Resident Catblob
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Also to last chain-post. That Solars have had Charm issues and the 3e corebook has its issues...yet still are a popular splat says there is an appeal to them. Not everyone has it, and i think they still could be refined, mind.
I think the 3e general emphasis of them as First Amongst Equals, and Essence's focus on light, Intimacies, and tactical efficiency I kind of like. Where they outgrow higher power through the utilization of tools and methods around them is neat to me and fits a bit more the Genre Hero vibes they have in inspiration. The biggest thing I think 3e was hesitant on until it wasn't was letting Solars Go Weird. I think more stuff like Glorious Solar Saber, Null Anima Gloves, Faster than Self, etc.) I think also there was some 1e and 2e thing where "Solars just were so good they ignore systems" which I think if written more with long term game health in mind, we'd get better esults from.
Kind of put simply I like the omni-Resonance, MA access, sorcery access, and good dice cap as the base. But I think that this should have been then been used to allow Charms to be intersting without just winning/best or ignoring systems. Morke was ultimatley still thinking in a 2e mindset of everyone else bieng ultimatley an NPC/optioanl extra game, not osmething to actulaly interact with future Charms in ways tha were meaningful. ANd less I Win buttons and mroe stuff like in Lunars or Sidereals with empahsis on again, light, leadership, and Intimaices would have probalby doen a lot there. Not every splat needs to be everything. Lunars showed that with focusing on being a particular kind of shapeshifter. Solars could do that with bbieng a particular kind of genre hero.
I think the 3e general emphasis of them as First Amongst Equals, and Essence's focus on light, Intimacies, and tactical efficiency I kind of like. Where they outgrow higher power through the utilization of tools and methods around them is neat to me and fits a bit more the Genre Hero vibes they have in inspiration. The biggest thing I think 3e was hesitant on until it wasn't was letting Solars Go Weird. I think more stuff like Glorious Solar Saber, Null Anima Gloves, Faster than Self, etc.) I think also there was some 1e and 2e thing where "Solars just were so good they ignore systems" which I think if written more with long term game health in mind, we'd get better esults from.
Kind of put simply I like the omni-Resonance, MA access, sorcery access, and good dice cap as the base. But I think that this should have been then been used to allow Charms to be intersting without just winning/best or ignoring systems. Morke was ultimatley still thinking in a 2e mindset of everyone else bieng ultimatley an NPC/optioanl extra game, not osmething to actulaly interact with future Charms in ways tha were meaningful. ANd less I Win buttons and mroe stuff like in Lunars or Sidereals with empahsis on again, light, leadership, and Intimaices would have probalby doen a lot there. Not every splat needs to be everything. Lunars showed that with focusing on being a particular kind of shapeshifter. Solars could do that with bbieng a particular kind of genre hero.