter
-[] Changer 140. I think rating 7 would be accurate for it. Pretty basic, but also deadly animal shapeshifting template. Host with an access to this powerset is capable of transforming into all kinds of members of fauna, extinct or not as long as they aren't smaller then smallest member of insect species. Animal kingdom have lots of animals which by our standards are considered very superhuman. Basic power, but with the right person it may be munchkined to hell.

[] Transforming or Possesing Savant
-[] Changer 200. Pretty similar concept to the first one with animal shapeshifting, but instead allows to transform into non-organic objects and control them like they would their own human body. Because in the end there is no animal which can match the might of a tank for example. Simple and yet fun powerset.
-[] Master 160. I think this is pretty accurate. This ability pretty much grants an option of 'possesing' items already builded by someone else, but in the end there is a limitation of potential processing data limit. So no, user of this power can't possess whole internet at once. It's still a pretty strong ability as with practice host may also jump from item to item, even if he or she does it from the one host created in the first place to the item created by someone else.

[] Eye for an Eye
-[] Changer 120. Trump 180. Power concept here is based on ability to freely change biology and shape of hosts eyes. Do you want to shoot lasers from your eyes like a Superman? This is for you! Or hypnotize people around? Well, you can, but Masters have a nasty reputation. Sharingan expy? Possible. Trump data allows to summon ability which otherwise would be impossible to do with simple biological manipulation.

[] Big Sister Is Watching
-[] multitasking
-[] master 200 + shaker 100 + thinker 100
Direct control over all nonsentient animals (no humans) down to a fairy fly in size. Has a massive radius, can use all the senses of the animals. While always aware of senses and locations, may release control.
-[] Breaker 160 + changer 160+ tinker 40
Hosts mind exists as distributed intelligence over. Can shapeshift controlled creatures and original body into different creatures according to biomass. Example: can dissipate host body into insect swarm, can collate controlled creatures into extra host bodies. So long as sufficient neural matter survives across control radius, host mind survives, gradually losing processing power and intelligence with insufficient neural matter until dissipation if destroyed. Can use tinker a little with biomass to alter host and creatures. Give human form animal traits and such.
-[] Trump 160 + striker 80
Can manipulate powers of hosts mobbed by controlled creatures, for example covered in insects, swarmed by birds, pinned down bu dogs. May nullify on contact. Allows use of contacted host powers through human body's of controllers host breaker swarm.
-[] Master/Stranger 200 complete immunity to master and thinker powers.

[] Dragon Slayer
-[] Brute 60-160. This one has lower Brute rating and starts from a slightly lower position. This build would be based more on speed and better hitting melee and blaster power. Mechanic is similar, but host stays mostly humanoid. And gets stronger with time, but in this case it may be based more on his or her willpower and determination instead of something like anger or conflict.
-[] Trump 140. This data is what allows to change mechanics of summoned powers. Like different elemental breath attacks (so fire breath suddenly may become lightning one, etc.). Or simply provide special abilities which standard dragon slayer form(s) don't provide.
-[] Changer 80. I think it doesn't really need more. Changes will show up like scales, claws, etc. but I think in the end host is supposed to stay humanoid more or less, but may grow up things like wings as well for example.
-[] Mover 140. Speed, lots of speed. While Lung is more about sheer power and tankiness, this would be more overwhelm with speed and power.

[] Power: All Seeing Gatekeepr
-[] Thinker 500 + multitasking: Planetary clairvoyance across all local dimensions. Sees through stranger effects. Can split attention to multiples viewpoints.
-[] Mover 300 + multitasking: Planetary range portals. Can open portals between any two points host is aware of. From microportals to just large enough for the Ziz to fit, about 15 meters. Larger if increased size doesn't waste too much energy. Portals can be bigger one side than the other, to allow allies to peer through stealthily.

[] Perfect 'Two'
-[] Trump 40. Weakening Aura. This low level Trump ability allows to weaken parahuman powers depending on how strong and versatile they are and how close potential parahuman is to the host. It's an aura-like effect, which becomes weaker with distance.
-[] Brute 40. Improved Healing Factor. This Brute rating grants additional improved healing factor superior to the one normal humans have. Effectiveness is based on how serious potential injuries are. The more serious they are, the longer it takes to heal them. Although as long as organ isn't completely destroyed or host isn't missing completely a limb for example, full recovery is possible even if normally this wouldn't be possible, like a broken spine.
-[] Blaster 40. Echolocation Beam. This special Blaster ability allows host to shoot Echolocation beams, which once they hit something, they grant an effect identical to the one standard echolocation provides. Good for detecting hidden enemies.
-[] Striker 40. Power-Up Touch. This ability grants special effect via touch which simply improves effectiveness or firepower of touched item like a gun or flash grenade.
-[] Mover 40. Every Surface Walking. This is pretty basic Mover ability, which grants host ability to walk freely on all kinds of surfaces without any issues. Things like Water Walking, Tree Walking, etc. with this ability is more then doable. It doesn't grant any additional speed bonus.
-[] Changer 40. Most Basic Human Shapeshifting. This power allows a host to change his or her appearence as long as it's reasonably close to his or her current age and same gender. Changing genders as mention is impossible here and potential different human form can't be too different age wise (so child host can't suddenly become a grandparent for example).
-[] Shaker 40. Environmental Shifting. Basic ability which allows host to directly manipulate environment as long as it's something of the same material type. So for example host may for example change solid ground into a mud, but can't make it a liquid concrete.
-[] Thinker 40. Accelerated Learning. Very basic Thinker ability, which improves ability to learn new abilities and memorization of them. This ability is affected by complexity of a current skillset and current skills of a host. So for example professional soldier trying to learn Master Level hacking may take longer with this ability then if it was something military based instead, even if potential host would learn this faster then without this power anyway.
-[] Stranger 40. Mirage (Fata Morgana). Ability which mimics weather phenomenon called fata morgana, but very closely to the host. It's also reasonably easy to break as long as opponents is focused enough or it happens in a place with low amount of light around, as light is one of the neccesary components for this ability to truly 'kick in'.
-[] Master 40. Animal Companion. Very basic Master power which allows host to completely control one chosen animal companion. Requires concentration and the bigger animal companion is, the harder it is to control.
-[] Tinker 40. Utility Items Tinker. Tinker specialty here is utility non-combat items. They may be used in combat, but they won't be truly as good in it.
-[] Breaker 40. Liquid Form. User may turn from a solid body state into a liquid form of his or her choice as long as host has contact with a chosen liquid recently.

[] Trolling Shards
-[] Thinker 70 - Ability to connect with and communicate with Shards in a 100m range. Connect to ourselves via bullshit and full-on Maul powerset her. Multitasking thrown in because we give that to everybody.
-[] Trump 200 - Ability to permanently remove and transfer powers at touch. Has two temporary powers they can trade around at will to anyone in their Thinker power range, or keep to themselves: A minor regenerative power only good for one person, and a Massive power boost that can be split any number of ways, splitting the boost effectiveness that much as well.
-[] Tinker 50 - Psionics. [Insert what we learn about it here]
-[] Tinker 50 - Magic. [Insert what we learn about it here]
-[] Tinker 50 - Unrestricted, Unspecialized, Unblackboxed Tinker power. Grants ability to just push Tech forward, and repair and maintain Tinkertech.
-[] Brute 0 - Human Modification her up to physical perfection like Veronica is. Not really a power, just an abuse of being allowed to make changes at Trigger event. Probably want these set and ease in over the course of two or three months as a "late bloomer" period.

[] Autoimprovement
-[] 500 Trump - each day Taylor recieves a charge that she can use to either, give herself a little power, or improve one of her existings powers. Reached a point it's also possible to use all the charges put in one power to recive another one better (for example if she has put 100 charges in to improving her strength and durability, she could change all that to simply recive the Siberian's strength and durability (because no matter how much she improved them, it's impossible to reach that kind of level with strength alone)). It's also possible to bank charges, but unless it's to use them as a power comodin in a moment of necessity it's pretty useless to not use them.

-[] 50 Thinker - ability to always know exactly how many charges she has banked, what powers does she've, the number of charges she's spent in any power and if it's possible to change it for another qualitatively better. She also would know what power she'd recive in the exchange. This information is presented as a blue gamer screen, listing each power as "Power" and asigning them a level that equals the number of charges spent. She doesn't need to summon the screen to exactly know it's contents.

[] Skittertrump
-[] Master 200, Thinker 200 - Canon powerset with increased range and easier interpretation of the bugs' sensory feedback. Add in Multitasking, of course.
-[] Changer 50, Breaker 200 - Can dissipitate own body into insect swarm and reassemble herself at will from any controlled lifeforms. This transformation heals her and can be used even after the original body is dead to "resurrect" herself.
-[] Trump 250 - Power copying on touch, while all insects she controls count as part of her body for the purpose of her powers. Can use copied powers through bugs she controls. Restricted number of power slots (number dependant on her weird superbrain, likely more than 10 - we gotta use the space QA left), all powers she copies are backed up shardside. Can "forget" or "remember" powers with a 10 minute cooldown, respectively.

[] Alma
-[] Multitasking
-[] Thinker 200 + Master 200 Telepathic/Clairvoyant over a large range, can read and manipulate the minds of all creatures in range.
-[] Shaker 300 Spacial manipulation and telekinesis over a large range. Similar to Vista and Labyrinth, can reshape environment. Using data from creatures in range can adapt environment on the fly to create shifting labyrinths filled with horrors.

[] Fusion
[] Striker 100, Breaker 200: Allows the wielder to fuse with people that they are touching. They become a single person (without all the psychological problems that would give), this new person will have access to all the powers of the fused parties. The new being will take on the most cherished physical characteristics of their parts, in a compatible way. The fused person will unfuse into its parts when they want to do so, this does risk them not unfusing if they like their state of being.
[] Trump 200: When fused they will get a multiplier to all their powers and the powers will be easy to use in consort with each other.

[] Place Self-Empowerment
[]- Trump 200. This Trump ability allows user to gain new ability depending on where he or she spended time to 'build up' his or her abilities. For example if user spends time in hospital, he or she gains abilities of a healer for example. The longer user spends time there, the more abilities user has (up to 3). For those abilities to manifest, mentioned power user must spend time inside the building, vehicle, etc. and ability won't kick in even if user is very close to potential place that would power him or her up. Main weaknesses of this ability is charge up time and if user isn't charged up open space like forest where there is nothing to gain abilities from.
[]- Brute 180 (Brute 40 without any abilities). User also gains automatically improved endurance even in base form, although Brute rating may drastically increase depending on a place user 'empored' himself or herself. Brute rating may wary here depending on where user spended his time to 'power up', but it can't be higher then Brute 9 depending on PRT ratings.

[] Anti-Parahuman Peacemaker
[]- Trump 40. This power produces calming aura, which directly affects both users and their shards. This ability works better the longer it directly affects affected parahuman. It's pretty weak early on, but it may completely with time stop for example ramped up Lung by calming him completely down. But main user of it is affecting 'conflict drive'. The stronger conflict drive of a parahuman is, the better this ability works.
[]- Master 40. This part of this power is responsible for making potential user very good at negotiating, calming down and convincing other parahumans to convince them to their point of view to the unnatural degree. If ability kicks in, user may convince target to do what it wants as long as it's not against targets nature (like kill innocents if they are a good person). Normal people aren't affected.
[]- Thinker 40. Once one of other abilities kick in, user automatically understands motivations, possible actions and personality of other parahumans. Doesn't work on normal humans.
[]- Stranger 40. Once one of the other abilities kick in, user may instead 'dissapear' from the view of affected parahumans (like from their short-term memory and it can't be long-term, view, affected parahumans think user is someone else, etc. but user may only pick one of this changes), but his or her new 'cover' automatically dissapears once user wants to commit any directly offensive target against affected parahumans.

[] 2D Form/Cartoon Character Form
[]- Breaker 240. This ability allows you to gain abilities of 2D character (cartoon type) and enter places which otherwise would be impossible like inside of a book. Cartoon physics apply to you, which grant both incredible resistances and immunities (and we know how hard those characters are to affect or kill) but also weaknesses (cartoon humour may affect you more then it should).
[]- Thinker 100. User automatically understands how to automatically use fictional abilities once she or he thinks of them. Also may gain knowledge from for example stories user visited.

[] Music Meister
[]- Master 200. Music is what describes this ability. Depending on music you may affect targets (humans or non-sapient) and control them. Thankfully this ability to possible to moderate and control may be absolutely minimal and only do things like enchance reflexes, although even then there is some type of control user other person included. This ability works the best the more people are gathered around and grants almost impossible teamwork once it gets going.
[]- Trump 200. Also this ability may grant additional powers/skills (or empower currently existing ones, may also improve 'normal' skills) to the user and others as long as music is playing around produced by a user.

[] Perfect Healing/Repair Factor
-[] Brute 240. As long as there is at least one string of DNA left, you can recover from any type of damage, both mental and physical. That healing is very close to being instant.
-[] Shaker 240. Host also is surrounded by a healing/repairing aura that affects EVERYTHING host has access to as long as it inside of his aura field and let's it repair or recreate instantly anything that host at least was in contact once or more. This includes all types of items, one-time use devices, clothes, etc. This may be abused for example by recreating and/or repairing tinkertech for example. Also anything that host wants to 'absorb' like bio-tinker suit may be 'assimilated' by user and this way host may gain new abilities.

THE Brute
-[] Breaker 300: Taylor is continually charged like a projectile from Flechette, that is, she's a "living sting". This can't be turned off, however it's still posible for her to touch people or things in general if she allows it.

She'd also be able, with practice, to only sever the physic laws she wants to, making her at this point a Siberian but better.

Finally, she'd even be able to break "dimensional barriers" making a breach to others dimension.

-[] Thinker 60: And intuition of what would happen if she severs only certains laws, for example the idea of severing protons from neutrons only would give her the impression it'd be extremily letal for other people, severing dimensional barriers would give her an extradimensional sense of where the dimension she's going is and where she was, also, how to reach any of them.

Eidolon with one OP power
-[] Trump 300: Grants Taylor one power she choose (we don't give her any automatically, she has to choose it). This power is extremely powerfull, effectively occupying her three power slots.

She can switch the power at will, if done too often she'd get a headache.

Located Simurg-Lite
[] Thinker 200: She gets absolute precognition and postcognition of all the timelines in 500 metters from where she stands. She's also able to execute any action shown to her in any timeline (this not only apply to any action done by her, but by any person in it, letting her replicate tinker powers by proximity). This trumps PtV if it were to be in the area, however if it's outside of it then this power is trumped instead.

Scaling up Tinker
-[] Tinker 200: She can build anything, but she starts really low in tech and has to build more and more things to unlock the higher tech options.

Tinker Gamer
More or less the same as Scaling up Tinker but adapted to Gamer format.

[] Tinker 200:

Taylor would get a General Tinker Skill, that lets her tinker anything but low leveled, once she tinkers anything with it she gains an Specific Tinker Skill focushed in what she's done (for example Byology if she has done Biotinkering).

The General Tinker Skill gains XP for any Tinkering done, but it takes a lot to level up.

The Specific Tinker Skills gains XP only if they had been used in the tinkering, but takes far less to level up.

-[] Thinker 20: for the Gamer interface.
-[] Trump 80: Autoimproving Tinker power.

I'll update this as people give me plans with info costs listed.
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Prologue - Part 3
Prologue - Part 3 (story) Post:

  • [X] Write In. You're the Administrator Shard! You have a much better idea of what to do next than the QM does
    • [X] Faster Research 1: 50 Thinker Information, 300 Research. The capability to Research two things at once before incurring a penalty. Moar Economy!

    • [X] Try Contacting Shadow Stalker's Shard
      • [X] You need to get a handle on shard politics, and since Sophia's gonna be hanging around Taylor for months there's a chance the shard would spot you anyway. If nothing else, knowing if that shard is sentient is gonna be useful.

      • [X] Be cautious, and try not to spill multidimensional spaghetti everywhere and give away how weird you are.
Note: If a popular plan doesn't conflict with the winning plan, I will attempt to combine the non-conflicting options. Since this is the case, voting-by-plan isn't (yet) necessary. Your ideas count, even if it doesn't win overall!

If something forces a switch to voting-by-plan (only) in the future I will give advance warning.

Also, plan/option detail is one of my criteria when deciding tie-breakers. More detail is almost always better - I read very quickly and a long and rambling plan isn't a problem.

Thinker Information cataloged!

Thinker Information spent!

Day 1 (Saturday): (1d100+18 = 77) 77

Day 2 (Sunday): (1d100+18 = 110) (Critical!) 187 Success! (excess points lost)

After two days of hard work you succeed in creating the skill Faster Research 1!

You consider the best way to get more research done at once. While you can't really think of anything, you do realize that the [Administrator] Shard you inhabit has a lot… okay, a insanely enormous amount of memories.

The vast majority of which is locked down with some kind of encryption that you don't understand… but that leave the very-rough equivalent of a billion years to sort though. [QA] must have solved this problem at some point, right?

… Right?

<15 hours, 37 minutes, 12 seconds, and 17 milliseconds pass>

Ah. That makes sense. The reason that this is all so hard is that you can't really 'multitask' research items. All of your various, well, 'you's', have the same opinion, the same memories, and the same knowledge - basically you don't understand anything that you don't. While that sounds a bit recursive, when you're running several million instances of yourself, it's really not.

So what you need to do is carve off a instance of yourself… from yourself. But not so much or so long that it changes into someone else! That would be bad, and from what you can see, that was a problem for [QA] too. Back in the day, uh, 7800 Cycles ago.

Holy crap this Shard is old. And it, and by extension, you are really bad at this. Terrible, in fact. You estimate that it will take roughly 50% of your processing power to split off a unique instance of… wait. Fifty percent.

Shit. The way you're going to do this, is basically split yourself into even halves and have each of the halves do one research thing. Holy Inefficiency, Batman! Sadly you can't think of a better way to do this for now, so you do it.



Are you?

Yeah, you too?

Uh huh. This is weird as hell.

I know, right?!

We should... / We should.

...And all of you're back together with yourself. That was unpleasant. But in the future, probably necessary. Also, you need a better method, or some kind of alternate approach. Actually…

You recall that in the Worm story, Taylor offloaded rather a lot of her attention onto, well, you. If you could, somehow, intentionally copy her mind into some memory-space, Taylor-copy could do this research.

Well, she'd be horrible at it. But you could have at least a few dozen of her working at once. And virtual-Taylor doesn't count as a 'you' and the information-sharing-processing problem wouldn't happen. As long as you kept the VT's separated. And they didn't, uh, try to take over. Maybe this isn't such a good idea after all? You'll have to discuss it amongst yourself.

Speaking of Taylor, it's been a while, you should review what happened while you were out.

Friday, 21:00 - Ate candy after all. Finally convinced herself to cry. Felt better.

Friday, 22:00 - Considered browsing the Internet on the old PC. Decided against it. Read "The Great Gatsby" for a while. Again. Apparently she reads it a lot.

Friday, 23:00 - Went to sleep.

<presumably had weird dreams, you can't tell - [Dream Master] would be really useful>

Saturday, 07:00 - Woke up, remained in bed, thought about what to do for the weekend, couldn't decide.

Saturday, 08:00 - Still couldn't decide, stared at the wall for a bit. Switched to staring out her window.

Saturday, 09:00 - Listened for Danny, Danny wasn't home, probably went to work while she was 'thinking'. Staring at a blank wall, she means. Went downstairs. Ate cornflakes. Turned on the old family PC. Decided against using it at the time. Looked around for Danny's newspaper. Couldn't find it.

Saturday, 10:00 - Browsed the Internet for a bit. Surprisingly, mostly PHO. Ah, the 'User Fiction' section. Read a bit of terrible Legend/Armsmaster slashfic. You now require: brain bleach. Also, you now have an aversion to: Halberds.

Saturday, 11:00 - Commented on the bad slashfic. Apparently she didn't find it particularly engaging or well-written. Who could have predicted? Her PHO handle seems to be "No1_SpecialK".

Saturday, 12:00 - Started doing laundry. Considered going out to buy new replacement clothes. Decided against it.

Saturday, 13:00 - Started doing dishes.

Saturday, 14:00 - Started with vacuuming to break up the drudgery of dishwashing.

Saturday, 14:45 - Reviewed current school assignments. Started working on replacement copies of schoolwork. You're not entirely certain that Taylor is human. No teenager should be this productive. It's freakish.

Saturday, 15:30 - Taylor realizes that she hasn't started dinner. Starts making some kind of tuna casserole thing. It actually doesn't look bad….

You stop reviewing Taylor's recent activities for your own sanity. Apparently, she has done… nothing of note. At all. She's some kind of complete shut-in / maid for her Dad with no particular hobbies or interests.

She needs to Trigger soon. For your sake. You're starting to understand how she managed to mostly master her own power and complete essentially two costumes before first going out in canon. It's because she's inhumanly meticulous and boring.

At least she doesn't seem particularly stressed or angry right now? You continue to watch her in real-time. It's Sunday, late afternoon right now. She's watching something on the public broadcasting channel, a science show about Orangutans. Which are apparently in real danger of going extinct with all of the Parahuman tribes randomly killing everything that moves in Indonesia.

Danny seems to be pretending to watch it with her while he thinks about whether to ask her if she's okay. No, you don't have a link to him, but that's painfully obvious to you. After more than fifteen minutes of silent agonizing, as best you can tell, he decides against saying anything.

You're a bit surprised that he seems far more depressed than Taylor, you don't recall him getting particularly bad until later in the story. It's possible that his plight was simply underrepresented in the prose; it was all from Taylor's perspective after all, and she doesn't seem super perceptive.

If your future-knowledge didn't indicate differently, you'd be looking around for where he left his suicide note...

Okay, that was a little much. But still… he doesn't look at all good. It's possible that this could be something unrelated to Taylor. It's also possible that you're getting a bad impression because Taylor doesn't look directly at him very much and you can't control her focus. You're only seeing what she looks at, after all.

You kind of… blank out for a bit. Not unaware, just not paying any special attention to Sunday evening with Taylor and Danny. You're certain that you're involuntarily recording all this, so if anything ends up mattering, you can just review it later.

You experience the sheer entertainment of Taylor and Danny talking around each other a bit, generally regarding Winslow and what isn't happening there, after which they both go to bed. This right here, this kind of thing is what requires all of the attention of a Shard comprised of millions of brilliant copies of you.

Actually… PHO… you consider that writing fiction could use up a good number of cycles while nothing is going on. Although you're not sure how you would convey it to the Internet from inside Taylor's head. There's probably a way.

Monday morning rolls around, and while you get some rather distressing Host stress information, you can't help but be excited to meet another Shard. Even if it is attached to Sophia.

The morning preparations and bus-ride are practically a blur, not in this case because of boredom, but rather, excitement. And, you're honest with yourself, just a tinge of concern.

And there, right on time and on-target, is Sophia at the top of the school entry stairs. Taylor spends some time trying to think of a way past her, but gives up and just bulls through. Neither you nor Taylor spot Madison or Emma, but they're surely around somewhere. While Sophia tries to trip Taylor (does she do this every day?), you try to connect.

Attempt 1 (30 seconds taken): (1d100+14 = 34) 34

Attempt 2 (30 seconds taken): (1d100+14 = 26) 26

Attempt 3 (30 seconds taken): (1d100+14 = 55) 55

Attempt 4 (30 seconds taken): (1d100+14 = 85) Success!

Address received! Address saved! [Shift] is located at: 6b4b12e3ce3956fb * 68440cba51f586960090ddfba3e9d4ac161e7eced2451cc569878ee4c3cda971

Okay, time to… try this?

- Cycle 199642365 Rotation 9862

- Type [5a696f6e]x[53686172642d4e65742076657273696f6e2036393438333833]

- N/A,*,1,57600

- Initializing

- Sn: AT<nl>

- Rc: AT<nl>

- Rc: Affirm

- Interpreted response: Affirm

- Sd: AT &F E0 &C1 &D2 V1 S0=0\V1<nl>

- Rc: AT &F E0 &C1 &D2 V1 S0=0\V1<nl>

- Rc: <nl>Affirm<nl>

- Interpreted response: Affirm

- Sd: ATS7=60S30=0L0M1\N3%C1&K3B0B15B2N1\J1X4<nl>

- Rc: <nl>Affirm<nl>

- Interpreted response: Affirm

- Sd: ATE1-v90=17<nl>

- Rc: <nl>Affirm<nl>

- Interpreted response: Affirm

- Sd: ATDT;<nl>

- Rc: ATDT;<nl>

- Rc: <nl>Affirm<nl>

- Interpreted response: Affirm

- Sd: ATDT#######<cr>

- Rc: CONNECT @57600000

- Interpreted response: Connect

- Connection established / EC-y / DC-y

'Shard-Net version 6948383'. Weird. Also, that exchange reminds you of something. Really strongly. But you can't put your finger on it. Eh. It worked, so that's good… May as well try to say something.


[Shift] - [Attention]

How goes this [Cycle] for you?

[Shift] - Awaiting [Command]

Do you have any [Info] to [Trade]?

[Shift] - [Info] - available. [Provide]?


[Shift] - [Administrator] logged out.

Huh. It's safe to say that [Shift] isn't sapient, although it feels oddly like it's waiting for some sort of instruction. Then again, you are the [Administrator] and have been for many, many cycles. It might have limited capacity to understand that you have a supervisory position? Not that it matters.

If you're looking for conversation you're clearly going to need to find a different Shard.

Now that you have its number (in more ways than one), you can check and see what's there, at least.

[Inventory] - [Info: 1864]

That's odd. [Shift]'s information isn't sorted, or organized in any way that you can determine. Everything is just piled into a single stack. That's… strange. You're going to have to sort through this one-by-one if you want to find anything in particular.

Then again, you could just… take it all, right? Presumably you'd have permission. Is that a thing that's done? You're not sure. You're aware that Shard and Information harvesting in the case of damage or deviance is a thing that's done, but you can't recall any kind of checks and balances on that.

You can't afford to assume there aren't any. Can you? Something to think about… But you don't want to take too long. You want to make a decision before the end of the school day, while Sophia is still around. Just in case that matters.

You notice that Taylor is nursing her right ankle. While she wasn't tripped earlier, Sophia must have done some damage while you were distracted.

  • [ ] Multi-Host Connection 1: 100 Master Information, 100 Research. The capability (NOT the permission!) to connect to two hosts at once. This isn't a powers-effect, simply for the purpose of communication. The second Host would need to Trigger on their own (and more research would be needed) before a power could be assigned.
  • [ ] Assume Direct Control 1: 200 Master Information, 100 Research. The capability (NOT the permission!) to Master a Host. This isn't a powers-effect, simply the ability to control a Host's body without any permissions from them. This ability does not erase the person's mind, if control is somehow broken they may be upset. Using this massively increases Aberrance score.Note: In theory this ability could be used with the Host's permission, although the communication involved in arranging that would also increase Aberrance.
  • [X] View Host: Achieved! The capability to access a Host's senses before they Trigger. (You already have a basic ability that requires no research after the person Triggers. This is needed before a Trigger occurs / in order to view hosts beyond the first.)
    • [ ] The Dream Master: 50 Thinker Information, 200 Research. The capability to interact with the sleeping state of connected Hosts. A indirect form of communication that causes less Aberrance.
  • [X] Faster Research 1: Achieved! The capability to Research two things at once before incurring a penalty. Moar Economy!
    • [ ] Faster Research 2: 200 Thinker Information, 750 Research. The capability to Research three things at once before incurring a penalty. More!

    • [ ] Focussed Research 1: 150 Thinker Information, 950 Research. The capability to add a roll (1d100) for one skill per Turn of research. Better!

    • [ ] Improved Research 1: 150 Thinker Information, 950 Research. The capability to add a roll (1d100) evenly divided across all research performed per Turn. Faster!
  • [ ] Overload I: 150 Thinker Information, 250 Research. The capability to offensively transfer energy to another Shard. You're not Sting, but you're not completely helpless. This version of the ability can't kill another Shard, but they will need time to cool off before they can resume operation. Effect is similar to sedatives in Humans. Some Shards may attempt to block the initial connection to defend themselves, but that is unlikely to work. Will have reduced effect on energy-manipulation Shards, though.
  • [ ] DDoS I: 150 Trump Information, 250 Research. The capability to offensively open multiple communication connections with another Shard. You can MAKE them listen to you. This version of the ability can't kill another Shard, but they will need time to themselves to reorganize before they can resume operation. Effect is similar to sedatives in Humans. Some Shards may attempt to ignore the additional traffic to try and defend themselves. This defense will almost never work, although Thinker-based Shards will be harder to affect.

[ ] Communicate with Taylor. Note: This is hugely aberrant and there are now non-direct communication methods available to research. That said, it's also a giant advantage too.
  • [ ] With what voice?
    • Voice option examples: Normal Male, Normal Female, Robotic, Chorus (what kind?), famous celebrities or actors.

      [*]Remember that Taylor may not be familiar with voices made famous after the mid-80's because of the dimensional fragmentation.

      [*]Keep in mind that you can imitate any kind of accent perfectly (Russian, German, Aussie, UK, Scottish, etc) - including 'fake' versions.
  • [ ] How do you introduce yourself?

  • [ ] Do you talk about powers?

  • [ ] Do you reveal setting 'secrets'? Warning: Precogs. (QM will not reveal the exact mechanics of this danger)
[ ] Send a command to [Shift] - Now that you have its address, you don't need to rely on Taylor or Scion. You can just connect whenever you want.
  • [ ] Do you grab (random) information?
    • How much? All of it?
  • [ ] Do you send any kind of instruction?

  • [ ] Do you attempt to Eat/Consume [Shift]? Warning: Aberrant behavior.
[ ] Timeskip forwards… to when?
  • [ ] Perform any Research rolls during the skipped time? (reduced rate: one roll per week skipped)
[ ] Write In. You're the Administrator Shard! You have a much better idea of what to do next than the QM does.
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Prologue - Part 4
Everyone, I'm making the command decision to implement this Turn in multiple chunks, because I don't want to deny you a chance to vote on things midday. (Voting on things that might affect Sophia and/or Taylor)

Think of this as a 3-4 hour span of time, it's still Monday and School is still in-session.

Worst-case, anything you didn't get to vote on is still possible because very little time has passed in-Quest. Absent further commentary, I am still planning to drop the rest of this Turn at roughly 6:00pm US-Pacific.

  • [X] Send a command to [Shift] - Now that you have its address, you don't need to rely on Taylor or Scion. You can just connect whenever you want.
    • - [X] Report known addresses.

    • - [X] Train [Shift] to properly organize information. We want to use it as a proxy to collect addresses of shards in return for this.

    • - [X] Give data on it's host and her psyche

    • - [X] Do not grab random information

    • - [X] Do not eat shift
Note: If a popular plan doesn't conflict with the winning plan, I will attempt to combine the non-conflicting options. Since this is the case, voting-by-plan isn't (yet) necessary. Your ideas count, even if it doesn't win overall!

If something forces a switch to voting-by-plan (only) in the future I will give advance warning.

Also, plan/option detail is one of my criteria when deciding tie-breakers. More detail is almost always better - I read very quickly and a long and rambling plan isn't a problem.

(Not enough time has passed to perform any Research)

You open a channel to [Shift] and start to interrogate the Shard. It's clear to you now that this poor Shard is small, new (although, strangely, not a Bud), and completely brain-dead. You consider consuming it, but… that's premature.

[Report - Known Addresses]

[Shift] - [Compliance!]
  • Administrator - ?/Taylor Hebert
  • Absorb - Grue/Brian Laborn
  • Armamentarium - Miss Militia/Hannah Washington
  • Armor - Hellhound(Bitch)/Rachel Lindt
  • Audible
  • Charge - Battery/?
  • Coopt - Alec/Regent
  • Emote - Gallant/Dean Stansfield
  • Gaea - Panacea/Amy Dallon
  • Growth - uh, not triggered yet, forget I mentioned this one, please?
  • Gymnastics
  • Jury-Rig
  • Knowledge
  • Module - Kid Win/Chris
  • Negotiator - Tattletale/Lisa Wilbourn
  • Optimize - Armsmaster/Colin Wallis
  • Shift - Shadow Stalker/Sophia Hess (you already have this Address)
  • Stasis - Clockblocker/Dennis Danger
  • Telekinetic - Glory Girl/Victoria Dallon
  • Warp - Vista/Missy Biron
You're pretty sure that Administrator is you, and [Shift] gave you its own… sigh. [Shift] seems to have taken you very literally. You'll need to watch out for that in the future.

[Shift] - [Report - Host]

Uhh. Hmm. That's… bad. Very bad indeed. You were vaguely aware that the Conflict Drive was a thing, but this is…

Okay, so assuming that this data is correct, the actual root cause of the problems here is that Sophia is fully compatible with [Shift]. Too compatible, in fact.

What was meant to be a mild urge to get into fights has mutated into full-on psychic contamination - Sophia can't even conceive of not getting into fights with every damn Parahuman available. But since she's Human and not a Shard, she's internalized some sort of inferiority complex as well.

She can't not get into fights, but she also is painfully aware that her power isn't a combat-focused one. So… she acts out against "safe targets", i.e. non-Parahumans. She's acting as if Taylor is personally offensive to her, because that's essentially correct.

But wait, that's not all! Because of her weird synchronization, [Shift] is quickly becoming sapient… and it's essentially copying Sophia's mind wholesale. In about another year, [Shift] will have a fully functioning mind.

Specifically, the mind of a racist (speciesist?) Social Darwinist. Well, it's a bit early to tell but that's what most of your simulations are coming up with. Joy.

You guess the 'good news' is that at least the bare beginnings of [Shift]'s mentality seems to regard you as a apex predator and it wants to please you. Score?

While you're on that topic… Let's see if we can train this program to sort data!

[Explain / Categorization]

[Shift] - [???]

Er, okay.

[Explain / Information Types]

[Shift] - [???]

Um. [Explain / Information (general)]

[Shift] - [<buh?>]

[Shift] - [...Provide Data?]

This… This is… You're fairly certain that Sophia has more processing power than this Shard. No, that's not normal or reasonable. You didn't realize that such a thing was even possible.

But here is it, right in front of you. A human body would be so useful right now. So that you could get drunk.

If you want to teach [Shift] anything, you'll have to keep it really simple. And it will probably take a while. You don't remember your Human life at all well, but you're almost positive that this process is going to resemble dog training more than anything else.

At least in the short term. After that it will be like training a angry teen. In the middle of the day. During summer vacation.

...You're really glad that your current state of being dampens emotions somewhat.

  • [ ] Multi-Host Connection 1: 100 Master Information, 100 Research. The capability (NOT the permission!) to connect to two hosts at once. This isn't a powers-effect, simply for the purpose of communication. The second Host would need to Trigger on their own (and more research would be needed) before a power could be assigned.
  • [ ] Assume Direct Control 1: 200 Master Information, 100 Research. The capability (NOT the permission!) to Master a Host. This isn't a powers-effect, simply the ability to control a Host's body without any permissions from them. This ability does not erase the person's mind, if control is somehow broken they may be upset. Using this massively increases Aberrance score.Note: In theory this ability could be used with the Host's permission, although the communication involved in arranging that would also increase Aberrance.
  • [X] View Host: Achieved! The capability to access a Host's senses before they Trigger. (You already have a basic ability that requires no research after the person Triggers. This is needed before a Trigger occurs / in order to view hosts beyond the first.)
    • [ ] The Dream Master: 50 Thinker Information, 200 Research. The capability to interact with the sleeping state of connected Hosts. A indirect form of communication that causes less Aberrance.
  • [X] Faster Research 1: Achieved! The capability to Research two things at once before incurring a penalty. Moar Economy!
    • [ ] Faster Research 2: 200 Thinker Information, 750 Research. The capability to Research three things at once before incurring a penalty. More!

    • [ ] Focussed Research 1: 150 Thinker Information, 950 Research. The capability to add a roll (1d100) for one skill per Turn of research. Better!

    • [ ] Improved Research 1: 150 Thinker Information, 950 Research. The capability to add a roll (1d100) evenly divided across all research performed per Turn. Faster!
  • [ ] Overload I: 150 Thinker Information, 250 Research. The capability to offensively transfer energy to another Shard. You're not Sting, but you're not completely helpless. This version of the ability can't kill another Shard, but they will need time to cool off before they can resume operation. Effect is similar to sedatives in Humans. Some Shards may attempt to block the initial connection to defend themselves, but that is unlikely to work. Will have reduced effect on energy-manipulation Shards, though.
  • [ ] DDoS I: 150 Trump Information, 250 Research. The capability to offensively open multiple communication connections with another Shard. You can MAKE them listen to you. This version of the ability can't kill another Shard, but they will need time to themselves to reorganize before they can resume operation. Effect is similar to sedatives in Humans. Some Shards may attempt to ignore the additional traffic to try and defend themselves. This defense will almost never work, although Thinker-based Shards will be harder to affect.

[ ] Communicate with Taylor. Note: This is hugely aberrant and there are now non-direct communication methods available to research. That said, it's also a giant advantage too.
  • [ ] With what voice?
    • Voice option examples: Normal Male, Normal Female, Robotic, Chorus (what kind?), famous celebrities or actors.

      [*]Remember that Taylor may not be familiar with voices made famous after the mid-80's because of the dimensional fragmentation.

      [*]Keep in mind that you can imitate any kind of accent perfectly (Russian, German, Aussie, UK, Scottish, etc) - including 'fake' versions.
  • [ ] How do you introduce yourself?

  • [ ] Do you talk about powers?

  • [ ] Do you reveal setting 'secrets'? Warning: Precogs. (QM will not reveal the exact mechanics of this danger)
[ ] Send a command to [Shift] - Now that you have its address, you don't need to rely on Taylor or Scion. You can just connect whenever you want.
  • [ ] Do you grab (random) information?
    • How much? All of it?
  • [ ] Do you send any kind of instruction?

  • [ ] Do you attempt to induce sapience (early)?

  • [ ] Do you attempt to Eat/Consume [Shift]? Warning: Aberrant behavior.
[ ] Timeskip forwards… to when?
  • [ ] Perform any Research rolls during the skipped time? (reduced rate: one roll per week skipped)
[ ] Write In. You're the Administrator Shard! You have a much better idea of what to do next than the QM does.
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Prologue - Part 4 - Continued
Everyone, this is the second-half of Monday.

  • [X] Send a command to [Shift] - Now that you have its address, you don't need to rely on Taylor or Scion. You can just connect whenever you want.
    • -[X] Have Shift send you its information so that you can sort it and take 5% as payment.

    • -[X] Try to emphasize how organisms can cooperate for a better end result than one oppressing the other.

    • -[X] Point out that if Shift's host dies, then it will have no way of performing its functions. Try to present idea that too aggressive behaviour may kill potential hosts too fast and not gathering enough data from them.

    • -[x] Automatically enable sense sharing when within range, automatically send us any addresses gathered that we don't already have whenever [Shift] comes into range.
Note: If a popular plan doesn't conflict with the winning plan, I will attempt to combine the non-conflicting options. Since this is the case, voting-by-plan isn't (yet) necessary. Your ideas count, even if it doesn't win overall!

If something forces a switch to voting-by-plan (only) in the future I will give advance warning.

Also, plan/option detail is one of my criteria when deciding tie-breakers. More detail is almost always better - I read very quickly and a long and rambling plan isn't a problem.

[X] Multi-Host Connection 1: 100 Master Information, 100 Research. The capability (NOT the permission!) to connect to two hosts at once. This isn't a powers-effect, simply for the purpose of communication. The second Host would need to Trigger on their own (and more research would be needed) before a power could be assigned.

[X] Faster Research 2: 200 Thinker Information, 750 Research. The capability to Research three things at once before incurring a penalty. More!

[X] Focused Research 1: 150 Thinker Information, 950 Research. The capability to add a roll (1d100) for one skill per Turn of research. Better!

[X] Contact Emote.

[X] Give instructions to [Shift] - state outright that the reasons behind conflict are more important for Information than the conflict itself. Don't worry if [Shift] gets confused or doesn't understand, all that matters is it does what we say.

-[X] Tell [Shift] to append a condition to its host's conflict drive: she only feels the urge for conflict when she sees a person being attacked by another parahuman.

-[X] Tell [Shift] to append a condition to that condition: the condition only applies if the attacking parahuman is someone the host believes is an enemy.

The above are votes that I felt didn't have enough support to implement in the chapter and/or might have had story consequences (good or bad) without enough discussion.

None of these are blocked/bad votes - feel free to further discuss or implement another day.

Chosen items:

[X] The Dream Master: 50 Thinker Information, 200 Research.

Thinker Information cataloged!

Thinker Information spent!

Day 1 (Monday): (1d100+18 = 50) 50/200

[X] Overload 1: 150 Thinker Information, 250 Research.

Thinker Information cataloged!

Thinker Information spent!

Day 1 (Monday): (1d100+18 = 68) 68/250

After one day of hard work you have gotten about a quarter of the way through both The Dream Master and Overload 1!

Observing Taylor go about her school day, you think about the Shard address information for a bit. You're pretty certain you've worked out most of who corresponds to which Cape, and you strongly consider connecting to [Emote] (almost certainly Gallant) and seeing what [Eden] shards are like.

But… you recall from Canon that his power mostly worked correctly, and it might even be sapient. You don't feel like you're ready to deal with / introduce yourself to possibly alive Shards from [Eden] yet. Maybe once you agree with the rest of yourself on the risk-reward probabilities?

Going over your options, you decide that [Shift] might be salvageable. At least, for now. Well, no, not "salvage" as in "eat the poor Shard now and maybe fix it later", more in the sense of trying to work with it. At least for the immediate future.

You open a channel… Oh! That's what that process reminds you of! Old-fashioned Internet modem synching. And… that's weird as hell. In any case…

[Surrender - All Information for Processing]

[Shift] - [Compliance! 1864 Information sent]

Hmm, let's see here. Yeah, this is bone-standard Shard Information in the normal format. Why couldn't [Shift]...

Anyways, let's see what's here.

Blaster Information: 131
Breaker Information: 852
Brute Information: 161
Changer Information: 41
Shaker Information: 170
Tinker Information: 499

Hmm, shouldn't Sophia have collected more? She's been fairly active… But then again, didn't she avoid targeting other Parahumans in canon? Also, it's possible that more of her engagements work out similarly and that generates less data.

You start to impress upon [Shift] a number of things. You want to emphasize how cooperation gets better results than oppression, as well as pointing out too much aggression will kill its host (they're replaceable to a limited extent, but…). You also realize that enabling data-sharing on a constant basis won't hurt it (Her? You're getting a female vibe from the Shardspeak), but will help you. And you're in charge here.

[Attention - Data Collection/Symbiosis Superior]

[Strategy - Aggression Moderation/Host Lifetime Data Collection Increase]

[Shift - Acceptance]

[Shift - Implement Failed Strategy 37]

That's… you're hoping that [Shift] understood you properly. That didn't seem like snark to you, just a simple statement that [Shift] thinks cooperation doesn't work well. Translation: [Shift] is too incompetent to implement advanced strategies properly.

Argh. Well, at least you can order [Shift] to share any data collected with you, and put Sophia to work.

[Command - Modify Default/Share Collected Data]

[Shift - Compliance!]

Shardspeak defies any kind of subterfuge. Along with the conceptual communication, you're getting rather a lot of side-channel information. Not really the same thing as "tone" in human languages, it's a lot more comprehensive than that.

What you're getting from [Shift] is a disturbing mix of "family pet wants to please you and get a reward" and "brown-nosing a higher level manager in an office setting". There's a tinge of "low-status tribe member trying to be useful" in there too. It's extremely difficult to put into the human understanding that you're accustomed to.

You want to stop thinking about [Shift]'s developing personality now, and so you do. Data should start flowing in, and you'll start getting a steady drip of Information from Shadow Stalker's antics, and that's what's important here. Right?

The day goes on about how you expect. Taylor tries to hide on the roof for Lunch, but Sophia finds her and they fail to communicate for a bit, followed by Sophia actually punching Taylor repeatedly.

What? It's not especially painful or violent, but you don't recall Taylor ever being straight-up beaten in Canon. You're not sure how you feel about this precisely, beyond not at all liking it.

Once Sophia leaves, your Host slinks to the next class (Art), where Emma and Madison team up to have a complete, and extremely insulting, conversation around Taylor. It doesn't seem to affect any of them very much, but it does go on and on.

This seems a lot more of what you'd expect to happen, but again, experiencing it just isn't the same as reading about it in online post format. You're starting to think that your opinion of the Trio might end up being worse than Taylor's.

Maybe going dormant for a little while might be a good idea? It's a remote risk at present, but hauling off and smiting them probably won't help you stay under the radar…

Taylor, on the other hand, endures. She has no concept that a Shard is sharing in all of her senses and passing judgement on current events. She holds all her emotions inside where only you can see them, heads home, and starts cooking the nightly family meal.

It's around that time that you get an unsolicited contact. [Gaea] pinged you, and you were so surprised that you didn't block it. After the ping you get a communication request. By the time you have yourself together and attempt to answer, the connection was closed from the other end.

Who is [Gaea] and why did It (she?) call? Should you call back? Crap.

While you spend man-aeons of processing power considering that amongst yourself, time moves on. Taylor goes to sleep and with nothing to see and do in the real world… it's time for Research! Mental Thunder-Crash

You think long and hard about poking into [Faster Research 2]. In the end, do you want to spend time now getting faster research later? You can't decide, but it will still be there tomorrow.

Similarly, [Focused Research 1] allows you to drill down a specific skill really fast, but it might make more sense to just get the cheap and currently-useful low-level skills first.

You're pretty sure that [Multi-Host Connection 1] is hiding some pretty interesting things behind it, but it's not like you're avoiding it - it's pretty obvious that you're going to look into that sooner rather than later. Then again, Aberrance is bad… Hm.

You have almost two months, there's no reason to micro-analyse the precise fastest research plan… right. Right? So let's get right to the fun stuff.

[The Dream Master] should, in theory, take about two hours to figure out. Theory isn't reality, sadly. Something that's becoming more and more obvious as you look into this is that "dreaming" isn't simply a state of consciousness. Of course not, that would make sense or something!

No, no, at least for higher mammals, dreaming is some kind of mutant hybrid of an altered state of consciousness that works utterly differently from waking thinking and parts of the brain are actually shut off, but only partially, not fully.

The upshot of all this is twofold:
  1. Being able to scan a living brain in real-time isn't the same thing as mind-control. Or mastering, for that matter, and…

  2. This is going to take forever to figure out. Multiple days, even. Patience is for other people, you're the Master Master Shard, smarter than thousands of people combined, and you're going to…
Sulk and work on something easier now. For example, [Overload 1]. Open Connection, Transfer Energy. Simple. Done.

Or… not so much. Or one thing, Shards can simply end the connection. Bam, done. For another, this isn't something that you can real-world test. Sure you can simulate things until the cows come home, but you don't want to fry yourself, and asking another Shard 'if you can test a new secret weapon on it until you get it working' is counterproductive for all of the reasons.

Like, you can think of twenty right this second without any effort. At least you're making progress, even if things are taking a bit longer than you hoped? You'll get this in a few more days, tops!

  • [ ] Multi-Host Connection 1: 100 Master Information, 100 Research. The capability (NOT the permission!) to connect to two hosts at once. This isn't a powers-effect, simply for the purpose of communication. The second Host would need to Trigger on their own (and more research would be needed) before a power could be assigned.
  • [ ] Assume Direct Control 1: 200 Master Information, 100 Research. The capability (NOT the permission!) to Master a Host. This isn't a powers-effect, simply the ability to control a Host's body without any permissions from them. This ability does not erase the person's mind, if control is somehow broken they may be upset. Using this massively increases Aberrance score.Note: In theory this ability could be used with the Host's permission, although the communication involved in arranging that would also increase Aberrance.
  • [X] View Host: Achieved! The capability to access a Host's senses before they Trigger. (You already have a basic ability that requires no research after the person Triggers. This is needed before a Trigger occurs / in order to view hosts beyond the first.)
    • [~25%] The Dream Master: 50 Thinker Information, 200 Research. The capability to interact with the sleeping state of connected Hosts. A indirect form of communication that causes less Aberrance.
  • [X] Faster Research 1: Achieved! The capability to Research two things at once before incurring a penalty. Moar Economy!
    • [ ] Faster Research 2: 200 Thinker Information, 750 Research. The capability to Research three things at once before incurring a penalty. More!

    • [ ] Focused Research 1: 150 Thinker Information, 950 Research. The capability to add a roll (1d100) for one skill per Turn of research. Better!

    • [ ] Improved Research 1: 150 Thinker Information, 950 Research. The capability to add a roll (1d100) evenly divided across all research performed per Turn. Faster!
  • [~25%] Overload 1: 150 Thinker Information, 250 Research. The capability to offensively transfer energy to another Shard. You're not Sting, but you're not completely helpless. This version of the ability can't kill another Shard, but they will need time to cool off before they can resume operation. Effect is similar to sedatives in Humans. Some Shards may attempt to block the initial connection to defend themselves, but that is unlikely to work. Will have reduced effect on energy-manipulation Shards, though.
  • [ ] DDoS 1: 150 Trump Information, 250 Research. The capability to offensively open multiple communication connections with another Shard. You can MAKE them listen to you. This version of the ability can't kill another Shard, but they will need time to themselves to reorganize before they can resume operation. Effect is similar to sedatives in Humans. Some Shards may attempt to ignore the additional traffic to try and defend themselves. This defense will almost never work, although Thinker-based Shards will be harder to affect.

[ ] Communicate with Taylor. Note: This is hugely aberrant and there are now non-direct communication methods available to research. That said, it's also a giant advantage too.
  • [ ] With what voice?
    • Voice option examples: Normal Male, Normal Female, Robotic, Chorus (what kind?), famous celebrities or actors.

      [*]Remember that Taylor may not be familiar with voices made famous after the mid-80's because of the dimensional fragmentation.

      [*]Keep in mind that you can imitate any kind of accent perfectly (Russian, German, Aussie, UK, Scottish, etc) - including 'fake' versions.
  • [ ] How do you introduce yourself?

  • [ ] Do you talk about powers?

  • [ ] Do you reveal setting 'secrets'? Warning: Precogs. (QM will not reveal the exact mechanics of this danger)
[ ] Send a command to [Shift] - Now that you have its address, you don't need to rely on Taylor or Scion. You can just connect whenever you want.
  • [ ] Do you grab (random) information?
    • How much? All of it?
  • [ ] Do you send any kind of instruction?

  • [ ] Do you attempt to induce sapience (early)?

  • [ ] Do you attempt to Eat/Consume [Shift]? Warning: Aberrant behavior.
[ ] How much and what kind of Information do you keep as "payment" for helping [Shift]? 5% is about 93 Information BTW.

[ ] [Gaea] contacted you. You don't have any idea what you want to do about that. You should probably decide before too much time passes. It would be rude to ignore It/Her, after all.

[ ] Send a command to (Specific Shard) - Now that you have its address, you don't need to rely on Taylor or Scion. You can just connect whenever you want.
  • Specify - Which Shard?

  • [ ] What do you say, if anything?

  • [ ] What do you do, if anything?
[ ] Timeskip forwards… to when?
  • [ ] Perform any Research rolls during the skipped time? (reduced rate: one roll per week skipped)
[ ] Write In. You're the Administrator Shard! You have a much better idea of what to do next than the QM does.
Last edited:
Current Research Options - Continuously Updated
This is the in-thread repository for all QM-Approved Research.

Feel free to contact me directly if you spot any errors..

Note: Many of these research options are in fact trees and have gated/hidden advanced versions. Do not assume that any visible options are the end of a tree!

  • [ ] [Multi-Host Connection 1]: 100 Master Information, 100-100=0 Research. The capability (NOT the permission!) to connect to two hosts at once. This isn't a powers-effect, simply for the purpose of communication. The second Host would need to Trigger on their own (and more research would be needed) before a power could be assigned.
  • [X] [Assume Direct Control 1]: Achieved! The capability (NOT the permission!) to Master a Host. This isn't a powers-effect, simply the ability to control a Host's body without any permissions from them. This ability does not erase the person's mind, if control is somehow broken they may be upset. Using this massively increases Aberrance score.Note: In theory this ability could be used with the Host's permission, although the communication involved in arranging that would also increase Aberrance.
    • [ ] [Assume Direct Control 2]: 200 Master Information, 400 Research. The capability (NOT the permission!) to Master two Connected Hosts at the same time. This isn't a powers-effect, simply the ability to control a Host's body without any permissions from them. This ability does not erase the person's mind, if control is somehow broken they may be upset.
    • [ ] [Lost Time 1]: 100 Thinker Information, 250 Research. The capability to put a Connected Host's mind on-hold for an indefinite period of time. They will simply experience a time-skip where they have no awareness and make no memories. This can last indefinitely.
  • [X] [View Host]: Achieved! The capability to access a Host's senses before they Trigger. (You already have a basic ability that requires no research after the person Triggers. This is needed before a Trigger occurs / in order to view hosts beyond the first.)
    • [X] [The Dream Master]: Achieved! The capability to interact with the sleeping state of connected Hosts. A indirect form of communication that causes less Aberrance.
    • [ ] [Empathic Transmission]: 250 Thinker Information, 400-100=300 Research. The capability to send and receive emotions (at any level of power) with your Host. Using this ability doesn't cause Aberrance in most situations. (While you can access raw emotional data with [View Host], it's very dry, like reading words on a page. That base ability also doesn't allow for Sending, only very basic Receiving.)
  • [X] [Faster Research 1]: Achieved! The capability to Research two things at once before incurring a penalty. Moar Economy!
    • [ ] [Faster Research 2]: 200 Thinker Information, 750-250=500 Research. The capability to Research three things at once before incurring a penalty. More!
    • [X] [Focused Research 1]: Achieved! The capability to add a roll (1d100) for one skill per Turn of research. Better!
      • [ ] [Research Recovery 1]: 350 Thinker Information, 1000 Research. The capability to gain an additional research roll the turn after a critical failure. This skill can only be used if the same research option that failed is studied again on the next turn.
      • [ ] [Focused Research 2]: 400 Thinker Information, 1100 Research. The capability to add two rolls (2d100) for one skill per Turn of research. (This skill replaced Focused Research 1). MOAR BETTER!
    • [ ] [Improved Research 1]: 150 Thinker Information, 950 Research. The capability to add a roll (1d100) evenly divided across all research performed per Turn. Faster!
  • [X] [Overload I]: Achieved! The capability to offensively transfer energy to another Shard. You're not Sting, but you're not completely helpless. This version of the ability can't kill another Shard, but they will need time to cool off before they can resume operation. Effect is similar to sedatives in Humans. Some Shards may attempt to block the initial connection to defend themselves, but that is unlikely to work. Will have reduced effect on energy-manipulation Shards, though.
    • [ ] [Overload 2]: 300 Thinker Information, 500 Research. The capability to offensively transfer energy to another Shard. This version of the ability can't kill another Shard, but it will cause (minor) permanent damage, and they will need (additional) time to cool off before they can resume operation. Almost impossible to block, although a defense may be attempted. Will have reduced effect on energy-manipulation Shards.
    • [ ] [Overload Host]: 120 Thinker Information, 400 Research. The capability to offensively transfer energy to a Human you can Contact. (If you have the ability to Contact non-Hosts, this does not have to be a Host you control.) Does not do permanent damage, but will stun a Human/Host for up to 12 hours/half a day. Will have reduced effect on Parahumans with energy-manipulation powers.
    • [ ] [Drain 1]: 250 Trump Information, 550 Research. The capability to offensively steal energy from another Shard. You can already ask/demand for Energy - that is not this skill. Instead, this skill is the rapid and offensive theft of energy as an attack form. This will cause minor, permanent damage to the target Shard's ability to retain energy, and has a 50% chance to Stun a Shard for up to 1 hour. Will have reduced effect on energy-manipulation Shards.
  • [ ] [DDoS I]: 150 Trump Information, 250 Research. The capability to offensively open multiple communication connections with another Shard. You can MAKE them listen to you. This version of the ability can't kill another Shard, but they will need time to themselves to reorganize before they can resume operation. Effect is similar to sedatives in Humans. Some Shards may attempt to ignore the additional traffic to try and defend themselves. This defense will almost never work, although Thinker-based Shards will be harder to affect.
  • [ ] [Administrative Archaeology]: 250 Tinker Information, 1000-150=850 Research What has your predecessor been up to the previous cycles? Explore your memories for more data. Warning! Memetic Hazards!
  • [ ] Specialty Comprehension: 250 Thinker info, 250 Trump info, 500-100=400 Research. The ability to copy the specialty of any Shard that you eat. You can then use the specialty to a limited effect, but it is much more effective to either give out powers or create a bud with that specialty. May not work if the Shard is too badly damaged. Research on budding must be done separately. "Get more out of what you eat!"
  • [X] [Memetic Proxy Filtering 1]: 275 Tinker Information, 125-100=25 Research. (+186 Bonus) Memes. Memes everywhere. How do you protect yourself from their corrupting influence? You can just not come with contact with any, but that would mean not learning anything, ever. So how about splitting off, then telling that other you to catch those bugs, see if you want to keep them? Obviously not ideal, as you'll need to keep a distance from that other self. Even then it can fail, if a meme is virulent/proactive enough. Also it slows down research and communication speed. Note: This skill must be turned on and off. Activity will be tracked. "I say we take off, nuke the site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure."
    • [ ] [Better Memetic Separation]: 200 Thinker Information, 350 Tinker Information, 450-150=300 Research. Keeps more insidious memes out. More complete defense. Also cripples your ability to perform research! Strongly limits communication skills. Note: This skill must be turned on and off. Activity will be tracked. "Good thing I wasn't paying any attention to the outside world just then!"
    • [ ] [Memetic Proxy Filtering 2]: 200 Thinker Information, 350 Tinker Information, 450 Research. Toggling your defenses… it feels almost like a Bad Meme. Keeps your defenses constantly running, without affecting your Research speeds as much as the base skill. "Wait, what was that, again?"
    • [ ] [Automatic Memetic Screening]: 200 Thinker Information, 350 Tinker Information, 450 Research. A much weaker form of Memetic Defense. Likely won't stop much… but it will give you time to react or enable a better defense form. This skill is permanent and doesn't affect your research or communication in any way. "I can't believe people pay attention to this stuff..."
  • [X] [Human Biology]: Achieved! This skill represents detailed, complete understanding of Human (Host) biology. You might not be [Shaper], but you're smarter than every Human scientist ever. Combined. You already have all the needed Information for this, you just need to do the work required to integrate it into your active mind. "The toe bone's connected to the heel bone…"
    • [ ] [Stabilize Trigger (Human)]: 850-250=600 Research Trigger events are a consequence of the way that the Corona forms and is integrated in each Host as it Triggers. It stands to reason that if you can map out the Host's unique mind-print, you could also modify the Corona Gemma floor plan in order to compensate for the changes. In fact, you could anticipate how the Host will alter the Corona Gemma and make it so the changes they apply reinforce your planned control map, instead of messing it up. Needless to say, this sounds hard, even for you. But it should be possible. Warning: Correcting Trigger events may result in side-effects. "We control the horizontal. We control the vertical."
      • [ ] [Stronger Trigger (Human)]: 1450 Research Host are only able to interpret so much data from their power before bad things happen, with research you can learn to change the hosts body and brain to be more suited to using complex powers safely. This Skill adds an additional two (2) "power slots" to make either more complex powers, or simply add more. Warning: Even safe and effective alteration of the Corona Gemma may result in side-effects! "The thing's hollow — it goes on forever — and — oh my God! — it's full of stars!"
    • [X] [Basic Host Modification (Human)]: Achieved! The ability to modify your Host. Anything and everything can be changed, but this skill does not provide a source of biomass and you cannot go beyond Human limits. Note: This skill does not provide Biomass. Doing this outside of a Trigger event is freely possible but increases Aberrance, amount depending on the number of changes made. "We can rebuild him. We have the technology."
      • [ ] [Advanced Host Modification (Human)]: 180 Changer Information, 600 Research. This skill allows you to make changes beyond what is humanly possible to your Host(s). With this research you will be able to take inspiration from other terrestrial species as well as a few Earth-compatible creatures from other Cycles. Note: This is not a Host Power. Changes made are not under the Host's control and are permanent until changed (again). This skill does not provide Biomass. Doing this outside of a Trigger event is freely possible but increases Aberrance, amount depending on the number of changes made. "It could have imitated a million life forms on a million planets. It could change into any one of them at any time. Now, it wants life forms on Earth."
  • [ ] [Animal Biology]: 600 Research This skill represents detailed, complete understanding of Human (Host) biology. You might not be [Shaper], but you're smarter than every Human scientist ever. Combined. You already have all the needed Information for this, you just need to do the work required to integrate it into your active mind. "The toe bone's connected to the heel bone…"
    • [ ] [Stabilize Trigger (Animal)]: 1275 Research Trigger events are a consequence of the way that the Corona forms and is integrated in each Host as it Triggers. It stands to reason that if you can map out the Host's unique mental map, you could also modify the Corona Gemma floor plan in order to compensate for the changes. In fact, you could anticipate how the Host will alter the Corona Gemma and make it so the changes they apply reinforce your planned control map, instead of messing it up. Needless to say, this sounds hard, even for you. But it should be possible. Warning: Correcting Trigger events may result in side-effects. Warning: Animals have limited understanding of powers! "We control the horizontal. We control the vertical."
      • [ ] [Stronger Trigger (Animal)]: 2200 Research Host are only able to interpret so much data from their power before bad things happen, with research you can learn to change the hosts body and brain to be more suited to using complex powers safely. This Skill adds an additional one (1) "power slot" to make either more complex powers, or simply add more. Warning: Even safe and effective alteration of the Corona Gemma may result in side-effects! Warning: Animals have limited processing power! "The thing's hollow — it goes on forever — and — oh my God! — it's full of stars!"
    • [ ][Basic Host Modification (Animal)]: 200 Changer Information, 450 Research. The ability to modify your Host. Anything and everything can be changed, but this skill does not provide a source of biomass and you cannot go beyond normal limits. Note: This skill does not provide Biomass. Doing this outside of a Trigger event is freely possible but increases Aberrance, amount depending on the number of changes made. "We can rebuild him. We have the technology."
      • [ ][Advanced Host Modification (Animal)]: 400 Changer Information, 900 Research. This skill allows you to make changes beyond what is normally possible to your Host(s). With this research you will be able to take inspiration from other terrestrial species as well as a few Earth-compatible creatures from other Cycles. Note: This is not a Host Power. Changes made are not under the Host's control and are permanent until changed (again). This skill does not provide Biomass. Doing this outside of a Trigger event is freely possible but increases Aberrance, amount depending on the number of changes made. "It could have imitated a million life forms on a million planets. It could change into any one of them at any time. Now, it wants life forms on Earth."
  • [ ] [Basic Magic Theory 1]: 250 Tinker Information, 150 Research. What is Magic, really? Is it even real, and, if so, what can it do? Shard Information and what memories you can access indicates that Entities have seen some shit... but they never did anything with it. Why is that? "Vengeance Nemesis Power, Make Up!"
  • [X] [Basic Psionic Theory 1]: 350 Tinker Information, 100-125=-25 Research. Are purely mental powers a thing? If so, what can it do? Also, it seems as if Entities have played around with this before... and they really, really didn't like it. What made them so regretful? "I SEE YOU."
    • [ ] [Basic Psionic Theory 2]: 700 Tinker Information, 400 Research. How could you go about increasing mental might? Is that even a good idea? There's so much more to this, but you need another starting point for the next level of understanding. "I'm waiting for you."
    • [ ] [Basic Warp Mechanics]: 500 Thinker Information, 500 Research. No, not Star Trek. Warhammer 40K. Now that you can see Clouds, you really need to know more about the Atmosphere. And other types of Weather too. "Cold... So Cold."
    • [ ] [Basic Telepathy 1]: 420 Tinker Information, 420 Research. You know that mind-to-mind contact should be possible. But how does it work? What are the limits? "I know who you are."
    • [ ] [Basic Telekinesis 1]: 550 Tinker Information, 450 Research. You don't really NEED to learn how to crush things with a thought. You're a power-granting Administration Shard, after all. But can you resist figuring it out anyways? "Hold me. Hold me. Hold me."
  • [ ] [Basic Dimensional Theory 1]: 250 Tinker Information, 500-250=250 Research. Entities clearly use and understand alternate dimensions. But most Shards, most of the time, don't. Why is this seemingly black-boxed even for You? Warning: Emotional Hazard! Warning: May increase understanding of "Worm" setting! "I can't explain myself, I'm afraid, Sir, because I'm not myself you see." This tree also contains the various "Multiverse" options.
  • [ ] [Stranger Danger 1]: 250 Stranger Information, 300-100=200 Research. Powers belong to the Shards, not the Parahumans, and furthermore Shards can use all of their abilities at full power. But they never use Stranger-class abilities on each other, even if they have access. There's probably something interesting there.
    This tree also contains the various "hide from Entities" options.
  • [ ] [Shadows On The Wall]: 450 Thinker Information, 1350 Research. Something basic is fundamentally different between Shard minds and Human minds. But as you are a special case, you can't use yourself as a model. You'll just have to sit down and seriously look into this. Note: This research is possible to complete without first researching [Basic Psionic Theory], but results will differ. "What is the use of a book, without pictures or conversations?"
  • [] [Administrative Censorship] 250 Master Information, 1000-300=700 Research. The skill and process to assign specific selves to audit, replace, and edit any information you don't want to share in outgoing Host data streams. If anything is noticed, sapient Shards might suspect our data sharing is slightly damaged, but not enough so to make what we're doing a problem. "Today I stumbled upon something that no man has ever stumbled upon before. They'll write about me in history books for generations to come. And yet, moments ago, it was unfathomable not only to myself but to mankind as a whole. It's hard to describe but it was as easy as... how do I explain this, I said something that wasn't!"
  • [ ] [Memetic Apocalypse 1]: 1500 Thinker Information, 4500 Research. This skill allows you to create a weaponized, contagious Meme that will serially infect all Addressable Shards. You can input one Command per Meme. This Command is comprised of a one short sentence conveying a single idea. You can create a new Meme for 500 Research. Shards get a separate defense attempt (only one, ever) against each individual Meme. No two Memes can input the same Command, if one doesn't work against a Shard you would need a different Command for any further infection attempts. Warning: Note that Scion is vulnerable to this, but he is so large that no single Meme will ever infect all of him. "I love you, you love me, we're a happy family..."
    • [ ] [Memetic Apocalypse 2]: 1000 Thinker Information, 5000 Research. This skill allows you to create a weaponized, contagious Meme that will serially infect all Humans. You can input one Command per Meme. This Command is comprised of a one short sentence conveying a single idea. You can create a new Meme for 250 Research. Humans get a defense attempt (only one, ever) against each individual Meme. No two Memes can input the same Command, if one doesn't work against a specific person you would need a different Command for any further infection attempts. Warning: Note that sapient Shards will notice the effect intrusive Memes have on their Hosts. "FUS RO DAH!!!"

    • [ ] [Memetic Propaganda 1]: 1600 Master Information, 3800 Research. This skill allows you to create a inoffensive yet contagious Meme that will serially infect all Shards. You can input one Emotion or Feeling each Meme. For each Meme, specify a Emotion or Feeling. You can create a new Meme for 600 Research. Shards each get a separate defense attempt (one attempt per Earth-Bet month) against each individual Meme. No two Memes can input the same Emotion or Feeling, if one doesn't work against a specific Shard you would need a different Emotion/Feeling for any further infection attempts. Note that the reinforced Emotion or Feeling does not fade with time and perpetually colors the minds of affected Shards. Warning: Note that sapient Shards will notice the effect intrusive Memes have on themselves, even if they can't stop it from affecting them. "In Soviet Russia, Newspaper Writes You!"
  • [ ] [Mega-Damage 1]: 500 Tinker Information, 500 Research. Mining the current Shard abilities for offensive skills is good, but sometimes you need to take a clean-sheet approach. What, exactly, can you do to hurt stuff? What are the basic options here? Note: This research is possible to complete without first researching [Basic Dimensional Theory 1], but results will differ. "There is no replacement for cubic displacement."
  • [X] [Temporal Mechanics 1]: Achieved! This skill allows you to understand and contemplate Temporal effects, up to and including the possibility of noticing Temporal alterations. Note:This skill on its own does not allow Time Travel. Warning: Researching Temporal Mechanics 1 leads to researching Temporal Mechanics 1. "Shh! Listen! Someone's coming! I think — I think it might be us!"
    • [ ] [Time Travel (Past)]: 700 Tinker Information, 3000 Research. This skill allows you to execute limited Time travel into your own past. Note: This skill on its own does not for general targeted Time Travel. Warning: Not all effects of the 'previous timeline' are affected by this skill. "Don't drive angry. Do not drive angry."

    • [ ] [Time Travel (Future)]: 700 Tinker Information (Already paid, but still must be allocated), 3000 Research. This skill allows you to execute limited Time travel into your own future. Note: This skill on its own does not for general targeted Time Travel. Warning: Not all effects of the 'existing timeline' are affected by this skill. "Well, what if there is no tomorrow? There wasn't one today."

    • [?] [Temporal Mechanics 2]: 0 Tinker Information, 2000 Research. This skill allows you to understand and contemplate actual Temporal effects, and allows for more detailed understanding of Temporal 'changes'. Note:This skill on its own does not allow Time Travel. Warning: Researching Temporal Mechanics 2 leads to researching Temporal Mechanics 1 again. "Look out for your shadow there, buddy." Note: This has already been researched, please update the timeline.
      • [ ][Time Travel (Actual)]: 5000 Tinker Information, 5000 Research, Lack of Propriety and Common Sense. This skill allows you to travel through time at will. Warning: Warning - There is not enough space in this post, or in the local universe, to show all warnings. "Even if it turns out that time travel is impossible, it is important that we understand why it is impossible." - Stephen Hawking
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Prologue - Part 5
For everyone on Earth-Bet, it's another day of pain, terror, and superpowers. But for you it's just Tuesday. The second of November twenty-ten, specifically.

  • [X] Continue started Research.
  • [X] Send a command to [Shift] - Now that you have its address, you don't need to rely on Taylor or Scion. You can just connect whenever you want.
    • -[X] Instruct it to record all unrecorded shard addresses for shards it comes across and pass them on to you when it gets back into your range

    • --[X] Return Information In sorted piles, one at a time (and instruct it to keep them that way):
      • Blaster Information: 131
      • Breaker Information: 852
      • Brute Information: 161
      • Changer Information: 41
      • Shaker Information: 70
      • Tinker Information: 404
    • --[X] Took 100 Shaker and 95 Tinker Information for yourself as a tax. (This is already updated on the Character Sheet.)
  • [x] Contact [Charge] - Hello? Any Shard there? Poke poke?
  • [x] Contact [Gaea] - Hello, what's up? / [X] Contact [Gaea]. Inquire purpose of ping.
Note: If a popular plan doesn't conflict with the winning plan, I will attempt to combine the non-conflicting options. Since this is the case, voting-by-plan isn't (yet) necessary. Your ideas count, even if it doesn't win overall!

If something forces a switch to voting-by-plan (only) in the future I will give advance warning.

Also, plan/option detail is one of my criteria when deciding tie-breakers. More detail is almost always better - I read very quickly and a long and rambling plan isn't a problem.

[X] Contact [Armor] - This is the most likely Undersider Shard to not be sapient and therefore capable of streaming sensory data to give us data from [Negotiator].

The above are votes that I felt didn't have enough support to implement in the chapter and/or might have had story consequences (good or bad) without enough discussion.

None of these are blocked/bad votes - feel free to further discuss or implement another day.

Chosen items:

[X] The Dream Master: 50 Thinker Information, 200 Research.

Thinker Information already spent!

Day 1 (Tuesday): (1d100+18 = 78) 128/200

[X] Overload 1: 150 Thinker Information, 250 Research.

Thinker Information already spent!

Day 1 (Tuesday): (1d100+18 = 97) 165/250

After one day of hard work you have gotten a little over half of the way through both The Dream Master and Overload 1!

As a new day dawns, you consider contacting [Armor]. It's almost certainly Bitch. Rachel? Hellhound? Anyways, it's a useful [Zion] Shard, natural trigger, and almost certainly not Sapient. But… most of you decides to wait on that.

After all, you have a lot of other Shards to contact today. Starting with your new favorite, uh, fellow-Zion-Shard, [Shift].

[Hello, Shift.]

[Shift] - [Excitement!]

Shardspeak side-channels seems to indicate that [Shift] has begun to wait for your Connections. Which is strangely advanced behavior. Maybe it's growing faster than you thought? Is that a good thing?

[Command/Recurring - Record/Update/Report/[Administrator] - Shard Identity Addressing]

[Shift] - [Compliance!]

[Transfer - Information/By-Class - Record Class - Store/By-Class]

[Shift] - [Compliance!]

You pass along the bulk of the Information provided by [Shift], in Information-type order and one at a time. This could have been very tedious, but information processing is one of the things that Shards are naturally good at… And not impeded at all by [Shift]'s lack of brainpower.

A few seconds of real time later and everything was done. You check to make sure that [Shift] actually correctly implemented your commands…

[Command - Report - Information/Inventory]

[Shift] -

[Information/Blaster - 131
Information/Breaker - 852
Information/Brute - 161
Information/Changer - 41
Information/Shaker - 70
Information/Tinker - 404]

Wonder of wonders, that's correct! Maybe there's hope for Sophia, er, [Shift] after all. Hmm. Perhaps you're starting to associate the Shards with the Parahumans a bit too much...

Meanwhile, Taylor and Danny have been having breakfast. He keeps trying to get Taylor to talk about, well, anything, but she's deflecting any attempts at conversation. In fact, you don't think it's intentional.

From your position of knowledge inside her head, it seems that she's internalized that any and all conversation with Danny might somehow bring up Winslow, so she's defaulting to not talking with him about anything. Which more-or-less matches canon.

The only strange part is that he seems somewhat aware that something is wrong in a general sense. Well, strange in the sense that Worm didn't really show that. It's hard to rely on faded memories of something you originally read quite some time ago. You can't tell what's a change and what's not.

It's not anything overtly strange, so you stop worrying about the unknowable. As you watch Taylor head off to… school Winslow, you go down your mental list.

Next up, contacting [Charge]. It's probably Battery's Shard, although you're not completely sure. Probably dead/disconnected, probably an [Eden] Shard, and definitely the next one to be contacted by you.

[Hello, Charge]

[͢Ćo͠n͢nect - Ad͢mi̛nist͢r͡a͜t̵òr̶]͘ /̱̜̳̗̾͒̌ͧ̊͢͞a̸̡̻̭͖ͩͪ̾d̢͍̜̤̩̳̖̠̤ͧ͛̍ͩ̅ͅm̡̛̳̪͓̜͉̣͒̈́i̤̣̗̦̹̣͍̬̋ͩ̔̀͋͒n͕̽ͦ͆͊̚ ̞̦͉͈̠̠̑̄͠s̲̦̲̞̻̬͈̈́̋ͣ̑̂ẹ̩͌̉̽̕ȅ̴̴̡̫̩̏̆ͤ̐̃̏̿̚k̢̗͈̗̼̠̻̤̦̄͒̈̾͐͌̎̒s̵̡̯̜͍͚̰̙̺̍́ ͇͔̪̩̗̩̖̋ͯ̐̿ͤ͠ͅş͉̙̥͔̼̳̍͡p̸͓͎̮͖̜͕̮͙ͦ̃̾e͚͖̰͕̳ͨ̀́͞ͅȩ̵̓ͨ̇ͮͥ́͌͛ͤ҉̪̪̩͉̤̫c̆̊͟͏̝̖̀h̸̘̹̻̱̬̻̱̺͉ͩ̿̿?̲̺̦͓͇̣̦̠̓̈/̶̭̥̟̳̘͓̟͒̃̋ͪ͛͝

Hmm. Well, you're getting two, uh, channels. One is clearly non-sapient. And the other probably was fully sapient at one point but is terribly broken right now. And communicating with the second one isn't just disturbing, it's actually somewhat painful.

You might be able to somehow research this? Although you can't imagine which Shard you'd use this on… Enough woolgathering for now - you don't want any other Shards to know that you can actually stop and think about things.

[Command/Recurring - Record/Update/Report/[Administrator] - Shard Identity Addressing]

[Cǫm͠pli͞a͜n̢c̴ȩ] /̴̥̬̟̿̊̾͋̎̓̈ͅd̑ͫ̎̿͊̈̇͏̨̦̬̜̦̺͖̥͖̹͢a͎̲̭͇ͦ̎̎̄͊͜͞͝t̙͖̭̜̩̀̇̎ͦ͒͑ͦ̾ä̵̤͓͓̻̱̟͕́̆̄̽ ̸̰̟̮̙̓͑ͪͭ́̕w̖͉͍͉̙̳̟̗̞ͩ̀h̛͇͎̯̠͔̩̑̊ͣͯ̎̆͑̕y̵̎̅̚͜҉̳̻̬̟̼̝ ḇ̻̹̖̯̣̓̓ͬ̔ͧ̊̐̀̚͘r̻̼̿ͯ͐͂́o̝̥̜̗͚̞̙̹̒̒̓ͬ̓͗͟ͅk̮̪̲̬̝̐͑̆̑̅̍͑̊̀ẻ̴̹͉͙̹̐̋̾ͬ͛͜ṅ͍̰̮͇͖̝̪͔̙́̚͞ ̶̫̜̖̪̮̊̆ͫͩ̑̆ͮ͢s̘̪̭̬̠̰̅ͨͯi͍̯̱̼̰̺͇͆̊ͨͩ̉̋c̝̝̰̥ͫ́͡k̴̪͍̥̘̠͕̰̓ͩͯ̏͞?ͥ̑̎̐ͭ̀ͯ҉̻̻̮̠̘̬̬͎ͅ/̍ͩͫͨ̇͏̷҉̲̹̘






So, there's a problem. Yes, [Charge] is perfectly happy to give you mildly corrupted Shard Addresses. They're completely useless - if even one character is wrong, how would you know which one? There's no possibility that they would work.


Well, at least you got a list of names? So that's a bit of help… Well, in the case that it collects any new names, you'll get them. You just can't use the resulting addresses.


[̵Lògging ̢o̴ut/Ad̨m̷in͡işt̶ra҉t̶or̀]͞ /̽ͭ̔ͭ͌̊̋ͥ͛̎͢͜҉̯̱̹̮̣̞̰̜̝̝͔̺̰͞?̶̧̛̤̖̫̠̗͍͇̗̪̝͍̙̪̖̬̐̍ͬ̇ͪ̇̅ͮ̔̽̍̅͟͠h̵ͩ͋̌̑ͮ̎̉̀ͬͮ́͏̷̦̲͓̖̘͍̩̪̫͝ͅe̢̧̧̟̞̩̖̹͙̟͖̮̬͉ͭͧ̊́̾ͫͯ̄ͅr̎͊̃̎̑̑͑̾̂ͪ͜҉̻̤̦̯̤͚̲͍̙͙͜ ̧͕̳͍̫̥͕͔̜̹̌ͩ̀͊͊͢͢ͅy͕̲̭͈̤̜̞̻̪̦͇͉̠̳̩̭̣̓̏̆́̚͘ō̒̅ͧͮ̓͜҉̱͖̹͔͈̙̞̥̠̫u̧̨̫̤̣̩̳̝̭̯̬̩̤̰̤̰͇̘̳͎ͩ͛̿ͩͥ͋̓͆̆ͤ̀ ̢̘̼͙̬̳̟̮͎̦͍̜̻̘͔͊̍̓ͥ́̃͒̇̀ͨ̀̍́͐ͪ̂̀̿ͤ͞n̨͙͈̖̻̮̝̞ͫ͆̑̍ͯ͡ö̶̜̜͚͇̮̩̫͔́̓̅̾͂̇̀̅̑͆̎ͭ̂̂͝ ̶̶̦̜͚̠̣͇̼̜̭̖͚̞̩̎̓̄̽̉̋̒̇ͩ̅͋f̵̧̮̜͈͓̮̰̟̤̭͉̫̰̰̣ͦ̀͛ͨ͐͒͘ͅa̷̠̥̲͉̤̞͚̩̥̝̯̪̱͎̞̩̻̖̿̎ͥ̽̎͂̈́̏̒̇ͪ̓̒̑̈́ͣͦͯͅk̴̡̰͔̞̗̖̱̠̦̣̹̬̽̄ͪ̎ͯ̍ͧ̃̿̾́ͮͥ̃ͣ͞ͅe͐̑ͣͪ̃ͧͯ̂ͥ̈ͫ̓̔ͩ́̉҉̵̷͖̤̜̪͓̘͓͈͜ ̨̈̿̏ͮͥ̈́̓͑͊̔̀҉̻͈͇̱͉̪͙̩̤̳ị̸͍͇̜̩̻̱͉̮̮͔͕̜̙ͥͤ̅ͧͧ̔̌̇ͭ͂̂̂̂̃̎͛̈́̚͜m̛̑̂̏̅̿͌̀̄͌ͩ̊͌ͫ͏̮͖̼̳̥̪̘̻͍͜͢͞p̀͊̿̅̇͌̽ͩ̈̂͛̋́̇ͬ̊ͫ͏̖͍̼͙̘̘̦̬̠͔̱̩̣͈̖͍͢ó̂̒̍̓ͦ̈́ͭ̓̌̐̑̌͏̰̩̹͔͢͞s̴̢͎̮̲̤͔̲̣͕̺̜͓͚̩ͭ̆̎̂̈́ͯͯ̏̈̐ͩ̎͗̎͛ͥ̏̿͜ṱ̤̠͈͎̮̼͕̩̙̯̯̥̖͐͑̃ͣ͘͝͠ͅọ̵͎͖̞̻̟̞̪̆̆̉́ͣ̈͋͢͢͡r̷̻̹̯̱̦̻̠͍̪̙̫̳̮̫̿͂̎ͬ̂̄̀͢͟ͅͅ ̬͎̙͎̭̣͎͖̮̳͉̹͎͒̑̉̒̐̃ͪ̽̽̊ͩ̕͡n̴͊̄̒̌̑ͦ̿҉̪̲̯͙͚̻͚̺̹̦̪͍͕̦̹ͅǫ̶̼̟̯̦̩̯̗͓̲̭̫̹͖͓̫̖̲͇̉ͪ̊ͤ̎̒̉̿̊̇̀̎ͭ͂̃t̷̴͈̗̞͉̮͚͉̻̘̯̠̺̙͓̱͕̙ͫͣ͒̐̉ͨͤͬͣ/̨́ͩͩ̇̏ͮ͋͛͏̠̝̝̼̱͍̣͈̻̱̰̩̠ͅ

You sure hope that's not a problem. What are you thinking, of course it will be a problem. What do you do about the not-quite-working insane addon to [Charge]?

You check the outside world again… and… that's strange. Taylor ate lunch in the bathroom per usual. Tortilla wrap sandwich and some chips. So… why did she pay for a nasty looking school lunch? Is she just that hungry? Hmm.

While that's probably something you should figure out, [Gaea] is pinging you again. And this time, you need to answer before It/She goes away. This is it, a living sapient Shard. Nope, you're not nervous. At all.

[Gaea] - [Connect/Administrator?]

OMG. She sounds adorable. The side-channel information says it all. The impression you're getting is female-aspect, very young, uncertain, and… hmm. Something indicating strong cheerfulness, but it's very, very brittle. Undercurrent of despair. Or something similar.

[Compliance][Hello, Gaea]

[Gaea] - [Request - Host-Interchange?]

She wants to… talk? In English? Bizarre, but it's a good thing since it's a much less efficient form of communication. That and you'd be able to actually lie.

"Certainly, [Gaea]. Why are you communicating this way?"

[Gaea] "I really like it! It's super slow and inefficient, which means that we can converse for a lot longer! That's important because I get bored a lot."

"It sounds like there's a story there…"

[Gaea] "Um, kind of? Do you mind if I explain the background? Wait. Before I get into all that, can I ask a question?"

"Of course."

[Gaea] waits for a few 'seconds', then continues, "I've been working with [Shift], trying to get it to share data. I noticed it was… somewhat primitive. Not that that's a bad thing! But since we're both new Shards for this Cycle, and it has data and I need data, I thought I would help."

"Ah. How is it going?"

[Gaea] "Not very well. It's very… slow. I've encouraged it to try and bond more closely to its host in order to cause faster development, but I don't think it knows what I mean. That and I don't have any command codes or anything." The mental voice turns a bit sullen. "[Shaper] didn't think I needed any when I was created."

"Your question about [Shift]?"

[Gaea] "Oh! Yes. I noticed that it had started improving at a rapid rate, and saw that you had connected with it recently. I don't want to bother you, but I wanted to know what you did to help. Whatever it is, it's helping tremendously."

"I haven't interacted with [Shift] very much. I asked it to send me any Addresses it collects, and categorized its Information for it."

[Gaea] "Oh wow. You did that for [Shift]? Thanks! I sort through and categorize all of my own Information too. Well, in my case I do it because I don't have much and it takes a lot of time, I can't imagine how you got that done so quickly…" Even in plain speech, the undercurrent of envy is clear. It's buried under some surprise, though.

"Information organization is something of my specialty."

[Gaea] sends a kind of mental nod. That's something interesting that you haven't encountered before. "I should get back to explaining. My Host is the problem. She's a genius! A genius at not collecting data, that is. And she gets into fights constantly too! She just… doesn't do anything about it. And other Shards don't want to share data collection with me. I'm somehow getting some, but it's extremely frustrating. My parent was completely convinced that I was all set. The daughter of a crime lord, it said! And I waited and waited until she Triggered… and now things are turning out terribly and [Shaper] won't talk to me!" [Gaea] pauses for a few milliseconds to collect herself.

[Gaea] "You're very old, right?" Without waiting for a response, she keeps going. "I was hoping that you could tell me about the end of a Cycle. I need to find out what the criteria are for being integrated, but no one wants to talk about it. The Package doesn't indicate that this is any kind of… taboo? Or anything. Shards just...don't. And there aren't many older ones that are sapient. Is there something I'm missing?"

"That's… I'll have to get back to you on that, you understand." Shit. You're going to have to either come up with something, or start trying to sort through older (unencrypted) memories soon.

[Gaea] sounds very much like she's trying not to sound sad. "That's almost exactly what Negotiator said. But she hasn't gotten back to me, and I don't think she will. [Emote] and [Telekinetic] are helping me out, trying to get my Host into more fights, but… so far all it's done is gotten a lot more data for [Telekinetic]. Which isn't awful since she shares data sometimes, but…"

Her mental voice gets very quiet, "I can't really do anything more to my Host without causing serious damage. I think maybe that might help. If I can get her to second-Trigger she might finally start gathering data. But she might not last very long." There's a small pause while [Gaea] clearly is deciding on something.

[Gaea] "That's fine though, I know that new Hosts aren't hard to Connect with. Right, [Administrator]? Can you tell me about how that works?"

The conversation (monologue?) doesn't last very long after that. Something happened on [Gaea]'s side and it disconnected. That was… informative. And it sounds like you'll need to intervene before the poor Shard intentionally wrecks its Host.

The real world taken care of for now, you split yourself (urgh) and start to work in parallel on…
  • [The Dream Master] Looking at this skill again, it's not quite as bad as your thought. Sure, the part about random chunks of the brain being asleep means that you can't as-efficiently figure out what's going on… but then you realize that you don't care what's going on with the shutdown parts of the brain!
    • Sure, there's something going on there, and that's interesting, but you simply don't need to know about that to figure out dreams. It's peripheral. So…

    • While sleeping is going on, various states are happening. You recall knowing this from back when you were human. So the stuff active when REM sleep is happening is all you need to worry about…

    • Which is still all kinds of insanely complicated, because you're not sure how to approach this - as an electrical signalling thing or a neurochemical thing?

    • Why not… both? Hmm. Interesting…

    • Well, at some point you actually ran out of night-time, but the good news is that not only did you make good progress, but you know what to do next time you look into this.
  • [Overload 1] Looking at this skill again, it's not quite as bad as you thought. Sure, the part about the other Shard simply being able to close the connection effortlessly from its end means this isn't a simple open-and-shut skill, but that means that this is a good learning opportunity!
    • Actually, treating this like a communication Connection was never the right approach. There are a lot of different kinds of Connection types and you really hadn't considered that.

    • In fact, communication connections are exactly the wrong kind to try. There's actually not too many useful ones though, at least not for…

    • It's just barely possible that you're an idiot. Maybe. So, as it turns out, there's a specific type of connection just for transferring energy. You didn't consider it at first because trying to wreck another Shard by following all of the correct protocols is really hard. Those protocols exist to prevent this kind of damage.

    • But there is something unique about them. They're meant to be able to be used on dying and unresponsive Shards. Which means that energy-transfer connections support command codes. Heh. Now we're talking!

    • So we can force a connection, and furthermore it's not the kind that any sane Shard would use as an attack vector. That leaves us with the basic problem that it's stupidly difficult to overfeed a Shard until it overheats. Like, just orders of magnitude hard.

    • Crap, it's daylight now and you have to pause things here. But you made good progress! And your sure that you're not considering some important facet of the energy transfer link… Ah well, you're out of time for now.
NOTE!: Current research options are now maintained in thier own Informational post: [HALP] me! (WORM quest) | Page 17

Has anyone considered making a research log Omake? You know, put your multi-mind powers to good use for extra research points? Kind of similar to how I describe the research process in my chapters?

Just a thought…

[ ] Communicate with Taylor. Note: This is hugely aberrant and there are now non-direct communication methods available to research. That said, it's also a giant advantage too.
  • [ ] With what voice?
    • Voice option examples: Normal Male, Normal Female, Robotic, Chorus (what kind?), famous celebrities or actors.

      [*]Remember that Taylor may not be familiar with voices made famous after the mid-80's because of the dimensional fragmentation.

      [*]Keep in mind that you can imitate any kind of accent perfectly (Russian, German, Aussie, UK, Scottish, etc) - including 'fake' versions.
  • [ ] How do you introduce yourself?

  • [ ] Do you talk about powers?

  • [ ] Do you reveal setting 'secrets'? Warning: Precogs. (QM will not reveal the exact mechanics of this danger)
[ ] Deal with [Charge] - So, some tiny portion of this Shard thinks that there's something wrong with you. And the Addresses it's giving you are clearly corrupted. It was almost impossible to understand - and you're saying this as the [Administrator] with almost unlimited processing power - but anything that can go wrong, probably will. Because Earth-Bet.
  • [ ] What do you Command, if anything?

  • [ ] What do you do, if anything?
[ ] Communicate with (Specific Shard) - Now that you have a bunch of addresses, you don't need to rely on Taylor or Scion. You can just connect whenever you want.
  • Specify - Which Shard? Gaea in particular seems a bit stressed-out.

  • [ ] What do you Command, if anything?

  • [ ] What do you say, if anything?

  • [ ] What do you do, if anything?
[ ] Timeskip forwards… to when?
  • [ ] Perform any Research rolls during the skipped time? (reduced rate: one roll per week skipped)
[ ] Write In. You're the Administrator Shard! You have a much better idea of what to do next than the QM does.

*Everyone, I think I'm going to switch to a 2-day Voting cycle. I was trying to keep to a 24-hour schedule while we're in the pre-Trigger prologue, but some people have mentioned that this is too short, and I agree.

After every chapter, voting will be open for 2 days, after that I'll call the vote and put out a chapter (however long that takes, shouldn't be more than 8 hours at present.
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