Angry? Nope. My dude, I opposed it back then with precisely this argument.sounds more like you are just angry we made the promise, and trying to shoehorn in a definition of the promise that we can't keep because of that.
But we chose otherwise. Im pretty much for keeping commitments we make, so Im calling out the commitment we made so we keep it.
Promises are important in this setting, and nascent Powers that waffle on their word are deeply alarming.
We dont get hit with the magical consequences of breaking our word because Exalted, but the social and reputational consequences are just as bad, and potentially worse.
*rolls eyes*So yes, sophistry? Look in a mirror. Better yet, look at Murphy's speech prior to us making the promise.
Read the full thing again, including the vote options and what Molly voted for.
If we establish a reputation for requiring a legal advocate to draw up the minutaie of deals with us because we'll weasel word at our convenience? We will suffer significant diplomatic and social issues going forward.Clear and present danger. If Murphy is so completely childish as to disregard the spirit of the promise
And we already are at a malus being what we are.
We keep our word and agreements. Or we dont make them.
One or the other.
Better to keep. Less bad to formally withdraw.
Citation very much needed.First line of the accords "There is no spirit of the law, only its letter." In dresden files nobody cares about the spirit of a deal, only the letter, and save for the Fey the latter is optional as well.
We very much see Dresden make verbal agreements with people, from Hendricks to Gard to Winter Lady Maeve, and the spirit of the agreement is law.
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