Green Flame Rising (Exalted vs Dresden Files)

The traditional patrons for wizards looking to make a deal are gods, the Fae and demons.
Or necromancy if you are a DIY sort.

Red Court vampires are scrub tier for someone who already brokers in the fundamental forces of Creation.
I cant see a White Council wizard being interested.
I find it highly unlikely in their entire history that not a single one has become a red court vampire. Red courts literally existed like 5 times longer than them and they've had plenty of wardens in that time.

Edit: We know at least some red court vampires were warden level talents before converting its not that unimaginable to me red court vampires have a got a hand full.
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I find it highly unlikely in their entire history that not a single one has become a red court vampire. Red courts literally existed like 5 times longer than them and they've had plenty of wardens in that time.
Citation needed for this.
The Red Court literally had no exposure to the wider global community until the Spaniards showed up in the 1500s and conquered much of Latin America. There werent that many Reds in the first place, because there wasnt the population to sustain them until relatively recently.
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Citation needed for this.
The Red Court literally had no exposure to the wider global community until the Spaniards showed up in the 1500s and conquered much of Latin America.
I just meant in existence not politically speaking. Though its not beyond imagination a couple red court vampires have reached europe via the nevernever probably never in large amounts though.
The red court is speculated to have been created directly by the red king somehow, similar to how the black court got started in a way.

I don't think there would be any significant gap between the rise of the strain of vampire and the emergence of the red court as a political entity.
I just meant in existence not politically speaking. Though its not beyond imagination a couple red court vampires have reached europe via the nevernever probably never in large amounts though.
In existence? Sure. As a power worth courting for a wizard? Nope.
What do you get? Conditional immortality in exchange for a blood addiction, vulnerability to sunlight and holy symbols, and being locked out from entire fields of study.

We know that White Council records go back at least five thousand years, because they know thats how old the Archive is.
We know there are wizards alive who are at least a thousand years old.
An unscrupulous wizard willing to spend the lives of others has no lack of options. Rampires are not it.
The red court is speculated to have been created directly by the red king somehow, similar to how the black court got started in a way. I don't think there would be any significant gap between the rise of the strain of vampire and the emergence of the red court as a political entity.
The implication thats carefully implied but not stated in the RPG books is that they've been around for longer than the Red Court was a power. Either servants of the old pantheon that pulled a coup, or some entity that assumed the form of that pantheons servants.

I can find the exact page if you want.
I get the impression he does. But he has never been explicit about how it works that I know of.
Well, in an interview, he states that it's red court vampires that make a choice:
Are all red courts and black court vampires evil?
This is a pretty huge question and depends a lot on how you view the world.
Red Court vampires, by definition, to become a vampire, have to murder someone else to become what they are. They have to end another person's life to satisfy a desire that does not /need/ to be satisfied in order for them to continue living. Every single one of them makes a choice to sate that desire rather than allow another human being to live–the Fellowship of St. Giles proves that.
(Of course, there are shades of grey involved–a half-vampire who was kept starving and without water in a basement for three days before they were thrown a mortal has a much more difficult time making a clear-headed choice than a half-vampire who was restrained yet cared for by a group of religiously fanatic monks at a Fellowship stronghold, but there's still a choice being made.)
That could, by some people, be considered a working definition of evil. Sometimes unfortunate, sometimes understandable as to how someone could make that choice, but evil nonetheless.
And here's the issue: if a red court vampire is a different being than the mortal who murdered someone else to satisfy the desire that does not need to be satisfied, then they wouldn't be tainted by that sin. Well, ok, ancestral sin is a thing in Christianity. So, either the red court vampire is a sort of a child of the person who was turned, created through a murder ritual, but they themselves only inherit fault of their ancestor along with their memories, and are otherwise innocent, or the red court vampire is the same being, and are guilty of murder.

Also, an interesting point: Black Court vampire elders fighting together could kill Mab, but a lone BC elder dies fighting against a small town of mortals:
4. if the elders of the black court could have taken mab, then HOW ON EARTH did any mere force of humans manage to go up and stake them? i mean, they should've wiped out anything that was coming after them if they can take on MAB herself…just a thought
Power in the spirit world isn't the same thing as power in the material world. And a one-on-thirtyish fight (Mab vs the elders of the BC) is WAY different than a one-on-20,000 fight (a BC vampire against a modest mortal city). Especially when the 20,000 know what your weaknesses are, and how to kill you with them. Smiley And that's assuming that you don't have a saint, or an independent wizard, or a shaman, a Knight of the Cross or some other champion, or other spiritual allies on your side which was not uncommon. Hell, for that matter, you might well be aided by vampires from the other Courts. *Everyone* resented how powerful the Blacks had become.
This to me strongly implies that Mab against humanity ends up with victory to humanity.
There is a charm that allows you to contact hell.
Which one was that?
This to me strongly implies that Mab against humanity ends up with victory to humanity.
I suspect it ends with a victory for nobody.
Like, Mab propably dies to numbers and weapons (if enough Wizards enable them to get to her), but the climate is propably messed up beyond repair and the Outer Gates are broken in the process or something like that.

Edit: Also Black Courties have specific weaknesses that humans can use but Mab can't, like Faith.
Having hundreds of people with noting but some T-shaped sticks and the belief that this shit works hold back the Elder from touching those with the weapons sounds like a solid plan.
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It's also worth noting that the black court fight presumes best case for them and worst for her, which she has to stick with for some reason once the fight starts.

Mab could just hang out in faerie and send her jacked troll hit squads to settle business for her.

I think muggles could defend against casual predators and drive off major offenses, but that's not the same as forcing things to move the other direction.

Being able to do it in a white room and nowhere else isn't really a show of strength, it just demonstrates the areas they're outmatched in a real fight.

It's a pity that we do not have Mercy in Servitued / False Spring Beckon. It would open interesting options in such situation.
Well, in an interview, he states that it's red court vampires that make a choice:

And here's the issue: if a red court vampire is a different being than the mortal who murdered someone else to satisfy the desire that does not need to be satisfied, then they wouldn't be tainted by that sin. Well, ok, ancestral sin is a thing in Christianity. So, either the red court vampire is a sort of a child of the person who was turned, created through a murder ritual, but they themselves only inherit fault of their ancestor along with their memories, and are otherwise innocent, or the red court vampire is the same being, and are guilty of murder.

Also, an interesting point: Black Court vampire elders fighting together could kill Mab, but a lone BC elder dies fighting against a small town of mortals:

This to me strongly implies that Mab against humanity ends up with victory to humanity.

Which one was that?
1)I dont know.
Butcher is deliberately fuzzy about some of the mechanics around that thing. In part because they dont know IC, and in part presumably because it gave him room to change his mind.

2)No it in no way implies such a thing.

One is a white room fight between the Elders of the old Black Court and Mab, where Mab brings no backup or gear like her unicorn or even garlic. The other is a fight between mortals and a single Black Court vampire(not an Elder, just a vampire) where the mortals are wielding every known bane of Blacks and could be receiving help from randoms from Saints to Knights of the Cross to wizards.

They are not equivalent.

Like I said upthread, the Winter Court is a strategic threat.
If Mab was in a 1 v all punchup with mortals, she'd drop a blizzard on the city and freeze everybody to death. Just like Titania could just have a hurricane or a bunch of tornados just drop on a city she has beef with.

As an aside, Blampires are pretty terrifying.

Their R-type reproduction strategy means a single Master can raise an army of disposable Blampires in very short order, like we saw Candace Bushnell do at the mall. On top of that, they can create Renfields and Darkhounds en masse by breaking the minds of mortals and dogs respectively, and make fine thralls for more subtle work.

Prior to the publication of their weaknesses, going up against just a single one was Serious Business.
As in, your entire city could lose that fight.
There's a reason everyone banded together to cut them down to size.
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Like I said upthread, the Winter Court is a strategic threat.
If Mab was in a 1 v all punchup with mortals, she'd drop a blizzard on the city and freeze everybody to death. Just like Titania could just have a hurricane or a bunch of tornados just drop on a city she has beef with.
It's kind of a silly scenario to entertain even at this level. They're faerie queens, not comic book supervillains.

They have actual armies with competent command staff to do stuff like this for them. Any scenario that sufficiently mitigated the rules stopping them from attacking mortal nations in the first place would almost certainly also let them retaliate less personally.
It is kind of funny, even if it is not going to be ever relevant in this game.
It kinda sorta might be... Dredge the deepest pits of NeverNever. Explore the far shores of underworld. Decypher mad scribblings on the wall of the prison tombs hidden in the subtle realms. Learn the dread names of the King of Kings, the Principle of Hierarchy, the Shadow of Creation and others. Summon their Fetich souls from beyond the mouth of Oblivion, pulling them up through the tethers woven in your exaltation.

Basically, if we ever learn the name "Ligier shin giri Malfeas" or one of the other similar names from the Age of Legends (and I would consider the "Argent Maiden" or "Sol Invictus" to be in that category), I would be up to calling them up. I think they would be amendable to helping us. I think it would definitely be an experience. We'd need to be super-prepared for it, of course.
It kinda sorta might be... Dredge the deepest pits of NeverNever. Explore the far shores of underworld. Decypher mad scribblings on the wall of the prison tombs hidden in the subtle realms. Learn the dread names of the King of Kings, the Principle of Hierarchy, the Shadow of Creation and others. Summon their Fetich souls from beyond the mouth of Oblivion, pulling them up through the tethers woven in your exaltation.

Basically, if we ever learn the name "Ligier shin giri Malfeas" or one of the other similar names from the Age of Legends (and I would consider the "Argent Maiden" or "Sol Invictus" to be in that category), I would be up to calling them up. I think they would be amendable to helping us. I think it would definitely be an experience. We'd need to be super-prepared for it, of course.
A fundamental assumption of ExWoD is that those guys are all super dead, so I doubt it. Bringing them back would just make a mess of things without really adding much of value.
It kinda sorta might be...
I don't expect us to ever use the system, really. I can imagine edge cases and contrived scenarios, but realistically, Molly is a child of a subculture that is not big on trading with devils and is surrounded by people (whom she respects) who would all but scream at her that dealing with devils is a bad idea. If this game is alive in a year or more and Molly gets awfully comfortable with suborning powers of the dark to do her biddings, maybe...

Anyway, due to the specifics of a setting's metaphysics and magical workings, any result less than 5+ sux on soul trading is a disaster; local mages have access to scry and die, and actual fragment of a soul is one of the most potent vectors imaginable. Maybe that could be shed with Freedom Let Go, but there are additional considerations in that one.

So, mechanically, this would be a big risk unless you really did complete all the preparations and more or less can't roll lower than 5.

There is a reason why that post is framed as "Hey, look at this funny thing" rather than "Hey I discovered a path to omnipotent power, we should do this ASAP." Because atm is just a funny thing that really isn't relevant to us.

I do think that speculating about silly stuff we can theoretically get is a fun thought exercise. Poking at mechanics is always fun.
A fundamental assumption of ExWoD is that those guys are all super dead, so I doubt it. Bringing them back would just make a mess of things without really adding much of value.
Patron of Liminals and Autokun are still around in ExWoD's default setting. And I think fragments of Luna retain more of Luna-that-was than most of everyone else. We aren't there tho.
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A fundamental assumption of ExWoD is that those guys are all super dead, so I doubt it. Bringing them back would just make a mess of things without really adding much of value.
The assumption is that they are far away as to not matter - either slumbering in some far away realm, dead or away. As I understand, however, as long as infernal exaltations exist, Yozi can never be truly gone. And at least Usum, who is a demon from the age of Legends (I forget - what kind of demon is he anyway?) survived.
There is a reason why that post is framed as "Hey, look at this funny thing" rather than "Hey I discovered a path to omnipotent power, we should do this ASAP." Because atm is just a funny thing that really isn't relevant to us.
Oh, I truly understand. I don't expect to cheese the system. The most I expect is getting a lot of plot out of this, possibly, in some distant future. Like, maybe a boon, but also a quest to bring them into reality, and a choice of whether to do it, and on what terms.
Anyway, I wasn't meaning to slam on the effort to poke at the various possibilities and potential exploits in the system, discussing those is always fun. There are entire min/maxing forums for a reason. Just, uh, there is stuff to be aware.
So I have a question, if gods also use essence can we learn charms that are related to hell or the yozi in some fashion from them? From example learning hell charms from someone like Hades or the runes from Odin but only if they are related (Hades is a god of hell and rules over tartarus which is a realm full of Monsters and Demons, and the runes are said to be a knowledge that Odin obtained by comtemplating the roots of the world and thus the Magic which the Yozi used to create it). We could even use them as means to add new home-made charms or add new forms of training like our martial arts after we finish some quests for them.

Learning charms that are not canon in EXvsWoD can be done, but it is not easy since your Exaltation, the corrupted shard from the dawn of time has to be invested with that divine power. You either have to bargain with the entity in question and get a lot of trust from them because once the charm is yours it is yours, they have no inherent ability to take it back orrr... you tear it with fire from their mind.
Learning charms that are not canon in EXvsWoD can be done, but it is not easy since your Exaltation, the corrupted shard from the dawn of time has to be invested with that divine power. You either have to bargain with the entity in question and get a lot of trust from them because once the charm is yours it is yours, they have no inherent ability to take it back orrr... you tear it with fire from their mind.
You are talking about learning Charms though, right?

We would not dimish any spirit whose Charms we get.
As an impromptu history lesson about wonders of 2nd Edition, Solars actually had a charm that allowed them to learn any charm of any splat, without teachers, other Solaroid charms available. Infernals and Abyssals are supposed to be able to match that.

So technically, when running at its peak performance, our Exaltation can do... more or less anything.
You are talking about learning Charms though, right?

We would not dimish any spirit whose Charms we get.

No, but you would be committing copyright infringement on them. If you got a charm that was 'Hades' invisibility' that would be to all senses that might be used to analyses it identical to the actual power of the god so if you did something with it that they did not approve of with it Hades would be on the hook.
No, but you would be committing copyright infringement on them. If you got a charm that was 'Hades' invisibility' that would be to all senses that might be used to analyses it identical to the actual power of the god so if you did something with it that they did not approve of with it Hades would be on the hook.
Quick question: while the Fallen obviously don't retain access to their White God charm tree, do they retain enough knowledge to teach them?
You are talking about learning Charms though, right?

We would not dimish any spirit whose Charms we get.
By their nature exalted shards can take in any investiture of power from any powerful person. Called opening their charm set to an exalted. The exalted can then develop those same powers and charms for themselves. It why DragonBlood Akuma, where a real problem as suddenly they get an entire Yozi charmset on top of their own to work with.