Well, this is where we run into (once again) the lack of a proper Bureaucracy system.

Solar Bureaucrats shouldn't really see a difference between running a plague quarantine operation and running a supply operation for an army, or running a profitable mining enterprise. Because they're Solars, and they're shining glorious bureaucrats, if you had a proper system they'd be using the same basic resolution mechanics and thus Solar skill enhances them all. So your quarantine is set up effectively, you get the men exactly where they need to be, and there's no corruption in its execution.

Then you'd have a separate Medicine Charm which lets you target a social group and which reduces illness in the ranks and stops people falling sick from diseases encountered in the course of their duties for the social group as long as they follow your rules (like "sleep under bed nets when there are mosquitoes around"). Which if applied to a quarantine operation means that the quarantine-rs don't get infected, but can also be used to, for example, stop your new colonists in a marsh from catching malaria while they're building their homes and draining the swamps.

(and if you know anything about the history of European colonisation in Africa, you'd know what a big deal that is. Think of this bit of the Medicine tree of basically being "I AM WORLD HEALTH ORGANISATION MAN! MARVEL AS I TEACH YOU ABOUT THE NEED TO BOIL YOUR WATER! BEHOLD AND WONDER AS I POINT OUT THE DISEASE SOURCES IN YOUR VILLAGE LIKE THAT WELL TOO CLOSE TO THE LATRINES!")

Solar Charms shouldn't be very specific. The benefit of the Solar Charm design is you get broad, multi-role charms. The cost is that it means you don't get narrower charms that do exactly what you want them to do. Yes, sometimes a Solar will need to excel in multiple fields of human endeavour to do exactly what they want to do. Yes, to run a perfect quarantine operation a Solar will need to be both a legendary doctor and a legendary bureaucrat. If they don't have the Medicine, they'll do their best, but some of their people will fall ill. If they don't have the Bureaucracy, their people won't fall ill, but there'll be flaws in their quarantine. I consider that a feature, not a bug.

Is this kind of thinking also present in the ex3 leak, do you think? Because looking at it I'm seeing things like awareness charms in archery and Athletics/resistance/integrity charms in sail.

EDIT: previous post was cut off.
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Emerald Circle Sorcery

Stone-Eroding Passage
Cost: 15m
Target: Area (circular beam 5 yards wide and 1000 yards long, starting at the caster)
Casting Duration: One Shape Sorcery action
Essence Aspect: Any
Making the mudra of the Charge Unhindered, the sorcerer brings forth a short-lived construct called an asnibur. None know what this ephemeral creature looks like, for it spends the entirety of its brief life charging blindly forward; expiring from old age in the space between two heartbeats. Its speed is such that in this time, it travels a thousand yards, and all it passes through partakes of its impermanence. Against a moving target, the sorcerer rolls (Reaction+Ranged) to hit, and the beam is unparryable without magic. Objects caught in the asnibur's passage crumble into dust and vanish over the course of the next action unless Countermagic is used. A strong least god can protect itself to some extent, saving objects of Resources 4 or higher from a quick death, but such items still suffer one level of unsoakable lethal damage each tick until destroyed. Only Artifacts and magical materials are entirely immune. The vital, animating energies of life and its imitations are more resilient to the fatal transience. Should a living creature or animate construct be caught in the blast, the spell merely inflicts 10B of damage that ignores non-magical armour soak.

Notes: So, this is intended to be roughly on-par with DoOB, but rather than an "oh hai u no longer hav army regiment lulz", it's something you use to bore tunnels or vertical mineshafts or, more often, put a five-yard-wide hole through the front castle wall, the back castle wall and everything in between them. Amusingly, despite it travelling more than half a mile, the total area it hits is only about two thirds that of DoOB - about 20,000 cubic yards vs DoOB's 30,000. DoOB wrecks shit, yo. The really hilarious bit with this one, of course, comes when you hit someone with it who soaks the Bashing damage but isn't wearing Artifact armour. Not entirely happy with the name, but meh, w/e.

Re Your snake demon.
Did you decide what Yozi they descend from?

Edit : sigh reading failure on my part. I'm guessing Elloge

It honestly doesn't matter what Yozi they descend from (though I admit I like knowing that too). I specifically called out that lots of 2cds make variants. (The idea is that you can summon a Nemean Lion instead of a Basilisk). I don't subscribe to the crazy cyberpunk idea of Malfeas, but I do agree that the vast majority of 1cds are 'Tool Races'. Even if 'tool' is 'A fun toy'.

*starts planning out a demon VR internet parasite which eats into its host's neck and puts them in a pleasurable shared dream which every other victim is in, but slowly inflicts damage on them*
Would that be a 3CD of Elloge distributed over tons of bodies and living in the network? Or a race of 1CDs that all link together?

Edit: I meant Hegra. Got my Primordials mixed up.
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Well clearly while you dream you can slowly drain them off motes, just as much as they would regenerate, and in a panic moment you can draw much energy rom them right now to fill the needs of a nexus of the network, like for example a strong first circle demon or a second circle one that right now wants to have 120 motes.
None know what this ephemeral creature looks like, for it spends the entirety of its brief life charging blindly forward; expiring from old age in the space between two heartbeats. Its speed is such that in this time, it travels a thousand yards, and all it passes through partakes of its impermanence.
Wasn't there something like that in one of the Xanth books?
I think meant to say Hegra. Or whichever one is the cloud that rains drugs. Because a shared hallucination lotus-eater machine would totally be in theme there.
No, he means Qaf. In both Mage and exalted and what I assume is the original lore they both borrowed from (Arabic, I think) qaf is the holy mountain whose tip is unattainable. In Mage the peak of qaf is also the point which is all points, representing the sphere of correspondence to the Batini, and in their paradigm the Internet is basically an overlay over that peak that allows even the sleepers to access a bit of no-distance. In exalted, qaf, the heaven-violating-sphere, is one of the primordials.

Thus my repeated jokes about the Internet being a primordial.