Essence: 6;
Willpower: 9;
Join Battle: 9
Health Track: -0x4/-1x7/-2x7/-4x4
Personal Motes: 110
Actions: Read Motives: 10 dice; Social Influence: 11 dice; Underworld Lore: 8 dice; Command: 6 dice; Feats of Strength: 13 (may attempt Strength 5 feats); Senses: 9 dice.
Appearance 5 (Hideous, except when trying to bargain suicide), Resolve 5, Guile 6
Sample Intimacies
- Defining Principle: "As long as I have power and worship, I am not worthless."
- Major Principle: "A fair deal is an iron law."
- Major Principle: "I deserve more."
- Major Tie: Suicides (Perverse Compassion)
- Minor Principle: "Never show your true self."
Attack (Whipping Ropes): accuracy 14, damage 16, minimum 3
Attack (Antler Gore): accuracy 12, damage 19
Attack (Noose Grapple): accuracy 11 (12 dice to control)
Evasion: 3, Parry 6
Soak/Hardness: 14/5
Treasure Trove: The Gallows-Queen has many trinkets and talismans hanging from her waist and mantle, some she crafted herself and many she bought. Once per scene, she can access any minor power fitting of a powerful undead talisman. Examples include creating a ward against a single type of spirit causing them a -3 penalty, seeing through any darkness, attempting an exorcism against a ghost possessing an object or person, materializing for a reduced cost, or simply a burst of five motes of Essence or one point of temporary Willpower.
Cult 3: Mandragore is forming a growing cult throughout the East, and even mortals have begun worshipping her out of a misconception of her nature and attributes.
Sweet Rustling of Ropes: The Gallows-Queen is a consummate peddler of death, and has learned to put her skills to use even in the middle of battle. When she flurries a combat action and a social influence action, only one of the two actions suffers the -3 penalty (her choice).
Legendary Size: The Bone-White Stag's size makes it extraordinarily difficult for human-scale enemies to engage her in combat. She does not take onslaught penalties from any attack made by a smaller opponent, though magically inflicted onslaught penalties still apply against her. Withering attacks made by smaller enemies cannot drop her below 1 Initiative unless they have a post-soak damage of 10 dice (although attackers can still gain the full amount of Initiative damage dealt). Decisive attacks made by smaller enemies cannot deal more than (3 + attacker's Strength) levels of damage to her with a single attack, not counting any levels of damage added by Charms or other magic.
Offensive Powers
Merchant of Suicides (1m per die; Supplemental; Instant): The Gallows-Queen can add two dice to an action for each of the following criteria that holds true:
- She is negotiating a deal or a trade.
- She is trying to convince someone to commit suicide.
- She is engaged in combat.
- She is flurrying a social influence action and a combat action.
Cascade of Ropes (10m, 1wp; Simple; Withering-only; Instant; Essence 2): The Gallows-Queen makes a single withering attack against any number of enemies in close range. She gains Initiative as normal from the damage roll that inflicted the highest amount of damage, but the total Initiative she receives from all other damage rolls cannot raise the total award above 10 (not counting Initiative breaks). Against a battle group, this doubles 7s on the damage roll of an attack. Once per fight, unless reset by incapacitating an enemy.
Symphony of Woe (5m, 1wp; Supplemental; Instant; Essence 3): The Hangman's Daughter may treat her Join Battle roll as an inspire roll against all enemies to fill them with sadness, despair, or self-loathing. Characters who pay Willpower to resist this influence lose three Initiative. Those who don't pay lose two Initiative at the start of each round as they succumb to their dark emotions.
Uncoiling Rope Throw (5m; Reflexive; Instant): After dealing 3+ levels of damage to an enemy with a decisive rope attack, Mandragore may reflexively grapple and immediately slam him for additional damage, wrapping her ropes around him and tossing him aside. She makes a control roll, and may then throw the enemy out to short range. Once per fight unless reset by incapacitating an opponent.
Necks Like Snapping Wood (10m, 1wp; Reflexive; Instant): After successfully crashing an enemy with a withering rope attack, Mandragore may reflexively grapple him, wrapping the rope that struck into a noose around their neck. She makes a reflexive grappling attack roll, and if successful immediately savages her target as a decisive attack.
Hangman's Army (3m per ghost; Simple; Instant): Infusing some of her precious Essence into the desiccated bodies on her back, the Gallows-Queen summons an army fitting of her status. The ropes release them, and the corpses walk into battle. Each ghost rolled into battle has the traits of a war-ghost unless she uses a specific ghost - the Hangman's Daughter has two Exalted corpses which she will only use in the direst of extremities for fear of losing them. She cannot send out more chained ghosts than she has points of temporary Willpower, although if her Willpower falls below the current number of ghosts she does not have to retract any.
Social Powers
How Sweet The Sting (4m; Supplemental; Instant): The Gallows-Queen treats social influence that would cause a character to kill himself or do something he knows would result in certain death as merely a 'life-changing task,' rather than an unacceptable influence.
Fair is Foul and Foul is Fair (4m; Supplemental; Instant): When selling others their own death, the most important thing is to not provoke outrage or terror at the indecency of the proposal. A social influence attempt enhanced by this Charm may succeed or fail, but either way it will be taken as a reasonable proposition, one not worthy of getting upset over it. This prevents any Intimacy from being degraded as an unwanted result of the action. Characters must pay a point of Willpower to deliberately take offense.
Spot the Soul's Faultlines (6m, 1wp; Reflexive; Instant): The Hangman's Daughter is an expert at seeing the cracks in a soul's structure that would have them embrace perdition. This Charm induces a read intention action that identifies any Intimacies of fear, despair, shame, guilt or self-loathing a character holds, adding double-8s to the roll.
Hangman in the Hallway (5m; Supplemental; Instant): Once the merchant of suicides has found a weak spot to exploit, it is almost impossible to deny her. When she exploits an Intimacy to support a bargain or persuade action to make a trade and/or convince someone to commit suicide, forcing a decision point costs one additional Willpower point.
Path to the Gallows (10m, 1wp; Reflexive; Instant): Having lodged the seed of doubt and self-loathing in an opponent, the Hangman's Daughter makes an immediate follow-up argument to anchor them on their fatal path. This Charm follows a successful install action that created a Minor Intimacy that furthers the goal of negotiating a trade or convincing a character to commit suicide. It allows Mandragore to immediately perform a second, reflexive social influence to increase that Intimacy to Major, provided there is a valid Intimacy to support that attempt. The cost to trigger a decision point against that influence is increased by one Willpower point. Once per story per character.
Miscellaneous Charms
Hurry Home (10m, 1wp; Simple; Instant; Essence 5): The Hangman's Daughter fades away and vanishes on her next turn, reappearing in the endless black forests of the Underworld.
Materialize (50m, 1wp; Simple; Instant; Essence 4): The Gallows-Queen can manifest herself in the living world, sprouting from the ground like a great bony tree.
Nemissary's Ride (20, 1wp; Simple; Indefinite; Essence 1): While the Hangman's Daughter can materialize, she finds use in possessing human corpses to make deals with the living who would be frightened by her appearance. She uses the physical Attributes, soak, and health track of the corpse's former life in place of her own, but otherwise retain her traits (including Appearance). Freshly dead or well-embalmed bodies suffer a -1 penalty on rolls to disguise their dead nature; this penalty rises with advancing decay until disguise becomes impossible. The possessor is ejected if the animated corpse runs out of health levels. Attacks capable of striking the immaterial damage both the corpse's health track and Mandragore's.