Isn't there supposed to be a 'maximum specificity allowed' roll? Or does Taylor get special privileges?Vote closed. We're keeping the wish.
Oh boy, this is going to be HILARIOUS.
Double, double, toil and trouble;
Fire burn and CAULDRON bubble.
Double, double, toil and trouble;
Something wicked this way comes!
Vote Tally : Grail-kun! The random wish granter Quest! (Worm AU) | Page 94 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally
[X] Keep Wish
No. of Votes: 12
Total No. of Voters: 12
You may now write in and vote on how the wish shall be granted.
[]Write in
Isn't there supposed to be a 'maximum specificity allowed' roll? Or does Taylor get special privileges?
That said, I'm thinking either accidentally Khepri or just keying every sufficiently non-human part of the entire organization to reflect that Taylor is technically the head of the organization, from Doc Mother's office to the the organization name (Taylor's Cauldron), while not affecting anyone's mind or body.
[jk] replace Contessa before she gained her power in the past with Taylor, give Taylor PTV as well, that's right Contessa was secretly Taylor all along!!
Eden is only playing dead, she's actually Taylor.
You could seriously end the quest with that and I'd be happy.Everyone is actually Taylor. Grail-kun is also Taylor. It explains everything!
@Numen what would you say about introducing exaltations? Because "give Taylor the divine mandate to rule by making her a solar exalt" is an interesting option.
Because "in charge" doesn't actually mean "in control".
[X] "Silly Taylor-kun! Thanks to souls being rendered into their component parts after death, and Akasha not caring about silly things like 'time' and 'causality', you already are!"
-[X] "And in charge of everything else too!"
--[X] "In fact, technically you're simultaneously in charge of the PRT, Protectorate, Slaughterhouse 9, and Gesellschaft! Isn't that nice?"
Technicalities! All souls come from the same source, so technically you could say everyone is the same person on some level! Wish granted with minimal energy expended!
Eh, this is a sad option of Taylor being a monster all that time and doing things the same way... We could send Taylor to a parallel multiverse in place of Doctor Mother, so she shanks Eden there. Then either get Taylor out when she dies (and stuff her back into her body) or link the multiverses together once they synchronize.[X] replace Contessa before she gained her power in the past with Taylor, give Taylor PTV as well, that's right Contessa was secretly Taylor all along!!
Eh, this is a sad option of Taylor being a monster all that time and doing things the same way... We could send Taylor to a parallel multiverse in place of Doctor Mother, so she shanks Eden there. Then either get Taylor out when she dies (and stuff her back into her body) or link the multiverses together once they synchronize.
Go ahead and make a new thread if you'd like. You're probably not going to get this one to its limit, even assuming such a limit exists. PMAS is presently up to 3712 pages and still going, to give an example off the top of my head.Edit: Btw, do I wait until this thread is absolutely full before creating a Thread 2? Because thematically, it kind of makes sense to do so, but I rather not if it wastes space. How many max pages can a thread have anyway?