And some of them are still in this very thread 😔
So, softball change of topic to something that's not appallingly creepy, aimed at the thread in general:
What is a specific city on Creation that you've wanted to set a story in? I ran a game set entirely in and around the Imperial City earlier this year, and like... The scale of it and the incredibly blunt and metaphorically resonant contrast between its rich and poor neighbourhoods and how tied in it is to the machinery of Empire makes it a super evocative location.
At one point, I was running a scene set in a working class neighbourhood. Separating it from a wealthy neighbourhood was this like, section from the walls of the old Greater Zhao capital of Red Fan, stolen and reassembled brick by brick as a triumph after its conquest. So, this turned into a chase scene, with one person the PCs were after running further into the neighbourhood, and the other just straight up climbed the wall to escape on the other side. Stupid me, I expected the PCs to pick one or the other, but instead they split up to chase both.
So suddenly I'm jumping back and forth with like, this one chase scene of two Dragon-Blooded chasing another over the rooftops of this high end shopping district flush with wealth extracted from the entire world, and another with the third PC trying to track this thief through a maze of alleyways and tenaments where ordinary people make their lives. Like, just separated from one another by this wall that's a literal monument of conquest.
There are lots of places all over the newer setting material in particular that are just ripe for really drilling down into their specific local flavour like that.