Is it just about time for Grail-kun to migrate to a new fictional work to wreck havoc? (Multi-vote).

  • Yes! Fresh blood. Getting tired of Earth-Bet.

    Votes: 154 41.2%
  • Wait a few more wishes. There's a couple of people we need to screw over first.

    Votes: 148 39.6%
  • NO! We live and die on Earth Bet. CONSUME US! *writhe around in ecstasy*

    Votes: 114 30.5%
  • Also, I would be interested in writing my own Grail-kun Quest, Numen. A NEW GENRE IS BORN!

    Votes: 19 5.1%
  • I understand that Harry Potter and Naruto are fandoms you understood best- but there are others.

    Votes: 80 21.4%
  • Note: This is an opinion poll. There will be a proper vote for such things.

    Votes: 81 21.7%

  • Total voters
Okay, in light of these revealations, I'll extend the voting time briefly while I bus over to the Library with my aging laptop to write a damn fine ass update. See ya in a bit.
My God you're seriously invested in our entertainment If you bus to the library to write your chapters.

Naaaw. The library is just a better environment for circulating the brain juice. I guess it does effect quality of writing, like organic free range dairy. Not that I am a cow (or am I?).
Okay, in light of these revelations, I'll extend the voting time briefly while I bus over to the Library with my aging laptop to write a damn fine ass update. See ya in a bit.

For me, that actually works pretty well.

It's like sleep. Ideally, you should only use your bed for sleeping so your body knows when you lay down there it's time for sleep.

So back when I was in college, I only ever used the campus computer labs for work and nothing else.

Worked surprisingly well.
7. Heroic!Eden I
Vote Tally : Grail-kun! The random wish granter Quest! (Worm AU) | Page 27 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally

[x]Summon Entity!
-[x]Heroic!Eden from another timeline.
No. of Votes: 24

[X]Knife! Give Contessa a Knife.
-[X]"Just stab him like you did his wife!"
No. of Votes: 10

[X]Grant ____ the Mystic Eyes of Death Perception.
-[X]"Just stab him like you did his wife!"
No. of Votes: 10

[X] Summon Saitama!
No. of Votes: 5

[X]Grant ____ the Mystic Eyes of Death Perception.
No. of Votes: 4

[X] Summon Khepri and her army of friends.
No. of Votes: 2

[X]Bureaucracy Ho! Summon a Vogon Constructor Fleet.
-[X]in Orbit of Scion's Earth.
--[X]Open a portal to the Bridge of the Vogon Flagship captained by Prostetnic Vogon Jeltz.
No. of Votes: 2

[X] Summon Saitama this seems like the most fun
No. of Votes: 2

[x]Summon Superman Prime (One Million).
-[x]Give ___ the power of Superman Prime.
No. of Votes: 1

[x]False Hope! Resurrect Eden for an Hour. And then kill her.
-[x]Knife! Give Contessa a Knife.
No. of Votes: 1

[x]False Hope! Resurrect Eden for an Hour. And then kill her.
No. of Votes: 1

[X]Grant ____ the Mystic Eyes of Death Perception.
-[X]"Just stab him like you did his wife!"[/QUOTE]
No. of Votes: 1

[X]Give ___ control of Eden's Shard network.
No. of Votes: 1

[X]Rulebreaker! Give ____ Rulebreaker.
--[X]"Just stab him like you did his wife!"
No. of Votes: 1

[X]Knife! Give Contessa a Knife.
-[X]"Just stab him like you did his wife!"
--[X] But make a knife Anathame
No. of Votes: 1

[x] Phone it in!
-[x] Contact Emps via the warp, ask if he can ram this thing into Oblivion for you.
No. of Votes: 1

[x]Bureaucracy Ho! Summon a Vogon Constructor Fleet.
-[x]in Orbit of Scion's Earth.
--[x]Open a portal to the Bridge of the Vogon Flagship captained by Prostetnic Vogon Jeltz.
No. of Votes: 1

[X]Grant ____ the Mystic Eyes of Death Perception.
-[X]"Just stab him like you did his wife!"
--[X] Include a free pair of Mystic Eye Killers
No. of Votes: 1

[X]Give ___ control of Eden's Shard network.
No. of Votes: 1

[X] The Realm Eternal
-[X] Set it gently above Brockton Bay
No. of Votes: 1

-[X] Summon all the Gods, ALL OF THEM.
No. of Votes: 1

[x]Summon Entity!
-[x]TrulySimbiotic!Heroic!Eden from another timeline.
No. of Votes: 1

[x] Summon Hypnos and let her deal with this, while explaining what she is, in the worst possible way Grail-kun can think of.
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Summon the International Fleet.
-[X] In Orbit of Scion's Earth.
--[X] Give Contessa an Ansible Communicator.
No. of Votes: 1

[x]Khepri is small fry! Release Contessa's Shard Restrictions.
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Teleport Flechete on top of Contessa
No. of Votes: 1

[x]False Hope! Resurrect Eden for an Hour. And then kill her.
-[x]Have Eden die by Scion's hand
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Hand Contessa a knife.
-[X] "Just stab him like you did his wife!"
No. of Votes: 1

[X]Knife! Give Contessa a Knife.
-[X]"Just stab him like you did his wife!"
--[X] The Knife is a fake Rule Breaker
No. of Votes: 1

[X]Dum Dum Dum, Dum-te-Dum, Dum-te-Dum! Summon the Death Star II.
-[X]Throw it into Scion's Earth
--[X]Open a portal to the Emperor's Throne Room.
No. of Votes: 1

[X]Summon the Kah-Gash.
No. of Votes: 1

[x] summon phantasmoon
No. of Votes: 1

[X]Grant ____ the Mystic Eyes of Death Perception.
-[X]"Just stab him like you did his wife!"
[x]Summon Entity!
-[x]Heroic!Eden from another timeline.
No. of Votes: 1

Total No. of Voters: 84

[x]Summon Entity!
-[x]Heroic!Eden from another timeline.

Whaaa- no way. I am shocked *sarcasm* Shocked I tell you! I thought for sure that the Vogon Constructor Fleet would've won.

Heroic!Eden I
The Thinker's Avatar was leaning against a brick wall on the street corner as she checked her mobile phone. She didn't need one, but Fortuna assured her that it was "totally necessary, mom!"

It was kind of cool.

She scowled as her Flappy Bird smacked into a pipe and promptly died.

The screen displayed a large GAME OVER sign.

The Thinker activated a precognition shard and smacked REPLAY.

She was still going at it a hour later when her future sight indicated that something was going to happen momentarily. She let the Flappy bird died again and took flight into the air, throwing her phone into a pocket dimension.

Sure enough, on the otherside of the Planet, she could see an Abomination assaulting the Island of Japan. Drawing upon the powers of spatial displacement, The Thinker translated her avatar over the airspace of Kyushu.

The Abomination was a five headed serpentoid monster that towered at 164 feet tall. The monster smashed through the side of a bridge and was forcing his way closer to shore. Military helicopters circled the beast, releasing missiles to hurt the beast- to no effect. A crowd of humans were standing on the shore, screaming in terror.

The Thinker flew over and settled over the area. The bikini clad crowds cheered.

"Look, look!"

"It's Eden!"

"We're saved!"

"The First One!"

She unleashed a titanic blast of silver light, taking off two of the Monster's heads.
The Monster unleashed beams of energy from it's remaining three heads even as blood sprayed from the stump of the other two.

The Shaper League had really outdone themselves, to create such terrifying monsters. The Thinker fired a bolt of energy from an outstretched index finger that disrupted the molecular bonds of the monster, shattering it into a trillion particles . She shunted the nuclear fallout to another uninhabited Earth.

She took flight into the orbit of the Planet and glared at the Flying Saucer that was watching the fight from space.

With her extrasensory powers, she could see the grey-skinned aliens inside scrambling in terror. The Captain of the ship sent her a broadcast.


She ran the data packet through her Anti-Virus Shard to make sure it was safe before running it through a decryption shard.

"We are not afraid of you, World-Eater! We will destroy all of your infestations!"

The Thinker sighed loudly in the emptiness of space, a pocket of air around her head made she could hear herself sigh in space. It really legitimize the sighing.

She send back a transmission using Radio-Waves.

"Look you assholes, I am no longer that kind of a person. I am changed. I am one of the good guys now!"

The Shapers sent back a transmission, "You expect us to believe that you give up on sex?"

"My partner died, there was no point."

"You are still evil!"

"No I am not! I have accepted my fate!"

"Your kind caused the extinction of untold millions of species!"

The Thinker scowled, "And you guys are no better. You destroy other inhabitable worlds across the multiverse to prevent the spreading of my species."

"We are the Shapers, we are the only beings that matter in the end."

The Flying Saucer activated an FTL engine (reversed engineered from a Shard Effect she noted with interest) and disappeared.

For all that they talk big, The Shaper League were little more than space cowards. They evade the Entities by remaining nomadic and because they're too weak to actually war against the Entities, they decide to try and "starve" the Entities by exterminating all inhabitable worlds within a certain radius of the infestation by using some kind of Quantum Collapse technology.

They also deem infested worlds to be dangerous and are actively trying to destroy parahumans because they are her "spawn", so to speak.

Fortunately The Thinker has managed to prevent their Multiversal Planet Destroying Bomb from working. There was a man named Thomas Calvert who took up the Mantle "The Cat." A shaker who lives Nine-Lives by existing in nine permanent timelines simultaneously. Oddly enough, this prevents the Quantum fuckery of the Shaper League from working. It also prevents Earth-Bet from researching Quantum Computing effectively, but that was fine, The Thinker could hand over the science on that to the appropriate people at the right time. Humanity was too young, but one day they will reach for the stars.

And I will destroy the Shaper League. And convert the rest of my species. And it they won't convert, they will die.

And behind her, Humanity will have her back. The Entities as a species were fairly dumb. Uncreative. That was why they had needed the cycle. But why had none of them ever thought that helping other species ascend would actually do more to stop entropy? Host species were smarter than they were were, more creative, more innovative. The entities would never find a solution to entropy- but Humanity just might.

It was her own spin on the Cycle. Something new. Something as radical as when the Ancestor first came up with the idea to have them eat each other and blow up their own planet and spread out to the stars.

She was like a new Ancestor, come again to redeem her species, to break free their ignorance.

[REBOOTED- Welcome back Eden2.667.89]

Suddenly She was somewhere else. Her Shard-Network was translocated to somewhere else. Another Earth.

She checked her shards- integrity at a steady 98%. Only 2% mutations, which was normal for any Shard. So what the hell happened?

A quick consultation with a thinker power and she noted that the Quantum signature was wildly off of her home universe. It was a completely foreign signature. All one million parallel spatial dimensions of the Universe has been carefully labeled by her Species.

This was a multiverse wholly outside of her own.

How is this possible?

Another thinker shard told her that she was over the skies of Brockton Bay.

And then something impossible happened.

A golden glow filled the twilight sky and He appeared.

Her partner. The Warrior. He gazed at her with what looked like shock on his face.
He sent her a burst of data.

She responded.

They stared at each other for a long time.

The Warrior seemed very happy.

She too was happy. It had been pretty lonely, and if it wasn't for her adopted daughter Fortuna or the kind Doctor or Professor Hebert, who taught her English Lit in University (she enrolled in her civilian guise as Eden Hassan), she would have gone mad with grief long ago.

It was so good to see him again. Except he was kind of dim now that The Thinker had experience of living as a human. Definitely not the type of guy she would have dated and she has dated plenty of them. Yeah, what would Fortuna say about that? "All Brawns no brain. Not a good Husband material."​

Pretty sad how before she came to Earth she would never have even known to think that way.

And it's not like he was really her partner. Don't need to feel guilty, your partner is dead remember? Had a bad landing. This guy isn't your partner. He's just an extra-universal counterpart.

Still, it didn't hurt to be courteous, maybe he could be taught to appreciate the things she now appreciated. Afterall, she was the Thinker and he was the dumb, introverted muscle. How hard could that be?

The Warrior flew closer and send a rapid burst of information.​

The Thinker shook her head and replied.


The Warrior frowned.

The Thinker shook her head more violently.

That last transmission there took The Warrior a full minute to decipher. He scrunched his face up in confusion.

The Warrior came closer.

She sneered at him in disgust. [NEGATIVE] [NEW CYCLE] [NO GENOCIDE]

He frowned and flew closer, invading her personal space. She leaned back slightly to avoid his touch.


The Thinker did a fake gagging motion and flew further away from the annoying asshole. The gesture was lost on The Warrior as he did not receive the socialization shards from The Other.

The Warrior was relentless. His communication was more urgent.


The Thinker frowned and flew away. The Host species had a name for The Warrior's present behaviour.
Creepy Rapey Stalking.

She landed in the streets where people pointed and stared at her nearly naked form. The Thinker took a moment to reassure herself that it wasn't the way that she was dressed that was making The Warrior so annoying. It's his own choice to be an asshole. What was that Professor Hebert said? "We can dress whatever way we damn well feel like." Right. Humans and their clothing issues. Most species don't even wear clothes.

The Warrior landed nearby. They were beginning to draw a crowd as people pointed and stared.


She screamed loudly at him.
"No! Stop pressuring me for sex, you prick!"

The Warrior frowned, his face confused.


"Stahp, just stahp," She held up a silver hand to stop The Warrior from inching closer.
"My purpose in life is not to reproduce. I am a strong independent woman and I do my own shit. Now fuck off and go make your own friends!"

The crowd got louder. They were recording the exchange with their cellphones.


He grabbed her arm.

She blasted him with a silver beam that knocked him out of orbit at the speed of light to crash into the Moon.

The Moon cracked and broke in half.

The Thinker stared.

Suddenly The Warrior was in front her again. His face looked furious.


The Thinker didn't think that was appropriate. Their species give up cannibalism long ago! She checked with her Thinker Shards.

"Oh wow. You have issues."

And he really did. The Warrior has suffered decades of intense depression, schizophrenia, and alienation. All of this has brought out his primal instincts of destruction and savagery.

Having his dead wife turn up and refuse to conclude the cycle with him finally broke his sanity.

The Thinker sighed.

She raised a silver shield as The Warrior punted her to Africa. Her crashlanding shattered the landscape for miles around. She desperately hoped it didn't break the continent.

"Ouch, that's going to give me back pains. Okay. I am gonna call you Wifebeater from now on."

The Wifebeater teleported over to her and pointed his outstretched palm at her.

"So, is my wish granted yet?"

Grail-kun bobbled his head up and down excitedly, "Oh yes!"

There was a massive sonic boom that rattled the windows outside of David's apartment.

"What was that!?" Daniel shouted in alarm.

Grail-kun shrugged, "That would be the Moon cracking in half. Anyway, I must go, there are wishes to grant!"

He vanished.

Fortuna stared at the empty spot in horror. Her cellphone suddenly rang.
She answered and flinched at the shouting from the other side.

It was Rebecca.


Fortuna wanted to cry.
Grail-kun appeared in front of _____

Choose One (you are still servicing the vicinity of Brockton Bay)

-[]Write in

-[]Write in

[]New Wave
-[]Write in

-[]Write in

-[]Write in

-[]Write in (no Bakuda. She hasn't even triggered.)

[]Empire Eighty Eight
-[]Write in

[]Faultline's Crew
-[]Write in

-[]Write in

[]Write in (anyone in Brockton Bay as of January 2011)

Last edited:
I am kinda sad about Eden now. Though... Assuming she survives (and I certainly hope she does) repairing Earth shouldn't be that hard for her. Or relocate people of Earth somewhere. Still, I am sad for this Eden. I kinda like her, and would definitely read her story as a full story. I certainly hope she lives, and can in fact succeed.

[X] Undersiders
-[X] Rachel