Green Flame Rising (Exalted vs Dresden Files)

Exalted are powerhouses right out of the exaltation. A dawn exalt should be able to sword good immediately.
I don't believe "swording good" is more valuable than Molly's, the elder exalted, capabilities with the essence we'd be expending on a gamble if Sandra is planning to do something right now or in a few hours.
Keep in mind he present vote is more about how Molly feels about this whole thing. After that gets decided you will have to talk to your companions who will have their own opinions on what you have just put together. Molly isn't here on her own. While say Lydia would probably be on board with most things you suggest because she is your friend someone like Harry may be harder to persuade that you should take drastic action.
So, too early to vote for what to actually do? Ok then

[X] Interest, if this thing is happening maybe it could be directed, you certainly need all the help you can get
-[X] STUNT: For a moment, you feel fear, your imagination running wild with images of the possible excesses someone with the power like yours can do. You have an urge to shut that thing down, lock it away. But only for a moment. For in this place, accompanied by a shadow of the Fallen clad in the body of your artifice, and by a daughter of the god of Death - a legacy of the worst human monster in recorded history of this Age, before the eyes of a counterfeit god, you have faith not just in God, but also in your fellow man. And so with light heart, you address the statue, a plan to maybe try and get Daniel here starting to form in your mind.
Seriously daniel is stupid angsty fucking teenager with a nasty inferiority complex. I wouldn't trust him with a gun much less an exaltation.

He isn't his own man, he isn't ready to be a perfected version of that man.
I don't think it needs to happen right now and there are plenty of things we could do to better prepare for it. That said this isn't an entire vault being released and we have a head start. At some point not while we have a possibly continental in scope crisis on our hands we should try it.

[X] Interest, if this thing is happening maybe it could be directed, you certainly need all the help you can get
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I think that, regardless of outcome of the vote, people should add activating EIPP as a write-in, because what Molly really needs is healing, not trying to cheat superior creation of the greatest artisan filled with the power of the sun.

Even one or two health points are useful.
I think that, regardless of outcome of the vote, people should add activating EIPP as a write-in, because what Molly really needs is healing, not trying to cheat superior creation of the greatest artisan filled with the power of the sun.

Even one or two health points are useful.
It's not cheating unless you consider what the maidens of fate, Luna, the Yozi and the Death Lords as well as Autocthon himself do as cheating. Huh the only ones that do fully automatic choosing are the dragons and the unconquered sun.
[X] Interest, if this thing is happening maybe it could be directed, you certainly need all the help you can get
-[X] Activate EIPP for healing.
I think that, regardless of outcome of the vote, people should add activating EIPP as a write-in, because what Molly really needs is healing, not trying to cheat superior creation of the greatest artisan filled with the power of the sun.

Even one or two health points are useful.

Are you planning to leave? You can only heal using that when you are not doing any strenuous activity.
It's strange that talking is considered a strenuous activity. I thought that Molly would be able to catch one or two hours of relative peace.

Talking itself is not, but you are not in a safe place right now, certainly not one you control. I had assumed you guys would want to withdraw from the city or at least find a hotel room or something before initiating healing and essence recovery.
Talking itself is not, but you are not in a safe place right now, certainly not one you control. I had assumed you guys would want to withdraw from the city or at least find a hotel room or something before initiating healing and essence recovery.
Well, I am not sure that Molly has the time, considering the machine with the Solar Exaltation is going "time is nigh". Anyway, the boost is for the next 24 hours, I thought why not start now.
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[x] Interest, if this thing is happening maybe it could be directed, you certainly need all the help you can get

A Dawn will outgrow Molly in combat-abilities quite quickly.
If this goes to the wrong person, hunting them down quickly, if need be with a Winter-favor, is our obligation.
That would take a lot of effort, but it's better than letting some random asshole be the god-king of northern America, which could easily happen.
I still think it's a really bad plan, but if this did happen it's worth noting how valuable a force multiplier crafting is, which a Dawn is unlikely to be good at.

I posted a 1 dot splendor a while back which, in combination with RtF and WBS, would allow Molly to eat an equal exp melee dawn caste alive in a sword fight unless they've taken a very specific charm to counter it. At which point it needs some expensive upgrades to counter them again.

Obviously we can't predict their build, and any solar worth their shine is going to find something to answer this sort of thing, but the point stands that we can do it.

The only way to really keep up with the other celestials is to play Batman. A rolling toolkit of cheats that provide just enough leverage to force the engagement to happen in terms of the best features of our charm set.
[X] Interest, if this thing is happening maybe it could be directed, you certainly need all the help you can get
[X] Interest, if this thing is happening maybe it could be directed, you certainly need all the help you can get

Is there a reason your iffy on Daniel. My reasons for wanting him are that he is involved with Lydia, he directly wants to get involved with the supernatural scene in a combat capacity, he's our brother, he is someone who would be willing to directly fight by our side and take our commands, he is someone we can directly interact with and Trust to keep this power from being abused, he will be around just in Chicago to help keep our home safe as well. I don't want Murphy because she is not exactly a candidate I would like to work with. Charity literally can't have it there's no world where she can exalt because she has no Ambitions Beyond being what she is right now and actively tried to quash any ambition for her children to be more then mortal.
I agree with all of this.

[X] Yog
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[X] Plan Shining Answer
-[X] Interest, if this thing is happening maybe it could be directed, you certainly need all the help you can get
--[X] Convince it that releasing its charge before the darkness falls would allow the newly risen sun to better defend the lands of the living, to rally with allies
---[X] Empathy excellency
---[X] Present yourself as a possible measure for a candidate to test themselves against. You are mighty, and your power, even if turned to better purposes, is tainted enough to count.
---[X] Fetch Daniel from your kingdom if he's there.
--[X] STUNT: For a moment, you feel fear, your imagination running wild with images of the possible excesses someone with the power like yours can do. You have an urge to shut that thing down, lock it away. But only for a moment. For in this place, accompanied by a shadow of the Fallen clad in the body of your artifice, and by a daughter of the god of Death - a legacy of the worst human monster in recorded history of this Age, before the eyes of a counterfeit god, you have faith not just in God, but also in your fellow man. And so with light heart, you address the statue, a plan to maybe try and get Daniel here starting to form in your mind.

F*ck it, let's go. Full steam ahead, let's try to get our brother an exaltation. He asked for it.

Solars are heroes, and f*ck that noise about "oh, but they are classical heroes". Still heroes. I have faith. And we have worked with, and for, and allied with a lot worse than human gangsters or would be tyrants. As long as they man the walls, and guard the gates, and care for the flock, we can work to mitigate their excesses.

Sorry if this is excessive and harsh, but that's just what this boils down to me - it's a matter of faith in our fellow man. I have it. Despite and because of everything men do to each other.
There's a lot of things to say to that, but the one I'd like to start with is that this isn't an argument. All you're doing is conceding that the projections like the ones I and many others have posted in this thread are plausible but that you hope it won't happen so much that we can't actively counter it.

Then you cap it off with straight authoritarian apologia. I mean really, as long as they man the walls it's fine if they're a raging asshole? What happened to all that outrage over humanity being abused by immortals with too much power and not enough empathy?

This line of reasoning has played out a thousand times and almost always ends in Caesar instead of Cincinnatus.

Here's a thought exercise; open a news app and read for 15 minutes. Mark down every politician who's done something persuasive and astounding without regard to whether what they said or did was as ethical, or even as anchored to reality, as it was impressive at some point in their career.

That's your Zenith and Eclipse pool*.

People aren't all good or bad, but no one thinks they're the villain even when they're actively doing something most would call evil. If you give people power they will use it to push their vision on the world regardless of what you might think of it.

You talk a lot about your faith in humanity, but you seem awfully willing to make the choice to sell the entire world's future away for them without allowing them a chance to fight for it.

If you want Molly to fulfill that faith herself you should vote for her to return it.

Actually return it, not infantilize them into virtuous and powerless cattle. It's not a forgone conclusion that human civilization is a helpless thing to be ruled by immortal masters of one stripe or another, which is why they're so afraid of waking the mortals up.

* Yeah the timing probably doesn't work out for all of them to be candidates at the same time, but the point is to show what this translates to in practice. Those people are the profile we're talking about. Fundamentally you're banking on all of humanity agreeing with your definition of morality and then sticking to it when given immense personal power.

What do the people on your list think of that?
If you want a particularly damning example of this problem, look no further than this thread.

Immense cosmic power set up as a fail safe for a potential hostile eldritch incursion from another dimension and we're plotting which of our personal connections get it.

One exalt is evidently enough for nepotism of literally cosmic consequences.

I'm as guilty as anyone, and I'm certainly not going to follow some abstract standard of fairness with the disbursement of ancient super weapons.

That said, consider what it might be like for say a librarian to learn that the basis for handing out a can of divine whoop ass previously reserved for keeping North America from turning into a tentacle desert was how much Molly trusts her 16 year old brother will do what she says and thinks it might help a relationship that hasn't even hit the 6 month mark yet.

Edit: typo
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[X] Interest, if this thing is happening maybe it could be directed, you certainly need all the help you can get
I've got an idea.

"What action would most severely disrupt this person's plan in a short period of time."
[X] Interest, if this thing is happening maybe it could be directed, you certainly need all the help you can get
-[X] Activate EIPP for healing.
I've got an idea.

"What action would most severely disrupt this person's plan in a short period of time."
DragonParadox takes a dim view on us try to use the crown of eyes to make our plans for us. Might as it about a vulnerability in their plans though.
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