Wait, are you seriously arguing that valkyries are human? I'm sorry, that seems... strange to me. Valkyries are immortal (ageless) divine messengers with Intellectus. They clearly don't count as mortal magic users because, well, they aren't using mortal magic. And aren't mortal.That isnt true.
Dresden doesnt call her out as inhuman.
Whatever Odin did with and to them, it didnt change their humanity.
In canon, she's a scion. She essentially confirms that she's a scion when Dresden asks:
Most of our normal citizens are. Mortal and using mortal magic.
There's a difference between at most 20 close associates directly empowered / changed by a god, and potentially thousands if not millions of mortal magic users who follow a demon queen's cult. Like, take the shamans we met during kakuri arc - are they subject to White Council's jurisdiction? I am fairly sure that yes, WC would assert that, and would carry on with head chopping. Most of our citizens are about that much connected to us at most.
I'm sorry, I might be more tired than I believes. I can't find where this proposal was discussed or what the idea is about. Again, I apologize.Pretty much how has already been discussed. Attribute it to our secret verification ability if necessary and stick to Gorfel's testimony for the moment.
I want three things:I get where you're coming from, but it's worth noting that just moving faster on our end doesn't necessarily move the council faster, and the less plausible our claim the less likely they are to do something about it.
Haste isn't speed and all that rot.
It's not like the Merlin is going to walk out of this meeting and start spying on or executing people on the list, they're old friends and subordinates and we're and unknown who screams arch demon on vacation on every respect save association. For all he knows the point is to cast suspicion when the council can least afford any infighting.
He's more likely to try intermediate verification steps to justify invasive screening, which is time consuming and relies on someone making a visible mistake.
The more plausible our suspicions are the more progress we make in getting him to trust us when we name names.
So we start here by planting the idea and get him to the same step he'd go to in either case, but with more engagement on his part. Then we follow up with more information and work through the problem as we establish credibility.
We can also slip the list to Ebenezer while we do this with the council as a whole so he can play emergency brake. While we lead the horse to water in a way that will incline it to drink he can keep an eye on the problem children to catch any of their major plots.
If they do try something and the most paranoid council member just happens to catch them then the whole process ends in our favor right there.
1) To get better relationship with the Council (as I see value in them)
2) Not ruin our attack on Red Court via the leaks.
3) To avoid our life in regards to, say, Order of Cauldron, getting harder. And Merlin could easily make it harder. Or easier.
I am trying to thread that needle.
Either you think he's going to treat us like an 18 year old girl, or he's going to treat us as a new Yama King. Which is it? In your opinion.He has no reason to expect trust from an 18 year old girl who has never been part of the Council.
Also, I find it interesting that we seem to be more comfortable (have easier time negotiating) with gods and fae queens than with mortal if powerful wizards, and said gods and queens are also more comfortable with us than mortal wizards are. That... says something, doesn't it?