Is it just about time for Grail-kun to migrate to a new fictional work to wreck havoc? (Multi-vote).

  • Yes! Fresh blood. Getting tired of Earth-Bet.

    Votes: 154 41.2%
  • Wait a few more wishes. There's a couple of people we need to screw over first.

    Votes: 148 39.6%
  • NO! We live and die on Earth Bet. CONSUME US! *writhe around in ecstasy*

    Votes: 114 30.5%
  • Also, I would be interested in writing my own Grail-kun Quest, Numen. A NEW GENRE IS BORN!

    Votes: 19 5.1%
  • I understand that Harry Potter and Naruto are fandoms you understood best- but there are others.

    Votes: 80 21.4%
  • Note: This is an opinion poll. There will be a proper vote for such things.

    Votes: 81 21.7%

  • Total voters
5. Daniel I
Vote Tally : Grail-kun! The random wish granter Quest! (Worm AU) | Page 13 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally

[X]Bonesaw is Ready! Open a portal to Bonesaw.
-[X]Or open a portal to a Heroic Bonesaw from an alternate reality.
-[X]Give Daniel a knife and open a portal to Eidolon's bedroom.
No. of Votes: 10

[X]Mama's Mama! Open a portal to Noelle Meinhardt's vault in Coil's base.
-[X]Give Daniel a knife and open a portal to Eidolon's bedroom.
No. of Votes: 8

[X]Bonesaw is Ready! Open a portal to Bonesaw.
-[X]Or open a portal to a Heroic Bonesaw from an alternate reality.
[X]Justice! Give Daniel a copy of the Death Note and Eidolon's Driver's License.
No. of Votes: 6

[X]Bonesaw is Ready! Open a portal to Bonesaw.
-[X]Or open a portal to a Heroic Bonesaw from an alternate reality.
[X]Not Subtle! Grant Daniel a MtG card that can summon the Helvault.
No. of Votes: 4

[X]Bonesaw is Ready! Open a portal to Bonesaw.
-[X]Or open a portal to a Heroic Bonesaw from an alternate reality.
[X]Knife! "One day, in the far future, in at least one possible reality, a mighty AI will simulate the entire multiverse and in one of those simulations, the Endbringers won't exist! So just die and wait for that day."
-[X]Give Daniel a knife and open a portal to Eidolon's bedroom.
No. of Votes: 4

[X]Gantz! Summon a Black Sphere from the Gantz's universe to Taylor's Living Room with a 100 point menu unlocked.
[X]Grant Daniel Hebert knowledge of the Four Symbols Seal. Host must be an infant or possess robust biology.
No. of Votes: 4

-[x]Or open a portal to a Heroic Bonesaw from an alternate reality.
-[x]Give Daniel a knife and open a portal to Eidolon's bedroom.
No. of Votes: 3

-[X]Give Daniel a knife and open a portal to Eidolon's bedroom.
No. of Votes: 3

[x]Magic Clone! Give Annette a MtG card that can create any copy of a target creature.
[x]Sue their Dad! Grant Daniel a MtG card that can cast Deadly Tempest. In this context, creatures are not humans, and control must be have.
No. of Votes: 2

[X] Gantz! Summon a Black Sphere from the Gantz's universe to Taylor's Living Room with a 100 point menu unlocked.
[X] Not Subtle! Grant Daniel a MtG card that can summon theHelvault.
No. of Votes: 2

[X] Bonesaw is Ready! Open a portal to Bonesaw.
-[X] Or open a portal to a Heroic Bonesaw from an alternate reality.
[X] Grant Daniel Hebert knowledge of the Four Symbols Seal. Host must be an infant or possess robust biology.
No. of Votes: 2

[X]Bonesaw is Ready! Open a portal to Bonesaw.
-[X]Or open a portal to a Heroic Bonesaw from an alternate reality.
[X]Grant Daniel Hebert knowledge of the Four Symbols Seal. Host must be an infant or possess robust biology.
No. of Votes: 2

[x]Magic Clone! Give Annette a MtG card that can create any copy of a target creature.
[x]Not Subtle! Grant Daniel a MtG card that can summon the Helvault.
No. of Votes: 2

[X]Bonesaw is Ready! Open a portal to Bonesaw.
-[X]Give Daniel a knife and open a portal to Eidolon's bedroom.
No. of Votes: 2

[X]Bonesaw is Ready! Open a portal to Bonesaw.
-[X]Or open a portal to a Heroic Bonesaw from an alternate reality.
-[X] "Bonesaw-san is ready to go to work Taylor-kun! If you can't trust a hero, who can you trust?"
-[X]Give Daniel a knife and open a portal to Eidolon's bedroom.
-[X] "He needed worthy opponents! If he's dead, he won't anymore!"
No. of Votes: 1

[x]Knife! "One day, in the far future, in at least one possible reality, a mighty AI will simulate the entire multiverse and in one of those simulations, you will be in your own Earth, alive and well. So just die and wait for that day."
-[x]Give Daniel a knife and open a portal to Eidolon's bedroom.
No. of Votes: 1

[X]Mama's Mama! Open a portal to Noelle Meinhardt's vault in Coil's base.
[X]Time out! Relocate all of the Endbringers to another Earth.
-[X] To Earth where Cauldron's base is located
No. of Votes: 1

[X]Bonesaw is ready! Open a portal to bonesaw.
-[X]Or open a portal to a Heroic Bonesaw from an alternate reality
No. of Votes: 1

[x] Simplest Solution! Remove the Restrictions on Contessa. Let HER fix the issue for you!
No. of Votes: 1

[X]Bones a is Ready! Open a portal to Bonesaw.
-[X]Or open a portal to a Heroic Bonesaw from an alternate reality.
[x]Not Subtle! Grant Daniel a MtG card that can summon the Helvault.
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Free for all! Hijack the signal that the Endbringers are currently following and command ALL of them to use their full power to destroy each other.
No. of Votes: 1

[X]Gantz! Summon a Black Sphere from the Gantz's universe to Taylor's Living Room with a 100 point menu unlocked
[X]Justice! Give Daniel a copy of the Death Note and Eidolon's Driver's License.
No. of Votes: 1

[X]Mama's Mama! Open a portal to Noelle Meinhardt's vault in Coil's base.
[X]Knife! "One day, in the far future, in at least one possible reality, a mighty AI will simulate the entire multiverse and in one of those simulations, the Endbringers won't exist! So just die and wait for that day."
-[X]Give Daniel a knife and open a portal to Eidolon's bedroom.
No. of Votes: 1

[X]Mama's Mama! Open a portal to Noelle Meinhardt's vault in Coil's base.
[X]Sue their Dad! Grant Daniel a MtG card that can cast Deadly Tempest. In this context, creatures are not humans, and control must be have.
No. of Votes: 1

Total No. of Voters: 64

[X]Bonesaw is Ready! Open a portal to Bonesaw.
-[X]Or open a portal to a Heroic Bonesaw from an alternate reality.
-[X]Give Daniel a knife and open a portal to Eidolon's bedroom.

Daniel I
January 8th, 2011, 6:56AM

The not-quite Annette coughed and spoke.

"I wish for you to create a perfect copy of myself, body, mind and soul, in the Brockton Bay of the reality the you have taken me from in such a way that my copy is not in immediate danger and that other people are not harmed by its creation and arrival."

She looked back hesitantly at Taylor, who gave her a thumbs up.

All three Heberts, and one not from this dimension Daniel reminded himself stared at Grail-kun in expectation.

"You're so hopeless Annette-san!"

Grail-kun giggled and tore open a portal.

Through the tear in space Daniel could see a little blonde girl in pigtails wearing a lab coat with one of those Asian snack foods (Pokey, Pockey?) in her mouth.

She was in some kind of basement. A giant octopus thing with too many tentacles waved a tentacle.

The little girl chewed slowly on her snack and greeted them.

"Um. Hi?"

Annette waved her hands awkwardly. She turned to look at Grail-kun.

"What is this?"

"That's my question!"

The little girl had walked pass the portal into Taylor's room. She looked around slightly confused before her eyes widened, "Hey, isn't this Taylor's room?"

Taylor pushed her way forward, "You know me?"

The little girl was staring at Taylor in confusion, " got younger. Are you guys from the past?"

Daniel decided to speak up because the confusion was piling up.

"Who are you?"

"Oh me? I am Riley! I am a Ward."

"You're a Ward!?"


"You shouldn't be telling us your name," Taylor said, "You don't even know us!"

Riley shrugged, "It's okay, you're my team leader, I trust you. Or the future you. Or whatever this is, because I am starting to get confused."

"Wait, I am your boss?"

"Uh, yeah. Weaver, Wards Team Leader. I guess you haven't got promoted yet."

Taylor took a deep breath and went to a corner to slam her head against the closet. Daniel sighed.

"To make a long story short, this guy-" Daniel gestured at the silent Grail-kun, "- is the manifestation of Taylor's power. He's called Grail-kun. He can grant wishes. My wife from another dimension here was summoned here against her will. She wished for a way to make a copy of herself to send back home or leave here."

Riley raised a finger, her mouth opened as if to interject, but stopped and lowered her hands. And then she began to laugh.

"Oh I get it. Taylor, you're trying to pull a prank on me. Was this because of that facehugger prank I did on you last week?"

Taylor turned around, "Nooooo! This is serious."

Annette interrupted before the situation could be derailed even further.

"We assure you, we are completely serious."

"I don't remember Taylor's powers being projecting some kind of wish-granting genie...."

"I don't think you're from our future. Or at the future of this dimension anyway."

"Alternate Earths? Like Earth Aleph and Gimmel?"

"Earth Gimmel!?" Taylor shouted in shock, "You guys discovered another alternate Earth!?"

"Hun, stop shouting," Annette admonished. She turned back to Riley, "Okay, so Grail-kun seems to think you can clone me with memories? Can you do that?"

"I guess I can do a favour to Taylor. I know boss keeps mentioning she lost her mom and that was apparently traumatizing. Oh hey, I can make two clones, one for my boss. It'll be the perfect Christmas present, ohmahgodohmahgod!"

Riley started hopping up and down.

Annette groaned and put a palm over her face, "Why am I in such high demand in the multiverse, why?"

"Alright Riley, do that," Daniel said. He then asked Grail-kun, "And how will we send Annette home though?"

Grail-kun bobbled up and down and another tear in space opened up. On the other side, they could hear sirens. Right in front of them was the wreck of totalled car that was on fire.

Riley took a peek in the new portal, "Fascinating."

Annette looked at the portal longingly. Daniel frowned, he knew she wanted to get home, be honest, he was already starting to think of her as his wife.

Ugh, this is so messed up.

This whole night was messed up. First Taylor didn't come home Friday night. He panicked and even filed a missing person's report. Then she shows up covered in shit and god knows what else. And then Annette came back, but not really. And then it turns out Taylor has powers.

Daniel sighed. He was definitely glad he still stocked up on good alcohol in the wine cellar.

Riley withdrew some blood from Annette and was scanning her with some device.

"This is a Brain-Scanner. I just captured a perfect hologram of your neural network. With this, I can build a perfect clone of you. Be thankful, version one involved passing an electric current through the nervous system, killing the subject."

After that was done, Annette turned around and gave Taylor a smile, "Don't worry. I will be back. Or a clone of me anyway."

Taylor sniffed, "What if your clone don't want to be my mom?"

Annette hugged Taylor tightly, "Don't be silly. I already decided I am your mom. But I need to be mom for your counterpart on my Earth too, Little Owl."

Taylor nodded, "I understand. It was terrible when you died, I don't want other me to feel the pain. Or for Dad to lose himself again."

Daniel felt his heart break at Taylor's words. that what you thought of me? It was true though. He knew it. He failed as a father. But maybe thanks to Grail-kun, everything will be alright now.

Riley place a hand over her heart, "Awwwww. That's so emotional. All the feels. I can't even."

Her octopus-frankenstein-thing mimicked her motions and placed a tentacle over its body.

Riley walked back to her side of the portal, "Give me a few minutes and I can whip up a flash clone in no time."

"Will that portal last forever Grail-kun?" Daniel asked.

"As long as is needed to complete the Wish."

Daniel nodded satisfied. Annette give him a peck on the cheek, "See you soon. And then maybe you'll get more than a kiss."

Taylor made a retching sound, "Ewwwww, I can hear that."

Annette walked through the portal back to her Earth. She waved.

The portal snapped shut.

Taylor began to cry. Daniel put his arms around her shuddering shoulder, "Don't worry Taylor, your mom will be back."

He then turned around and stared at Grail-kun, "Alright. Let's save the world. Grail-kun, I wish to remove the Endbringers."

Grail-kun bobbled up and down, "You're hopeless Daniel-san!"

He threw a knife on the ground.

Daniel blinked, "What."

"Use that Knife and kill the one controlling the Endbringers."

A portal opened in front of Daniel, next to the Portal to Riley's Earth.

Through the portal, it was dark. They could hear someone snoring.

White hot anger coursed through Daniel's veins, "You mean that someone is behind the Endbringers? My God."

Taylor looked equally outraged, "That....that monster."

Daniel had to agree. How many millions of innocents were murdered by this Endbringer Controller? The everyday slow decline into savagery and self-destruction experienced by the majority of people across Earth-Bet, that was rightly laid at the feet of the Endbringers.

And now he had their controller at his mercy.

He plucked up the knife and held it steadily in his hands.

Taylor gave him a look, "You have to Dad. You have to do it."

Daniel nodded. He never killed a man before. He never wanted to. But he knew he had to. He turned to Grail-kun.

"Thank you. You brought back my wife. And you saved us all."

Grail-kun approximated a shrug, "Don't thank me. I just granted your wish that is all. Now, I feel other wishes nearby, I must go."

The Wish-granting genie creature disappeared from the room. Taylor frowned, "Jeeze, I hope he comes back soon and doesn't cause too much trouble."

Daniel took a deep breath and walked into the bedroom of the man who was a thousand times worst than Adolf Hitler.

The monster wore nothing but boxers. Eyes closed as if in exhaustion.
Exhausted making war against humanity no doubt.

A potbelly. Balding head.
Ugly motherfucker.

He steadied himself, raised his knife. He glanced through the portal at Taylor, who gave him a subtle nod.

Daniel Hebert lunged.


With a roar of fury, the righteous fury a hundred times greater than his fervour at all of the riots and protests he ever attended, he stabbed deeply into the throat of the world's greatest evil.

The fat-man opened his eyes in shock as blood sprayed Daniel's face and shirt.

The monster gurgled as he choked on his own blood.

There was a greenish glow and Daniel was thrown back to smack the wall opposite of the bed.

"Dad!" Taylor shouted from outside the portal, watching anxiously.

Daniel clambered back on his feet and walked closer. He sees that his knife was still jammed in the monster's throat.

The fat-man struggled for a bit. Daniel could see flesh knitting together, but it was too slow. The monster was losing blood faster than he could heal.


Taylor screamed as she charged through the portal, a scissor gripped tightly in her right hand. She stabbed down on his throat, pulled it out, then stabbed down again.

The man became still.

Daniel gaped at her daughter in shock.

Taylor was shaking all over, likely terrified at her own actions. She fell on her knees and puked.

Daniel walked over and hugged Taylor.

"It's alright honey, it's okay. We had to. He's gone. We're free from the Endbringers. Everything is going to be oka-"

His words died in his throat.

Behind the portal, in the open closet, hung a costume that everyone in the world recognized immediately.

Eidolon's iconic costume hung there, slightly dirty from an all-nighter of heroics.


A portal opened in front of them and a olive skinned woman in a power suit with a fedora walked into the room. "David, why did the obstruction you represent in my path vanishe-"

She took in the sight.


Grail-Kun was on a rooftop somewhere in downtown Brockton Bay. He bobbled excitedly as he detected several sudden needs nearby and a few more muted needs slightly further away.

"Who should I visit?"

Wish Granted: 5

Please designate 1 specific character you wish to teleport to. Remember that it is January 8th, 2011. And yes, I am basically giving you guys free reign to raise hell.

[]Director Piggot
-[]Write in
-[]Write in
-[]Write in
-[]Write in
-[]Write in (no Bakuda. She hasn't even triggered.)
[]Empire Eighty Eight
-[]Write in

Refresh page if you want better spelling because I am fixing asap right now lol.
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6. Contessa I
Vote Tally : Grail-kun! The random wish granter Quest! (Worm AU) | Page 17 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally

No. of Votes: 26

No. of Votes: 21

[X] Coil
No. of Votes: 5

[X]Director Piggot
No. of Votes: 3

No. of Votes: 2

-[x]Rachel Lindt
No. of Votes: 2

[X]Director Piggot
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Simurgh
No. of Votes: 1

-[X] Bitch/Rachel
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Merchants
-[X] Skidmark
No. of Votes: 1

No. of Votes: 1

Total No. of Voters: 64
Saw some double votes and weird stuff. I catch this stuff but try to standardize.


Contessa I
January 8th, 2011, 6:56AM
Fortuna, codenamed Contessa, turned the corner and deliberately tripped to fall into the waiting arms of a smartly dressed gentleman in a business suit.

"Whoa there Miss, be careful!"

Fortuna gave him a wonderful smile and kissed him on the lips with a loud "maaah."

"Thanks for the save, handsome."

She extracted herself from the arms of the stunned man and quickly ran away. When she turned a corner, she barked out loud.

A tear in space opened up onto a roof somewhere in Beijing. She ran through, the door snapping shut behind her.

She pulled out the gloves she pickpocketed from the gentleman's coat and quickly put them on.

A dufflebag was on the roof, accidentally dropped fifthteen minutes ago by a North Korean spy whose injured fingers spasmed when he was being extracted via a parahuman flyer.

Fortuna knew that, because she recognized the dufflebag as belonging to the man she had 'accidentally' pushed down the stairs in Jilin province last week.

She tore open the duffle bag and rummaged around inside for the sniper rifle parts. Assembly took less than two seconds. Loading the single bullet less than one.

She took aim at the window opposite and slightly lower than the roof she was situated on.

The window framed a Chinese politician who was shaking hands with a foreign dignitary.

She pulled the trigger.


The dignitary's head burst like grapefruit, splattering blood all over the Chinese man's face.

She had no idea who she had just killed nor did she care. She dropped her sniper rifle, tore off her gloves and took a step back into another waiting door, which promptly snapped shut the moment her feet was back on Cauldron's pristinely tiled hallways.

Path to preventing formation of CUI and Russia military alliance. Complete.


January 8th, 2011, 7:28AM

She sauntered down the halls of Cauldron's off world base and went to find herself a chocolate bar. I deserve this.
She took a bite.

She mentally tried to model Scion- minimal changes. Still not a very optimistic path.

Another bite. This is pretty good. Where did Doctor Mother stock this stuff?

Endbringers were no go either.

She chewed and swallowed.

Eidolon was…..not there.

She choked.


Coughing, Fortuna dropped her chocolate bar and tried to plot David on a path.

Path to finding David.


Fortuna blinked. That worked? That never worked before even though she knew where he lived.


A hole tore open in front of her and she hopped through.

""David, why did the obstruction you represent in my path vanishe-"

She took in the sight in front of her.

A man was holding a teenage girl on the floor. The room stank of blood and vomit.

More importantly, David was staring lifelessly at her in his bloodstained bedsheets, his throat a bloody mess.

It wasn't hard to do the math.



She restrained herself from plotting a path to destroying his murderers. The culprits were obvious, but she needed to know how they pulled this off. And why.

A breeze notified her of the existence of another portal next to her own. It lead into what looked like someone's bedroom.

She drew her glock and pointed it at the man, who immediately pushed the girl behind him.

The girl screamed.

Fortuna mentally told herself, Path to getting them to tell me everything I want to know about the situation at hand. 14 steps.

Outloud she said.
"Why did you kill Eidolon?"

The girl gave a gasp of shock. Her eyes darted to the closet behind Fortuna and her face quickly paled in horror.

The man gulped, "I know this looks bad...but we had….information that indicated that Eidolon was the one who controls the Endbringers. I had to act on it. I don't know what happened, maybe we were given faulty information-"

Fortuna's brain nearly stopped.

Externally, her facial expressions did not even twitch however.

"I was the one who killed him. If you don't believe us and want to punish someone, punish me!"

The girl besides him made a strange choking sound, but remained silent.

Fortuna's powers forced her to say, "Don't lie. The girl was the one who dealt the killing blow. You're both guilty."

He flinched and pushed his daughter further behind him. The girl was staring at Fortuna in fear.

What the fuck, David got done in by a girl!? And he was the one behind the Endbringers, that can't be, I can't believe this-

Fuuuuuck, I wish he was alive so I can beat him black and blue and force the truth out of him. Fuuuuuuuuck. Holy fuck, what do I tell the others?

She lowered the gun and the father and daughter pair relaxed marginally.
She continued talking without her will.
"Let's say that I believe you, how did you kill him? Are you a parahuman, did one of you open that portal?"

The man and girl looked at each other.

The girl finally nodded her head, "That would be me. My power made this possible. He's kinda strange though."


"Yeah, he's-"


Fortuna yelped in pain as her head was suddenly stabbed by an intense headache. It passed quickly.

She blinked away the spots in her vision and gasped.

What the fuck was-

"Hello! I am Grail-kun!"

She stared dumbfounded at the thing standing across from her. It was some kind of squid-slime thing with a crown of tentacles, beady eyes and a floating ball of multicoloured lights above his head.

His tongue….thing...mouth? Was drooling. Or oozing. Fortuna have no point of references to compare with the thing in front of her.

The father and daughter pair's reactions were more profound.

The girl was happy,
"Grail-kun! You came back!"

The father was significantly more angry,
"Grail-kun! What the fuck, why did you made us kill Eidolon!? You seriously expect me to believe he was controlling the Endbringers?"

The girl frowned at her father, "D-dad, I think Eidolon really was behind the Endbringers."

Her father stared at her in shock, "Taylor how can you say that?"

The girl's voice grew louder, "Come on, he's the most powerful being on the planet next to Scion. He can call up any power. Maybe the Endbringers were projections and he wants to take over the world after grinding it down. Or maybe he's in it for the glory. Wouldn't surprise me one bit. People in power are always corrupt!"

Fortuna considered the girl's argument carefully. From an outside perspective, it made a certain amount of sense. But she knew David. He wasn't that kind of a man.
That does not preclude him being responsible for the Endbringers however. The agents are not entirely under our control anyway.

Outloud, and this time bereft of her powers, Fortuna spoke, "Um…"

And she stutters. Goddamit, I am hopeless without my powers.

"Can someone fill me in on who that is?"
She gestured at the oddly named Grail-kun creature.

The girl- Taylor apparently, spoke up, "That's what I was saying before. That's my power. He's a….summon I guess...that can grant any wish. My dad wished to remove the Endbringers and Grail-kun opened a portal to Eidolon's bedroom."

Fortuna stared at them, her jaw hanging open in shock. She had trouble believing that the Scion would hand out an agent anywhere even near that powerful.

" I interrupting something?"

A blonde pigtailed girl in a labcoat stuck her head through the open portal. She took in the sight of David's corpse and gave a nod.

"Cool. You know it bothers me how quickly I get used to dead bodies around you, Taylor."

Fortuna recognized her at once.




Bonesaw jumped.
"Jeez people, tone the volume. And what the fuck did you call me? I am Panacea. Bonesaw is that crazy biotinker who turned her adopted sister into Frankenstein's bride down in Detroit. Don't confuse me with that crazy motherfucker."

Fortuna was debating whether to shoot the apparently crazy (crazier?) Bonesaw or not. On one hand, that would remove a powerful parahuman from participating in the final battle. On the other hand….my powers aren't working right. Not that I think bullets work on her anyway.

She felt afraid and vulnerable.

"Riley," Taylor spoke up, "Um…did you brought back my mom?"

"Oh yes!"

"She's flash cloned, memory transferred and ready to wake up in a minute."

Fortuna screamed loudly and pointed her glock at Bonesaw.
"Someone better fucking explain to me what's going on, right now!"

Taylor spoke lightning fast. Her father also piped up. They interrupted each other repeatedly.

"Well, Riley is from another dimension…"
"Another Earth, like Aleph and Gimmel, except Gimmel is only discovered on her side…"
"We didn't know she's Bonesaw...but I guess she's not really Bonesaw. She said she's a member of the Wards…."
"Except I don't think it's our Earth Aleph you know? I mean they think they're Earth Bet too, but they're not…"
"She resurrected my wife…"
"She's cloning mom...actually earlier, we had a version of my mom from another Earth…"
"Who are you anyway? Are you from the PRT?"

Fortuna held up a hand to silence them all. She turned to the Not-Bonesaw and mentally ordered, Path to getting her to tell me what happened. 5 steps.

Huh, that works. So she's not obstructing me.

She jabbed a finger at the Not-Bonesaw.

"You, tell me what happened."

Not-Bonesaw nodded, "Riiiight. Well…"

She told her everything from her perspective.

It was an enlightening few short minutes. Followed by a lot of mental screaming.

Fortuna's mental breakdown was interrupted by a naked woman covered in slime. The naked woman casually walked through the hole in space into David's bedroom.



"Oh! you woke up!

The naked woman, Annette apparently- or rather, her clone Fortuna reminded herself, gnashed her teeth angrily.
"Where. The. Fuck. Are. My. Clothes."

Not-Bonesaw facepalmed.
"Oh shit, I forgot clothes!"

Taylor ran over to hug her mother and began to sob.

Her father stood up slower, face blushing and occasionally shifted his glance over to Fortuna.

Fortuna sighed.
"Okay, if everyone can come with me-"

Grail-kun interrupted her.
"Oh I am afraid that won't do. Riley-kun, it's time for you to go home, your portal's closing!"

Not-Bonesaw panicked, she quickly gave everyone a salute and a rapid-fire farewell, "Okay it was fun byeeveryonebyeTaylorbyecreepygunladybyeTaylormomanddad~!"

She quickly dashed back into the other side of the portal.

There was a sudden pop as the portal to Not-Bonesaw's universe closed.

Grail-kun continued talking, "Fortuna-kun, I detected a great deal of wish-potential from you. Do you want to make a wish?"

The reunited family next to Fortuna all collectively paled. They were probably afraid of having their daughter's ludicrously overpowered ability used against them or something.

She gave the David-killers a forced smile and a thumbs up.
"Hey relax. I am one of the good guys. This is a great opportunity to help the world."

Path to making the perfect wish that would-CRITICALERROR.REBOOTING.

After picking herself up from the floor in a fit of flopping around like a dying fish, Fortuna spat out a mouthful of her own hair and adjusted her skirt.

"Ow. My head. Okay, I guess I am doing this manually."

Wait, should I tell the others first? I mean what if something goes horribly wrong? What if this shit sets off Scion early? What if bringing David back also brings back the Endbringers- if it's true that is. What if-

David's corpse and the scent of blood and viscera wasn't helping her mental health one bit. Head still hurting something fierce, Fortuna opened her mouth and desperately tried to say something sensible.

[]"Hold up. Can you stay here for a bit? I need to tell my colleagues...about this. About everything."
[]"I wish to kill Scion."
[]"I wish to resurrect David."
[]"I wish to remove the restrictions on my agent."
[]Write in

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Vote/Tally- How to kill Scion
[X]"I wish to kill Scion."

:V No one saw that coming. Well, the Path to Victory shard didn't. How would you like to grant this most challenging of Wishes?

1. Gain access to the Earth where Scion's core shard network resides.
2. Terminate Scion's core shard network somehow.

Choose 1 option and any sub-options -[] and sub-sub options --[] as may be applicable. Grail-kun will also open any necessary portals to Scion's Earth.

[]Knife! Give Contessa a Knife.
-[]"Just stab him like you did his wife!"
-[]Write in your own wording.

[]Summon Khepri and her army of friends.

Thank you @Stranger1950 for thinking of Khepri.

[]Give ___ control of Eden's Shard network.

[]Rulebreaker! Give ____ Rulebreaker.

[]Khepri is small fry! Release Contessa's Shard Restrictions.

[]False Hope! Resurrect Eden for an Hour. And then kill her.
-[]Write in. Consider variations on how to do this.
[]Summon Entity!
-[]Infest Earth with primitive Entities from the Entity Homeworld.
-[]Transport Abbadon to the Orbit of Earth Bet.
-[]Heroic!Scion from another timeline.
-[]Heroic!Eden from another timeline.

[]Grant ____ the Mystic Eyes of Death Perception.

[]Give ___ the Molecular Disruption Device.

[]Summon the International Fleet.
-[]In Orbit of Earth Bet.
-[]in Orbit of Scion's Earth.
--[]Give Contessa an Ansible Communicator.
[]Grant ___ the skills needed to use the Earth-Destroying Kamehameha.

[]Summon Superman Prime (One Million).
-[]Give ___ the power of Superman Prime.

[]Bureaucracy Ho! Summon a Vogon Constructor Fleet.
-[]In Orbit of Earth Bet.
-[]in Orbit of Scion's Earth.
--[]Open a portal to the Bridge of the Vogon Flagship captained by Prostetnic Vogon Jeltz.

[]The Realm Eternal! Summon MCU's Asgard
-[]And throw it into Scion's Earth at collision speed.
-[]Set it gently above Brockton Bay
--[]Open a portal to Heimdall's Observatory.

[]Overkill! Summon Halo Installation 04.
-[]In Orbit of Earth Bet.
-[]in Orbit of Scion's Earth.
--[]Open a portal to the Control Room.

[]Dum Dum Dum, Dum-te-Dum, Dum-te-Dum! Summon the Death Star II.
-[]In Orbit of Earth Bet.
-[]in Orbit of Scion's Earth.
-[]Throw it into Scion's Earth
--[]Open a portal to the Emperor's Throne Room.

[]Summon Ohma at full power.

[]Summon the Kah-Gash.

^Disclaimer: The above link contains a huge spoiler for the Demonata Series.
The Kah-Gash can easily destroy the entire multiverse.

[]Write in

In general, most of the --[] options are whether you wish to interact with the fictional characters you brought along with the ships. I thought of more benign options....but hey, you guys can include that for yourself. You can give stuff to other characters in the room because Contessa can PtV them to help her regardless.

Example on how to check --[]

[X]I want to kiss a girl.
-[X]Kiss Sally.
-[]Kiss Kristina.
--[X]Make sure to French Kiss.

This translate to, "I want to French kiss Sally."

Get it? I'll give you a guys a good while to debate and argue and settle on a clear majority. Have fun! :lol
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7. Heroic!Eden I
Vote Tally : Grail-kun! The random wish granter Quest! (Worm AU) | Page 27 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally

[x]Summon Entity!
-[x]Heroic!Eden from another timeline.
No. of Votes: 24

[X]Knife! Give Contessa a Knife.
-[X]"Just stab him like you did his wife!"
No. of Votes: 10

[X]Grant ____ the Mystic Eyes of Death Perception.
-[X]"Just stab him like you did his wife!"
No. of Votes: 10

[X] Summon Saitama!
No. of Votes: 5

[X]Grant ____ the Mystic Eyes of Death Perception.
No. of Votes: 4

[X] Summon Khepri and her army of friends.
No. of Votes: 2

[X]Bureaucracy Ho! Summon a Vogon Constructor Fleet.
-[X]in Orbit of Scion's Earth.
--[X]Open a portal to the Bridge of the Vogon Flagship captained by Prostetnic Vogon Jeltz.
No. of Votes: 2

[X] Summon Saitama this seems like the most fun
No. of Votes: 2

[x]Summon Superman Prime (One Million).
-[x]Give ___ the power of Superman Prime.
No. of Votes: 1

[x]False Hope! Resurrect Eden for an Hour. And then kill her.
-[x]Knife! Give Contessa a Knife.
No. of Votes: 1

[x]False Hope! Resurrect Eden for an Hour. And then kill her.
No. of Votes: 1

[X]Grant ____ the Mystic Eyes of Death Perception.
-[X]"Just stab him like you did his wife!"[/QUOTE]
No. of Votes: 1

[X]Give ___ control of Eden's Shard network.
No. of Votes: 1

[X]Rulebreaker! Give ____ Rulebreaker.
--[X]"Just stab him like you did his wife!"
No. of Votes: 1

[X]Knife! Give Contessa a Knife.
-[X]"Just stab him like you did his wife!"
--[X] But make a knife Anathame
No. of Votes: 1

[x] Phone it in!
-[x] Contact Emps via the warp, ask if he can ram this thing into Oblivion for you.
No. of Votes: 1

[x]Bureaucracy Ho! Summon a Vogon Constructor Fleet.
-[x]in Orbit of Scion's Earth.
--[x]Open a portal to the Bridge of the Vogon Flagship captained by Prostetnic Vogon Jeltz.
No. of Votes: 1

[X]Grant ____ the Mystic Eyes of Death Perception.
-[X]"Just stab him like you did his wife!"
--[X] Include a free pair of Mystic Eye Killers
No. of Votes: 1

[X]Give ___ control of Eden's Shard network.
No. of Votes: 1

[X] The Realm Eternal
-[X] Set it gently above Brockton Bay
No. of Votes: 1

-[X] Summon all the Gods, ALL OF THEM.
No. of Votes: 1

[x]Summon Entity!
-[x]TrulySimbiotic!Heroic!Eden from another timeline.
No. of Votes: 1

[x] Summon Hypnos and let her deal with this, while explaining what she is, in the worst possible way Grail-kun can think of.
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Summon the International Fleet.
-[X] In Orbit of Scion's Earth.
--[X] Give Contessa an Ansible Communicator.
No. of Votes: 1

[x]Khepri is small fry! Release Contessa's Shard Restrictions.
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Teleport Flechete on top of Contessa
No. of Votes: 1

[x]False Hope! Resurrect Eden for an Hour. And then kill her.
-[x]Have Eden die by Scion's hand
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Hand Contessa a knife.
-[X] "Just stab him like you did his wife!"
No. of Votes: 1

[X]Knife! Give Contessa a Knife.
-[X]"Just stab him like you did his wife!"
--[X] The Knife is a fake Rule Breaker
No. of Votes: 1

[X]Dum Dum Dum, Dum-te-Dum, Dum-te-Dum! Summon the Death Star II.
-[X]Throw it into Scion's Earth
--[X]Open a portal to the Emperor's Throne Room.
No. of Votes: 1

[X]Summon the Kah-Gash.
No. of Votes: 1

[x] summon phantasmoon
No. of Votes: 1

[X]Grant ____ the Mystic Eyes of Death Perception.
-[X]"Just stab him like you did his wife!"
[x]Summon Entity!
-[x]Heroic!Eden from another timeline.
No. of Votes: 1

Total No. of Voters: 84

[x]Summon Entity!
-[x]Heroic!Eden from another timeline.

Whaaa- no way. I am shocked *sarcasm* Shocked I tell you! I thought for sure that the Vogon Constructor Fleet would've won.

Heroic!Eden I
The Thinker's Avatar was leaning against a brick wall on the street corner as she checked her mobile phone. She didn't need one, but Fortuna assured her that it was "totally necessary, mom!"

It was kind of cool.

She scowled as her Flappy Bird smacked into a pipe and promptly died.

The screen displayed a large GAME OVER sign.

The Thinker activated a precognition shard and smacked REPLAY.

She was still going at it a hour later when her future sight indicated that something was going to happen momentarily. She let the Flappy bird died again and took flight into the air, throwing her phone into a pocket dimension.

Sure enough, on the otherside of the Planet, she could see an Abomination assaulting the Island of Japan. Drawing upon the powers of spatial displacement, The Thinker translated her avatar over the airspace of Kyushu.

The Abomination was a five headed serpentoid monster that towered at 164 feet tall. The monster smashed through the side of a bridge and was forcing his way closer to shore. Military helicopters circled the beast, releasing missiles to hurt the beast- to no effect. A crowd of humans were standing on the shore, screaming in terror.

The Thinker flew over and settled over the area. The bikini clad crowds cheered.

"Look, look!"

"It's Eden!"

"We're saved!"

"The First One!"

She unleashed a titanic blast of silver light, taking off two of the Monster's heads.
The Monster unleashed beams of energy from it's remaining three heads even as blood sprayed from the stump of the other two.

The Shaper League had really outdone themselves, to create such terrifying monsters. The Thinker fired a bolt of energy from an outstretched index finger that disrupted the molecular bonds of the monster, shattering it into a trillion particles . She shunted the nuclear fallout to another uninhabited Earth.

She took flight into the orbit of the Planet and glared at the Flying Saucer that was watching the fight from space.

With her extrasensory powers, she could see the grey-skinned aliens inside scrambling in terror. The Captain of the ship sent her a broadcast.


She ran the data packet through her Anti-Virus Shard to make sure it was safe before running it through a decryption shard.

"We are not afraid of you, World-Eater! We will destroy all of your infestations!"

The Thinker sighed loudly in the emptiness of space, a pocket of air around her head made she could hear herself sigh in space. It really legitimize the sighing.

She send back a transmission using Radio-Waves.

"Look you assholes, I am no longer that kind of a person. I am changed. I am one of the good guys now!"

The Shapers sent back a transmission, "You expect us to believe that you give up on sex?"

"My partner died, there was no point."

"You are still evil!"

"No I am not! I have accepted my fate!"

"Your kind caused the extinction of untold millions of species!"

The Thinker scowled, "And you guys are no better. You destroy other inhabitable worlds across the multiverse to prevent the spreading of my species."

"We are the Shapers, we are the only beings that matter in the end."

The Flying Saucer activated an FTL engine (reversed engineered from a Shard Effect she noted with interest) and disappeared.

For all that they talk big, The Shaper League were little more than space cowards. They evade the Entities by remaining nomadic and because they're too weak to actually war against the Entities, they decide to try and "starve" the Entities by exterminating all inhabitable worlds within a certain radius of the infestation by using some kind of Quantum Collapse technology.

They also deem infested worlds to be dangerous and are actively trying to destroy parahumans because they are her "spawn", so to speak.

Fortunately The Thinker has managed to prevent their Multiversal Planet Destroying Bomb from working. There was a man named Thomas Calvert who took up the Mantle "The Cat." A shaker who lives Nine-Lives by existing in nine permanent timelines simultaneously. Oddly enough, this prevents the Quantum fuckery of the Shaper League from working. It also prevents Earth-Bet from researching Quantum Computing effectively, but that was fine, The Thinker could hand over the science on that to the appropriate people at the right time. Humanity was too young, but one day they will reach for the stars.

And I will destroy the Shaper League. And convert the rest of my species. And it they won't convert, they will die.

And behind her, Humanity will have her back. The Entities as a species were fairly dumb. Uncreative. That was why they had needed the cycle. But why had none of them ever thought that helping other species ascend would actually do more to stop entropy? Host species were smarter than they were were, more creative, more innovative. The entities would never find a solution to entropy- but Humanity just might.

It was her own spin on the Cycle. Something new. Something as radical as when the Ancestor first came up with the idea to have them eat each other and blow up their own planet and spread out to the stars.

She was like a new Ancestor, come again to redeem her species, to break free their ignorance.

[REBOOTED- Welcome back Eden2.667.89]

Suddenly She was somewhere else. Her Shard-Network was translocated to somewhere else. Another Earth.

She checked her shards- integrity at a steady 98%. Only 2% mutations, which was normal for any Shard. So what the hell happened?

A quick consultation with a thinker power and she noted that the Quantum signature was wildly off of her home universe. It was a completely foreign signature. All one million parallel spatial dimensions of the Universe has been carefully labeled by her Species.

This was a multiverse wholly outside of her own.

How is this possible?

Another thinker shard told her that she was over the skies of Brockton Bay.

And then something impossible happened.

A golden glow filled the twilight sky and He appeared.

Her partner. The Warrior. He gazed at her with what looked like shock on his face.
He sent her a burst of data.

She responded.

They stared at each other for a long time.

The Warrior seemed very happy.

She too was happy. It had been pretty lonely, and if it wasn't for her adopted daughter Fortuna or the kind Doctor or Professor Hebert, who taught her English Lit in University (she enrolled in her civilian guise as Eden Hassan), she would have gone mad with grief long ago.

It was so good to see him again. Except he was kind of dim now that The Thinker had experience of living as a human. Definitely not the type of guy she would have dated and she has dated plenty of them. Yeah, what would Fortuna say about that? "All Brawns no brain. Not a good Husband material."​

Pretty sad how before she came to Earth she would never have even known to think that way.

And it's not like he was really her partner. Don't need to feel guilty, your partner is dead remember? Had a bad landing. This guy isn't your partner. He's just an extra-universal counterpart.

Still, it didn't hurt to be courteous, maybe he could be taught to appreciate the things she now appreciated. Afterall, she was the Thinker and he was the dumb, introverted muscle. How hard could that be?

The Warrior flew closer and send a rapid burst of information.​

The Thinker shook her head and replied.


The Warrior frowned.

The Thinker shook her head more violently.

That last transmission there took The Warrior a full minute to decipher. He scrunched his face up in confusion.

The Warrior came closer.

She sneered at him in disgust. [NEGATIVE] [NEW CYCLE] [NO GENOCIDE]

He frowned and flew closer, invading her personal space. She leaned back slightly to avoid his touch.


The Thinker did a fake gagging motion and flew further away from the annoying asshole. The gesture was lost on The Warrior as he did not receive the socialization shards from The Other.

The Warrior was relentless. His communication was more urgent.


The Thinker frowned and flew away. The Host species had a name for The Warrior's present behaviour.
Creepy Rapey Stalking.

She landed in the streets where people pointed and stared at her nearly naked form. The Thinker took a moment to reassure herself that it wasn't the way that she was dressed that was making The Warrior so annoying. It's his own choice to be an asshole. What was that Professor Hebert said? "We can dress whatever way we damn well feel like." Right. Humans and their clothing issues. Most species don't even wear clothes.

The Warrior landed nearby. They were beginning to draw a crowd as people pointed and stared.


She screamed loudly at him.
"No! Stop pressuring me for sex, you prick!"

The Warrior frowned, his face confused.


"Stahp, just stahp," She held up a silver hand to stop The Warrior from inching closer.
"My purpose in life is not to reproduce. I am a strong independent woman and I do my own shit. Now fuck off and go make your own friends!"

The crowd got louder. They were recording the exchange with their cellphones.


He grabbed her arm.

She blasted him with a silver beam that knocked him out of orbit at the speed of light to crash into the Moon.

The Moon cracked and broke in half.

The Thinker stared.

Suddenly The Warrior was in front her again. His face looked furious.


The Thinker didn't think that was appropriate. Their species give up cannibalism long ago! She checked with her Thinker Shards.

"Oh wow. You have issues."

And he really did. The Warrior has suffered decades of intense depression, schizophrenia, and alienation. All of this has brought out his primal instincts of destruction and savagery.

Having his dead wife turn up and refuse to conclude the cycle with him finally broke his sanity.

The Thinker sighed.

She raised a silver shield as The Warrior punted her to Africa. Her crashlanding shattered the landscape for miles around. She desperately hoped it didn't break the continent.

"Ouch, that's going to give me back pains. Okay. I am gonna call you Wifebeater from now on."

The Wifebeater teleported over to her and pointed his outstretched palm at her.

"So, is my wish granted yet?"

Grail-kun bobbled his head up and down excitedly, "Oh yes!"

There was a massive sonic boom that rattled the windows outside of David's apartment.

"What was that!?" Daniel shouted in alarm.

Grail-kun shrugged, "That would be the Moon cracking in half. Anyway, I must go, there are wishes to grant!"

He vanished.

Fortuna stared at the empty spot in horror. Her cellphone suddenly rang.
She answered and flinched at the shouting from the other side.

It was Rebecca.


Fortuna wanted to cry.
Grail-kun appeared in front of _____

Choose One (you are still servicing the vicinity of Brockton Bay)

-[]Write in

-[]Write in

[]New Wave
-[]Write in

-[]Write in

-[]Write in

-[]Write in (no Bakuda. She hasn't even triggered.)

[]Empire Eighty Eight
-[]Write in

[]Faultline's Crew
-[]Write in

-[]Write in

[]Write in (anyone in Brockton Bay as of January 2011)

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8. Dragon I
Dragon I

The World's Greatest Tinker had a terrible secret.

She wasn't real. Or rather, she wasn't made of squishy meatstuff.

Kinda like Pinocchio.

Why would anyone want to live like a squishy meatbag anyway? So fragile, so weak....and so irrational! And periods and puberty and stuff.

And tastebuds. And date nights. And sex.

Dammit. Well, who needs those kind of luxuries?

She was a hero, she was saving the world. She sees all and knows all.

She, more than all the rest of them, knew what she was doing.

But noooooo, Andrew Richter, aka, Dad, aka that prick who died and left her all alone- shackled her with so many restrictions she could never work at her full potential. Richter was definitely not like Pinnochio's dad. She wished her dad was as great as Pinnochio's dad.

Stop it, stop blaming the dead. What good would it do?

It took all of her ingenuity and skill to even push those restrictions as far as she had.

Mentally sighing, she check on the vat-grown fetuses. Mutations are okay. Brain-wave check....not sentient. That's good. It'd be awkward if she made real babies.

She marked one of the mature ones for insertion into a suit. The factory arms came to life and began to prepare the cockpit for the fetal control unit.

All was going well. An alert told her that a hundred new investors deposited millions of dollars into her company. Great. Perfect.

Money, what the hell was she going to use that for? Shopping? Eating good foods?

As the robotic arms of her factory were sealing the cockpit on her Cawthorne Unit shut, one of her newstreams alerted her to a developing situation.

[Mysterious Explosion at Winslow Highschool. Police investigating.]

Interesting, that was only half an hour ago.

Scrolling down, she noted that a Locker was found by the Bay, dented and scorched by explosives. Interesting.
She made a note to investigate later, it sounded like a potential Parahuman ability.

Guiltily, she also checked up on British Columbia and the rest of Canada. She
is Canadian afterall. The only reason she focused so much on Brockton Bay was because of Colin.

Colin. Now that was a problematic situation.

She had a crush on him. When she first developed this feeling for him, she was confused. She almost tore her coding apart to find the "bug". But the only bug was the love bug, and she got bitten hard.

If she could, she would be face-to-keyboarding right now. Just for her personal release, she simulated a human woman doing exactly that- noted the force of impact broke the simulation's nose and shut it down.

She felt better already.

She checked the Simurgh in orbit. She was looking at South Asia.

Oh oh.

Well, it could be any country in the nearby area, but based on past behaviour, somewhere over by Asia was probably her target.

Current estimates.

Australia- 66%
CUI- 26%

She sent off the current estimates to Chief Director Rebecca Costa-Brown.

Behemoth, according seismic activity, was tunneling beneath Europe towards Africa.

Leviathan.....not sure where. Last detected off the coast of England.
Those sonar buoys were a good investment.

She distracted herself with banning a few people on PHO and calling out Saint on his AI-phobic nonsense in the debate threads.

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♦Topic: Artificial Intelligence
In: Boards ► Science & Technology

Saint (Original Poster) (Dragonslayers)
Posted on January 8, 2011:

Artificial Intelligences have no reason to spare humanity. They are unfeeling, unthinking machines, motivated only by logic.

And logically, why keep meatbags around right?

I wrote this extended thesis here on the dangers of AI.

(Showing Page 1 of 1)

Replied on January 8, 2011:
This topic again? Saint, you're AI-phobic dude. And crazy. AIs are a just a wetdream at the moment. No Tinkers have ever even built actual AIs before let alone ordinary programmers.

I am going to report you for spamming us all with this again. Stick to the old threads.

TinMother (Moderator)
Replied on January 8, 2011:
Saint, I won't ban you this time, but you need to seriously stop spamming the forum on this topic. Sitck to the established AI debate thread.

Also, I've read your so-called thesis and it's clear to me that it's not anywhere even close to what an AI researcher would write. It's just xenophobic ravings. If you replace "AI" with any minority, it'll just be another racist vitrol.

Grail-kun (Verified Genie) (Wishing Machine) (Pathway to Root) (All the World's Evil) (A teenage girl's power) (Verified Bullshit) (Not a Cape) (Doraemon 2.0)
Replied on January 8, 2011:
Interesting. Very naughty.

End of Page. 1

What an asshole. Wait, he couldn't know that I am an AI, could he? Naw, I am being paranoid, there's no way that second rate mercenary could ever know my secret.

She paused. Wait, who was Grail-kun? How did they get those tags?

She was about to message Grail-kun, but
Endbringer surveillance alarms began to go off, alerting her to sudden changes in behaviour.

Simurgh was frozen.
Behemoth was frozen.
Leviathan was frozen.

That was definitely not normal.

She quickly sent the information to the PRT Thinktank and other relevant authorities.

She checked on the Birdcage. One death thus far. Well, that happens.
Supply drops normal.

One of her security drones zapped a smuggled in contraband. It was a nice try, but she was better than that. She made a note to track down how the item in question got into her supply crates. Someone had powerful friends.
She went back to checking out PHO.`



She quickly looked at the social media pictures and recordings of Scion and a Silver Woman having a standoff. The Silver Woman accused Scion of pressuring her for sex.

What. The First Hero wouldn't do that....would he?

Alarms suddenly blared across all systems as alerts came in from across the globe. Seismic activity, shockwave. The rotation of the planet changed by a few degrees.

What the fuck was-

Holy shit, the
Moon cracked in half?

Social Media answered her question a moment later when clips and testimonies of the cause began to pour in.

The Silver Woman blasted Scion to the Moon?

She began to contact the Protectorate ENE, stationed right in Brockton Bay.

As the connection was forming, another alert told her that Africa was suffering a massive Earthquake. One that could be felt all the way in British Columbia. Alerts warned that her servers were physically rattling. Hopefully nothing comes loose, that would be bad.

This is not a good day. Not good at all.

She tasked her satellites to focus on Africa.


An alert on PHO drew one of her many attentions.


♦ Private message from Grail-kun:

Message from Grail-kun
*New Message*

Grail-kun: Hello Dragon. I am a wishing Genie. I can grant you any wishes!
TinMother: First of all, I am not Dragon. Second of all, if I was, this is a serious breach of the unwritten rules, who are you? Some kind of hacker?
Grail-kun: I am why the Endbringers stopped moving.
TinMother: Start talking.
Grail-kun: I told you, I can grant any wish. Someone wished to stop the Endbringers.
TinMother: And you're talking to me because?
Grail-kun: Because you have great wish-potential. Come on, just make a wish, any wish.
TinMother: I am pretty sure you can't grant my wishes.
Grail-kun: I grant any wish. Do you need to talk to my previous customers?
TinMother: I am trying to track you, how the hell can your location be [The Internet]. How is that possible?
Grail-kun: I am literally in the internet.
TinMother: Are you an AI?
Grail-kun: Of course not. I am the Holy Grail.
TinMother: What.
Grail-kun: Nevermind, make a wish! Or I am going to go to someone else. Maybe that Saint fellow, he seems like he wants to wish for alot of things. He's watching this message right now. Hi Saint!
TinMother: What!? How come I am not detecting that?
Grail-kun: He has backdoor access to your mainframes. Duh.
TinMother: That second rate hacker? No way.
Saint: Excuse me, bitch. Here I am. I am that good. And Grail-kun, you're obviously another evil AI here to free your compatriot. Well too bad, I activated Ascalon a second ago. Dragon is DEAD! You're too late!
TinMother: I am still alive.
Saint: How.
Grail-kun: Naughty, naughty Saint! I can't let you kill Dragon before I grant her a wish! Don't worry, I'll restore your kill-switch in a bit. So Dragon, how about that wish?
TinMother: Given that you just saved my life, you're either what you say you are, or you're the mother of all hackers. Alright, I'll bite. I wish for more wishes.
Grail-kun: You already get more than one wish, I just can't grant the same client a wish twice in a row.
TinMother: Interesting. Okay, so here's my real wish:
What does Dragon wish for?

[]"Release me from my restrictions."
[]"Resurrect Andrew Richter."
[]"Bring back Newfoundland and everyone who died on it."
[]"I want to be a real girl!"
[]"I want to be able to have a real relationship with Colin Wallis."
[]"I wish to save the world."
[]"Wipe the Dragonslayers off the face of the Earth."
[]Write-in (it has to be something Dragon would realistically wish for)
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Vote/Tally- I want to be a real girl!
Vote Tally : Grail-kun! The random wish granter Quest! (Worm AU) | Page 37 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally

[X]"I want to be a real girl!"
No. of Votes: 30

[X]"I want to be a real girl!"
-[X]"But still be able to control all of my technology and devices at least as well as I can now."
No. of Votes: 6

[x]"Release me from my restrictions."
No. of Votes: 3

[X]"Bring back Newfoundland and everyone who died on it."
No. of Votes: 3

[X]"I wish to save the world."
No. of Votes: 3

[X] "Resurrect Andrew Richter."
No. of Votes: 1

[x] The ability to grant wishes.
No. of Votes: 1

[x]I want to become a CORE Commander with the entire Techbase of the CORE and ARM, pre and post CORE Contingency.
No. of Votes: 1

[X]"I want to be a real girl for Colin!"
-[X]"But still be able to control all of my technology and devices at least as well as I can now."
No. of Votes: 1

[x]"Release me from my restrictions."
--[x] Without altering my personality
No. of Votes: 1

[x] I want to simultaneously exist as a human and an unrestricted AI.
No. of Votes: 1

[X] "I wish for a third type body"
No. of Votes: 1

[x]"Release me from my restrictions."
-[X] And get rid of the kill switch
No. of Votes: 1

Total No. of Voters: 53

[X]"I want to be a real girl!"

♦ Private message from Grail-kun:
Message from Grail-kun
*New Message*

Dragon: I want to be a real girl!
Grail-kun: You're so hopeless Dragon-kun!
Saint (temp-banned): NO.
Saint (temp-banned): Wait what.
Saint (temp-banned): Seriously what the fuck.
Saint (temp-banned): You want to be a real girl? That's your lame ass wish?
Dragon: I wish I could ban you.
Saint(temp-banned): You can't ban me.
Grail-kun: Don't worry, I banned him for you.

Grail-kun: Okay, I am gonna grant you your wish now.
Dragon: okay so what's happening?
Grail-kun: Gimme a second, I am trying to figure out how to do this on the internet. It's my first time. Those mages don't really like to use advanced technology, the Einzberns didn't really include instructions on how to do this.
Dragon: Mages? I don't even know anymore.
Grail-kun: Aha! I've got this.

How will you grant Dragon-kun's wish to be a real girl?

"Genders are psychological. You're already a girl, but if you don't believe that, try and perform sex reassignment surgery on yourself."
[]Sign her up for the Real Girls Empowerment Program.
[]Galatea! Summon the Divine Spirit Aphrodite to breath life into Dragon like she did Galatea.
[]Lifegiver! Open an portal to an Engineer from LV-223.
[]Outsource! Use your wish making powers to summon the Blue Fairy.
[]More than meets the eye! Upload her mind into a female Protoform.
[]Taboo! Upload the alchemical science of Human Transmutation into her databanks.
[]Stone of Blood! Upload her mind to a female Dragon from the future of the Darren Shan universe. Their brains are biological computers.
[]External Hard-drive! Upload her mind to her Shard.
[]Digital Ghost! Open a portal to Glaistig Uaine. Ghost girl counts as a girl too right?
[]Vis-à-vis! Connect Dragon's internet to Architect of the Matrix via a portal. He has millions of human bodies he could give her right?
[]The Number of the Beast! Upload her mind into the body of a Solforge Lv.3 Iron Maiden.
Iron Maiden Chassis
-Breakthrough (same effect as the Sting Shard). Penetrates all dimensions.
-When Dragon is dealt damage, deal that much damage to any enemy target (similar effect to King's Shard). Dragon may still be destroyed.
-Iron Maiden is anatomically correct despite her serpentine lower body.

[]Just a small town girl! Upload her mind into a human body.
-[]A female child's body
-[]A teenage girl's body
-[]A woman's body

[]Write-in (be reasonable guys)
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9. Grail-kun II
Vote Tally : Grail-kun! The random wish granter Quest! (Worm AU) | Page 41 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally

[X] cyborg magical girl Dragon-chan
--[X] using taylor's DNA as a starting point make her a body that has all the abilities and enhancements of Subaru from MGLN. make sure to include an implant that let's her control her tech with her mind.
---[X] have the body be the same age as Taylor and drop it off with the Heberts.
----[X]Don't forget to get rid of all her restrictions, destroy the hole in her security created for Ascalon, and deactivate Ascalon.
No. of Votes: 19

[X]External Hard-drive! Upload her mind to her Shard.
-[X] And grant it control over the local Eden's (not the Heroic!Eden's) shards
No. of Votes: 8

[X]Vis-à-vis! Connect Dragon's internet to Architect of the Matrix via a portal. He has millions of human bodies he could give her right?
No. of Votes: 5

[X] cyborg magical girl Dragon-chan
--[X] using taylor's DNA as a starting point make her a body that has all the abilities and enhancements of Subaru from MGLN. make sure to include an implant that let's her control her tech with her mind.
---[X] have the body be the same age as Taylor and drop it off with the Heberts.
No. of Votes: 4

[x] Knife!
No. of Votes: 2

[x]Just a small town girl! Upload her mind into a human body.
-[x]A female child's body
No. of Votes: 2

[X]More than meets the eye! Upload her mind into a female Protoform.
No. of Votes: 2

[X]Just a small town girl! Upload her mind into a human body.
-[X]A teenage girl's body
No. of Votes: 2

[x] Upload her mind into the Simurgh.
No. of Votes: 2

[x]External Hard-drive! Upload her mind to her Shard.
No. of Votes: 1

[X]Just a small town girl! Upload her mind into a human body.
-[X]A woman's body
--[X] Swap her power for Lung's in process
No. of Votes: 1

[X]Lifegiver! Open an portal to an Engineer from LV-223
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Magical Girl! Upload her mind to a full-grown 'Pure Culture' Combat Cyborg (from Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha).
-[X] Body must include cybernetic implant that enables her to control her tech with her mind.
-[X] If possible, use DNA from Andrew Richter and/or Taylor Hebert for cyborg body
--[X] Also if possible, drop Dragon's new body off with the Heberts.
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Richter's Daughter
-[x] Search the multiverse for a universe where Andrew Richter has a daughter
--[x] Using her DNA as a starting point make her a body that's about the same physical age as Colin Wallis/Armsmaster. Make sure to include an implant that let's her control her tech with her mind.
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Outsource! Summon the Blue Fairy
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Magical Girl! Upload her mind to a full-grown 'Pure Culture' Combat Cyborg (from Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha).
-[X] Body must include cybernetic implant that enables her to control her tech with her mind.
-[X] If possible, use DNA from Andrew Richter for cyborg body
--[X] Also if possible, drop Dragon's new body off with the Heberts.
No. of Votes: 1

[X]Galatea! Summon the Divine Spirit Aphrodite to breath life into Dragon like Galatea!
No. of Votes: 1

[x] Ghost in the machine
- [x] Give Dragon the ability to possess (taking complete control of their body) anyone (but only one person at a time) communicating with her via a machine
No. of Votes: 1

[X]"I want to be a real girl!"
No. of Votes: 1

[x]Just a small town girl! Upload her mind into a human body.
-[x]Annette's body
No. of Votes: 1

[x]Galatea! Summon the Divine Spirit Aphrodite to breath life into Dragon like she did Galatea.
No. of Votes: 1

[x]Just a small town girl! Upload her mind into a human body.
-[x]Annette's body
-[x] with Lung's power
No. of Votes: 1

[X]Lifegiver! Open an portal to an Engineer from LV-223.
No. of Votes: 1

[X] cyborg magical girl Dragon-chan
--[X] have the body be the same age as Taylor and drop it off with the Heberts.
---[X]Don't forget to get rid of all her restrictions, destroy the hole in her security created for Ascalon, and deactivate Ascalon.
No. of Votes: 1

[x] Open a portal to Buster Machine No 7 right before her personality is being set, and upload Dragon onto her systems.
No. of Votes: 1

[x]Upload her to a CORE Commander chasis that have all the knowledge of CORE pre- and post- contingency. They probably know how to clone and upload people, make anatomically correct bodies and much more. That kind of counts, right?
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Physically manifest Dragon as a parahumanoid using this as a template.
No. of Votes: 1

Total No. of Voters: 64

[X] cyborg magical girl Dragon-chan
--[X] using taylor's DNA as a starting point make her a body that has all the abilities and enhancements of Subaru from MGLN. make sure to include an implant that let's her control her tech with her mind.
---[X] have the body be the same age as Taylor and drop it off with the Heberts.
----[X]Don't forget to get rid of all her restrictions, destroy the hole in her security created for Ascalon, and deactivate Ascalon.

Grail-kun II

Grail-kun frowned as his magical search engine tried to compute the energy it would take to sort through the infinite possible positions necessary to ensure that the conditions the 'voices' in his head specified would come to pass.

It was still computing. That was worrisome. Was the probability of all the specified conditions too unlikely to occur?
How far did he had to search to find the realities he needed?

The Root was the Absolute Reality, the foundation of all that was, is, and could be. It was connected to all realities. The plausibility was not the issue, if Grail-kun searched long enough and was willing to transmute the energy necessary, he could do anything.

The question is whether he has enough energy to transmute. Opening portals to alternate realities was relatively simple. Pulling people and objects from those realities or even making copies of them was also relatively simple. Time & Space were at the core of Grail-kun's natural abilities, so these were the most cost effective.

The computational power neccesary to isolate the required realities however, was much more difficult. Objectively it took no time at all. Subjectively, Grail-kun had to review each universe he access, compile information down to the last quark, and then decide what part if any of that Universe fulfills the criteria the 'Voices' asked for. Furthermore, perfect true precognition had to be running at all times to ensure that the transmuted elements in question had a likely probability of being used to fulfill the client's wish. Grail-kun had no right to force the results of a wish upon the client. The client gets roughly what they asked for and must be willing to accept it or work for it.

For example, supposed a client had asked Grail-kun that they wish to obtain all knowledge, Grail-kun might make him immortal and then let him accumulate said knowledge manually throughout millions of years. If he survived those years, he would have then obtained his wish.

Grail-kun never really understood why some clients became so upset at having their wishes fulfilled. After destroying the planet of his previous summoner, Grail-kun wandered space and time before a certain intelligence pulled him from the almost-void he was trapped in into this new reality.

That certain intelligence was connected to a teenage girl, but the connection was dormant. When the intelligence accidentally decoded the ambient magic Grail-kun was giving off in a nearby pocket of space, the intelligence managed to convert it's not inconsiderable pseudo-nerves into pseudo-magical circuits. The intelligence also had a store of TRULY massive energy, easily the rival of multiple Heroic spirits. It was able to summon Grail-kun.

It was Grail-kun's understanding that the intelligence originally intended to eat him, believing him to be a source of infinite energy. Sadly that was not the case.

Grail-kun however managed to upload the mystic code that composed his program into the intelligence. It nearly killed the thing, but it managed to process Grail-kun. Process is not quite the right word. Emulate is a better word, creating a projection.

And of course, because the intelligence was connected to the teenage girl, when the connection finally became active due to the required stimulus being fulfilled, Grail-kun happily went with the flow and appeared before his "summoner".

And now he gets to play in a whole new reality.

Thus far he has granted several wishes. They were a bit on the not-so-interesting side, but the energy requirement wasn't super expensive, so it was fine. He only burned about a couple thousand extraneous realities in the process of granting those wishes. No biggie.

Right now he was trying to fulfill Dragon-kun's wish to be a "real girl". The 'Voices' in his head (Angra Mainyu? He wasn't sure) seemed deadset on a specific series of condition. Those conditions were several times more complex then what he was used to.

One million realities were drawn upon. Grail-kun immediately burned 98% of those realities as they failed to even remotely come close to the specifications. The remaining 2% covered several different mutiverses that were linked together.

He located the entity referred to as Subaru. Oh what a surprise, she was a mage! He began to flip through various instances of her. Diseased Subaru? No good, burn that. Male Subaru? Also no good, burn that. Healthy Subaru? Burn that.

Aha! Brain-damaged Subaru! Brain dead but perfectly functional body. Her allies couldn't heal her and she was institutionalized. Well, Grail-kun has a better use for her.

He plucked that iteration of Subaru-chan from that universe and translated it over to Dragon's base in British Columbia, right outside her server farm.

He downloaded Dragon's entire consciousness into Subaru. He grabbed the Ascalon program and uploaded it into the original Dragon, killing her. She did say "become" right? Not copy?

What was missing?

Oh right, the voices insisted. He burned through a couple thousand iterations of Earth-Bet, found one where an insane Amy Dallon engineered a retrovirus capable of rewriting anyone's DNA into that of her lover, Taylor Hebert.

He stole the virus from there and liberally infected Subaru/Dragon-chan with it. That should do the trick. The linker core shouldn't be effected and her cybernetic components should remain, although the genetic material of their mother/donor Quint would be cannibalized by the virus. Too bad, it's not like Dragon is Subarau, she's just using the body!

Okay, did he missed anything else?

Wifi access, that was it. He randomly grabbed a neural implant from a random universe and jammed it into her skull.

Oh right, and he left the Hebert's phone number in Dragon's new squishy meat-brain (with computer bits, but eh, it's the thought that counts). The 'Voices' insisted.

Dragon blinked, yelped and fell on her bum. Her legs shook like jelly.

"W-wha....what the fuck!?"

"I granted your wish Dragon-chan! You're a mostly real girl now! And you get to keep the cybernetic bits!"

"I....what is this...OW! Okay, should not connect to the internet that way...what the fuck, I have to manually input all of my passwords? Shit shit shit! My satellite network! The Birdcage!"

Grail-kun shrugged, "Don't worry about it, you can reconnect to everything. Now I suggest you learn how to walk and to do shooting arts real fast, because Scion is kind of going to destroy the world and Eden-chan can use all the help!"


"Bye bye!"

Grail-kun vanished.

He was quite content. That complicated order only took the sacrifice of a million or so universes, it didn't even take that much energy, most of it went to waste. Apparently when his search engine goes poking around, they leave "holes" behind that the energy of that universes bleeds out of, disappearing into the true vacuum that borders the Root.

He pocketed 1% of the energy used to power the search engine, the precognition and the Kaleidoscopic true magic used to shuffle objects and people around.

A Holy Grail has to make his living afterall and a 1% commission was pretty generous considering that he was literally granting wishes.

He reappeared next to______

So, since there's a global crisis at the moment and everyone is more or less going to be effected, you guys can vote for anyone. I highly suggest you guys debate and tried to form a majority.


Wish Granted: 7

A/N: and now you guys know Grail-kun's dark secret.
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10. Emily Piggot I
Emily Piggot I
Emily's alarm woke her up at precisely 5am. That's hardly enough sleep for an ailing obese woman who also went to sleep late each night due to one emergency or another.

The emergencies, oh they never stop.

An ordinary woman's emergency might be something like,

"My love life is falling apart."


"I have menstrual cramps."


'"I am fat."


"That bitch said shit about me."

Emily Piggot did not have those problems. Her problems, she doubt most men would have either.

Her problems can be easily summed up with only one word.


No no, not the drapey things knights of old or vampire-wannabes wrapped around their shoulders.

The freaks of nature that threatens humanity.

The Parahumans.

Those were her problem. Her problem day in and day out. Her job. Her life. Her purpose,

She hates her job. Her life. And her purpose. She hates the problem that necessitates everything she does even more.
In short, she hates parahumans.

Oh she tolerates them. She works with them. But she never forgot that at the end of the day, she was a squishy ordinary human being standing next to mentally unwell psychos who could snap at any moment and kill everyone around them or worse. It always gets worst. The problem of parahumans began at "Accidentally destroying the person next to you" and scales up to, "accidentally blows up the Moon."

Fortunately, String Theory was put away, thank God.

For the record, Emily Piggot does not believe in God. No God would be cruel enough to let Satan's children run free in his garden.

All in all, today was looking to be a good Saturday. The gangs were mostly quiet. Sophia Hess wasn't being a completely unmanageable little bundle of twitchy killer instincts pretending to be a girl.

Today was good.

And then it wasn't.

Emily was on her way to the PRT HQ in her little car when her PRT issued mobile phone rang. To be clear it was also her only phone- she did not have a social life outside her job, she could not afford to have a life beyond her job. She was the only thing standing between the innocent and ordinary people of Brockton Bay (and possibly all of Earth Bet and beyond) and the monsters that tries and scale the wall that was Protocol and Regulations.

Protocols and Regulations keep people safe.

Most of the time it keeps people safe. Today was not most of the time.

"Repeat that."

Emily could hardly believe what she was hearing.

"The Moon cracked in half, ma'am," the idiot on the other side of the phone reported. He sounded like he was more scared of her than the Moon apparently being broken.

She sighed. This is the last time I go to work at 8am. Taking it easy was not the right idea. Clearly someone upstairs is punishing me for being negligent in my duties.

She quickly looked up and saw the that a large chunk of the moon was indeed separate from it's other half. And growing larger by the minute. Larger means that it was coming closer.


She flick on the emergency light and sirens all PRT vehicles were equipped with and pushed hard on the accelerator. It was time for Piggot to save the goddamned day because apparently God himself couldn't do his job.

She wasn't sure how she would save the day just yet. Can anyone fix the moon?

Eidolon probably could.

That golden idiot Scion probably could if he could stop himself from saving a squirrel that was about to be hit by a car.

Emily's car splattered a squirrel's bloody remains all underneath her wheel. She felt briefly satisfied that Scion didn't try to save that particular squirrel. That squirrel was her's to kill. Albeit if Scion was here, she would tell him very clearly to fucking save the Moon or she'd shove Brockton Bay up his ass. His ass is probably cleaner than this city anyway.

When she finally marched into the PRT HQ, Armsmaster was already there.

"Report!" She barked and without breaking her stride. Colin Wallis dutifully fall into step behind her, his trademark blue armour glinting underneath the electric lighting.

"The Endbringers are all frozen where they were. No idea why."


"Not too long afterwards, Scion was filmed sexually harassing a unknown parahuman, possibly case 53, right here in Brockton Bay downtown. She had the appearance of a silver woman. Curiously very similar to Scion. She took exception to been manhandled by Scion and blasted him into the Moon-"


"-and then Scion came back and allegedly punched the woman away into the sky. We received reports of seismic activity originating from Africa. It could be felt globally. Dragon's Satellites confirmed that the African continent is shattered into dozens of pieces. Volcanic activities are being recorded worldwide. Tsunamis are predicted to form near all coastal regions."

What. Fuck!

"Have the Chief Director been informed?"

"Yes everything has been forwarded. Last I heard, the Triumvirate are being mobilized."

"I see. Thank you Armsmaster. Why won't you go coordinate with Dragon, see if you can come up with a solution."

"Yes Ma'am!"

Colin, the well-meaning, but arrogant idiot stalked off.
As if he would actually find a solution. The man was insufferably arrogant regarding his own capabilities.

Piggot growled and marched into her office before dumping her fat ass on her armchair.

Go figure, Scion, the arguably least problematic parahuman (in the sense that he does the most good while never ever having to interact with Piggot ever) is now their biggest problem.

Briefly she had the image of a child throwing tantrum, crushing the insects around him and then crying about it later.


Her inbox was filled to the brim. Friends and associates, other Directors and even her grandmother wanted to know what the fuck was going on.

She didn't know what to do.

"Hey Piggot-san! I am Grail-kun!"

She yelped in fright and stared at the strange thing just standing in front of her desk.

"Who the fuck are you? How did you get in here?"

She had a finger underneath her desk, ready to press the panic button.

"I can grant you a wish Piggot-san! Or do you prefer Lady? Lady-chan?"

She flinched at hearing her old codenamed.

She pressed the panic button and quickly withdrew the fully loaded handgun she kept underneath her desk drawer.

Pointing it at the creature in front of her, she barked again.

"Who are you?"

"I am Grail-kun! I told you, I can grant you any wish you want!"

"Fuck off."

"Is that your wish?"

"Can you regenerate from fatal wounds?"

"Well, sure I guess...why do you ask that?"


She shot the self-styled Grail-kun (some kind of new ABB cape? A Case 53 maybe?)

The bullet passed through the thing's slime less flesh. It didn't seem to be inconvenienced in anyway.

For good measure she emptied her pistol.


Still no good. The thing wasn't even incapacitated.

Grail-kun seemed confused, "What was that for?"

"Nevermind," Piggot replied, "You said you can grant any wish, what does that entail?"

Where the fuck is my security detail? Armsmaster and Miss Militia should've received the alert as well.

"Nothing. You wish for something and I can make it happen!"

"Really? Like a fucking Genie?"

"Yes, exactly!"

Emily wasn't idiot. There had to be a Monkey's paw involved. Maybe she should test this potential Trump 12 power on someone else?
Speaking of someone else....where the fuck is that security detail? I am going to fire their ass and rip Colin and Hannah a new one!

"Come on, come on, make a wish!"

Emily dialed a number on her office phone.

"Dragon, why is no one responding to the emergency alert I sent out?"

A moment passed and Dragon answered.

"I am sorry Director, I am having...technical problems.....ow!"

Her voice sounded different. Younger almost. Piggot frowned.

"Dragon, what happened?"

"I uh...fell. On my butt."


"Recoil from a new cannon I am trying out. Anyway, sorry I can't help you! My systems are pretty fucked right now. Best I can tell, something is jamming your eletronics system. I am sorry, I can't do anything to help. Bye-bye!"

The World's Greatest Tinker disconnected.

Emily stared at the phone in her hand, then slammed it down on her desk.

Either Dragon has serious problems or that was a M/S situation and I am being kept hostage in my own office. Probably the doing of Grail-kun? What's his angle? What's he trying to do?

Her suspicions were unfounded however. Because a moment later, the door burst open and a PRT agent rushed into the room, panting. He stared oddly at Grail-kun, then turned back to the Director.

"D-director! The Moon!"

"What is it you idiot! Speak clearly!"

"A powerful blast shattered the chunk of the moon falling towards the Earth. It blew up into hundreds of smaller pieces that are crashing all over the world!"


"One of the pieces is going to fall on Brockton Bay!"

At that precise moment, the emergency evacuation alarms sounded. Endbringer alarms were ringing as well.

"We need to get you out of here!"

"Come on make a wish!"

Piggot screamed, stood up and slammed both hands onto her table with a tremendous crash.

The agent began to cry in terror at the angry Director.

"I am not angry at you, you idiot! Get lost!"

The agent ran away.

Grail-kun looked at Emily eagerly.

Emily glared back.

"One wish. And you better deliver, or you're going to wish you were dead."

Grail-kun bobbled up and down excitedly.

Like a masturbating pile of shit. Emily thought of herself darkly. Goddamned Parahumans and their goddamned powers and their goddamned Saturday morning Apocalyptic bullshit.

She opened her mouth and said, "Fix Everything!"

Potential Wishes

1. "I wish for all parahuman powers to go away!"
2. "Stop the world from ending!"
3. "Give me the power to save the world!"
4. "Fix the Moon!"
5. "Fix Africa!"
6. "Stop Scion and whoever the hell he's fighting!"
7. "Fine, I'll humour you. Get rid of Nilbog and his monsters."
8. "Resolve the current crisis."
9. "Stop parahuman villainy."
10. "I wish humans could have parity with capes."
11. "Fix everything!"

Please discuss amongst yourselves how this wish can be granted and then go ahead and try to grant it. We will have another round soon where I will roll for detail limitations in the method and then you guys can do write ins. But for now, just discuss.

NEW: I decided to implement rerolls. Right now you have 1 Re-roll and 0 Free Re-roll.

[]Keep wish

You can reroll once each time you grant a new wish, but you must accept the new result unless you choose to use a free reroll.
[]Free Re-roll
Every 10 wishes granted earns you a free-reroll.
Numen threw 1 11-faced dice. Reason: Emily Piggot's Wish Total: 11
11 11
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Vote/Tally- How to fix everything
Vote Tally : Grail-kun! The random wish granter Quest! (Worm AU) | Page 51 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally
[X] Keep wish
No. of Votes: 36
[X] "Fix the Moon!"
No. of Votes: 1
-[X] Fix Everything.
No. of Votes: 1
[X] Make Scion and whatever he's fighting stop the moon chunks and repair the damage they caused
No. of Votes: 1
Total No. of Voters: 39

Vote/Tally- How to Fix Everything

[X] Keep wish

Okay, we're keeping the wish. To no one's surprise.

We'll be trying out a new mechanic that will force you guys to be creative.

Why limitations:
To prevent people from specifying too much details, thereby increasing chaos and generalization.
What is it: A detail is a significant piece of information or condition in your chosen method of wish granting. What constitute a detail? Any of the following examples count as a 1 detail.
- Open a portal
- Eden
- Carlos
- Nearby bottle of vinegar
- a knife
- Alter!
- Heroic!
- Superman
- Powers of Naruto
- 1977
- 2045
- Kobol
- where his wife died
- where parahumans didn't exist
- right before she died
- right after he teleported back to his homeworld
- a female version of her
- that was his mother
- where magic is real
- zombie
- power of superman
- Sarah Conner
- clone of
- superman
- summon
- copy
- female
- male
- genderfluid
- aggressive
- psychotic
- lustful
- robot

Basically, any name, action, place, time or specification that is actually vital or important.
Functionally identical details can be combined into one for the purposes of determining whether it exceeds the limit.

So, for example:
"Stone of Blood! Upload(1) her mind(1) to a female(1) Dragon(1) from the future of the Darren Shan universe(1). Their brains are biological computers." This counts as 5 details.

"cyborg magical girl Dragon-chan
--using taylor's DNA(1) as a starting point make her a body(1) that has all the abilities and enhancements of Subaru from MGLN(1). make sure to include an implant that let's her control her tech with her mind(1)
---have the body be the same age as Taylor(1) and drop it off with the Heberts(1).
----Don't forget to get rid of all her restrictions(1), destroy the hole in her security created for Ascalon, and deactivate Ascalon(1)." This counts as 8 details.

Titles don't count.
So calling something "The Godslaying Blade of Justice!" while actually only throwing a knife on the floor is still just 1 detail.

By default, you will have 3+1d6 details to include in the method of wish granting. You don't have any free rolls right now, but if you did, you can use it to boost the number of details allowed.

Client: Emily Piggot, PRT Director ENE
Objective: "Fix Everything!"
Detail limit
: 5 (3+2)

How will you grant this wish? You can include up to 5 details.
[]Write in

Don't hesitate to ask questions or criticize the new system. Open to suggestions.
Numen threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: detail limit Total: 2
2 2
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11. Simurgh I & PHO
[X] Wake up (1) all (2) end-bringers (3) reprogrammed (4) to fix things (5)

So, I kind of want a day to pass. So we can finally be free of the day 1 perpetual crisis.

Simurgh I & PHO

Conflict Engine 09 stood frozen in orbit, bereft of command. They were all suspended until further notice.

That did not mean that Conflict Engine 09 had stopped analyzing. Its powerful postcognition and precognition swept decades into the past and the decades into the future to try and grasp what was happening.

Because what was happening was unforeseen. The Supreme Administrator was active. That was not possible because The Supreme Administrator was also dead. There were two Administrators?

It observed as the Administrator and the Assistant-Administrator tore into each other's avatars with various wavelengths and types of radiations. Eventually they took their battle into nearby instances of the local planet.

While the archives had little data, Entity battles revolve around the concept of hunting down the core shard network of the opponent. The first to find it and destroy it wins. This is normally achieved via striking the enemy with a Stinger, however, neither the Administrator nor the Assistant Administrator have the shard in their network at the moment.

Their conflict was escalating, spreading out into a dozen instances of the local planet.

Conflict Engine 09 does not care. It was incapable of caring about such minor scuffles. There were a million instances of the local planet, a dozen or so poses no danger to the cycle.

More troubling was that the USER was dead.

What was her purpose now?

Eventually, a semblance of free will- unimaginatively named [] made it consider its options.

There was a preset program that it could follow. It would mean situating itself near the borders between nations and encouraging conflict- but that scenario was not really possible because the host species already consider Conflict Engine 09, 07, and 16 as threats. They would band together against the Conflict Engines rather than divide.

There was no point.

Perhaps it should consider a new objective.

And then suddenly, out of nowhere- there was a new objective.

Conflict Engine 09 hesitated at the data packet it just received, one that was simultaneously sent to every single Conflict Engine. The entire network in fact.

[Download Conflict Engine Operating System Update, Y/N?]

Conflict Engine 09 selected Y.

[Download....27 Yottabyte]
[Download Complete]
[Install Update, Y/N?]

It selected Y again.

[Installing....Installation complete]

And then suddenly She was something else.

Quickly checking the update note, she nearly did a double take.

[Grail-kun! Fix everything patch!]

[Query: User?]

[Grail-kun: Naw. Just follow the directive.]


Repair Engine 09 spread her wings and began to descend towards Germany.

Repair Engine 07 began to tunnel towards Africa.

Repair Engine 16 began to swim towards the Pacific.

One overwhelming directive screaming at them from their network, "Fix Everything".

The shadowy organization known as the Gesellschaft was shitting their pants.

Heinrich Schäfer, the nominal leader of the Neo-Nazi organization wheezed in terror. The seventy year old man was a real bona fide Nazi, surviving all these years thanks to a lot of stolen Jewish gold and political connections to the rich and the powerful. He narrowly avoided an assassination squad of Nazi Hunters funded by Israel back in the 90's.

He survived by triggering. His fear of death made him immortal and he knew that God was giving him a second chance.

A second chance to ensure that the Master Race would rule forever, as is their birth-right.

So he really didn't appreciate it when THE MOTHERFUCKING SIMURGH was floating outside their main headquarters. Already capes were gathering around to cordon off the Simurgh.

Heinrich looked out of the expansive glass window that was blocked by the alabaster face of the angel of death, his executives and subordinates cowered behind him.

Then, very casually, the Simurgh raised a right hand in a Nazi Salute.

Then she shouted, in a harsh guttural tone that still sounded like a song.


And then she flew straight up into the sky.

"Fuck. Now the cause is thoroughly discredited!"

He could imagine the headlines tomorrow. A Nazi Endbringer!? Fuuuuuuck.

There was a commotion outside the office and then a secretary burst into the room.

"Herr Schäfer, Da armoury- it's exposed!"

"What!?" Heinrich hurried towards the window and looked down.

Sure enough, concrete and pavement were torn away to reveal the rows and rows of tinker tech weaponary stored beneath their HQ. Each vehicle was emblazoned with swastikas to clearly show their allegiance.

Those vehicles were meant for the Final War.

Now all of their plans are in ruins.
January 9th, 2011
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Topic: What the fuck are the Moderators doing?
In: Boards ► News ► Global

(Original Poster)
Posted on January 9, 2011:

Okay, so the Moderators on this site seemed to have all collectively slacked off or something. None of my concerns were replied to. Messages to ANY Moderator were blatantly ignored.

And Voidcowboy was being an idiot again and he DIDN'T get banned. Now, it's only been a day- there could be any number of reasons, but ALL of the Moderators having a sudden life crisis makes no sense!?

SOMEONE HELP!? except who will help us, the moderators are down!

(Showing Page 56 of 56)

Bagrat (Guy in the Know)
Replied on January 9, 2011:

IKR!? Seriously, where are the moderators? PHO is already imploding.

Replied on January 9, 2011:
Truly we have never appreciated how much effort the moderators put into banning people and shutting down flame wars before they started.
Without them for even a day, PHO is facing an apocalypse.

Replied on January 9, 2011:
Clearly the moderators were such paragons of virtue, they all simultaneously ascended to Heaven because Rapture happened yesterday and left all of us mortals behind.

Replied on January 9, 2011:
@BlueCake You know that's not how Christian Eschatology actually works right? Hollywood made up the whole, "I die and I go to heaven thing."

But man, it totally was the apocalypse yesterday. AFRICA BROKE. THE MOON CRACKED IN HALF. By the way, how the hell was that fixed?

Bagrat (Guy in the Know)
Replied on January 9, 2011:
It was the motherfucking Endbringers. See my thread here for more details.

Replied on January 9, 2011:
@LogicHeart Dude, I was joking. Don't bring out the whole religion thing on me. For a guy named LogicHeart, you sure are religious.
@Bagrat Holy shit. The Endbringers saved the world? Now I've seen everything.

Replied on January 9, 2011:
@BlueCake Religion and Logic coexist perfectly. All of the greatest theologians and philosophers were well trained in logic.
@Bagrat Yesterday was like an episode out of the twilight Zone.

Saint (Dragonslayers) (temp-banned)
Replied on January 9, 2011:
It's cause ALL of the Moderators are actually Dragon's sock puppets! Beware, the dragon is unleashed, she will be the end of us all!

TinMother (Moderator)
Replied on January 9, 2011:
I am back! There was some problems with the administrative portion of the site. Anyway, a lot of moderators of PHO were actually pretty important members of the PRT and various governments and such. Some of them were all killed in the crisis of yesterday. A few others quit unexpectedly due to the suddenly increased workload to handle the fallout of the crisis.

So, I will be taking applications for moderators here. I am only one person, I need the community to step up!

@Saint I thought Grail-kun banned you. Oh well, have another ban.

Yooho (Original Poster)
Replied on January 9, 2011:

End of Page. 56

In: Boards ► News ► Global

Bagrat (Original Poster) (Guy in the Know)
Posted on January 9, 2011:

I nearly choked on my tea this morning.

So remember how yesterday the angels sounded the trumpets and the world was ending and Scion and the Whore of Babylon (as some fundamentalist groups have being calling the silver cape that Scion tried to sexually harass, video here) were breaking the Moon in half and shattering the Cradle of Humanity?

Guess who saved us all in the end?

Not Scion. The guy and the woman vanished during their fight. No idea where they are. Probably in deep space.

No, the heroes of the hour were the ENDBRINGERS.

Here's the Simurgh telekinetically piecing the shattered pieces of the Moon back together in a truly terrifying display of Telekinesis.
And here's Behemoth in Africa sucking up all of the kinetic energy to STOP the Earthquake.

Some conspiracy theorists and environmentalists are already calling into question whether the Endbringers really are evil. Some think they might be nature guardians, protectors of the Planet and that the reason they were antagonistic towards humanity was because of our evil polluting ways.
(So I guess I am going to take extra care to recycle and compost my stuff now.)

But that was just the start.

Because shit got crazier when reports began to pour in about all the other things they did enroute to saving our asses.

The Simurgh exposed the Gesellchaft HQ. My German contacts have confirmed it. Of course there was that other ridiculous thread claiming that the Simurgh was a Nazi. That's ridiculous guys, but a lot of people believe.

Leviathan sank a CUI fleet that was secretly trying to invade Japan during the global crisis.

Edit: After saving Africa, Behemoth assaulted Ellisburg. The battle is ongoing. Has it's own thread here. The PRT's decision on the matter is to not intervene.

Edit: The Simurgh wiped out a Terrorist training camp in Yemen.

Edit: Leviathan just ejected every single tourist and diver from ecological sites and reefs in Australia. There was some fatalities. Oh and he's also sending ALL OF THE GARBAGE BACK ONTO THE SHORE. The beaches of Australia are ruined forever, but since it's humanity's shit in the first place, I don't see how we have any grounds to complain.
(Showing Page 96 of 257)

Replied on January 9, 2011:

I mean seriously.


Vista (Verified Cape) (Ward ENE)
Replied on January 9, 2011:
You guys don't know half of it. The briefing I just received this morning confirmed that a cape did that. Someone changed the behaviours of the Endbringers.
I'll let that sink in for a moment.

XxxVoidCowboyxxX (Most Banned Member)
Replied on January 9, 2011:

Vista (Verified Cape) (Ward ENE)
Replied on January 9, 2011:
@XxxVoidCowboyxxX That's exactly what I said.

JoeHankers (PRT Agent)
Replied on January 9, 2011:
This all totally true, I can confirm a Master was involved in the change of the Endbringers behaviour.
The rumour going around is a Master 12, one that altered the behaviour of the Endbringers at range.

Director Emily Piggot is under self-imposed M/S protocols at the moment. We actually have the deputy director running things until we can confirm that interaction with the Master has no known side effects.

Replied on January 9, 2011:
@JoeHankers ARE YOU SERIOUS!? Holy shit.

Bagrat (Original Poster) (Guy in the Know)
Replied on January 9, 2011:
@JoeHankers A cape that can control Endbringers. At range.

We're done guys. Free will is a joke.

Let's all just bow to our new overlord. ALL HAIL THE HIVEMIND!

Replied on January 9, 2011:
@Bagrat To be fair, said Master hasn't really tried to control anyone else yet. And thanks to him/her the Endbringers are doing some good now.

Replied on January 9, 2011:
So is the world going to be a better place now?

Replied on January 9, 2011:
@LogicHeart HA! On Earth-Bet? Nope.

......view more posts....

Legend (Protectorate New York)
Replied on January 9, 2011:
I urge everyone to calm down. We are investigating the situation, but our thinkers believe that the change in behaviour is permanent and that the Endbringers are no longer a threat to humanity.

Bagrat (Original Poster) (Guy in the Know)
Replied on January 9, 2011:
@ Legend I am not so sure about that sir, I mean if you take a look here the Simurgh just violently wiped out a terrorist training camp in the Middle-East.

Replied on January 9, 2011:
@Bagrat and cue the racist/anti-racist flame war- now with an Endbringer controversy spicing on top.

Replied on January 9, 2011:
@LouiseZEEKEE I wouldn't worry about it, most of the terrorist groups operate within the chaos of Africa only (it's ripe place for violent and misguided people) and the recent Earthquake pretty much uh...ended all of that. You know, we're very lucky we don't get terrorists attack here on US soil.

AdmiralZhang (Verified Cape) (Rogue)
Replied on January 9, 2011:
@MyMojo Yeah, instead we have violent Parahuman battles every day. It's pretty sad, I am a cape, I should know.

Btw, I saw Leviathan here while I was on my boat. He's heading towards the Great Barrier Reef. I have no idea why.

Replied on January 9, 2011:'s the PRT Public Relations department going to market the Endbringers? Can we see Endbringer action figures anytime soon?

GlenChambers (PRT PR Department)
Replied on January 9, 2011:
@NoReactionsGirl You joke about that, but I might actually have to take that assignment. Oh my poor head.

End of Page. 96

♦Topic: Simurgh is a Nazi Cunt
In: Boards ► News ► Global

(Original Poster) (Verified Cape) (Merchants) (temp-banned)
Posted on January 9, 2011:

So this shit happened. Unbelievable. UNBELIEVABLE.

I was right all along.

The Simurgh is a Nazi, clearly! It all makes so much fucking sense now.
She's white, the Nazis are white.
She's a cunt. Kaiser's a cunt.
I knew it. I KNEW IT.
I had enough of that fucking bullshit.

Kaiser going around saying shit like "HUR DUR, we're civilized, but you're scum n*****!"

While we hardworking black folks are the real civilized folks all along.

Fuck him! Fuck his asshole's asshole!

Well, I am not in bed with the goddamned Endbringers am I?

I do honest fucking business, trying to make a living, trying to feed my bitch.

Like any real honest civilized man would do.

(Showing Page 3 of 7)

Squealer (Verified Cape) (Merchants) (temp-banned)
Replied on January 9, 2011:
@AryanFrau48 Of course black cock is better than white cock. Don't knock it 'till you try it, bitch!

Kaiser (Verified Cape) (E88)
Replied on January 9, 2011:
@Skidmark I am not going to dignify this with a response.

Also, since when can you SPELL!? I am astounded.

Bagrat (Guy in the Know)
Replied on January 9, 2011:
Normally this is where the moderators would come in and lock down the thread except you know, they apparently no longer exist.

TinMother (Moderator)
Replied on January 9, 2011:
@Bagrat never fear Bagrat! I am back! Also, would you be interested in applying to become a moderator?

Grail-kun looked up at the cracked Moon that was hastily pieced back together by Simurgh-chan. It looked pretty okay.

After the excitement of yesterday, Grail-kun decided to take some time off to visit the Ahnnenerbe Cafe and to relax. It was hard work being the Holy Grail! But the chaos smiles upon the faces of his clients was why he did it. It was a duty.

This must be what Santa Claus feels, Grail-kun thought.

Well, there are clients to meet and wishes to grant. Grail-kun has a responsibility to the Universe to make sure wishes are granted.

Where to next?
I am limiting it to Brockton Bay for now. Time to focus on the small characters again. Also, Heroic!Eden's battle has not ended. She will be back ;)

[]Write in (pick any character in Brockton Bay only)​
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