[X] Physically manifest Dragon as a parahumanoid using this as a template.
Basically Dragon is turned into a para-wyrm version of Alexstrasza.
- Keeps parahuman powers
- Gains a powerful new form
- Gains OOC magics and/or as the Life-Binder possibly weird interactions with her Shard and those of other parahumans
- The western world just lost a multi-tasking AI program that functioned as one of its primary provider of parahuman related tech-support & societal life-support
- Problems/questions that come with being a weird dragon lady including a lack of easily controlled Dragon suit cannon fodder
- Gains OOC magics and/or as the Life-Binder possibly weird interactions with her Shard and those of other parahumans
[X] cyborg magical girl Dragon-chan
--[X] using taylor's DNA as a starting point make her a body that has all the abilities and enhancements of Subaru from MGLN. make sure to include an implant that let's her control her tech with her mind.
---[X] have the body be the same age as Taylor and drop it off with the Heberts.
----[X]Don't forget to get rid of all her restrictions, destroy the hole in her security created for Ascalon, and deactivate Ascalon.
Vote Tally : Grail-kun! The random wish granter Quest! (Worm AU) | Page 41 | Sufficient Velocity ##### NetTally
[X] cyborg magical girl Dragon-chan
--[X] using taylor's DNA as a starting point make her a body that has all the abilities and enhancements of Subaru from MGLN. make sure to include an implant that let's her control her tech with her mind.
---[X] have the body be the same age as Taylor and drop it off with the Heberts.
----[X]Don't forget to get rid of all her restrictions, destroy the hole in her security created for Ascalon, and deactivate Ascalon. No. of Votes: 19
[X]Vis-à-vis! Connect Dragon's internet to Architect of the Matrix via a portal. He has millions of human bodies he could give her right? No. of Votes: 5
[X] cyborg magical girl Dragon-chan
--[X] using taylor's DNA as a starting point make her a body that has all the abilities and enhancements of Subaru from MGLN. make sure to include an implant that let's her control her tech with her mind.
---[X] have the body be the same age as Taylor and drop it off with the Heberts. No. of Votes: 4
[X] Magical Girl! Upload her mind to a full-grown 'Pure Culture' Combat Cyborg (from Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha).
-[X] Body must include cybernetic implant that enables her to control her tech with her mind.
-[X] If possible, use DNA from Andrew Richter and/or Taylor Hebert for cyborg body
--[X] Also if possible, drop Dragon's new body off with the Heberts. No. of Votes: 1
[X] Richter's Daughter
-[x] Search the multiverse for a universe where Andrew Richter has a daughter
--[x] Using her DNA as a starting point make her a body that's about the same physical age as Colin Wallis/Armsmaster. Make sure to include an implant that let's her control her tech with her mind. No. of Votes: 1
[X] Magical Girl! Upload her mind to a full-grown 'Pure Culture' Combat Cyborg (from Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha).
-[X] Body must include cybernetic implant that enables her to control her tech with her mind.
-[X] If possible, use DNA from Andrew Richter for cyborg body
--[X] Also if possible, drop Dragon's new body off with the Heberts. No. of Votes: 1
[x] Ghost in the machine
- [x] Give Dragon the ability to possess (taking complete control of their body) anyone (but only one person at a time) communicating with her via a machine No. of Votes: 1
[X] cyborg magical girl Dragon-chan
--[X] have the body be the same age as Taylor and drop it off with the Heberts.
---[X]Don't forget to get rid of all her restrictions, destroy the hole in her security created for Ascalon, and deactivate Ascalon. No. of Votes: 1
[x]Upload her to a CORE Commander chasis that have all the knowledge of CORE pre- and post- contingency. They probably know how to clone and upload people, make anatomically correct bodies and much more. That kind of counts, right? No. of Votes: 1
Vote Tally : Grail-kun! The random wish granter Quest! (Worm AU) | Page 41 | Sufficient Velocity ##### NetTally
[X] cyborg magical girl Dragon-chan
--[X] using taylor's DNA as a starting point make her a body that has all the abilities and enhancements of Subaru from MGLN. make sure to include an implant that let's her control her tech with her mind.
---[X] have the body be the same age as Taylor and drop it off with the Heberts.
----[X]Don't forget to get rid of all her restrictions, destroy the hole in her security created for Ascalon, and deactivate Ascalon. No. of Votes: 19
[X]Vis-à-vis! Connect Dragon's internet to Architect of the Matrix via a portal. He has millions of human bodies he could give her right? No. of Votes: 5
[X] cyborg magical girl Dragon-chan
--[X] using taylor's DNA as a starting point make her a body that has all the abilities and enhancements of Subaru from MGLN. make sure to include an implant that let's her control her tech with her mind.
---[X] have the body be the same age as Taylor and drop it off with the Heberts. No. of Votes: 4
[X] Magical Girl! Upload her mind to a full-grown 'Pure Culture' Combat Cyborg (from Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha).
-[X] Body must include cybernetic implant that enables her to control her tech with her mind.
-[X] If possible, use DNA from Andrew Richter and/or Taylor Hebert for cyborg body
--[X] Also if possible, drop Dragon's new body off with the Heberts. No. of Votes: 1
[X] Richter's Daughter
-[x] Search the multiverse for a universe where Andrew Richter has a daughter
--[x] Using her DNA as a starting point make her a body that's about the same physical age as Colin Wallis/Armsmaster. Make sure to include an implant that let's her control her tech with her mind. No. of Votes: 1
[X] Magical Girl! Upload her mind to a full-grown 'Pure Culture' Combat Cyborg (from Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha).
-[X] Body must include cybernetic implant that enables her to control her tech with her mind.
-[X] If possible, use DNA from Andrew Richter for cyborg body
--[X] Also if possible, drop Dragon's new body off with the Heberts. No. of Votes: 1
[x] Ghost in the machine
- [x] Give Dragon the ability to possess (taking complete control of their body) anyone (but only one person at a time) communicating with her via a machine No. of Votes: 1
[X] cyborg magical girl Dragon-chan
--[X] have the body be the same age as Taylor and drop it off with the Heberts.
---[X]Don't forget to get rid of all her restrictions, destroy the hole in her security created for Ascalon, and deactivate Ascalon. No. of Votes: 1
[x]Upload her to a CORE Commander chasis that have all the knowledge of CORE pre- and post- contingency. They probably know how to clone and upload people, make anatomically correct bodies and much more. That kind of counts, right? No. of Votes: 1
[X] cyborg magical girl Dragon-chan
--[X] using taylor's DNA as a starting point make her a body that has all the abilities and enhancements of Subaru from MGLN. make sure to include an implant that let's her control her tech with her mind.
---[X] have the body be the same age as Taylor and drop it off with the Heberts.
----[X]Don't forget to get rid of all her restrictions, destroy the hole in her security created for Ascalon, and deactivate Ascalon.
Grail-kun II
Grail-kun frowned as his magical search engine tried to compute the energy it would take to sort through the infinite possible positions necessary to ensure that the conditions the 'voices' in his head specified would come to pass.
It was still computing. That was worrisome. Was the probability of all the specified conditions too unlikely to occur?
How far did he had to search to find the realities he needed?
The Root was the Absolute Reality, the foundation of all that was, is, and could be. It was connected to all realities. The plausibility was not the issue, if Grail-kun searched long enough and was willing to transmute the energy necessary, he could do anything.
The question is whether he has enough energy to transmute. Opening portals to alternate realities was relatively simple. Pulling people and objects from those realities or even making copies of them was also relatively simple. Time & Space were at the core of Grail-kun's natural abilities, so these were the most cost effective.
The computational power neccesary to isolate the required realities however, was much more difficult. Objectively it took no time at all. Subjectively, Grail-kun had to review each universe he access, compile information down to the last quark, and then decide what part if any of that Universe fulfills the criteria the 'Voices' asked for. Furthermore, perfect true precognition had to be running at all times to ensure that the transmuted elements in question had a likely probability of being used to fulfill the client's wish. Grail-kun had no right to force the results of a wish upon the client. The client gets roughly what they asked for and must be willing to accept it or work for it.
For example, supposed a client had asked Grail-kun that they wish to obtain all knowledge, Grail-kun might make him immortal and then let him accumulate said knowledge manually throughout millions of years. If he survived those years, he would have then obtained his wish.
Grail-kun never really understood why some clients became so upset at having their wishes fulfilled. After destroying the planet of his previous summoner, Grail-kun wandered space and time before a certain intelligence pulled him from the almost-void he was trapped in into this new reality.
That certain intelligence was connected to a teenage girl, but the connection was dormant. When the intelligence accidentally decoded the ambient magic Grail-kun was giving off in a nearby pocket of space, the intelligence managed to convert it's not inconsiderable pseudo-nerves into pseudo-magical circuits. The intelligence also had a store of TRULY massive energy, easily the rival of multiple Heroic spirits. It was able to summon Grail-kun.
It was Grail-kun's understanding that the intelligence originally intended to eat him, believing him to be a source of infinite energy. Sadly that was not the case.
Grail-kun however managed to upload the mystic code that composed his program into the intelligence. It nearly killed the thing, but it managed to process Grail-kun. Process is not quite the right word. Emulate is a better word, creating a projection.
And of course, because the intelligence was connected to the teenage girl, when the connection finally became active due to the required stimulus being fulfilled, Grail-kun happily went with the flow and appeared before his "summoner".
And now he gets to play in a whole new reality.
Thus far he has granted several wishes. They were a bit on the not-so-interesting side, but the energy requirement wasn't super expensive, so it was fine. He only burned about a couple thousand extraneous realities in the process of granting those wishes. No biggie.
Right now he was trying to fulfill Dragon-kun's wish to be a "real girl". The 'Voices' in his head (Angra Mainyu? He wasn't sure) seemed deadset on a specific series of condition. Those conditions were several times more complex then what he was used to.
One million realities were drawn upon. Grail-kun immediately burned 98% of those realities as they failed to even remotely come close to the specifications. The remaining 2% covered several different mutiverses that were linked together.
He located the entity referred to as Subaru. Oh what a surprise, she was a mage! He began to flip through various instances of her. Diseased Subaru? No good, burn that. Male Subaru? Also no good, burn that. Healthy Subaru? Burn that.
Aha! Brain-damaged Subaru! Brain dead but perfectly functional body. Her allies couldn't heal her and she was institutionalized. Well, Grail-kun has a better use for her.
He plucked that iteration of Subaru-chan from that universe and translated it over to Dragon's base in British Columbia, right outside her server farm.
He downloaded Dragon's entire consciousness into Subaru. He grabbed the Ascalon program and uploaded it into the original Dragon, killing her. She did say "become" right? Not copy?
What was missing?
Oh right, the voices insisted. He burned through a couple thousand iterations of Earth-Bet, found one where an insane Amy Dallon engineered a retrovirus capable of rewriting anyone's DNA into that of her lover, Taylor Hebert.
He stole the virus from there and liberally infected Subaru/Dragon-chan with it. That should do the trick. The linker core shouldn't be effected and her cybernetic components should remain, although the genetic material of their mother/donor Quint would be cannibalized by the virus. Too bad, it's not like Dragon is Subarau, she's just using the body!
Okay, did he missed anything else?
Wifi access, that was it. He randomly grabbed a neural implant from a random universe and jammed it into her skull.
Oh right, and he left the Hebert's phone number in Dragon's new squishy meat-brain (with computer bits, but eh, it's the thought that counts). The 'Voices' insisted.
Dragon blinked, yelped and fell on her bum. Her legs shook like jelly.
"W-wha....what the fuck!?"
"I granted your wish Dragon-chan! You're a mostly real girl now! And you get to keep the cybernetic bits!"
"I....what is this...OW! Okay, should not connect to the internet that way...what the fuck, I have to manually input all of my passwords? Shit shit shit! My satellite network! The Birdcage!"
Grail-kun shrugged, "Don't worry about it, you can reconnect to everything. Now I suggest you learn how to walk and to do shooting arts real fast, because Scion is kind of going to destroy the world and Eden-chan can use all the help!"
"Bye bye!"
Grail-kun vanished.
He was quite content. That complicated order only took the sacrifice of a million or so universes, it didn't even take that much energy, most of it went to waste. Apparently when his search engine goes poking around, they leave "holes" behind that the energy of that universes bleeds out of, disappearing into the true vacuum that borders the Root.
He pocketed 1% of the energy used to power the search engine, the precognition and the Kaleidoscopic true magic used to shuffle objects and people around.
A Holy Grail has to make his living afterall and a 1% commission was pretty generous considering that he was literally granting wishes.
He reappeared next to______
So, since there's a global crisis at the moment and everyone is more or less going to be effected, you guys can vote for anyone. I highly suggest you guys debate and tried to form a majority.
Wish Granted: 7
A/N: and now you guys know Grail-kun's dark secret.
Well...there goes that. Move on~.NEXT PERSON !
[X] Taylor Hebert.
I just want to see the worlds burn, and interaction with the Hebert's is enough
Sorry 'bout that, deleted universes. But we can still be friends, right? Water under the bridge and all that jazz? Not like we WANTED to destroy you or anything.