A question of Easily Overlooked Presence Method and disguises:
The infiltration attempt we've been planning has been delayed due to more pressing concerns (a single Dragon worth of Fae cavalry in Firewonder), but I'd still like to clear up my understanding of some charms (and possibly Borgstromancy).
Easily Overlooked Presence Method perfectly defends against attempts to be noticed unless a situational bonus is +2 dice or better. So far so good. But how does that interact
- with other situational modifiers? Does being extra-blending-in (a noticing-penalty) reduce the net situational bonus, or does the charm fail if even a single +2 bonus exists (but works fine even against a dozen +1 bonuses)?
- with the Night Anima Power? The latter subtracts successes from attempts to perceive the Solar, so I'm guessing it has no effect on the diced bonuses at all, correct?
- with disguise/Larceny? If we have uniforms that look like those of the local guards, but our faces are not the guards' faces, how many successes do we need before we get into the safe zone of 'automatically left unnoticed'? Do we need to have enough successes to overcome the build/sex/nationality difficulty-increaser, and that's it? Or do we need to also have enough threshold successes to beat the guards' anti-disguise perception successes after all modifiers? Or does the Overlooked Presence Charm prevent the guards from noticing we're not guards unless they have a +2-die bonus in their contest against our disguises (because it's a form of noticing)?
Note that we don't have Perfectly Impenetrable Disguises. But we do consider the option of relying more on Unseen Presence.