Something analogous to Form-type Charms you apply to your battle units would be cool.
You know what? I like that idea a lot.
New Concept: Formation Charms
The Formation keyword indicates a Charm which enhances a battlegroup under the direct control of an Exalted character, granting passive bonuses. All Formation Charms are scene-long, and require the user to be monitoring the battle and ordering their troup - although they need not lead from the front or take part into the fighting. Although an Exalt may sustain several Formation Charms to enhance different battlegroups, only a single Formation Charm can apply to one group at the same time. Many Formation Charms have a 'requirements' entry; this lists limits on the applicability of this Charm, such as the nature of troops on which it can be used.
(insert rules about how different Exalt groups interact with Formation Charms when I have figured them out, for now assume these are Solar-only)
Iron Tortoise Formation
Cost: 5m;
Mins: War 4, Essence 2
Type: Simple
Keywords: Formation
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: ???
Requirements: The majority of the troops must be equipped with a shield.
The tactic of the shield wall is one of the most ancient in Creation, having known many incarnations throughout all cultures and ages. With Essence fastening their resolve and bolstering their shields, soldiers present a unified front, allowing them to withstand enemy charges and push back against their disorganized ranks.
This Charm removes the Initiative cost of the Full Defense action, allow the unit to use the Defend Other action in a flurry without suffering a Defense penalty (the normal -3 penalty to rolled actions still applies), and adds +1 to the unit's Parry. Once per scene, the unit may perform the special Snapping Turtle Maneuver; this is a flurry consisting of a full defense and rush action that suffers no penalty to dice pools or defenses, allowing the unit to quickly cover ground under fire.
Scarlet Throne Formation
Cost: 8m;
Mins: War 4, Essence 2
Type: Simple
Keywords: Formation
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: ???
Requirements: Unit's commander must lead from the front or from among his own men, fighting alongside them.
The armies of Creation know the might of the Exalted, but they know also that one rarely conquers an entire country by one's sword-arm alone; the most powerful of the Exalted lead vast armies across the world, and they draw power from the trust of their men. When they see their warrior-hero fight at their side, their bravery is the stuff of legends.
A unit enhanced by this Charm adds one automatic success to any rout check as long as their commander is within sight; they add one success to their commander's Rally and Rally for Troops actions. Whenever the commander issues an order (as per the action,
Exalted p. 210) and the unit acts accordingly, it adds one automatic success to its action on top of the normal benefits of the action. Once per scene, the unit may perform the special Heaven's Throne Maneuver; this is an attack which takes place on the same tick as their commander's action, even if the unit's Initiative is lower, and which can take place either before or after that action as is most convenient; any dice roll gains a number of bonus dice equal to the commander's wound penalties, as they rally to rescue their divine leader. This counts as their turn's action.
Broken Blade Formation
Cost: 6m;
Mins: War 4, Essence 2
Type: Simple
Keywords: Formation
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: ???
Requirements: The majority of the unit must wear no more than light armor, and be fighting unarmed, with brawling aides, staffs or improvised weapons.
Although even the mighty martial artists of the Immaculate Order prefer to fight with arms and armors when given the choice, sometimes they are not allowed such luxuries. Although their formation may seem loose - even disorganized - and they usually operate in small groups, such martial artists are highly mobile and fiercely skilled.
This Charm allows the unit to ignore the penalties for difficult terrain, and to not have to take a disengage action to move away from opponents of Size equal to or inferior to their own. Furthermore, their Drill can never be lower than average, as there is commonality in the training of all martial orders even when their members have never fought together before. Once per scene, the unit may perform the special Steel Shards Storm maneuver; immediately after lowering an opponent's Initiative from above their own to below with a successful attack, they may pay one Willpower to perform a second attack at a -3 penalty against that same opponent.
Thunder of Hooves Formation
Cost: 7m;
Mins: War 4, Essence 2
Type: Simple
Keywords: Formation
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: ???
Requirements: The majority of the unit must be riding mounts.
The horse-born armies of the South are among the most feared of Creation, as many nomadic cultures ride across the lands as if all the world belonged to them, taking anything by force and being gone before any response can be organized. They are often peerless archers too, raining death on their opponents while riding to the horizon.
A unit enhanced by this Charm may aim and move in the same round. Whenever such a unit moves to either keep pace with an opponent it has succesfully rushed, or to keep away from an opponent from whom it has succesfully disengaged, it may reflexively aim against that opponent. Once per scene, upon succesfully rushing an opponent or disengaging from them, the unit may perform the special Steppe Hurricane maneuver, paying one point of Willpower to reflexively make an attack against that opponent.