Voluntarily, you may reflexively succumb to a Controlled Limit Break of the kind associated with your po. This lasts for a scene, and may not be terminated early. Once the madness ends, the Infernal may roll their Id and removes a number of points of Limit equal to their successes. While this madness endures they are immune to any further Limit gain.

Would this be in addition to the traditional Acts of Villainy or would it replace those?
Would this be in addition to the traditional Acts of Villainy or would it replace those?

In addition, much like how the @Revlid reworked Unwoven Coadjutor background in my coadjutor rework adds a new quasi-act of villainy based around your coadjutor's Motivation.

(It's not like running around in a Controlled limit break is a trivial way to have a chance to bleed off Limit.)
That Po system has interesting options with charms like Raw Whimsy Diligence; you can change your desires and thus your Po at any time, allowing for some pretty fine control. It's almost equivalent to FLG-ing your third-circles to optimize yourself.

As for Keris going Id 5 Coadjutor 5... will she even be sane at that point? Her Principle of "Be Loved" will be as strong as any of the Yozis' core desires, like how Malfeas probably has "Rule Over Others." An absurd drive that pushes her to mono-focused madness.

Well on the path to Titanhood.
In addition, much like how the @Revlid reworked Unwoven Coadjutor background in my coadjutor rework adds a new quasi-act of villainy based around your coadjutor's Motivation.

(It's not like running around in a Controlled limit break is a trivial way to have a chance to bleed off Limit.)


Second question, Seat of Power Shintai. The Unwoven version has a side benefit of smacking other members of your Coadjutor's species with an Emotion effect. Does Seat of Power Shintai have something similar or is it just a second Devil Tyrant form?

Second question, Seat of Power Shintai. The Unwoven version has a side benefit of smacking other members of your Coadjutor's species with an Emotion effect. Does Seat of Power Shintai have something similar or is it just a second Devil Tyrant form?

Just a second Devil Tyrant form.

@Aleph and I are throwing around how to mechanise an auto-upgrading-as-you-increase-your-Essence Shintai that's basically the Infernal going full one-winged angel based on their own po, but as it stands, it does sort of look like it might have to be "write your own one" because it's so very personal. Consider Seat of Power Shintai to be the stop-gap if you want a po-themed form, but don't want to have to try to write your own full on unique Shintai for a single character.
@Aleph and I are throwing around how to mechanise an auto-upgrading-as-you-increase-your-Essence Shintai that's basically the Infernal going full one-winged angel based on their own po, but as it stands, it does sort of look like it might have to be "write your own one" because it's so very personal. Consider Seat of Power Shintai to be the stop-gap if you want a po-themed form, but don't want to have to try to write your own full on unique Shintai for a single character.

BRR and DTAS both add mutations by your permanent essence level, so it grows in power with you. You could do something like that, acquiring more mutations and maybe even charms from your Po?
Stupid question that has to be asked.

If using both ID and Unwoven, you should purchase those charms that both backgrounds share twice right?

(ie both sets of mutation charms, both sets of extra devil tyrant, both sets of thousand hands)

I'd hit any player who tried to buy Hundred Hands twice with the core book. Right inna face. And if they tried to say "I never asked for this" I'd retort "Yes you fucking did".

For the things that aren't the player being stupid, yes (buying Devil Domain twice is another case of them being stupid, probably [1]). They have separate benefits.

[1] Though that could at least be made to work - like having a yin-themed domain and a yang-themed one, connected in some way.
I'd hit any player who tried to buy Hundred Hands twice with the core book. Right inna face. And if they tried to say "I never asked for this" I'd retort "Yes you fucking did".

Don't hold back, tell us what you really feel!

For the things that aren't the player being stupid, yes (buying Devil Domain twice is another case of them being stupid, probably [1]). They have separate benefits..

I like the idea of having two Devil domains though, that often go to war when they get too 'close' to each other as a mirror to how the Yozi often make up their minds. I mean if someone is so strongly influenced by them that they have five points in each there should be some interesting consequences.

Especially if they each began to develop their own contrasting 'courts'
I think you may still have this set to private. I got a "would you like to request access?" popup when I tried to open the link.

That's linked to the published document. You can tell from things like the /pub suffix. That's accessible for everyone else who's tried it.

The raw form document is of course private, as usual for how I handle these things.
Yesterday, we ran into some letters written by Sidereals (we don't know that, but still). So, of course, now we'll all be subject to having our memory wiped by a Shaping mind-wiping effect of the Broken Mask Fate and Destiny . . . but wait. Turns out Arcane Fate is kinda underwhelming: for a heroic person (including Exalts), achieving as many successes as the Sidereal's Essence over the course of multiple rolls seems not to be a particularly hard task (sure, it's hardish, but not too hard), given that the roll is Difficulty 1 and that Internal Penalties can't bring a dice pool to less than Essence (we ¾ of our Circle is Essence 5). Even without lucky rolls, Willpower expenditure is a thing, and Shaping Defences are a thing.

So . . . am I missing something, or should Sidereals actually be remembered by high-end supernatural persons quite well?
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Quos Lux, the Dilettante Locust
Demon of the Second Circle
Indulgent Soul of the Blue-Glass Maiden

Upon the sands of the Endless Desert and through the streets of the Demon City creeps Quos Lux, and wherever she goes the world is changed in small ways. She might change the name of a street as painted on a sign, swap two newborn children, or even steal a man's pipe when he lays it down to rest for just a moment. She paints half-done great works of art and writes fragments of beautiful symphonies and scatters them, hoping to lure questers into a fool's errand. She flits from entertainment to entertainment, seldom staying long.

When she wishes to be seen, Quos Lux is a mighty creature. She is a locust the size of a yeddim, with the head of a woman of the West. A unhealed glassy scar mars her face - a punishment from Orabilis for pushing his patience beyond its limits. In her dextrous forelimbs she carries a shepherd's crook that terrifies any beast that catches sight of it and a burning torch that sheds no light. She can change her size with ease, though, and when she does her deeds she is often no larger than a common insect. Her stolen treasures she store beneath her wings.

Quos Lux is a casual and habitual liar. She tells others that she makes her changes to the world to further the goals of the Yozis, to slip prophecy into the minds of mortals and bring ruin to the Exalted through subtle and long-reaching plans. In truth, she merely acts to amuse herself. The cries of frustration of a man who cannot find his favourite robe before a great diplomatic summit is like music to her ears. She laughs at the screams of a merchant caravan that finds that the trail they thought was safe leads into quicksand. If pressed she says she does it to teach others a valuable lesson on the foolishness of making assumptions, but that is just another of her untruths.

Occasionally, when a demonic urge strikes her the Dilettante Locust will choose a single victim. Then she will focus all her efforts on breaking them, driving them into madness through trickery of the senses and countless tiny changes to the world until they cannot rely on anything they perceive. Once they are quite mad, she cracks open their skull with her crook, consumes their head and lays countless eggs that hatch as her demon-blooded locust children. These insects are as smart as men and have their mother's proclivities, making them a blight on lands they infect.

Sorcerers call upon Quos Lux for mischief and spite. She is entirely content to be bound to bring ruin upon a man or a town, and will often willingly accept a task binding if the sorcerer offers it. A binding cannot force her breeding season to occur, but should her taskmaster be lucky enough that she feels the urge to spawn while she is bound, it is a weapon that can be wielded against a land of one's choice. She can escape Malfeas on her own when hungry insects are used as weapon of war by mortal men; that mischief releasing a greater mischief-maker from Hell.
So, she's the part of her greater self that loves nothing more then harming others and lying to their face about it?
Guilt free target ahoy capt'n!

Are you sure? But that's sort of missing the joke about this demon. It's dark humour, I admit, but it's there.

Namely, that for all that it's mean and cruel, it's actually pretty harmless compared to most 2nd Circles. If it gets into Creation, it's going to act like the Devil in folklore and make people's horses go lame and steal old women's teeth. And for a sorcerer, it's a wonderful, wonderful Second Circle to summon. It barely fights task-binding if it likes the sound of the task, it's good at what it does and it has a clear and well-defined purpose. For a sorcerer who wants to do something like steal a crown off a king or sneakily replace someone's valuable tome of sorcery with a fake which has the spells all subtly wrong, it's incredibly useful.

So, sure, you can get all outraged about her, but really? Most sorcerers are going to consider her a mix of a minor annoyance and a very useful asset.
Upon the sands of the Endless Desert and through the streets of the Demon City creeps Quos Lux, and wherever she goes the world is changed in small ways. She might change the name of a street as painted on a sign, swap two newborn children, or even steal a man's pipe when he lays it down to rest for just a moment. She paints half-done great works of art and writes fragments of beautiful symphonies and scatters them, hoping to lure questers into a fool's errand. She flits from entertainment to entertainment, seldom staying long.

Oh my god so she's that jerk who writes a really interesting work of fiction and then abandons it just when it's getting good.

How terrible

Truly demonic
Are you sure? But that's sort of missing the joke about this demon. It's dark humour, I admit, but it's there.

Namely, that for all that it's mean and cruel, it's actually pretty harmless compared to most 2nd Circles. If it gets into Creation, it's going to act like the Devil in folklore and make people's horses go lame and steal old women's teeth. And for a sorcerer, it's a wonderful, wonderful Second Circle to summon. It barely fights task-binding if it likes the sound of the task, it's good at what it does and it has a clear and well-defined purpose. For a sorcerer who wants to do something like steal a crown off a king or sneakily replace someone's valuable tome of sorcery with a fake which has the spells all subtly wrong, it's incredibly useful.

So, sure, you can get all outraged about her, but really? Most sorcerers are going to consider her a mix of a minor annoyance and a very useful asset.
D'oh. And this is why I miss the subtext when reading these things with my brain turned off.

That said, my above point stands for someone getting some petty revenge (in their mind) at her greater self without understanding the exact nature of the 2nd/3rd Circle bond/divide.
Are you sure? But that's sort of missing the joke about this demon. It's dark humour, I admit, but it's there.

Namely, that for all that it's mean and cruel, it's actually pretty harmless compared to most 2nd Circles. If it gets into Creation, it's going to act like the Devil in folklore and make people's horses go lame and steal old women's teeth. And for a sorcerer, it's a wonderful, wonderful Second Circle to summon. It barely fights task-binding if it likes the sound of the task, it's good at what it does and it has a clear and well-defined purpose. For a sorcerer who wants to do something like steal a crown off a king or sneakily replace someone's valuable tome of sorcery with a fake which has the spells all subtly wrong, it's incredibly useful.

So, sure, you can get all outraged about her, but really? Most sorcerers are going to consider her a mix of a minor annoyance and a very useful asset.
I mean, she's literally Satan. Book of Job Satan, but Satan nonetheless. Lord of flies et all.
Yesterday, we ran into some letters written by Sidereals (we don't know that, but still). So, of course, now we'll all be subject to having our memory wiped by a Shaping mind-wiping effect of the Broken Mask Fate and Destiny . . . but wait. Turns out Arcane Fate is kinda underwhelming: for a heroic person (including Exalts), achieving as many successes as the Sidereal's Essence over the course of multiple rolls seems not to be a particularly hard task (sure, it's hardish, but not too hard), given that the roll is Difficulty 1 and that Internal Penalties can't bring a dice pool to less than Essence (we ¾ of our Circle is Essence 5). Even without lucky rolls, Willpower expenditure is a thing, and Shaping Defences are a thing.

So . . . am I missing something, or should Sidereals actually be remembered by high-end supernatural persons quite well?

The second edition shaping rules suck, news at 12