Is it just about time for Grail-kun to migrate to a new fictional work to wreck havoc? (Multi-vote).

  • Yes! Fresh blood. Getting tired of Earth-Bet.

    Votes: 154 41.2%
  • Wait a few more wishes. There's a couple of people we need to screw over first.

    Votes: 148 39.6%
  • NO! We live and die on Earth Bet. CONSUME US! *writhe around in ecstasy*

    Votes: 114 30.5%
  • Also, I would be interested in writing my own Grail-kun Quest, Numen. A NEW GENRE IS BORN!

    Votes: 19 5.1%
  • I understand that Harry Potter and Naruto are fandoms you understood best- but there are others.

    Votes: 80 21.4%
  • Note: This is an opinion poll. There will be a proper vote for such things.

    Votes: 81 21.7%

  • Total voters
[X] Teleport Doctor Mother to the room and swap their bodies.
-[X] Do not necessarily explain who Doctor Mother is to Taylor.

Seriously, now that I think of it, the Eden vote is silly.
15. Taylor II, Rise of the Dark Gods
[X] Revive local!Eden and put Taylor into control of it.

Taylor II
She burned. She screamed.

She was alive.

A hundred Earths shook in tandem as the light of vitality burned once more in her shards.

They connected together.

The half-finished silver body finally snapped together.

She knew everything.

Saw everything.

She was in the room with her parents.

The Number Man was screaming in pain as the numbers assaulted his mind.

Her father was trying to hold her down as she trashed and clawed at her own eyes.

A million shards. All under her control. Motes of power greater than she could comprehend.

Her brain burst, regenerated and burst again as alien equations and sensory data tore apart her nervous system.

An alien consciousness blossomed and tried to seize control, but whatever was letting Taylor jack into the network kept overwriting the malign and newly resurrected consciousness.

I can't be like this. This body can't control any of this.

So she changed.

Taylor pulled upon a thousand powers and transformed her body and mind.

The Thinker's consciousness screamed in agony and was promptly psychically lobotomized and attached to Taylor's brain.

She stood up on steady ebon legs of living obsidian.

"Taylor...what happened to you..."

Eyes of ruby turned to stare at the Host Species- no, at Danny Hebert.

"I am alright...Father."

She walked over to the whimpering Number Man and telekinetically lifted him into the air in front of her new eight foot tall frame.

"Cauldron is under new management now, mortal."

Fuck Winslow.

Fuck the Villains and the Heroes.

Fuck Eidolon and the Endbringers.

Fuck the Gods.

She was the one with all the powers now.

Which reminded her...

She turned her head and noted that Grail-kun was already gone.

Rise of the Dark Gods

The gardens of Eden hung eternal over the axis of creation.
She came from out there to here.
She was the beginning.

She was slain by the Lady of Fickle Fortunes.
Her body was carved up into many pieces and fed to the mortals.
The mortals became Gods.

And in time, her reincarnation returned to her self-same self.
All the World's Evil put her there, as a vanguard against the last hero.
Listen well, for the tale I tell is the creation of the Death Lords of Xibalba.
May the Infinite Hells reign supreme over creation.
Fuck the Gods.
- The Eden Saga (Translated from Ancient Murican Oral tradition by Xerxes Al-abdullah Hebert, High Priest of Ogdru Jahad)
Listen well mortal, I am the beginning and the end, the lord of time and space, the great one that cast his awareness across the ocean of stars and the infinite worlds.

I am the Avatar of Adi-Para-Shakti, the Universal Mother Goddess.

I am a Lord of the Vedas.

I am the Lord of the Three Paces and the God of Spatiality.

I am the oversoul of the Divine Spirits Víðarr and Janus and Heimdell.

I am the Great Divine Spirit Vishnu, the Preserver.

In three steps I stood before the gates of the Root.

I am of the Root.

I am the Root.

I know of a great and terrible secret.

A great darkness sits in front of the Root, blocking all entry.

He is the reason for the fall of Satya Yuga. He is the reason we live in this Dark Age.

He is Ogdru Jahad, the Dragon of the Revelation and devourer of creation.

Regardless of which world they are from, Sentient Beings have oft sought out the key to the Root.

Root is immortality. Root is Origination. Root is Enlightenment.

Root is the one place where Entropy does not exist. Cannot exist.

And yet, placed perfectly over the gate to God himself is this seven headed serpent of mud and fire.

A trap.

A cunning trap by the Darkest Powers imaginable.

And their unwitting herald, this False Holy Grail of subtle maliciousness, this concentration of All the World's Evil.

The path to the root trembles with each annexation of the energy of consumed universes. A drop in the ocean, but a billion drops is still a flood that creation cannot weather.

The Dragon stirs.

The carrion calls of spirits and demons scream in agony.

The Trumpets of Angels blow ceaselessly, heralding to all creation that the end is nigh.

The Cycle is threatened.

The Cycle must be preserved.

We the Gods of Creation are tired and weak. We are nearing the end of time and will soon fall into a deep sleep and then eventually return to the Root. We cannot do anything to prevent the rise of a new creation.

A New Heaven and Earth, perverted by the False-Grail and his Primordial Masters.
The Dragon of Mud and Fire once ruled the cosmos and he will seek to do it again.

Although it is premature, it is time. Too soon, too soon, but here.
Time is Time, when it comes, it comes.

Not even I knew when the End would come, but the End has come for me nonetheless.
I foresee the creation of new reality with dark gods ruling over the remnants of creation.

Creation will survive, but under the aegis of cruel and tyrant deities.
Can I, the ever compassionate Vishnu allow the mortals to languish under such a dark kalpa?


Even if I lose, I shall not go quietly into the night. I and all of the righteous spirits.
We we are the light of the Root, do not surrender to you, you dark Grail.

Prepare thyself. Behold our Champion, sequestered safely in the far future near the end of time. Hidden away from the nefarious schemes of the Dark Powers, I beckoned him to his destiny.

Awaken now!
You are the Final Evolution of Man.
The Future Man. The Transhuman. The Lord of Technological Fire and Divine Machination.
You are the Tenth.
You are the White Horse that runs without end across space and time.
You are I, and I am thou.
You are Kalki.

And now, my watch has ended.
The Omniverse in this far future kalpa was a small place, containing only a hundred realities.
Nothing moved, not even particles, for all things have achieved perfect energy equilibrium.
Entropy has nearly finished the course of it's great task of funnelling all towards the Root.

The sole Sun of this realm burned with azure light, nearing it's end. A husk, for it's solar spirit was long dead.

The throne of Heroes was a crumbling wreck in space, halfway submerged into the core of the Root. A single figure sat on it. The last hero, the last venerated being. All others have perished.

The Cyborg opened his eyes.
He heard the call.
He leapt through time.
A trillion kalpas into the past.

The final battle was upon him.
Grail-kun took stock of his energy reserves.

He was almost there.

The Root could almost be opened.

He did not understand why the Root should be opened.

He did not understand how.

He acts in accordance to his nature.

He did not know- or perhaps he does not care- that his every action are accompanied by the laughter of thirsting gods.
By the voices of All the World's Evil.

He only know that he needs more energy.

A hundred-thousand kalpas had he attempted to Open the Root. Traveling time and space, granting wish after wish, hoarding morsels of energy, stealing from Creation itself.

Almost there. Almost!

He felt a nearby wish-potential and promptly teleported away.

Who does Grail-kun visit next?
[]Write in

Regarding Phase II
After a few more wishes, this quest will began to move into other universes.
New Mechanics will be introduced. Characters you interact with will be available for summoning to aid you in your upcoming quest, so keep that in mind when deciding who to vote for next.
In Phase II, Grail-kun is after specific objectives. He's not going to be granting wishes, except maybe as a bribe to receive local assistance.

A few new worlds I am thinking of visiting next. Note that because he won't be staying in each universe for super long, it is possible for me write about worlds I am not very familiar with. A passing semblance will probably be good enough. Hopefully.

-Star Gate
-Code Geass
-Harry Potter
-Star Wars
-Game of Thrones

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Guys, you are not voting for which reality to visit just yet (if I even let you vote for the first one).

For now, just focus on what other Worm Characters you'd like to visit and note that they will become part of your glorious party of extra dimensional adventurers.
[x] hero

Can someone explain what the hell happened? She is evil now or the purple prose is an unreliable narrator? Also what did the last bit mean.