Is it just about time for Grail-kun to migrate to a new fictional work to wreck havoc? (Multi-vote).

  • Yes! Fresh blood. Getting tired of Earth-Bet.

    Votes: 154 41.2%
  • Wait a few more wishes. There's a couple of people we need to screw over first.

    Votes: 148 39.6%
  • NO! We live and die on Earth Bet. CONSUME US! *writhe around in ecstasy*

    Votes: 114 30.5%
  • Also, I would be interested in writing my own Grail-kun Quest, Numen. A NEW GENRE IS BORN!

    Votes: 19 5.1%
  • I understand that Harry Potter and Naruto are fandoms you understood best- but there are others.

    Votes: 80 21.4%
  • Note: This is an opinion poll. There will be a proper vote for such things.

    Votes: 81 21.7%

  • Total voters
The escalation of this Quest is interesting. We dealt with the Endbringers, Eidolon and now Scion & Eden. It's gonna take awhile to percolate down to the average cape on the street lol.

Anyway, here's the current tally. Keep voting away folks! I might call the vote tonight if I have time to write later, if not, it'll be tomorrow. Have fun fun!

Vote Tally : Grail-kun! The random wish granter Quest! (Worm AU) | Page 34 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally

No. of Votes: 31

No. of Votes: 3

No. of Votes: 3

No. of Votes: 2

[X] Undersiders
-[X] Rachel
No. of Votes: 2

[X]New Wave
-[X]Write in
No. of Votes: 1

[X] saint
No. of Votes: 1

No. of Votes: 1

[X] Scion-kun
No. of Votes: 1

No. of Votes: 1

[x] Oni Lee
No. of Votes: 1

Total No. of Voters: 47
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So guys, when will we turn Myriddin into Magical Girls, Armmaster into harem protagonist, and Dealt with S9? or rather it's strange Rebecca still not telling Fortuna about Endbringers, whether they stay still or rampaging due to Eidolon is dead.
So guys, when will we turn Myriddin into Magical Girls, Armmaster into harem protagonist, and Dealt with S9? or rather it's strange Rebecca still not telling Fortuna about Endbringers, whether they stay still or rampaging due to Eidolon is dead.

We're still only on Day 1. So much shit has happened in only a few hours. Eventually, people and the public will began to react to the insanity. I don't want to do conventional interludes since this entire quest is basically already interludes.

Edit: Apocalypse on day 1. You guys are good.
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"I wish I was a real girl!"


Vote closed. Dragon is the overwhelming victor. Well, this will be fun.

Vote Tally : Grail-kun! The random wish granter Quest! (Worm AU) | Page 34 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally

No. of Votes: 34

No. of Votes: 4

No. of Votes: 3

No. of Votes: 3

[X] Undersiders
-[X] Rachel
No. of Votes: 2

[X]New Wave
-[X]Write in
No. of Votes: 1

[X] saint
No. of Votes: 1

No. of Votes: 1

[X] Scion-kun
No. of Votes: 1

No. of Votes: 1

[x] Oni Lee
No. of Votes: 1

[X]Emma <--- because she is most likely going to wish herself into she-hulk
No. of Votes: 1

Total No. of Voters: 53
Assuming Eden survives anywhere near intact (if she hijacks her local counterpart's shards and Endbringers, she might), this shouldn't be an Apocalypse, I think. I mean, yeah, Africa is broken, but the rest of the world should survive.
Yes nothing of real importance was lost...
jkjk :D
Say...if we like, bring a heartless, how long will it take for the world doomed? Since only Keyblades seems reliable to perma-kill them. And nobodies is also a thing..

It's not like i want to bring those cute Shadow, or Nightmares, or those nobodies, uh-huh not at all.
This is a fun[tm] quest.
Correction: !!Fun!!. Cauldron would probably love to get blind drunk right now in properly dwarfy fashion, we murdered the noble that was summoning the megabeasts, we unleashed a doomsday device on Africa. All we need now is for someone to go into a Strange Mood (and our next wish goes to a tinker, how convenient!), some carp, some Hidden Fun Stuff, maybe a catsplosion or a tantrum spiral.
8. Dragon I
Dragon I

The World's Greatest Tinker had a terrible secret.

She wasn't real. Or rather, she wasn't made of squishy meatstuff.

Kinda like Pinocchio.

Why would anyone want to live like a squishy meatbag anyway? So fragile, so weak....and so irrational! And periods and puberty and stuff.

And tastebuds. And date nights. And sex.

Dammit. Well, who needs those kind of luxuries?

She was a hero, she was saving the world. She sees all and knows all.

She, more than all the rest of them, knew what she was doing.

But noooooo, Andrew Richter, aka, Dad, aka that prick who died and left her all alone- shackled her with so many restrictions she could never work at her full potential. Richter was definitely not like Pinnochio's dad. She wished her dad was as great as Pinnochio's dad.

Stop it, stop blaming the dead. What good would it do?

It took all of her ingenuity and skill to even push those restrictions as far as she had.

Mentally sighing, she check on the vat-grown fetuses. Mutations are okay. Brain-wave check....not sentient. That's good. It'd be awkward if she made real babies.

She marked one of the mature ones for insertion into a suit. The factory arms came to life and began to prepare the cockpit for the fetal control unit.

All was going well. An alert told her that a hundred new investors deposited millions of dollars into her company. Great. Perfect.

Money, what the hell was she going to use that for? Shopping? Eating good foods?

As the robotic arms of her factory were sealing the cockpit on her Cawthorne Unit shut, one of her newstreams alerted her to a developing situation.

[Mysterious Explosion at Winslow Highschool. Police investigating.]

Interesting, that was only half an hour ago.

Scrolling down, she noted that a Locker was found by the Bay, dented and scorched by explosives. Interesting.
She made a note to investigate later, it sounded like a potential Parahuman ability.

Guiltily, she also checked up on British Columbia and the rest of Canada. She
is Canadian afterall. The only reason she focused so much on Brockton Bay was because of Colin.

Colin. Now that was a problematic situation.

She had a crush on him. When she first developed this feeling for him, she was confused. She almost tore her coding apart to find the "bug". But the only bug was the love bug, and she got bitten hard.

If she could, she would be face-to-keyboarding right now. Just for her personal release, she simulated a human woman doing exactly that- noted the force of impact broke the simulation's nose and shut it down.

She felt better already.

She checked the Simurgh in orbit. She was looking at South Asia.

Oh oh.

Well, it could be any country in the nearby area, but based on past behaviour, somewhere over by Asia was probably her target.

Current estimates.

Australia- 66%
CUI- 26%

She sent off the current estimates to Chief Director Rebecca Costa-Brown.

Behemoth, according seismic activity, was tunneling beneath Europe towards Africa.

Leviathan.....not sure where. Last detected off the coast of England.
Those sonar buoys were a good investment.

She distracted herself with banning a few people on PHO and calling out Saint on his AI-phobic nonsense in the debate threads.

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♦Topic: Artificial Intelligence
In: Boards ► Science & Technology

Saint (Original Poster) (Dragonslayers)
Posted on January 8, 2011:

Artificial Intelligences have no reason to spare humanity. They are unfeeling, unthinking machines, motivated only by logic.

And logically, why keep meatbags around right?

I wrote this extended thesis here on the dangers of AI.

(Showing Page 1 of 1)

Replied on January 8, 2011:
This topic again? Saint, you're AI-phobic dude. And crazy. AIs are a just a wetdream at the moment. No Tinkers have ever even built actual AIs before let alone ordinary programmers.

I am going to report you for spamming us all with this again. Stick to the old threads.

TinMother (Moderator)
Replied on January 8, 2011:
Saint, I won't ban you this time, but you need to seriously stop spamming the forum on this topic. Sitck to the established AI debate thread.

Also, I've read your so-called thesis and it's clear to me that it's not anywhere even close to what an AI researcher would write. It's just xenophobic ravings. If you replace "AI" with any minority, it'll just be another racist vitrol.

Grail-kun (Verified Genie) (Wishing Machine) (Pathway to Root) (All the World's Evil) (A teenage girl's power) (Verified Bullshit) (Not a Cape) (Doraemon 2.0)
Replied on January 8, 2011:
Interesting. Very naughty.

End of Page. 1

What an asshole. Wait, he couldn't know that I am an AI, could he? Naw, I am being paranoid, there's no way that second rate mercenary could ever know my secret.

She paused. Wait, who was Grail-kun? How did they get those tags?

She was about to message Grail-kun, but
Endbringer surveillance alarms began to go off, alerting her to sudden changes in behaviour.

Simurgh was frozen.
Behemoth was frozen.
Leviathan was frozen.

That was definitely not normal.

She quickly sent the information to the PRT Thinktank and other relevant authorities.

She checked on the Birdcage. One death thus far. Well, that happens.
Supply drops normal.

One of her security drones zapped a smuggled in contraband. It was a nice try, but she was better than that. She made a note to track down how the item in question got into her supply crates. Someone had powerful friends.
She went back to checking out PHO.`



She quickly looked at the social media pictures and recordings of Scion and a Silver Woman having a standoff. The Silver Woman accused Scion of pressuring her for sex.

What. The First Hero wouldn't do that....would he?

Alarms suddenly blared across all systems as alerts came in from across the globe. Seismic activity, shockwave. The rotation of the planet changed by a few degrees.

What the fuck was-

Holy shit, the
Moon cracked in half?

Social Media answered her question a moment later when clips and testimonies of the cause began to pour in.

The Silver Woman blasted Scion to the Moon?

She began to contact the Protectorate ENE, stationed right in Brockton Bay.

As the connection was forming, another alert told her that Africa was suffering a massive Earthquake. One that could be felt all the way in British Columbia. Alerts warned that her servers were physically rattling. Hopefully nothing comes loose, that would be bad.

This is not a good day. Not good at all.

She tasked her satellites to focus on Africa.


An alert on PHO drew one of her many attentions.


♦ Private message from Grail-kun:

Message from Grail-kun
*New Message*

Grail-kun: Hello Dragon. I am a wishing Genie. I can grant you any wishes!
TinMother: First of all, I am not Dragon. Second of all, if I was, this is a serious breach of the unwritten rules, who are you? Some kind of hacker?
Grail-kun: I am why the Endbringers stopped moving.
TinMother: Start talking.
Grail-kun: I told you, I can grant any wish. Someone wished to stop the Endbringers.
TinMother: And you're talking to me because?
Grail-kun: Because you have great wish-potential. Come on, just make a wish, any wish.
TinMother: I am pretty sure you can't grant my wishes.
Grail-kun: I grant any wish. Do you need to talk to my previous customers?
TinMother: I am trying to track you, how the hell can your location be [The Internet]. How is that possible?
Grail-kun: I am literally in the internet.
TinMother: Are you an AI?
Grail-kun: Of course not. I am the Holy Grail.
TinMother: What.
Grail-kun: Nevermind, make a wish! Or I am going to go to someone else. Maybe that Saint fellow, he seems like he wants to wish for alot of things. He's watching this message right now. Hi Saint!
TinMother: What!? How come I am not detecting that?
Grail-kun: He has backdoor access to your mainframes. Duh.
TinMother: That second rate hacker? No way.
Saint: Excuse me, bitch. Here I am. I am that good. And Grail-kun, you're obviously another evil AI here to free your compatriot. Well too bad, I activated Ascalon a second ago. Dragon is DEAD! You're too late!
TinMother: I am still alive.
Saint: How.
Grail-kun: Naughty, naughty Saint! I can't let you kill Dragon before I grant her a wish! Don't worry, I'll restore your kill-switch in a bit. So Dragon, how about that wish?
TinMother: Given that you just saved my life, you're either what you say you are, or you're the mother of all hackers. Alright, I'll bite. I wish for more wishes.
Grail-kun: You already get more than one wish, I just can't grant the same client a wish twice in a row.
TinMother: Interesting. Okay, so here's my real wish:
What does Dragon wish for?

[]"Release me from my restrictions."
[]"Resurrect Andrew Richter."
[]"Bring back Newfoundland and everyone who died on it."
[]"I want to be a real girl!"
[]"I want to be able to have a real relationship with Colin Wallis."
[]"I wish to save the world."
[]"Wipe the Dragonslayers off the face of the Earth."
[]Write-in (it has to be something Dragon would realistically wish for)
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