An I reading a different update from you?
The QM has pretty definitively addressed this.
You do know that Hellscry Chakra doesn't actually necessarily perceive auras of people? We have been over this. The text says, and I quote
Perceive some clues about their nature. Not "completely understand the nature of their condition". So, we might be able to discern a whampire from a blampire, probably. Detect Nemesis possessing a vanilla human. Detect nemesis possessing a winter fae mantle holder? Much less certain, and would almost certainly take like double legendary success on DC9 roll or something like that.
You are overselling the charm. By a lot.
As to Justine - we have no reason to active Hellscry chakra in her presence.
My dude, read your citation again.
What do you think the anima is supposed to be? Let me quote the White Wolf wiki:
The anima is a normally invisible aura that surrounds all living things. When an Exalt uses Essence, that Essence often spills into their anima, making it visible. Therefore, Exalted who expend a great deal of Essence are often surrounded by a brilliant display of power that can be visible from miles distant.
Thats why we were asked to use aura colors.
What do you think Isabella's Uncle Leinth was looking at back when he saw us summon cyberdevils into Greene's computer?
Im not overselling it. You are simply underselling it.
For comparison?
All Things Betray, an unfavored 2 dot Charm, is 8xp. For that 8xp, you get -3DC to ALL Perception rolls for the scene, AND you get to add Perception to your Initiative. The idea that Im overselling Hellscry Chakra is in no way consistent with the power level of its sibling sensing charms in the Infernal charmset.
This is a reminder that Wizard Sight with the full training bonus is 7 or 8xp, depending on whether we roll up or down.
We always have
Demonic Primacy of Essence active.
Nfested Justine will ping as CoD in our presence because of Nemesis Nfection. Humans do not proc as CoDs. A human proc-ing as CoD will ALWAYS be reason to activate Hellscry Chakra. And All Things Betray for that matter.
Ok, so the full descriptions are:
Empathy is overwhelmingly about reading and understanding others, with a mix of "use emotional appeal". Expression is overwhelmingly about convincing others and transmitting the message you want transmitted.
Empathy is both sensing and action.
Expression is action only. Doesn't even let you determine how well your sally was received by the target
I reiterate my belief that Earth Destroyer is simply wrong in claiming that Expression was some sort of god ability among social abilities.
The curse was an existing magical effect on the leylines, that was how Harry was able to target and invert it. It didn't go off, but it was still there.
You are mistaken.
The curse was the equivalent of a preset charge to trigger an avalanche. It hadn't been set off, and so while a focused search by a wizard who knew what they were looking for found it? EDS would not proc.
That's supposition.
What we know is that it's never defeated on screen, and that no one implies it's possible or even tries to directly oppose it however strong they are. Nemesis beating it comes from reasonable inference, but the books treat it as functionally absolute in any context it comes up in regardless of who is in the scene.
It's a book series, so there isn't as much explicit definition as if it came with a splat book, but taking the track that no one bothered because they didn't care to try is deliberately taking the weakest possible conclusion for something DF presents as consistently strong and relevant.
Worth recalling that the Dresden Files are written from the PoV of a young Dresden.
Every couple books something we "knew", or which we thought we knew gets redefined, or turns out to have us missing important wrinkles or edge cases.
Nemesis beating it is not just OOC inference, it comes from the fact that Rashid went to the trouble of acquiring a scanner eye for working the Gates, and not just the Sight. And the fact that the Leanansidhe, for all her power and subtlety, missed the fact that the athame she was gifted at Bianca's ball was a vector for Outsider infection.
Note that most of those were conditions where she was meeting Harry on his own business or someone else blew up the rules first. A three degree temp drop falls in the subtle category even though it's AoE, a mantle of burning eyes doesn't.
Edit: words
1)The Small Favor scene. Mab sought out Dresden in a hospital chapel where Uriel came to talk to him.
If Mab is freezing the ground and Dresden's eyelashes in a chapel of the White God literally minutes after the archangel Uriel just left it? I am comfortable stating that the White God, Mab and the supernatural community at large are not going to consider lightshows to be anything other than to be expected.
As long as its not accompanied by aggressive action.
2) The temperature drop was at a major diplomatic reception for
supernaturals. People who are sensitive to energy flows.
It might have counted as subtle for mortals, it most certainly would not have for supernaturals
Even Dresden felt it from across the room as soon as it happened, and he was just a wizard.