Green Flame Rising (Exalted vs Dresden Files)

Once-god a long time ago against one of the most powerful enforcers of Summer and power is not linear, the Eldest Gruff would not be the best to send against a skilled necromancer
I mean their still an agent of summer and would likely rough up most necromancers just from sheer power. Also you know summer has fire. :p
Still think your underselling a what should be one of mabs strongest agents.
honestly what are the chances we try to adopt lydia? Cause her other option is living on the run.
Very low. Her father made contingency plans.
Pretty low. Remember that her father had contingency plans in place for her, and that he's still freely able to contact Lydia.

So she looks like she doesn't have a parent, and it isn't the same as him physically being there, but she can still execute his plans to legally emancipate herself and then just be raised by her ghost dad for the next few years. So the law will have no reason to go after her, and Michael/Charity will know that she isn't actually alone even if Lydia could use so more people looking out for her.

She'll probably get pulled closer into the Carpenter's orbit for social reasons, but not outright adopted.
Legal emancipation in Illnois is possible at 16 years of age; it just takes a couple months to legally process the paperwork.
If her father already made arrangements in the event of his death or disappearance, they're probably comprehensive.

There will probably be a need to file a police report about her dad's disappearance for a legal filing to move ahead.
And if someone wants to screw with her, they might choose to open a potential homicide investigation and poke into the particulars. Which is why its a good idea not to have pissed off Mab.

She might need somewhere safe to stay until the legal paperwork is done
Depending on the lawyer her father hired, it might be the estate he acquired, or he may have made other arrangements.
Or the Carpenters might offer her a place.

For Abilities I'm figuring
Tech 2
Athletics 2
Awareness 1
Alertness 1
Investigation 1
Streetwise 1
Medicine 1

Tech is obvious, as is Athletics.
Alertness, Awareness, and Investigation to shore up our mediocre Perception (though honestly, might be cheaper to go Perception 3 first)
Streetwise because it's in character, and will be useful.
Medicine for first aide purposes.

Charms, I figure
False Spring Beckons
Second purchase of Ox Body
Murder is Meat
Wind Born Stride
Mercy In Servitude
Bloodless Murk Evasion
Technology Excellency
Boiling Sea Mastery

All things we've talked about, just always something we needed sooner.

And I'd also like to suggest
Background: Past Lives 1

Being able to once a 'session' add an extra dot to any roll that we could have reasonably rolled in the Age of Legends is pretty cool. Especially if we could get it to 5 and use it on our Etiquette roll against Mab.
Tech 2: 2XP
Athletics 2: 2XP
Medicine 1: 3XP
Etiquette 4: 3XP
Perception 3: 8XP

Naked Wicked Souls: 3XP
Technology Excellency: 4XP
Boiling Sea Mastery: 4XP
OxBody 2: 3XP
Mercy in Servitude: 4XP
Rendered Villain Dispersal: 4XP
Transcendent Lord of Flies: 4XP
Freedom Lets Go: 4XP (always pair with Simmering Sinner Resentment)
Simmering Sinner Resentment: 4XP
Windborn Stride: 8XP
Hellscry Chakra: 8XP

Sapphire Circle Banishment: 10XP
Emerald Circle Binding: 10XP
Calling The Calibration Gate: 10XP

Nightmare: ??
Touch of Frost: 5XP
Sorcery Path Summoning 2: 7XP
Sorcery Path Fortune 3: 13XP
Sorcery Path Healing 3: 13XP

Again, why would we need to fly in tight areas?
That's the places where flight is unecessary.
What Yog said.
I will also point out we literally just finished the previous fight in an indoor arena where the floor was rapidly flooding up to waist height. Contact poisons in the water, uneven ground....there's lots of reasons not to want to touch the ground.

I'd like to note that we jumped on top of a 9.60m height U-boat without any charms at all.
We did that in Shintai mode, with our Dexterity doubled from 4 to 8.
I suspect we're not going to be able to match that in normal mode.
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So... I think the charmset is a very clear proof that Lydia is not a typical demigod at all, and Kemmler was the greatest mortal necromancer to live. Possibly including his colleagues in the first age for allowing her and her future kin to exist. This action alone might well absolve most of his sins.

Why? Because Lydia gets perfect effects. A fair number of them even. Moreover, Lydia gets perfect mental defences. She can't be forced to betray intimacies, meaning that she's at least strongly resistant, if not immune to Nemesis. The Winter Lady doesn't get that. If typical demigods got that, there'd be many more of them around.

Lydia is a proper free willed exalt. Not a celestial tier, but in the world of mortals and monsters, she is a hero out of legend.

We'll need to make her a proper panoply. Also find her a temple dog puppy of her own. Also a raven, a pale horse and a rat. I wonder if we could locate a sun crow egg?
As a note I was talking about the actual Ankou not his Exigent daughter with this charm set.
Yeah, I wasn't looking at that part of the convo at that moment.

Anyway, the charmset is broadly consistent with ExWoD's terrestrials, but there is a couple of things I'd like to know the background logic of. Why excellences allow +10 dice, when Dragonblooded are limited at +5?

Isn't Relentless Huntress is a much, given that equivalent Dragonblooded charm provides those benefits only when Exalt in question does essentially absolutely nothing?
Since we got upgraded cyberdevils, I hae to ask about their usability for stuff other than "fight the war against FBI":
1) Can they be used to help making things? Specifically, during design stage. Can we ask them "browse through all the available patents, then, based on those and physics and engineering textbooks, design this device I need to these specifications?". I figure, if they can be used as automated design systems, we could at least solve one or two successes for building things. Yes, we would probably need to upgrade their designs, since we are an exalt, and are, thus, better at it, but they could devote more time to the designs than we can. What level of investment would we need to unlock this functionality?
2) Can we use them for the purposes of generating artistic content? Specifically think midjourney or the like, but with demon artists instead. Writing and drawing things on commission, either posing as freelance artists, or a neural network AI.
3) Can we set up a telemarketing / online tech support firm using them? How multi-threaded is each demon?
1)I would expect them to be able to hack databases for existing proprietary designs and the like, and to help with our own design work on a narrative level. I do not expect them to perform independent design
2)Actual issues with creating identities to interface with the post-911 financial system. And it defeats the purpose of having an invisible, unknown group of professional hackers with no identity trail. The juice is not worth the squeeze.
3)Sounds like a Rule Zero violation.
So... I think the charmset is a very clear proof that Lydia is not a typical demigod at all, and Kemmler was the greatest mortal necromancer to live.
TBF, within ExWoD paradigm, powerful Mages are allowed to fuck with Exaltations, it is just difficult.

Tearing out a terrestrial Exaltation out of Dragonblood, giving it a mild adjustment and then slapping it on someone else is theoretically possible, even if it is far more likely to explode in Mage's face.
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Anyway, the charmset is broadly consistent with ExWoD's terrestrials, but there is a couple of things I'd like to know the background logic of. Why excellences allow +10 dice, when Dragonblooded are limited at +5?
Mostly because the WP-based Excellency was an example under Exigents.
It's pretty variable and gets weaker quickly when she has to spend WP.

Isn't Relentless Huntress is a much, given that equivalent Dragonblooded charm provides those benefits only when Exalt in question does essentially absolutely nothing?
It only works while following someone, not in the actual fight, or in preparations around the hunt.

It's mostly there so no ghost can just get away using its greater mobility.
Mostly because the WP-based Excellency was an example under Exigents.
It's pretty variable and gets weaker quickly when she has to spend WP.
And Exigents have variable power levels; book provides several Exigent excellencies, and this excellency is on the stronger side.

Lydia's one was supposed to be terrestrial. I am not sure that her WP economy is demanding enough to prevent her from just having celestial excellency most of the time.
Current wording would allow her to keep it on for years, as long as she broadly acts to pursue someone. If this is supposed to be a mostly immediate here-and-now sort of pursuit, the wording maybe needs adjustment.
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Current wording would allow her to keep it on for years, as long as she broadly acts to pursue someone. If this is supposed to be a mostly immediate here-and-now sort of pursuit, the wording maybe needs adjustment.
It was meant for the physical duration of the Hunt.
In all other cases she has to spend Essence per scene.
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1)I would expect them to be able to hack databases for existing proprietary designs and the like, and to help with our own design work on a narrative level. I do not expect them to perform independent design
2)Actual issues with creating identities to interface with the post-911 financial system. And it defeats the purpose of having an invisible, unknown group of professional hackers with no identity trail. The juice is not worth the squeeze.
3)Sounds like a Rule Zero violation.
Firslty, I'd like to acknowledge that we seem to be coming to the utility of HMP and its best use from two very different perspectives. You seem (correct me if I am wrong), to consider them to be of best use for on-screen actions. Hacking the FBI, getting us information, spying on our enemy to relay intel to us, helping us spot something. I regard them to be most useful in setting background. Making a firm for Molly to generate passive profit and social standing from. Designing stuff for her to streamline and lower costs of crafting. Administrating ParaNet. Etc. You also seem to intend them to be mostly a combat (where combat is defined broadly as hostilities against adversarial agents) asset. I consider them to be of best use for utilitarian purposes, with combat being second.

Now, in regards to the specific points and suggestions I brought up:
1) No hacking needed. A lot, and I mean, a lot of design and development is boring and not very creative. "go through the list of all steals known to man, collate the table of their properties, select the best one for use in this design, given the required parameters. Go through all the patents in the world, select the most appropriate one given the required parameters, start iterating from there. Go over all published scientific papers on material properties of bronzes, collate all the data into one big table, interpolate to find the best theoretical bronze for this application. Browse all the resistor catalogues in the world, check their actual availability on the market, select the best one based on price-time of deilvery - performance triangle". A ton of work where it comes to making something, be it a scalpel to operate on someting with acid blood, smart glasses with HUD, or a combat railgun would be checking tons of catalogs, collating data, talking with sells representatives and making compromises based on delivery schedules and component costs.

Now, with exalted BS, we can bypass most of this, turning sand and scrap into high tech transistors and the line. However, that takes effort, represented in essence spend and successes rolled. Our craft charms can explicitly be used to upgrade something. Thus, it makes perfect sense to based our designs on mundane high end designs, and upgrade those.

2) This presupposes that they operate mostly in USA, or are legally based in USA. This also presupposes that the ones we use for generating artistic stuff would be the same ones we use for hacking, or associated with them.

3) Why? It's spending effort and essence on establishing what's essentially a one or two dot background in having a firm working for you generating you money.