Of Shadows Small and Great
30th of August 2006 A.D.
You find Leech in the middle of a pile of crumpled out papers and books opened haphazardly to reveal a plethora of colored notes, not all of them her own. In fact you recognize almost all of the textbooks, not out of any stinginess on the part of your parents, but because ever since first grade your sister had caught on that used books have clues as to the right answers to things and she's a good detective.
"Whatcha doin'?" you ask plonking yourself on the couch next to her.
"Time capsule," she replies with an eye-roll that is only about half-theater. "I swear there has to be a better way to ask us 'what do you think matters in the world' without also asking 'what do you think will stand up to being buried two feet deep in high humidity high-biomass alfisols for decades'."
How do say this without getting her mad at you? Big sister brain engaged. "I don't know that any of the teachers at Saint Marry care that much about soil composition."
"Then why...? Urgh!" With that rather approximation of a growling badger your little sister slams books shut. "Like it isn't bad enough that we have to use 'information from school-approved materials' now you are telling me the basic premise of this stupid thing does not matter?"
"What can I say school is a silly place," you shrug. "Speaking of being silly at school..."
"Ah so she told you, thought she would." You recognize the determined look she gives you down to the crease between her eyebrows, mostly from having seen it in the mirror more times than you can count when you were getting ready to explain something to mom. Lucky for her you aren't mom...
That is how you find out that the girl Leech had been helping out has dyslexia and worse she had been afflicted with the curse of stupid parents. To their credit the girls had done everything reasonable, talked to the teachers, talked to the school nurse, Leech had asked mom about the bullying. But when that had not been enough... one thing lead to another lead to demonically assisted hacking.
"I'm proud of you for helping your friend. And for talking to mom first, even if it didn't help. Now, what I am not proud of is not using all resources available to you before risking a lot by yourself and with no backup. You have an awesome older sister after all." you say, before fishing out a new mobile phone, with its own cyber... spirit. Yeah, that's what you'll be going with. "Catch."
With the skill of years of softball practice she does, looking wide-eyed at the whirl of Matrix-like ones and zeroes that made up the preferred guise of the spirit that called themselves Wraith, a good fit for the voice formed seemingly out of a thousand carefully arranged hisses of static.
"Did... did you just buy me a phone?" your little sister manages.
And used up all my reserves yesterday trying to get the spirit to stick without managing a permanent binding. Maybe there is something about Samsung S200s that just does not work with denizens of the Wicked City. Still a year's binding should do her well enough. "Yep and a little something extra. They'll help you if you are in trouble, and no, they won't report to me. Think of them as a mix of a digital bodyguard, and Navi from Zelda."
Lost 400 $
She nods absently. "OK but like... what are they? I never got into the whole magic thing you know but computer spirits? Wicked cool."
"In more ways than you know, just don't use them as a moral compass."
"But I'm not going to have to talk about this to Father Thomas, right? I don't think he can take it."
"Dad said my magic was fine and they are part of my magic, bound by it at least." How much can you explain you wonder. Leech might be sharp as a tack, but she is eleven, you don't want to give her nightmares.
"Good enough for me," she nods happily.
That night your dreams are darker, getting back to her homework now with less study of soils, but doubt lingers in your mind. Should you have exposed your sister to entities which, however loyal are still born of man's darker nature, given to spite and cruelty for your own amusement? the thoughts follow you down the icy corridors of your dreams filled with the mocking voice of the fetch. You try to fight it, to summon your sword, to burn to to ash, but nothing works, you have no power, no crown upon your brow rests and when the thing drags you kicking, screaming, shivering into the depths of the fortress yous see Leech nailed to the tree.
The scarecrow leans close, its foul breath seemingly the only warmth in the world and it whispers: "You did this."
You wake up screaming.
For hours you just lay in bed too afraid to go back to bed until morning's light peeks through the blinds and Usum mentally prods you to face the day.
You are Exhausted: -1 die for all actions
Essence Restored to 12/12
How do you react to the nightmares?
[] Ignore then, they will go away eventually, you are just working through some stuff
[] Look into therapy, sure the evil fey would be hard to explain, but you are sure you can come up with a story that gets the point across without magic
[] There has got to be some kind of magical solution to control this, you just have to find it
OOC: You had to fail that roll eventually just by the law of averages, this is not the worst time it could have happened and at least you did not botch.