Is it just about time for Grail-kun to migrate to a new fictional work to wreck havoc? (Multi-vote).

  • Yes! Fresh blood. Getting tired of Earth-Bet.

    Votes: 154 41.2%
  • Wait a few more wishes. There's a couple of people we need to screw over first.

    Votes: 148 39.6%
  • NO! We live and die on Earth Bet. CONSUME US! *writhe around in ecstasy*

    Votes: 114 30.5%
  • Also, I would be interested in writing my own Grail-kun Quest, Numen. A NEW GENRE IS BORN!

    Votes: 19 5.1%
  • I understand that Harry Potter and Naruto are fandoms you understood best- but there are others.

    Votes: 80 21.4%
  • Note: This is an opinion poll. There will be a proper vote for such things.

    Votes: 81 21.7%

  • Total voters
[X]Keep Wish

Turn all who work for Cauldron into Cauldron-people and give her control over them all.

Iron-cast master race soon?
Vote- How will Taylor be in charge of these Cauldron people? :3
Vote closed. We're keeping the wish.

Oh boy, this is going to be HILARIOUS.

Double, double, toil and trouble;
Fire burn and CAULDRON bubble.
Double, double, toil and trouble;
Something wicked this way comes!

Vote Tally : Grail-kun! The random wish granter Quest! (Worm AU) | Page 94 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally

[X] Keep Wish
No. of Votes: 12

Total No. of Voters: 12

You may now write in and vote on how the wish shall be granted.

[]Write in

Edit: I forgot to roll for detail limits, so for this wish, there is no limits, but please please be reasonable, kk?
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[X] Turn all who work for Cauldron into Cauldron-people and give Taylor control over them.
[X]Give Taylor Master 12, which allow her to control anything by choice or not, with also a large range.
-[X]Make Taylor's new power to permanently control all of Cauldron's personnel and also Cauldron's army of Case-53
--[X]Make Taylor apologize to Grail-kun for being a huge meanie to him/her/it
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[X] Register Cauldron Interdimensional as a limited liability company.
-[X] Give Taylor Hebert 51% of the company's shares and split the remaining shares evenly between Doctor Mother, Alexandria and Faultline.
-[X] Transfer all of Cauldron's current financial assets to Cauldron Interdimensional, LLC.
-[X] Put all current members of Cauldron on Cauldron Interdimensional, LLC's current payroll.
Vote closed. We're keeping the wish.

Oh boy, this is going to be HILARIOUS.

Double, double, toil and trouble;
Fire burn and CAULDRON bubble.
Double, double, toil and trouble;
Something wicked this way comes!

Vote Tally : Grail-kun! The random wish granter Quest! (Worm AU) | Page 94 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally

[X] Keep Wish
No. of Votes: 12

Total No. of Voters: 12

You may now write in and vote on how the wish shall be granted.

[]Write in
Isn't there supposed to be a 'maximum specificity allowed' roll? Or does Taylor get special privileges?

That said, I'm thinking either accidentally Khepri or just keying every sufficiently non-human part of the entire organization to reflect that Taylor is technically the head of the organization, from Doc Mother's office to the the organization name (Taylor's Cauldron), while not affecting anyone's mind or body.
Isn't there supposed to be a 'maximum specificity allowed' roll? Or does Taylor get special privileges?

That said, I'm thinking either accidentally Khepri or just keying every sufficiently non-human part of the entire organization to reflect that Taylor is technically the head of the organization, from Doc Mother's office to the the organization name (Taylor's Cauldron), while not affecting anyone's mind or body.

Ah shit, I forgot about that!

Well, too late. So, guys, be reasonable, okay?
[X] replace Contessa before she gained her power in the past with Taylor, give Taylor PTV as well, that's right Contessa was secretly Taylor all along!!
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[X] Revive local!Eden and put Taylor into control of it.

Ie "turn Taylor into a space whale" vote.

@Numen what would you say about introducing exaltations? Because "give Taylor the divine mandate to rule by making her a solar exalt" is an interesting option.

Because "in charge" doesn't actually mean "in control".
@Numen what would you say about introducing exaltations? Because "give Taylor the divine mandate to rule by making her a solar exalt" is an interesting option.

Because "in charge" doesn't actually mean "in control".

I would say I wouldn't know enough about Exalted to pull that off convincingly, at least, not if I plan on showing how big an impact that would eventually have. I would need to do more research. But, I know a lot of author tricks to pretend to know what I am talking about.

I can do actual Chinese religious Mandate of Heaven stuff quite well. Actually, I already wrote something like that here: Betta Fish and Other Worm Stories (Numen's Anthology of Stuff)

So if you want Exalted Taylor in everything but name, I can do that. Or conversely, in name, but slightly non-canonical.
[X] Unrestrict Contessa's Path to Victory shard, but make every path she asks for (even paths to removing this particular step from the paths) require Taylor to be made the official leader of Cauldron at some point in the path.
[X] "Silly Taylor-kun! Thanks to souls being rendered into their component parts after death, and Akasha not caring about silly things like 'time' and 'causality', you already are!"
-[X] "And in charge of everything else too!"
--[X] "In fact, technically you're simultaneously in charge of the PRT, Protectorate, Slaughterhouse 9, and Gesellschaft! Isn't that nice?"

Technicalities! All souls come from the same source, so technically you could say everyone is the same person on some level! Wish granted with minimal energy expended!
[X] "Silly Taylor-kun! Thanks to souls being rendered into their component parts after death, and Akasha not caring about silly things like 'time' and 'causality', you already are!"
-[X] "And in charge of everything else too!"
--[X] "In fact, technically you're simultaneously in charge of the PRT, Protectorate, Slaughterhouse 9, and Gesellschaft! Isn't that nice?"

Technicalities! All souls come from the same source, so technically you could say everyone is the same person on some level! Wish granted with minimal energy expended!

Grail-kun: But just so you comprehend this reality, here, have FREE Enlightenment at no extra charge.
Buddha!Taylor: Whoa....WHOA. I know Kung-Fu.
Grail-kun: Huuuuuh, I think that was the wrong Enlightenment...
Child!Taylor: There is no spoon....
Grail-kun: Okay, that's great...
Black!Taylor: There's a difference...between knowing the path and walking the path.
Grail-kun: I don't really get it...
Oracle!Taylor: We all return to the Source.
Grail-kun: What? Why do you keep changing your appearances?
Neo!Taylor: The Source. I must find the Keymaker.
*puts on sunglasses and flies off*
Grail-kun: Wut.
[X] replace Contessa before she gained her power in the past with Taylor, give Taylor PTV as well, that's right Contessa was secretly Taylor all along!!
Eh, this is a sad option of Taylor being a monster all that time and doing things the same way... We could send Taylor to a parallel multiverse in place of Doctor Mother, so she shanks Eden there. Then either get Taylor out when she dies (and stuff her back into her body) or link the multiverses together once they synchronize.
Eh, this is a sad option of Taylor being a monster all that time and doing things the same way... We could send Taylor to a parallel multiverse in place of Doctor Mother, so she shanks Eden there. Then either get Taylor out when she dies (and stuff her back into her body) or link the multiverses together once they synchronize.

Or Taylor is Doctor Mother all along! Seriously, temporary amnesia and plastic surgery can do a lot of things. So then, as soon as Taylor made the wish, the entire time loop stabilizes and then Doctor Mother "remembered" who she really was all along.

Or just copy Taylor's mind into Doc Mom. Ta-da!
ANNOUNCEMENT regarding Phase II

After the next segment is voted for, tallied and written, I am going to be advancing the plot into PHASE II.
Where Ant-man and Guardians of the Galaxy finally enters play

Phase II will feature new mechanics, an ACTUAL plot and an ANTAGONIST (Grail-kun is the hero of the story in case you guys have forgotten).


I feel this is what Grail-kun needs to survive as an interesting Quest.

Edit: Btw, do I wait until this thread is absolutely full before creating a Thread 2? Because thematically, it kind of makes sense to do so, but I rather not if it wastes space. How many max pages can a thread have anyway?
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[X] replace Contessa before she gained her power in the past with Taylor, give Taylor PTV as well, that's right Contessa was secretly Taylor all along!!
Edit: Btw, do I wait until this thread is absolutely full before creating a Thread 2? Because thematically, it kind of makes sense to do so, but I rather not if it wastes space. How many max pages can a thread have anyway?
Go ahead and make a new thread if you'd like. You're probably not going to get this one to its limit, even assuming such a limit exists. PMAS is presently up to 3712 pages and still going, to give an example off the top of my head.