Is it just about time for Grail-kun to migrate to a new fictional work to wreck havoc? (Multi-vote).

  • Yes! Fresh blood. Getting tired of Earth-Bet.

    Votes: 154 41.2%
  • Wait a few more wishes. There's a couple of people we need to screw over first.

    Votes: 148 39.6%
  • NO! We live and die on Earth Bet. CONSUME US! *writhe around in ecstasy*

    Votes: 114 30.5%
  • Also, I would be interested in writing my own Grail-kun Quest, Numen. A NEW GENRE IS BORN!

    Votes: 19 5.1%
  • I understand that Harry Potter and Naruto are fandoms you understood best- but there are others.

    Votes: 80 21.4%
  • Note: This is an opinion poll. There will be a proper vote for such things.

    Votes: 81 21.7%

  • Total voters

TIme to engage in strategic voting. Because in my opinion Contessa who has to extract Bonesaw and/or Panacea and/or Glastig Uaine and/or Nilbog from their respective environments and suborn them to restore Eidolon is a strong net positive for the world.

TIme to engage in strategic voting. Because in my opinion Contessa who has to extract Bonesaw and/or Panacea and/or Glastig Uaine and/or Nilbog from their respective environments and suborn them to restore Eidolon is a strong net positive for the world.
Alternatively, she could just grab some tools and fix him herself.

It would be hilarious if she wished for Zion to die - and we actually killed him. At first Cauldron would be super happy about that. Then we'd start fucking shit up, turning into their new enemy #1 :V
Okay, so I got several responses back from the Moderators regarding a potential Vista scenario.

Anyway, things like alternate Missys are fine. Definitely avoiding anything that sexualizes minors (Dean/Vista no no). But don't worry, I've thought of several creative and fun options for a potential Vista wish in that direction. I've got this.

Regarding the vote, I'll keep this up until tomorrow evening I think. Then I'll update. It's getting late and I want to sleep anyway- I just released a 8k update on another story. I think I did enough writing for the day. G'night folks.
Vote closed.
Edit: will tally and update in a bit. I need to mow the lawn. In this awful heat ;_;
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6. Contessa I
Vote Tally : Grail-kun! The random wish granter Quest! (Worm AU) | Page 17 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally

No. of Votes: 26

No. of Votes: 21

[X] Coil
No. of Votes: 5

[X]Director Piggot
No. of Votes: 3

No. of Votes: 2

-[x]Rachel Lindt
No. of Votes: 2

[X]Director Piggot
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Simurgh
No. of Votes: 1

-[X] Bitch/Rachel
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Merchants
-[X] Skidmark
No. of Votes: 1

No. of Votes: 1

Total No. of Voters: 64
Saw some double votes and weird stuff. I catch this stuff but try to standardize.


Contessa I
January 8th, 2011, 6:56AM
Fortuna, codenamed Contessa, turned the corner and deliberately tripped to fall into the waiting arms of a smartly dressed gentleman in a business suit.

"Whoa there Miss, be careful!"

Fortuna gave him a wonderful smile and kissed him on the lips with a loud "maaah."

"Thanks for the save, handsome."

She extracted herself from the arms of the stunned man and quickly ran away. When she turned a corner, she barked out loud.

A tear in space opened up onto a roof somewhere in Beijing. She ran through, the door snapping shut behind her.

She pulled out the gloves she pickpocketed from the gentleman's coat and quickly put them on.

A dufflebag was on the roof, accidentally dropped fifthteen minutes ago by a North Korean spy whose injured fingers spasmed when he was being extracted via a parahuman flyer.

Fortuna knew that, because she recognized the dufflebag as belonging to the man she had 'accidentally' pushed down the stairs in Jilin province last week.

She tore open the duffle bag and rummaged around inside for the sniper rifle parts. Assembly took less than two seconds. Loading the single bullet less than one.

She took aim at the window opposite and slightly lower than the roof she was situated on.

The window framed a Chinese politician who was shaking hands with a foreign dignitary.

She pulled the trigger.


The dignitary's head burst like grapefruit, splattering blood all over the Chinese man's face.

She had no idea who she had just killed nor did she care. She dropped her sniper rifle, tore off her gloves and took a step back into another waiting door, which promptly snapped shut the moment her feet was back on Cauldron's pristinely tiled hallways.

Path to preventing formation of CUI and Russia military alliance. Complete.


January 8th, 2011, 7:28AM

She sauntered down the halls of Cauldron's off world base and went to find herself a chocolate bar. I deserve this.
She took a bite.

She mentally tried to model Scion- minimal changes. Still not a very optimistic path.

Another bite. This is pretty good. Where did Doctor Mother stock this stuff?

Endbringers were no go either.

She chewed and swallowed.

Eidolon was…..not there.

She choked.


Coughing, Fortuna dropped her chocolate bar and tried to plot David on a path.

Path to finding David.


Fortuna blinked. That worked? That never worked before even though she knew where he lived.


A hole tore open in front of her and she hopped through.

""David, why did the obstruction you represent in my path vanishe-"

She took in the sight in front of her.

A man was holding a teenage girl on the floor. The room stank of blood and vomit.

More importantly, David was staring lifelessly at her in his bloodstained bedsheets, his throat a bloody mess.

It wasn't hard to do the math.



She restrained herself from plotting a path to destroying his murderers. The culprits were obvious, but she needed to know how they pulled this off. And why.

A breeze notified her of the existence of another portal next to her own. It lead into what looked like someone's bedroom.

She drew her glock and pointed it at the man, who immediately pushed the girl behind him.

The girl screamed.

Fortuna mentally told herself, Path to getting them to tell me everything I want to know about the situation at hand. 14 steps.

Outloud she said.
"Why did you kill Eidolon?"

The girl gave a gasp of shock. Her eyes darted to the closet behind Fortuna and her face quickly paled in horror.

The man gulped, "I know this looks bad...but we had….information that indicated that Eidolon was the one who controls the Endbringers. I had to act on it. I don't know what happened, maybe we were given faulty information-"

Fortuna's brain nearly stopped.

Externally, her facial expressions did not even twitch however.

"I was the one who killed him. If you don't believe us and want to punish someone, punish me!"

The girl besides him made a strange choking sound, but remained silent.

Fortuna's powers forced her to say, "Don't lie. The girl was the one who dealt the killing blow. You're both guilty."

He flinched and pushed his daughter further behind him. The girl was staring at Fortuna in fear.

What the fuck, David got done in by a girl!? And he was the one behind the Endbringers, that can't be, I can't believe this-

Fuuuuuck, I wish he was alive so I can beat him black and blue and force the truth out of him. Fuuuuuuuuck. Holy fuck, what do I tell the others?

She lowered the gun and the father and daughter pair relaxed marginally.
She continued talking without her will.
"Let's say that I believe you, how did you kill him? Are you a parahuman, did one of you open that portal?"

The man and girl looked at each other.

The girl finally nodded her head, "That would be me. My power made this possible. He's kinda strange though."


"Yeah, he's-"


Fortuna yelped in pain as her head was suddenly stabbed by an intense headache. It passed quickly.

She blinked away the spots in her vision and gasped.

What the fuck was-

"Hello! I am Grail-kun!"

She stared dumbfounded at the thing standing across from her. It was some kind of squid-slime thing with a crown of tentacles, beady eyes and a floating ball of multicoloured lights above his head.

His tongue….thing...mouth? Was drooling. Or oozing. Fortuna have no point of references to compare with the thing in front of her.

The father and daughter pair's reactions were more profound.

The girl was happy,
"Grail-kun! You came back!"

The father was significantly more angry,
"Grail-kun! What the fuck, why did you made us kill Eidolon!? You seriously expect me to believe he was controlling the Endbringers?"

The girl frowned at her father, "D-dad, I think Eidolon really was behind the Endbringers."

Her father stared at her in shock, "Taylor how can you say that?"

The girl's voice grew louder, "Come on, he's the most powerful being on the planet next to Scion. He can call up any power. Maybe the Endbringers were projections and he wants to take over the world after grinding it down. Or maybe he's in it for the glory. Wouldn't surprise me one bit. People in power are always corrupt!"

Fortuna considered the girl's argument carefully. From an outside perspective, it made a certain amount of sense. But she knew David. He wasn't that kind of a man.
That does not preclude him being responsible for the Endbringers however. The agents are not entirely under our control anyway.

Outloud, and this time bereft of her powers, Fortuna spoke, "Um…"

And she stutters. Goddamit, I am hopeless without my powers.

"Can someone fill me in on who that is?"
She gestured at the oddly named Grail-kun creature.

The girl- Taylor apparently, spoke up, "That's what I was saying before. That's my power. He's a….summon I guess...that can grant any wish. My dad wished to remove the Endbringers and Grail-kun opened a portal to Eidolon's bedroom."

Fortuna stared at them, her jaw hanging open in shock. She had trouble believing that the Scion would hand out an agent anywhere even near that powerful.

" I interrupting something?"

A blonde pigtailed girl in a labcoat stuck her head through the open portal. She took in the sight of David's corpse and gave a nod.

"Cool. You know it bothers me how quickly I get used to dead bodies around you, Taylor."

Fortuna recognized her at once.




Bonesaw jumped.
"Jeez people, tone the volume. And what the fuck did you call me? I am Panacea. Bonesaw is that crazy biotinker who turned her adopted sister into Frankenstein's bride down in Detroit. Don't confuse me with that crazy motherfucker."

Fortuna was debating whether to shoot the apparently crazy (crazier?) Bonesaw or not. On one hand, that would remove a powerful parahuman from participating in the final battle. On the other hand….my powers aren't working right. Not that I think bullets work on her anyway.

She felt afraid and vulnerable.

"Riley," Taylor spoke up, "Um…did you brought back my mom?"

"Oh yes!"

"She's flash cloned, memory transferred and ready to wake up in a minute."

Fortuna screamed loudly and pointed her glock at Bonesaw.
"Someone better fucking explain to me what's going on, right now!"

Taylor spoke lightning fast. Her father also piped up. They interrupted each other repeatedly.

"Well, Riley is from another dimension…"
"Another Earth, like Aleph and Gimmel, except Gimmel is only discovered on her side…"
"We didn't know she's Bonesaw...but I guess she's not really Bonesaw. She said she's a member of the Wards…."
"Except I don't think it's our Earth Aleph you know? I mean they think they're Earth Bet too, but they're not…"
"She resurrected my wife…"
"She's cloning mom...actually earlier, we had a version of my mom from another Earth…"
"Who are you anyway? Are you from the PRT?"

Fortuna held up a hand to silence them all. She turned to the Not-Bonesaw and mentally ordered, Path to getting her to tell me what happened. 5 steps.

Huh, that works. So she's not obstructing me.

She jabbed a finger at the Not-Bonesaw.

"You, tell me what happened."

Not-Bonesaw nodded, "Riiiight. Well…"

She told her everything from her perspective.

It was an enlightening few short minutes. Followed by a lot of mental screaming.

Fortuna's mental breakdown was interrupted by a naked woman covered in slime. The naked woman casually walked through the hole in space into David's bedroom.



"Oh! you woke up!

The naked woman, Annette apparently- or rather, her clone Fortuna reminded herself, gnashed her teeth angrily.
"Where. The. Fuck. Are. My. Clothes."

Not-Bonesaw facepalmed.
"Oh shit, I forgot clothes!"

Taylor ran over to hug her mother and began to sob.

Her father stood up slower, face blushing and occasionally shifted his glance over to Fortuna.

Fortuna sighed.
"Okay, if everyone can come with me-"

Grail-kun interrupted her.
"Oh I am afraid that won't do. Riley-kun, it's time for you to go home, your portal's closing!"

Not-Bonesaw panicked, she quickly gave everyone a salute and a rapid-fire farewell, "Okay it was fun byeeveryonebyeTaylorbyecreepygunladybyeTaylormomanddad~!"

She quickly dashed back into the other side of the portal.

There was a sudden pop as the portal to Not-Bonesaw's universe closed.

Grail-kun continued talking, "Fortuna-kun, I detected a great deal of wish-potential from you. Do you want to make a wish?"

The reunited family next to Fortuna all collectively paled. They were probably afraid of having their daughter's ludicrously overpowered ability used against them or something.

She gave the David-killers a forced smile and a thumbs up.
"Hey relax. I am one of the good guys. This is a great opportunity to help the world."

Path to making the perfect wish that would-CRITICALERROR.REBOOTING.

After picking herself up from the floor in a fit of flopping around like a dying fish, Fortuna spat out a mouthful of her own hair and adjusted her skirt.

"Ow. My head. Okay, I guess I am doing this manually."

Wait, should I tell the others first? I mean what if something goes horribly wrong? What if this shit sets off Scion early? What if bringing David back also brings back the Endbringers- if it's true that is. What if-

David's corpse and the scent of blood and viscera wasn't helping her mental health one bit. Head still hurting something fierce, Fortuna opened her mouth and desperately tried to say something sensible.

[]"Hold up. Can you stay here for a bit? I need to tell my colleagues...about this. About everything."
[]"I wish to kill Scion."
[]"I wish to resurrect David."
[]"I wish to remove the restrictions on my agent."
[]Write in

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[x]"I wish to remove the restrictions on my agent."

(knife in front of taylor) how does it feel to have surgery done to your head this time eh fortuna chan?