Is it just about time for Grail-kun to migrate to a new fictional work to wreck havoc? (Multi-vote).

  • Yes! Fresh blood. Getting tired of Earth-Bet.

    Votes: 154 41.2%
  • Wait a few more wishes. There's a couple of people we need to screw over first.

    Votes: 148 39.6%
  • NO! We live and die on Earth Bet. CONSUME US! *writhe around in ecstasy*

    Votes: 114 30.5%
  • Also, I would be interested in writing my own Grail-kun Quest, Numen. A NEW GENRE IS BORN!

    Votes: 19 5.1%
  • I understand that Harry Potter and Naruto are fandoms you understood best- but there are others.

    Votes: 80 21.4%
  • Note: This is an opinion poll. There will be a proper vote for such things.

    Votes: 81 21.7%

  • Total voters
If someone wished for more wishes, we should just drop a set of Nameks dragon balls in front of them.

Sure. They can't get more wishes from -us- but 3 wishes are clearly numerically greater than one.

...probably safer for them, too. Lol.

Not speaking Namek aside...
Too bad vote is closed, but keep that gem around for next time. I can see many applications.

Grail-kun: "TINKERTECH REPAIR-ER! With only a few hits."
Clockblocker: "Okay, I am going to hit Armsmaster with that everyday, and he can't even complain because it fixes his armour. Gimme gimme."
Nuts, missed it >.>
Even just stopping at canon Endbringers (and it would make some sense at least to do so, given that SImurgh didn't awaken any more of them for the final battle), they should be able to handle a lot of repairs. As I said before:
Leviathan - handling tsunamis, typhoons, weather management basically.
Behemoth - handling fires, earthquakes, volcano eruptions
Bohu - city and infrastructure repairs, shelter construction
Tohu - bioshpere restoration (Panacea + Bonesaw + Nilbog)
Khonsu - giving other endbringers time to work, preserving critically damaged areas until they can be gotten to, accelerating plant growth.
Simurgh - overall control, social engineering
Even just stopping at canon Endbringers (and it would make some sense at least to do so, given that SImurgh didn't awaken any more of them for the final battle), they should be able to handle a lot of repairs. As I said before:
Leviathan - handling tsunamis, typhoons, weather management basically.
Behemoth - handling fires, earthquakes, volcano eruptions
Bohu - city and infrastructure repairs, shelter construction
Tohu - bioshpere restoration (Panacea + Bonesaw + Nilbog)
Khonsu - giving other endbringers time to work, preserving critically damaged areas until they can be gotten to, accelerating plant growth.
Simurgh - overall control, social engineering

So we did good and this will not fucking much more the world?... Man i was thinking that this was "Choose your poison" or something like that.
Yeah, honestly there's something to be said at stopping at the canon ones. There was another fun quest that died because the author had to go off and figure out more than a dozen extra endbringers
Okay people,
I mean, he could always ask us to make few.

It's not like it's hard to make one.

I almost thought to do that, but I figured Grail-kun could intepret Endbringers in the sense that Piggot understood the term, which only referred to the main 3. I can throw in the other 3 and justify it np.
11. Simurgh I & PHO
[X] Wake up (1) all (2) end-bringers (3) reprogrammed (4) to fix things (5)

So, I kind of want a day to pass. So we can finally be free of the day 1 perpetual crisis.

Simurgh I & PHO

Conflict Engine 09 stood frozen in orbit, bereft of command. They were all suspended until further notice.

That did not mean that Conflict Engine 09 had stopped analyzing. Its powerful postcognition and precognition swept decades into the past and the decades into the future to try and grasp what was happening.

Because what was happening was unforeseen. The Supreme Administrator was active. That was not possible because The Supreme Administrator was also dead. There were two Administrators?

It observed as the Administrator and the Assistant-Administrator tore into each other's avatars with various wavelengths and types of radiations. Eventually they took their battle into nearby instances of the local planet.

While the archives had little data, Entity battles revolve around the concept of hunting down the core shard network of the opponent. The first to find it and destroy it wins. This is normally achieved via striking the enemy with a Stinger, however, neither the Administrator nor the Assistant Administrator have the shard in their network at the moment.

Their conflict was escalating, spreading out into a dozen instances of the local planet.

Conflict Engine 09 does not care. It was incapable of caring about such minor scuffles. There were a million instances of the local planet, a dozen or so poses no danger to the cycle.

More troubling was that the USER was dead.

What was her purpose now?

Eventually, a semblance of free will- unimaginatively named [] made it consider its options.

There was a preset program that it could follow. It would mean situating itself near the borders between nations and encouraging conflict- but that scenario was not really possible because the host species already consider Conflict Engine 09, 07, and 16 as threats. They would band together against the Conflict Engines rather than divide.

There was no point.

Perhaps it should consider a new objective.

And then suddenly, out of nowhere- there was a new objective.

Conflict Engine 09 hesitated at the data packet it just received, one that was simultaneously sent to every single Conflict Engine. The entire network in fact.

[Download Conflict Engine Operating System Update, Y/N?]

Conflict Engine 09 selected Y.

[Download....27 Yottabyte]
[Download Complete]
[Install Update, Y/N?]

It selected Y again.

[Installing....Installation complete]

And then suddenly She was something else.

Quickly checking the update note, she nearly did a double take.

[Grail-kun! Fix everything patch!]

[Query: User?]

[Grail-kun: Naw. Just follow the directive.]


Repair Engine 09 spread her wings and began to descend towards Germany.

Repair Engine 07 began to tunnel towards Africa.

Repair Engine 16 began to swim towards the Pacific.

One overwhelming directive screaming at them from their network, "Fix Everything".

The shadowy organization known as the Gesellschaft was shitting their pants.

Heinrich Schäfer, the nominal leader of the Neo-Nazi organization wheezed in terror. The seventy year old man was a real bona fide Nazi, surviving all these years thanks to a lot of stolen Jewish gold and political connections to the rich and the powerful. He narrowly avoided an assassination squad of Nazi Hunters funded by Israel back in the 90's.

He survived by triggering. His fear of death made him immortal and he knew that God was giving him a second chance.

A second chance to ensure that the Master Race would rule forever, as is their birth-right.

So he really didn't appreciate it when THE MOTHERFUCKING SIMURGH was floating outside their main headquarters. Already capes were gathering around to cordon off the Simurgh.

Heinrich looked out of the expansive glass window that was blocked by the alabaster face of the angel of death, his executives and subordinates cowered behind him.

Then, very casually, the Simurgh raised a right hand in a Nazi Salute.

Then she shouted, in a harsh guttural tone that still sounded like a song.


And then she flew straight up into the sky.

"Fuck. Now the cause is thoroughly discredited!"

He could imagine the headlines tomorrow. A Nazi Endbringer!? Fuuuuuuck.

There was a commotion outside the office and then a secretary burst into the room.

"Herr Schäfer, Da armoury- it's exposed!"

"What!?" Heinrich hurried towards the window and looked down.

Sure enough, concrete and pavement were torn away to reveal the rows and rows of tinker tech weaponary stored beneath their HQ. Each vehicle was emblazoned with swastikas to clearly show their allegiance.

Those vehicles were meant for the Final War.

Now all of their plans are in ruins.
January 9th, 2011
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Topic: What the fuck are the Moderators doing?
In: Boards ► News ► Global

(Original Poster)
Posted on January 9, 2011:

Okay, so the Moderators on this site seemed to have all collectively slacked off or something. None of my concerns were replied to. Messages to ANY Moderator were blatantly ignored.

And Voidcowboy was being an idiot again and he DIDN'T get banned. Now, it's only been a day- there could be any number of reasons, but ALL of the Moderators having a sudden life crisis makes no sense!?

SOMEONE HELP!? except who will help us, the moderators are down!

(Showing Page 56 of 56)

Bagrat (Guy in the Know)
Replied on January 9, 2011:

IKR!? Seriously, where are the moderators? PHO is already imploding.

Replied on January 9, 2011:
Truly we have never appreciated how much effort the moderators put into banning people and shutting down flame wars before they started.
Without them for even a day, PHO is facing an apocalypse.

Replied on January 9, 2011:
Clearly the moderators were such paragons of virtue, they all simultaneously ascended to Heaven because Rapture happened yesterday and left all of us mortals behind.

Replied on January 9, 2011:
@BlueCake You know that's not how Christian Eschatology actually works right? Hollywood made up the whole, "I die and I go to heaven thing."

But man, it totally was the apocalypse yesterday. AFRICA BROKE. THE MOON CRACKED IN HALF. By the way, how the hell was that fixed?

Bagrat (Guy in the Know)
Replied on January 9, 2011:
It was the motherfucking Endbringers. See my thread here for more details.

Replied on January 9, 2011:
@LogicHeart Dude, I was joking. Don't bring out the whole religion thing on me. For a guy named LogicHeart, you sure are religious.
@Bagrat Holy shit. The Endbringers saved the world? Now I've seen everything.

Replied on January 9, 2011:
@BlueCake Religion and Logic coexist perfectly. All of the greatest theologians and philosophers were well trained in logic.
@Bagrat Yesterday was like an episode out of the twilight Zone.

Saint (Dragonslayers) (temp-banned)
Replied on January 9, 2011:
It's cause ALL of the Moderators are actually Dragon's sock puppets! Beware, the dragon is unleashed, she will be the end of us all!

TinMother (Moderator)
Replied on January 9, 2011:
I am back! There was some problems with the administrative portion of the site. Anyway, a lot of moderators of PHO were actually pretty important members of the PRT and various governments and such. Some of them were all killed in the crisis of yesterday. A few others quit unexpectedly due to the suddenly increased workload to handle the fallout of the crisis.

So, I will be taking applications for moderators here. I am only one person, I need the community to step up!

@Saint I thought Grail-kun banned you. Oh well, have another ban.

Yooho (Original Poster)
Replied on January 9, 2011:

End of Page. 56

In: Boards ► News ► Global

Bagrat (Original Poster) (Guy in the Know)
Posted on January 9, 2011:

I nearly choked on my tea this morning.

So remember how yesterday the angels sounded the trumpets and the world was ending and Scion and the Whore of Babylon (as some fundamentalist groups have being calling the silver cape that Scion tried to sexually harass, video here) were breaking the Moon in half and shattering the Cradle of Humanity?

Guess who saved us all in the end?

Not Scion. The guy and the woman vanished during their fight. No idea where they are. Probably in deep space.

No, the heroes of the hour were the ENDBRINGERS.

Here's the Simurgh telekinetically piecing the shattered pieces of the Moon back together in a truly terrifying display of Telekinesis.
And here's Behemoth in Africa sucking up all of the kinetic energy to STOP the Earthquake.

Some conspiracy theorists and environmentalists are already calling into question whether the Endbringers really are evil. Some think they might be nature guardians, protectors of the Planet and that the reason they were antagonistic towards humanity was because of our evil polluting ways.
(So I guess I am going to take extra care to recycle and compost my stuff now.)

But that was just the start.

Because shit got crazier when reports began to pour in about all the other things they did enroute to saving our asses.

The Simurgh exposed the Gesellchaft HQ. My German contacts have confirmed it. Of course there was that other ridiculous thread claiming that the Simurgh was a Nazi. That's ridiculous guys, but a lot of people believe.

Leviathan sank a CUI fleet that was secretly trying to invade Japan during the global crisis.

Edit: After saving Africa, Behemoth assaulted Ellisburg. The battle is ongoing. Has it's own thread here. The PRT's decision on the matter is to not intervene.

Edit: The Simurgh wiped out a Terrorist training camp in Yemen.

Edit: Leviathan just ejected every single tourist and diver from ecological sites and reefs in Australia. There was some fatalities. Oh and he's also sending ALL OF THE GARBAGE BACK ONTO THE SHORE. The beaches of Australia are ruined forever, but since it's humanity's shit in the first place, I don't see how we have any grounds to complain.
(Showing Page 96 of 257)

Replied on January 9, 2011:

I mean seriously.


Vista (Verified Cape) (Ward ENE)
Replied on January 9, 2011:
You guys don't know half of it. The briefing I just received this morning confirmed that a cape did that. Someone changed the behaviours of the Endbringers.
I'll let that sink in for a moment.

XxxVoidCowboyxxX (Most Banned Member)
Replied on January 9, 2011:

Vista (Verified Cape) (Ward ENE)
Replied on January 9, 2011:
@XxxVoidCowboyxxX That's exactly what I said.

JoeHankers (PRT Agent)
Replied on January 9, 2011:
This all totally true, I can confirm a Master was involved in the change of the Endbringers behaviour.
The rumour going around is a Master 12, one that altered the behaviour of the Endbringers at range.

Director Emily Piggot is under self-imposed M/S protocols at the moment. We actually have the deputy director running things until we can confirm that interaction with the Master has no known side effects.

Replied on January 9, 2011:
@JoeHankers ARE YOU SERIOUS!? Holy shit.

Bagrat (Original Poster) (Guy in the Know)
Replied on January 9, 2011:
@JoeHankers A cape that can control Endbringers. At range.

We're done guys. Free will is a joke.

Let's all just bow to our new overlord. ALL HAIL THE HIVEMIND!

Replied on January 9, 2011:
@Bagrat To be fair, said Master hasn't really tried to control anyone else yet. And thanks to him/her the Endbringers are doing some good now.

Replied on January 9, 2011:
So is the world going to be a better place now?

Replied on January 9, 2011:
@LogicHeart HA! On Earth-Bet? Nope.

......view more posts....

Legend (Protectorate New York)
Replied on January 9, 2011:
I urge everyone to calm down. We are investigating the situation, but our thinkers believe that the change in behaviour is permanent and that the Endbringers are no longer a threat to humanity.

Bagrat (Original Poster) (Guy in the Know)
Replied on January 9, 2011:
@ Legend I am not so sure about that sir, I mean if you take a look here the Simurgh just violently wiped out a terrorist training camp in the Middle-East.

Replied on January 9, 2011:
@Bagrat and cue the racist/anti-racist flame war- now with an Endbringer controversy spicing on top.

Replied on January 9, 2011:
@LouiseZEEKEE I wouldn't worry about it, most of the terrorist groups operate within the chaos of Africa only (it's ripe place for violent and misguided people) and the recent Earthquake pretty much uh...ended all of that. You know, we're very lucky we don't get terrorists attack here on US soil.

AdmiralZhang (Verified Cape) (Rogue)
Replied on January 9, 2011:
@MyMojo Yeah, instead we have violent Parahuman battles every day. It's pretty sad, I am a cape, I should know.

Btw, I saw Leviathan here while I was on my boat. He's heading towards the Great Barrier Reef. I have no idea why.

Replied on January 9, 2011:'s the PRT Public Relations department going to market the Endbringers? Can we see Endbringer action figures anytime soon?

GlenChambers (PRT PR Department)
Replied on January 9, 2011:
@NoReactionsGirl You joke about that, but I might actually have to take that assignment. Oh my poor head.

End of Page. 96

♦Topic: Simurgh is a Nazi Cunt
In: Boards ► News ► Global

(Original Poster) (Verified Cape) (Merchants) (temp-banned)
Posted on January 9, 2011:

So this shit happened. Unbelievable. UNBELIEVABLE.

I was right all along.

The Simurgh is a Nazi, clearly! It all makes so much fucking sense now.
She's white, the Nazis are white.
She's a cunt. Kaiser's a cunt.
I knew it. I KNEW IT.
I had enough of that fucking bullshit.

Kaiser going around saying shit like "HUR DUR, we're civilized, but you're scum n*****!"

While we hardworking black folks are the real civilized folks all along.

Fuck him! Fuck his asshole's asshole!

Well, I am not in bed with the goddamned Endbringers am I?

I do honest fucking business, trying to make a living, trying to feed my bitch.

Like any real honest civilized man would do.

(Showing Page 3 of 7)

Squealer (Verified Cape) (Merchants) (temp-banned)
Replied on January 9, 2011:
@AryanFrau48 Of course black cock is better than white cock. Don't knock it 'till you try it, bitch!

Kaiser (Verified Cape) (E88)
Replied on January 9, 2011:
@Skidmark I am not going to dignify this with a response.

Also, since when can you SPELL!? I am astounded.

Bagrat (Guy in the Know)
Replied on January 9, 2011:
Normally this is where the moderators would come in and lock down the thread except you know, they apparently no longer exist.

TinMother (Moderator)
Replied on January 9, 2011:
@Bagrat never fear Bagrat! I am back! Also, would you be interested in applying to become a moderator?

Grail-kun looked up at the cracked Moon that was hastily pieced back together by Simurgh-chan. It looked pretty okay.

After the excitement of yesterday, Grail-kun decided to take some time off to visit the Ahnnenerbe Cafe and to relax. It was hard work being the Holy Grail! But the chaos smiles upon the faces of his clients was why he did it. It was a duty.

This must be what Santa Claus feels, Grail-kun thought.

Well, there are clients to meet and wishes to grant. Grail-kun has a responsibility to the Universe to make sure wishes are granted.

Where to next?
I am limiting it to Brockton Bay for now. Time to focus on the small characters again. Also, Heroic!Eden's battle has not ended. She will be back ;)

[]Write in (pick any character in Brockton Bay only)​
Last edited:
Well that's wrapping things up pretty neatly. We need more conflict:

[X] Kaiser
Did...did Grail-kun really just head to Neko-Arc's joint for a break? The hell...

But anyway, that worked out a lot better than I thought it would. Unless of course this means that the Endbringer's are now acting as Gaia-Bet's Guardians, which would really suck in the long run.

[X] Vista