@DragonParadox what is out top flight speed? Can we do 200+ km/h?
@DragonParadox what is out top flight speed? Can we do 200+ km/h?
This isn't about morality on a grand scale, it's about the rules the supernatural world cares about.Not my point. My point is that we are already lying to him. We are actively deceiving him to make him betray Red Court. We can't damage our reputation further by betraying him too. We already made him betray Red Court under entirely false pretenses.
Do we have any speed boosters other than Wind-Born Stride that apply outside of shintai? Because if not, we move at (20+(dex*3))*10 = 320 meters/turn. So about 117 kilometers per hour, unless my 7am math is very wrong.
(Unless we use the movement rate from Changeling 20, where running was (20*(dex*3)), for some reason.)
My late night math was also wrong, but quoted before I deleted it XDYou have this from alchemy
Speed: Though it shares a name with a common drug, Speed is not chemically related to it. It is much safer, and just allows the user to run twice as fast for the duration of one scene. However, this is still exhausting, and after the scene, the user makes a Stamina check (difficulty 6) or else suffer -2 on all physical die rolls due to exhaustion for the next hour.
Ok, I redid the math. We have 20 + 3*Dexterity yards/turn running speed. That's 32 yards per turn or 29,26 meters per turn. Windborn stride boosts it X10, so that's 292.6 meters per turn. One turn is 3 seconds. That's roughly 97.5 meters per second. That's 349,2 kilometers per hour. Yeah, we can do this.I think someone did the math already, I'll have to look for it but I know it's more than that. There was talk of it you could break the speed of sound, turned out Molly can't but she is not much under it
Isn't this jumping the gun a bit? The current vote isn't to determine how we assault the plane, but rather whether or not we bring some form of backup.Ok, I redid the math. We have 20 + 3*Dexterity yards/turn running speed. That's 32 yards per turn or 29,26 meters per turn. Windborn stride boosts it X10, so that's 292.6 meters per turn. One turn is 3 seconds. That's roughly 97.5 meters per second. That's 349,2 kilometers per hour. Yeah, we can do this.
[X] Plan Sky Piracy
-[X] HMP the plane
--[X] Incapacitate the pilots by messing with cabin's ventilation
--[X] Once the pilots are out force the plane to the minimum operating velocity
-[X] Board the plane (a combination of Naagloshii shapeshifting and Wind-Born Stride assisted flight)
--[X] Apply all combat boosts either before launching or mid-flight, so you board already combat ready
What I'm hearing here is that we might help Broken Seeker find true love.So worst case we follow her, Broken Seeker meets a Wendigo (ice and cannibalism) and they team up to eat us.
It seems highly unlikely it'll go there.What I'm hearing here is that we might help Broken Seeker find true love.
More seriously, if we are having to hunt our way through the ass end of Winter we might need to burn our favors with Mab to increase our relationship with her Court. Otherwise we might end up swimming through corpses by the end of this. Hell, Seeker themselves would probably draw a lot of aggro depending.
We can tho. We are immune to her direct spells. We can easily kill summoned outsiders in a round or two like the knight, we can stop her from running with mhm and then we just kill her.All of this is in part why Im beginning to side-eye the declaration we can fight alone with no intelligence of what the OPFOR is.
They dont have to be so, individually.That's a big if, and they're unlikely to be as dangerous in the air as we are anyway.
All things considered she's probably not building her security to counter such specific circumstances even if it's possible for her to do so.
That is how this works.That's not how this works.
Ways are routes of safe passage, and things immediately next to one can lead to places hundreds of miles away on the other side; that's how they work in the first place. It's functionally impossible for them to know where everything maps to or for them to dominate everywhere connecting to random bits of airspace.
Furthermore, canonically they constantly struggle with the fact that all their relevant ways go through faerie. Most stuff does cause that's what's closest to earth. They don't have dominance there. That's why they went to so much trouble to screw with Mab.
You're doomsaying things on tenuous hypotheticals that rely on perfect counters being a built in part of Ortega's security and the red court having overcome basic issues of the setting that they struggled with unsuccessfully in canon.
Edit: error
Of course she is.In addition to what BronzeTongue said on the matter, we must also take into account that Arianna is traveling via jet rather than using the Ways. If the Reds actually controlled the Ways in Mexico, a place where they've more or less dominated as the supernatural power on Earth since well before Europeans discovered North and South America, she would be using them to travel rather than making herself vulnerable by flying.
Sure, the jet is luxurious and a nice enough status symbol, but Arianna is an immortal monster who isn't in the habit of recklessly endangering her life, and her faction is at war with the White Council, a group who could sneeze that jet out of the air almost by accident, let alone what they could do to it if they knew of its existence and whereabouts.
No, the Reds avoid the Ways linked to their territory if at all possible. They're not welcome there, and for all their power on Earth, in the NeverNever it doesn't amount to much. That's not to say she couldn't duck into the NeverNever in a panicked flight from certain death, but that shouldn't be her first or second reaction to a mid-air attack.
Hmm. So it routes to Winter territory in the air.Jumping into the Nevernever at 30.000 feet inside a depressurizing plane would lead to Winter, to the sky-falls specifically, places to call because they are frozen waterfalls that flow up instead of down and much, much faster than ice should be able to go (they mirror the jet-streams). The Red Court does not have control there, but winter is not going to react instantly and a noble of the Red Court might be able to rush through before the fey catch up to her. The closest place to the sky falls that the Red Court control would mirror sites of icy blood-shed and especially cannibalism, so places where planes went down, ships were stuck in ice, people got snowed in and then they ate each other. Molly cannot tell the details because she is not am expert on the ways. You could ask Broken Seeker if you trust his answers.
Our top speed is around 225 mph/362kph, but we only reach it after around 7 minutes of acceleration.I think someone did the math already, I'll have to look for it but I know it's more than that. There was talk of it you could break the speed of sound, turned out Molly can't but she is not much under it
This is, at best, misleading.We can tho. We are immune to her direct spells. We can easily kill summoned outsiders in a round or two like the knight, we can stop her from running with mhm and then we just kill her.
There is no real way she can contest us.
We have innate counter magic and after we reduce her spells difficulty, presumably a force effect, from whatever down to a few success we can just soak those things fairly easily.We are not immune to her spells.
Exalted countermagic explicitly does jack to direct damage spells by the rules. We may be immune to stuff that attempts to do Shaping like a curse, but a fireball or lightning spell will do as much damage as it always would. Never mind a summoning.
We can literally ignore most of the chaff because our soak is so high. Magic support doesn't matter we can just kill them afterwards, it took us like 2 rounds to kill a walker.We have never fought an Outsider or a group of Outsiders with magical support.
Our ability to fight and kill an unsupported Walker does not translate to an ability to walk over that sort of opposition. Even Ebenezar needed help when he got jumped by a pack ofHounds of TindalosCornerhounds in Peace Talks.
So was the white court guy, we dumpstersd him fairly easilyThis is not a duel. The woman has a security team and is a millenia old monster in her own right.
She has access to elder vampire Disciplines at a minimum, and given that her Court has been playing footsie with Outsiders, there's the potential for additional deals in play. AND she's a sorceress.
We are also stronger than seeker. There is a reason it didn't directly confront us and its not because it could take us in a fight.We dont know anything about her abilities, but Seeker presumably does. And he welcomed support in hunting her down.
That has worrying implications. I dont like jumping into fights blind, especially when our "ally" is an ally of convenience who is untrustworthy.
Countermagic literally doesn't apply to direct-damagr spells.We have innate counter magic and after we reduce her spells difficulty, presumably a force effect, from whatever down to a few success we can just soak those things fairly easily.
I think it does but i am not sure let me check.Countermagic literally doesn't apply to direct-damagr spells.
Or more precisely, a Mage or a Vampire with Thaumathurgic Countermagic migh contest these things, but we can't. We can only soak or dodge.
That plane cruises at around 600mph/~1000kph.Ok, I redid the math. We have 20 + 3*Dexterity yards/turn running speed. That's 32 yards per turn or 29,26 meters per turn. Windborn stride boosts it X10, so that's 292.6 meters per turn. One turn is 3 seconds. That's roughly 97.5 meters per second. That's 349,2 kilometers per hour. Yeah, we can do this.
[X] Plan Sky Piracy
-[X] HMP the plane
--[X] Incapacitate the pilots by messing with cabin's ventilation
--[X] Once the pilots are out force the plane to the minimum operating velocity
-[X] Board the plane (a combination of Naagloshii shapeshifting and Wind-Born Stride assisted flight)
--[X] Apply all combat boosts either before launching or mid-flight, so you board already combat ready
We literally know nothing about her capabilities.It seems highly unlikely it'll go there.
Jumping into the nevernever blind is known to be suicidal and Ortega has no way to know what specifically is on the other side here. Even if she's somehow aware of the region of faerie it goes to, which she can't be confident of, that doesn't tell her if she's about to drop into the lap of an angry noble or into a section filled with hungry chaff that will wear her down.
There's something like one canon occurrence of a blind escape jump like this and it nearly killed everyone involved. By which I mean it killed everyone who didn't have plot armor.
By the time she's that desperate she won't be able to easily spare the focus and energy to open a portal.
Thats not how countermagick works.We have innate counter magic and after we reduce her spells difficulty, presumably a force effect, from whatever down to a few success we can just soak those things fairly easily.
No we cant make that assumption.We can literally ignore most of the chaff because our soak is so high. Magic support doesn't matter we can just kill them afterwards, it took us like 2 rounds to kill a walker.
Fighting a duke of the red court isn't going to be that meaningfully different than killing a head of a white court house.
And we are much better than ebzner in a straight fight.
We ambushed him at a party where his entire security detail was 4-6 people, and they were all unarmed, and we had reliable backup. Nor was he a sorcerer of note.
Seeker is a predator.We are also stronger than seeker. There is a reason it didn't directly confront us and its not because it could take us in a fight.
Cautiousness is good but overestimating enemies is just as bad as being reckless.
Planes have variable speed. Minimum control speed of the plane in question is 200 kilometers per hour. So, HMP the plane, then make the devil slow it down. And either knock the pilots out, or fool them by making the devil show them false readings.That plane cruises at around 600mph/~1000kph.
Even assuming its moving at around 400mph/640kph due to the relative closeness of the destination, you are still looking at almost twice the flight speed of the math you did above.
MHM doesnt boost travel/movement speed as far as I know.
-Yes, I know planes have variable speedPlanes have variable speed. Minimum control speed of the plane in question is 200 kilometers per hour. So, HMP the plane, then make the devil slow it down. And either knock the pilots out, or fool them by making the devil show them false readings.
EDIT: I checked before posting, math works out.
ATB + Hellscry Chakra to detect Ortega should work. That, and plane tracking - I am assuming they have a legit flight path and can be tracked.-Almost moonless night, by WoG.
Picking out the right A320 via Mark One Eyeball is, not impossible, but involves a significant amount of adverse geometry given that our flightspeed is significantly lower than theirs. It would be impossible if we didnt know their likely destination.
Leaving aside how distances in the air are far larger than distances on the ground and that our "not subtle" presence was never felt more than several hundred meters away (and we'd be starting from several kilometers out), what would she do? She'll have less than a minute to react, even if she detects us, and "jump off a plane" is an action of last resort, most likely.-Neither Molly nor Seeker is magically subtle.
Naagloshii are magically weighty enough to count as their own ley line, and to deform the magical landscape whereever they pass. And Molly is essentially a not-so-mini Darkhallow in her own right.
If we end up in the same sky as Ortega, I expect her to feel us long before we make contact, veil or not, just as Dresden could tell Shagnasty was present even when it was under a veil.
Nevermind if we pop shintai in the Mexican night sky.