Green Flame Rising (Exalted vs Dresden Files)

The argument can possibly be made about an average member of the order of Cauldron, and even then giving them the spirit mirror does not increase thr likelihood of a Denarian going after them (why would it?), but not about Olivia, who is a so far unique existence, and our circle member. If they are going to bother with her, which is plausible, her having this mirror wouldn't change their calculus one way or another.

And the mirror is useful to her.
More useful to us though. If we can get them to inhabit a discreet enough form for us to carry around then on the spot crown shenanigans become a lot easier.
Vote closed.
Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Jul 31, 2024 at 8:12 AM, finished with 33 posts and 14 votes.
Vote closed.
Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Jul 31, 2024 at 8:12 AM, finished with 33 posts and 14 votes.
Quick question which way is the vote closed there are seven votes for the order of cauldron but four of them have different attachments on them does that mean the order of Cauldron won or lost?
Arc 13 Post 49: Looking Back in Shades of Black
Looking Back in Shades of Black

14th of February 2007 A.D.

Truth be told you are not all of one mind about the mirror, there's a part of you that hesitates at tossing them into Sanctuary like a dragon gathering baubles to be studied and picked over by sages and engineseers, but at the same time the spirits in the mirror have been touched by evil, a tarnishing seen even with the naked eye. The mirror sees most clearly those who the bearer hates so for the Fallen all the world is in sharp relief, but for a mortal practitioner it would be most useful keeping an eye on enemies and those who mean them harm. There's plenty of the latter out there unfortunately, but still the question turns this way and that as you return to the tunnels under Chicago, until you just turn to ask: "Dad, what do the Fallen do if you steal their stuff? This is like if we stole a webcam off her?"

"You're thinking of leaving it here?" He gives a professional kind of nod to the very weary figure of Augustus FitzClarance.

"Thinking of giving it to Olivia, her mind's already honed to far-sight, being able to extend that reach would allow her to stay safer while doing more, but not if it's likely to put her on a list."

He doesn't say anything for a moment, just looks back at you sadly. "Everyone you know is already on a list sweetheart, everyone you care about doubly so. No mortal man can truly know their mind, but if you want my guess the reason they haven't moved already is that Nicodemus hasn't settled on how to approach you and his Fallen is... respectful you could say about his process, likes to play at it at least."

"That doesn't answer my question about the one who left this mirror," you point out.

"There's a better person to ask about that."


So you do, though it takes a while to get to Caer Sindi again you catch your one hour of sleep on the boat so really it's all upsides.

"If the girl gets hurt as a consequence of you handing her the mirror would you feel bad about it." Tiffany pauses barely long enough for you to nod. "Then if that happens she'll lie and say it played a part, or was the whole reason, whatever she thinks you will believe and will cause the maximum amount of distraction."

"You mean suffering," Lydia points out. She had insisted on coming along when she'd noticed how worried you were. Presently she's petting one of the hounds who had chosen to stay behind, the spirit still unsure of what to make of her friendly demeanor in spite of their rejection, but more willing to lean in.

"That too," Tiffany nods "If you want my advice give her all the tools you can. Tall poppies get the blade and she's risen quite high indeed."

"What do you make of the rest of it, the island, the priest..."

"I don't," she cuts you off with uncharacteristic bluntness. "I don't make anything of it at all, not the faintest ring of the farthest bell, which by process of elimination means it is very important and you should watch your step." She looks away for a moment, long enough that you're sure she's done before adding. "I know I'm the best healer you know, if you want me to come along to help I will, though not without some concern that I'll be the reason you need a healer."

"I think we're fine just the six of us." Though as it turns out six might be seven.


"It's got a certain ambiance you have to admit?" Olivia's dressing table is the kind of minimalist white with just the slightest bend to the legs in the direction of elegance, futurism by way of IKEA, literally. Set in the midst of that now is a mirror of tarnished silver, its frame carved in the ravens' wings the face of the glass itself so black it shimmers with false colors like the patina atop an oil slick. Without words it asks the mistress of the household what she would see.

Your friend thinks about it for a while then brushes her hand against the glass. "My father, Rahul Deol."

Where her fingers had been the image of a thinning balding middle aged man sporting a very impressive handlebar mustache spins into being worryingly clear and sharp and crisp.

Olivia gains Blackglass
Once accepted by the spirits within the user may pay 1 Temporary Willpower or take on 1 Level of Bashing Damage to perform any of the following:
  • Scry on any being to which they have an arcane link at least as strong as their True Name within a range of Path Rating*4 or Arette*6 hundreds of miles so long as they are on the same plane of existence
  • Remotely scry on the mirror as a focus from any range so long as they are on the same plane of existence
  • One's immediate surroundings within Path Rating*4 or Arette*6 hundreds of feet so long as they are on the same plane of existence
Should the base means of clairvoyance require the expenditure of any resources this instrument also requires it. The user and all others observing the image may add +1-3 dice to all perception rolls performed with the aid of the mirror proportional to any negative intimacy the user has towards the target.

She sighs. "Here I was hoping there's some kind of ward, anything, just a hint on where else to look."

"I'm..." you start, but she's already shaking her head.

"It's nothing... thanks for the new friends, even if they aren't very talkative." The mirror gives a faint all pervasive vibration in the air, as though the room was filled with invisible bees. "In English, I meant in English. Can I come to the magic jail? Ooff, that sounds weird, but I figured the spirit of that island would know where one might find the being at the end of my family tree and what it could mean that someone bound part of my power."

What does Molly think?

[] Sure Olivia can handle herself

[] No, you already have too many people coming, you can just do the asking yourself

[] Write in

OOC: For the record that looked like a +1 die bonus , not a strong negative intimacy, but still a negative intimacy. The Write In is in case you want to take someone other than the people you took to the Nevernever+Murphy, that is who the six are.
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[X] Sure Olivia can handle herself

She asked.
And she doesnt have the additional family complications that Tiffany would have in this situation.
If we're humoring Murphy, Im not seeing the additional risk to Olivia here.

And between Molly and Sophia, we do still have enough fliers to evac five people if necessary.
[X] Sure Olivia can handle herself if she wants to come, but you can just do the asking yourself

Anyone voting for her to come, she's asking because she wants answers and I can't think of a reason for demonreach to have them so if you just want her to come at least answer her question and then let her come along anyway. That way she for sure gets her answers and she comes with us.
Thanks to the armor it doesn't hurt,
We are wearing armor? We aren't in Shintai so what armor are we wearing?

@DragonParadox Errors.
Thank you for the warning, I shall see to it that this incursion is dealt with with appropriate severity.
You knew it was bullshit and she knew, you knew it was bullshit, but she still did it the mast time
the groans of of living
the same black and silver car that can carried you around Wales
If you re going to put bugs on someone might as well be on their person I guess.
The first thing you notice is a ripple in the air right above his head then a tugging at his arms arms
"It's like a hot a air balloon only with an envelope of force instead of string and canvas
Looking more closely you realize those are in truth closed wings closed up tight
but if that is all they to I'll eat one of those boulders down there."

Warped Reflections
Hers is the song of the rain pattering against the leaf and the sleepy caw of the amber-wing seeking its nest with a full belly, the ever-changing chine of the twin-sou crab as it scurry between
No queen is she, but a healer, a mendicant, a seer, able to understand in understanding empathize and in empathizing let loose.
Missing "and" after understand.
though the configuration of their bodies is such that they air should not hold them it does.
Could use a comma after "them" as well.
the only thing reflected is the Sword your father wears, a shard of light painful to behild
The sound of what you can only describe as electrified wind chines rings in your mind overplayed with confusion and dread

Unlikely they will have seen the Fallen do that.
Molly seems to come to the realization that she may have been mistaken for a Fallen affiliate but then seems surprised to learn of it later-
Oh... they thought you were some kind of Denarian, hence trying to talk to the Sword and then the wizard.
We are wearing armor? We aren't in Shintai so what armor are we wearing?

Molly seems to come to the realization that she may have been mistaken for a Fallen affiliate but then seems surprised to learn of it later-

The chain shirt you made all the way in Arc 1

That was a general comment about not seeing selflessness among the Fallen, she then realized that she had been mistaken for one of them

Thanks again for the edits. :)
That was a general comment about not seeing selflessness among the Fallen, she then realized that she had been mistaken for one of them
Gotcha. Also this is unrelated to anything currently going on but is the tooth-fairy a thing here? That is to say is there a Fey going into children's bedrooms at night to take a potent magic focus and leave some money in return?

New errors.
It's like a a hot air balloon
though the configuration of their bodies is such that them air
"It's nothing... thanks for the new friends, even if they aren't very talkative." The mirror gives a faint all pervasive vibration in the air, as though the room was filled with invisible bees. "In English, I meant in English. Can I come to the magic jail? Ooff, that sounds weird, but I figured the spirit of that island would know where one might find the being at the end of my family tree and what it could mean that someone bound part of my power."
I do feel the need to reiterate, I can think of no reason and if someone can please tell me that Demonreach would know or care about that information we can just give it to her and she can come along anyway.

[ ] Sure Olivia can handle herself if she wants to come, but you can just do the asking yourself