Porter compared his possession to the cyber devils since that is what she saw you interact with. Howeever that does not mean he is as weak as them. He is powerful enough to posses a train as long as it is in or near the Last Station.
I'll get back to you on this, because I am going to need clarification on the limits.
Of Straightforward Solutions
Vans with treated windows speaks to a need to transport prisoners with vulnerabilities to sunlight.
Which suggests Reds, Blacks, and certain kinds of fae like hobs.
The fact that they call them fangs, and have facilities for preserving magically fresh blood speaks to experience with Red Court/Black Court vampires as prisoners at least. Which makes sense, given all the Reds both across the border in Mexico, and in the US itself. Also means that they lack experience with Jades or akuma.
That collar may not be enough to kill a lesser akuma with Demon Shintai 3(+Sta 2, + Str 2, + Dex 1, 3x Aspects), Iron Mountain 2(soak DC reduction), Blood Shintai 1(soak DC reduction) and Bone Shintai 1(+6HP). Disregarding any Investments.
Assuming they have the chi to activate it after getting mauled by Molly. Which these probably dont. Probably.
I guess the agents will learn whether its enough.
Edinburgh liaison? So they have formal relations with the White Council, up to and including envoys. Worth knowing.
Also worth knowing that Harry knew fuckall about this despite being responsible for half of the continental US.
Man needs to get better at the politics side of the job.
Nine Library field agents = Nine Crown foci.
That in and of itself makes this worth Molly's while if she chooses to take a closer look at the Library.
Whether or not they want her to.
Bowl of Hygeia. Serpent of Epidaurus. Whoever is making their gear comes from a Greco-Roman magical tradition.
Which localizes their tradition's origin to southern Europe and the Mediterranean, instead of Northern Europe like if it was calling on Celtic and Norse references.
This is the second instance pointing at the European Med for the Library's origins. Agent Hyde's shoes were inscribed in Latin.
Im suspecting the indirect hand of the Archive here. No real evidence though.
Molly at least should be able to get out of one of those collars. CCC enhances escape artist checks and she should even be able to soak the damage. Also I expect that the collars do lethal damage so if she doesn't soak it she can heal it quickly.
Molly doesnt have enough base soak to soak this without activating VLE and Steelskin.
She may have enough HP to shrug off the damage(we do need to max out our Ox Body, which we havent done yet).
And if there's fluid in perception range she could just duck out of the collar altogether.
What she actually needs is the control technology charm
Electric Devil Caress, which is a 2 dot charm that allows you to destroy or Assume Direct Control all electronics in range.
Which would include the control mechanisms for bombs, electronic door locks, ECUs in cars, cellphones, security cameras, etc.
It's not just the fact that they're keeping blood cold to preserve it, or that they have some means to keep it magically fresh for Vampire consumption, that is surprising, but rather that they've combined the two methods, technology and magic, into a single working device.
And not only that, they have produced enough of them that one could be made easily available for a transport van in the Mid-West US with less than 24 hours notice. That means it's probably not a one-off product of some mad inventor. They have gone through the expense of developing and producing a very niche product, and I doubt it is for the transport and comfortable captivity of Vampire prisoners.
The effort, in time, resources, and logistical headaches doesn't seem worth it, not unless the ability to keep captive Vampires from starving is just a happy benefit of a more significant program, such as one intended to feed your own Vampire operatives.
Two words: Intelligence gathering.
Captive vampires provide significant amounts of intelligence, and are the commonest supernatural they can probably get ahold of and contain safely.
Im not saying they dont deal with Rampires, or have Rampire agents; just like us in Cleveland, there are situations where there is a common enemy. Just that the intelligence alone would be worth the trouble for an organization whose raison d'etre is information gathering, preservation and destruction.
And ultimately, its not that large an investment; this is an Enchantment 1/2 effect.
And one that probably has applications elsewhere, including in things like preserving blood for transfusions, or extending the shelf-life of alchemical potions.