Socialize: The Lovers
Shun the Smiling Lady
Cost: 7m; Mins: Socialize 2, Essence 1; Type: Simple
Keywords: -; Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisite Charms: None
All things end – love included. Touching his target, this Sidereal strikes her name from the rolls of love. He makes a single (Manipulation + Socialize) roll as an Instill action against all those who have romantic Intimacies towards the target, regardless of distance. Such characters may not spend Willpower to resist this influence, nor is their Resolve modified by their Intimacies. Any character whose Resolve is overcome immediately loses all romantic Intimacies towards the target.
For as long as the Sidereal commits motes to this Charm, characters may not spontaneously develop romantic Intimacies towards the target. It is still possible to Instill such Intimacies, but any rolls supporting attempts to do so lose one success for every 1 produced and never benefit from double successes on any number.
Cash and Murder Games
Cost: 10m; Mins: Socialize 3, Essence 2; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: -; Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Shun the Smiling Lady
This Charm enhances any Inspire roll. The Sidereal chooses one person targeted by that influence and names her the victim; he chooses another person, potentially including himself, and names her the beneficiary. He then defines some relationship between the two such that the beneficiary dominates the victim emotionally; fear, lust, and reverence could all be appropriate contexts for this relationship. As long as his social influence would inspire emotions encouraging the chosen relationship, he may channel Intimacies on his roll, which also benefits from double-8s. If the victim's Resolve is overcome, in addition to the normal effects for inflamed passions, she takes a -3 penalty on all actions that would directly oppose the chosen relationship for as long as the feelings last.
Life Without Compunction
Cost: 5m; Mins: Socialize 3, Essence 1; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: -; Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Shun the Smiling Lady
The Sidereal invokes this Charm in response to any embarrassing action or social faux pas, whether committed by himself or another. He may reflexively roll (Manipulation + Socialize) with double-7s as a Persuade attempt against all those present; this roll ignores the penalty for multiple targets, and the Seer may channel Intimacies on it. Anyone whose Resolve is overcome refuses to hold the action against the one who committed it; while he might be arrested for striking the governor in the face, all those present (including, potentially, the governor!) will personally consider the incident merely to be proof of the character's roguish charm.
You and Yours Stance
Cost: 10m, 1wp; Mins: Socialize 3, Essence 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: -; Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: Cash and Murder Games, Life Without Compunction
All wish to be like the Exalted. For some, this fills them with a fawning desire to please, while for others, it fans an intolerable jealousy. For the remainder of the scene, all Intimacies towards the Sidereal – whether positive or negative – are treated as if they were one step stronger than they actually are for the purposes of modifying Resolve, taking Instill actions, or encouraging behavior. Characters with no Intimacies towards the Sidereal are generally treated as having Minor positive Ties, unless the Sidereal has recently taken any minor actions that might incline them negatively (in which case they are treated as having Minor negative Ties). Defining Intimacies are not further strengthened by this Charm.
In practice, this Charm tends to encourage spontaneous behavior towards the Sidereal on the part of those nearby. Seers generally find themselves mobbed with well-wishers – and, occasionally, hunted by those who suddenly nurse grudges.
Fortuitous Fellowship
Cost: 12m; Mins: Socialize 4, Essence 2; Type: Simple
Keywords: -; Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: None
The Sidereal calls together a new social group, united by common interests of which they were previously unaware. Activating this Charm requires a weeklong process of mingling, socializing, and intertwining the Sidereal's thread with others. At the end of this time, the Sidereal rolls (Manipulation + Socialize) as an Instill action, spending the successes to draw together a group with the qualities he chooses:
· Each point of Size, to a maximum of the Sidereal's Essence: two successes.
· Each dot of average competency in a chosen Ability, to a maximum of four: one success.
· The group recognizes one of the Sidereal's Resplendent Destinies as leader: two successes.
This Charm is limited by the available supply; the Sidereal may not call together a legion of accountants in a tiny desert village, no matter how well he rolls. Members may be united by any shared interest the Sidereal chooses, and the new organization may have any goal that he likes. Improbable combinations – a lady's tea club bent on assassinating the Council of Entities – do not tend to last very long.
Wanting and Fearing Prayer
Cost: 10m, 1wp, 1lhl; Mins: Socialize 5, Essence 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Prayer Strip; Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisite Charms: Fortuitous Fellowship, You and Yours Stance
The Sidereal raises a pair of prayer strips inscribed with the Scripture of the Whore, one in each hand. For each, he names a single individual within ten miles of his current location; each such target must have had at least one scene of interaction with the Sidereal in the current Story, and the Sidereal must have used that opportunity to perform a successful Read Intentions action on the target, learning at least one Intimacy. Over the next five minutes, the Sidereal silently contemplates what he knows of these two individuals. Then, the prayer strips vanish in a burst of blue flame.
The Sidereal names a new relationship between the two targets – regardless of their current connections, or even whether they have met at all. He rolls (Manipulation + Socialize) as an Instill action against both targets, ignoring the penalty for multiple targets. This roll receives double-8s, and the Sidereal may channel Intimacies on it; targets may not spend Willpower to disregard it. If the Sidereal fails to overcome either target's Resolve, the Charm simply terminates. Otherwise, one strip silently reforms around one of each target's bones, which becomes as durable as the strip itself for as long as it remains. This process does not harm the target, and indeed, targets are generally unaware of its effects unless the bone in question is exposed. The strips may be removed only via surgery or the termination of this Charm.
While the strip remains, fate conspires to draw the two targets together. On meeting each other, each immediately develops a Defining Tie towards the other, in a context appropriate to the chosen relationship. Attempts to act against this Intimacy suffer a -3 penalty, while attempts to degrade the Intimacy must be rerolled if successful, taking the lower result.
When the Charm ends, the Intimacy remains, though it loses all supernatural effect and may be degraded or acted against normally.
Handsome Boy Eyes
Cost: 1e; Mins: Socialize 2, Essence 1; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Destiny; Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisite Charms: None
This Charm enhances any attempt to seduce a target. The Sidereal need not do anything other than meet his target's eyes for the Charm to be effective; furthermore, the attempt gains +1 double.
Celestial Bliss Trick
Cost: 2e; Mins: Socialize 4, Essence 2; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Destiny; Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: None
This Charm supplements any sexual interaction with a partner; at the completion of the act (which must last at least three minutes), the partner gains a Defining Tie of lust for the Sidereal.
Whore-and-Virgin Stance
Cost: 1e, 1p; Mins: Socialize 3, Essence 1; Type: Simple
Keywords: Destiny; Duration: One week
Prerequisite Charms: None
On entering a populated area, the Sidereal is recognized as a courtesan or prostitute; within a day, he finds a patron or pimp willing to support him. As long as he maintains this life – which consumes all but seven free hours a week – he is proof against all official investigation. Mundane attempts to locate him automatically fail, and supernatural attempts must contend with his (Manipulation + Socialize), with double-9s.
Coercion by Any Means
Cost: 5m, 1p; Mins: Socialize 5, Essence 5; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Decisive-only; Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Wanting and Fearing Prayer, any two Socialize Destiny Charms
The Sidereal discards society's polite fictions for a darker truth: all force, whatever its source, is the same. While grappling an opponent, he may activate this Charm to enhance any Decisive attempt to savage his foe. As he does so, he declares some attempt at social influence. If his savaging roll would inflict at least one level of damage, it instead inflicts no damage, but the social influence is automatically successful. The target may still spend Willpower to resist it as per the normal rules for social influence, but he must spend one additional point of Willpower to do so.
Stealth: The Mask
Soft Presence Practice
Cost: 4m, 1wp; Mins: Stealth 2, Essence 1; Type: Simple
Keywords: Mute; Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: None
The Sidereal quiets his own Essence so as not to disturb the workings of fate – or blow his cover. While this Charm is active, the Sidereal's Stealth Excellency gains the Mute keyword, and he gains +1 double on all Stealth rolls. As a final benefit, activating this Charm cancels any levels of anima banner the Sidereal currently displays.
Walking Outside Fate
Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Stealth 4, Essence 2; Type: Simple
Keywords: Mute; Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisite Charms: Soft Presence Practice
A Sidereal does not hide; he simply stands where no one happens to look. The Sidereal rolls his (Dexterity + Stealth) and compares the result to the Resolve of all other characters in the scene. Anyone whose Resolve is overcome simply fails to locate the Sidereal, who is always somewhere just out of sight: behind a back, beside a momentary distraction. By removing himself from the entanglements of fate, he also removes all trace of his passage. Mundane attempts to track him automatically fail, and against supernatural attempts he gains +1 double.
An opponent who is aware that the Sidereal (or, at least, that someone) is present may attempt to attack him anyway, but this is treated as an attack on invisible opponent. This Charm terminates if the Sidereal involves himself in the affairs of fate once more, such as by rolling Join Battle, attempting to steal or damage an object for which an observer has a Major or Defining Intimacy, or gaining at least two levels of anima banner.
Subordinate Inspiration Technique
Cost: 1m; Mins: Stealth 5, Essence 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Mute; Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Walking Outside Fate
This Charm may only be activated while its prerequisite is active, and only against a target unaware of the Sidereal's presence. It enhances any attempt at social influence, and it is explicitly allowed to enhance rolls made with other Abilities. If the influence overcomes the target's Resolve, the target believes that he hears only his own thoughts – after all, no one else is there! Targets given a reason to suspect this conclusion may pay three Willpower to realize the words are external to themselves, though this still does not reveal the Sidereal's presence.
If the enhanced influence should fail, the target can roll (Perception + Awareness) against the Sidereal's Guile. If the target succeeds, she realizes that there is an invisible presence in the room with her.
Gift of a Broken Mask
Cost: 6m, 1wp; Mins: Stealth 2, Essence 2; Type: Simple
Keywords: Mute; Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Soft Presence Practice
The Arcane Fate shields the Sidereal from the world, causing all who see him to forget his presence. With this Charm, a Seer may extend this gift – or curse – to another. Activating this Charm, the Sidereal attempts to touch his target. If he succeeds, he rolls (Wits + Stealth) against the target's Resolve. If he overcomes the target's Resolve, the target suffers one day of Arcane Fate, plus one day for each extra success the Sidereal rolled. On the other hand, the target becomes immune to the Arcane Fates of other Sidereals for the duration of the Charm, seeing (and remembering) them as they really are.
With a Stealth 3+, Essence 3+ repurchase, the Sidereal may waive the touch requirement of this Charm, targeting characters at up to Short range. With a third purchase at Stealth 4+, Essence 4+, he may pay an additional point of Willpower to target a group of Size (Sidereal's Essence) or less with a single invocation, affecting any characters whose Resolves are overcome. Such groups tend to go overlooked and unnoticed in their actions.
Blinding the Boar
Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Stealth 4, Essence 2; Type: Simple
Keywords: Mute; Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: None
The Sidereal layers a dozen conflicting fates on top of himself, disguising his true position in a haze of possible futures. While he is clearly present in the scene, his exact location is much harder to discern. He may attempt Stealth actions even while in full view and with no available cover, gaining double-9s to all attempts to do so; regardless of whether he chooses to do so, no details about his identity can be remembered or remarked upon.
As a final benefit, any character targeting the Sidereal applies a -3 penalty to all such actions, as the attacker finds it difficult to concentrate on the Seer directly. Reduce this penalty by one for every action the Sidereal takes in the scene that targets the character or his allies.
Ceasing to Exist Approach
Cost: 5m, 2wp, 1lhl; Mins: Stealth 5, Essence 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Prayer Strip; Duration: Five days
Prerequisite Charms: Blinding the Boar, Subordinate Inspiration Technique (x2)
The Sidereal finds it necessary to be someone else. He pins a prayer strip holding the Scripture of Absence to his chest, where it slithers through his skin to coil about his heart. As it does so, the Sidereal vanishes. Any effect which was targeted at the Sidereal's old identity, such as social influence, tracking attempts, and most non-Instant sorcery and Charm effects, immediately ceases. Anyone who attempts to investigate the person that the Sidereal was reaches the inescapable conclusion that, by all evidence, that person no longer exists.
Elsewhere in Creation, the Sidereal reappears and assumes a new identity. The Maidens choose where the Seer re-emerges, but he may shape the details of his own new seeming – as long as he does not impersonate a particular existing person. Mortals, Exalts, and spirits of various sorts are all legitimate choices for the new self, though the Sidereal may not take the identity of a being with a higher Essence than he has. Regardless, the Sidereal retains his normal statistics, though he loses his existing Backgrounds in favor of fifteen dots of new Backgrounds suited to his new identity. No such Background may exceed three dots.
From the perspective of the community, the Sidereal has always been present; the weave of fate makes a place for him, and the people around him accept his presence in it. Over the next day or so, people approach him to make connections and provide faces corresponding to his chosen backgrounds. Should the Sidereal use any magic inappropriate to his identity, or simply fail to act the part well, members of the community will invent justifications for his odd behavior. Realizing that the Sidereal does not belong requires the expenditure of three points of Willpower.
Five days later – or sooner, if the Sidereal terminates the Charm or reaches the second level of his anima display – the Charm ends, as the Sidereal coughs back up the tattered remains of the prayer strip. The false identity melts away, and the Seer finds himself once more in a place that his true identity would consider home.
Privacy-Enhancing Gesture
Cost: 1e; Mins: Stealth 3, Essence 1; Type: Simple
Keywords: Destiny; Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: None
The Sidereal seals away the area in his current range band, preventing supernatural scrying or observation within that area. Any magic that states it can pierce such wards must contend with the Sidereal's (Intelligence + Stealth) with double-9s; if such magic succeeds in piercing the ward, the Sidereal is still alerted to the fact that someone is observing him.
Foot Treads No Twig
Cost: 1e, 1p; Mins: Stealth 4, Essence 2; Type: Simple
Keywords: Destiny; Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: None
The Sidereal may use (Dexterity + Stealth) as his Join Battle roll, also treating the result as an attempt to re-establish surprise.
Everywhere and Nowhere Technique
Cost: 1e, 3p; Mins: Stealth 4, Essence 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Destiny; Duration: One week
Prerequisite Charms: None
The Sidereal hides where no one would look for him, in hidden fractions of an instant, or behind the door to a long-ignored room. Many within (Essence) miles of his position gain a strange, prickly sensation of presence, just out of sight – a sense that, though alone in their homes, another breathes in the shadows nearby. Should they check, such paranoia is inevitably unfounded; and if some morsel of food has gone missing when they return, few think to notice.
Such concealment is profitable, but exhausting. The Sidereal avoids all official or legal investigation. Mundane attempts to locate him automatically fail, and supernatural attempts must contend with his (Manipulation + Performance), with double-8s. Should anyone succeed in locating him, or should he choose to reveal himself, he may still disappear instantly if unobserved in any location with shadows; in combat, this allows him to ignore the penalty on a Go to Ground roll. In exchange, the Sidereal is left with only seven free hours a week. Within this time, however, he may view any place within (Essence) miles, so long as those places are not protected by any supernatural guard against observation or intrusion.
Birthing the Maiden of Wisdom
Cost: 15m, 4p; Mins: Stealth 5, Essence 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: -; Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: Ceasing to Exist Approach, any two Stealth Destiny Charms
The Sidereal's anima leaps suddenly to full bloom and beyond: it shines a pure, unstained white, its edges flickering through the colors of the spectrum. The Sidereal is treated as simultaneously being a member of all five Castes; among other things, this means that he benefits from all Sidereal anima powers simultaneously. Any allies within Long range similarly benefit from these anima effects.
Survival: The Ship's Wheel
Adopting the Untamed Face
Cost: 2m; Mins: Survival 1, Essence 1; Type: Simple
Keywords: -; Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: None
Spotting a mundane animal, the Sidereal braids his fate into that of its totem god. For the remainder of the scene, he may communicate with the animal normally and can channel Intimacies on social influence targeting it. Such influence also benefits from +1 double.
Becoming the Wilderness
Cost: 4m; Mins: Survival 2, Essence 1; Type: Simple
Keywords: -; Duration: One day
Prerequisite Charms: None
The Sidereal accepts the wild, untamed land in which he finds himself, and he is bound into its pattern as part of it. For the remainder of the day, he may ignore any penalties and difficulty increases stemming from the rough terrain in which he finds himself, such as penalties to movement from uneven ground or tangling vines. He may also ignore severe heat and cold, as per the environmental hazards of the same name, and may channel Intimacies on any Resistance rolls due to harsh environmental conditions.
This Charm does not apply to environmental penalties in cultivated lands, such as cities, gardens, or the world-bodies of Primordials. With a Survival 3+, Essence 2+ repurchase, the Sidereal may weave himself into such orderly patterns as well, gaining the benefits of this Charm everywhere.
Dreaming the Wild Lands
Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Survival 4, Essence 2; Type: Simple
Keywords: -; Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Adopting the Untamed Face, Becoming the Wilderness
The Sidereal reaches out until his hand obscures some small environmental feature from sight, then drags his closed fist to a new position and releases it. When he lowers his hand, the feature has moved to its new position. This Charm may target any small geographical feature, as long as it fits into a single range band. Both the target's original and final positions must be within Long range of the Sidereal. As the feature moves, other geographical elements will fill in around both ends of the motion as appropriate; so, for instance, moving "a clearing" will cause its former location to fill with brush and trees.
In combat, the Sidereal may use this Charm to hurl geographical features at his enemies. This functions as an environmental hazard with damage (Sidereal's Essence)B/round and difficulty (Sidereal's Essence or 5, whichever is lower). Particularly appropriate hazards – throwing a bonfire, say – may change the damage type to lethal. Either way, the hazard generally lasts only for the round in which the Sidereal moves it, unless he chooses to move a feature that was already a hazard in its own right.
Sky and Rain Mantra
Cost: 10m; Mins: Survival 3, Essence 2; Type: Simple
Keywords: -; Duration: One day
Prerequisite Charms: None
The Sidereal tangles the destinies of wind and water to create harsh weather or picks at the knots to ease it. Each activating of this Charm targets an area of no more than (Essence) miles in diameter, which must include the Sidereal. As the Charm activates, the Sidereal rolls (Stamina + Survival) and conjures a weather system over the area. Created weather may be unusual (a hurricane out of season), but not outright unnatural (a blizzard in the southern deserts). For each success on the activation roll, the weather imposes a -1 penalty on all appropriate actions within its area of effect. A hurricane, for instance, would impose its penalty on controlling ships, but probably not to feats of arithmetic below decks.
Alternatively, the Sidereal may soothe existing weather patterns, reducing any such penalties by 1 for each success. He may choose to create rain in dry areas, and regardless of his successes, the difficulty of any Survival rolls to forage for food is decreased by one.
At Survival 5+, Essence 3+, the Sidereal may create freakish or unnatural weather.
With a Survival 4+, Essence 3+ repurchase, his hostile weather patterns may also gain the effects of "severe heat/cold," as per the environmental hazard table, though doing so decreases the duration of this Charm to one hour. With a second repurchase at survival 5+, Essence 4+, he can pay an additional point of Willpower to create effects comparable to "Severe sandstorm."
Sky Spirit Demand
Cost: 8m, 1wp; Mins: Survival 4, Essence 2; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: -; Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Sky and Rain Mantra (x1)
The Sidereal does not threaten the spirits of the air; why bother, when they are willing to trade? This Charm enhances any Instill action to create a new Intimacy, as long as that action targets a spirit conceptually related to the air. Appropriate gods or elementals, demons descended from Adorjan, and the ghosts of those who died by falling are all legitimate targets for this Charm. It is explicitly permitted to enhance rolls of other Abilities. The Sidereal entreats the spirit to see his point of view, promising to return the favor; if the Instill action succeeds, the spirit gains the chosen Intimacy at the Defining level, while the Sidereal gains one of the spirit's Defining Intimacies (of its choosing) as a Major Intimacy. For the remainder of the Story, both Intimacies resist removal; either character must pay one Willpower to act against his Intimacy for a scene, and attempts to erode either Intimacy must be rerolled if successful. Should either Intimacy be lost, or at the end of the Story, the Charm's lingering magical effects fade, and the Intimacies become mundane in every way.
Wilderness-Commanding Practice
Cost: 10m, 1wp, 1lhl; Mins: Survival 5, Essence 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Prayer Strip; Duration: Five days
Prerequisite Charms: Dreaming the Wild Lands, Sky Spirit Demand
The Sidereal releases a prayer strip bearing the Scripture of the Maiden Entombed, which flutters before his eyes, trailing golden sparks. As long as he stares at the strip, he gains the following benefits. First, he may perceive all events within five range bands as though standing in every range band at once, as long as those range bands could fairly be considered wilderness. Second, he may communicate with any animals within that area by using Adopting the Untamed Face; while no actual words are spoken, the animals read his intent in the shift of wind and scenery. Third, the Sidereal may waive the Willpower cost to use Dreaming the Wild Lands and can extend its reach throughout the observed territory, though he may still only use it to perform attacks within Long range. Fourth, he may activate Sky and Rain Mantra a single time without paying its mote cost. Fifth, he may increase or decrease the difficulty of any Resistance rolls to live in the area by up to 3.
The prayer strip used to activate this Charm does not move from its initial position, and the Charms effects persist only while the Sidereal remains in the same range band as it. Should the Sidereal leave and return before the end of the five days, he may resume staring at the strip.
Stronger Than This Job
Cost: 1e; Mins: Survival 3, Essence 2; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Destiny; Duration: One day
Prerequisite Charms: None
So long as the Sidereal has a job to do, any penalties he would suffer due to fatigue or deprivation are treated as bonus dice. In combat time, this effect merely allows him to ignore such penalties.
Marshaling Infinite Strength
Cost: 1e; Mins: Survival 2, Essence 1; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Destiny; Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisite Charms: None
The Sidereal can finish any task he begins. As long as it is reasonably possible that a task could be performed, he may activate this Charm. For the duration of the task, he may ignore any penalties that accrue over its duration from fatigue, injury, environmental conditions, deprivation, and so on. He can still be harmed or even killed by these effects – but the work proceeds. Even after death, his ghost (and his reanimated corpse, if relatively intact) continue to work towards its completion.
This Charm deactivates immediately if the Sidereal stops working on or completes the chosen task.
Poetic Sacrifice Insurance
Cost: 2e, 1p; Mins: Survival 3, Essence 1; Type: Simple
Keywords: Destiny; Duration: One day
Prerequisite Charms: None
As long as the Sidereal continues moving, he can cross any terrain, no matter how harsh. He may cover at least ten miles per day through the roughest terrain, and at least twenty miles per day through all other territory. As an added benefit, he can gather food as he runs, allowing him to make Survival rolls to collect sustenance without slowing his travel. This Charm terminates if he ever stops moving.
Oar-Cracking Exertion
Cost: 5m, 1hl, 1p; Mins: Survival 5, Essence 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: -; Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Wilderness-Commanding Practice, any two Survival Destiny Charms
The Sidereal gives every measure of devotion; he will not fail, though it cost him his life. Activating this Charm, he gains three points of temporary Willpower, though points over his permanent Willpower are wasted. The bashing damage suffered for this Charm cannot be healed through any means other than natural healing at the regular speed.
Thrown: The Gull
Willful Weapon Method
Cost: 1; Mins: Thrown 1, Essence 1; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Uniform; Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: None
The Sidereal mimes throwing his weapon, but instead casts only its shadow, conserving the missile for future use. The shadow still cuts as the weapon itself would, though it fades away to nothing after striking or missing.
The Sidereal may channel Intimacies on attacks made with a weapon's shadow.
Life Gets Worse Approach
Cost: 3m, 1wp; Mins: Thrown 2, Essence 1; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Decisive-Only; Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: None
The Sidereal makes the Inferior Sign of the Gull; the sigil glows in yellow runes across the surface of his thrown weapon. If the Decisive attack hits, the Sidereal gains +1 double on the damage roll. If his attack inflicts at least one level of damage, the thrown weapon remains embedded in the wound (even if it would normally shatter or disintegrate, as per weapons created via Willful Weapon Method). As a Simple action, any nearby character may try to pull the weapon from the wound, rolling (Strength + Athletics) at a difficulty of (Sidereal's Thrown).
While the weapon remains embedded, the sigils on its surface continue to glow. The light calls to objects nearby, urging them to bind their fates to its. The unfortunate target finds that loose objects nearby are drawn to her: insects, debris, small birds... and weapons. Any time a ranged attack misses a character other than the target who is within close range of her, the Sidereal may terminate commitment to this Charm. If he does so, the attack is repeated against the target, enhanced by whatever Charms applied to it the first time, as the errant weapon is drawn to another mark.
Once this Charm ends, the embedded weapon falls harmlessly from the wound.
Essence Thorn Practice
Cost: 5m; Mins: Thrown 2, Essence 1; Type: Simple
Keywords: Decisive-Only; Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: None
The Sidereal plucks at empty air, and the thread of his target's fate appears between his fingers, stretched taut. In his other hand, a blade of glowing light forms; he attaches this blade to the strand of fate and releases both. The strand of fate snaps back towards its owner, pulling the blade with it; in its wake, the Sidereal is carried along as well.
This Charm produces a Decisive Thrown attack against a target at Medium range or less; the attack does not require an Aim action. If it succeeds, it inflicts only (Sidereal's Essence) dice of damage, ignoring Hardness, and the Sidereal may reflexively move one range band towards the target. This movement is automatically successful, even if it would ordinarily require a Disengage action. The Sidereal does not reset to base Initiative on a successful attack.
This Charm may only be used once per scene, though it can be reset by Crashing or Incapacitating an enemy via Thrown attacks.
Pain-Amplification Strategem
Cost: 4m, 1wp; Mins: Thrown 3, Essence 2; Type: Simple
Keywords: -; Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: Life Gets Worse Approach
The Sidereal weeps three tears of blood - not for his own suffering, but for the pain his enemies will soon experience – and wipes them on his blade. For the rest of the scene, he may discount the cost of reducing the TN for his Thrown attacks by an amount equal to his target's current wound penalty. This reduction applies to the total cost of the TN reduction; against a target suffering a -1 wound penalty, the Sidereal may inflict -1 TN for three motes, -2 TN for seven motes, or -3 TN for eleven motes. If used to enhance an attack that would strike more than one target, the Sidereal benefits from the highest wound penalties among them.
Shadow-Piercing Needle
Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Thrown 3, Essence 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Dual; Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: Essence Thorn Practice
In a spray of yellow sparks, the Sidereal hones his weapon's edge against the edge of his target's fate. When he releases it, the blade slides down the edge of the strand to find vulnerable flesh. If used to enhance a Withering attack, this attack ignores the target's soak from armor; if used to enhance a Decisive attack, this attack is undodgeable and may only be parried. Either way, this Charm may only be used once per scene, though it is reset whenever the Sidereal's wound penalty increases. If an attack enhanced by this Charm strikes a creature of darkness, that target may not respire motes except via Charms and combat for the remainder of the day.
Unrelenting Torment Technique
Cost: 10m, 1wp, 1lhl; Mins: Thrown 5, Essence 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Decisive-Only, Psyche; Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: Essence Thorn Practice, Pain Amplification Stratagem, Willful Weapon Method
The Sidereal raises a prayer strip etched with the Scripture of the Maiden and Shadow. The strip takes on a knife-edged rigidity in his hands, and he throws it at a target within Medium range. This requires a Decisive Thrown attack that does require Aim actions, inflict damage, or reset the Sidereal to base Initiative. The attack is unblockable; it can only be dodged. If it strikes its target, the prayer strip adheres to him and can only be removed by destroying it.
For as long as the prayer strip remains, the target glows a pale, unwholesome yellow. He feels a terrible compulsion to kill the Sidereal who has placed it there; while he may attack other targets who get in his way or threaten him, he may only do so as a means to clearing a route to the Sidereal. He is also compelled to protect the prayer strip; he cannot attack it himself, nor can he passively allow another to strike it away. Resisting this compulsion costs one Willpower per action, to a maximum of five Willpower for the scene.
Any time the Sidereal takes one or more levels of damage for the remainder of the scene, a glowing yellow hatchet appears in the Sidereal's hands. He may immediately and reflexively hurl the hatchet away, where it homes in on the original target at any distance up to the first Extreme range band. This counts as a Decisive attack, which may be enhanced with Excellencies or other Thrown Charms as he pleases. Regardless of whether or not the attack succeeds, the Sidereal does not forfeit any Initiative.
If the hatchet connects, it deals (Essence) dice of damage to the target, ignoring Hardness. For every level of damage dealt to the target, the Sidereal heals one health level.
Honest Face Spirit
Cost: 1e; Mins: Thrown 1, Essence 1; Type: Simple
Keywords: Destiny; Duration: One week
Prerequisite Charms: None
The Sidereal has an honest face; he keeps it always at hand for when he must put it on. Any employer who ponders the Sidereal's trustworthiness for a menial task will inevitably conclude that he can trust the Seer.
Good Worker Spirit
Cost: 1e; Mins: Thrown 3, Essence 1; Type: Simple
Keywords: Destiny; Duration: One month
Prerequisite Charms: None
The Sidereal looks far too busy to be accused of lazing around, regardless of how little he actually produces. All those who observe him find it impossible to believe that he could be less than entirely dedicated to the job. This illusion may be dispelled at a cost of two Willpower, but even so, the Bureau of Destiny is plagued by Sidereals using its power on their official work.
Joyous Grasshopper Spirit
Cost: 1e (+2e); Mins: Thrown 4, Essence 2; Type: Simple
Keywords: Destiny; Duration: One season
Prerequisite Charms: None
Look to the ant: see how long he labors and how little he enjoys the fruit of his work. The grasshopper may die tonight, but he will die happily. For the purposes of increasing his Resolve and channeling Intimacies only, the Sidereal is treated as having a Defining Principle of "I will enjoy myself to the fullest and express that enjoyment fully." This Charm costs an additional two Endurance during the season of Water.
Satisfaction in Emptiness
Cost: 5m, 4p; Mins: Thrown 5, Essence 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: -; Duration: One month
Prerequisite Charms: Unrelenting Torment Technique, any two Thrown Destiny Charms
The Sidereal throws away the part of himself that can be moved by emotion. For the remainder of the month, the Sidereal becomes resistant to any attempt to Inspire emotion in him other than simple happiness or joy in life. He may add +(Essence) to his Resolve against any such effects; even if successful, they must be re-rolled, taking the lower of the two results. The Sidereal may waive the Paradox cost of this Charm and increase its duration to "One season" by abandoning an artifact as he activates it. The abandoned item must be made generally inaccessible: left in the wilderness, say, or thrown into the ocean. Should the Sidereal ever retrieve it, he faces immediate Pattern Bite.
War: The Shield
Auspicious Recruitment Drive
Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: War 1, Essence 1; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: -; Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: None
The Sidereal calls for allies, and discovers them already waiting for him. This Charm supplements any attempt to gather recruits or organize a military unit, allowing it to be completed over the course of a five-minute dramatic action rather than the days that would normally be required. It can explicitly be used to enhance rolls using Abilities other than war.
In combat, this Charm can enhance a Rally for Numbers order, allowing the Sidereal to call back not only his own soldiers but also those drawn by fate. The Sidereal recovers one point of Magnitude per success, instead of the normal one per two successes.
Red Haze
Cost: -; Mins: War 2, Essence 1; Type: Permanent
Keywords: -; Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: None
As the Sidereal shouts commands, red stardust – visible only to those who can see dematerialized spirits – descends from heaven. Coating the Seer's forces, it binds their fates together. Whenever the Sidereal gives an order to a battle group, the battle group is treated as if its Drill was one step higher until the Sidereal's next turn. If this Charm is invoked on behalf of an Elite unit, that unit gains one automatic success on all rout checks until the Sidereal's next turn.
Training Mandate of Auspicious Battle
Cost: 10m, 1wp; Mins: War 2, Essence 1; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: -; Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: None
This Charm supplements any attempt to train a battle group of Size no greater than the Sidereal's Essence. The training itself is a week-long process, but after it completes, the fate of its members is forever bound together. Whenever that unit fights as a single complete battle group, it lowers the TN on all of its attacks by one. This effect does not stack with Sidereal astrology. As a final benefit, the unit counts as having one additional point of Size for the purpose of any Sidereal Battle Pattern Charms.
Predestined Triumph Practice
Cost: 10m, 1wp; Mins: War 5, Essence 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: -; Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Auspicious Recruitment Drive
The Sidereal leads his men to the victory he knows they have already achieved. Activating this Charm, the Sidereal performs an automatically-successful Rally action. This Charm may be activated only once per scene, though it is reset whenever the Sidereal's army destroys another battle group or Incapacitates a powerful, threatening enemy of strength comparable to the Sidereal's own.
Training Mandate of Celestial Empowerment
Cost: 6m, 1wp; Mins: War 4, Essence 2; Type: Simple
Keywords: -; Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Predestined Triumph Practice, Training Mandate of Auspicious Battle
Over the course of a week of training, the Sidereal binds a unit of up to (Essence + War) characters together. From this point on, they count as a single being for the purpose of being targeted by Sidereal astrology applied by that Sidereal, with an Essence equal to the highest Essence in the group.
Training Mandate of War-God Puissance
Cost: 10m, 1wp; Mins: War 4, Essence 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Decisive-Only; Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Training Mandate of Celestial Empowerment
Over the course of a month of training, the Sidereal raises a unit of mortals or spirits. At the end of that month, he may improve the unit's Drill by one notch. If the unit was originally of Poor Drill, this causes its statistics to increase to the statistics of battle-ready soldiers; inhuman soldiers beginning at Poor Drill see a similar improvement, averaging a two-die increase in all combat-related pools. Any being trained via this Charm counts as an honorary member of the Crimson Panoply of Victory, which grants it war-time authority over beings whose Essence is no more than one dot higher than its own.
When used on a unit of spirits, the Charm gains other benefits, which last until the next Calibration:
· Any spirits in the group may enhance their Archery, Brawl, Dodge, Melee, and War rolls via Excellencies. Spirits can spend up to (Essence) motes on any use of these Excellencies, with each mote buying one die on a rolled action, and each two motes buying a +1 on a static rating.
· The battle group can materialize by spending a single point of Willpower.
Momentum-Draining Battle Pattern
Cost: 5m; Mins: War 5, Essence 3; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Battle Pattern; Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: Predestined Triumph Practice
Activating this Charm, the Sidereal chooses a unit he commands and entangles his destiny with it. Whenever he gives an attack Order to the unit, he may designate a single target; if the battle group attacks that target before the start of the Sidereal's next turn, the Seer may gain Initiative from the attack as though he were the one making it. Attacks that damage the target's health track to do not grant Initiative.
Demon-Blocking Battle Pattern
Cost: 5m; Mins: War 2, Essence 1; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Battle Pattern, Holy; Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: Predestined Triumph Practice, Red Haze
Activating this Charm, the Sidereal chooses a unit he commands and calls it to the defense of Creation. Whenever he gives any command to the unit, the unit's Defense bonus from its Drill increases by one against attacks from creatures of darkness until the start of the Sidereal's next turn. If the unit successfully strikes any creature of darkness, the Sidereal gains (unit's Size) points of Initiative, though this bonus may recur no more than once per round.
Spirit-Binding Battle Pattern
Cost: 10m, 1wp, 1lhl; Mins: War 5, Essence 4; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Battle Pattern, Prayer Strip; Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: Demon-Blocking Battle Pattern, Momentum-Draining Battle Pattern, Training Mandate of War-God Puissance
The Seer runs his fingers across a prayer strip on which is written the Scripture of the Maiden at War. It burns to ash, scorching his fingers, and he names a god, elemental, or demon of Essence 5 or lower. Other Sidereals may assist in this invocation, even if they do not know the Charm; for each additional caste of Sidereal participating, the maximum Essence of the spirit increases by one.
The Sidereal begins building a die pool to bind the chosen spirit, as per the rules for the spell Demon of the First Circle. The pool begins at zero dice. Every time the unit loses one or more points of Magnitude, the Sidereal gains one die to this pool. Every time the unit loses an entire point of Size, the Sidereal gains dice equal to (unit's previous Size).
On any of his turns, the Sidereal may terminate this Charm, taking a Simple action and rolling dice equal to his current pool. If he overcomes the target's Resolve, the spirit appears and is bound to fight on his behalf until the end of the scene.
Wounded Lion Strength
Cost: 2e; Mins: War 1, Essence 1; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Destiny, Uniform; Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: None
The Sidereal may add his current wound penalty to the damage of a single attack.
Hero's Iron Skin
Cost: 3e; Mins: War 2, Essence 1; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Destiny; Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: None
So long as the Sidereal wears no armor, he possesses a natural Hardness of 5.
Aspect of the Bear
Cost: 2e, 1p, 3a; Mins: War 3, Essence 1; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Destiny; Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: None
The Sidereal's anima reshapes itself into the form of a great bear, which bellows a terrifying roar. He may immediately force a battle group within Long range to check for rout. This effect may be used no more than once per scene.
Understanding Ecstatic Ways
Cost: 11m, 3p; Mins: War 5, Essence 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: -; Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: Spirit-Binding Battle Pattern, any two War Destiny Charms
The Sidereal separates his thread from the patterns of offense, shielding himself within the lie that he is a violent outsider to whom civilized rules do not apply. For the remainder of the scene, no character can take offense at his actions. He may still face legal repercussions, and those he assaults may defend themselves as normal – but no one will hold his rough behavior against him, even should it extend to murder. Furthermore, ordinary citizens – those with no legal obligation to intervene – will generally feel no need to act to restrain him. Resisting this effect costs three Willpower, which immunizes a character against the Charm for five days.