I've talked about how Bureaucracy should have more meaningful Charms. Putting my money, or at least my writing, where my mouth is here. These are for Solars.
God-King's Call
Cost: 4m; Mins: Bureaucracy 3, Essence 1
Type: Supplemental
Keywords: None
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Deft Official's Way
A Solar queen commands her subjects as effortlessly as she commands her own hands and feet; by her matchless power and intellect an entire nation becomes an extension of her body.
This Charm supplements an attempt to
get help from the Solar's subordinates. It allows the Solar to perform the action instantly, simply by wishing for it to occur; the appropriate underlings instinctively know that they are needed and where they need to go to find the Solar. The Solar can call a specific subordinate if she has one in mind, but cannot use this Charm to transmit any instruction beyond "come here for further orders".
Lawgiver Gives Laws
Cost: 6m, 1wp; Mins: Bureaucracy 3, Essence 1
Type: Supplemental
Keywords: None
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Deft Official's Way
The Lawgivers are aptly named. They truly do excel at crafting legislation.
This Charm supplements an attempt to write rules and regulations. It removes all penalties resulting from unfamiliarity with existing rules or the people being regulated and makes the effort two increments faster on the following scale:
Decades — Years — Months — Weeks — Days — Hours — Minutes — Seconds
Resounding Fatwa
Cost: 7m; Mins: Bureaucracy 3, Essence 2
Type: Simple
Keywords: None
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Lawgiver Gives Laws
Those ruled by mortal kings often do not know exactly what the law is, or whether they might be breaking it. Those ruled by the Sun-Chosen are more fortunate.
The Solar proclaims a rule, and all subject to the rule become fully aware of it within a few hours. They might hear the Solar's voice in their heart; they might be told by a fellow citizen; they might see it written in the sky. But they become aware of it. Although this Charm does nothing to compel obedience, its use is an intimidating display of power and many will immediately submit to it.
Quicksilver Falcon's Vigilance
Cost: -; Mins: Bureaucracy 4, Essence 2
Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Enigmatic Bureau Understanding
The eye of the sun is ever-watchful; those who seek to act against it are generally caught and punished in short order.
Whenever a subordinate of the Solar betrays their Exalted master in a significant way, they must roll (Manipulation + Larceny, Socialize, or Bureaucracy) against a difficulty of the Solar's (Perception + Bureaucracy) / 2. If they fail, the Solar soon becomes aware of their treachery. if there's a plausible way for the Solar to notice or be informed by mundane means, it happens as quickly as possible; if there isn't one, the Solar magically becomes aware five days later. This Charm does not provide many details, but it makes the broad strokes clear.
Kingdom-Encompassing Intellect
Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Bureaucracy 5, Essence 3
Type: Simple
Keywords: None
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: God-King's Call, Enigmatic Bureau Understanding
A kingdom knows more things than any single mortal man ever could. And a Solar monarch can call upon all the knowledge of their kingdom at whim.
The Solar asks a question, which may be as simple or as complex as she wishes. If any of her subordinates are willing and able to answer the question, the Solar immediately becomes aware of them and their answer. Subordinates "questioned" this way perceive the questioning as a sudden moment of divine presence, partly wonderful and partly frightening.
I wanted to write a Charm that makes your citizens love you fanatically, but in the absence of rules for mundane propaganda and power-consolidation I wasn't sure how to write it. It's not the kind of effect that should just automatically work.
Lawgiver Gives Laws is an updated bit of old homebrew.
Some of the Charms building off of these are pretty obvious, I think. God-King's Call leads to general remote-command stuff, where everyone executes your will so efficiently that they might as well be part of a hive mind. Quicksilver Falcon's Vigilance leads to Charms that let you automatically detect all sorts of stuff, eventually leading to near-omniscience within the lands you rule. Resounding Fatwa leads to literally magical laws, that enforce themselves or brainwash people into obedience or whatever. And so on.
The running theme here is basically governing without governing. Completely automatic and frictionless control of nameless hordes. Like a bureaucratic equivalent to Craftsman Needs No Tools or Contagion-Curing Touch. Automatically ace the finicky parts of ruling so you can focus on the character-driven and plot-relevant stuff.