E5 and 318 experience points in the Age of Sorrows after clawing your way out from the dirt is pretty different from E5 and a thousand experience points and a giant army and numerous spirits supporting you.

Exalts fell in battle almost as quickly against the primordials as they do against Wyld Hunts.

There were VERY VERY VERY VERY few Solar exalts that made it anywhere NEAR 1000 XP.

These days, I'm begining to think that it was the Dragonblooded that beat the Primordials, not the Solars. Sure the flashiest of the solars (maybe three at the most over the entire war) could theoretically hold off a primordial singlehandedly long enough to choke it to death, but it was the thousand dragons that cut a swarth through the circle souls long enough to get her there.
Iudicavisse, the Blue-Glass Maiden
Demon of the Third Circle
Fetich Soul of the Endless Desert

In the time before time, Cecelyne thought upon her nature and how she might perfect herself and so sought to lay down a perfect, immutable code of justice. Through delicate judgement and careful consideration she built an aedifice of law that surely none could gainsay. She had truly built objective law, self-evident in its righteousness. Her own heart looked upon all she had built and shook her head sadly at the foolishness. "Your laws will fall if you lack the strength to maintain them," she whispered in the ear of her greater self. "Even your brother will show your code no regard if it stands in his way. Abandon this ill-thought pursuit. It will only end in grief."

But Cecelyne ignored the murmurings of her heart, and built her laws higher and higher, seeking the ultimate perfection of justice. Iudicavisse was vindicated as the Temple of Law was torn asunder in a great conflict between the Desert and crippled Autochthon, and as the ribs of Malfeas closed in around her she smiled a cold, bitter smile. Cecelyne would listen to her, now and forever, and would not ignore her again.

Iudicavisse wears the semblance of a girl in the first blossoming of womanhood with ribbons in her hair, but there is no innocence within her soul. Her features show her kinship to Ligier - for she is his elder cousin - but she lacks his grandiose magnanimity. Endlessly malevolent, cynical and hypocritical, she cares for only two things: power and vindication. Nothing is as sweet to her as the sound of a once-proud foe admitting that she was right all along.

Law is her weapon of war. Each scale of her blue-glass armour is a treaty negotiated that benefits only her; each arrow is a summary judgement in her favour. Her bow remakes those it kills into soulless akuma-creatures, trapped forever in her servitude. To sign a peace treaty with a creature such as this is a defeat. Violence is the only language she cannot twist.

The heart of Cecelyne would be queen of Hell. Let others dash themselves in futile hope of escape. That is not her way. She would double the binding of the other Yozis so that they would be doubly chained: once by the victor's justice of the Exalted and once by the arbitrary laws of the Desert. She would choke the streets of Malfeas under infinite silver sand and confine the All-Makers within her greater self. She would cast down Ligier from the sky and chain him within a glass jail. Some whisper in places unheard by Orabilis' spies that some of the Unquestionable are already confined by her hand and that she seeks knowledge of the arts of the Exalted to bind their Yozis within unbreakable servitude.

Only one has ever touched her cruel and bitter heart since she was imprisoned within Hell. In the last years of the Solar Deliberative, one beautiful golden queen grew so vain and so jaded that she bound the fetich of Cecelyne to serve her for no better reason than she could. Iudicavisse loved her as a sister for that terrible hubris. When her binding expired Iudicavisse chose to linger with her, hidden within a secret place in the South beyond the eyes of Fate. Five years they spent together and many terrible and mighty things were achieved, but the Solar queen was slain at the Calibration Feast and screaming Iudicavisse was cast back to Hell.

Hidden within the depths of the Desert is the Blue-Glass Maiden's shrine to her lost love, together with much of what they achieved together. She does not look for her love among the reborn Exalted. They will not be her. Should one of the Green Sun Princes carry that Exaltation and the ancient woman re-emerge, though, the Blue-Glass Maiden may change her mind and seek to bring her sister back permanently.

Though she has few designs upon Creation, Iudicavisse can slip the bonds of the Exalted when a great judge-king admits to himself that power is its own purpose and that there are no higher goals. Her image may be called with the fragments of the Temple of Law that lies beneath Nexus-once-Hollow, and should a document be signed with such a fragment she can slip into the minds of the signatories, holding them to their word as she works upon their thoughts and dreams.

Notes and Abilities: Iudicavisse has no real desires upon Creation. Oh, she might seed a few cults here or there, but that is nothing more than a momentary diversion. No, all her real effort is focussed on subjugating Hell. Given the chance, she would redouble the torment of the Yozis so that all within Malfeas suffer worse than Cecelyne. Of all the Yozis she detests the Ebon Dragon the most, but she hates all of them in precisely enumerated ways. Even Cecelyne bears her contempt, for her foolish bleak depression and her previous idealism. Whether she has yet successfully chained other Third Circles can vary from game to game, but her ultimate aim is certainly to impose a Surrender Oath-level restriction upon every other demon - even, within time, the other souls of Cecelyne.

The appearance of the Green Sun Princes is an unwelcome setback to her plans. While she joined with the conspiracy that made them - for there was no way she would pass up such power - she sought to split the project from within. Their existence is a reproach to her. Not only do humans wield powers only permitted to the Yozis, but she has long aimed to isolate Hell from Creation so she can slowly choke the other demons of prayer and cultists. Ligier's lackies have undone three millennia of progress in five short years. She detests Lilunu and her resemblance to long-dead Ruvelia - and holds Ligier in deep contempt for the way he treats their tool as almost an equal. She waits and watches, looking for her chance to break up this unprecedented alliance of demon princes.

As the fetich of a Yozi, Iudicavisse is one of the most powerful demons in Hell. She has few peers as an archer, and within the wastes of Cecelyne she is almost undefeatable. An army of mortals or first circle demons sent against her is worse than useless, because her arrows fall like rain and remake them as her akuma-servants. She has power over contracts and law and may enforce compliance, but suffers no penalty herself for breaking such things. Only the Surrender Oaths have ever successfully trapped her and that is why she desires the power behind them for her own.
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Sure the flashiest of the solars (maybe three at the most over the entire war) could theoretically hold off a primordial singlehandedly long enough to choke it to death,
Not even that, really. The only one that comes to mind who was that badass is Merela, and even she didn't do it singlehandedly.
Exalts fell in battle almost as quickly against the primordials as they do against Wyld Hunts.

There were VERY VERY VERY VERY few Solar exalts that made it anywhere NEAR 1000 XP.

These days, I'm begining to think that it was the Dragonblooded that beat the Primordials, not the Solars. Sure the flashiest of the solars (maybe three at the most over the entire war) could theoretically hold off a primordial singlehandedly long enough to choke it to death, but it was the thousand dragons that cut a swarth through the circle souls long enough to get her there.
Please source this.

EDIT: I'm sorry, that was needlessly...is snarky the word, for delaying my actual point with a stupid question I know has no answer? It was dickish, and I'm sorry. There's no direct source on how the logistics of the Primordial war and casualty rates went. It's all fanon. My view of the Primordial War being composed of elite Exalts at the heights of prowess trained by war gods is as much fanon as the idea that they died like droves, so it was a crappy example. A better example of my point would have been 'a huge different between a First Age Solar Sorcerer-King and a Solar Sorcerer who just hit E5 in an actual game'.

EDIT2: Unless I missed something in Dreams of the First Age, I guess.
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Not even that, really. The only one that comes to mind who was that badass is Merela, and even she didn't do it singlehandedly.
As the guy who wrote Merela for DotFA, she choked a Primordial to death with her bare hands after it broke her daiklave, after squaring off against it with two of her circlemates (while the other two kept its armies at bay), while grievously wounded, while one of her two allies administered medical attention to the other, who was dying of an injury it inflicted on him. Think less duel and more "It was going to win, and then it overcommitted to finishing off her ally, she jumped it, and she didn't let go."

Of course, afterwards, it was re-told as "Merela choked a Primordial to death with her bare hands" because that's how legends are made.
Stephen Lea Sheppard
Seems to me 'but I totally could've murdered him stone dead instead madam,' is a valid reason to do... pretty much anything, as far as this judge is concerned.
Not when the topic is "our Infernals are starting to bud 2CD-level souls; what do we do about it?" and Keris is up in the docket as the first Infernal to have done so. Though come to think of it, that's more likely to happen in the Althing as a whole, so thankfully there's more than just Cecelyne's souls on the case. It'll probably be decided that they count as junior peers and that they have citizen status like Demons of the Second Circle (though not as important because Keris is only a peer herself). The fact that Haneyl will be visibly swooning over Ligier and Rathan will be looking as adorable as possible will probably help their case. The fact that Echo and Calesco will not be present will help rather more.

Now, the second tribunal, when Keris's souls start budding souls... that's the one I'm decidedly nervous about.
Aww, crap.

Please tell me I'm not going to have to plead my case at the Second Circle tribunal in her court.

She'll certainly try to argue that she has ultimate and exclusive jurisdiction over such a case, and such a pronouncement is hers to make. She certainly has a case, insofar as "I'm Cecelyne's fetich and I'm saying that something which affects the law of Cecelyne is mine to pronounce on" is a convincing argument, especially when you're carrying a strung bow.

Should probably schmooze up some Third Circles who:
a) are willing to blow the political capital in standing up to her, or
b) can be persuaded they have something to gain by you winning that case, or
b) dislike her enough that they're going to side with you to spite her.

And this is one of the big purpose of Third Circles in our Infernal set up. Third Circles are your bosses, your patrons, and also a significant source of antagonists (who you can't just kill without getting in trouble unless you have a really good excuse or way of getting away with it [1]). But of course, since Infernals answer to lots of masters with competing interests, the way to work around an Unquestionable who's in your way is by playing the Unquestionable power games and finding who dislikes them or who has something to gain by them losing.

[1] Remember, kids! Killing an Unquestionable is not necessarily the end for you, as long as you don't perma-death them. If you have a good case, stabbing them in the face until they have to spend a long period reforming might be no more than a childish prank in the eyes of the other Unquestionable who wanted to see that asshole get stabbed repeatedly. It's perma-killing them that'll get you in excessive trouble as an Infernal , unless they were super-mega unpopular.

(The moral of this story is to make it look like it was someone else when you perma-kill them. Preferably someone you don't like.)

In all seriousness having a Third Circle Demon be obsessed with building elaborate sewage systems seems like an amusing but plausible way to insert the Absurdly Spacious Sewers that populate so many games into Exalted.

In all seriousness having a Third Circle Demon be obsessed with building elaborate sewage systems seems like an amusing but plausible way to insert the Absurdly Spacious Sewers that populate so many games into Exalted.

Exalted already has them. They're called "First Age Sewer systems, built for metropolises of millions of people but the town over the top now only has 5000".
Exalted already has them. They're called "First Age Sewer systems, built for metropolises of millions of people but the town over the top now only has 5000".

Man, and those don't clog?

Also, medieval sewer systems from the late Middle Ages also tended to be absurdly spacious, but in that case IIRC it mostly had to do with ease of maintenance.
In my take on Gloam, it has an absurdly spacious but dysfunctional sewer system because it originally wasn't a sewer system - it's the remnants of the Shogunate-era city of Gloam, built on unstable soil, which literally sank into the mud following the Contagion. The entire system is a series of streets and corridors turned into water tunnels during the later Second Age as the modern Gloam was built on top. As a result, it's vast, labyrinthine, leaky, and a haven to criminals and smugglers.
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