Telephassa, the Western Fey Lands
On the far side of the Dusk Sea lies the land of Telephassa, a strange and shining place caught irrevocably in the orbit of Creation. These principalities are far away enough from the world that their size is barely constrained by the geography of men, but it is certain they make up a sprawling continent ruled by a vast and fractious ever-feuding brood of Raksha princes who claim a complicated web of kinship with one another.
Telephassa cares not for the diktats of the gods, and so its weather is clement and temperate compared to the Anarchy to its east - save of course when the princelings have their own preferences. In the north of Tentis, sullen storms hold that land in their eternal grasp, while the stark beauty of the rocky isles of Djeldwel are gripped in eternal snowfall for all that they are within sight of the great and unexplored jungles of Du Dum where maned wolf-lions stalk the sunless glades on two legs. The graceful marble statues of the orca-heiress of Geili opens up into the cloudy uplands of Nuda, where flame-pits and volcanic spires rise up out of the white vapour. Sometimes the marchers of Nuda open the dams and let magma rain down on the other lands of Telephassa.
To speak of concrete geography of a wyldreef is foolishness. In broad terms, Telephassa is a peninsula-riddled continent split by multiple mountain ranges which drift and change as the lords war with one another. The widdershins side of the continent is dominated by the light-eating Du Dum, while on the deosil side is Gali, where the light of the Sunsworn Tyrant touches. Rain-choked Tentis is a smaller island off the coast of Gali, cleaved from the mainland by its legendary founder, while Spyaja extends from the main continent kept from the Tyrant's light by high-rising mountains. The Dusk Sea washes against the orderwards side of Telephassa, while the mad oceans of the Deep Wyld crash against its chaoswards side.
Once upon a time, as their stories go, the lands which are now Telephassa were shapeless and formless, an ancient dwelling place of the lords of chaos. But the silver moon of Creation came to this place and tricked them into signing away their birthright and so the golden sun's light rose and brought order and time. And it became a land for the men of Creation and the former lords were no longer welcome. In time the sun's hold on these lands weakened, and when the great prince Balor turned his terrible gaze on Creation, the great grandchildren of those who had once dwelt in this place returned to it, riding fish lizards and singing fey war-songs as the changetide swept in. Those who had taken up arms under Balor had made terrible sacrifices, though, and had supped too deep from time's well, which had poisoned both their lands and their very nature with order. Thus this nest of exiles make up a wyldreef, shielded from the worst inclemency of the chaos sea yet afeared to leave their niche.
Princes of this land would claim that only those raksha who dwelt here before time and who valiantly reclaimed it in the Crusade rule here. They lie. In truth, the inhabitants of this region are a disparate collection of chaos-touched and wyldlife. Until a hundred years ago, the Holy Spyaja State was ruled by the cunning moon-witch Yusuf al-Dib, and though he was defeated in the battle of the Jahan Sea and slain, many fae sworn to him have fled to the Dusk Sea or sought out the foes of Spyaja to serve. There are cities of once-men lost to the Balorian Crusade, foremost the merchant-republics of Nuda. There are the wise beasts of Slaa who gained knowledge from the touch of chaos and there is the persecuted cult of Maque, the tentacled god-beast of the Deep Wyld who once ravaged this region. Even the ruling princes' claims are often thinner and more dubious than they would acknowledge, for the grandfather of the Faerie Empress of Tentis was a usurper who devoured the former prince and both her siblings died before their time.
Politics & Religion
Telephassa is a fey land, and - obviously quite unlike the order-locked Realm of Creation - this means its politics are an extension of the neuroses and the pathological need for drama of the chaos princes who rule it. To be the nemesis of another is the greatest form of love, and from the least pig-headed landlord in orderwards Tentis to the Archimandrite of Balor herself, petty feuds and great romances are the dominant pastime of the inhabitants.
The three greatest lands are Spyaja, Tentis, and Geili. Geli is the lion resplendent, mighty and potent, locked in the orbit of the Sunsworn Tyrant. Tentis was founded by one of the Tyrant's byblows, though that princeling was a mistress of the blade and smote the lands, carving a vast channel that flooded. Deprived of the light of the Tyrant, Tentis is cold and rain-wreathed, though when the Faerie Empress stole her sister's fire she has birthed new signal-flames within the towns and cities of her island. Spyaja grew to rival Geli under its former Lunar ruler, but the wyldlife overthrow and slew him and now the hungry sun-maned lion of Geli turns his eyes to them.
The Balorian Temple of the Eye-in-Being dominates Djeldwel and exists in an uneasy relationship with Geli, and so Spyaja serves as their loyal champions - especially against the new heresies of Tentis and Nuda. The Archimandrite of the Temple bears a sacred icon; a shield which once reflected the image of the terrible Balor himself, and his retreating presence can still be seen as a distant image in it. To that end, the holy warriors of Djeldwel train to be able to withstand the sight of that relic shield, for their champions bear the image of that image on their own burnished shield. In the light-eating jungles of Du Dum, however, a heresy has arisen among the Balorians which holds that this image-veneration saps the strength-in-being of Balor and prevents his return.
A few of the major nations of Telephassa include:
The Geilian Empire - Greatest of the nations of Telephassa, Geli swelters under the eternal reign of its eternal ruler the Sunsworn Tyrant. Long ago - so he claims - the tyrant was a sword-brother of an ancient sun-chosen, sworn to eternal friendship with his valiant mistress. She is gone, but something of her nature lingered in him; so beautiful as to burn the eye, with words that can ignite a man's heart and a force of will that hammered his domain into his perpetual orbit. His palace at Perti is woven from mist and cloud so his light wraps it in eternal rainbows, and the lesser chaos princes must attend to him and placate his ego. To be vacant from court is social death. It is those who have fallen from his grace who seek new fortunes and new repute in the Dusk Sea, hoping to win his favour once more with wealth and tales they can bring back to their prince so he might once more favour them with his attention.
The Holy Spyaja State - Young and vibrant yet wracked with dissent, Spyaja was ruled by a Lunar before his death at the hands of his servants. The Two-Headed Monarchy of the Holy State searches everywhere for dissidents and troublemakers still bound by loyalty to the former ruler. But this is not their only interest, for the Left Head focuses on the aim to reconquer Nuda, while the Right Head considers the need to back princes of Du Dum against the hunger of the Sunsworn Tyrant - and both glare hatefully at Tentis. If they had fewer foes in Spyaja they would reach out to subsume the chaosward Dusk Sea, but instead they can only offer ambitious young princelings and landless nobles the promise of plunder rights to reach out into order for the fuel they need for their wars.
The Tentis Hydracracy - Hail to the Faerie Empress, flame-haired and leaden-faced, who rules over Tentis! It was by her hand that Tentis split itself from Spyaja as she devoured the legend of her ever-burning sister, and ever since then Tentis has set itself against its former ally. Tentis's priest-knights reject the authority of the Archimandrite who claims to speak for Balor-Awaiting-Return; they abhor the iconoclastic worship of the Eye-in-Being and exult instead the Circling Maw who devours every representation of itself. Yet the Faerie Empress moves to crush dissent from those radicals who might become a centre of power in Tentis independent of her. Many of them are pushed into the Dusk Sea, to spend their fury against order rather than the granite foundations of her throne.
The Du Dum Jungles - Shadowed are the boughs of the jungles of Du Dum, whose light-hating branches drink up all illumination. Something mighty wandered out of the Deep Wyld and spread its wings here, and the lesser princes of Du Dum must exist in the fringes of that beast of shadows and night. They seek to destroy it, and to that end they seek to destroy each other for an alliance of peers is not desirable to any of them.
Djeldwel - Once mightier than it was, the Church of Balor-Eye-in-Being has declined over the centuries as their saviour does not return and the princelings of Telephassa buck the influence of the Church. Djeldwel, eternally cold, is the only part where the Archimandrite still rules unquestioned though two centuries ago even this land was conquered by Gali and held until the Sunsworn Tyrant's hold grew too weak and distracted.
Nuda - The men of Nuda were once ruled by Spyaja, but like leeches they drained the stories of the governors that the Spyajans imposed on them and forged crowns of power. Nudans no longer remember they were once creatures of Shape washed away by the Balorian Crusade, but perhaps something of their nature makes them better at slipping into Creation to buy souls and dreams. They are the foremost merchants of Telephassa, and their fleet is a great foe to the dreamvessels of the Faerie Empress. Most infamous of their hands within Creation is the Orderwards Combine, where Nudan merchant-princes offer the support of the forces of chaos to those lords of the Dusk Sea and the border regions of Creation in return for trading ports and soul-sales.
Telephassa and Creation
If one were to ask the princelings of Chaos, they would say without a trace of guilt that Creation is their great foe, but Creation's threat is abstract while their rivals would eat their heart tomorrow given their druthers and so they are forced to turn on one another like starving beasts. Telephassa is too deep in the Wyld for mortals - or even unprepared Exalts - to last too long in and so few now living have ever seen it save as a lurking shape on the far chaoswards edge of the Dusk Sea. This state of affairs has continued for an awfully long time, so long that few of the mighty have marched against Creation in centuries, while there are always hungry underlings to crush.
The borderwaters of the Dusk Sea are therefore a useful release valve of the internal pressure of this wyldreef, and most of the inhabitants of Telephassa met by Creationdwellers are either exiles, or seeking resources for their lords who will use them in their wars. The soul traders of Nuda bring Chaos's wonders into the realm of time for payment in dreams and souls. Younger scions of the mighty seek to claim colonial holdings in the Dusk Sea where they will not become order-sick but they can escape the viper's nest of Telephassan politics. The giant lords of the Patuali Empire in Creation left Telephassa en masse when the Sunsworn Tyrant devoured their mountain-homeland, but generation by generation order holds them more tightly and their children are born shorter and shorter.
Could Telephassa invade Creation? They have the capacity, but not the inclination, as it stands, for the rivalries between their lords are a fine-cherished wine they would never surrender. They have their intentions on the Dusk Sea, and perhaps if that was taken the fabric of Creation would fray further, but this is a question of decades, not days. Moreover, the monsters of the Deep Wyld are a perpetual threat, for none would have their lands become like the Du Dum jungles, and none would spend their oathsworn against order in futility when chaos's storms wait to erode this little niche they can survive in. For that is their nature now; they swear their intent to return all to the Wyld, but they have taken too much shape into their nature. They are a man who stares into the fire and fears that it will burn him, but who holds his hands out lest his freeze to death and waves it at the hungry wolves outside the circle of light.