Green Flame Rising (Exalted vs Dresden Files)

As an example the Jade Court. Hopefully nof Kuei-Jin equivalent.
Kek, they go by Wan Kuei now. Kuei-Jin was a name that White Wolf authors used in the 90s as a kind of denomination that cobbles up several oriental language into one.

The one that made this Fanbook (Holden) acknowledges that the name sprang up just because it sounded cool, unaware of the sort of subtle racist undertone that name carries by lumping all Asian culture into one.

Also, if you guys didn't know, the Wan Kuei (literally translated to Ten Thousand Demons/Evil Spirits) were once mighty immortal warriors and judges that the August Personage of Jade (WoD God basically) made so that they could fight the Yama Kings. Back then they were called the Wan Xian (literally, Ten Thousand Immortals) and they were just and righteous. But over time, the Yama Kings seduces the Wan Xian until they became so decadent that Heaven punishes them so that they would only reincarnate and be born from the evil dooers and sinners and that their glory will never reach the mighty peak they once had.

If you think this story is familiar that's because it is very similar to how the Solars were overthrown. Perhaps there's a connection between the two of them...
I am mostly going to go with Jade Court, but if I do end up using the WoD name at some point I would rather err on the side of not making a bilingual word salad. Those can be really distracting to people who speak either or both those languages not to mention insensitive.
Kek, they go by Wan Kuei now. Kuei-Jin was a name that White Wolf authors used in the 90s as a kind of denomination that cobbles up several oriental language into one.

The one that made this Fanbook (Holden) acknowledges that the name sprang up just because it sounded cool, unaware of the sort of subtle racist undertone that name carries by lumping all Asian culture into one.

Also, if you guys didn't know, the Wan Kuei (literally translated to Ten Thousand Demons/Evil Spirits) were once mighty immortal warriors and judges that the August Personage of Jade (WoD God basically) made so that they could fight the Yama Kings. Back then they were called the Wan Xian (literally, Ten Thousand Immortals) and they were just and righteous. But over time, the Yama Kings seduces the Wan Xian until they became so decadent that Heaven punishes them so that they would only reincarnate and be born from the evil dooers and sinners and that their glory will never reach the mighty peak they once had.

If you think this story is familiar that's because it is very similar to how the Solars were overthrown. Perhaps there's a connection between the two of them...
There are lots of weird connections between WoD and Exalted, but some are...pretty damned weird.

In relation to the Wan Xian, to continue the example?

They were made by two Angels, but the point of interest is their names.

Ebon Dragon and Scarlet Queen.
Also, another fun WoD fact! During the Time of Judgement, specifically Gehenna of the Vampire Splat (don't remember which book), God revealed Himself unto Caine. He resurrected Abel from the dead, to which Abel then told Caine that he forgave Caine for killing him. And that he should finally repent and let go of his curse.

Caine replied by laughing at God's Face, saying that he didn't regret killing his brother one bit and pulled a middle finger to God, for the second time.

Caine had 5, FIVE CHANCES to redeem himself before God so that he could either be redeemed to walk the earth again as a holy man or at least die without anything tethering him to this world. But such was his ego and spite to God that he would rather curse himself into damnation rather than asking for forgiveness.

Caine was one hell of a dick.
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It's still bad to use foreign languages badly.

I know how much some "german" words in Warhammer irritate me when I read them, I want to spare other people that.
Hungarian has seen some weird uses as well, an example being Angyalkae demons from Exalted itself.

Angyalka is the diminuitive form of "angel" in hungarian, but it didn't bother me after weirding me out for a second.

If it is irritating for some players partaking and the QM has already decided then its a done deal. I just wanted to also write my experience.
So since some of you guys look to be interested in pocking the White Court or at least questioning Thomas.... Remember when I said you could evict a Fallen with Ancient Sorcery? Well you can certainly do that to a White Court Vampire's phage, though you would also need something to cure the aggravated damage that would cause as the phage insinuates itself into the flesh of the vampire meaning that to remove it you are harming all their organs and systems.
Also, pity this is not exalted proper as there was that healing demon we could have summoned.

Actually what is the position of demon/elemental summoning in the pdf?
Speaking of Charms and Creatures of Darkness, DP, I am going to say this so that it would save you time.

The Werewolves: the Apocalypse 20th Anniversary has some examples of powers that the Fomors are able to use. But the full complete version of it is in Book of the Wyrm. Just as a heads up.
The Black Court are pretty clearly undead and night-active creatures, so I believe they should count by most definitions. They even fear holy symbols.

Red and White are weirder, they are definitly a kind of monsters, but if they are on the List for CoD is up the QM or the Unconquered Sun.
I think a good rule of thumb to use for guessing if something is a creature of darkness thing is to check if it's protected by the laws of magic.

They're not pure white council politics; with the possible exception of the rule against summoning super shoggoths from the Outside each law breaks the souls of mortal casters in a unique way if violated. You can kill an arbitrary number of red vampires using magic fire without giving yourself San damage just from casting the spells, but even one or two mortals could mess you up.

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I think a good rule of thumb to use for guessing if something is a creature of darkness thing is to check if it's protected by the laws of magic.

They're not pure white council politics; with the possible exception of the rule against summoning super shoggoths from the Outside each law breaks the souls of mortal casters in a unique way if violated. You can kill an arbitrary number of red vampires using magic fire without giving yourself San damage just from casting the spells, but even one or two mortals could mess you up.

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Fey don't fall under those rules either and they are not all CoD, I think?

The Laws simply divide into human/non-human.
Even Angels are technically okay to kill by the letter alone.
Let's see the list of beings that are considered Creatures of Darkness in WoD:

Black Spiral Dancers
Wan Kuei

Based on this list, we can infer that the beings that are considered CoDs are those whose power is steeped in darkness (Vampire, Hungry Dead, Fomori) or those who consciously chose darkness as their main source of strength (Nephandi who submerged themselves through the Caul, Black Spiral Dancers that serves the Wyrm, Spectres who follows the Neverborns biddings).

Thus, based on this conclusion I think that Vampires of Dresden Files are considered as Creatures of Darkness.
Fey don't fall under those rules either and they are not all CoD, I think?

The Laws simply divide into human/non-human.
Even Angels are technically okay to kill by the letter alone.
I'm not super familiar with WoD, I was under the impression a creature of darkness was pretty much any supernatural entity that wasn't fully native to the mortal world.

Is there more to it than that?
I'm not super familiar with WoD, I was under the impression a creature of darkness was pretty much any supernatural entity that wasn't fully native to the mortal world.

Is there more to it than that?
Creatures of Darkness is an Exalted term for those who the Sol, the Incarna of the Sun, Unconquered Sun has decided is one. He declares it so, and it becomes true. That's about it.

If he declares a wide category like demons, and someone suddenly qualifies for being a demonic enough they automatically also become one.

For something else...

Just to plan forward (it's nowhere near close yet, but I feel like it's good to talk about), at Essence 3 we automatically have to select a Charm that would have it's Signature effect for us.

Since if I read it right it's automatic selection at Essence 3, so if we want to have one specific Signature, we should have that Charm at that point.

For people who have specific plans or ideas, what do you think would be a good signature Charm?
Is there more to it than that?
Somewhat, yes.

Creatures of Darkness are a denomination from the Unconquered Sun that pronounces a certain group of beings as particularly icky and disgusting to his eyes. Mechanically, whenever someone has Charm that contains a Holy Effect, that Charm inflicts Aggravated damage on the CoD in question.
I'm not super familiar with WoD, I was under the impression a creature of darkness was pretty much any supernatural entity that wasn't fully native to the mortal world.

Is there more to it than that?
Creature of Darkness in Exalted are just things the Unconquered Sun designated as such.

In WoD the term doesn't really exist.

In the crossover it's mostly the always-evil groups and creatures that get it.
Hmm, how about that Lankha Charm that allows us to turn into our Shintai whenever we die? It allows us to return to our full health with no price at all.
The City Still Stands is cool, it just doesn't have a Signature Effect as far as I can see? So the QM would have to design one.

My eyes are on either Shadow Spite Curse, to inflict a -3 penalty to everyone around us when in Shintai, or Thousandfold Typhoon Hand to just have a huge number of attacks on everyone around us.
In this setting maybe it would come down to a matter of perception on Molly's part whether something is a Creature of Darkness or not? If that's the case, her personal biases and education in matters related to the supernatural might have a significant impact on which is and which is not a CoD.

Red Court Vampires? Yep.
Winter Court Fae? Yep.
Denarians? Hell fucking yeah!

Summer Fae? Nope.
Foo Doggos? Nope.
The friendly Lycanthropes Harry plays Not!D&D with? Nope.
The City Still Stands is cool, it just doesn't have a Signature Effect as far as I can see? So the QM would have to design one.

My eyes are on either Shadow Spite Curse, to inflict a -3 penalty to everyone around us when in Shintai, or Thousandfol Typhoon Hand to just have a huge number of attacks on everyone around us.
Yeah, Shadow Spite Curse for that -3 is too good to pass. I like it.

And then for the second Signature Charm at E4?
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Yeah, Shadow Spite Curse for that -3 is too good to pass. I like it.

And then for the second Signature Charm at E5?
If we want something a bit diverse there is stuff like Heart-Carving Wind or Anonymity Through Propriety

Ichor-Flux Tendrils is kind of cool? Same type as Thousandfold Typhoon Hand but instead of lots of attacks we can grow giant acid tentacles in Shintai.

A good one is Charred Sinner Renewal. When turning into Shintai, call down an acid rain that causes a -2 penalty to all others. It also activates the Boiling Sea Mastery if we have it for -1 difficulty for us and probably activates Charred Sinner Renewal itself.

Edit: Though for Signature Charred Sinner we need the Charm that makes it so no liquid of any kind can harm us.

Edit 2: Since it doesn't specify the temperature of the acid rain, maybe we can pray its cold enough due to our nature that it can count for Without Honour? It is a long shot though.
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