On one hand, Avoidance is Dodge 5, so I guess it isn't unthinkable that not every Sidereal would invest that much just to get such an iconic Sidereal Charm.

In the other hand, how did the - at least - 9% of all Sidereals that don't know it get away with all being put on the same Convention?
Well, four of the 9 are PCs, and I don't think any of us have played Sids before. As for the NPCs, at that point it hadn't come up before and was just funny.

Alternatively our Convention's only Serenity is a PC and invested into craft, socialize and thrown moreso than dodge.
Hi all, haven't posted on SV in ages. Does there happen to be a collection of 2nd and 3rd circle demon write ups on SV?

Or do I just have to hunt and peck via searches and reading one by one, hundreds if not thousands of posts? If there is a more efficient search method, I would love to know. Thank you in advance. :D

Most collections were, unfortunately, stored on White-Wolf-affiliated sites that are now dead.

I can at least point you to my own attempt to provide Metagaos with souls.
Hi all, haven't posted on SV in ages. Does there happen to be a collection of 2nd and 3rd circle demon write ups on SV?

Or do I just have to hunt and peck via searches and reading one by one, hundreds if not thousands of posts? If there is a more efficient search method, I would love to know. Thank you in advance. :D

Tenfoldshield has some demons under tenfoldshield's stuff.
I know a been a bit spammy. But here is my Dragonblood Spider Lady! She is a Mnemon and most of her clan lives in forest that's basically red woods but with Sakura Trees on the Blessed Isle. The yellow markings on the abdomen is a special kind of paint. Since their more chitinous than fluffy for a spider. They often decorate the spider parts of the body!

Spoiler'ed cause she is very much a large Spider Lady.
Honestly I don't think you have to worry about spamming art. Its quality content and this good foe the thread

I always wanted to get a Arachne Sidereal and I finally got that. With the big stunning question of 'What if you were a big spider and did the spider SMA'. She is more lean than DB spider cause she is more of a hunting one than a web weaver.
True and real.

Btw to everyone here. If you see any of my art and got 'Damn that looks cool, wish I could use it'. Feel free! As like NPC's or your own PC's I don't mind at all! I have people occasionally PM me about that! One rule is just tell them I commissioned it :)

Second is to tell me reactions cause I fucking love it when people talk about my OC's. (Not really a rule ;v)
Btw to everyone here. If you see any of my art and got 'Damn that looks cool, wish I could use it'. Feel free! As like NPC's or your own PC's I don't mind at all! I have people occasionally PM me about that! One rule is just tell them I commissioned it :)

Second is to tell me reactions cause I fucking love it when people talk about my OC's. (Not really a rule ;v)
*takes notes for Realm Civil War game*
*blue butterfly lady whose name I forget in particular*
*takes notes for Realm Civil War game*
*blue butterfly lady whose name I forget in particular*
Her name is actually Maggie lol. Something that has bit of a sharp contrast.

Content spam is good.

So why are they spiders?

Sorcery? Wyld mutations? Homebrew Terrestrial Dynasty Charms?
Their just beastmen. They been around on the Blessed Isle as long as anyone can remember. Deeply integrated into Realm society, but often live in the massive forests on the realm among the treetops. Living in a city is nice and all, but having extremely really elaborate homes where they can use webs a lot is a pretty big part of their culture.

Like its important to remember that the Blessed Isle did not suddenly start existing the moment the Realm was started. People been living their before the divine revolution.
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How many Getimian exaltations are there in total? And are there any homebrew resources to look at for them? Because iirc there's just a few paragraphs or so in the exalted essence book.
Her name is actually Maggie lol. Something that has bit of a sharp contrast.

Do you mind if she isn't an Infernal?

How many Getimian exaltations are there in total? And are there any homebrew resources to look at for them? Because iirc there's just a few paragraphs or so in the exalted essence book.

I don't think we're given totals for any of the Exaltations anymore, save for Sidereals, and in the Getimian's case I don't believe they reincarnate anyway
Do you mind if she isn't an Infernal?

I don't think we're given totals for any of the Exaltations anymore, save for Sidereals, and in the Getimian's case I don't believe they reincarnate anyway
Go nuts! Probably would have to change her Revolver as it's very much corrupted Moonsilver lol.

My suggestion to make her pop is to play pretty hard into the cowboy bit. I done that with a DB who as not!Sakamoto Ryōma and my players fucking loved it.
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How many Getimian exaltations are there in total? And are there any homebrew resources to look at for them? Because iirc there's just a few paragraphs or so in the exalted essence book.
Crucible of Legends Proposes that there are approximately 64 on page 153 along with numbers for other exaltations, however it makes it clear these suggestions are not intended as canonical.
Go nuts! Probably would have to change her Revolver as it's very much corrupted Moonsilver lol.

My suggestion to make her pop is to play pretty hard into the cowboy bit. I done that with a DB who as not!Sakamoto Ryōma and my players fucking loved it.
Nice. I dunno who Sakamoto Ryoma is but I love me a cowboy/cowgirl <3

I got a flirty hedonist vibe from her so I was thinking Cynis drug developer. Pairing that with a Righteous Devil/cowgirl aesthetic would be... interesting. And showing up to the formal wedding that kicks the game off in a cowgirl outfit would certainly be a statement. I dunno of what yet but it'd be something xD

I also thought about giving her Obsidian Death of Butterflies, but they're blue and fly out of her tattoo. Not for any particularly great character reason I just think it'd look cool. Shit now I kinda just wanna make this character but I'm the one running the game...
Thanks! I really like the mirror, which the artist made significantly larger than I imaged but which I think works really well at that size (still need to figure out what it *does* but thats a seperate issue).

The clothes though are all me and I had a ton of fun planning out the different layers of the robe to give him a distinct look while still matching historical styles
Badass. I love the rainbow effect on the staff, looks like a mirror in his chest(?) and the claw arm is cool.

(I doubt they're related, but my PBP sid game had a guy with a soulsteel replacement arm.)
It is a mirror, which is going to be some form of defensive artifact though what exactly it does is still tbd.

And it doesn't come across in the oicture, but the gauntlet creates wires he uses to manipulate his puppet constructs
I have some questions:

Who is little beam? Is he the son of unconquered sun?

And who's the little sister and Nox?

I heard some interesting info about a son of luna and sun, is he relevant to the setting or is he a plot hook?

What would happen if Sol had a kid with a mortal woman or someone with a low essence rating? Would the resulting kid be a godblood or a full on god?
I have some questions:

Who is little beam? Is he the son of unconquered sun?

And who's the little sister and Nox?

I heard some interesting info about a son of luna and sun, is he relevant to the setting or is he a plot hook?

What would happen if Sol had a kid with a mortal woman or someone with a low essence rating? Would the resulting kid be a godblood or a full on god?
1) Little Beam is from a 2e supplement book, Glories of the Most High: The Unconqeured Sun. He might be Sol's son, he might be a charlatan, but it's a dangerous claim to make if it's false and he uses it to spend most of his time in Creation trying to help the returning Solars, so he's either telling the truth or he's a liar who's totally unconcerned about Bronze Faction Sidereals.

2) Both from another 2e book, Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals. They're essentially 'what-if?'s, offered as potential explanations for the Convention of Oversight - the book says, "Three possibilities for the truth behind the mask are described below. Pick one, combine elements from them or make up something of your own." but the entire Convention of Oversight concept isn't mentioned in 3e, so it's very much a 'it exists if you want it to' sort of deal. Anyway, the Little Sister is a sixth Maiden the others made to arbitrate decisions while they kept to the Games of Divinity, and Nox is their brother who represented possibilities and probability as the flipside of the deterministic Fate of the Maidens, but he sided with the Primordials in the war and had to be wrestled into submission, and is now basically lobotomised and hooked up to the Loom of Fate to keep it running. There's a fan-made supplement written about him called the Nocturnals, you can probably find it floating around somewhere, they're pretty cool.

3) He's a little aside in Glories of the Most High: Luna, mentioned as a possibility. There's not much to go on, he's basically an offhand mention for people to pick up and run with if they want.

4) It's happened, they're God-Blooded, just particularly powerful (for God-Blooded).
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1) Little Beam is from a 2e supplement book, Glories of the Most High: The Unconqeured Sun. He might be Sol's son, he might be a charlatan, but it's a dangerous claim to make if it's false and he uses it to spend most of his time in Creation trying to help the returning Solars, so he's either telling the truth or he's a liar who's totally unconcerned about Bronze Faction Sidereals.

2) Both from another 2e book, Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals. They're essentially 'what-if?'s, the Little Sister is a sixth Maiden the others apparently made to arbitrate decisions sometimes, and Nox is their brother who represented possibilities and probability as the flipside of the deterministic Fate of the Maidens, but he sided with the Primordials in the war and had to be wrestled into submission, and is now basically lobotomised and hooked up to the Loom of Fate to keep it running. There's a fan-made supplement written about him called the Nocturnals, you can probably find it floating around somewhere, they're pretty cool, but you can also just ignore him if he's not useful for your game.

3) He's a little aside in Glories of the Most High: Luna, mentioned as a possibility. There's not much to go on, he's basically an offhand mention for people to pick up and run with if they want.

4) It's happened, they're God-Blooded, just particularly powerful (for God-Blooded).