@EarthScorpion, really not a fan of how Abyssals get shafted. Comparatively high chance of stillbirth, okay, frequent mutation of the kid into a ghoul or some other kind of Creature of Death, sure, have normal children archieve at best ghostblooded status, yes, but at least let them have some children, for gods sake. Not to mention that, given Resonance, any such children are already at enough risk. What you're doing really just feels like they're being pointlessly dicked over.
Abyssals are the Chosen of Death. Death is not life. It's sort of the direct opposite. Their power directly avoids life, and that means that if they channel too much of it around potential children they could have, they're... not having children.
How do you avoid this if you're an Abyssal?
Don't raise your Essence/Enlightenment - stop supping from the Well of Oblivion. The mother should eat a diet which isn't, you know, aligned with the forces of universal entropy and destruction [1]. They should also avoid spending time around Abyssal anima flares, not go anywhere near shadowlands, expose themselves to living essence to counter the effects of the necrotic essence within them, and generally do the precise opposite of what other splats do to encourage having god-babies / monster-babies. If you do that, you'll have a ghost-blood instead.
But if an Abyssal does the sort of thing that a Solar would do to have a golden child (anima flare a lot, eat a diet aligned with their essence source, do Splat-y things, spend time around their kind of manse), they are being entirely pointedly dicked over. By their own actions. If you act too much like a stereotypical Murder McMurderface Abyssal, you're screwing yourself over.
Mass murder is bad for a pregnancy. Likewise, the best Abyssal fathers are deadbeats who abandon their waifus - and go sit somewhere remote and meditate and not engage in killing sprees for the duration of the pregnancy because of the law of sympathy.
[1] A lot of greens, plenty of protein, absolutely no rotted corpse-meat or stagnant swamp water.
I was unsure whether it was better to have the Bureau of Destiny issue them a baby body (which means you get a weary starborn going "Jupiter fuck! I got killed and now I have to go though potty training and puberty again?") or whether they should just get issued a body that's spare and so they wind up in a random body. And then they're like "... urgh, no, I don't want to be goddamn fifty. Put me back in the queue."
But yes, regardless, it ages normally.