Green Flame Rising (Exalted vs Dresden Files)

That isnt true.

Dresden doesnt call her out as inhuman.
Whatever Odin did with and to them, it didnt change their humanity.
In canon, she's a scion. She essentially confirms that she's a scion when Dresden asks:
Wait, are you seriously arguing that valkyries are human? I'm sorry, that seems... strange to me. Valkyries are immortal (ageless) divine messengers with Intellectus. They clearly don't count as mortal magic users because, well, they aren't using mortal magic. And aren't mortal.

Most of our normal citizens are. Mortal and using mortal magic.

There's a difference between at most 20 close associates directly empowered / changed by a god, and potentially thousands if not millions of mortal magic users who follow a demon queen's cult. Like, take the shamans we met during kakuri arc - are they subject to White Council's jurisdiction? I am fairly sure that yes, WC would assert that, and would carry on with head chopping. Most of our citizens are about that much connected to us at most.
Pretty much how has already been discussed. Attribute it to our secret verification ability if necessary and stick to Gorfel's testimony for the moment.
I'm sorry, I might be more tired than I believes. I can't find where this proposal was discussed or what the idea is about. Again, I apologize.
I get where you're coming from, but it's worth noting that just moving faster on our end doesn't necessarily move the council faster, and the less plausible our claim the less likely they are to do something about it.

Haste isn't speed and all that rot.

It's not like the Merlin is going to walk out of this meeting and start spying on or executing people on the list, they're old friends and subordinates and we're and unknown who screams arch demon on vacation on every respect save association. For all he knows the point is to cast suspicion when the council can least afford any infighting.

He's more likely to try intermediate verification steps to justify invasive screening, which is time consuming and relies on someone making a visible mistake.

The more plausible our suspicions are the more progress we make in getting him to trust us when we name names.

So we start here by planting the idea and get him to the same step he'd go to in either case, but with more engagement on his part. Then we follow up with more information and work through the problem as we establish credibility.

We can also slip the list to Ebenezer while we do this with the council as a whole so he can play emergency brake. While we lead the horse to water in a way that will incline it to drink he can keep an eye on the problem children to catch any of their major plots.

If they do try something and the most paranoid council member just happens to catch them then the whole process ends in our favor right there.
I want three things:
1) To get better relationship with the Council (as I see value in them)
2) Not ruin our attack on Red Court via the leaks.
3) To avoid our life in regards to, say, Order of Cauldron, getting harder. And Merlin could easily make it harder. Or easier.

I am trying to thread that needle.

He has no reason to expect trust from an 18 year old girl who has never been part of the Council.
Either you think he's going to treat us like an 18 year old girl, or he's going to treat us as a new Yama King. Which is it? In your opinion.

Also, I find it interesting that we seem to be more comfortable (have easier time negotiating) with gods and fae queens than with mortal if powerful wizards, and said gods and queens are also more comfortable with us than mortal wizards are. That... says something, doesn't it?
Wait, are you seriously arguing that valkyries are human? I'm sorry, that seems... strange to me. Valkyries are immortal (ageless) divine messengers with Intellectus. They clearly don't count as mortal magic users because, well, they aren't using mortal magic. And aren't mortal.

Most of our normal citizens are. Mortal and using mortal magic.

There's a difference between at most 20 close associates directly empowered / changed by a god, and potentially thousands if not millions of mortal magic users who follow a demon queen's cult. Like, take the shamans we met during kakuri arc - are they subject to White Council's jurisdiction? I am fairly sure that yes, WC would assert that, and would carry on with head chopping. Most of our citizens are about that much connected to us at most.
1)I didnt say it, Butcher did.
Thats a canon quote from the short story Heorot. You can look it up if you so choose. Rashid has been around for more than a thousand years, and he's a wizard. He's older than Gard has been established to be in this AU.

Also, magic is magic.
Odin was the person who taught the Merlin how to use magic. Lea took over teaching Molly after Dresden died. Aurora helped teach Elaine. The Bigfoot River Shoulders taught Injun Joe, and is apparently going to teach Dresden in the future.

Thorned Namshiel apparently taught Marcone in canon.
And Word of Butcher is that Lasciel would have taught Dresden if he'd picked up the Coin.

2) Word of God that I recall is that all of our citizens are born Creatures of Darkness. Mortal or not.
You asked this before:
Hmm, that's an issue. I am guessing this also means that Harry and other wizards wouldn't be able to use implants either? At least without binding / letting in spirits? Does this mean that all humans in our cities who have implants are actually bakemono?

Also, would Prince of Ruin Attitude cover the use of implants by Molly if attuning isn't going to work?
Yes they are, not though if they keep the implants reasonable they do not suffer the kind of negative impacts normal bakemono. There are some advantages to being born a Creature of Darkness.

3) I dont think that makes a difference.
In fact, if they arent going to question the issue when all thats at stake is two or three digit numbers of people, someone in command of almost the same population as 21st century Earth is not going to hear a squeak of objection.

Either you think he's going to treat us like an 18 year old girl, or he's going to treat us as a new Yama King. Which is it? In your opinion.

Also, I find it interesting that we seem to be more comfortable (have easier time negotiating) with gods and fae queens than with mortal if powerful wizards, and said gods and queens are also more comfortable with us than mortal wizards are. That... says something, doesn't it?
1)Its not an either/or question. It can be both.
Im expecting it to be both. Do remember that Summer Lady Lily is, as far as I can recall, younger than Dresden. Certainly centuries younger than the Merlin. So is Fix. So was Winter Lady Molly.

There's canon precedent for this.

2)Those supernatural entities have rules and shit to their interactions with peer powers; such interactions are often very structured, and with rules of behavior involved to avoid unintended conflict.
Human socials are much more chaotic.

Im not surprised it may be easier to navigate supernatural codes, especially when the supernaturals are CoDs.

As for gods and queens, Molly rolls literally superhuman social dicepools.
There's no mystery why they are more comfortable with her than with more mundane mortals who are nowhere as good during social situations.
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1)I didnt say it, Butcher did.
Thats a canon quote from the short story Heorot. You can look it up if you so choose. Rashid has been around for more than a thousand years, and he's a wizard. He's older than Gard has been established to be in this AU.
Ancestry does not determine the state of being. She might have been born mortal, but she isn't one now. Valkyriehood, at least in this quest, is something one can be elevated to, as the traitor valkyrie demonstrated. It's some manner of investment by Odin.
2) Word of God that I recall is that all of our citizens are born Creatures of Darkness. Mortal or not.
Can White Council even detect "creature of darkness" status? It doesn't make them non-human, and as far as we know only really affects how they respond to charms.
3) I dont think that makes a difference.
In fact, if they arent going to question the issue when all thats at stake is two or three digit numbers of people, someone in command of almost the same population as 21st century Earth is not going to hear a squeak of objection.
If we left all Earthly mortal practitioners to them, maybe (and even then I strongly doubt that). But we are clearly already meddling with minor practioners of Chicago.

It's going to be a big political issue, I am certain of it.
Ancestry does not determine the state of being. She might have been born mortal, but she isn't one now. Valkyriehood, at least in this quest, is something one can be elevated to, as the traitor valkyrie demonstrated. It's some manner of investment by Odin.
Ascension rituals are a big deal. There is no indication Im aware of that Gard has undergone one.
According to the RPG, Odin explicitly has weregeld rates for his Valkyries if they are killed, which suggests they can be.
Not like true immortals, who are only vulnerable at Halloween.

The traitor Valkyrie only demonstrates that she had the right ancestry, which isnt that difficult back when Valkyries Vikings were travelling, trading, raiding, raping and pillaging their way up and down the northern Atlantic and leaving descendants in their wake.
What she demonstrated in this AU thus far is that you can kill Valkyries just like any other mortal. She killed three.

Edited for error.
Can White Council even detect "creature of darkness" status? It doesn't make them non-human, and as far as we know only really affects how they respond to charms.
I dont know.
It wasnt a thing in the Dresden Files.

If we left all Earthly mortal practitioners to them, maybe (and even then I strongly doubt that). But we are clearly already meddling with minor practioners of Chicago.
It's going to be a big political issue, I am certain of it.
Of course its gonna be a big political issue. It would be a big political issue whether or not we had a Hell or humans in it.

The White Council staked a claim to all magical humans centuries ago.
All lesser secular magical organizations, and some religious ones, revolve around the existence of the White Council. Our organizing them is going to be seen by at least some of the White Council population as actively encroaching on their privileges.

In some ways, its more threatening than if we were simply predating on them the way a lot of supernaturals are, because its a de facto rival power center for magical humans.
Nothing changes that fact.
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Vote closed. Lets see how this goes.
Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Sep 2, 2023 at 2:44 PM, finished with 157 posts and 27 votes.

  • [X]Plan Information Control
    -[X] No, you know there are high placed traitors in the White Council, keep the secret of your plans even if it means you have to stonewall him
    --[X] Use the recording of the call with Merlin as a focus for the crown to compile the list of White Council traitors before the meeting
    --[X]Bring Michael as an observer/guarantor
    [X] Plan "Limited Gift Giving" v2
    -[X] Use the recording of the call with Merlin as a focus for the crown to compile the list of White Council leaks in regards to Red Court
    -[X] When meeting Merlin ask for a private meeting, no bodyguards, to discuss sensitive issues
    --[X] Empathy excellency to sell having reservations- as much as he has reasons to distrust you, so you have reasons to be suspicious. But you are willing to talk.
    -[X] In private put your money where your mouth is and show yourself to be a friend of the Council.
    --[X] Ask that Merlin not share it with people you list until after possible leaks cannotaffect the outcome of the plan. Or he can give them different information to check who is actually leaking and verify your Intel. It's his organization, he knows best. If he does share the information regardless your request, ask he at least monitor the possible leaks to confirm your Intel.
    --[X] Give him the list of leaks
    ---[X] Subterfuge excellency to disguise your source as a result of investigation, mixed with information you got from a naagloshii, mixed with your own divination.
    ---[X] Do not claim that this information is necessarily perfectly accurate
    -[X] Etiquette Excellency for the whole meeting.
    [x] No, you know there are high placed traitors in the White Council, keep the secret of your plans even if it means you have to stonewall him
    [X] Plan Softer Information Control
    -[X] No, you know there are high placed traitors in the White Council, keep the secret of your plans even if it means you have to stonewall him
    --[X] Empathy excellency to sell having reservations - you have reasons to be suspicious of possibility of leaks
    --[X] Use the recording of the call with Merlin as a focus for the crown to compile the list of White Council leaks in regards to Red Court
    [X] Plan "Limited Gift Giving"
    -[X] Use the recording of the call with Merlin as a focus for the crown to compile the list of White Council leaks in regards to Red Court
    -[X] Give the list of leaks to Merlin. Explain how you did you due diligence when preparing for an ambush as a reason you have the list.
    -[X] Put your money where your mouth is and show yourself to be a friend of the Council, after extracting the promise that the information won't be leaked
    -[X] Excellencies as needed to sell this: Subterfuge to explain the source of the list, Empathy and Etiquette for the introduction, etc.
    [x]Plan Razzle Dazzle
    -[x]Volunteer the existence of your inner world as what they're probably here to investigate and that they are interested in establishing diplomatic relations with the outside world. Mention that Harry should have souvenirs that didn't dissolve into ectoplasm if they find that difficult to believe.
    -[x]If you want to soulgaze me you're going to need some kind of mental anchor though
    -[x]Offer to share who your target was after the operation is complete if they give you a contact number if they press about the meeting. Your callsign will be Emerald City when you deliver the message.
    [X]Plan Information Control prime the pump
    -[X] No, you know there are high placed traitors in the White Council, keep the secret of your plans even if it means you have to stonewall him
    --[X] Use the recording of the call with Merlin as a focus for the crown to compile the list of White Council traitors before the meeting
    --[X]Use NWS and don't hide that you have that information. If you are going to share big secrets later it best to first establish that you know a secret that he already knows.
    [X] Yes, put your money where your mouth is and show yourself to be a friend of the Council
    [X]Plan Information Control
    -[X] No, you know there are high placed traitors in the White Council, keep the secret of your plans even if it means you have to stonewall him
Ascension rituals are a big deal. There is no indication Im aware of that Gard has undergone one.
According to the RPG, Odin explicitly has weregeld rates for his Valkyries if they are killed, which suggests they can be.
Not like true immortals, who are only vulnerable at Halloween.

The traitor Valkyrie only demonstrates that she had the right ancestry, which isnt that difficult back when Valkyries were travelling, trading, raiding, raping and pillaging their way up and down the northern Atlantic and leaving descendants in their wake.
What she demonstrated in this AU thus far is that you can kill Valkyries just like any other mortal. She killed three.
There are rituals and there are rituals. There are investitures and there are investitures. Greater Akuma are ascended mortal souls. Changelings who abandon their humanity are fae. White Court whampires are born human. Red Court rhampires are made from humans. Black Court vampires the same. It's not that hard to produce an immortal from a mortal, and Odin would definitely be capable of such.

This is what Gard says about Katrina:
"Þetta fer allt í hring." Though you do not understand the words she murmurs under her breath you hear the sorrow in the tone all too well. "Hoff was an estate in Småland, Sweden, the place she was born, the bastard daughter of an English priest back in the days when there barely was an England, a holy man they called him later and perhaps he was, but I had no reason to love him and Cwenhild as she was then had even less cause."

OK now that you can't not ask about... "What is she?" What are you? the question is implied.

"Now she is a traitor, a bloody handed coward, barely fit for Hella's realm. If you mean to ask what she was, she was the last of the Valkyrja the Choosers of the Slain." Gard shakes her head, as though trying to banish a particularly troublesome fly, but you doubt memories and regrets will be so easily cast off. "Perhaps her fate was always a dark one, made a herald of the Victory Bringer on the eve of his defeat. Now is matters little, my sister is as dead to me as if she had been burned to ash in Surt's flames and the ashes cast into the depths of the sea. All that is left to do is slay the murderer who wears her face."

Realizing you are sitting across from a minor Norse Goddess while sipping a Coke is not as weird as the phrase would imply. Maybe it's that you are the one who had brought up retired gods, maybe it's just that you know for a fact that your dad more powerful beings regularly, maybe you are just weird yourself. Wait a second... Gard is a Valkyrie who works for Monoc Security. You might as well ask "Is Odin still around?"
1) She was born mortal - a bastard daughter of an English priest. It's possible her mother was supernatural, but I don't get that implication
2) She was made a valkyrie. Valkyries are made.
I'm still confused about the voting. Are you allowed to vote for 4 differ things? Is there a limit? I was under the impression the max was 2.
[X] Plan "Limited Gift Giving" v2

I am not sure why people are that worried about revealing our information gathering abilties. Its not like anything can stop them.
I'm still confused about the voting. Are you allowed to vote for 4 differ things? Is there a limit? I was under the impression the max was 2.
I don't know where you ever heard about vote limits. Approval vote for everything you like it makes for less tactical voting. I really wish elections in general did approval voting then we wouldn't be at the mercy of the two party system.
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I want three things:
1) To get better relationship with the Council (as I see value in them)
2) Not ruin our attack on Red Court via the leaks.
3) To avoid our life in regards to, say, Order of Cauldron, getting harder. And Merlin could easily make it harder. Or easier.

I am trying to thread that needle.
I get that you're trying to, but I don't think your plan is a good one for this purpose.

The information is only valuable if you suppose that it's correct, complete, and that there isn't a hidden hook in it somewhere*. He isn't going to just trust or believe us right off the bat, and the further we push right this minute the greater the risk of an adverse reaction.

Threading the needle in this case would be saying enough to push them in the right direction without going to unhelpful extremes or obviously keeping them in the dark.

* Like giving them good information that is accurate and useful, but is provided at the exact right time to make you react in a predictable and exploitable way. Which is totally something that multiple entities can like do in the DF.


[X] Plan "Limited Gift Giving" v2

I am not sure why people are that worried about revealing our information gathering abilties. Its not like anything can stop them.
People can react to and exploit them though. The simplest example being Lash learning how the crown works from Harry and immediately trying to trick us into wasting her as a focus.

Not being able to contest the crown isn't the same as not being able to play us.

There's also the general negative reaction among people who think we'll be at odds with them pushing us significantly up their priority list.
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Merlin is so much harder to talk to then Mab. He agenda is far less clear. He is able to say direct lies. We have to thread the needle between getting him to take us seriously and terrifying him.

Seeing why most demon lords just play to stereotype. At least then the negotiations are straight forward.
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People can react to and exploit them though. The simplest example being Lash learning how the crown works from Harry and immediately trying to trick us into wasting her as a focus.

Not being able to contest the crown isn't the same as not being able to play us.
Looking at the kind of focuses we use its not an issue. We use photos of people or the dirt they walked by.
There's also the general negative reaction among people who think we'll be at odds with them pushing us significantly up their priority list.
We are exalted with a world why hinder ourselves now fo things that will happen. We can't pretend to be insignificant for long.
Looking at the kind of focuses we use its not an issue. We use photos of people or the dirt they walked by.
We've had issues with this before, targets of some significance are required to pull that kind of thing.
We are exalted with a world why hinder ourselves now fo things that will happen. We can't pretend to be insignificant for long
The type of threat profile matters. The crown is worse than anything anyone else knows about us yet, including the FCF.

We aren't in fact an invincible tyrant capable of taking the world. Making ourselves that kind of problem is dangerous and unprofitable. Taking the plunge because we're feeling too lazy to exercise some basic discretion is wasteful.
Winning Vote
Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Sep 2, 2023 at 2:44 PM, finished with 157 posts and 27 votes.

  • [X]Plan Information Control
    -[X] No, you know there are high placed traitors in the White Council, keep the secret of your plans even if it means you have to stonewall him
    --[X] Use the recording of the call with Merlin as a focus for the crown to compile the list of White Council traitors before the meeting
    --[X]Bring Michael as an observer/guarantor
    [X] Plan "Limited Gift Giving" v2
    -[X] Use the recording of the call with Merlin as a focus for the crown to compile the list of White Council leaks in regards to Red Court
    -[X] When meeting Merlin ask for a private meeting, no bodyguards, to discuss sensitive issues
    --[X] Empathy excellency to sell having reservations- as much as he has reasons to distrust you, so you have reasons to be suspicious. But you are willing to talk.
    -[X] In private put your money where your mouth is and show yourself to be a friend of the Council.
    --[X] Ask that Merlin not share it with people you list until after possible leaks cannotaffect the outcome of the plan. Or he can give them different information to check who is actually leaking and verify your Intel. It's his organization, he knows best. If he does share the information regardless your request, ask he at least monitor the possible leaks to confirm your Intel.
    --[X] Give him the list of leaks
    ---[X] Subterfuge excellency to disguise your source as a result of investigation, mixed with information you got from a naagloshii, mixed with your own divination.
    ---[X] Do not claim that this information is necessarily perfectly accurate
    -[X] Etiquette Excellency for the whole meeting.
    [x] No, you know there are high placed traitors in the White Council, keep the secret of your plans even if it means you have to stonewall him
    [X] Plan Softer Information Control
    -[X] No, you know there are high placed traitors in the White Council, keep the secret of your plans even if it means you have to stonewall him
    --[X] Empathy excellency to sell having reservations - you have reasons to be suspicious of possibility of leaks
    --[X] Use the recording of the call with Merlin as a focus for the crown to compile the list of White Council leaks in regards to Red Court
    [X] Plan "Limited Gift Giving"
    -[X] Use the recording of the call with Merlin as a focus for the crown to compile the list of White Council leaks in regards to Red Court
    -[X] Give the list of leaks to Merlin. Explain how you did you due diligence when preparing for an ambush as a reason you have the list.
    -[X] Put your money where your mouth is and show yourself to be a friend of the Council, after extracting the promise that the information won't be leaked
    -[X] Excellencies as needed to sell this: Subterfuge to explain the source of the list, Empathy and Etiquette for the introduction, etc.
    [x]Plan Razzle Dazzle
    -[x]Volunteer the existence of your inner world as what they're probably here to investigate and that they are interested in establishing diplomatic relations with the outside world. Mention that Harry should have souvenirs that didn't dissolve into ectoplasm if they find that difficult to believe.
    -[x]If you want to soulgaze me you're going to need some kind of mental anchor though
    -[x]Offer to share who your target was after the operation is complete if they give you a contact number if they press about the meeting. Your callsign will be Emerald City when you deliver the message.
    [X]Plan Information Control prime the pump
    -[X] No, you know there are high placed traitors in the White Council, keep the secret of your plans even if it means you have to stonewall him
    --[X] Use the recording of the call with Merlin as a focus for the crown to compile the list of White Council traitors before the meeting
    --[X]Use NWS and don't hide that you have that information. If you are going to share big secrets later it best to first establish that you know a secret that he already knows.
    [X] Yes, put your money where your mouth is and show yourself to be a friend of the Council
    [X]Plan Information Control
    -[X] No, you know there are high placed traitors in the White Council, keep the secret of your plans even if it means you have to stonewall him
Arc 9 Post 11: Making an Impression
Making an Impression

19th of November 2006 A.D.

Thick brown paper scrunches under your fingers, the sound as unpleasant to the ear as nails on a chalkboard. Information... it is all about information. You have the chance to take out Duchess Arianna because you know who she works for and what her flight plans are, but the White Council it is bleeding information right from the top. It is bleeding more than that. People are getting hurt, people are dying in the war because they don't know who the traitors are... and I can't tell them. No matter how you game it out, what you dress it up as you cannot get around the sheer terrible power of the Crown, the depth of your regard

"Clippy, play the conversation with the Merlin please."

She does and you ask a question: "Who are the traitors to the White Council?"

A list of names just appears in your mind, some are plain, others fanciful, some feel recent, others far older. Some you would probably have trouble pronouncing and none of it matters.

Lost 1 Essence -> Now at 11/15

Gained list of White Council Traitors

Gained 2 Essence -> Now at 13/15

As you open your mouth to dictate the names to Clippy something stops you. This isn't something you can entrust to her, not because you cannot trust Clippy but because you cannot trust her safety and the sanctity of her mind. Even having to think in these terms makes you want to smash something, but most stuff around you is part of Black Rider so you ball your fists tight take a deep breath and consider your next move. Dad, you can talk to dad about this.

"So how do you feel about high stakes diplomacy?" you ask flippantly.

"With who?" There is a lot of worry packed into those two words. specifically about the person you had just spoken to.

"Arthur Langtry he's..."

"The Merlin of the White Council, I know him," your dad breathes a sigh of relief that it isn't more monsters and demons. "Proud and prickly but a good man deep down I think, certainly one whose fighting a good fight."


And that is how an hour later a Knight of the Cross and your own self at least not outwardly glowing green walked into Mac's pub to me met with seven wizards including Harry a little to one side nursing a beer. The regulars had long since cleared out. So after offering a nod to the first angel you met, grabbing what might be the world's best lemonade in the world's plainest lemonade glass you take a good long look at the man who had described himself as first among equals within the Senior Council and give him the chance to do likewise. Snowy-white hair and neard frame a long solemn face marked with lines of worry as eyebrows still grey as thunderclouds hang above bright blue eyes.

Lost 1 Willpower -> now at 7/9 (ATB)

He is wearing a suit, a bespoke one you think from how fine the cut is, but no one could mistake Langtry for a businessman who had just lost his way, even discounting grey-cloaked bodyguards, not with the silver-thread embroidery around the cuffs, matching cuff-links and belt buckle.

Lost 1 Essence -> Now at 12/15 (Empathy Excellency to read him with)

At first glance he seems less like Gandalf and more like the kind of fellow who would be giving the Three Musketeers, their marching orders: clever, ruthless and probably has an agenda. But then you start to notice a thousand little signs, the way he deliberately avoids leaning back in his seat out of concern of what that might reveal, the way his right hand, covered in spell rings lies flat on the table with deliberate intent so he would not pick at the rings, an act which might be interpreted as hostile, but would instead be no more than another mark of worry Worried, tired and... you catch a dark look in Harry's direction... blaming the Warden on the spot for keeping him in the dark

It looks like pushing dad ahead like a social battering ram is working like a charm, it gives you more time to study him and pushes the notion that your eighteen year old self is willing to defer to age and wisdom. Of course you are willing to defer to your father under certain circumstances, but that is not what he's here for, mostly that's to reassure the Merlin that you are not actually a demon

After being introduced to the Wardens, none of which match your mental list thank God, the time has come to explain what happened yesterday, to offer proof of the same, and if you are lucky gain some allies.

What do you focus on in your explanation?

[] The conflicts you have had so far, including against Outsiders, make it clear that you are on the same side as the White Council in the broadest sense

[] The fact that you are a leader of your own realm, contained within your soul, a fact which you discovered yesterday

[] Your membership in the Order of the Cauldron and the broader plot against minor talents. Sure it had been stopped this time, but something needs to be done to allow them to organize, to keep themselves safe

[] Write in

OOC: It's a bit late for me, but I managed to pull this off. Hope you guys enjoy.
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I don't know where you ever heard about vote limits. Approval vote for everything you like it makes for less tactical voting. I really wish elections in general did approval voting then we wouldn't be at the mercy of the two party system.

Maybe by making the mystical third party I heard rumors about have a fighting chance for example? Still find it strange to think that americans calls themselves as having any diversity when my country has three parties battling for the first places, and a dozen others that are still voted for by a significant percent of the population.

Anyway, seems like we at least got Michael with us, that could help.

Wait, *looks at notifications*, seems I was ninjae'd by the update, damn Dragon types fast.
[]Use NWS well we have ATB and Empathy exalancy up.

It would be a waste not to and knowing a big secret about the Merlin should help us prime the pump about knowing secrets. Whatever else we vote for we should do this.
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[X] Your membership in the Order of the Cauldron and the broader plot against minor talents. Sure it had been stopped this time, but something needs to be done to allow them to organize, to keep themselves safe

Propably the most relevant and least threatening thing.
Even if we are a demonlord turning the minor talents, well the Wizards don't care to much about those.
[X] The conflicts you have had so far, including against Outsiders, make it clear that you are on the same side as the White Council in the broadest sense

One of the largest issues for the White Council is that they lack a powerhouse who isn't a wizard; Donald Morgan and the Blackstaff are probably the best fighters they've got, but even they are wizards who benefit more from prep time while all their enemies are more capable and willing to just throw hands immediately (which is why the Red Court getting the jump on them was so bad: give them a decade to prep and they would've steamrolled them)

Molly on the other hand has the power of being always ready to throw down given a few hours to soak in a cup of bleach at the very most; if we present her as a powerhouse willing to back up the White Council, it's gonna have enormous implications for humanity at large, just because the White Council can now threaten to call their Exalted beatstick to whack pretty much anybody in the supernatural top tiers (Molly getting in Mab's face while the Merlin and a few Senior Council members play fire support, for example, is much more of a sure thing than the squishy spellcasters trying to solo the average demon lord like Drakul)

Once he hears of what Molly's been doing (killing the Will and the Outsider permanently) the Merlin will have an immense desire to have her on their side. Humanity hasn't had a powerhouse that specializes in cage matches ever, if you don't count the Knights. Combine her with the versatile and batman-tier prep gods that wizards can be, and the balance of power shifts enormously.
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We are hardly hindering ourselves by not spilling info on our greatest asset.
The more time we give to the enemies of existence the stronger they get and more damage they inflict. The faster we kill them the less damage they can do.
We've had issues with this before, targets of some significance are required to pull that kind of thing.
I genuinely can't remember a time where we haven't been pull information about our enemies.
The type of threat profile matters. The crown is worse than anything anyone else knows about us yet, including the FCF.
Not really, like they can already very easily guess we have seriously divination powers, the details don't really matter that much. Do you think nemsis won't spread around the word of its discovery.
We aren't in fact an invincible tyrant capable of taking the world. Making ourselves that kind of problem is dangerous and unprofitable. Taking the plunge because we're feeling too lazy to exercise some basic discretion is wasteful
We are tho, we have seen what the heavy hitters can do in battlegrounds, we could literally walk through either side of that conflict. Especially if we get a few tanks from our world. The stats on those things are insane.

And its not laziness. Its an aversion to giving time to our enemies so they do more damage.