Green Flame Rising (Exalted vs Dresden Files)

There is the fact that (-0) Health boxes are only named Bruised, even in Hardened Devil Body.

So now the question becomes if changing the wound penalty changes what type of box it is.

If there was a magic that set even "Bruised" boxes to -5, would they still heal as if Bruised, or since -5 is Crippled...

Since there can be multiple -1s and -2s, but 0 and -5 seem to be more universal?
Infernal ox body actually gives us more -5 (crippled) health levels :V
Yes, I meant that -5s seem always be called Crippled and -0 called Bruised, unlike others.
The names dont seem to change period to me. What are you specifying?


I just assumed it just stacked more capability for injury on us.

The dragon blooded I'm playing bled out an entire humans worth of blood to feed a vampire healing everyone in a hospital in my session.
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This provides an interesting bit, then.

If we buy lots of Ox Bodies and By Agony Empowered, are we just going to look like a fleshy skeleton animated by nothing more than infernal will and majesty by the time we fill up most our track?

Not that I am against that bit.

Oh yeah if should be maimed but are still standing you will look like the dread light of your anima holding up what should be crippling injuries. I would call that a bonus to intimidation with some beings is that helps.
So, does this mean that our second and third -0s are not considered Bruised? They are still Hurt and Injured specifically for all Healing Time purposes?
Solars and Sidereals win again.

Infernal tank builds aren't destroyed by 1 turn kills but unsustainably long healing times here instead RIP.

Infernals have no parry bullshit.
Hmm, might gonna need to specify what each number's health level is so that stuff like this won't happen. ESPECIALLY if we're gonna buy Ox-Body in the future. I can already picture it.

"Wait, is this the Mauled or the Injured? No, it's this one— wait! It's actually this one-" Ad nauseam.

Solars and Sidereals win again.

Infernal tank builds aren't destroyed by 1 turn kills but unsustainably long healing times here instead RIP.

Infernals have no parry bullshit.
Feels so good being a Solar player.
Solars and Sidereals win again.

Infernal tank builds aren't destroyed by 1 turn kills but unsustainably long healing times here instead RIP.

I mean there is that charm that lets you treat a tub of bleech like a Dragon's Nest for the purposes of healing as well. I think you have plenty of chances to heal. If you had that charm right now you could be back up to full in half an hour.
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Table of healing speeds says "Bruised" or HLs with a penalty of (-0) heal at once per hour if lethal or agg.

We have a Charm that reduces wound penalties, but we heal slower even though we are at -0 because the fluff just says it reduces pain.
It isn't just fluff. While Exalted has healing rates depending upon the wound penalty Exalted vs. World of Darkness has the rates depending upon the wound tier. This is an important mechanical difference.

For reference the healing times are:
  • Bruised (-0): 30 minutes (Bashing) or 1 hour (Lethal/Aggravated)
  • Hurt (-1): 30 minutes (Bashing) or 12 hours (Lethal/Aggravated)
  • Injured (-1): 30 minutes (Bashing) or 1 day (Lethal/Aggravated)
  • Wounded (-2): 1 hour (Bashing) or 2 days (Lethal/Aggravated)
  • Maimed (-2): 1 hour (Bashing) or 2 days (Lethal/Aggravated)
  • Crippled (-4): 1 hour (Bashing) or 3 days (Lethal/Aggravated)
  • Incapacitated (Unconscious): 1 hour (Bashing) or 5 days (Lethal/Aggravated)
This is relevant as well because different charms give different tiers of Health Levels. For example the Terrestrial's version of Ox-Body Technique gives an additional set of Bruised and Injured Health Levels which makes it clearly inferior to the Solar version which gives Bruised, Hurt, and Wounded Health Levels even aside from the extra Wounded Health Levels. This difference also explains why the Lunar version of the technique gives Hurt, Injured, Wounded, and Maimed Health Levels despite Hurt/Injured and Wounded/Maimed having the same penalty (although Wounded/Maimed do heal at the same rate).

This does however mean that the Infernal version of Ox-Body Technique is arguably the worst of the Solaroids. Solars and Abyssals get +1 Bruised, Hurt, and Wounded for a total of +3HL. Infernals get two Wounded, one Mauled, and one Crippled for a total of +4HL but their HLs are worse because they heal slower and have worse penalties. By Rage Recast helps with the penalties but even then that is an extra charm just to make it almost as good, but still notably worse, as the base level Solar/Abyssal version.

Edit: All the ninja action going on here. But I think the extra detail does reinforce that this is quite clearly the intended reading of hte rules.
I mean there is that spell that lets you treat a tub of bleech like a Dragon's Nest for the purposes of healing as well. I think you have plenty of chances to heal. If you had that charm right now you could be back up to full in half an hour.
Sure, but those cost Essence.

As to what I mean by parry bullshit.

Fivefold Bulwark Stance (•••••)
Focusing her battle awareness into a preternatural
trance, the Solar beholds the violent intent of her foes as
golden traceries forecasting where their attacks will occur.
System: Reflexively spend 1 Essence and 1 Will-
power to activate this Charm. For the rest of the scene,
at the beginning of each turn roll Dexterity + (player's
choice of Brawl, Melee, or Athletics) against difficulty
7. The Solar applies the successes on this roll as a re-
flexive dodge, parry, or block against all attacks made
against her of which she is aware during that turn. Her
choice of dodge, parry, or block doesn't have to match
the Ability she chose to roll that turn.
The closest we have is a Hell of Being Skinned Alive one thats sorta like this...

But its only with Athletics.
Just had a thought; if we buy that Charm which heals you when submerged in toxic chemicals, we might end up being the first to ever keep barrels of bleach in our basement who didn't end up being a serial killer.

Well, we might technically be a serial killer by that point, but only barely. It doesn't really count if you kill in defense of self or others.
"Don't buy Charred Sinner Renewal, yet. We won't fall into some warzone five minutes after this."

*Not even one minute and two combat turns later*

We should've bought Viridan Legend Exoskeleton,
I can see ONE situation where stacking HLs as a Infernal can be...okay.

If we ever get to the point where we can spam Offering of Blood and Meat and eat creatures or people for easy full heals.

Otherwise...stick to Soak.

Edit: So, unlikely with Molly.

It isn't just fluff. While Exalted has healing rates depending upon the wound penalty Exalted vs. World of Darkness has the rates depending upon the wound tier. This is an important mechanical difference.

Damnit, playing Exalted only for too long fixed it in my mind. And it made sense to me. At least I know why.
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Oh boy, Fivefold Bulwark Stance, one of my favorite in 2.5 and in here ExWoD as well. That Charm is so bullshit.

First let's look at the full wording.
Fivefold Bulwark Stance (•••••)
Focusing her battle awareness into a preternatural
trance, the Solar beholds the violent intent of her foes as
golden traceries forecasting where their attacks will occur.
System: Reflexively spend 1 Essence and 1 Willpower
to activate this Charm. For the rest of the scene,
at the beginning of each turn roll Dexterity + (player's
choice of Brawl, Melee, or Athletics) against difficulty
7. The Solar applies the successes on this roll as a reflexive
dodge, parry, or block against all attacks made
against her of which she is aware during that turn. Her
choice of dodge, parry, or block doesn't have to match
the Ability she chose to roll that turn.
It's basically a free block, dodge and parry without having to split your dice or having to contest with Multiple Actions to parry (because Parrying in WoD is a Multiple Action (You block + Riposte)). But that's not all.

Take a look at this:
For the rest of the scene,
at the beginning of each turn roll Dexterity + (player's
choice of Brawl, Melee, or Athletics) against difficulty
7. The Solar applies the successes on this roll as a reflexive
dodge, parry, or block against all attacks made
against her of which she is aware during that turn.
For the rest of the scene,
at the beginning of each turn

"At the beginning of each turn", it doesn't have to be just your turn, it could be your friends or your enemies. That means that if you roll badly on one of the turn, that's okay. You can just re-roll it for a higher score during the next order of Initiatives.

I love Solars. Most powerful Splat.
Damnit, playing Exalted only for too long fixed it in my mind. And it made sense to me. At least I know why.
Yeah, my thoughts exactly. Back in 2e, there are no Health tiers like Bruised or such. Just a fixed number. So that's why I was confused on why is a -0 not healing like a -0 should.
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So we take a bit of time to heal and we can't parry as well as a Solar with a 5 Dot Charm build around it.
Who cares?

We can get more soak than almost any other Exalted and with Shintai we can get not merely one, but two entirely new health-tracks.
Adding The City Still stands to get yet another full health track the first time we die in a story.

We can still be impossibly tanky, even compared to Exalted, but especially compared to fey and wizards here.
We may have to pump Athletics. And not just because Who Strikes The Wind is best Infernal Perfect.
Opened Eye of the Hurricane (•••••) Infusing herself with the perfected Essence of both murder and wind, the Infernal senses the air-distor- tions and killing intent of all strikes made against her, and moves to perfectly counter them. System: Spend 1 Essence and 1 Willpower reflex- ively to activate this Charm. For the rest of the scene, at the beginning of each turn roll Dexterity + Athletics against difficulty 7. The Infernal applies the successes on this roll as a reflexive dodge against all attacks made against her of which she is aware during that turn.
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We may have to pump Athletics. And not just because Who Strikes The Wind iy best Infernal Perfect.

Nice! Our own Fivefold Bulwark Stance-equivalent.

Yeah, upping Athletics so that we won't have to worry against attacks is fair. And even if they do go pass our Dodge, we would still have our Soak and Health Levels.
Solars and Sidereals win again.

Infernal tank builds aren't destroyed by 1 turn kills but unsustainably long healing times here instead RIP.

Infernals have no parry bullshit.

Feels so good being a Solar player.

Solars have an inconvenient habit of dying when they are killed however. Even with that one charm only lets them come back later.

Meanwhile we can get... like what over a hundred effective health levels?

Imagine being so puny you only have double digit health levels :whistle:

Solars have an inconvenient habit of dying when they are killed however. Even with that one charm only lets them come back later.

Meanwhile we can get... like what over a hundred effective health levels?

Imagine being so puny you only have double digit health levels :whistle:
I can accept it if we will use Offering of Blood and Meat, even if only on vampires or stuff.

Imagine only having 126 HLs and not full healing multiple times by cutting an enemy to incap then eating them with your torso mouth.
Is this whole thread gonna be about charms we should have taken? We'll get 'em next time. Let's move on. There's plot to be had.