Well, this is where we run into (once again) the lack of a proper Bureaucracy system.
Solar Bureaucrats shouldn't really see a difference between running a plague quarantine operation and running a supply operation for an army, or running a profitable mining enterprise. Because they're Solars, and they're shining glorious bureaucrats, if you had a proper system they'd be using the same basic resolution mechanics and thus Solar skill enhances them all. So your quarantine is set up effectively, you get the men exactly where they need to be, and there's no corruption in its execution.
Then you'd have a separate Medicine Charm which lets you target a social group and which reduces illness in the ranks and stops people falling sick from diseases encountered in the course of their duties for the social group as long as they follow your rules (like "sleep under bed nets when there are mosquitoes around"). Which if applied to a quarantine operation means that the quarantine-rs don't get infected, but can also be used to, for example, stop your new colonists in a marsh from catching malaria while they're building their homes and draining the swamps.
(and if you know anything about the history of European colonisation in Africa, you'd know what a big deal that is. Think of this bit of the Medicine tree of basically being "I AM WORLD HEALTH ORGANISATION MAN! MARVEL AS I TEACH YOU ABOUT THE NEED TO BOIL YOUR WATER! BEHOLD AND WONDER AS I POINT OUT THE DISEASE SOURCES IN YOUR VILLAGE LIKE THAT WELL TOO CLOSE TO THE LATRINES!")
Solar Charms shouldn't be very specific. The benefit of the Solar Charm design is you get broad, multi-role charms. The cost is that it means you don't get narrower charms that do exactly what you want them to do. Yes, sometimes a Solar will need to excel in multiple fields of human endeavour to do exactly what they want to do. Yes, to run a perfect quarantine operation a Solar will need to be both a legendary doctor and a legendary bureaucrat. If they don't have the Medicine, they'll do their best, but some of their people will fall ill. If they don't have the Bureaucracy, their people won't fall ill, but there'll be flaws in their quarantine. I consider that a feature, not a bug.
Is this kind of thinking also present in the ex3 leak, do you think? Because looking at it I'm seeing things like awareness charms in archery and Athletics/resistance/integrity charms in sail.
EDIT: previous post was cut off.
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