Protean Creator Discipline
Cost: -; Mins: Intelligence 1, Essence 1
Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: None
A swift-learning artisan, the Lunar effortlessly draws connections between disparate disciplines. Upon purchasing this Charm, the Lunar gains two additional Craft specialties for each Craft specialty she already has. Further specialties may be purchased for 1xp, and take one third of the normal time to train.
If the Lunar knows Memory-Drinking Meditation, whenever she acquires the shape of a character with one or more Craft specialties, she immediately learns one of them at no cost. She may learn specialties she already knows this way; when she does so, she's refunded any xp she had invested in that specialty. If the Lunar also knows the charm Demon Drinking Fang, she gains the above benefit whenever she kills a spirit with one or more Craft specialties. If a Lunar with Memory-Drinking Meditation and this Charm uses Second Shadow Forgery to imitate someone who's shape she's taken, the imitation is perfect and can only be discovered through similarly absolute magic.
Wonder-Weaver Art
Cost: 6m; Mins: Intelligence 2, Essence 1
Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Mute
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: None
This Charm supplements a Craft roll that has already been enhanced with a full excellency, granting it double 9s.
An Intelligence 3, Essence 2 repurchase lets the Lunar pay a 1wp surcharge to double 8s instead.
A second repurchase at Intelligence 5, Essence 3 lets the Lunar pay a 2wp surcharge to double 7s instead.
Pattern-Realizing Genius
Cost: 6m; Mins: Intelligence 3, Essence 1
Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Mute
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: None
This charm supplement an attempt to build or repair something nonmagical, reducing the time required by two increments on the following chart:
Decades <> Years <> Months <> Weeks <> Days <> Hours <> Minutes <> Seconds
Beast-Slayer's Art
Cost: -; Mins: Intelligence 3, Essence 1
Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: None
The Lunar uses the remains of animals, monsters, and bestial spirits that she participated in slaying more effectively when crafting. On mundane projects, such materials never incur a penalty for quality or applicability; the Lunar may make weapons from bone that match any steel blade. On Artifacts, such materials provide one roll more than they normally would.
Shaping Hand Technique / Tool-Emulating Transformation / Matchless Improvisation
Cost: 4m; Mins: Intelligence 4, Essence 1
Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Mute
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: None
Perhaps the Lunar sculpts the world like clay, making tools unnecessary. Perhaps she transforms her own fingers into whichever tools she needs. Perhaps she simply makes incredibly good use out of whatever she has. In any case, this Charm removes all penalties for missing or substandard tools from any roll with any Attribute. Truly impossible rolls remain impossible; the Lunar cannot play the flute without a flute. But she can make a crude wooden tube sound like a finely-made instrument, carve stone without a chisel, pick locks without lock-picks, row a boat without paddles, perform surgery without medical instruments, and otherwise make do.
If this Charm is used on an Artifact creation roll, it provides the equivalent of a master's workshop. Although this Charm has multiple names to reflect the multiple ways Lunars do without tools, it is only one Charm.
Skin-Shifting Raiment
Cost: 3m, 1+wp, 1lhl; Mins: Intelligence 4, Essence 2
Type: Simple
Keywords: None
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Beast-Slayer's Art, Sharing Luna's Gifts
The Lunar rubs some of her own blood into a freshly-made worn object that she created using the remains of an animal, monster, or bestial spirit that she participated in slaying. She may imbue the object with up to five dots of mutations associated with the nature of the beast used to make it, at the cost of 1wp per dot. The object becomes magical, although not a true artifact; a character wearing it may spend 1wp to have it transform and grant them the imbued mutations for the rest of the scene. A character who received the object via Shining Moon-Child Mark need not spend willpower to activate it.
Inchoate Wonders Realized
Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Intelligence 5, Essence 2
Type: Simple
Keywords: None
Duration: One story
Prerequisites: Wonder-Weaver Art
The Lunar makes a few quick modifications to an Artifact that she's at least one third of the way through building or repairing. It functions as though finished for the duration of this Charm. If the Lunar attunes it herself, it costs her 5m less to do so.
This Charm may only be used once per story. It does not interfere with attempts to finish building or repairing the Artifact in question. It's not a problem if the ST, or the player, decides to revise the mechanics of the Artifact in between the use of this Charm and its actual completion.
Quenched in Legend
Cost: -; Mins: Intelligence 5, Essence 2
Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Inchoate Wonders Realized
While using Inchoate Wonders Realized, the Lunar adds an additional roll to the terminus of the artifact for each of the following that occurs:
• The artifact's wielder uses it to uphold a Major or Defining Intimacy, achieve a major character or story goal, or complete a legendary social goal.
• A character forms a Major or Defining Tie towards the artifact.
• The artifact's wielder is awarded a three-point stunt on an action using it.
If one of those events happens multiple times, only the first occurrence provides an additional roll.
Manifest Miracle Forging
Cost: -; Mins: Intelligence 5, Essence 3
Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Pattern-Realizing Genius
This Charm reduces the interval of Artifact-crafting rolls made by the Lunar. Two-dot Artifacts are simply completed twice as fast; Manses and greater Artifacts take as much time as an Artifact rated one dot lower normally would.
Inexplicable Lunar Wonders
Cost: 0m; Mins: Intelligence 5, Essence 3
Type: Supplemental
Keywords: None
Duration: One project
Prerequisites: Manifest Miracle Forging
The Lunar begins to create an Artifact or Manse without defining exactly what she's trying to make. She must decide upon the level of the project and any factors that affect its terminus. Everything else about the project may be left a mystery to other characters, the players at the table, and perhaps even the Lunar herself. Once the project is complete, the Lunar reveals - or perhaps decides, or discovers - what she had been working on the whole time.
This Charm may only be used once per story.
Lunar Blade Reconfiguration
Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Intelligence 5, Essence 3
Type: Simple
Keywords: None
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Wonder-Weaver Art x2
The Lunar transforms a non-legendary Artifact that she owns into raw materials for another Artifact of the same rating. The old artifact is worth five rolls as material. As long as the new artifact is thematically similar to the old one, this Charm also reduces the difficulty of each crafting roll to 0 and allows the Lunar to create it as quickly as a two-dot Artifact regardless of its rating. If the transformation is ultimately fairly minor, like turning a grimcleaver into a daiklave, the Lunar also divides the overall goal number by two.
This Charm may seem like, and to some extent is, a clever way of disposing of a troublesome indestructible Artifact. But using it that way can be hazardous. Curses, uncooperative intelligences, and other such things have an unfortunate tendency to resurface.
The characteristics of a half-transformed Artifact are up to the ST. In general, moonsilver Artifacts tend to remain useful while being transformed, while other Artifacts often behave as though broken. Undoing a transformation, whether partial or complete, uses the same rules as repairing a broken Artifact.
God-Skinning Hunter Art
Cost: -; Mins: Intelligence 5, Essence 4
Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Beast-Slayer's Art, Manifest Miracle Forging
When the Lunar uses Beast-Slayer's Art to incorporate the remains of a supernatural being into an Artifact, that being's Eclipse Charms are added to the list of Evocations that can be purchased for that Artifact. Once per story, when using the remains of a Second Circle Demon or another being of truly enormous power, the Lunar may begin a project with a number of automatic successes equal to twice that creature's Essence rating.
Unbound Demiurge's Dream
Cost: 10m, 3+wp; Mins: Intelligence 5, Essence 5
Type: Supplemental
Keywords: None
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Manifest Miracle Forging, Wonder-Weaving Art x3
The Lunar refuses to accept the failure of a supernatural crafting project, rejecting the reality of an intransigent world through sheer stubbornness. This enormous exercise of will drains her strength and renders her temporarily vulnerable to attack, but her once-failed project springs back to life. A Craft roll supplemented with this Charm may be applied a project with no remaining Terminus. The first use of this Charm on given project costs 3wp, the second costs 5wp, the third costs 7wp, and so on.
Lunar Charm Notes
Didn't have to do too much this time, since the canon Charms are pretty workable and Indivisible did a pretty solid job porting them over to the rewrite. That said, the number of extra rolls possible in the Indivisible version struck me as a little much. So I changed the effect of God-Skinning Hunter Art. And I cut Many-Phase Insights; it was fine, but I didn't see any pressing need for it to be included. Temporary Artifact Technique, one of my weirder ideas, was left out for the same reason.
I also added two new Charms, Lunar Blade Reconfiguration and Shaping Hand Technique. The former because reforging existing Artifacts is very moonsilver-y and by extension very Lunar. The latter because I think Lunars should be at least as good as, if not better than, Solars when it comes to operating without the right gear.
Apart from that, the changes are mostly rewordings and small functionality tweaks. Most of the functional changes are fairly minor and were made with flavour in mind.